Test, are you superstitious? (We take the online test). Are you superstitious?

Good afternoon, friends, I want to ask you a question - are you superstitious? Do you believe in signs of fate, predictions in dreams? It is believed that belief in omens is a purely feminine character trait. One can argue with this, because men can also be superstitious, especially for creative individuals. So, I remember, they conducted a television interview with one famous singer, in which he admitted that he has an amulet, without which he does not go on stage to sing. And one time it happened that he wasn’t with him and that’s why he even canceled the concert.

Want to find out how superstitious you are? Then take this test from. How you feel about all sorts of signs of fate and omens will be determined by the test results. The test is quite short; you need to answer only 7 questions and choose one of three answer options. Based on the amount of points you receive, you can say with confidence how superstitious you are. So, let's go.

1. A friend is wondering how your new project is going. And things are going great! But will you share with her?

a) No, I generally prefer to keep quiet about my successes, people can unwittingly jinx it. I’ll say: “Everything is so-so...”

b) Maybe I’ll share it with her, but I’ll ask her to knock on the table and spit three times.

c) Of course, why not! I think she'll be happy for me.

Answer: a) - 3 points, b) - 2 points, c - 1 point.

2. Do you trust horoscopes?

a) No, I consider them fiction.

b) I regularly review my horoscope, because the forecasts often coincide.

c) Sometimes I look at the last page of the magazine, but immediately forget about what I read.

3. You left the house without taking an umbrella. And as luck would have it, it’s raining outside! What will you do?

a) I’ll come back for an umbrella, what else! It's better to spend an extra couple of minutes than to get wet.

b) I’ll go back for an umbrella, but before I go out the door again, I’ll definitely smile at myself in the mirror.

c) I will move to the stop in small dashes, throwing a scarf over my head. Coming back is a bad omen, and I don’t need failures.

4. Having seen a picturesque dream, will you be interested in its interpretation in the dream book?

a) But of course! Surely this is not just like that, especially since he dreamed from Thursday to Friday.

b) No, I know what it means without any dream book. Dreams are only a reflection of our real experiences.

c) Yes, for the sake of interest I’ll clarify. Sometimes such predictions come true.

5. How do you feel about teaching?

a) I think it’s magic or something like that. I'm not into this.

b) I try to follow the advice. For example, in my bedroom there are many paired compositions, and the bed is in the love zone.

Answer: a) - 1 point, b) - 3 points, c) - 2 points.

6. You really wanted to buy an indoor flower, but a friend told you that according to superstition, it scares away men. Will you change your intention?

a) Of course! It was necessary to clarify in advance what kind of energy this plant has.

b) What else! I don’t believe in this nonsense; flowers cannot affect your personal life.

c) It’s unlikely, I believe that flowers have energy, but to scare away men...

Answer: a) - 3 points, b) - 1 point, c) - 2 points.

7. Have deja vu effects ever happened in your life?

a) What is this? I guess I'll refrain from answering.

b) Sometimes events seem familiar. But most likely this is an accident.

c) This effect is my constant companion! I often see situations in my dreams that later happen in life.

Answer: a) - 1 point, b) - 2 points, c) - 3 points.

Let's sum it up

7-10 points. Such nonsense as horoscopes, esotericism, fortune telling are not for you. You find meaning in everything: the nightmare is the result of a heavy dinner, and the coincidence is a consequence of the laws of nature.

Advice. Of course, superstition provokes excessive gullibility, but sometimes you can allow yourself to see something more in things, to believe in a guardian angel or the magic of attraction between two people. Believing in miracles adds color to life!

11-15 points. You are used to weighing everything and trusting the facts. However, at the same time, you believe in the signs of fate, for example, if you want to get rich, you point a banknote to the growing Moon.
Advice. Sometimes you can “play” with omens, but you shouldn’t live by relying on chance. Yes, lucky coincidences happen, but a person builds his own life, fate only throws up chances.

16-21 points. You will be considered a walking encyclopedia. You see a secret meaning in everything: a dream is a prophecy, a horoscope is a prediction, and rain is an evil fate.
Advice. You shouldn't be a hostage to signs. It is unlikely that the black cat has any intention of harming you, she is just running about her cat business.
Expecting troubles, you can attract them to yourself, and then blame them on the poor, innocent animal!

Video - do you believe in superstitions and omens?

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Psychologists are convinced that superstitions can be used to draw conclusions about the main sources of anxiety that torment a person. And it’s no coincidence that someone...

What superstitions torment you?

What are superstitions?

If we try to give this well-known concept a strictly scientific explanation, then this is a form known in ancient times, a unique form of justifying present and future problems arising in life with the help of mysticism.

Superstitions arose among primitive people when they were powerless to explain certain events. Then they came up with certain rituals, hoping that in this way they could tame evil spirits. I must say that we are not far from our distant ancestors. When faced with something incomprehensible to us, we still look for some mystical explanation for it and firmly believe that by spitting over our left shoulder and knocking on wood we can avoid serious problems in the future.

Studying superstitions, modern psychologists have found a direct relationship between them and the internal problems that a particular person experiences. Let's look at the main superstitions and their causes.

Fear of black cats

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not cat haters who are afraid of them! But rather fatalists who blindly believe in His Majesty Chance. And the black cat here plays a certain symbolic role. According to the logic of such people, she warns them about something, acts as a kind of messenger of that very Case. However, ironically, if you take a different road (if a cat crossed your usual path), you may encounter real, rather than imaginary, problems. For example, being late for an important meeting.

Habit of knocking on wood and spitting over the left shoulder

If this is done purely automatically, without much deep meaning, there is nothing wrong with it. But people who attach great importance to this action, according to psychologists, clearly have serious psychological problems. As a rule, they are convinced that everything good in life must be paid for sooner or later. Therefore, even if some kind of luck happens in their life, they are not able to enjoy the joy, but subconsciously expect retribution for it. And therefore, if everything goes too well, they simply cannot believe that they are worthy of it and, just in case, knock on wood. Although, to be fair, almost all people are susceptible to this superstition in one way or another. At least once in your life, you have probably knocked on wood, spat over your shoulder and said, “So as not to jinx it!”

Fear of the evil eye

If in the situation described just above the evil eye is spoken of purely symbolically, then for many people this is a reason for very serious fears. Psychologists are convinced that people who are pathologically afraid of the evil eye are simply constantly awaiting retribution for some of their not-so-kind thoughts or actions. And, as a rule, they are carefully hidden. True, a person expects this very retribution not from abstract fate, but from very specific people around him. That is why there is often a certain wariness in his relations with them. This is especially true for people who are somewhat different from those around them, no matter what: too provocative clothing, secrecy or overly bold statements. In short, those whose actions a person who is afraid of the evil eye cannot explain and calculate. Therefore, he usually avoids such non-standard people, suspecting them of having unkind thoughts towards him. As for himself, most often he is not particularly original, intelligent or broad-minded.

Inventing all sorts of amulets for yourself

This superstition, as a rule, is characteristic of the same people as the previous one. Since the main task of all kinds of amulets and amulets is to protect their owner from the same evil eye. People who do not part with amulets, according to psychologists, are not far behind representatives of primitive tribes in terms of suggestibility, distrust of the people around them and a pathological fear of everything incomprehensible and unknown.

Stepping over cracks in the asphalt

We have all caught ourselves in such a superstition at least once in our lives. But if it turns from a joke into a serious fear, then you have turned into a person who has surrounded himself with a myriad of conventions, rules and boundaries. You try to blend into the crowd as best as possible, to look like a “gray mouse” and not a “black sheep.” Using analogies from the animal world, we can say that you behave like a cowardly hare, afraid to cross other people's boundaries. However, this can make you easy prey for a predator who does not pay attention to any boundaries. As a result, you will have to silently cede your own territory to a stronger one. Not a very pleasant prospect, is it?

Attachment to the talisman

With the help of talismans, a person usually tries to at least partially soften the blows of fate and regain self-control. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this superstitious habit. We all tend to protect ourselves from troubles with the help of some calming and even hypnotic rituals and objects. This habit remains with us from deep childhood, when, fighting a nightmare, we hugged our favorite toy even tighter. Moreover, such a magical effect was usually exerted by some very specific teddy bear or bunny, old and worn out to holes. But then we grow up, and that same teddy bear is replaced by some more adult talismans: coins in a shoe before an important meeting, a bracelet that brings happiness, or some specific handbag that gives you confidence in your own abilities. However, many people keep those same shabby bears from their childhood almost for the rest of their lives and carefully put them in a suitcase when going on an important business trip, or hide them in a handbag when getting ready for an exam. In general, there is nothing wrong with the fact that we need such support. The main thing is that the temporary absence of a talisman does not lead to us automatically programming ourselves for failure or inaction.

Blind faith in omens

Actually, this superstition partly includes all the previous ones. But here we are talking about people who, instead of unraveling the tangle of life’s problems, confuse it even more, mixing real events with their premonitions and mystical omens. They seriously associate almost every event that happens in their lives with some kind of trouble that has already happened or is coming. Fortunately, throughout its history, humanity has accumulated a countless number of superstitions: from the harmless “a knife fell - wait for a man to visit” or “too much salt - it means you fell in love” to “a toothache - apparently someone has put the evil eye on you.” Someone, for example, having spilled salt, exclaims “Oh, hook hands!” and immediately forgets about it. Anyone who firmly believes in omens will definitely say: “This is a quarrel!” And, what’s saddest, he will begin to internally tune in to this quarrel. And there is no doubt that she will not keep herself waiting long! After which the person will say with satisfaction: “Well, the sign worked!” And it wasn’t the omen that worked, but his psychological attitude toward inevitable trouble. That is why people who take omens so seriously often attract problems to themselves with their help.

Psychologists are convinced that superstitions can be used to draw conclusions about the main sources of anxiety that torment a person. And it’s no coincidence that some people shy away from black cats, while others live their whole lives according to some invented rituals, never part with their talisman and are terrified of the evil eye. What superstitions torment you?
What are superstitions? If we try to give this well-known concept a strictly scientific explanation, then this is a unique form of justification of present and future problems arising in life, known since ancient times, with the help of mysticism. Superstitions arose among primitive people when they were powerless to explain certain events. Then they came up with certain rituals, hoping that in this way they could tame evil spirits. I must say that we are not far from our distant ancestors. When faced with something incomprehensible to us, we still look for some mystical explanation for it and firmly believe that by spitting over our left shoulder and knocking on wood we can avoid serious problems in the future.
Studying superstitions, modern psychologists have found a direct relationship between them and the internal problems that a particular person experiences. Let's look at the main superstitions and their causes.

Fear of black cats
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not cat haters who are afraid of them! But rather fatalists who blindly believe in His Majesty Chance. And the black cat here plays a certain symbolic role. According to the logic of such people, she warns them about something, acts as a kind of messenger of that very Case. However, ironically, if you take a different road (if a cat crossed your usual path), you may encounter real, rather than imaginary, problems. For example, being late for an important meeting.

Habit of knocking on wood and spitting over the left shoulder
If this is done purely automatically, without much deep meaning, there is nothing wrong with it. But people who attach great importance to this action, according to psychologists, clearly have serious psychological problems. As a rule, they are convinced that everything good in life must be paid for sooner or later. Therefore, even if some kind of luck happens in their life, they are not able to enjoy the joy, but subconsciously expect retribution for it. And therefore, if everything goes too well, they simply cannot believe that they are worthy of it and, just in case, they knock on wood. Although, to be fair, almost all people are susceptible to this superstition in one way or another. At least once in your life, you have probably knocked on wood, spat over your shoulder and said, “So as not to jinx it!”

Fear of the evil eye
If in the situation described just above the evil eye is spoken of purely symbolically, then for many people this is a reason for very serious fears. Psychologists are convinced that people who are pathologically afraid of the evil eye are simply constantly awaiting retribution for some of their not-so-kind thoughts or actions. And, as a rule, they are carefully hidden. True, a person expects this very retribution not from abstract fate, but from very specific people around him. That is why there is often a certain wariness in his relations with them. This is especially true for people who are somewhat different from those around them, no matter what: too provocative clothing, secrecy or overly bold statements. In short, those whose actions a person who is afraid of the evil eye cannot explain and calculate. Therefore, he usually avoids such non-standard people, suspecting them of having unkind thoughts towards him. As for himself, most often he is not particularly original, intelligent or broad-minded.

Inventing all sorts of amulets for yourself
This superstition, as a rule, is characteristic of the same people as the previous one. Since the main task of all kinds of amulets and amulets is to protect their owner from the same evil eye. People who do not part with amulets, according to psychologists, are not far behind representatives of primitive tribes in terms of suggestibility, distrust of the people around them and a pathological fear of everything incomprehensible and unknown.

Stepping over cracks in the asphalt
We have all caught ourselves in such a superstition at least once in our lives. But if it turns from a joke into a serious fear, then you have turned into a person who has surrounded himself with a myriad of conventions, rules and boundaries. You try to blend into the crowd as best as possible, to look like a “gray mouse” and not a “black sheep.” Using analogies from the animal world, we can say that you behave like a cowardly hare, afraid to cross other people's boundaries. However, this can make you easy prey for a predator who does not pay attention to any boundaries. As a result, you will have to silently cede your own territory to a stronger one. Not a very pleasant prospect, is it?

Attachment to the talisman
With the help of talismans, a person usually tries to at least partially soften the blows of fate and regain self-control. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this superstitious habit. We all tend to protect ourselves from troubles with the help of some calming and even hypnotic rituals and objects. This habit remains with us from deep childhood, when, fighting a nightmare, we hugged our favorite toy even tighter. Moreover, such a magical effect was usually exerted by some very specific teddy bear or bunny, old and worn out to holes. But then we grow up, and that same teddy bear is replaced by some more adult talismans: coins in a shoe before an important meeting, a bracelet that brings happiness, or some specific handbag that gives you confidence in your own abilities. However, many people keep those same shabby bears from their childhood almost for the rest of their lives and carefully put them in a suitcase when going on an important business trip, or hide them in a handbag when getting ready for an exam. In general, there is nothing wrong with the fact that we need such support. The main thing is that the temporary absence of a talisman does not lead to us automatically programming ourselves for failure or inaction.

Blind faith in omens
Actually, this superstition partly includes all the previous ones. But here we are talking about people who, instead of unraveling the tangle of life’s problems, confuse it even more, mixing real events with their premonitions and mystical omens. They seriously associate almost every event that happens in their lives with some kind of trouble that has already happened or is coming. Fortunately, throughout its history, humanity has accumulated a countless number of superstitions: from the harmless “a knife fell - wait for a man to visit” or “too much salt - it means you fell in love” to “a toothache - apparently someone has put the evil eye on you.” Someone, for example, having spilled salt, exclaims “Oh, hook hands!” and immediately forgets about it. Anyone who firmly believes in omens will definitely say: “This is a quarrel!” And, what’s saddest, he will begin to internally tune in to this quarrel. And there is no doubt that she will not keep herself waiting long! After which the person will say with satisfaction: “Well, the sign worked!” And it wasn’t the omen that worked, but his psychological attitude toward inevitable trouble. That is why people who take omens so seriously often attract problems to themselves with their help.

Just like hundreds of years ago, people continue to follow a code of conditional rules, following which they can supposedly protect themselves from trouble.

Most of us are afraid to say hello across the threshold, so as not to quarrel with the visitor, or to whistle in the room, so as not to transfer money.

We spit over our left shoulder and grab a button if a black cat crosses the road. And we don’t even realize how deeply these superstitions sit in us. So why are prejudices so persistent?

Celebrity Quirks

The signs of athletes are legendary. Some people don’t shave, others don’t change their socks so as not to spoil their luck. It is also known that many of them are very sensitive to the numbers on their jerseys, believing that luck depends on this. The case of Pavel Bure is a clear example. In CSKA, and then in Vancouver, Pavel played number 10. And fortune favored the player. However, everything changed overnight as soon as Pavel decided to change his number. Arriving at the All Stars Game, he discovered that number 10 was occupied. Following the example of Sergei Fedorov (91) and Alexander Mogilny (89), whose numbers indicate the dates of their move to the NHL, Pavel took number 96, but, as it turned out, in vain. The number was not lucky, and the player began to be plagued by injuries. To break the chain of failures, Bure returned to his previous “ten”.

The best football goalkeeper, the legendary Lev Yashin, took to the field for many years wearing the famous cap, which brought him good luck and was his talisman. But one day, before a very important match of the USSR championship in Luzhniki with fellow Spartak players, the goalkeeper, opening his sports bag in the locker room, discovered that he had left his cap at the country base. The team administrator was urgently dispatched to look after her. However, by the time the talisman was delivered, Yashin's team lost - 0:2.

And my coach always puts on what he claims is a lucky T-shirt,” says boxer Vitali Klitschko. - But one day it happened that before the fight he forgot his T-shirt in the hotel room. Dropping everything, he rushed headlong out of the locker room. And when after the fight I asked: “What happened?” - he replied: “Without a T-shirt, I couldn’t second you.”

The famous wrestler, three-time Olympic champion Alexander Karelin, also had his own signs. In the warm-up room before entering the final fight, he never looked in the direction of his opponent.

Girls believe everything

A sociological study conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) in December last year showed that the most gullible were women aged 18-29 years. About 23 percent of them believe in everything possible. But 20 percent of men don’t believe in anything at all. With age, the percentage of “non-believers” increases. After 50 years, every fourth man and every tenth woman no longer believes anything.


* You cannot take anything out of the house after sunset.
* Do not brush garbage off the table with your hand - it means lack of money.
* Cutting your own hair means poverty.
* Wash the apartment in the evening - wash away happiness from the house.
* You cannot wash the floors starting from the threshold.
* Before leaving the house, you cannot sew anything up, drop your keys and return - there will be no way.
* Since the threshold is considered the protection of the house, nothing can be given or taken through it.
* Do not pick up a found button from the floor, do not exchange glasses during a feast, do not leave empty bottles on the table, and do not leave knives on the table at night.
* Wear a dress inside out - to be beaten, and backwards - to get acquainted.
* Keeping peacock feathers or a bouquet of reeds in the house means the collapse of the family.


"Knock on Wood"

We say this phrase when something important happens in our life and we need luck. The belief in the magical power of trees originated with the ancient Egyptians. And the ancient Greeks “settled” the gods in trees. And this meant that by touching the tree, one could touch the inhabitants of Olympus. That is, ask them for protection.

The mirror broke

The most enduring superstition: if a mirror breaks, it will be bad luck. And the “roots” of this prejudice are absurd. The first glass mirrors began to be made in the 15th century in Venice, and, naturally, they were very expensive then. In order to force the servants to handle an expensive item with care, the rich owners came up with this sign: whoever breaks a mirror will face seven years of grief.

Baker's dozen

The number 13 is considered unlucky throughout the world. In France, if a company adds a 13th employee, the owner hires another one. This custom was called the “profession of the 14th guest.” In the USA, some hotels do not have a 13th floor, and those apartments that have this number are rented for half the price.

The combination of this figure with Friday generally threatens serious shocks. An English scientist, Dr. Scanlon from the British Ministry of Health, writes in the reputable British Medical Journal: “Friday, falling on the 13th, really cannot be considered an ordinary day. It has been found that 50 percent more patients are admitted to hospitals in London on this day than the weekly average. It is also known - and this is confirmed by police statistics: on Friday the 13th many people prefer not to use a car. Maybe it's pure chance or a statistical trick. But, most likely, the point here is not in the magic number, but in the people themselves, who set themselves up for anxiety, which is expressed in critical situations and troubles.”

Where did this fear of the number 13 come from? According to the Scandinavian version, which appeared even before the advent of Christianity, twelve happy gods were quietly having a peaceful meal in the palace of the god Odin, when the 13th suddenly appeared - a certain Loki. It was he who started the quarrel, which turned into a brawl, as a result of which everyone’s beloved god Balder died. And according to the Christian version, the belief in the fatality of this figure is explained by the Last Supper - the last meal of Jesus with the 12 apostles: in a society of 13 people, someone is destined to die.

Right hand - happy

They spit over the left shoulder so as not to jinx it, because it is behind the left shoulder that the invisible grinning devil is supposedly watching over us. And the guardian angel stands behind the person on the right side. This superstition has been confirmed by science, which has proven that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical thinking and therefore controls the right hand. This is where the “rules” were born: don’t give anything to anyone with your left hand - to ill health, and if your left palm itches - to a loss, and the right - to profit.

To scatter the salt

This offense was considered a serious misfortune for a very simple reason. Before the advent of refrigerators, in order to protect raw foods from spoilage, they were salted. Therefore, spilling salt meant that you would not salt your food supplies, you would find yourself without food and you would die.


* You cannot lend money that you are saving for a big purchase.
* You can’t give money on Monday - there will be expenses all week, but if you sneeze on Monday - it’s a gift to yourself.
* Housewives keep brooms in the house with the whisks facing up to prevent money from being swept away.
* You need to take money with your right hand and give it with your left.
*Banknotes cannot be stored crumpled. They need to be recalculated periodically.

Star prejudices

* Luciano Pavarotti does not start a performance without a bent nail in his pocket and a nickel in his shoe.

* Alla PUGACHEVA does not go on stage without a talisman around her neck - a golden cross. One day, the Prima Donna forgot it at home and because of this delayed the concert - she was waiting for the treasured security sign to be delivered.

* Actress Selma HAYEK (films “From Dusk Till Dawn”, “Four Rooms”, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”) always crosses the threshold of each room with the right foot - since childhood she believes that this is good luck. Crossing the threshold with your left foot is therefore unlucky.

* Comedian Robin WILLIAMS can't stand the sight of spilled salt. Even if he is in a restaurant, he must quickly grab a pinch of salt and throw it over his left shoulder. Rumor has it that restaurant owners and managers forgive this.

* WOODY ALLEN sometimes wears things inside out on purpose. And if something is put on incorrectly by accident, he will never change it, because, in his opinion, this brings a lot of trouble.

* Marlon BRANDO believed in the good fortune of those who owned ostrich eggs, and therefore sent them to his friends who were overcome by misfortune. According to African beliefs, ostrich eggs can change circumstances for the better.

* And the most superstitious in Hollywood is Martin SCORSESE. He is afraid of the evil eye, evil spirits and demons and tries to avoid the number 11. Nothing can force him to stay in the hotel in the 11th room. And if the only free space in the parking lot is the eleventh, then Martin cancels all his plans and turns back.

Sometimes you look at a person who has a lot of life experience behind him, more than one higher education and a good position, and suddenly you see how he freezes in panic in front of a black cat crossing his path? What is this if not simple superstitions? Today we invite you to talk about superstitions and find out in more detail what signs the British and Americans believe in?

Many superstitions are associated with some legends and beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation. And now, following the sign (omen), people do not even suspect where it comes from. Let's start with the superstitions that unite us. However, these signs in almost all countries cause panic in people and are associated with bad luck.

Black cat- black cat.

This sign is especially considered unlucky if a black cat crosses the road (a black cat crosses your path). In the USA, such cats are also not welcome and, when they see them on the road, they try to go around by a different route.

But in England, on the contrary, such a sign is considered good and brings good luck. Even on greeting cards, the British often depict a black cat as a lucky symbol.

O pening an umbrella indoors - opening an umbrella in the house.

It is difficult to explain this fact, but it is better not to open an umbrella when visiting someone in order to dry it.

S pill salt - to scatter the salt.

Well, we are familiar with this sign. Moreover, the basis for it is quite logical. The fact is that in the 16th and 17th centuries, salt was literally “worth its weight in gold,” and merchants brought it from distant countries. Of course, it was impossible to wake up even a little, and if this happened, people would argue among themselves. This is how the sign that salt means a quarrel has come about since then. But, if you have already spilled it, then, according to the English tradition, you need to take a pinch of this salt and throw it over the left shoulder (over the left shoulder).

Number 13 - this superstition has captured not only the USA and England, but all of good old Europe. Yes, so much so that in many shopping centers (malls), you simply will not see the 13th number in the elevator. The 12th floor is immediately followed by the 14th.

To put new shoes on the table – put new shoes on the table.

This, according to the British, could be a harbinger of the death of someone close.

To wear underwear inside out – wear underwear inside out.

But there are also good signs that bring good luck:

To find a four-leaf clover – find a four-leaf clover.

Rabbit rabbit rabbit - Yes Yes! This is the phrase you need to start your morning with on the first day of any month to ensure good luck. The British generally have a special love for rabbits. It’s not for nothing that the rabbit’s foot (rabbit’s foo t) is considered a talisman of good luck among them.

How superstitious are you and what signs are definite signs in life for you? Share your comments and don't forget to subscribe to be the first to read the news.