The habit of being alone, as a variant of the fact that “what’s mine will not leave me, but I don’t need someone else’s. The habit of being alone is a variant of the fact that “what’s mine will not leave me, and I don’t need someone else’s. I don’t need someone else’s, just my own plot.”


I want to offer you treatment options for damage when there is discord in the family due to debts. Many, many families now live in debt, and debts, as we know, must always be repaid.

When you have debts and you realize that they must be repaid, you understand that money borrowed money, and you want to pay it back, and as soon as possible, but nothing works out for you, the money doesn’t appear, there is no work, the business is at a loss... You don’t know what to do, what to do, how to get out of the debt hole, take a closer look at my site, here you will find many options to get rid of debts, try to return what you had before the day the debts appeared.

I will list all the options that you need to apply to improve your financial situation, to get rid of debts as soon as possible, so that families do not break up for this reason. Follow my recommendations and may the Lord, the Mother of God, your Guardian Angel, and the holy saints of God help you.

Begin your treatment with confession and communion if you have never done this before. Start your path to God with this first step. Read the prayers from the Prayer Book whenever you have the opportunity, preferably in the morning, so that things go well for you from the very beginning of the day. Well, see for yourself how you will succeed, if possible, but the main thing is every day.
After confession and communion, begin to heal yourself from damage in the following order:


If any of you cannot determine what type of damage has been sent to you, try using this prayer for witchcraft or, more simply, for damage by reading it on water and drinking it. I want to tell you something. In order to fully To recover from damage, you need to drink a lot of water. An adult weighing approximately 80 kg needs to drink nine 3-liter cans of water. You got the numbers right. Exactly as much as I wrote. This amount is necessary so that all the liquid that is in a person and in which this very damage lives, is forced out and replaced with water that you prepare for yourself. And this is water with prayers against damage and be sure to add holy water from the church to this water. But if you don’t have one, then drink without holy water. And if possible, be sure to take it from the church or go to the service yourself and dedicate some water to yourself. In general, holy water should be in every home, as well as icons and candles. When a person begins to be treated for damage, the one who caused it will feel very bad, i.e. his own damage at the moment when a person begins to read prayers, it boomerangs back to the one who sent it and all your troubles that arose from the damage are taken away by the one who sent it all to you. This person will definitely show himself and you, if you are attentive to yourself and to those who are interested in your affairs or health during the first three days, then you will be able to identify this person. But don’t rush to conclusions, so as not to make a mistake. And if you are sure that it was this person who damaged you, then try to avoid him and under no circumstances tell him about it. The fact is, if someone decides to ruin you, then he will achieve this, no matter what the cost. And if he finds out that you have begun treatment, then it is possible that his attacks will only intensify, and you will have to undergo treatment for a long time. In addition to the fact that you will drink water from damage, you also need to turn to Saint Panteleimon the Healer.

In order for those who wish you harm and bring damage to you and your family to leave you alone, I will give you advice. There is an icon of the Mother of God “Ostrobramskaya”. When you are in church, always try to light a candle in front of this icon for the health of the one who is spoiling you. If you know this person, then say his name. If you don’t know, then ask the Mother of God to grant your request. Never wish your offender harm in revenge, otherwise you will not receive help for yourself and your family. Never tell anyone or strangers that you have started treatment. Do it in a way that only your family knows.

On the day you start treatment, try not to give anything from home to anyone. The fact is that when a person begins to be treated for damage, it is possible that as soon as you begin to read a prayer for damage, the very person who brought it on you will appear. He will knock on the door (if he lives nearby) or call on the phone. Do not be distracted, do not open the door, but continue your treatment to the end. Good luck and patience.

Now I’ll write a prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy angels, the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, the Holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers, the holy prophet, the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, Wonderworker, St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Joasaph of Belgorod, St. Mitrophan of Voronezh, St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, St. Zosima and Savvatius of Solovetsky , Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, wonderworker, holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia, holy martyr Tryphon, holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all Your saints, help me, Your unworthy servant (name), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery and from evil people, may they not be able to cause me any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance preserve me in the morning, and noon, and evening, and in the sleep of the future, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil of wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. If any evil is conceived or done, return it back to the underworld. For yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

EXPLANATION: before starting treatment, prepare water in a jar, place it on the table, next to the icon of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ. The candle is burning. And start reading:

"Our Father" - 3 times"

“Prayer from sorcery” - 3 times

After reading these prayers, add a little salt to the water (with two fingers), then use a burning match to cross the neck of the jar with the words “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” then extinguish the match, break it off and throw the cinder into the jar. Do this with matches three times. If the damage is very severe, the matches will immediately sink and sink to the bottom. From them you will determine the strength of the damage. Finish here. Put out the candle, you can continue to use it. The water you prepared is ready. Drink and heal for your health. As your health improves, the matches will rise to the surface. If you do not have the opportunity to read each jar, you can dilute the prepared water, as is done with holy water. Fill a jar with water from the tap, without filling the glass to the brim, and then pour a glass of the water you prepared for yourself into this water and drink it in any quantity at any time of the day. And hide the jar that you have prepared until the next jar. When all the water has been used by you, prepare some more and drink for your health. Throw matches in the trash so they don't fall under your feet. If any jar of water you have prepared goes rotten or turns green (this happens often), then pour this water under any tree or bush, prepare another one and drink, cure yourself of this nasty thing. I advise you to check all your pillows before treatment; it is possible that they contain this very damage that is tormenting you. How to do this? Lie down on different pillows every night. That pillow on which you will sleep very poorly, or you will have nightmares, put it aside, it means there is something there. Without sparing this pillow (or pillows), take it away from the house and burn it. Try not to get exposed to smoke, otherwise you will receive a very strong dose of damage. Light it up and leave without looking back. If you burn and not just throw a pillow in the trash, the person who did it will have a very red face, as if from a burn, and you can tell who is doing this business.


I want to offer you a prayer that will help you get things done. Before you begin treatment using this prayer, you need to print it on a piece of paper to make it easier to read. So, the prayer is ready, sit down at the table, facing east. Place the icon of the Lord God and the Mother of God next to it. Light the candle and let it burn. You should have another candle in your hand. There should be no one in the room, just you alone. Don't be distracted by anything. Turn off your phone. Warn your family not to come into your room. So, the candle burns. You are sitting at the table. You need to hold a candle in your right hand, light it from the one that is already burning, put your left hand on your head and start reading. You need to read 3 times:

Through the candles there is divine light, through the hand that is placed on the head of this person

In the name of God, with the words of the saints, he will dash away and will not return back.

A bad word, a human curse, all those words that were sent to your head

Take off this servant of God (name) and disappear into a deep hole.

Let the whole spell be evil and black, let everything go away like smoke into the underworld.

May God grant a bad deed, a black spell, the strength to drive it into the underworld.

Black forces, go to the evil spirits, there you feast, but do not touch the slave (name).

The evil one, the bad one, leaves the slave (name) and cannot come back again.

I command by the word of the Lord, by the power of the Spirit, by the will of the Father

Let dirt and drowsiness, sleep and anxiety disappear.

Let the body of God's man, the unworthy slave (name) be freed

From the word of the spell that evil people sent.

No one will destroy my word. Slave (name) will become pure, as he should be.

I remove, destroy, banish the words of the spell spoken to the slave (name).

Let everything good and kind become part of the slave (name).

So that health, luck, money and happiness return.

These words will happen as the candle burns out.

The hand that is placed on the head will be removed.

The mind will clear, the eyes will brighten, luck will return and happiness to boot.

Mother of God, our Heavenly Lord, I beg you! Save the slave (name).

Bring back your luck! Amen!

EXPLANATION: if a candle in your hands goes out while reading, light it from the one that is burning on the table and continue reading. After everything has been read, put out the candle on the table, and the one in your hand, you need to put it in front of the icon and let it all burn out. Make sure there is no fire. The candle should not stay overnight, otherwise the prayer read will not make sense and luck will not return. If the candle spends the night, then there is no need to redo it, because there will be no result. Be careful what you do. You shouldn't talk about this to anyone. You can repeat this prayer-conspiracy periodically, as needed. Change the word “slave” to the word “slave” if a woman reads it.


Take money, any bill. Several are possible. Place on the table, light 3 candles. There is an icon of the Savior. Read 3 times over money.

Money, money, grow, multiply, more work.

Go away my poverty, the damage that was sent to me into poverty and ruin.

Let the light from the candle and the face of the Divine take away my poverty.

The Lord will help me. The howling wind will take it away and scatter it away.

Let the evil messages that were intended for me perish in the abyss, a bottomless pit.

My poverty will go to hell. The Lord will help me.

Let the dashing way go, let the money grow and goodness multiply.

Let me have a job all the time.

No one will dare take what I have.

No one will destroy what I have.

Let everything that is mine, my happiness, work and money come back to me.

All evil will go away through the candles with Divine light.

I return everything that is mine to myself.

I don’t know the bad things - lack of money, boredom.

May I always have work and money.

To everyone who wants to bring poverty through the money I earned,

Let everything come back to them with triple force.

To be hungry, poor, weak.

I return everything that is mine to myself.

The Lord will help me and so will the Mother of God.

Let the smoke from the candle carry away all envy, melancholy, poverty, and ruin to the underworld.

Let everything return to those who spoiled, took and laugh at our poverty.

Let my poverty go to hell.

Let everyone who sent it take it for themselves.

To be hungry, to suffer in poverty.

I return everything that is mine to myself.

The Lord will help me and so will the Mother of God. Amen!

EXPLANATION: put money for the icon of the Savior for 3 days. Then take them to the market or store. Make your first purchase with this money. The candles burn out completely. Luck and money will return completely. The money you worked with will not bring any harm to the person to whom you gave it for the purchased goods.


Take any banknote and go to church with it. Defend the service with this bill. Bring it home, trying not to talk to anyone along the way. If it doesn't work out, do it anyway. At home, immediately above them, read a spell to return life without debts, i.e. get rid of debts.

Place the money on the table, light 1 candle, place the icon of the Mother of God and the Savior.

My money is my money, my life is confusing!

I ask my God and the Mother of God to help me in my spell.

I ask the Mother of God and our Lord to help me

Drive away from this house my ruin, my poverty and poverty for money,

What evil and gloomy people have done through witchcraft.

I ask you to return my modest life, but a life without debts and with daily bread.

Let my poverty, my vanity return to everyone who took my money and happiness.

He deprived him of bread and a successful life.

Let everything return a hundred times stronger to those who took all of mine through witchcraft.

Let him know how to live without a penny, without bread, without happiness and good luck in addition.

I ask them and pray to them to help me live without debt.

May everything return to me - good luck and happiness.

Let there always be money and bread.

No one will take away what is mine, no one will dare take my money.

No sorceress, sorcerer or witch can take away my money that I have earned.

Let everything return to them, their deeds to the underworld.

Let them take everything bad that they wished for me

The Lord will help me and so will the Mother of God.

I ask them to return to me what was taken by evil and greedy people.

Let bread appear again, food on the table.

Let the money grow from my work, what I do with my own hands.

May everything that is mine be returned to me, that people took, that they did to me for my poverty.

May my poverty be returned to them.

I will forever part with the unsweetened life that was made

People are evil and greedy to me out of malice and envy.

Let them take everything that’s theirs, I don’t need it.

I return everything I have to myself - happiness, luck, work and money.

I ask God and the Mother of God to help me return everything that is mine,

What people took.

Let the black, evil go away to them, who took what is mine,

Those who ruined my happiness, luck, work and money.

Let everything return to them with triple strength, let them be hungry,

To forget the taste of bread, to lose their jobs, luck and happiness.

I ask God and the Mother of God - may everything that is mine be returned to me -

Luck and happiness, work and money. Amen!

EXPLANATION: hide the money behind the icon for 3 days. Then pick it up and make the first purchase with them so that there is no change. Repeat as needed.


Unfortunately, such damage is very common nowadays. And if a person loses his money, earned by honest labor, then it is necessary to think about and, as soon as possible, why this is happening, so as not to go bankrupt and not lose what was acquired by honest labor. If a person accumulated his fortune through dishonest means, and then began to lose it, then the prayers written below will not help these people. These prayers help only those people who do not abuse their workers in their salaries, who pay them regularly and honestly for their work, who do not kick them out of work just because they do not want to pay them and take another worker in his place, and so on. they pay, they kick out without money, i.e. without paying for their work, in which they invested their health, strength, and time.

The fault here is that of the greedy, selfish, evil man himself, who offends his employees.

And their financial or other losses are primarily their fault and no one else’s. Those who have accumulated their wealth through dishonest means should think twice. Anyone who is honest with employees and people around him can return to his previous state. So, if everything that you honestly earned is destroyed, money disappears like sand through your fingers, failures follow one after another, illnesses appear that have never existed before, try to get back what you lost for one reason. You have envious people. There is no need to blame workers if you treat them fairly. Most likely, this job belongs either to friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and what very often happens - these are relatives whose financial situation is lame, but there is no desire to work themselves, but there is a very great desire to make sure that you become a successful person into a poor man with many different problems. And this is not fiction. This is the reality of our days. And if previously all they knew about sorcerers and sorceresses was that they existed and could cause damage, then practically no one knew who they were or what their names were. They hid the fact that they knew how to cause damage. And now they openly talk about it, write about it, and show it on TV. In general, you need to run away from people like this who cause damage. And many go to them for help, thereby depriving themselves and their children of a happy life. It is a great sin to turn to sorcerers for help (we are not talking about the fact that they help find missing people). The point is that those who turn to them with a request to damage a certain person, that’s what we’re talking about. And this sin will fall on the shoulders of not only the person who asks for help, but also the one who fulfills the request or order for a lot of money.

So, what needs to be done to regain lost wealth and health? First of all, you need to confess and receive communion. If you go to church, confess and receive communion, then start treatment when it is convenient for you. First of all, you need to think, who is this person who ruined you? If you always ask the Lord God this question, then the name of the person involved in your losses will appear in your thoughts. The name of an innocent person will not appear in your thoughts. What is this for? In order for you to break up with this person, but peacefully, without tears or scandals. Silently move away from him, without explaining the reason, and in the future do not have any relationship with him. This will protect yourself, although fighting them is very difficult work. And not everyone can stand their nerve and abandon the work they started without finishing it, which aggravates an already difficult situation.

Take money from your wallet for your work so that the bills are in denominations of 10, 100, 500 (or 1000) rubles. You will need to work with them.

You can specially put them in your wallet the day before you read prayers over it. Prepare icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, 3 candles, preferably larger ones, so that they burn for at least an hour. In the morning of the full moon, its first day (see calendar), everything that I have listed must be put on the table. Place money in the following order from left to right: 500 (or 1000), 100, 10 rubles. Light 3 candles, cross yourself three times and begin reading the FOLLOWING:

1. “Our Father” - 3 times

2. “Creed” - 1 time

3. Prayer for the return of what was lost - 3 times.

I turn in my prayers of repentance to the Lord God Jesus Christ. I ask for forgiveness, I ask for healing from the damage of someone else and in vain. They took everything from me: work, luck, money and happiness. I was left with my own debts. There is no way out, I don’t see any point in my future life. He lived and worked honestly. People always came to me to work. I don't have any more work for them. Someone took everything from me with the help of the devil, his faithful servants, real sorcerers who ruined me. They were deprived of everything, both money and family happiness. My health was taken away. They laugh at my grief. I do not know what to do? Help me, tell me, Jesus Christ. Give help to me and work to those people whom I left behind. Give me back what’s mine, I don’t need someone else’s. Let the money that lies nearby bring good luck to someone, a piece of bread, or just a little - happiness for a moment from the fact that a bill fell into your hands, and you can buy bread for him. Let the money that lies nearby on the table bring joy to one’s soul from a small bill. What is a larger bill - let the eyes shine with happiness from the amount that is quite small for me, but for someone the amount will seem like a whole large fortune. Let the third bill be spent according to the will of the person into whose hands it falls. May the money that lies on my table bring joy to those who take it into their hands, even if it’s a small one, and let me get back what was taken away, with your help, Lord my God Jesus Christ. I don’t at all feel sorry for the money that I want to give into the wrong hands. That’s why I have joy in my soul because I helped people in any way I could. I could do more. But the sorcerers took everything that was mine. There is nothing. I ask You, God and Mother of God, to return everything that is mine that was taken by those people who have friendship with Satan himself and fulfill his will. At the same time, they are destroying all of us who are faithful to Christ and who live without Him. Give me back, I beg you. You, Lord my God Jesus Christ and You, Mother of God. Forgive me for the sins that I have and help me return what the sorcerers or witches took away without fear of sin. Thank you to everyone to whom I prayed and from whom I asked for help, I am a sinful servant of God (name). I will always and everywhere praise the Lord God Jesus Christ and I am always grateful to the Mother of God for helping me and those into whose hands I will give that money. that are on my table. Glory to the Lord God for everything!

EXPLANATION: put out the candles, put the icons in place, stack the money on top of each other as follows: 10, 100, then 500 (or 100) rubles. Place them in such a pile behind the icons. Repeat the next day. Divide the money like this: 500 (or 1000), 100, 10 rubles. Read everything the same as on the first day with the same candles. And on the third day of the full moon, do the same. On the fourth day, take these 3 bills and put them in your wallet, but so that you don’t make a mistake in the bills. And on the same fourth day, try to give money like this: 10 - to the beggar (for bread), 100 - to the church (donation). 500 (or 1000) rub. give it to a young man - a man, there are now many guest workers in the cities, or to someone who is sick and cannot earn money for himself. If a woman asks for help, then the last bill is 500 (or 1000) rubles. she should be given to a young woman who has children, but does not have a husband (for any reason, it doesn’t matter) If you turn to the Lord God with such a request three times (i.e. three months in a row on the full moon), then things will improve for you, and luck will be 3 times better. When you have done everything as it is written and things are going well for you, go to church and order a prayer service of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, for helping you in your treatment. In addition to Them, also thank the holy saint of God Panteleimon the Healer, if you have contacted him.

6. Treatment of damage done with money (for a store).

If your trading affairs are completely upset, your business is suffering losses, you are on the verge of financial losses, you have debts, get down to business. Correct the current situation. If you have a store, the first thing you need to do is close it for 3 days to remove all the negativity that is there.
On the first day, wash the floors with plain water, and then repeat, but with the addition of holy water. Also wash the doors inside and outside, handles too. Wash the threshold in front of the store or spray it well with the same water that you washed the floor. It is enough to add one glass of holy water to a bucket of water. Then fumigate the entire store and utility rooms with incense, and then sprinkle the entire room and utility rooms with holy water, take clean water, and pour the water that you washed the floor into the ground. After this, proceed to the next procedure. Light a candle (larger) and walk around the room clockwise, cross the goods with a burning candle and read the following prayers: “Our Father” - 3 times, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” - 3 times, “Living Aids” - 3 times, “Symbol of Faith” - 3 times.
Below are prayers to remove the evil eye from a product:

My Lord, my Father Jesus Christ, Mother of God, I ask and pray that you help me in my work,
Banish everything evil and black from the product to the underworld.
Whoever spoiled and jinxed my goods, took away my money, my job and luck, let him take it all for himself.
I ask and pray to the Mother of God, our Lord, to help me correct this matter.
Let mine be returned to me, I ask and pray, I return it back with prayers to the Mother of God and our Lord.
Let everything that is mine return to me, I ask and pray to the Mother of God and our Lord.
I ask you to help me in my matter. Let people go shopping. May my purse be filled with silver from my work.
I return everything that is mine to myself through prayers to the Mother of God and our Lord.

All this must be done on the first day.

Further. The next day, at dawn, before sunrise, go to the doors of your store, do not open them, but read in front of the closed door:
1. “Our Father” - 3 times
2. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” - 3 times.
3. “Live help” - 3 times
4. “Creed” - 3 times.
5 . "Conspiracy" - 3 times

Mother of God, I ask and pray, help me in my work.
Pray before our Lord about my poverty, about my misery.
Pray before our Lord Jesus Christ for the servant (name)
Who risked asking for my intercession and help in difficult times
With our Lord and with You, Mother of God.
Mother of God, I beg you, please pray before our Lord about my case, about my bad luck,
Devastation and poverty.
Do not let me perish, an unworthy, sinful slave (name).
Give me back my health, luck and money.
Let people always go to my store to shop.
Let my store not become empty of black deeds.
May the goods always be there. Let there be a lot of people in my store.
Let them not leave without buying.
I ask and pray before our Lord and the Mother of God not to remain idle,
Without money, luck, health! Amen!

Don't open the store.

On the third day, go to the store alone before sunrise. Take with you 3 candles, an icon of the Mother of God and an icon of the Savior. In the middle of the store, put a table, a chair, put icons on the table, light candles, sit facing the doors, calm down, relax and read the following:

1. “Our Father” - 3 times.
2. Prayer to attract buyers.

Lord my God, my Heavenly Father, Mother of God, I ask you for help for my cause.
I pray before you about my poverty, about my ruin and poverty due to evil will and dirty deeds
Evil people who took away my trading business.
I ask and pray to you, my Lord, my Heavenly Father, Mother of God!
Save my business from ruin.
Let people go shopping in my store.
I ask you, my Heavenly Father and Mother of God, do not leave an unworthy, sinful servant poor, without work, without money.
Let the evil, cruel people who did evil in my store take everything for themselves.
Let the feet of evil and black people carry them further away from my shop, let them not come to me and spoil the goods.
Let the store stand and please the eyes of the people who came to shop.
Let evil and gloomy people be without bread and salt, let hunger torment them,
They won't come to me for shopping. There's no place for them here
Let them take their feet away from the store. What is mine cannot be taken away - work, luck and money.
I ask and pray before our Lord and the Mother of God to help me in my trading business.

EXPLANATION: Read prayers 3 times. Wait until the candle burns out completely. Get up and leave everything in place. Leave, close the store. During these 3 days, do not take anything out of the store. On the fourth day, come as usual, open the store, remove the table, chair, and icons. This must be done as things get worse. After 3 days of your work in the store and in your business in general, improvement will begin. If a woman runs a store, then you must say “Slaves, slave.”
These prayers and conspiracies will not work if the owner or mistress of the store is deceiving customers, if they are deceiving their workers, do not pay them all the money they earn, or specially make a shortage during the audit in order to leave their workers without wages. If you borrowed money from wealthy people for your needs, but do not want to pay it back, then everything that is written here is not for them. Such people, who run a store by deceiving customers or their workers, face complete ruin. And nothing but poverty awaits these people subsequently. Not only them, but also their relatives, and first of all, children. Remember this!

Be sure to use all these options. Repeat periodically. You can do it once a month, if possible.

I am very sensitive to subtle energies, and when I am hexed, I immediately feel dark heavy energy pouring into me, or the introduction of foreign programs into my biofield.

My soul immediately tells me that they are doing magic on you. I immediately ask my soul: “Please show me who is doing it?” and images come inside.

If I don’t know these people (custom magic), I ask clarifying questions:

"What do these people have against me?"

"Who ordered?" "Who paid for their services?"

I definitely ask: “What is my mistake/violation?” “On what basis are they allowed to perform witchcraft on me?”

And I listen carefully to the answers from the soul - my inner world.

Then I begin to communicate with the magicians mentally and explain to them that they are doing damage not according to concepts and will be punished for it, and I tell them how they and their descendants will pay, asking for information about this from the soul.

After this, usually experienced magicians who work according to concepts stop the damage.

And for beginners and self-taught people, if they don’t stop themselves, I begin to thank them for the damage they do to me, and then I return all their goodness back to them with these words:

"Thank you for the damage you do to me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Unfortunately, I don’t need it and it wasn’t useful. Therefore, everything that you did to me, I return to you.

I’m taking everything that’s mine back, I’m giving everything that’s yours back to you... I won’t give up what’s mine, I won’t take someone else’s..."

At the same time, I keep two figs in my pockets, through which the ancestral energy protects me from damage and helps to reflect it back.

Thus, I repeat the words of gratitude and return many times in a row, until the magical attack stops and all the damage goes back to the one who does it to me.

It is not necessary to repeat my words exactly if a magical attack caught you somewhere along the way. You can speak in any words. The point is to thank for the damage and refuse it - return it back.

If a magician was paid for a job and he really needs money and he doesn’t want to give up this work under any pretext, I talk to his world from which he came and which guides him.

I complain about him, explain that I am not guilty of anything and that he is doing this work inappropriately and ask him to stop. Please give him a sign, a warning and stop him this way.

I do the same with regard to the customer.

Usually in this case the magician is first given a small warning. Let's say something heavy falls from above right in front of him. Or he sprains his leg. Or something breaks. A minor problem occurs.

If he does not understand the sign and continues to spoil things beyond his understanding, he will suffer a serious illness or serious trouble in fate. For example, an accident, illness of loved ones, accidents, etc.

If in this case a person does not understand and does not repent, he can simply be removed.

In the event that you have done all this more than once, but the magical attacks continue and the magician does not take anything, this only means that he is doing his job according to the concepts, with permission from above.

In this case, you need to definitely ask for a reason - what did you screw up? For what violation are you being removed through magicians?

When you have figured out what claims the spiritual world has against you, you need to request information on how to correct the violation and follow the advice of the spiritual world without being caught up in evil.

You also need to do a Ritual of Apology to the Spiritual World and a Ritual of Removal of Claims. And be sure to offer sacrifices for sin.

The victims can be anything. You can burn candles, aroma lamps, and incense. If you don’t have any of this at hand, you can set the table and offer food. You can also give alms while saying that this is a sacrifice for sin.

When you light candles or make any sacrifices, be sure to say out loud: “I offer this sacrifice as a sacrifice for my sin. Thank you for your forgiveness.”

Without these words, health sacrifices simply don’t work.

But after you have made sacrifices for sin, you can already make sacrifices for the health and blessing of those who attack you.

While the candles are burning, apologize to your enemy, give him gifts mentally, bless him and wish him all the blessings of earthly and heavenly, not skimping on kind words and wishes, and so on until he forgives you and calms down.

You can also mentally explain to him why you did this and sincerely repent to him.

If you have done all this, the magical attacks will definitely stop. Provided that you do all this regularly and constantly until the situation is resolved.

If, after all this, magical attacks continue, it means you are dealing with an inhuman who has set herself the goal of consuming you from the world and will not rest until she achieves her goal. And you can’t do it on your own.

In this case, it makes sense to make an appointment with an experienced healer and ask to protect you from damage.

Sometimes, to resolve very difficult situations, a council of healers gathers - from 3 to 7 people - and work together until the situation is resolved.

Good health to you and your loved ones for many years to come!

Sincerely yours,
Natalia Lyubimova

Current page: 12 (book has 16 pages total) [available reading passage: 11 pages]

Not every eye sees the enemy (spells for protection from evil people)

Modern man has to communicate with a huge number of people. Moreover, the rhythm of today's life is such that we do not always have time to think about each interaction with someone or acquaintance separately. As a result, we can inadvertently offend someone with our inattention, superficial attitude or careless word and not even realize it. And an offended person will send a negative impulse in your direction. If your line of work requires you to interact with dozens of people every day, someone will certainly be dissatisfied with you, and the negative energy against you will only increase.

Over time, our biofield ceases to cope with such a load, various diseases appear, and failures occur more and more often in business. We begin to wonder why this happens, we blame the management, the company’s clients, laws, the state, family, etc., etc. In fact, everything is simple - we had to take care of our protection in time. Our conspiracies will help you avoid many troubles.

Conspiracies for protection from ill-wishers

When a person achieves any success in life, there are always people who think that this is not fair. Many people find it easier to be angry and jealous of the achievements of others than to do something worthwhile in this life themselves. That is why it is important not only to achieve success, but also, as they say, to hold on to luck by the tail. And the following conspiracies will help you cope with the negative message of ill-wishers.

A conspiracy that will help ward off envious people, enemies, competitors

If you feel that clouds are gathering over your head, and you have more enemies than friends, be sure to perform a certain ritual before going to work. Pour clean water into a basin (preferably filtered, but you can also use it from the tap), place your palms in it and say three times:

“Take away, water-water, from God’s servant (s) (name) all the fierce misfortunes, bad, crooked, slanting, envious views. Take them to the land where no one walks, let the earth bury everything forever.”

After this, wash your face with the charmed water.

Wall protection

There are situations when you need to personally meet and communicate closely with people who are unpleasant to you and, as you think, can cause harm, jinx them in word or deed.

The most effective and simple defense against someone else’s unkind eye is to separate yourself from the unpleasant person. The best way to do this is a plot wall. Imagine a wall, for example, made of thick glass. Your task is to mentally examine it, what it is like: matte or shiny, somewhere the sun shines on it. From behind this wall you hear a person speaking to you somewhat muffled, as if from another room. In a word, draw this wall in your imagination as realistically as possible.

As soon as a clear picture forms in your head, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as a mighty fortress does not let arrows in, so my wall stands, protects me, God’s servant (name). I’m not afraid of lessons, prizes, mistakes and slander.”

Conspiracy before an unpleasant meeting

If you are facing an unpleasant meeting and it is impossible to avoid it, protect yourself in advance. Take a pinch of salt, a pinch of river sand, crush the coal into powder and also take a pinch. Pour water into a clay cup and add all three pinches there, saying:

“Prithka and Pritka’s mother, you’re sick, lessons, look up. Go from God's servant (s) (name) into the dark forests, onto the dry trees, where people do not walk, where cattle do not roam. Amen".

Stir everything well again, spit over your left shoulder three times and throw it out over the threshold.

Conspiracy from envious people

On the flawed moon in the afternoon, pour spring or melt water into a glass and whisper the spell:

“The bear is in the forest, the nightingale is in the garden, and the moon is in the sky, they don’t go together, they don’t fight. There is water from the swan goose, from God’s servant (s) (name) all the water.”

Then take three small sips of the charmed water, dip three fingers (with a pinch) of your right hand into the water and draw crosses on your forehead, cheeks and chest. Take the remaining water into your mouth three times and splash it out.

Conspiracy from the wrath of the authorities

If you don't have a good relationship with management and you are regularly called out on the carpet, do the following. Take any small metal object (wire, paper clip, nail), slap it three times with your right palm and repeat three times:

“Just as nothing sticks to an iron crucible: neither water nor fire, so it will stick to me.”

Be sure to take the enchanted item with you when you have your next conversation with your superiors.

Protective plot from all enemies, envious people and spoilers

On the waning moon, at sunset, lay a beautiful tablecloth on the table, place and light two church candles, between them place a small icon of John the Warrior (you can just use a postcard or an image). Looking at the defender, say:

“Just as John the Warrior, together with the Heavenly Powers, fights for the entire baptized world, so he protects me, God’s servant (name), from all enemies, envious people and spoilers. Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Place an icon or image on your desktop or at home if that's where you spend most of your time.

Protective spell on the beam

If you come to the house of an envious friend or to visit where such a woman may be present, be sure to say (you can mentally) the following conspiracy:

“Mother mother, run across, help save my happiness, save me from the adversary and the evil word.”

It is best if you drink something at this moment. At this time, you need to look at any transverse strip that separates you from the envious person: a beam on the ceiling (matitsa), a pattern on the carpet, floor, the back of a chair, armchair, sofa, closet, etc.

Conspiracy from bad people

At night on the waning moon, fill a wide dish with spring or melt water. Throw three lit floating candles into it. Gently stirring the water with your hand so that the candles move in a circle, say seven times:

“It came from the water - it went into the water, it fell from the fire - it burned, disappeared, bad people sent it - they took it back. Amen".

After this, put it out, remove the candles from the water and bury them in the ground (but not in a flower pot). Throw the remaining water onto your left side and go to bed.

Conspiracy from ill-wishers

It happens that a person smiles at you in front of you, but behind your back he condemns you, or even spreads gossip. If you are faced with such a situation, be sure to take care of your protection. Fill a wide container with water so that you can look into it. Place it and bend over so that you can see your reflection. Whisper nine times.

“Thought, envy, influx, out. Amen".

Afterwards, wash your face with the enchanted water and pour it down the drain or away from the house.

Protective plot against other people's anger and envy

This plot is read in a strong east wind. Stand in the wind and say:

“Just as from the song of the Archangel Gabriel, demons and devils fall and unclean words disintegrate, so from the servant (s) of God (name) all enemies-enemies retreat. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, go about your daily activities.

Conspiracy against envious people who can destroy your family

If a bad, envious person came into your house, then immediately after he leaves, pour water into a cup and cross it. Then splash this water on your face with your hand, drink three sips, pour a little over the threshold, slam the front door as hard as possible and say:

“So that all evil is carried away from the house and from my relatives.”

Conspiracy-protection from unpleasant people

Unfortunately, most often it is not in our power to choose with whom to work. If there is a person in your team who is unpleasant to you, if someone is jealous of you, you need to constantly defend yourself. To do this, you will need this plot; you can read it quietly in the morning when you come to work. The same applies to an unkind person who comes across you in company, at a party or somewhere else - you can protect yourself from him like this:

“Cheer, my thought, mind, my thoughts, mind, my opinions of soul and body, of the left generation. Whoever thinks will have salt and sand in his eyes, and a sharp knife in his heart.”

Conspiracy to protect against a bad person

After communicating with an unpleasant person, especially if he praised you, find a secluded place, cover your ears with your hands so as not to hear anything, and repeat out loud three times:

“No matter how an evil person, a sorcerer, a heretic gets into my ears, nothing will happen to me.”

After this, spit three times over your left shoulder and boldly go on working.

From evil words thrown to the wind

It happens that people don’t want to spoil things, but they do. This is what happens when an evil word is spoken in a strong wind. So, even a person who is friendly towards you can inadvertently jinx you. If things go wrong in windy weather, that's because it happened. To correct the situation, you need to wait for a new wind and read the wind three times:

“Like Adam’s head lies on a throne. She is silent, does not slander, does not talk. So my enemies will remain silent; they will not slander me, God’s servant (name), and will not throw evil words into the wind.”

A conspiracy to prevent your work from being jinxed

This plot is read at work. You need to stand next to the door. The condition is that no one should see or hear you. To do this, come to work before everyone else, or wait until everyone leaves. Stand in the doorway, facing the exit and repeat the spell three times:

“On the Okiyan Sea there stands an iron bull. You, bull, - copper horns - tin eyes - take away from the servant (s) of God (name) all damage and the riding evil eye. Amen".

So that competitors don’t put a spell on things

Read this conspiracy if you know that you have strong envious competitors. You need to read the conspiracy on all business papers that you sign. If this is difficult to do (for example, there is someone nearby), then you need to cast a spell on the pen with which you sign these papers:

“I take the holy cross, I renounce, I dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the sorceress, from black and red, from white and fair-haired, from a simple-haired girl, from a woman who rolls a cigarette, from every sorcerer’s villain. Amen".

It is advisable to speak on your hand every morning.

To prevent competitors from ruining the business

If you have to interact with competitors, be sure to read the conspiracy before the meeting:

“Just as stone statues do not see, do not hear, cannot say a word, so my enemies, envious people cannot say anything bad about me or lie, and they do not see or hear my deeds.”

A conspiracy to prevent evil people from approaching

Take a handkerchief, wrap the icon of the Mother of God in it, place your palms on top and say seven times:

“Protect me, Mother of God, from evil people, villains, as you protected your son from villains. From now until forever. Amen".

After this, unfold the icon and place it at home, but always carry the handkerchief with you and do not use it for its intended purpose. He will protect you from every evil person.

Conspiracy against evil gossip

If gossip and unpleasant conversations cause you a lot of trouble, you need to pick some grass and say the following words to it:

“Dry, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen".

After this, the grass should dry out, and when this happens, it should be thrown to the gossipers, then they will forget about you.

Conspiracy is an obstacle for the envious

It happens that you talk to a person, and everything seems to be fine, he says good words and smiles kindly, but you feel that his thoughts are completely different, he is either jealous, or harbors a grudge and doesn’t really mean well. In this case, don’t worry, talk to him calmly, and when he leaves, immediately read the old plot:

“To sorcerers, heretics, salt in the balls, iron in the teeth. Their words are locked, and the keys are thrown into the sea. Amen".

So protect yourself from evil, and neither damage nor the evil eye will be able to reach you.

Protection for the workplace

You can protect not only your home, but also your workplace. On Sunday evening, fill a clear glass with water. Take a pinch of salt with your left hand and pour it onto your right palm. Read the plot over salt nine times:

"Enemy Satan, abandon me."

Then dissolve it in water. On Monday morning, pour the water into a bottle and take it with you to work. Come early, and while no one is there, sprinkle the charmed water in the corners and wipe all objects with it.

Protection from an evil person

If you feel during a conversation that evil is coming from your interlocutor, cross your arms over your chest, and when he leaves, quietly say after him:

“What I came with, I leave with, what I brought, take away.”

So everything bad that a person unleashes on you will follow him.

Protection from someone else's unkind gaze

It happens, somewhere on the street, in transport, in a store, you suddenly feel an unkind, heavy gaze on you. Then, upon returning home, you need to immediately fill the bucket with water, if possible - spring or well water (it will be stronger), in extreme cases, from the tap will do. Wash yourself with this water and say three times:

“It came from the forest - go to the forest and go. It came from the people - and so on. It came from the wind - just throw it into the wind and go.”

At the same time, make sure that water flows back into the bucket. After completing the ritual, pour it over your left shoulder - preferably outside, and if it’s frosty or bad weather - you can also pour it into the bath, just make sure that it flows away without leaving a trace.

Spells for protection from evil forces

It happens that evil comes not only from people. The evil one constantly tests us, so we must think about protection all the time. Witchcraft, old curses, and one’s own bad thoughts can contribute to the awakening of evil. Conspiracies will help you overcome these troubles.

A conspiracy to ward off any misfortune

Buy a candle in the church and at midnight on the new month, light it and read it three times:

“I am overshadowed by the bright month, I am swathed in God’s robe, I am marked by the Holy Cross, with the power of the cross I will drive away the evil spirits. Amen".

In the morning, bury the candle melt (or throw it in a trash can) at a pedestrian intersection.

How to protect windows from evil penetration

Pour water into a clay cup and prepare salt. Pinch the salt three times, pour it into the water crosswise and repeat three times:

“Salt in the eyes of the black cherry.”

Walk around the house and spray each window with this water, saying:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. There with (name) the slanted eye!”

When the water runs out, spit over your left shoulder three times. Do not wipe the water off the windows; it should dry on its own.

Conspiracy if bad thoughts overcome

It happens that you don’t want to think badly about someone else, but every time you catch yourself thinking that you are condemning someone or rejoicing in their misfortune. It is imperative to fight such thoughts. After all, if we send negativity into the world, we receive it in return.

As soon as you catch yourself having a bad thought, whisper or mentally say:

"Forgive me, Lord."

In the evening of the same day, light a candle, looking at the flame, say seven times:

“Fire maiden, burn the bad thoughts, leave the good ones. Let it be so!"

After this, walk around the candle or the table on which it stands three times and go to bed. Throw away the candle stub on the way to work or to the store (but never at home).

Conspiracy so that evil does not stick

Scoop up rainwater that is sitting in an open space with a mug or cup. The water container should be opaque. Read the plot:

“Just as rain sheds tears, so evil does not stick to me. Amen".

The charmed water should be poured onto your palms and washed. Pour the remaining water under your feet. You can read the plot both indoors and outdoors. The main thing is that no one sees how you do it.

A spell that will help wash away all witchcraft from you

Read this plot when you are near a river or on the shore of some other body of water. Place your palms in the water and say:

“Take, sister water, what does not belong to me: witchcraft, wickedness, touches, evil.”

Then scoop up the charmed water with your palms and splash it on your face.

Morning spell against all evil

Walk barefoot through the dew, collect it with your hands, read the spell and wash yourself with the dew:

“Take, Father, Saint Tikhon, twelve tin and iron rods and beat the twelve daughters of Herod with them, so that they do not coward me, and do not break my bones. From now until forever."

A simple conspiracy against various misfortunes

“As the dust of the rain of heaven scatters, so from the servant (s) of God (name) all evil and adversity scatter. Amen".

Then cross the water and spray it on yourself.

Winter conspiracy against trouble

This conspiracy should be read only at the beginning of the year and in the case when troubles and misfortunes have become your constant companions precisely after the onset of the new year. On a debilitated moon, go out into the yard when no one is there (you can go to the dacha or out of town), find an untrodden place (where the snow lies in an even layer), lie down in the snow, spreading your arms wide. Then stand up. You will see a trace of your body in the snow. Stand at his feet and say:

“I’m walking through the snow, I want to stir up trouble. I leave a trace, I forget the trouble. The trouble remains with the new, icy owner, forget about the old hot one.”

After that, go home without looking back.


Scoop up as much holy water as you can with a cup and read the spell over it:

“I turn to the Lord God, I ask God’s servant (name) to protect him with a talisman, to protect him from troubles and to protect him from evil. Amen".

After this, wash yourself with the charmed water, spray yourself three times, pour the remaining water onto a new handkerchief. When the scarf is dry, you should always carry it with you.

Conspiracy if you have to live or work in a bad place

It happens that a new office or house has been built, and people working or living in it suddenly begin to feel unwell, get sick, or even die. And it turns out that this building was built in a bad place, from the point of view of magic, or there is a long-standing curse hanging on it. If you find yourself in the same situation and you don’t have the opportunity to change your job or place of residence, don’t be upset. A conspiracy will also come to your aid. However, it will need to be repeated again and again.

Take a silver item, put it in a glass of holy water, and leave it overnight. The next day, clean up your home or workplace, take out the silver at sunset, and whisper into the water 40 times:

“Protect the bright army, drive away the dark evil.”

After this, moisten a small towel with this water and wipe the desktop, chair, shelves (if any). If you perform the ritual at home, then all window sills, shelves, tables, as well as handles on interior and entrance doors. Repeat the spell at least once a week.

Without money, a person is skinny (conspiracies for financial well-being)

In order to feel good and comfortable, it is not enough to be healthy, although, of course, this is the main thing. But our life consists of many aspects, and not the least important of them is the material. Living in poverty, counting every penny - no one wants such a life. However, unfortunately, it happens that a person tries his best, works several jobs, masterfully saves, but there is no income. But don’t despair: now you have a reliable means of providing yourself and your family with a decent standard of living. There are a huge number of conspiracies designed to solve a variety of material problems. After all, everyone has their own reasons for poverty: one has an unprofitable position, another, with good earnings, money flows out of his hands like water, the third is too gambling... All this can be corrected. It's easy enough to find mine conspiracy, and everything will work out. Try it!

Conspiracies to help in business

It is known that modern man spends most of his time at work, so success in business is an important component of his life. If something is not going well in this area, then the world is not nice. Conspiracies will help you cope with difficulties.

Conspiracy for a good job

To get a good job, you need to read the spell before the interview. Draw half a glass of Epiphany water, while stroking it, say:

“Water, water, you are everyone’s helper, everyone honors you, everyone welcomes you. So I, God’s servant (name), would be accepted and welcomed to work. Amen".

Morning conspiracy-defense before an important matter

If you have to engage in any responsible business, and you doubt your abilities, you should think about protection. In the morning, when you get out of bed, stretch thoroughly. While stretching your palms up, say:

“All slander, ghosts, human slander, move away from the servant (s) of God (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then cross yourself three times and boldly get down to business.

Conspiracy to successfully get a job

If you really need a job and are going to an employer, read the following plot. Scoop up as much rainwater as you can. Take a new handkerchief, preferably without a pattern, put it in water and read three times:

“Help, water, me, God’s servant (name), to be useful in a new place, in a new service, in a new friendship.”

Afterwards, you need to take out the scarf, tie it in a knot and put it in a corner so that no one can reach or take it. When laying down the scarf, say three times:

“As they tied the knot tightly, so they took me, God’s servant (name), to work.”

After that, you can safely go get a new job. If everything went well, after a while you need to pull out the scarf, untie the knot, wash the scarf, dry it and use it as you wish.

Conspiracy to help in any matter

If something has stalled in your work, there is no end in sight to your problems, be sure to read the plot. You need to slander the item that you use most often at work. It could be an ordinary pen, a pencil, some kind of tool, or even a computer mouse. Take holy water, wet a handkerchief and wipe the object you are going to slander. After this, say over him:

“Just as rivers and lakes give water not for cunning, not for cleanliness, but for the sake of God’s mercy, so give me (name), God, the strength to cope with affairs, to handle things on my own and on time.”

After this, you can begin your normal duties.

Conspiracy to get a job

To successfully get a job, bring holy or spring water in the evening. At sunset, read the conspiracy over her:

“Mother Water, you will not allow the evil eye to fall on me, and there will be no refusal for me, God’s servant (name), either on Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday, or Friday and not on Saturday. Take my care so that they hire you.”

Then wash your face with the charmed water and go to bed. In the morning before going to work, wash your face with this water again.

Morning charm for protection on an important matter

If you have serious matters to deal with, and nothing should distract you, get up early and go to the nearest square or park. The plot can also be read in the courtyard of the house if there is a lawn nearby. Take off your shoes and, while walking through the dew, say three times (you can mentally):

“Just as no one can cross the ocean sea on foot, so no one can stop me, God’s servant (name)! Be, my words, strong and molding.”

Afterwards, you need to wash yourself with dew, wet a thread from your clothes, tie a knot on it and carry it with you.

Conspiracy before an important meeting

Before going to a meeting, fill a ladle with well water, wash your face with it, scoop up the water with your hands and splash it on your face, recite the spell 33 times:

“As water flows down, so does the evil eye run away. Amen".

After this, you can’t wipe yourself off; you have to wait until the water dries on its own. Throw out the remaining water to the left.

Morning spell before any new business

Working in a new place, on a new project or a new activity is always associated with certain difficulties. Stand on the grass or clean snow (if it happens in winter), run your palms over the dew or snow crust. After this, expose your palms to the sun, and while the water dries, you need to read the plot:

“As water dries up and evaporates, so difficulties go away, are removed.”

A conspiracy to quickly get rid of failures

To ensure that everything goes well at work and the enterprise prospers, you can read the following plot. On a debilitated moon (but not on Saturday), in the afternoon, light a church candle and place a glass of clean, preferably spring or melt water next to it. Read the conspiracy over her:

“Mother water, as you rinse the steep banks, so wash away the pinches, aches, tricks, tributaries and windy commotions from God’s servant(s) (name). Amen".

After this, wet your lips with the charmed water, wash your face, and sprinkle the rest of the water on your body.

Conspiracy before moving to a new job

The transition to a new job does not always go smoothly. New acquaintances, new responsibilities cause many people to feel fear and confusion. A conspiracy will help you cope with anxiety. In the evening, prepare a glass of water, pour a spoonful of sea salt into it. In the morning before going to work, whisper into the water:

“I go as a fisher, I come in as a merchant. Some are lower than others, but I am always higher than others. Everyone would love me, respect me, and invite me to a high position. Amen".

After this, wash your face with the enchanted water, throw out the rest over the threshold and feel free to go to a new job.

Spell for good luck on business trips

This spell was used by merchants when they went to buy goods or to a fair. It is read three times: on the wallet, on the shoes and on the bag (the bag where the money is). Place these items in front of you on the day of departure and recite the spell for each:

“Nicholas the Pleasant has three copper keys and one gold. With three copper keys he locks three bad roads: the bad, the dashing, the grave. With the golden key he unlocks the straight, happy, God’s road, with goodness, with gold, with wealth.”

Conspiracy for an important matter “Knot of Luck”

A very reliable plot for those who have an important task ahead of them. Take a silk thread and tie it in a knot, saying three times:

“As the end meets the end, so things would work out for me.”

Then, when leaving home on this matter, put the thread on the threshold, step over it and say the same spell again. Leave the thread on the doorstep.

A conspiracy to make the bosses be merciful

Not everyone’s boss is understanding and kind, but you still have to work with him. To reduce the number of acute situations that arise from time to time, when crossing the threshold of your enterprise or office, read the plot:

“Lord, bless the Father, clothed in light like a robe, covered with a cloud, I gird myself with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos. Bind the mouths and tongues and throats of princes, and boyars, and rulers, and of all authorities and official servants.”

A conspiracy to keep management from getting stuck

Take half a cup of water and recite the spell on it:

“Just as King David was humble and meek and merciful, so with me, God’s servant(s) (name), all the leading officials and righteous judges were humble, meek and merciful.”

Drink three sips and pour the rest of the water to the left.

Conspiracy for a successful business

On the waxing moon, fill a glass with well, spring or melt water. Go to the place where transactions will be made, negotiations will take place and important decisions will be made. Lean towards the water and whisper three times:

“Everyone come here to me, here is water for you. Water for you, money for me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Afterwards, spray the room with enchanted water.

Conspiracy before any undertaking

On the waning moon, pour water into a ladle, go out to a deserted place, bring a few medium-sized pebbles and put them in a circle. Take the ladle in your left hand, read the spell in a whisper and little by little sprinkle water on the pebbles with your right hand:

“Wash away, water, from God’s servant(s) (name) all the persuasions, mother’s thoughts, father’s thoughts. Just as water dries up on pebbles, so dry up, dry up in your hands and cheeks, from a zealous heart.”

Throw the remaining water over your left shoulder and return home.


Get up early in the morning. Don't wash your face, don't have breakfast, and don't talk to anyone. Go to the spring, collect water (you can use water taken earlier, but it must be collected in the morning). Pour water into a wide bowl, hold it in front of you, read the spell quietly and look into the water, it is advisable to see your reflection:

“Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - the life-giving cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will preserve myself by the cross, I will wash myself with spring water, I will dry myself with the towel of the cross, I will conjure myself with the shroud of the Lord.”

After this, wash your face with the charmed water and spray yourself with water in your mouth.

A conspiracy to make things work out

Before an important meeting or signing a serious document, be sure to read the plot. Tie the thread in a knot, put it across the threshold, say the spell three times:

“Just as this knot is tied, so for us, the servants of God (name), the matter (such and such) will soon come together.”

Cross the threshold with the thread, then go about your business.

Coastal sand spell for good luck

To fulfill the spell, you will need a twig or branch of one of these trees: pine, birch or oak. In the old days, this conspiracy was performed early in the morning, near undisturbed water. If you can arrange it this way, it will be very good. It is important that no one sees you.

Go to the shore, stand at the water's edge. Write your name with a twig on the sand (earth, clay) near the water, so that the water can wash away the inscription, and say this:

“Water, water, give me a drink, give me God’s servant (name) to wash. Voditsa-voditsa, let me get dressed, let God’s servant(s) (name) feed himself. I close the word in my mouth, I wash away the name with water. Amen".

When the water washes away your name, leave without looking back, take the twig with you and keep it under your pillow for three days and three nights. Then you can throw it away, it has served its purpose.

Conspiracy if things go wrong

Things don't always go the way we want. It’s especially frustrating when a lot of effort and time have been spent, but the result is scanty, or even non-existent. This is where a conspiracy will come to the rescue. On the waning moon at sunset, pour clean water onto a wide dish, throw a pinch of salt and a hot coal into it. Then place the silver cross there. Light a church candle, cross yourself and whisper into the water three times:

“As the blue sea washes the yellow sands, so all my enemies run away from me. Save me, God’s servant (name), Lord, from sorcerers, from sorcerers, from haters.”

After finishing the spell, drink a few sips of water, cross yourself, take some water into your mouth, and spray yourself with the charmed water. Pull the cross out of the water, place it on your chest and cross yourself again.

I receive armfuls of letters in which people complain about postal workers.

Katerina from Nizhny Urengoy writes:

“I received a parcel from my daughter from Germany, and when I opened it, I sat down and cried. All the sweets and chocolates were broken, they opened a can of coffee - apparently they were looking for money in it - and didn’t even bother to close it. Everything in the package was stained with coffee. It’s even unpleasant to eat at the thought that someone’s unclean hands were rummaging through my things and spoiling the food.

I took the sin on my soul, lit a candle and cursed those who did this, who ate the food stolen from me.

I am an old person, I couldn’t leave the graves of my relatives, I decided to die in Russia. The daughter left with her husband. We love each other very much, but fate separated us. Every news from my daughter is such a joy. I can imagine how lovingly she packed the gifts, hoping that her old mother would enjoy the holiday.

After all, we are essentially half-starved; we don’t see a pension for six months. The daughter tried to help a little with money and food, but some bastards, having forgotten about duty and conscience, consider themselves entitled to steal and break other people’s things!

Don’t these people understand that the curse of those they rob will be passed on to their children and grandchildren? The Lord, He sees everything.”

Rimma F. writes:

“I received a parcel from Kyiv and was delighted. My brother called and said that he had sent me warm clothes for winter. I can’t buy it myself: the pension is small, and they don’t give it out for a long time. I have no children, no one to help. What grief and resentment I felt when, instead of warm clothes, I found in the parcel old, torn clothes and soldier’s trousers with paint on them. I still couldn’t believe that this happened. After all, how vile it is to get into a package and steal from people who hope that postal workers will fulfill their professional duty for their money. And what cruel hearts these people must have to put old rags in a parcel instead of new things, which are not even suitable for washing floors. I should take their hands away for their vile deed!”

Letter to a soldier's mother:

“My son serves in the army, and it’s no secret that they are half-starved there now. The guys are young, healthy, and they want to eat. My son writes that he dreams of my buns and cabbage soup, and when he comes home, the first thing he will do is eat his fill. How, tell me, after such a letter can I sit down at the table and eat in peace? I can't get the piece down my throat. I tried to send food to my son, but everything was stolen along the way. Letters are opened and money is taken out of them... May my mother's curse find those who do this. Let them and their children have a piece stuck in their throats! And I don’t regret saying so.

There is no forgiveness or mercy for them!”

Here is another similar letter:

“Please, publish my letter. I think that people who work in postal delivery read your conspiracies. I want to tell them: “You are a bastard with a capital B, just like the earth carries you!” How many times I tried to send food and money to my mother, but nothing ever came through properly. Don’t doubt that cancer will devour you sooner or later, just as you ate the food I sent to my sick mother.”

Well, here is a letter from one of the perpetrators of such experiences:

“You may not answer me, but I hope you won’t judge me. In confession I would not be able to admit my sin. I confess to you because I don’t see your face. It's easier for me to tell. In addition, I hope that helping people is your calling. You must understand me and give me a helping hand... I have two children, but no husband. Maybe that’s why I decided to commit such a sin. I work at the post office and have used my official position more than once... I opened envelopes and looked for money, and having found it several times, I could no longer stop. I did the same with parcels. When you see the joy of children, bringing them tasty treats and things, you no longer think about what is good and what is bad. I told myself: I am a mother and no one needs my children, even if it is a sin, but I will suffer for my children. Maybe God will forgive me for this. One day, when I opened the envelope, I found money in the card. The card was beautiful and musical. I gave it to the children to play with. After some time, my eldest daughter called me and said: “Look what is written here.” I started reading, and I felt unwell. There was a conspiracy written on the card - a curse on those who steal money. Opening the letter, I paid attention only to the money and did not read what was written on the card.

After reading the plot, I tore and burned the postcard. Now I don’t remember verbatim what was written there, but obviously terrible wishes to those who dared to take the money. After hesitating, I decided to keep the money for myself.

Within two years I lost my job, my children started getting sick. Doctors say I have cancer. I am sure that this is retribution for my sins and the result of the curse of the author of that letter. But I didn’t make much money by taking a few bills and a postcard, is that fair? When a neighbor brought me your spells, I read there that children are always the first to suffer. I'm not asking for your help. Let this letter be read by the one who cursed us for her insignificant good. Is it worth the health of me and my children?”

I am completely on the side of those people who ask to punish the thieves. There is no forgiveness or mercy for such people. I always considered my grandmother a model of kindness, but I remember how she punished those who tampered with her letters. That’s right, the postal people were very curious that so many people were writing to her from all over the world.

I remember how a postal worker came to her for treatment. After listening to her repentance, her grandmother sent her back and did not treat her.

“Go,” she said, “maybe someone after me will begin to treat you, but I seriously doubt it.”

I asked:

– Don’t you feel sorry for her?

- And who should feel sorry for those who entrusted them with their letters with the hope of healing, and they were there looking for a ruble and throwing away the last hope of a dying person. And don’t bother me, I’m already sick of it.

How can the guilty be punished?

Need to read the following CONSPIRACY. They read quietly, with a lit wax candle, until it burns out completely. It is not necessary to know the name of the person who opened your mail. CONSPIRACY he himself will find the culprit and help punish him. The words are as follows:

Get up! Get up! Wake up!

Get up, get up, wake up!

Hey you, mocking, invisible, silent spirits

Find and track down my offenders,

Let their minds and intellect stumble,

Let thoughts and thoughts become dull.

May they confuse night and day,

Let fear and pain entangle the thieves.

Let their hands not rise,

Feet do not leave the ground.

Each one receives seven coffins,

The sentence is seven years.

Each coffin has seven wells:

Blood, bone, vein.

A thief sits down and doesn’t get wet,

A thief lies down and does not rise,

Ten healers won't get off.

Tear, stab, and slash him, and flog him,

Without giving rest and breathing.

Damn him, thief, on burning ashes

A muddy swamp, a mill dam.

Dry than grass, extinguish worse than ash.

Oh, you, my archers, unclean fighters,

Find and seek out the name of my enemy.

Pin his shadow, incinerate his heart.

Let him be stunned, numb.

How can he not be reborn again?

And don’t pray

So he will not escape my word,

Bad conspiracy.

I harness it with a noose,

I will perform the funeral service for him with kutya.

Like a dead man tied to a coffin,

So his path to treatment is blocked.

I lock it with seven locks, seven keys.

Water in the river, business on the ground,

Conspiracy on the shutter.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Today I fulfilled the request of many, many people who were brazenly and, as the scoundrels hoped, robbed with impunity. Let such people know and remember that they will have to pay for everything. Everyone is responsible in their own time, and everyone should be able to stand up for themselves.