What is the name of the t fest rapper's hairstyle. T-Fest (Ti Fest) - biography, personal life, photo, height and weight T fest real name and surname

Today in Russia there are not many major music labels that specialize in rap music. And this is a bit strange, because Western artists of this genre have long been at the top of all charts and can give a big head start to various singers or pop groups. Their popularity can only be envied, because rap clips are gaining billions of views, which means that this music can rightly be considered one of the most popular in our time.

In Russia, rap is just beginning to gain popularity, and this is largely due to the fact that in last years major labels are seriously engaged in the promotion of young artists. And it has borne fruit.

New label name

One of the largest labels in Russia "Gazgolder" in 2016 signed a contract with the then unknown Ukrainian artist, whose name is Kirill Igorevich Nezboretsky. A team of PR people, managers, SMM people actively engaged in the promotion of Kirill, and he himself seriously took up writing music.

Then he could not imagine how quickly popularity would come. A year later, Kirill, who performs under the pseudonym T-fest, became one of the most sought-after rap artists in the CIS. About how T-fest's biography began, and how he came to such success, it is worth talking in more detail. And it is best to start from early childhood.


The biography of T-fest begins in the small Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi. From an early age he was passionate about music, went to music school and to the conservatory. However, this hobby was not limited to just listening to their musical idols. Kirill also recorded tracks from childhood, but did not receive much popularity at that time. He was just starting to show promise, but then he did not have his own style, therefore, although he was quite technical, he did not stand out much from the rest of the rappers.

The early work of the artist was radically different from what he is doing now. He wrote very rough rap, which at the same time was quite meaningful and interesting in terms of the text component. This was the reason why in 2012 the future artist was noticed by the then popular rap artist Shock.

First successes

Shock was a reference point for the T-fest rapper in terms of music. The young artist covered the tracks of his idol, and one day he randomly stumbled upon these records. The creativity of the young talented artist hooked Shock, and he began to help him with promotion. In 2012 year, the rappers released a joint track.

By that time, Kirill had already become much more technical in terms of performance, and his music became even more complex and interesting. However, even collaboration with the then popular rapper did not bring him great fame, so the most important changes in his work were yet to come.


In 2014, T-Fest already had a certain number of listeners, but this did not stop him from leaving creativity for a while in order to create a completely new style of music. After a long break, the artist returns completely different both in terms of appearance and in terms of creativity. His music becomes more melodic and modern. Difficult topics in the texts disappeared, now the performer began to write light and hit tracks, which later completely ceased to look like classic rap, and became more diverse and interesting in terms of sound.

In 2015, Kirill released several successful clips in a new style, which his old audience really liked and helped to recruit a large number of new ones. However, the most important thing is that at this time he is noticed by the owner of the label "Gazgolder" Vasily Vakulenko, also known as Basta. He invites a young performer to his label and offers to record a joint video with one of the most popular Russian-speaking rappers Scryptonite as a debut. Ti-fest, of course, does not miss such an opportunity. On March 9, 2017, a clip called "Lambada" is released on the official channel of "Gazgolder", which completely turned the entire career of the Ukrainian musician. On this Biography of T-fest, as an unpopular rapper, ended. A completely different life began.

Life after widespread popularity

At the moment, the clip "Lambada" has more than 30 million views, which is simply an incredible figure for a Russian-speaking artist. The rest of Kirill's videos also scored 10-15 million views, so now he is certainly one of the most sought-after and recognizable artists in the CIS.

T-Fest is still a member of the Gazgolder label, and at the end of 2017 he released his second studio album on it, which was called Molodost 97. With this album, as well as with old compositions, Kirill performs at the largest venues throughout Russia, and almost always the demand for tickets does not disappoint the organizers. T-fest's biography is a prime example how even from a small Ukrainian city you can climb to the top of music chats if you have talent and a desire to develop.

In 2017, the hero of our article became a discovery in the culture of Russian hip-hop and rap music. Kirill Nezboretsky, a young and promising performer, broke into the music charts and charts with the track "Fly away" and began to rapidly gain an army of fans. The sudden popularity that came was a surprise for the musician himself. Let's talk about the biography of T-Fest in more detail: childhood, adolescence, stages of formation as an artist and details of the artist's personal life.

Singer biography

Kirill Igorevich Nezboretsky, known in hip-hop culture as T-Fest, was born in the small town of Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Talk about how old the artist actually is, appeared from the very first days of his career. The artist himself does not get tired of answering fans that he was born in 1997, however, many sources still give users conflicting information.

The boy was brought up with his older brother Maxim in a simple family. He studied at a secondary school. Cyril began to get involved in music from early childhood, he loved to attend a music school, but he never graduated from it. At various times he studied piano and drums. Later, he taught himself to play the guitar.

The artist's mother did not always support her son's hobbies. The performer left his parental home in 2011 when he was 14 years old. According to the singer, his parents did not understand his aspirations and even now do not approve of many of his works.

Even in his youth, T-Fest began to record tracks, including with the participation of his older brother Maxim. The first songs were posted online in 2010. At that time, the artist was attracted to harder rap music, so Kirill's early work is different from what he does today. Despite the good texts of the tracks and an interesting semantic component, they did not receive popularity and promotion.

After completing his secondary education, T-fest decided not to enroll in a higher education institution. Instead, he continued to engage in musical creativity. The tracks were still not successful, and T-Fest decided to take a break for a while.

In 2015 he returned to the stage. A new history of the artist has begun. While still at school, Kirill chose a different name for performing on stage - T-Fest. With him, he became popular in Russian hip-hop. “You are a holiday” - this is how he explains the pseudonym and adds that every appearance on the stage is special for him. In an interview, the performer declares with a smile that he is happy to please the audience and give people unforgettable emotions at the concert.

Today he is a sought-after performer in the country. Kirill is often compared to other respected rappers and hip-hop artists. He admits that comparisons flatter him, but in fact he seeks to pave his own way in the world of music.

Curious biography facts: in an interview, Cyril says that he does not watch TV and visits the temple every week, where he prays for his relatives.

Personal life T-Fest

T-Fest tries to keep the paparazzi out of his personal life. He admits to reporters that he is in an unofficial relationship. Cyril carefully protects his beloved from prying eyes, so his girlfriend was not seen next to the singer. Even on the Instagram page, fans will not be able to find at least one photo of their beloved. T-Fest rarely shares snapshots of private life in in social networks. Most often you can see photos from events and concerts.

The label to which the singer is a member

The artist is a musician of the creative association "Gazgolder". In 2016, the label owner Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) became interested in a talented singer and offered cooperation. Kirill calls the period when he started working at the label a "reboot" and admits that with the participation of a huge creative team, he manages to make his dreams come true in the "Gazgolder". It was here that in 2017 the main hit of T-Fest “Fly Away” was recorded.

In the summer of 2018, a track was released, which Kirill was invited to jointly record Bast - “Scandal”.

Songs of Ti-Fest

In January 2017, the artist released his first album and three videos in support of it. All of them in a few weeks gained millions of views.

The first high-profile work with the participation of the singer is considered to be a duet song with another artist of the label "Gazgolder" Scryptonite - "Lambada". To date, the video for this track has over 60,000,000 views on YouTube. In 2017, the song broke all records and became a hit just like Kirill's own track "Fly away".

In the spring of 2018, T-Fest was nominated for the prestigious Muz-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category.

In the same year, Kirill released the tracks "Foreigner" and "I don't remember", and also took part in the recording of the track, on which he was offered to work together by Scriptonite - "Multibrand".

Today, the singer continues touring. They want to see the artist in every city of the country, and tickets for concerts are sold out in a matter of days. On March 16, 2019, his big solo concert will take place in St. Petersburg.

Kirill Nezboretsky is a 21-year-old young man who quickly became an example for a generation of young people. Its success proves that even if a person is born in a small provincial town and does not have great opportunities for development, this is not a reason to give up and stop dreaming.

The collapsed popularity was also sudden for Ti-Fest himself, because his biography does not contain outstanding events that could predict future success. Despite this, thanks to diligence and perseverance, the singer rightly achieved fame and recognition. “Talent will always break through,” his fans say. We will not argue and will continue to monitor the development of the artist's creativity.

T-Fest- Russian rapper and the idol of today's youth. His compositions are gaining wild popularity, flying at the speed of light on the Internet.

T-Fest is just a stage name, the real name of a popular artist is Kirill Nezboretsky. The boy was born in 1996, in the small town of Chernivtsi, in Ukraine, in the most ordinary family. Mother is an entrepreneur, engaged in private trade, and father is the best children's otolaryngologist in the city.

As a child, parents noticed that their son serious passion for music. Not ignoring his potential and desire, they sent Cyril to a music school, where the boy learned to play the piano. Kirill Nezboretsky loved music so much that the piano course was not enough for him, so he learned to play the drums, and a little later mastered the guitar.

The boy immediately knew that he would closely interact with the musical sphere throughout life. In order to develop in this direction, after graduating from school, Cyril did not enter the university.

Nezboretsky realized that he was fascinated by rap while still in high school, then it was especially fashionable. Each teenager had several rap tracks downloaded to their phone. But the guy did not just listen to music, but wanted to create something of his own. Having stumbled upon the compositions of the rapper Schokk`, Kirill was inspired.

The tracks sunk into his soul so much that he recorded a couple of covers and decided that for the image and sonority he would need a pseudonym. Every day that was devoted to music was perceived by Kirill as a holiday, and the idea for the name “T-Fest” came up, which translates "you are a holiday".

The young man's covers were really good, and soon his work was noticed by the same rapper who was an idol. Schokk` appreciated the work of Cyril, and even recorded with him joint track “Burn with me”.

This was the impetus for further development in the musical field, because Nezboretsky admits that it was the rapper who helped him move on with his support, no matter what.

Kirill is not the only child in the family, he has a loving and understanding brother who also followed the trail of music. Together they, when Cyril Nezboretsky was 17 years old, recorded a composition called “In fact”. But the society could not capture the mood of the track, it was not very listenable.

T-Fest was not going to stop there, he was well aware that failures happen to everyone. For two years, Kirill thought about what he likes, what he wants to bring to life, and realized that he should completely change the style of his compositions.

But the new released track again did not interest the listeners. Then the aspiring artist globally thought about his future actions and decided to radically change everything.

The beginning of the change was a record from 2016 on social networks, where Kirill posted a song with a symbolic one. The changes were not only internal, but also external, T-Fest changed the image by making dreadlocks.

At this time, the guy was selling his beats in order to invest in music and improve its quality. All he wanted was to give his best.

The rapper gained popularity after the video clip for the song "Mom approved", which blew listeners. And right after that, T-Fest finished working on the album “0372”, which was appreciated.

More and more people began to talk about Kirill, and the tracks were actively distributed on social networks, at that moment a famous rapper from Kazakhstan, Scriptonite, saw the potential in the guy, and even offered to cooperate.

Together T-Fest and Scriptonite recorded track "Lambada", which topped the music charts for a year and fell in love with the audience. On this, cooperation with a rapper from Kazakhstan did not stop, he invited Nezboretsky to join the Gazgolder association, which brought together many talented and famous artists.

Cyril did not even suspect that he would someday become popular and thousands of people would listen to his tracks. He does not even consider himself a rapper, he just writes music for his own pleasure. For him, this is like a release, an opportunity to throw out all the accumulated emotions.

Music has never been considered exclusively by the artist type of income if he had something to say, a new composition appeared. T-Fest does not focus on other performers, even very talented ones, it believes that music should be individual.

That is why Kirill puts his soul, his emotions into each track, and not something he heard from other rappers.

It’s not so easy to find out about the rapper’s personal life, since T-Fest prefers not to spread on this topic, but at the moment he is not in a relationship. Cyril admits that in girls he is primarily attracted by sincerity and natural beauty.

This hairstyle is the personification of the Ukrainian rapper, whose real name is Kirill Nezboretsky. The beautiful hairstyle of the tee fest is a real decoration, style and image on stage, she appeared in one of the clips and is truly extravagant. Fans of the t fest hairstyle were appreciated, they found in it a playful and attractive look that looks interesting.

What is the name of the hairstyle at t fest

Men's cropped Afro-braids are called t fest hairstyle, it makes the young man imposing. In the question of how to make a hairstyle like at t fest, you need to know that a lot of styling can be invented, each variation will become an amazing new look. Every man can afford to make such an image, he is popular in the rapper environment, and even girls do not deny themselves such a look.

Before pigtails, the young performer of t fest (ti fest) wore a haircut with pronounced shaved sides and back of the head.

In order for the tee fest hairstyle to shine on your head, it is enough to turn to a good master who will do everything in a short period of time, it takes about two hours.

Features of t fest hairstyle

It may seem that pigtails are unacceptable for a man, but they again creep into new trends and do not cease to be fashionable, and most importantly, they go well with any clothes and shoes.

Afro braids gather many fans every year, and weaving is ideal for short hair, since the long part is artificial materials.

If a young man is a very energetic person, a new hairstyle will suit him perfectly, by the way, and will allow him to stand out from the crowd, emphasizing his individuality. If the hairstyle has become disheveled, it needs to be updated and weave the weave again.

It's not often you see t fest with a normal hairstyle, he tries to look spectacular, but at the same time neat and well-groomed, the latest hairstyle confirms this.

Doing hair like t fest

The t fest haircut is a little longer so that you can make pigtails without any problems.

This is the perfect option for summer season, especially if you are going on vacation, and the hairstyle on your head will look very beautiful. For a certain period of time, a man forgets about disheveled hair, they do not have to be combed.

The weaving process is long even for short hair and requires a lot of work. The minimum amount of hair on the head should be 5 cm, either artificial or cotton threads are used as materials, the color can be chosen from natural to bright.

Member Name: Kirill Nezboretsky

Age (birthday): 08.05.1997

City: Chernivtsi

Family: not married

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Reading this article:

Tfest, aka Kirill Igorevich Nezboretsky was born on May 8, 1997 in the city of Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Grew up in a simple family. Relations with parents were not always easy. They tried to support their son in all his endeavors and the desire to become popular. True, Cyril is sure that they are not destined to understand his true intentions.

Cyril is not the only child in the family. He has a brother named Maxim. He is also interested in music. Max sings backing vocals for T-fest.

Cyril studied at a simple high school. After receiving a certificate in my hands, I decided that I needed to tie up with my studies and devote time to my favorite business. In 2011, he left his parents and began to live independently. With a height of almost 2 m, or rather 190 cm, Cyril weighs 75 kg.

Musical career

When Kirill turned 17 in 2013, he not only took the pseudonym T-fest, but also recorded first track titled "True". If you are puzzled by the translation of Nezboretsky's pseudonym, it will become clear that it means "you are a holiday."

Cyril explains that the choice fell on him not by chance. Each of his concerts is a real holiday. New song, new achievement. He wants to please the public, and therefore is ready to make every effort to achieve the desired goal.

In 2013, the mixtape "Burn" by the Nezboretsky brothers was released. All instrumentals are borrowed by rappers from colleagues from abroad. The release was not noticed by many. After a while, T-fest released the tracks "That's Grown" and "Still In Place". He puts his thoughts into each of his tracks, demonstrating excellent technique, as for such a young age.

In 2016, at the end of January, T-fest announced that it had decided to reboot creativity. He removed all previous media and released a track and a video for the song "Mama Allowed".

In 2017, T-fest released their first album "0372". The name was chosen for a reason - it is the designation of the telephone code of Chernivtsi, where the rapper spent his childhood. The new album T-fest made a splash. Then the eminent rapper Scryptonite, representing the interests of the Gazgolder label, became interested in him. During one of the concerts, Skripi sang a track with Kirill, and later the guys recorded the song "Lambada".

Cyril began to collaborate with the Gazgolder label. Having signed a contract, the rapper did not stop thanking the label for the realization of his main dream, although in many interviews he claims that he was able to achieve all the success on his own.

In 2017, the rapper T-fest presented a new hit "Fly Away". It was received with great enthusiasm by the public. In turn, the rapper decided that he should not stop there, and therefore started working on a new album. The release is secret, but there are rumors that by the end of 2017 it will still take place. The second album was called "Youth 97". The release took place on Vasya Vakulenko's label.

2017 has become significant for T-fest, because in December the rapper's solo concert is to take place in one of the concert halls in St. Petersburg.

The artist has been compared more than once with other rappers, for example, Janix. Despite everything, Cyril firmly and confidently made his way through the thorns to the stars, delighting fans with high-quality products of his work. It is not surprising that colleagues in the genre, as well as representatives of the media, became interested in him.

Personal life and hobbies

Very little information is known about the personal life of the eminent rapper. T-fest consists of serious relationship With girl. Her name is unknown. There is also no information about the wedding.

T-fest idol Dima Bamberg. Cyril calls him "Teacher". He thanks Bamberg for his support on his path of becoming and zeal for glory. He can play drums, piano and guitar. In childhood, he became interested in music.

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Kirill goes to the temple every week for services. He puts candles, and pray for loved ones. T-fest stopped watching TV a long time ago and advises everyone to follow his example.

Kirill's photo

There are few photos on T-Fest's Instagram, but more than 390 thousand subscribers. New personal photos of the artist rarely appear on the Internet, but you can find footage and performances in his Vkontakte group.