Dance studio for children. Dancing for Toddlers Children Dancing at MainWood School

Modern dances for children from 3 years old in Moscow from the club "Soyuz-Sport" is the right way to direct the energy of the baby in the right direction. Classes develop the musical and choreographic abilities of the child, increase his concentration and self-esteem. Being engaged in the company of peers, the kid masters communication skills and broadens his horizons. Parents get acquainted with the results of his achievements during a conversation with a coach and at reporting concerts.

Dancing lessons from 3 years old: benefits for kids

Three years is the age when children show individuality and independence, but still cannot perform most tasks without adult support. Experienced coaches at the World of Movement school teach children to set goals and compare the outcome of actions with the expected result. The program becomes more complicated gradually, and a feasible load develops the vestibular apparatus of a child of 3 years old, teaches him to navigate in space.

The curriculum for 3-4 year old children was compiled by the head of the school, Victoria Kopylova. The complex is designed for a gradual study of all muscle groups. It includes stretching, simple themed dances and games, partner and finger gymnastics. Sports dances at this age develop the musculoskeletal system, become the prevention of flat feet, scoliosis, kyphosis and other problems with the spine.

How are dance classes for a child 3-4 years old?

Modern dances for children from 3-4 years old are an alternative to a sedentary lifestyle, boredom and blues at home. Regardless of the mood with which the guys come, the coaches conduct classes in such a way that they find it interesting and fun. Productive work is carried out in an easy game form. Well-known dance elements are gradually honed, and new dance elements are added.

Children learn sports dances in small groups, under the personal attention of a trainer. Lessons are 60 minutes in a relaxed way and include:

  • warm-up, coordination exercises, stretching, learning to dance to beautiful dynamic music;
  • small surprises that stimulate interest in teamwork;
  • summing up and a compliment from the coach to each pupil at the end of the lesson;
  • gradual familiarization with the basics of acting, elements of training for emancipation.

Registration for dance classes for children

“Movement is life” - we often hear, but immersed in our worries and problems, we practically forget about our children. They have much more energy than adults, it needs to be thrown out somewhere, because this is not always possible in a preschool institution. Yes, they do morning exercises there, but that's all. This is not enough for a growing organism. But what about the internal development of the intellect, attracting the baby to art and everything beautiful? It is the parents who should take care of this, looking for a hobby for the crumbs. Our dance school for the little ones has solved this puzzle. No need to rack your brains and search the Internet for circles and sections where they accept such an age. The best option for a child 3 years and older is a pool and rhythmic movements to the music.

Communication development

Quite often you can meet a crumb on the street or in a clinic who is shy of everything around. Does not communicate with peers, shunning them, hiding behind mom or dad. If the parents do nothing, it will be difficult for such a child to adapt to different segments of the population, including at work. In order for the baby to grow up successful and self-confident, it is necessary to give him to developing circles. Modern dances for young children, a video on the Internet clearly makes it clear that they develop a young body not only on a physical, but also on an emotional level - they liberate, strengthen, coordinate, train. Any dance club for children from 3 years old will reveal the potential of the child in the shortest possible time. After a few classes, relatives will not recognize their fidget, because he will begin to change in better side and at cosmic speed.

healthy generation

If you want to live interestingly - develop, if you want to be healthy - temper yourself. Any movement strengthens the muscular frame, but modern life pulls us in a different, lazy direction. Where do people get obesity, and babies aged 3-4 years are overweight. Minimal movements during the day lead to devastating consequences for the organism, especially if this same organism is still very small. A long rhythm lesson for children 3-4 years old a couple of times a week will completely solve health problems, with curvature of the spine and with a weakened immune system. Parents will forget what trips to doctors, sick days, pills and injections are. You won’t even need to go to the sea to improve your and your children’s body. Profitable? And how! And most importantly - useful.
At this age, a beautiful figure and posture in girls will begin to form, and the bones in boys will go into growth. Our dance club for children from 3 years old competently organizes the leisure of the child, bring your active or modest baby to us, change his development today.

  • What is rhythm and how does it change a child?

    This new, it would seem, word began to appear frequently on the Internet, and in this article we will try to explain what it is and how it affects the development of the child. Many children at a young age like to move to the music, jump, wave their arms, while experiencing emotions of happiness and joy. In this case, you should think about which direction to define your bunny or the sun. Modern rhythm has changed significantly and has become more perfect and more diverse. From the outside, it may seem that this is an ordinary exercise to the music, and in part, this is a true statement. But it is very different from the exercises that children do in kindergarten. Firstly, it is longer, and secondly, it is aimed at strengthening and developing bones and muscles.

    The level of training determines the group

    What movements the child will perform when coming to children's dances for the little ones will depend on the teacher. Our school has brought together the best choreographers with special education in the field of dance and pedagogy, so every professional trainer will find a common language with any kid. Depending on the age, an appropriate program is selected for each group. Little dances for children 3 years old with simple movements, older age with stretching and a complex set of exercises. And it doesn’t matter from what year the baby began to go to classes, he will be assigned to a group of appropriate training. He will feel like a full-fledged link, no different from others.

    From simple to more complex

    And still the question arises “why do we need a rhythm of 3–4 years, if there is modern dances, more interesting and emotionally rich? Our choreographers recommend this particular direction if the child still does not know how to dance at all, is modest and shy, and is also underdeveloped. Simple exercises with musical accompaniment do absolutely everything, they are easy to master and perform. Having started doing dance lessons for little ones, in the future it will be easier to understand and perform more complex elements. In addition, we record rhythm lessons on video, parents will be able to train with their crumbs at home, further stimulating his passion, praising his successes. Come with the whole family to adult and children's educational dances for kids, it will be great and interesting.

    History of occurrence

    A few decades ago, rhythm for children 3 years old was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, but in the 21st century everything has changed. Today it exists in almost every dance school, because its benefits to the children's body are obvious and proven by time. We can say with confidence that every child needs rhythm from the age of 3 for his comprehensive development, so come to us. The first introductory lesson is free and introductory.

  • What should be the dance for children 3 years and older?

    It would seem that a child can dance at such a young age if he can hardly stand on his feet and practically does not eat on his own. Not developing a child everyday life, parents risk getting a clamped and constrained baby as a result. With such it is more difficult to find a common language, communicate and spend time. To prevent this from happening, send your child to dance from 3 years old. Moscow now offers a wide range of schools with excellent choreographers and various modern programs. The benefits that dancing gives are obvious and known from ancient times, and today there are significantly more opportunities than 10 years ago. What stops parents in this modern age? Often the lack of money and time, but a smart dance school for children from 3 years old and not only simplified and diversified the interaction of all participants in the process.

    Strengthens and develops the child's body without stress

    Almost all modern dances are presented to the attention of children and parents, which are of interest to most kids today, but most often the crumbs are happy to master the usual exercises at first glance. The healing rhythm for 3-4 years gently and without stress trains the child's body, strengthens and develops it. After her, the child quickly and easily begins to master more complex dance movements, and by the age of 5 he can be released onto the stage. Not only in the physical plane there is an intensive development, but also in all the rest. Such a baby hears music better, feels the dance. For a 3 year old girl, posture is important and in the future a beautiful figure. For a boy, this is primarily physical strength, dexterity, plasticity and reaction.

    Let us help you unlock your potential

    If someone thinks that dance lessons for children aged 3 and over do not contribute to this, you are deeply mistaken. It is they and nothing else that will contribute to the formation of personality. Let's strive together for a healthy generation through music and movement, and our school and dance for children 3-4 years old will help in this. The first lesson is free, so come and have fun with the whole family. Meet the choreographers, the training program, see how the baby will communicate with other children and interact with them. Properly selected for a specific age, the rhythm of 3 years and older will reveal the potential of the child even at such early stages of his development.
    Hobbies can be different, but modern dances for children 3 years old are mastered faster. To make sure of this, come with your fidget to an introductory lesson.

  • Musical dance games for kids junior group kindergarten

    Description: Dancing games can be used with younger preschoolers on music lessons, and can also be set for the holiday "Mother's Day" or March 8. Music for these dance games can be picked up on the piano or button accordion. Any folk melody suitable according to the words will do. It can be “Oh, you canopy, my canopy”, a melody of ditties. Or maybe the teacher himself will come up with a simple melody. For example, I picked up a simple, easy-to-remember melody. These songs are very fond of kids, and their parents are very touched by looking at them.
    To develop song and dance creativity of children.
    Develop a sense of rhythm, expressiveness of movements, imagination.
    Teach children to move according to the words and melody.
    Making a difference characteristics song and dance - verse, loss.

    Dance with headscarves.

    1 verse:
    Those handkerchiefs are good
    The kids will dance children hold handkerchiefs by the corner at chest level
    circling with handkerchiefs slowly
    verse 2:
    Blow, blow a breeze
    It was a very hot day Children waving a handkerchief
    You circle the scarlet handkerchief,
    Show yourself to all the little guys - children spin around with handkerchiefs

    verse 3:
    I bend down
    And wave my handkerchief Children bend down and wave their handkerchief
    You circle the scarlet handkerchief,
    verse 4:
    No handkerchief ah-ah-ah
    Where is the handkerchief guess - children hide handkerchiefs behind their backs
    Here - children speak loudly
    You scarlet handkerchief show yourself
    Show yourself to all the little guys.

    verse 5:

    No kids ah-ah-ah
    Where are the guys guess - children sit down and cover their faces with handkerchiefs
    Here - Children stand up and speak loudly
    You circle the scarlet handkerchief
    Show yourself to all the little guys - children are circling with handkerchiefs.

    verse 6:
    These are good handkerchiefs
    The little ones bowed children bow
    You circle the scarlet handkerchief,
    Show yourself to all the little guys - children are circling with handkerchiefs.

    Dance "Mom's helpers"

    Performed by boys.

    1 couplet:
    We help our mother, we will wash handkerchiefs
    Like this, like this - we'll wash handkerchiefs
    To lose imitate washing handkerchiefs

    verse 2:
    We rinse handkerchiefs, sons help her
    Like this, like this, her sons help her.
    To lose, they wave handkerchiefs below, “rinse”.
    verse 3:
    We will continue to help, we will squeeze them out
    Like this, like this, we will squeeze them out.
    To lose "squeeze out"
    verse 4:
    On a string of handkerchiefs, all the sons will hang
    Like this, like this, all the sons will hang.
    To lose, taking a handkerchief by two corners, they imitate “hanging” on a rope.

    verse 4:
    The sun will shine, the children will rest
    Like this, like this - the kids will rest
    Legs are set to lose, spinning.
    verse 5:
    And the iron will smooth out a white silk scarf
    Like this, like this, a white silk handkerchief.
    The handkerchief is laid out on one palm, the other is “stroked” from above.
    verse 6:
    We will take a white silk handkerchief by the corner
    Now, now - we will dance for you.
    They dance to lose, spin around.

    Another great song in my opinion. Can pick up a simple melody music director. The song is kind and sweet. Suitable for various activities with kids. For example, for "Mother's Day" or for the holiday of March 8. Children dance with their mothers. Here are the lyrics of the song:

    “We are walking along the path, we are leading our mother”

    1 couplet:
    We walk along the path, we lead our mother.
    We are not in a hurry and look at mommy - 2 times
    Children walk in circles in pairs with their mothers.
    verse 2:
    Mom, mom, look and repeat after me
    Slap yes slap, oh-oh-oh, that's how we dance with you - 2 times
    Children become with mothers, against each other and clap their hands.
    verse 3:
    Let's take mom by the hands, swing our arms together.
    It’s good for us to dance, to swing our arms together - 2 times
    Children and mothers join hands and swing to the sides to the music.
    verse 4:
    Our legs will dance, they will run around mom.
    We will come running and again we will dance with mommy - 2 times
    Children run around their mother and return to their place.
    verse 5:
    You mommy bend over, mommy smile at me.
    How I love you, you are my blood - 2 times
    Mothers bend down, children hug their mothers.

    Little children love music, try to catch the rhythm and move to the beat. The right dance school for children from 3 years old will help develop the abilities and creativity of the child. Here the baby will learn to feel and understand music, he will develop an ear for music and a sense of rhythm. The child will be able to better control his body, he will become more resilient, strong and plastic, and his movements will become clearer. You will notice how your child will develop a beautiful posture and gait. Do not forget that dance lessons for children direct the seething children's energy in the right direction, teach them to express emotions in dance.

    Children's dances - the harmonious development of your child

    Even in ancient Greece, they understood great importance music for the comprehensive development and education of the child. At the same time, it is important that the classes bring pleasure to the kids - only in this case the lessons will be complete.

    Today, dances for children from 3 years old include a warm-up, optimal muscle load, stretching and, of course, learning the basics of choreography, which are an integral part of any dance style. Thus, interest in the art of dance is formed and the foundation is laid for the further development of the child. The acquired skills will help the child feel confident, avoid any complexes in the future. The base created at an early age will help to quickly and easily master many areas of not only classical, but also modern choreography.

    Children's dance teachers at Darya Sagalova's school

    Our school has teachers who love children - and this is always mutual! A pleasant, light and friendly atmosphere always reigns in the hall. The kids themselves happily repeat the movements, trying to do everything beautifully. The teachers of Daria Sagalova's studio have not only considerable experience in working with children's audiences, but also significant professional achievements. They regularly take part in major concerts that take place on the stage of the Crocus City Hall, the State Kremlin Palace, the Olympic and other halls. In addition, they collaborate with many of our pop stars.

    Your child will also have the opportunity to rise to professional heights! In order for students to be able to demonstrate new skills and abilities, we regularly organize reporting concerts. Children, whose achievements are really impressive, take part in various contests and competitions. Over time, they will be able to perform at the largest venues in the capital and work with professional dancers and singers. Everyone has such an opportunity!

    It is equally important that dance lessons for children of 3 years old are an additional opportunity for the child to communicate, social adaptation. The kid will be able to feel like a team and make new friends. Classes are held in a playful way, so children are always happy to attend them - you do not have to persuade your child, as is often the case with kindergarten.

    How to sign up for a trial lesson at Daria Sagalova's school?

    If you want to get acquainted with this dance direction and our school in general, just sign up for a trial lesson. The first lesson will be free for you! Today you can sign up for dances for children from 3 years old in Podolsk and in Moscow. You can leave a request through the form on our website, and our manager will contact you as soon as possible. You can also contact a specialist by phone. We are sure that after the first lesson your child will want to come back to us again and again!

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