Overallity of the Pechorin duel and a pearly analysis of the episode of the scene. Pechorin and Pereshnitsky: Characteristics of Heroes Why Pechorin killed Grushnitsky

In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" There is a conflict between the Pechorin, the main character of the work, and the Hushchnitsky, who plays the role of Pechorin's friend. So why did the duel of Pechorin and the Pereshnitsky turned out to be inevitable?

First, Pechorina could not be buddies, and even more so friends. He is not capable of friendship or affection.

Pechorin is an egoist, which is indifferent to the feelings of other people.

Secondly, the main cause of the duel is jealousy. Grucnitsky was passionate about the prince Mary, but she paid his own attention to Pechorin, to whom the whole game had delivered pleasure. He was amused by how Gruchnitsky tries to return the attention of the princessed Mary. He comes crazy from jealousy and progressive pride, the Pereshnitsky becomes dangerous.

In fact, disagreements between the Pechorin and Grushnitsky began much earlier. They always had a place to be. Heroes are the exact opposite. Lermontov opposed them to each other in order to once again emphasize the bright personality and the extraordinary character of Pechorin.

Despite the position of Pechorin, the Grushnitsky is also far from a positive hero of the novel. He is self-confident. Hushnitsky loves Paphos, always seeks to play the role of a disappointed hero. Pechorin immediately notices all weaknesses and vices of the pears.

Thus, a duel between the pechers and the pears is the disclosure of the conflict of two heroes, which was necessary and inevitable. Lermontov encountered heroes "on one path where you can not dispay the two."

Updated: 2017-03-02

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Duel Pereshnitsky and Pechorin

Purpose: Analyze the episode "Duel Pechorin with Grucnitsky", find out how the characters of the characters are revealed in this episode.

During the classes:

Introduction to the topic

Reading epigraph

"I also do not like him: I feel

that we ever collide with him

on a narrow road, and one of the wrong way. "

As you were able to guess, today it will be discussed about Pechorin's duel with Grucnitsky.

View Duel Scene

Conversation on questions (short retelling)

Why does Pechorin despise the Pereshnitsky?

Who destroyed the "friendly" relationship between Pechorin and Pereshnitsky?

How was the duel provoked? What is the role of the pearshnitsky in this story?

The cause of the duel of Pechorin and the saddlenitsky becomes the unworthy behavior of the Pereshnitsky in relation to the Princess Mary and Pechorin.

What were the conditions of the duel?

What new cunnings made opponents of Pechorin in front of a duel? In front of the duel, Huschnitsky plots meanness: he wants to slip the peopling an uncharged pistol and thereby disgrace it. But Pechorin randomly reveals this meanplace: "... I learned the intention of these gentlemen to think of me, forcing me to shoot with idle charges. But now the case came out of the borders of the joke: they probably did not expect such a junction ..."

How did Pecherin behave when he learned about it? Finally, Pechorin demands a charged pistol, and the sneaky intention of the Grushnitsky cannot. Opponents shoot on equal. Pechorin wounds saddlenitsky. From the injured injury, he falls from the cliff and dies

How do opponents reveal in the scene of the duel?

Comparative characteristics of heroes


Night before duel

"Two o'clock in the morning ... won't sleep ... and it would be necessary to fall asleep, so that my hand was not trembling tomorrow. However, it is difficult to miss six steps. "

"I remember that in the continuation of the night preceding the fight, I did not sleep a minute. I could not write for a long time: I woke up a secret concern. From an hour I went around the room; Then I sat down and opened the romance of Walter Scott, lying on my table: I was "Scottish Puritan" I read first with the effort, then I forgotten, passioned by magical fiction ... "

"Finally later. My nerves calmed down. "

"I do not remember the morning more blue and fresh! .. I remember - this time, more than ever before, I loved nature."

Behavior on the duel

"... Grushnitsky!" I said, "I still have time; refuse your slander, and I will not forgive you everything. You failed to think me, and my pride is satisfied; remember - we were once friends ..."

"... Shoot!" He answered, "I despised myself, and I hate you. If you don't kill me, I'll drop you at night because of the corner. We have no place on Earth ..."

Work with illustration

On the illustration of MA Vrubel "Duel Pechorin with Pereshnitsky" we see Pechorin, Werner and Dragun Captain. Pechorin stands half-handed, his right hand, just fond of pisto-years, tiredly stretched along the body, with his left hand he convulsively custodifies a saber. In position, it is felt fatigue and relaxation after just experienced tension, and in the expression of the face - an understanding of the irreparation of what happened, some perplexity and sad consciousness that he again turned out to be an "execution gun". It seems that he does not see anything around him, but, plunging into his Duma, repeats: "Comedy is finished!" And at the same time, there are some hidden forces in it, the ability to postpone the condemnation of people and remains themselves; He will not leave the duel broken, although he is very hard.

Independent task for students:

Describe the image of Pechorin, created by the artist.


Body position (Pose)

Facial expression


What is the state of Pechorina after a duel? Find a quote in the text ("I had a stone on my heart. The sun seemed to me dull, the rays were not racing me ... The kind of person would be me painful: I wanted to be alone.")

What new character traits did you see in Pechorin? (Given to choose from)

Words for references: vengeful, proud, selfish, sneous, merciful, mercenary, honest, proud, heartless, cruel, courageous, brave, cowardly, human honor.

One of the main characters of the novel "Hero of our time" M.Yu.Lermontova is Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. The work is constructed in such a way as to fully reveal the nature of this hero. After all, the image of Pechorina is collective, the author wanted to show the time hero. That is why all episodes are meaningful and in turn reveal that one, then another face of the person's person.

Pechorin's duel with Pereshnitsky is a very illustrative moment of Pechorin's character, and also shows how different it differs from the same pears and other heroes. Pechorin is forced to ask a challenge to a duel, due to the fact that the Grushnitsky began to weave intrigue and distribute unscrupulous rumors.

In front of Duel Gregoryalesandrovich, they occupy important questions, he thinks about what lived. During reflection, he comes to the fact that he could not guess his destination. It is here that an important feature of the character of Pecherin is revealed, this is his honesty before himself. The concentrated state allows him to see the beauty of the morning on the road to the duel location. Despite the big risk, Pechorin controls itself and shows a sample of self-control.

Hushnitsky could not fulfill his tricky plan and not to shoot in Pechorin. But his pride does not allow him to confess all. He becomes a victim of his unsuccessful enterprise against Pechorina, who behaves very noble. Even knowing about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemies, he is all the chance of the sadness.

After Duele, Pechorin feels depressed, the sun, which before this event seemed bright, now it seems to him dull. A duel made the hero to list a lot and change their mind, and this is very important for the development of his personality.

In this episode, the author put the heroes in the face of death. The controversial nature of Pechorina is revealed here to the full, as the pettyness of Narathnitsky's nature. Pechorin kills him not from anger, rather, he is not yet ready to cross through public opinion. This scene shows the hero of time as he saw his author

Essay on the topic Duel Pechorin and Pereshnitsky

With the help of the description of the Duel Lermontov wanted to more accurately convey the characters characters. From the very beginning, the work in front of the reader appears two completely opposite hero. Grucnitsky is more romantic, which is more behind the fashion, and not behind the soul. It follows from this that Pereshnitsky plays his life and his feelings, adjusting to the environment. It is filled with unreal feelings.

A duel for Pechorin played an important role. He is quite configured to death and ready to die. Pechorin is solved to change the rules of the duel, chooses a dangerous place where there is not the slightest chance for survival. This place was chosen the top of the mountain.

Initially, the hatred of the pearshnitsky to Pechorin was noticeable, it is impossible to call the exact reason, but the opponent was clearly wiser and stronger.

Grucnitsky goes to a duel Knowing, which will lose and so it turns out that he cannot even shoot. Pechorin tried in every way to go to reconciliation, gave an opportunity to emann to leave, but he in turn continued to play his game without understanding that he was too far.

A description of the duel can be divided into several parts, the first covers the day before the duel, and the second occurs. Pechorin always knew what he was doing and gave a report to his actions, so he never doubted or regretted anything. Lermontov did not open a fully image of Pechorin, so the reader cannot fully answer the question about how exactly the hero was.

But the main thing is that the author built a work in such a way that each reader will find something for himself. Also the duel scene does not give us a clear idea of \u200b\u200ba person. The author added a lot of internal monologues, which add the atmosphere to a duel.

The main thing that can be made from the work is that the author by transferring the image of Pechorin calls on a person to look at himself from the side and look into his soul, in order to understand whether the trails of the Pechorinsky traits are of themselves.

Several interesting writings

  • Ostrovsky Snow Maiden Heroes

    The plot for his "Snow Maiden" the great Russian writer is Ostrovsky borrowed from the People's Russian Fairy Tale

    The main character of the work is a boy of unusually small sizes. His growth was no more maiden. However, despite this, he was very smart, finding and bold. Others did not perceive him seriously

How many lives took duel! The progressive honor necessarily required weapons interference, and the hot young heart fought her. Someone honored the honor, and the enemy received a bullet or a sword punch. The theme of satisfaction touched the heroes of the magnificent novel Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". The matching of Pechorin and Hushnitsky could not have a different outcome as death. To understand the reason for such a junction, it is worth referring to the history of the relationship between the heroes of the novel.

  1. So, Pechorin Grigory Aleksandrovich is the central axis of the Roman who keeps the entire plot. He is an extraordinary personality, proud, proud, and at the same time we see him as a lost person, a person without a goal and place in the world. The task of the life of the hero is to understand who he is and why exists.
  2. Grushnitsky is a man with a fervent soul, but with a weak and cowardly character. He is capable of a beautiful speech to conquer the ladies, ready to wave a chass in the battle. But it does not make it weak. Our hero is weak due to the fact that he does not know how to recognize her wrong. He is a kind of progressive person who tries to cover their slack of Farc and the seduction.

The story of their friendship

It would seem that such two natures simply can not be next to each other. But at first, the heroes lead the service, and then the healing water of Pyatigorsk. They cannot be called friends, rather they are familiar due to the fault of the circumstances. Pechistan friendship is not needed, he believes that it does not have the ability. His alleged "comrade" he sees through, all its shortcomings and weakness. Hushchnitsky sees in it who can tell about his love intrigues or talk about the service. But he also in secret hates his "friend" for the fact that he fully diluted his miserable dusk.

A strained relationships arise between the pechers and pears, which are poured into the incident with the sad finals.

Cause Duel

A duel between our characters is the most stressful scene of the whole novel. What is it, actually happening? The answer to this question is the immoral act of Hushchnitsky in relation to the Princess and the Pechistan itself. The fact is that a love triangle arose between the heroes. Grucnitsky is in love with Mary, she loves Pechorin, but he is completely cold to her, the girl's love for him is only a game. The pride of Juncker is lean.

For the fact that Ligovskaya refused him, hero sow gossip about Princess and Pechorin. It could completely spoil the reputation of the ladies, and at the same time her further life. Having learned about this, Grigory causes a dealership to a duel.

Preparation of the fight

Hushchnitsky continues to revenge, using even a challenge to a duel, and plunges meanness. Even more he may be disgraced by Pechorina, giving an uncharged gun. But fate is not on the side of the hero, and the vile intent is revealed.

It is worth noting the spiritual state of Grigory in front of a duel. The hero understands that he may die without fulfilling the purpose of life. Pechorin's mood eats nature.

Duel Description

Let's turn to the duel itself. During her Grigory gives an opponent a chance to correct. This gesture he hints that he does not want the death of the enemy. But the stupid chivalry prevents the Grucnitsky to understand this, because he is convinced that meanness will be saved. Then the Pechorin requires a charged pistol, and the opponents shoot on equal.

Everything ends with the death of Hushchnitsky, so stupid and terrible.

The meaning of the episode and his role in the novel

Obviously, the author added this fragment is not just like that. In it, he most fully reflects the character of Pechorin. The main feature of the work and its innovation is psychologism (a detailed description of the inner world of heroes and their feelings through the situation, gestures and appearance, the interior of the house, etc.), so Lermontov was very important to reveal the soul of Gregory Alexandrovich. All the characters and events are subject to this purpose. Fight - no exception.

How did Duel revealed the character of the hero? She showed his composure and indifferent attitude towards the surrounding. Even for the honor of Mary, he joins because he guarded his skeletons in the closet, namely the novel with a married guest of Ligovsky. Grigory was on their territory in the late hour in front of the Hushnitsky, but not because it was going to Mary. He left the rest of faith. The fight became an excellent means of getting rid of unnecessary guesses that could put on the reputation of the Pechorin itself. It means that it can be called an exclusive egoist and a hypocrite, because he cares only about the external observance of decency. Also, the hero can be characterized by such qualities as revenue and cruelty. He killed a man for the fact that he tried to deceive him and did not recognize it. He did not regret the act of this act.

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The duels caused many troubles and misfortunes of not one family. Sometimes the reasons for such an unpretentious solution of conflicts were the most banal things.

Since the destructive effect of the duel was obvious, then such a way to resolve conflicts was shortly banned, but it did not interfere with time from time to time to such a way to clarify relationships.

The development of relations between the Grucnitsky and Pechorin soon came to a dead end and, according to Grushnitsky, the only way to resolve the conflict could be exclusively a duel.

Acquaintance Pechorin and Grushnitsky

For the first time, Grushnitsky and Pechorin are found in the regiment K. in the Caucasus. The first of them is in the rank of ensign, and the second is the rank of Junker. After some time, Pechorin goes to Pyatigorsk, where he again meets with Hubnitsky. As it turned out, the Junker is here on treatment - during the military service, he was injured and was forced to go here for rehabilitation. Their meeting was spiritual and cute: "We met with old buddies. I began to ask him about the way of life on the waters and notable faces. "

We offer to familiarize yourself with the Roman Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Pechorin in Pyatigorsk spends a long time with a long-time acquaintance. Their relationship look friendly.

Features of the relationship between Pechorin and Grushnitsky

Despite visible friendship and friendly relations, talking about true friendly feelings does not have both from the side of the Grushnitsky and from Pechorin.

Pechorin does not believe in the truth of friendship, he believes that the described feeling of disinterested and devoted friendship is utopia. There are no friends for Pechorin. People with whom he has a pleasant relationship in communication, he calls buddies.

Dear readers! On our site you can familiarize yourself with which belongs to Peru Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov.

From the side of the Grushnitsky, the situation is even worse. He, unlike Pechorina, believes that true friendship is possible and real, but there is no friendship towards Pechorin. Juncker was a leaving of the poor nobles, so his life path often suffered from a lack of finance. So, for example, he could not get high-quality education, to live in his pleasure, indestructible to entertainment and so on. Hearshnitsky envies Pechistan. His friendship is discerned and does not correspond to reality.

Pechorin has an insightful character - it is able to see not only the advantages of the pearshnitsky, but also its negative character qualities. Over time, Grushnitsky understands that Pechorin knows more than he would have to be, therefore the hostility and enmity develops between them.

Cause and reason to the duel

Pechistan has long guess that difficult relationships between him and pears will not end - sooner or later they will face, and this conflict cannot be solved by a peaceful way. The reason for such a conflict was not forced to wait long. The cause of the conflict has become love. In Pyatigorsk, Pechorin and Grushnitsky get acquainted with Prince Mary. Soon, Pechorin becomes a frequent guest of the girl, which brings a lot of sorrows and anger to the Hushnitsky, who is in love with the girl and intends to marry her. However, Pechorin, thanks to his charm and attractions, gradually more and more, starts to occupy the heart of the girl.

Soon, Marie had already completely forgotten about the Huschnitsky and was full of hope for the successful development of their relationship with a young guarantor.

Sugpering Grushnitsky is decided to abuse the girl and her new sweetheart - Pechorin. Herashnitsky dissolves rumors that there is a love relationship between Marie and the Pechorin. At that time, such gossip could serve a bad service for a young girl - those who surround could seriously think that Marie leads a slit life and would have been able to consider it as, perhaps, the future wife, and therefore, Marie would have remained old Virgin.

After Pechorin finds out about these gossip, it is decided to cause a pears on a duel and thus protect and honor and honor the princess Marie. The young Junker was still a chance to prevent a duel - he needed to admit that his stories about the greatness of Marie - fiction and fiction, but proud pearshnitsky does not decide to do it.


False gossip, the meanness of the Grushnitsky did not end, he decides to dismiss Pechorin on a duel and put him an ill-friendly gun. Pechorin, which will randomly recognize about the insidious plans of the Pereshnitsky, does not leave the events to sail downstream and ponders a plan to prevent such injustice towards himself.

When the next time, former friends are again met with each other, (this happens already at the venue of the duel), then Pechorin re-suggests the pears to abandon the fight and make the truth in relation to Pechorin and Marie, but this time the Pereshnitsky responds with refusal.

Understanding that both of them do not go out alive from the fight, it shows the true attitude towards Pechorin. The former friend claims that he hates Pechorin and the tragedy in their relationship to avoid in no way - if they disperse peacefully, then the Huschnitsky will not leave attempts to deprive Pechorina of life, in the extreme case, he will raise and will attack the lieutenant in the dark. Understanding that the duel can be the best option of the end of their relationship, Pechorin demands to provide him with a full-fledged rifle - a discouraged pear, nothing else remains how to fulfill this requirement. Pechorin also changes the place of the duel - now the duelists were to shoot on the edge of the cliff - thus, the death of one of the opponents would be inevitable - even with a minor injury, people would have fallen down, than provoked his death. After the shot, the pearshnitsky gets injured and dies.

Consequences of duel

Since the duels were banned, the Pechorin had to suffer punishment for participating in an illegal action if the incident would be aware of the public. Since the duel ended with a fatal outcome for the Hushchnitsky, the publicity was quite expected. So it happened. After promulgation of information about Duel Pechorin, it receives its punishment - it is transferred to a certain fortress N. It is here that Pechorin is familiar with Maxim Maksimovich and Bella.

For new familiar Pechorin relationship with the duelist, they became destructive - he brought fundamental changes to their life, and not the most positive.

Thus, Pechorin, although it looks frank scoundrel in relation to many things, still has noble character traits. So, for example, he calls for several times to solve the conflict that has arisen peacefully, he does it not because of fear or personal timidity, but because it does not see good reasons to arrange the tragedy. In addition, Pechorin is ready to respond to his actions and words - he is a man of words, while the pearshnitsky is used to acting a cheat and is afraid to admit his wrong.