Plushkin. Plushkin (Dead Souls) Plushkin in the Poem Dead Souls

The brief description of Plushin in the work of "Dead Souls" is a realistic description of the old landlord, its character and lifestyle. The fact is that this character is served by the author in an unusual manner for him - without humor.

Stepan Plushkin - one of the landowners in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This is one of the most significant and deep characters not only mentioned works, but also of all domestic literature as a whole.

For the first time, the hero appears in the sixth chapter when comes to the landowner to buy "dead souls".

The image and characteristic of Plushin in the poem "Dead Souls"

The landowner is distinguished by incredible misfortune and ill-gratefulness.

The hero symbolizes the spiritual collapse of a strong man who has been powdering in the vice of limitless misfortunes, bordering the rigidity: a huge number of products are kept in the barn of landlord, which is not allowed to take anyone, as a result of which the peasants go hungry, and stocks disappear.

Plushkin is rich enough, on his account - a whole thousand fortress. However, despite this, the old man lives as a beggar, feeding with breadcrumbs and dressed in rags.

Symbolism of the surname

Like most characters of the works of Gogol, the surname Plushkin is symbolic. With the help of opposition or synonymizing the name relative to the nature of the appropriate character, the author reveals certain features of this personality.

The meaning of Plushin's family symbolizes an unusually stingy and greedy person, the purpose of which is the accumulation of material goods without a specific purpose of their use. As a result, the collected wealth is not spent or used in minimal quantities.

It is noteworthy that the name of Plushkin is practically not found in the text of the work. In this way, the author shows the worn, the dedication of the hero, the absence of even a hint of humanity in it.

The fact that the landowner is called Stepan, you can learn from his words about the daughter, which he calls upon patronymic. By the way, ordinary peasants from other estates did not know such a name at all, calling the landowner with the named "paid".

Plushkin family

This character is the only one of all landlords, which has a sufficiently detailed biography. Hero's life history is very sad.

In the story story, Plushkin appears in front of us with a completely lonely person, leading an efftumerical lifestyle. A wife who inspired him to manifest the best human qualities and made his life meaningful, long ago left this world.

In marriage they had three children, whose parents were engaged in very prematurely and with great love. During the years of family happiness, Plushkin was not at all similar to himself. At that time, he often called guests to the house, able to enjoy life, had a reputation as an open and friendly person.

Of course, Plushkin has always been very economical, but it has always had a reasonable limits and was not so reckless. His clothes, albeit and did not shine novelty, but still looked neat, without a single patchwork.

After the death of his wife, the hero has changed a lot: he became extremely incredulous and very stupid. The last straw, faster Plushkin, became new problems in the family: the Son lost a big amount in the card, the eldest daughter ran out of the house, and the youngest died.

Surprisingly, nevertheless glimpses of the light sometimes illuminate the dark shutters of the dead man's soul. By selling the Chichikov "Souls" and reflecting on the issue of registration of the knack, Plushkin recalls his school comrade. At this moment, the old man has a weak reflection of feelings.

This is a fleeting manifestation of life, according to the author, talks about the possibility of reviving the soul of the hero, in which, as if at dusk, they mixed with each other a dark and bright parties.

Portrait description and first impression of Plushin

When meeting with plush chischiki, first takes it for the key.

After a conversation with the landowner, the protagonist with horror understands what was wrong.

In his opinion, the old man reminiscent of the beggar, rather than the rich owner of the estate.

All his appearance, like that: cloth a long chin; small, colorless, moving eyes; Dirty, paid bathrobe, says that the hero completely broke away from life.

Appearance and costume

Plushkin's face is strongly elongated and is distinguished by an excessive huge. The landowner never shakes, and his beard became similar to the scraper for horses. Plushkin's teeth left at all.

Hero's clothes are difficult to call such, it looks more like old rags - it looks so robbery that looks worn and untidy. At the time of the narration of the landowner about 60 years.

Character, manner of behavior and sentence

Plushkin - a man with a difficult character. Probably negative features that were so brightly manifested themselves to old age, took place in previous years, but so brightly smoothed their families in family well-being.

But after the death of his wife and daughter, Plushkin finally broke away from life, heleled spiritually, began to treat everyone with suspicion and hostility. A similar attitude of the landowner was tested not only to someone else's people, but also to relatives.

By the 60s Plushkin became very unpleasant because of his hard character. The surroundings began to avoid him, his friends were launched at all, and then completely stopped with him any communication.

Plushkina is broken, laconic, stinging, loaded with integral expressions, for example: "Sadding, Baiet, Eva!, Akormer, Uzho, Subtybral."

The landowner is able to notice any little things and even the most minor mistakes and shortcomings. In this regard, he often picks up to people, expressing his comments with cry and curses.

Plushkin is not capable of good actions, he became an insensitive, incredulous and cruel. He does not even care if the fate of his own children is, and the daughter's attempts to establish a relationship with him the old man emanates. In his opinion, the daughter with the son-in-law is trying to get close to him to get material benefits from him.

It is noteworthy that Plushkin absolutely does not understand the true consequences of his actions. He actually misses herself with a caring landlord, although, in fact, is a tyrant, an incredible feet and whining, a rude and grievous old man who destroys the fate of his people around him.

Favorite classes

The joy in the life of Plushin makes up only two things - constant scandals and accumulation of material wealth.

The landowner loves to spend time in complete loneliness. He does not see the point in receiving guests or act as such. For him, this is only a waste of time that can be spent on more useful classes.

Despite the major financial savings, the landowner leads an ascetic lifestyle, refusing literally in all not only close, servants and peasants, but also to itself.

Another favorite Plushkina occupation is to rap and down. He believes that the reserves that are stored in his barns are not enough, there are not enough land and even the hay. In fact, the situation is completely reverse - the earth is abuse, and the number of reserves is so huge that they are spoiled directly in the repositories.

Plushkin loves to arrange scandals for any occasion, let it be even a minor trifle. The landowner is always unhappy and demonstrates it in the coarse and unsightly form. Puttingful old man is very difficult to please.

Attitude towards the economy

Plushin is rich, but very stingy landowner. However, despite the huge stocks, it seems to him that they are not enough. As a result, a huge number of unused products come into disrepair without leaving the repository.

Having at the disposal a major condition, including 1000 fortress peasants, Plushkin is powered by breadcrumbs and wears rags - in one word, lives as a beggar. The landowner has not been monitored for many years that he is going on in the farm, but it does not forget to control the amount of emphasis in the decanter.

Life goals Plushkin

Talking briefly, the landowner does not have a specific goal in life. Plushkin is completely absorbed by the process of accumulating material resources without a certain purpose of their use.

House and interior rooms

Plushin estate reflects the spiritual launch of the character himself. The buildings in the village are very old, dilapidated, the roofs have long been tamed, the windows are clogged with rag. Circle reigns destruction and emptiness. Even the churches look lifeless.

The estate as if falls apart on the part, which indicates the dealer of the hero from real life: instead of the main things in the center of his attention, there are empty and meaningless tasks. Not in vain, this character is almost deprived of the name, patronymic - it seems to not exist.

Plushkin's manor is striking by its view - the building is in a terrible, dilapidated state. From the street house looks like an abandoned structure, in which no one lives for a long time. Inside the building is very uncomfortable - cold and darkness. Natural lighting only falls into one room - the host room.

The whole house is littered with an old woman, whom every year becomes more and more - Plushkin never throws broken or unnecessary things, as it thinks they can still come in handy.

The office of the landowner is also in full disarray. The view of the room embodies the real chaos. Here is a chair that is not repaired, as well as hours that have long stopped. In the corner of the room there is a landfill - in a shapeless heap, you can see the old shoe and a broken shovel.

Attitude towards others

Plushkin - picky, scandalous man. He is even quite a very small occasion to start a quarrel. Hero rolls its dissatisfaction with the most unsightly way, dropping to rudeness and insults.

The landowner itself is fully confident that he behaves carefully and kindly, but people simply do not notice and do not appreciate it, because they treat him biased.

Probably due to the fact that his son once lost in the card and did not return home, Plushkin with prejudice refers to officers, considering them all the moths and gamblers.

Plushin attitude to peasants

Plushkin's peasants cost brutally and irresponsible. Appearance, clothing and dwellings of serfs look almost the same as the owner. They themselves walk halfland, skinny, exhausted. At times among the peasants, there are shoots - the existence as a fortress plush looks less attractive than life in the run.

About his fortress landower responds negatively - in his opinion, they all looms and loafers. In fact, the peasants work honestly and diligently. Plushhina It seems that the serfs robbed it, and their work is performed from hand badly.

But in reality things are different: the landowner stood so much his peasants, that those despite the cold and hunger, in no case dare to take something from the master's storage.

Li Plushkin "Dead Souls" Chichikov

The main hero of the landowner sells about two hundred "souls". This amount exceeds the number of "peasants", which chikhikov acquired from other sellers. This traces the desire of Plushkin to profit and accumulation. Entering the transaction, the hero understands perfectly well that it represents and what profit he can get for it.

Quotation characteristic Plushkin

Plushkina age "... I live in the seventh dozen! ..."
First impression "... long he could not recognize how the floor was the figure: a woman or a man. The dress on her was completely indefinite, very similar to the female hood, on the head cap, which rustic yard worms worn, only one voice seemed to him a little sipple for a woman ... "

"... oh, baba! Oh, No! [...] Of course, Baba! ... "(Chichikov about appearance P.)

"... I hang in her belt with her belt and for the fact that she scolded a man with rather dinct words, Chichiki concluded that this is true, the key to ..."

Appearance "... it was rather the keyboard than the key to: [...] the whole chin with the bottom of the cheek looked like a scraper from the iron wire, some clean on the stable of horses ..."

"... Such, he [Chichiki] has not yet died. His face did not imagine anything special; It was almost the same as many thin old men, one chin only performed very far ahead, so he had to close his handkerpoint every time so as not to resist; Little eyes have not yet been nervous and ran out of high-grown eyebrows like mice ... "

"... Plushkin muttered something through the lips, because the teeth were not ..."

clothing "... It was much more wonderful to His outfit: I could not get any means and stales, from which Sictrepan was his bathrobe: the sleeves and the upper floors were imprisoned and raised that they were like a yuft *, which goes on the boots; Nazady, instead of two, four floors dangled, of which the cotton paper climbed. On his neck, he also was tied something like that, of which it was impossible to disassemble: Whether, whether the garter, or a lane, just not tie ... "

"... if Chichikov met him, so unfashionable, somewhere among church doors, then probably would give him a copper pen. But it was not a beggar before him, she stood a landowner ... "


and character

"... eight hundred souls has, and lives and lunks worse than my shepherd! ..."

"... fraudster [...] of such a soul, which is difficult to imagine. In prison, the wells live better than he: all people argue with hunger ... "(Sobashevich about P.)

"... Human feelings that have not been deep in it, chamoils every minute, and every day something was lost in this worn ruffling ..."

"... the soul of Plushkina [...] what is badly feeding people? .." "... His, for sure, people die in large numbers? ... "(Chichikov)

"... I don't even advise you to know the road to this dog! - said Sobekevich. - apologue to go to some obscene place than to him ... "

"... does not like officers on strange prejudice, as if all military gamblers and mothers ..."

"... every year the windows were pretended in his house, finally only two ..."

"... every year [...] a small glance was addressed to the papers and pieces, which he collected in his room ..." "... I got enough for the biders who came to take economic works ..."

"... it is a demon, not a man ..." (the opinion of buyers about P.)

"... the word" virtue "and the" rare properties of the soul "can be successfully replaced by the words" savings "and" order "..." (Chichikov About P.)

Plushkin House "... some strange castle looked like a strange disabled person, long, long exorbitant ..."

"... a house that seemed now even sadder. Green mold has already covered a dilated tree on the fence and gate ... "

"... The walls of the house were tested in some places a naked plaster grille and, as can be seen, a lot suffered from all sorts of non-trips, rains, vortices and autumn changes. From the windows only two were open, others were forced by shutters or even clogged with boards ... "

"... I have a low kitchen, precomply, and the pipe is completely collapsed: you will start to trample, you still make a fire ..."

Plushkin room "... He finally found himself in the light and was struck by the confusion. It seemed as if the house washed in the house and there was all the furniture on the time ... "(Chichikov's impression)

"... I could not have to say that the living being in this room lived in the room, if it did not argue his stay old, a worn cap, lying on the table ..."


and Manor Plushkin

"... some special imparable he noticed on all rustic buildings: the log on the breathing was dark and old; Many roofs were driving as a sieve; On Others, there was only a bitch at the top yes of the rheri around the edges of the edge ... "

"... windows on the elections were without glasses, others were shut-up with a rag or zipoon; Balconies under the roofs with railings [...] glanced and smoked even picturesque ... "

"... a crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars, apparently eager, - filled the courtyard; The gates to other courtyards were visible to the right and left. Everything said that here the farm has flowed in an extensive amount, and everything looked overcast. Notice was noticeable noticeable by the picture: neither dismissed doors, nor who came out from somewhere, no living hassle and worries at home! ... "

Peasants Plushkin "... And meanwhile, in the farm, income was going to still: the same for the income was to bring a man, the same brought nuts was covered by any baba; The same taxes of the canvas had to push the tipples - all this was falling into the storerooms, and everything became rotten and rushing, and he himself finally turned into some kind of rushing in humanity ... "

"... After all, I have a people or a thief, or a fraudster: on the day it will be so observed that the caftana is nothing to hang on ..." (P. About his peasants)


about the past

"... But there was a time when he was only a leaning owner! A family man was married, and a neighbor came to have dinner to him, listen and learn from his farm and wise misfortune ... "

"... the owner himself was to the table in a surtuk, although somewhat worn, but tidy, the elbows were in order: no vote ..." (Plushkin in the past)

"... Two pretty daughters [...] Son, a broken boy ..."

"... a kind mistress died ..." (about Plushkin's wife)

Greed plush "... Plushkin has become more restless and, like all the widows, suspicious and miser. [...] The owner became more noticeable to be discovered [...] Finally, the last daughter [...] died, and the old man found one watchman, the keeper and the dominates of his wealth ... "

"... what would seem to need a plush such death of such products? In all life, they would not have to use them even two such estates, which were from him - but he also seemed a little ... "

"... The hay and bread rot, the clashes and the stogs appealed to pure dung, even though the cappist was on them, the flour in the basements turned into a stone, and it was necessary to cut her, to the clutches, canvas and homemade matters it was terribly touched upon: they turned into dust. He had already forgot himself how much he had something ... "


The image of Plushkina and the characteristic of its entity serves as an indicative example of how much a person can sink morally and physically. It is no coincidence that the author calls this hero "Spread on Humanity."

Plushkin is not interested in the spiritual development of his personality, he is indifferent to his own inner world. The landowner is characteristic of petty, stupidity and complete absence of deep experiences. It has no shame, nor conscience, nor sympathy.

The name of Plushkin became a nominal. It denotes pathological greed, petty and stool. In the modern world, the so-called Plushin Syndrome is found quite often and characterizes those people who seek aimless accumulation of material resources.

Menu Articles:

In the poem Gogol "Dead Souls" all characters have traits of collecting and typical. Each of the landowners who attend chikhikov with their strange request for the sale of "dead souls", personifies one of the characteristic images of the landowners of Gogol modernity. Gogol's poem in terms of describing the characteristics of landowners is interesting primarily by the fact that Nikolai Vasilyevich was a foreigner towards Russian people, he was closer to Ukrainian society, so Gogol was able to notice the specific features of the character and manner of the behavior of certain types of people.

Age and appearance of plush

One of the landowners who attend chikchiki is Plushkin. Until the personal acquaintance of Chichiki, something already knew about this landowner - basically it was information for his misfortune. Chichikov knew that thanks to this feature, the fortress plush "Mrut, like flies", and those who do not die, run away from him.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the brief content of the work of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba", in which the theme of patriotism and love for the Motherland reveals.

In the eyes of Chichikova Plushkin became an important candidate - he had the opportunity to bother a lot of "dead souls".

However, to see the estate of Plushin and to meet him personally, the Chichikov was not ready - the picture that opened in front of him wriggled him into bewilderment, Plushkin himself also did not stand out from the common background.

To his horror, Chikchikov realized that the person he accepted for Klobunitsa is not really a key, but the landowner Plushkin himself. It was possible to accept Plushin for anyone, but only not for the richest landlord of the county: he was exorbitantly skinny, his face was a little elongated shape and the same terribly skinny, like the body. His eyes were small and unusually alive for the old man. The chin was very long. The appearance of it complemented a toothless mouth.

In the work of N. V. Gogol "Shinel" reveals the theme of a small person. We offer to familiarize yourself with his summary.

Plushkin's clothes were absolutely not similar to clothes, it could even be called it. Plushkin absolutely did not pay attention to his costume - he was applied to such an extent that his clothes became similar to rags. Plushin was quite possible to take for the vagabond.

Natural senile processes were added to this appearance - at the time of the narrative Plushkin was about 60 years.

Name problem and importance

The name of Plushkin is never found in the text, it is likely that it is made intentionally. In this way, Gogol emphasizes the detachment of plush, the involvement of its character and the lack of humanistic start in the landowner.

In the text, however, there is a moment that can help detect the name of Plushkin. The landowner from time to time calls her daughter by patronymic - Stepanovna, this fact gives the right to say that Plushkin called Stepan.

It is unlikely that the name of this character is chosen as a specific symbol. Translated from Walnk Stepan denotes the "crown of the diadem" and indicates the permanent attribute of the goddess of the gera. It is unlikely that this information was decisive when choosing a name, which cannot be said about the surname of the hero.

In Russian, the word Plushkin is used for the nomination of a person of distinguished misfortune and mania to accumulate the raw material and material base without any purpose.

Plushkin marital status

At the time of the narration, Plushkin is a lonely man leading a ascetic lifestyle. For a long time he is wondering. Once the life of Plushkin was different - his wife brought the meaning of life into the being of Plushkin, she stimulated the emergence of positive qualities in it, contributed to the emergence of humanistic qualities. They were born three children in marriage - two girls and a boy.

At that time, Plushkin was not at all like a petty shine. He gladly took the guests, was a sociable and open person.

Plushkin has never been a transzhira, but his stupidity had its reasonable framework. The clothes did not differ in the novelty - usually he walked in a suntuk, he was noticeably renewed, but he looked very decently, there was not even a single patchwork.

Causes of character changes

After the death of his wife Plushkin completely succumbed to his grief and apathy. Most likely, he did not have a predisposition to communicate with the children, he was not interested in a little and fascinated the process of education, so the motivation to live and revive for the sake of children did not work for him.

In the future, he begins to develop a conflict with older children - as a result, they are tired of constant grinding and deprivation, leave the father's house without its permission. The daughter marries without a blessing of Plushin, and the son starts at military service. Such liberty was the cause of Plushkin's anger - he curses his children. The son was in relation to the Father categorical - he completely interrupted with him contact. The daughter still did not refuse his father, despite such an attitude towards her relatives, it from time to time visits the old man and brings his children to him. Plushkin does not like to mess around with grandchildren and perceives their meetings extremely cool.

The younger daughter Plushkin died, being a child.

Thus, Plushkin remained lonely in his big estate.

Plushkin estate

Plushkin was considered the richest landowner in a county, but Chichikov, who came to his estate, it seemed that it was a joke - the Plushkin's estate was in a wind state - repairs in the house did not make many years. On the wooden elements of the house it was possible to see moss, the windows in the house were skipped - it seemed that in fact no one lives here.

Plushkin's house was huge, now he was empty - in the whole house Plushkin lived alone. Because of his desolation, the house resembled an ancient castle.

Inside the house there was little differed from the appearance. Since most windows in the house were clogged, then the house was incredibly dark, and it was difficult to see anything. The only place where sunlight penetrated is Plushkin's personal rooms.

In the room Plushina reigned an incredible mess. It seems that it has never been cleaned here - everything was in a web and dust. Everywhere broken things were lying around, which Plushkin did not dare to throw out, as I thought that they could still need him.

The garbage was also not thrown anywhere, but it was immediately in the room. Plushkin's written desk was not an exception - important papers and documents here were in front of the garbage.

At home Plushkin grows a huge garden. Like everything in the manor it is in running. Behind the trees have long been no longer cared, the garden of poros of weeds and small bushes, who Opal Hop, but even in this garden is beautiful, it is dramatically distinguished against the background of launched houses and dilapidated buildings.

Features of the relationship of Plushin with serfs

Plushkin is far from the ideal of the landowner, he with his serfs behaves rudely and cruel. Sobekevich, telling about his attitude to serf, argues that Plushkin will make his subjects with hunger than significantly increases mortality among serfs. The appearance of the fortress plush becomes a confirmation of these words - they are too thin, immensely skinny.

It is not surprising that many serfs run away from Plushin - life in the run more attractive.

Sometimes Plushkin pretends to take care of his fortress - he enters the kitchen and checks, whether they eat well. However, he does it for no accident - while controlling the quality of nutrition, Plushkin has time from the soul to nourish. Of course, this trick did not disappear from the peasants and became a reason for discussions.

Plushkin all the time accuses his fortresses with theft and fraud - he believes that the peasants always try to rob him. But the situation looks completely different - Plushkin stood so much of his peasants, that they are afraid to take at least something without the knowledge of the landowner.

The tragedy of the situation is also created by the fact that the storage room of Plushkina is frozen from food, almost all this comes in disrepair and then throws out. Of course, Plushkin could give surplus to her serfs, thereby improving the vital conditions and raising his authority in their eyes, but greed takes the top - it is easier for him to throw unsuitable things than to make a good deed.

Characteristics of personal qualities

In the old age Plushkin became an unpleasant type due to its squabble character. People began to tear him, neighbors and friends began to travel more and less often, and then they stopped communicating with him at all.

After the death of his wife Plushkin preferred a secluded way of life. He believed that guests always harm - instead of doing something really useful, you have to spend time in empty conversations.

By the way, such a position of Plushkin did not bring the desired results - his estate confidently came to the launch, until the type of abandoned village was finally found.

In the life of the old man-plush, there are only two joys - scandals and accumulation of finance and raw materials. Sincerely speaking, he is alone, and another is given to the soul.

Plushkin surprisingly possesses the talent to notice any little things and even the most insignificant flaws. In other words, he is overly picky to people. He was not able to express his comments in force - mostly he screams and sabs his servants.

Plushkin is not able to do something good. He is a worn and cruel man. He is indifferent to him the fate of his children - he lost his son, his daughter periodically tries to go to reconciliation, but the old man stops these attempts. He believes that they have a mercenary goal - a daughter with the son-in-law want to frozen at his expense.

Thus, Plushkin is a terrible landowner who lives a certain goal. In general, it is endowed with negative features of character. The landowner himself does not recognize the true results of his actions - he seriously thinks that he is a caring landowner. In fact, he is tyrant, the fading and destroying of the fate of people.

1. The history of writing the poem "Dead Souls".
2. The main task that N.V. put in front of him Gogol when writing a poem.
3. Stepan Plushkin as one of the representatives of the landlord.
4. Appearance, life and morals Stepan Plushkin.
5. Causes of moral decomposition of the hero.
6. Conclusion.

Famous poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" was written in 1835. It was during this period that a special popularity in the literature received such a direction as realism, the main goal of which was the truthful and reliable image of reality through the generalization of the typical traits of a person, society and life in general.

Throughout the creative path of N.V. Gogol was interested in the inner world of man, its development and formation. With its main task when writing the poem "Dead Souls", the writer has set the opportunity to comprehensively show the negative features of the landlord. A vivid example of such a generalization is the image of Stepan Plushkin.

Plushkin appears in the sake not immediately, this is the last landowner to which the visit of Chichikov during his journey. However, for the first time, brief reviews about his lifestyle and the character of Chichikov learns the mimolet during communication with Nozrevy and Sobashievich. As it turned out, Stepan Plushkin is a landowner who is already in sixty, the owner of a large manor and more than a thousand serfs. The hero is distinguished by special misfortune, greed and mania to accumulation, but even such an imparting characteristic did not stop Chichikov and he was being met for acquaintance with him.

Chichikov meets the hero in his estate, which was in decline and empty. Not exception has become the main house: all rooms in it were locked, except for two, in one of them and ached a hero. It seemed that in this room Plushkin folded everything that he came to his eyes, any trifle, which he later did not use anyway: it was broken things, broken dishes, small pieces, in one word - anyone unnecessary trash.

The appearance of Plushina was the same untidy as his home. It was clear that the clothes had long been unusable, and the hero himself looked clearly older than his years. But it was not always that ... More recently, Stepan Plushkin lived a measured, calm life surrounded by his wife and children in his native estate. Everything changed overnight ... A wife suddenly dies, his daughter marries an officer and runs away from his home, son - goes to serve in the regiment. Loneliness, longing and despair traveled by this man. All that, what seemed to be, his world was held, collapsed. The hero fell in the spirit, but the last drop was the death of his outstand - the youngest daughter. Life was divided into "to" and "after". If Most recently, Plushkin lived only for the sake of the well-being of his family, now now he sees his main goal only in a meaningless filling of warehouses, barns, houses at home, in moral outbuilding itself ... He goes crazy. Emerging every day of misfortune, greed finally broke out a thin and before the stretched thread of relations with children, which as a result were deprived of his blessings and monetary content. This manifests itself a special cruelty of the hero in relation to loved ones. Plushkin loses a human face. After all, it is completely outreach, chikhikov in the first minutes of acquaintance with the hero sees an intimate creature in front of him, which takes for an elderly woman - a key. And only after a few minutes of reflections, he understands that he is still a man.

But why exactly like this: moral exhaustion, collapsed estate, mania to accumulation? It may thus only tried to fill his inner world, its emotional emotion, but this initial passion over time turned into a destructive addiction, which is on the root, from the inside the hero was taken. But he did not have enough love, friendship, compassion and simple human happiness ...

Now it is impossible to say with full confidence, no matter how hero was if he had a favorite family, the opportunity to communicate with children and close people, because Stepana Plushina N.V. Gogol portrayed in this way: the hero that "lives aimlessly life, stabby," being, according to the author of the poem itself, "Spread on humanity." However, in spite of everything in the soul of the hero, they still have those human feelings that were not known to other landowners who have visited Chichiki. First, this is a sense of gratitude. Plushkin is the only one of the heroes, who considered it right to express his gratitude to Chikchiku for the purchase of "dead souls". Secondly, he is not alien to a reverent attitude to the past and to the life that he was not enough now: what an inner inspiration ran through his face with a simple mention of his long-time friend! All this suggests that he was not going out in the soul of the hero of the light of life, he is and he will be warm!

Stepan Plushkin, of course, cause pity. It is this image that makes you think about how it is important to have in the lives of loved ones, who will always be near: and in minutes of joy, and in moments of sadness that will support, reach out and remain nearby. But at the same time it is important to remember that in any situation it is necessary to remain a person and not lose its moral appearance! Need to live, because life is given to everyone to leave behind a memorable mark!

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 3

    ✪ Plushkin. In Plushkin's house

    ✪ Chichikov in Plushin

    ✪ Plushkin. Deal


Plushina biography:

In his youth was married, was the father of two daughters and her son. He was the owner of the richest estate. Heard with a lean owner:

The neighbor came to have lunch to him, listen and learn from his farm and wise miserness. Everything flowed alive and was accomplished by measured: Mills were moving, valves, dried faces, joinery, strainers; Everywhere, everything was part of a keen look of the owner and, as a hardworking spider, ran his thoroughly, but stopped, at all ends of his economic cobweb. Too strong feelings were not reflected in the features of him, but the mind was visible in the eyes; The spelling and knowledge of the world was penetrated by his speech, and the guest was pleased to listen to him; Friendly and the speaking mistress was famous for herbs; There were two pretty daughters, both blond and fresh, like roses; The son ran away, a broken boy, and kissed everyone, a little paying attention to that, glad, or was not happy to be this guest. All windows were opened in the house, the mezzanine was occupied by the Frenchman's apartment teacher, who was shaving nicely and was a big shooter: he always brought to the dinner of aunt or ducks, and sometimes one sparrow eggs, of which I ordered my scrambled eggs, because more in the whole house Nobody ate her. On the mezzanine, his complision, the mentor of two girls lived. The owner himself was to the table in a surtuk, although somewhat worn, but neat, the elbows were in order: nowhere is there any patch. But the kind mistress died; Part of the keys, and with them small concerns, moved to it. Plushkin became restless and, like all the widows, suspicious and stingy. He could not rely on senior daughter Alexander Stepanovna, and he was right, because Alexander Stepanovna soon ran with the headquarters of the Rothmistrome, the god of the cavalry regiment, and he happened to him somewhere back in the village church, knowing that his father Does not love officers on strange prejudice, as if all military gamblers and mothers. Father sent her a curse on the road, and she did not care. The house has become even empty. In the owner, it became more noticeable to be revealed to be discovered, which flashed his gray hair in his hard hair, her faithful girlfriend helped her even more to develop; The French teacher was released because his son had time to serve; Madame was driven, because it was not sinless in the abduction of Alexandra Stepanovna; Son, being sent to the provincial city in order to find out in the chamber, according to Father, the service was essential, determined instead of the regiment and wrote to his father in his definition, asking for money for an outfit; It is very natural that he got on this what is called in Proshodia Shish. Finally, the last daughter, remaining with him in the house, died, and the old man found one watchman, the keeper and the dominates of his wealth. Lonely life gave heartable food of misappropriation, which, as you know, has wolf hungry and the more devouring, it becomes insceptible; Human feelings that have not been deep in him, chamoils every day, and every day something was lost in this worn ruin. Having happened under this minute as if it was noticeable to confirm his opinion about the war, that his son was played in the card; He sent him his father's curse from his heart and was never interested in knowing whether he had in the world, or not. Every year the windows were pretended in his house, finally left only two.<…> Every year it left the type of more and more main parts of the farm, and a small glance turned to his papers and pieces, which he collected in his room; It became unsselporated to the biders who came to take economic works from him; The biders were traded, they traded themselves and finally threw it at all, having said that it was a demon, not a man; The hay and bread were rotten, the clashes and the stogs turned into clean manure, even thumping a cabbage on them, flour in the basements turned into a stone, and it was necessary to cut her, to the clutches, canvas and homemade matters it was terribly touched upon: they turned into dust. He already forgot himself how much he had something, and remembered only, in what place he was standing in the closet the charter with the rest of some tincture, on which he made the mark himself, so that no one would drink it to it, but he lay a feather or Surgicchik. Meanwhile, in the farm, the income was going to be as before: the same number was supposed to bring a man, the same brought nuts was covered by every woman, the same amount of canvas had to push the tipples, - all this was falling into the storerooms, and everything became rotten , and he himself turned finally in some kind of bandaged in humanity. Alexandra Stepanovna somehow came two times with a small son, trying whether it was impossible to get something; It can be seen, a hiking life with the headquarters did not be so attractive, what seemed before the wedding. Plushkin, however, I forgave it and even gave a little granddaughter to play some button, lying on the table, but did not give anything to anything. Another time Alexandra Stepanovna arrived with two babes and brought him a cake to tea and a new robe, because the father had such a bathrobe, which was not only asked, but even ashamed. Plushkin climbed both grandchildren and, planted them with one on his right knee, and the other on the left, shook them at all as if they were driving on horseback, Kulich and bathrobe took, but the daughter did not give anything decisively; With theme and left Alexander Stepanovna.

Describing the manic greed of his hero, Gogol reports: ... he walked every day through the streets of his village, looked at his bridges, under the crossbars and everything that came across to him: the old sole, the Babius rag, the iron nail, the clay shard, - everything dragged to himself and folded into that bunch, which chikhiki I noticed in the corner of the room ... after him there was no need to revenge the street: it happened to lose the officer to lose the spur, the spur of this moment went to the famous heap: if Baba ... forgotten the bucket - he dragged the bucket.

The writer gives a description of the following appearance of his unusual hero: his face did not imagine anything special and looked like other thin old men. Only the chin performed very far forward, but they attracted the attention of small eyes, running like mice from under high raised eyebrows. It was much more wonderful to the outfit: it could not be done with any means and stales, from which it was compressed by his bathrobe: the sleeves and the upper floors were planted and raised that they were like a yuffy, which goes on his boots; Behind instead of two, four floors dangled, of which the cotton paper climbed. On the neck, it was also tied something that that was not possible to disassemble: whether stockulock, whether the garter, or a lane, just not tie.

The meeting of Chichikova Hero with Plushkin in it is preceded by a description of a ruined village and a dilapidated surname estate Plushkin: some special impact noticed he (that is, chikhikov) on all wooden buildings: the log on the outbreak was dark and old; Many roofs were drove as a sieve: Only a horse left at the top yes, the windows on the sides in the form of a Röbember ... The windows on the elections were without a glass, others were shut-up with a cloth or zipoon ... Parties began to turn out to be a strange castle, Long, long exorbitant ... The walls of the house were put together by a naked plaster grille ... From the windows only two were open, others were forced by shutters or even clogged with boards ... Green mold was already covered with a fence and gate. Some revival brought the "funny garden" in this sad picture - the old, overgrown and stirred, went somewhere in the field.

With the appearance of the owner of all this, the first decay of the seams of chichikov initially takes him for the old woman - the keystone - so wonderfully, dirty and poorly dressed: Listen, Mother, "he said, leaving her bright - that Barin? ...


According to some researchers of Creativity N. V. Gogol, the image of this semi-mounted landowner-Skopidoma is the most bright and successful in the description of the "Business Partners" Chichikov in the "Dead Soul" poem and represented the greatest interest for the writer himself. In the literary criticism there was a perception of this unusual character N. V. Gogol as a standard of scopidomism, greed and crumbling. The writer itself is undoubtedly interested in the history of the transformation of this, in the youth of the educated and unfortunate man in a walking, even for his own peasants and in a sick, a malicious person, refused to support and participate in the fate of his own daughters, a son and grandchildren.

In Russian spoken language and in the literary tradition, the name "Plushkin" became a numerous designation for petty, stingy people covered by passion for the accumulation of unnecessary to them, and sometimes completely useless things. His behavior described in the poem N. V. Gogol is a typical manifestation of such a mental illness (mental disorder), as a pathological storage. In foreign medical literature, a special term is even introduced - "

Plushkin Stepan - Character Poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls", the fifth and last "seller" of the dead souls. He is the personification of the full death of the human soul. In this character, a bright identity was died, absorbed by the misfortune. Despite the persuasion of the companion, not to go to him, Chichikov decided to spend this landowner, as it is known that he has a high mortality of peasants. Being a master of 800 and more souls, Plushkin lives in a dilapidated estate, feeds on crumbs, wearing old, felling things, and also poorly contains their wards. He picks up every unnecessary bellish, which is found on his way and brings home. And the launch and littering of his house vividly testifies to the mess in the consciousness of Plushhina himself.

It is known about this character that earlier he was a rich and economic landowner and the father of three children, but after the death of his beloved wife completely changed. The children left him: the eldest daughter married a cavalryist and left, the son went to the army, and then played, the youngest daughter died. The relationship with children was smashed. Having a rich condition, he never wants to help them. Knowing all this, Chichikov is afraid to even start talking about their "business." However, the old man is surprisingly well accepting his proposal to redeem "dead souls" and even offers assistance in the design of the bundles in the city, since the chairman of his long-time comrade. According to the author, this character is deeply unhappy. The shadow with the light was forever mixed in his soul.