Piece Thunderstorm Wild and Kabaniha. Dark kingdom in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm": wild and kabanya

june 20 2010.

Kabaniha is very rich. This can be judged because its trading affairs go beyond the limits of Kalinov (on her instruction Tikhon went to Moscow) that she respects Wild. But the cases of Kabani are not interested in the playwright: another role is assigned to it. If the coarse force is shown in the wilderness, then Kabaniha is an expressant of ideas and the principles of the "Dark Kingdom". She understands that some of the money has no money yet, another indispensable condition is the humility of those who have no money. And she sees her main care to stop all the possibility of inconsistency. She "Eat Eats" home to kill the will in them, any ability to resist. With Jesuit sophistication, she exhausts the soul of them, insults their human dignity of anything with any suspicion. She skillfully uses various techniques. For the approval of his will.

Kabanich knows how to talk and friendly-instructive ("I know, I know that you are not my words in particular, but what to do something, I'm not alien to you, I have a heart hurts about you"), and hypocritically predicted ("Mother Stara , stupid; Well, you, young people, smart, should not be with us, fools, and collect "), and powerfully order (" Look, remember! On my nose to myself, bow! "). Kabaniha tries to show his religiosity. Words: "Oh, sin grave! Like it for a long time to sinless! "," Only one sin! " - constantly accompany her speech. It supports superstitions and prejudices, strictly observes the vintage customs. It is not known whether Kabanius believes in ridiculous fecles and signs of citizens, she herself does not say anything like that. But it resolutely stops all sorts of manifestations of freedomiff. Saying against prejudice and superstitions it condemns, and superstitious prophecies are citizens that "this gift will not pass," supports and suggestively says to his son: "You do not see older yourself! They know your more. Old people have all the signs. The old word will not say the word. " And in religion, and in ancient customs, she sees the main goal: to put a person, keep it in eternal fear. She understands that only fear can keep people in submission, extend the shameless domination of self-masses. For the words of Tikhon, why the wife fear him, Kabanova exclaims in horror: "How, why be afraid! How, why be afraid! Yes, you crushed, or what? You will not be afraid of, and I am suppressed. What is the order of it in the house? After all, you, tea, you live in the law. Ali, in your opinion, the law does not mean anything? " She protects the law to which the weak must be afraid of the strong, according to which a person should not be their will. As the faithful guard of this order, she teaches his home in sight of the crowd of citizens. After recognition, she loudly, he tells Tikhon with the celebration: "What, son! Where will the will leads! I said, so you did not want to listen. So I waited! "

In the son of Kabani, Tikhon, we see a living embodiment of the goal to which the rulers of the "Dark Kingdom" are striving. They would be completely calm if they could make all people the same scored and cramless. Thanks to the efforts of "Mama", Tikhon was so impregnated with fear and humility, which does not even dare to think about living with his mind and his will. "Yes, I, Mama, and I don't want to live my will. Where can I live your will! " - He assures his mother.

But Tikhon is a good man. He is kind, responsive, sincerely loves and regrets Katerina, alien to any mercenary aspirations. But all the human is depressed in the despotism of the mother, he becomes a submissive performer of her will. However, Katerina makes even submissive Tikhon raise a protest voice. If the first words of Tikhon in the play: "Yes, how can I, Mama, disobey you!", At the end, he throws a passionate man with despair in her face, an angry charge: "You wanted her! You! You!"

Unbearable under the morning of the Kabani, longing for freedom, the desire for love and loyalty - all this, which did not find a review in Tikhon, was the reason for the origin of the feeling of Katerina -K Boris. Boris is not similar to the remaining inhabitants of Kalinov. It is formed and seems like a person from another world. As, he is also depressed,. And it. Does a young woman hopefully find a relative soul in it, capable of answering her hot feeling. But Katerina bitterly deceived in Boris. Boris only appears to appear better than Tikhon, in reality he is worse. Like Tikhon, Boris does not have his own will and obeysly obeys.

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The name of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky is one of the most norny in the history of Russian literature and the Russian theater. B. 1812, Great Russian writer A. I. Goncharov, welcoming the Ostrovsky on the day of the thirty-seater of his literary activity, said: "You have done everything that applies to make a great
Talent. ... After you, we, the Russians, we can proudly say: "We have our Russian national theater. He should be called "Ostrovsky Theater". On the realistic traditions of the Island drama, many generations of Russian authors were brought up. But the very merit of Ostrovsky is that the significance of his work is far from only the theatrical influence. His plays are, above all, talented literary works that have had a huge impact on the development of Russian literature. The topics of the Pieces of Ostrovsky is very diverse. Ostrovsky came to Russian literature in the sixties of the XIX century, during the liberation struggle, during the years when advanced people fought against any forms of violence over personality, fought for the independence of man, for his human dignity, for the right of a person to manage his fate. During these years, the Ostrovsky writes the plays about the Russian intelligentsia, about the new, in Russia, the class of bourgeoisie, creates a lot of plays about merchants. Ostrovsky very often called Columbus Zamoskvorechye.
Together with the works of Ostrovsky to Russian literature, the term "Samoramon" was entered. It was not a new word invented by the writer, but the Ostrovsky invested in this word a special meaning. Samodor Ostrovsky is the owner of life, this one who is subject to everything and all, is the one who can mock people with impunity, not believing with their human dignity, this is the one who ruled to do everything wants. Before the island, the sickness was considered a sign of a bad nature, but the Ostrovsky for the first time in his works was perfectly clearly and clearly said that the Samodorism was "based on a wide mostery" that it keeps on money, which give the right to manage and command. In 1859, Ostrovsky created one of the bright works, the drama "thunderstorm". The Piez "Thunderstorm" was a response to those questions that were worried about the advanced people of Russia of the 60s and, mainly to the question of the situation of women in society, in the family. In the play "Thunderstorm" the main heroine is dying, and the first impression may have to work out that she died because he could not defend the right to love. But when we analyze the events that unfold on the stage, it is absolutely clear that the reason for the death of Katerina is a collision with the "dark kingdom" of self-rigging, who lingering all the living around themselves, in the "Thunderstorm" the world of self-director is represented by two figures. This is Savel Prokofievich Wild, rich merchant city of Kalinova, and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, a merchant widow.
Wild - the main figure in Kalinov. He is rude and very rich, everything is trembling in front of him. When the wild goes around the city, not only people, but the dogs run away from him. He is worthwhile to turn a person, offend him. His home, too, avoid meetings with him, especially when wild anything is very annoyed. Wildly is very rich:
Half of the city he holds in a fist, makes it work for himself, and when it comes to pay, then he pays money very reluctantly. Wild or not at all pays for those who worked on him, or makes them, is noteplied by the promised fee. "What is special here," he explains to in love, "I have a penny for him, and I have a whole state." The authorities support wild, because he is "his" man, he is a support of the Governing and Politzmeter: They are not profitable to quarrel with wild. It is impossible to please the wilderness. Kudryash says that he has (wild) all life on curses is based. The most important feature of wild - rudeness. Rough, he with everyone: with his workers, and with each passersby in the city, Rough and in his family. Wildly Baiss himself with his authority: no one can move to him. When Kuligin appeals to him asking him to give money to establish in the city of Sunny clock, then Wildly shouts: "What do you climb to me with every nonsense! Maybe I'm with you and I do not want to say. You had to learn before, is it located to listen to you, fool, or not. So straight with the digit and climb talking. " Wild does everything that he wants, because he knows that he should not crush a person with his money. "For others you are an honest person, and I think you are a robber, that's all. I wanted to listen to you from me? So listen! I say that the robber and the end! What are you, to sue, what will you, will you be with me? .. So know that the worm, I will want to give up. " The main meaning of wild life - enrichment.
He cannot cope with him when you need to pay with the workers. He himself says that he has a "heart". "I will give, I will give, and wrap. Therefore, it will become all the inner toggar ... and in those pores for nothing to wrap. Wildly ignorant and superstituted. Thunderstorm in his understanding is a manifestation of some kind of supernatural power. In speech, there is a lot of spacious: "Al", "that,", "propagate the propagation", etc., but most of all in her curses: "Damned Dark", "Robber" and others.
Another bright representative of the world of "Dark Kingdom" acts in the play of Kabaniha. Kabaniha - protector of the old basics of life, rites and customs of the "Dark Kingdom". It seems to her that the children began to go out of the obedience of parents. From their children and Katerina, it requires the fulfillment of all vintage rites that prevent the manifestation of all sincere feelings. She herself makes put on his feet. Shouts in Katerina: "What is hanging on the neck! Not with a lover. Al Order Do you know? Bow to legs! " It is outraged by the fact that Katerina "does not work," byding her husband. Kabaniha feels that an end to an old old, she constantly complains of the non-execution of young people, to live on her inability, although in her house everyone obeys her. Kabaniha hates everything new, believes to all ridiculous fudges. Kabaniha is not engaged in trading activities as wild, and therefore its activity is a family. She is not considered with the interests and inconsistencies of their children; At every step insults them with their suspicions and reproach. According to her conviction, the basis of family relations should be fear, and not mutual love and respect. Freedom, according to Kabani, leads to the collapse of old orders. Kabaniha - Jealous and defender of the moral principles of the housework. Her "heart sound" feels that new times come, and therefore it pursues in their homework any manifestation of dissent.
There is a lot of common between wild and ribs. They are united by despotism, superstition, ignorance, heartlessness. But wild and kabani do not repeat each other, but complement. Kabaniha wilder wilderness. Wild does not cover his homework. Kabaniha is hiding behind God, to whom she supposedly serves. Kabaniha is terrible and more harmful. Its authority is recognized by everyone, even wild tells her: "You are alone in the whole city know how to talk me." Kabaniha never swears, does not use fading words, but what mockery does not feel from her "affectionate" words: "I did not hear, my friend, did not hear, I don't want to lie. So I heard, I would be with you, my dear, then I didn't speak. " The image of the kabani is typical. She is a defender of spiritual darkness, bible socio-economic relations in which money play a decisive role. She shakes all the living around him. She made her son with a moral cripple, freak, fearing up to defend his family interests. She led Katerina to death, made the barbarian to escape from the house. It is absolutely impossible to live near her.
Drawing images of these heroes, the Ostrovsky is completely clearly shown that life in provincial Russia lagged behind and cruel, which people rule this life, who are not affected by human dignity and the internal aspirations of others. Such is a harsh sentence to self-made Russian life, sounding in the drama "Thunderstorm".

Writing on literature on the topic: Dark kingdom in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm": Wild and Kabaniha

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Dark kingdom in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm": wild and kabanya

As you know, there are several types of heroes in classic works and fairy tales. This article will talk about a pair of antagonist - protagonist. This opposition will be considered on the example of the play of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm." The main heroine of this play, in other words, the protagonist is the young girl of Katerina Kabanova. It opposes, that is, an antagonist, Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. On the example of comparisons and analyzing actions, we will give a more complete characteristics of the Kabani in the "Thunderstorm" play.

To begin with, we turn to the list of actors: Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabaniha) - Old Kupchikha, widow. Her husband died, so the woman had to rold two children alone, to cope with the household and do business. Agree, it is quite difficult and currently. Despite the fact that in brackets are the nickname of the checkpie, the author never calls her so. The text has replicas Kabanova, not kabani. Like the drama wanted to emphasize the fact that people call the woman so among themselves, but they personally turn respect to it.
That is, in fact, the residents of Kalinova do not like this person, but they are afraid of him.

Initially, Marf Ignatievna reader will find out from Kuligin's mouth. Mechanic self-taught calls her "Hangehog, which is all home and households." Kudryash only confirms these words. Further on the scene there is a wanderer, fecusha. Her judgment about the boat is exactly the opposite: quote. As a result, such disagreements arises an additional interest in this character. Marfa Ignatievna appears on the scene in the first action, and the reader or the viewer is given the opportunity to see the truth of the words of Kuligin.

Kabaniha is not satisfied with the Son behaves. She teaches him to live, despite the fact that the son is already adult and has long been married. Marfa Ignatievna shows itself as a grumpy powerful woman. Her daughter-in-law Katerina behaves differently. In general, it is quite interesting to trace the similarity and distinction between these characters throughout the play.

In theory, both Kabaniha, and Katerina should love Tikhon. For one he is a son for another - a husband. However, neither Katya nor Martha Ignatievna do not nourish the Tikhon. Katya regrets her husband, but does not like him. And Kabaniha refers to him as a experimental rabbit, as to the merits, on which you can tear your aggression and experience the methods of manipulation, hiding behind the maternal love. Everyone knows that for every mother is the most important happiness of his child. But Marfa Kabanova in the "thunderstorm" is not at all interested in the opinion of Tikhon. For years of tyranny and dictatorship, she was able to teach the Son to the fact that the absence of his own point of view is quite normal. Even watching how carefully and, in some moments, gently Tikhon belongs to Katerina, Kabani all the time tries to destroy their relationship.

Many critics argued about the strength or weakness of the character of Katerina, but in the power of the character of the Kabani, no one doubted.
This is a truly cruel man who tries to subjugate to him around. She would rule the state, and so you have to waste your "talents" on the family and the provincial town. Varvara, daughter Martha Kabanova, chose pretense and lies as a way of coexistence with a despotic mother. Katerina, on the contrary, resolutely opposes mother-in-law. They as if they occupied two positions, truth and lies, defending them. And in their conversations that Kabanchi should not be designerously accused Katya in mistakes and various sins, through the household background, the struggle of light and darkness, truth and the "dark kingdom", whose representative, is Kabaniha.

Katerina and Kabaniha Orthodox Christian. But their faith is completely different. For Katerina, faith coming from the inside is more important. For it, it is not fundamentally the place of prayer. The girl is divened, she sees the presence of God all over the world, and not only in the building of the Church. Religiosity Martha Ignatievna can be called a mining. For her, rites and accurate compliance with the rules are important. But for all this obsession with practical manipulations, the faith itself disappears. Also for boobies it turns out to be significant and maintaining old traditions, contrary to the fact that many of them have already been outdated: "You will not be afraid of, and I am suppressed. What is the order of it in the house? After all, you, tea, you live in the law. Ali, in your opinion, the law does not mean anything? Yes, if you keep such stupid thoughts in my head, you would have at least not chatted with her at least with her sister, with a girl. " The characteristic of the Kabani in the "thunderstorm" is impossible without mentioning its practically manic attention to detail. Tikhon, the son of a kabanova-elder, drinks, the daughter of Varvara is lying, walks with whom he wants and wait to run out of the house, disgraceing the family. And Marfa Ignatievna worries that they enter the threshold without bows, not as great-grandfathers taught. Her behavior resembles the behavior of the crown of a dying cult, which are trying by all their forces to maintain life in it with the help of external attributes.

Katerina Kabanova was a somewhat mining girl: in the "prophecies" of a polulous lady, her fate was crucial, and in a thunderstorm, the girl saw Karu Lord. Kabaniha is too mercantile and landed for this. It is closer to the material world, practicality and utility. Kabanov thunderstorm and thunder does not scare at all, she just does not want to mock. While the residents of Kalinov argued about the stale element, Kabanikha grumbling and expresses their dissatisfaction: "You wanted what kind of races. There is something to listen, nothing to say! Here, sometimes they came, some teachers appeared. As the old man talks like that, what can you demand from the young one! "," You do not condemn older yourself! They know your more. Old people have all the signs. An old man on the wind will not say the word. "

The image of the Kabani in the play "Thunderstorm" can be called a certain generalization, a conglomerate of negative human qualities. It is difficult to call a woman, mother, and man in principle. Of course, she is far from the dwarves of the city of Studez, but her desire to subjugate and ruins killed all human qualities in Marfa Ignatievna.

Characteristic of the image of the Kabani in the "Thunderstorm" play |

Rich Kupach Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna is one of the main pillars of the "Dark Kingdom". It is a powerful, cruel, superstitious woman who belongs to deep distrust and even contempt for everything new. In progressive phenomena of their time, she sees only evil, so Kabaniha with such jealousy and protects his own world from their invasion. Because of which her children, despite the many good features, they still grew by morally crushed people who lack the forces for open confrontation to the world of cruelty, cosupiness and despotia. Cabanova simply not realizing that Varbara and Tikhon are already adult people with their thoughts and feelings, continues to treat them as to property. She thinks herself, maybe a little strict, but loving and fair parent: "" After all, the parents and strict lovers come to you, from love you and the wretched, everyone thinks good to teach. "

The gradual destruction of the patriarchal lifestyle, which is already felt even in such provincial cities as Kalinov, hesitates fear. As a clever man, she understands that the times are changing and the younger generation is already changing with more strength to oppose the old orders. But it is not ready to take these changes, and together with fear, her heart is filled with even greater anger. Particularly gets Katerina. "To the legs bow!" - orders Kabaniha Katerina, who says goodbye to her husband. And when Katerina died, she only grumbled: "" I have a lot of worn, I worked. Fully, about her and crying sin. "

In 1856, A. N. Ostrovsky travels along the Volga. The impressions of the trip are reflected in his work, "Thunderstorm" is also written based on this trip. This is a story about a merchant wife, brought up in the rigor and morality that loved the young man. By changing your husband, she is unable to hide it. Puzzled in treason, she rushes into the Volga.

In contact with

Contliminate image of Martha Ignatievna Kabanova

The play is built on a comparison of two strong opposing images: Catherine and Marphs ignitely Kabanova. In fact, they have a lot of common: the primacy of the patriarchal world, inherent in both maximalism, strong characters. Despite his religiosity, they do not compromise and are not inclined to mercy. There are similarities on this similarity. They are located on different poles of the patriarchal world. Kabaniha - the earthly woman, it worries about the observance of order to the smallest detail. Human relations are not interested in her. Patriarchal Lifestyle for Katerina is concluded in dreaminess, spirituality.

The image of the kabani in the "Thunderstorm" play is one of the central. She is a widow, which remained with two children, Barbara and Tikhon. It can rightly be called the harsh and merciless for the reproach of Tikhon in the fact that his mother he loves less than his wife Katerina, and constantly seeks to get away from the will of the mother.

The prevailing property of the personality of the Kabani can be called despotic, but not madness. Each of its demand for others, whether it is her son or daughter-in-law, subordinates the moral and life of the "Domostrohi" code. Therefore, she believes in the principles that they say in it, and considers their steady observance correct. Turning to Domostroevsky concepts, she believes that children should read their parents so much that the will of children does not matter. Relations between spouses should be built on the fear of his husband's wife, unquestioned subordination to him.

Kabaniha in the speech of strangers

The characteristic of the Kabani is obtained by a clear reader, thanks to the statements of the characters of the play. The first mention of Marf Ignatievna sounds from the mouth of the fecushi. This is a poor wanderer who grateful to her for kindness and generosity. In contrast, the words of Kuligina are sounding that it is generous to the beggar, and not to his native people. After these brief characteristics, the reader meets the boa. The words of Kuligina are confirmed. Mother quit to the words of the son and daughter-in-law. Even with her mildness and sincerity, Katerina does not cause her confidence. Aside the son fly reproaches for the lack of love for the mother.

Opinion about kabanova members of her family

One of the most emotional moments of the play - scene of the Wires of the Son Tikhon. Kabaniha reproaches him in the fact that he does not bow to his mother in his feet, and she says goodbye to his wife as it should. Katerina after the departure of Tikhon, according to Kabani, should show his love for him - to throw and lie on the porch. The young generation is disturbed by all the customs and traditions, and this leads the boa to sad reflections.

Katerina - daughter-in-law, gets more than anyone else. Anyone her word breaks with sharp attacks and comments. Noticing her caress, not fear, in handling the quiet, kabaniha with anger reproaches it. Its ruthlessness comes to the limit after the recognition of Katerina. In her opinion, the daughter-in-law is worthy, be alienated into the ground.

Kabaniha with contempt refers to Katerina, considering it an example of how irrevocably young people relate to the older generation. Most of all it is the idea that she can remain without power. Her behavior leads to the tragic final of the play. In suicide, perfect Katerina, there are her fault. The daughter-in-law for a long time to humiliate into his address and one day could not stand it.

Obeying the orders of the madman Tikhon becomes a deepless creature. Daughter escapes, tired of the permanent interventions of the parental in her personal life. An old way of life with true high morality disappears from life, leaving only a dead gullary shell. The young heroes of the plays pretend that the patriarchal commandments are observed. Tikhon pretends that Mother loves, Barbara walks on secret dates, only Katerina is tormented by contradictory feelings.

Marfa Ignatievna is busy with earthly affairs. She considers himself fair, because, in her opinion, the severity of the parents will reflect the best way on children - they will learn to be kind. But the old way of life collapses, the patriarchal system disappears. This is a tragedy for Martha Ignatievna. However, flare and madness is not in her character. She is unhappy with the quick temper of his wild. Wildlightened behavior and complaints on the family wildly annoying it.

Kabaniha is predicted by the traditions of his family and ancestors and honor them, without condemning, without evaluating and without complaining about them. If you live on the will of fathers, it will lead to peace and order on Earth. In the nature of the kabani there is religiosity. She believes that a person will fall into hell, for the evil deeds perfect, but at the same time he does not consider himself guilty of anything. The humiliation of others by their wealth and power is in the order of things.

Kabani it is characterized by authority, cruelty and confidence in the correctness of their views. In her opinion, the maintenance of ancient orders will be able to protect her house from unrest, which beyond her house. Therefore, rigidity and hardness manifests itself in its character, everything is more distinct. And eradicating your own, extra emotions, does not endure their manifestations and others. For disobedience, her, the closest people are punished with cold-blooded humiliation and insults. At the same time, this does not apply to unauthorized people, with them she is piety and respectful.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is an ambiguous character, it's hard to regret or only condemn it. On the one hand, it hurts the members of his family, and on the other hand, it believes in the correctness of his behavior. Thus, the negative qualities of the character of the Kabani can be called:

  • cruelty;
  • authority;
  • cool.

And positive:

  • strong unshakable character;
  • religiosity;
  • "The kindness and generosity to the outsider."