The image and characteristic of Masha Mironova in the novel "Captain's daughter" Pushkin: a description of appearance and character (Marya Ivanovna). Write an essay the image of Masher Mironova in the story Captain

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Masha Mironova is the main heroine of Roman Pushkin "Captain's daughter". This character made an ambiguous view of critics and readers. On the general background of the novel, the girl looks "colorless" and uninteresting. Marina Tsvetaeva, analyzing this work of Pushkin, argued that the whole trouble Masha Mironova was that Grineh was loved, but Pushkin did not love her at all. Because of this, the image of the girl in the novel turned out to be spectacular and in some extent useless.

Characteristic personality

Masha Mironova was not a girl possessing an unusual appearance. On the contrary, its appearance was quite typical, although it is not devoid of pleasant, pretty qualities. At the same time, Masha possessed an exceptional inner world - she was extremely good and cute girl.

About the appearance of the girl is known not much: the girl was a circular and ruddy. She had light blond hair and an angelic voice. Dressed Masha is always simple, but at the same time very nice.

Masha - sensitive nature. She is ready for love for a feat. Mironova sincerely survive for Greeneva after a duel and personally cares for the wounded, but as Greeneva recovers, the girl is distinguished from Peter Andreevich, as it is aware of the possible consequences of its further behavior and possible consequences - Masha understands that her behavior is on the border of the permissible and can easily go On the plane of indecent.

In general, Masha is a modest and decent girl. Her love for Grinevo, although he is a passionate feeling, still does not become fatal - Masha behaves decently and does not go beyond the permissible.

Dear readers! We bring to your attention in the novel by A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter".

Masha is smart and educated. It is easy to find a topic for conversation and develop it. The girl does not know how to be chewmed and koking, like most girls of noble origin. This quality was especially attractive Grinev.

A family

Masha was born in the family of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Ivan Kuzmich Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna. Parents brought up daughter, relying on traditional requirements and principles of education. Masha was the only child in the family. The girl belonged to the noble class, but her family was rich. Such a financial situation has significantly complicated the life of Masha and reduced her chances to marry to the miracle level. Masha had no dowry, according to her mother, "a frequent comb, yes broom, and Altyn of money (God forgive!), With which to go to the bath."

We bring to your attention that I wrote A. Pushkin.

Father and Mironova's mother were good people. Between the spouses until the last days are preserved tender, trepitative relationships. It could not not affect the perception of family life with a girl - some expensive can say that for Masha, her parents became an example of an ideal family. The girl, though he was brought up in respect for the older generation and parents, was not deprived of friendly communication with his parents, a warm, trusting relationship was established between them.

After the capture of the Pugachev fortress, Ivan Kuzmich hung over the reason for his refusal to move on the side of the rebels. Vasilis Egorovna, seeing his husband's body, began to reproach the robbers in their actions, for which, by order of Pugachev, she was killed - the body of a woman was lying around for some time in the midst of the courtyard, then, however, it was drawn to the side and covered with Rogue.

Nash and Swabrin relationship

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin was a military officer with a five-year experience. He was not a handsome externally nor internally. Anger and greed, filling it, did not allow him to gain harmony with the world around and become a happy man. However, Schvabrin were not alien to other manifestations of human feelings and emotions. In parallel with sarcasm in the soul of Swabrin, love for Masha originates. Unfortunately, Alexey Ivanovich did not have to wait for Alexey Ivanovich. Masha was opposed to Schvabrin. The young man could not hide his real essence from the Mironovaya.

Realizing all impossibility of "getting" Masha honestly, besides jealousy, Alexey Ivanovich is decided to take advantage of the case to gain his happiness with Masha. After capturing the fortress, Pugachev, he secretly keeps Masha in custody, in the hope that the will of the girl will be broken and she will agree to marriage: "On the floor, in the peasant dangling dress, Marya Ivanovna was sitting, pale, loud, with disheveled hair.

Before her stood a jug of water, covered with chopped bread. " Pugacheva Shvabrin says that Masha is his wife, and when the deception was revealed, he asks for the "sovereign" pardon for his act.

The relationship of Mash and Greeneva

The relationship of Mashi and Peter Andreevich Greeneva add up completely differently. Peter Andreevich prefers to draw conclusions about people on his own, so the lies of Schwabrin, who tried to outlit Masha as a dishonest, stupid girl, soon was discovered. The fine spiritual organization Greeneva and the sympathy arose allowed the relationship between young people to a new level and quickly grow into real mutual love.

After a duel, young people admit to each other in the feelings, Grineh makes Masha offer. However, the father of Peter Andreevich, heated by the denunciation of Swabrin, rejects such a marriage.

Grinev was very sad in such a decision of the Father. Masha, after some time, resigned with such a position of things, deciding that it was not the fate of them with grievo to become her husband and his wife.

However, the feelings of the girl in relation to the young officer did not fade. After the death of the parents, Peter Andreevich becomes the closest and most expensive person in the life of Masha. Grinev, risking his life, saves Masha from captivity of Schwabrin than the final enemy makes himself. At Court, Schvabrin does not neglect the opportunity to complicate the life of his enemy - he slanders Greennev and, as a result, Peter Andreevich falls on the defendants. However, a selfless-minded Masha is saved from the court decision, which is ready to accomplish even the most unthinkable things for his beloved - it goes to the Empress, in the hope of justice.

Thus, Masha Mironov can be identified with the classic version of the perfect Russian woman - modest, kind, ready for a feat and self-sacrifice, but Masha Mironova does not have any unusual, unique qualities - its inactiveness and colorlessness do not allow it to become a strong person, such as, for example , Tatyana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Masha Mironova, is one of the main characters of the story "Captain's daughter". And it can be safely considered the cleanest and good-natured hero of the novel. It shows sincere feelings, without fear of any difficulties and obstacles. The image of Masha Mironova is represented by a reader with an ordinary Russian girl, with ruddy brushes and rusia tied hair. Masher fell not few misfortunes and misfortunes, but to break her rod, despite her timidity, not subject to anyone. Masha was a fairly poor bride, which did not have absolutely no bold. However, she did not agree to marry, not love for Schvabrin. She said that not for any well-being, would not kiss the altar with a man without mutual sympathy and feelings.

And her gentle maiden heart blossomed from love for Peter Greenyava. She dared to admit to him in this, Masha responded with reciprocity. But the only barrier of their happiness was that Peter's parents were against their union, and Masha, in turn, would not get married without blessing. Masha has tried to overcome the love of Peter for a long time and even despite the fact that it was extremely hard for her.

In the future, the girl was waiting for a strong shock, her parents were executed, and Her himself was taken by Schvabrin, trying to marry himself. Salvation in the face of Pugacheva caused foal feelings in the soul, on the one hand, this is the killer of her parents, and on the other of her Savior. As a result, Pugachev pardon her and Peter. They went to his parents who knew the girl closer sincerely fell in love with her and accepted as a native daughter.

Another test that fell on the fragile shoulders of Masha, it was arresting her beloved straight before the wedding. But it did not break the girl, and on the contrary made it, by all means save the groom. She even was even lucky to talk with the Empress and tell her everything that happened in her fate, and how it is important for her to be near Peter. As a result of the clouds above Masha and Peter dispelled, and they were again together.

Essay 2.

"Captain's daughter" Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the greatest and inimitable work of literature. The central hero, around which the entire plot is spinning, is Peter Grinev. But many people consider the heroine named Masha Mironov to the main character of the historical novel. This happens not just so, but perfectly deserved.

Masha Mironova is an eighteen-year-old girl, the daughter of the Captain of the Belogorsk Fortress. Her appearance was very pretty: a pleasant face, blonde hair. Masha has always been rather modest, clamped, was distinguished by its simplicity and ease. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, decided for his own daughter, that she needs to marry the first oncoming. But Masha was the opposite opinion and did not imagine marriage without high feelings to the partner. It was this reason that once served as a refusal to Swabron.

Having become acquainted with Peter Grinev, they both experienced high feelings to each other. These feelings increase even stronger when Masha cared and did not leave for a second of Peter after injured. Lovers decide to marry, but Masha wants to do everything right and wishes the approval of Petra's parents. Young man leaving. At this time, Mironov's fortress was captured, and the parents of the girl are executed. Schvabrin takes Masha in captivity and morally presses on her, asks her hands. But she would not change their principles even under the pretext of painful death. The girl manages to send a letter to the Grineal, and he immediately saves her. But it saves not one, but with Pugachev, who was the killer of her parents. The heart of the girl burst into pain and contradictory situation. Another tragedy happens: Peter's arrest. Without a long time thinking, Masha decides to save his beloved from the reference and goes to a conversation with the empress. It is here that the reader opens a new side of Masha, previously unknown. From the girl there is no drop of familiar modesty and embarrassment, it becomes confident and bold. Seeing Peter's liberation, Masha appears heroine.

Masha Mironova appears in the novel by Pushkin a real Russian girl who combines courage, perseverance and strength of the Spirit. Throughout the novel, you can see the development of the heroine, because at first she was afraid even a shot, and now in the power to cope with the most complex tests. Masha is the man who is not determined by words, but the deeds performed.

Characteristic and image of Machine Mironova from the captain's daughter

Maria Mironova - the heroine of the story "Captain's daughter" Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

This young girl falls daughters captain Mironov - the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress.

The appearance of Masha Mironova is particularly noteworthy: a ruddy round face and blonde hair, cleaned behind the ears. Her mother believes that she is a panty. Schvabrin, who was rejected by her calls her absolute fool.

As the story readings, you begin to understand that Masha is an innocent, kind and sincere person. She is sweet and friend with people.

The girl fell as hard fate - the execution of her parents. The girl painfully perceives it, but does not fall in spirit and fights for his life.

The persistent nature of the Masha manifests itself when Schvabrin holds a girl locked up, demanding to become his wife. Threats are not afraid of her, young features declares that it is better to die than to live with an unloved person.

Her beloved Peter Grinov is negotiating with Pugachev and saves the girl.

She goes to Petra's parents. Peter's mother and father, who was originally against the marriage of the Son, warmly take Masha. They penetrate her and surround the orphaned girl attention and care.

Being saved and confused, she learns that her beloved Peter Grinev was unfairly arrested. The girl feels guilty, in the arrest of his beloved. She hides from those who surround their tears, and is looking for ways to achieve his liberation. Masha goes to the Empress, ask for a pardon for Peter.

Modest, you can even say a timid girl, manifests character, perseverance and determination. She was ready for anything to be released and justify her groom.

She tells the sovereign about how Perth saved her and convinces the empress in his innocence. The story she touched the sovereign. He was so sincere that the Empress is not only the mile of Peter Greeneva, but also promises to arrange the well-being of a girl.

Further fate of the girl develops safely. She becomes the wife of Peter and children appear, and then grandchildren.

The character of Masha Mironova deserves respect and cause the deepest sympathy. A young girl tolerates all the blows of fate. Her pure soul and open heart carry. She sincerely loves. For the sake of his love, the girl is ready to sacrifice himself and make bold and desperate actions.

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Masi image (Roman A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter".)

Masha Mironova - The daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. She is an ordinary Russian girl: "Kruglitic, ruddy, with light rusia hair, smoothly combed behind the ears." Robust and sensitive, she was afraid even a rifle shot. In many ways, its timidity and constraint are caused by the fact that it lives quite closed. From the words of Vasilisa Egorovna, we will learn about the wrongful fate of the girl: "The girl on the issuance, and what is the dowry?" Shvabrin woven it. But Masha responds to the abandonment of Schwabrin's offer to become his wife. She cannot take marriage with an unloved person. Marriage for the calculation for her is unthinkable, it will be at least in a gravitative position.
Masha sincerely loved Peter Greeneva, but she did not agree to get married without the blessing of the parents of the groom.
Gorky fate awaits the girl ahead: her parents were executed, and she hid it in her house Popia. But Schwabrin took Masha and planted under the castle, causing married him. When finally comes the long-awaited salvation in the face of Pugacheva, the girl covers contradictory feelings: she sees in front of him the killer of his parents and at the same time of his ridder. Instead of words of gratitude, she closed her face with both hands and fell without feelings.
Pugachev released Peter with Masha, and Grineva sent her to her parents who took a good girl.
Brightly revealed the character of Masha Mironova after the arrest of Graineva. She was very worried, because he knew the real cause of arrest and considered herself guilty of misfortunes Greeneva. Masha goes to Petersburg. She resolutely set up to achieve the liberation of her beloved, whatever it cost her.
Having happened by chance with the empress, but not knowing yet who this woman, Masha openly tells her his story. It was in this meeting that the character of a modest and timid Russian girl without any education, which was found, however, in itself enough strength, spirits of spirit and adamant decisiveness, to defend the truth and to achieve his excuses in anything is not the guilty groom.
Soon she was called to the court, where they announced the release of Peter Andreevich.

The image of Masher Mironova was roads and close to the author. She personifies the ideal of women - with clean, though a little naive soul, kind, responsive heart, loyal and capable of genuine love, for which she is ready to go to any victims, make the most bold actions.

The image of Katerina (Piez A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")
For the main heroine of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", Katerina in life above all truth and a deep sense of duty.
In childhood, Katerina was surrounded by beauty and harmony, she lived among maternal love and fragrant nature. She lived with her mother in the village, walked on the key, listened to the stories of the strangers, then he sat down for some work, and so passed all day. The girl did not receive a good formation .. Katerina dreamed of magic dreams, in which she flew under the clouds. He strongly contrasts with such a quiet, happy life of a six-year-old girl, when Katya, offended by something, ran away from the house on the Volga in the evening, sat down in the boat and pushed out of the coast! ...
We see that Katerina grew a happy, romantic, but limited to the girl. She was very devout and passionately loving. She loved everything around themselves: nature, sun, church, their home with the wanders, the poor, which she helped. But the most important thing in Kate is that she lived in his dreams, apart from the rest of the world. Of all the existing, she chose only what did not contradict her nature, the rest she did not want to notice and did not notice. Therefore, I saw the girl of the angels in the sky, and there was a church for her not oppressive and gone by force, but the place where everything is light, where you can dream. It can be said that Katerina was naive and kind, brought up in a very religious spirit. But if she met on his way what. It contradicted her ideals, it turned into a recalcitrant and stubborn nature and defended himself from that outsiders, someone else's, which boldly disturb her soul. So it was in the case of a boat. After marriage, Kati has changed a lot. Of the free, joyful, sublime world, in which she felt his merger with nature, the girl fell into life, complete deception, cruelty and omitting.
Katerina married Tikhon not in his will: she didn't love anyone at all and she didn't care for whom. The fact is that the girl took her former life she created for himself. Katerina no longer feels such a delight from the visit of the Church, she can not do their usual things. Sad, disturbing thoughts do not give her calmly admire nature. Kate stays tolerate, while waiting, and dream, but she can no longer live with their thoughts, because the cruel reality returns it to the ground, where the humiliation and suffering. Katerina is trying to find his happiness in love for Tikhon, but sincere manifestations of this love are hampered by the Kabanchi: "What are you hanging on the neck, shamelessness? Do not rush with a lover. " In Katerina, a very feeling of external humility and debt, so she makes himself love to love the unloved her husband. Tikhon and himself because of his mother's self-smuggling can not love his wife truly, although, probably, and wants. And when he, leaving for a while, leaves Katya to go to insert, the girl becomes quite lonely.
Why can Katerina love Boris? Probably the reason is that she lacked something clean in the stuffy atmosphere of the house of Kabanih. And the love of Boris was this clean, did not give Katerina to finally burn, somehow supported her.
She went on a date with Boris because he felt like a person who had pride, elementary rights. It was a riot against submission to fate, against the cure. Katerina knew that she would make sin, but she knew that she was still impossible to continue to live. She brought the cleanliness of his sacrifice free and Boris.
And for this step, Katya has already felt the approaching end and wanted to fulfill with love, knowing that there will be no other case. On the first date, Katerina told Boris: "You will turn me out." Sin hangs on her heart with a grave stone. Katerina is terribly afraid of the impending thunderstorm, considering her punishment for the perfect. Katerina was afraid of thunderstorms since he began to think about Boris. For her pure soul, even the thought of love for an outside person is sin. Katya can not live on with his sin, and the only way at least partially get rid of him to get rid of she considers repentance she admits in all her husband and boa. Katya is afraid of God, and her God lives in her, God is her conscience. The girl is tormented by two questions: how she will return home and will look into the eyes of her husband, which changed, and how she will live with a stain on their conscience. The only way out of this situation, Katerina sees death.
Pursued by his sin, Katerina leaves life to save his soul.
The poor, innocent "bird, sharpened in a cage," could not withstand the capture - Katerina committed suicide. The girl was still able to "take off," she stepped from the high shore in the Volga, "the wings took place" and boldly went to the bottom.
Katerina's deed is the resistance of the Dark Kigar.

Masha Mironova Image and characteristics of the heroine in the story of the captain's daughter


1. "Pushkin" heroine.

2. Masha Mironova. Characteristic and image in the story "Captain's Daughter"

2.1. Masha and parents.

2.2. The first love.

2.3. Hardness of the Spirit.

3. My attitude to the main heroine.

In his talented works, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created the image of the perfect girl to which he returned repeatedly, from the novel to the novel, from the poem to the poem. The standard "Pushkin" heroine was a meek and pretty young lady, a little romantic, a little dreamy, kind and simple, but at the same time performed inland fire and hidden strength. Such was Tatyana Larina, such and Masha Mironova became.

The girl spent his childhood and youth in the privacy of the Belogorodsky Fortress, in need and labor. Her parents, although small nobles, lived on one captain salary. Therefore, they taught their daughter to a simple way of life and permanent work. Masha, the eighteen-year-old young lady, did not hurt the help of mother in the kitchen, to get into rooms, darkening clothes. She did not receive decent education and education, but acquired a more valuable and eternal - gentle heart, good temper, spiritual beauty.

In the story, the girl appears in front of us a respectful and polite daughter. She does not seek to the balls and outfits, does not defer the best, rich life from their parents. She is pleased with what he has, she is very attached to his father and to his mother and appreciates them. Masha knows what dresses "just and nice" that she does not have a big bold, and hence she is unlikely to be able to find a good party. But it does not upset the main heroine. She does not cling to the first oncoming, which provides her signs of attention. For the captain's daughter sincere love and mutual sympathy is not an empty sound. The girl refuses the rich cavalier, as it notices the unfit character traits and low feelings. She is not ready to live with an unloved only because it will provide its obedic existence. "I'll think about it will be necessary ... to kiss him. Never! For any well-being! " - In the simplicity of spiritual explains Masha his refusal. And at the same time, the girl is capable of strong tender feelings.

Communicating Greeneva, she falls in love with him sincerely and hotly. This is not a fleeting feeling caused by momentary weakness or euphoria. Masha loves truly selflessly. The feelings between the main characters do not immediately develop, gradually begins to understand the girl, which is passionate about the greater and for a long time. Immediately watching the grine, noting his positive qualities and habits, the captain's daughter begins to love with all his heart and the whole soul. But here it is visible to her deep moral basis. Do not Koxes, without playing the men, Masha "without any hemanhood" is responsible for the proposal to offer young Peter. Her love is chista and innocent, like she herself. And although the girl is truly in love and "sensitive", she values \u200b\u200bwith his good name and unrefined honor.

The captain's daughter is also prudent and smart. She does not want to marry Greenland without the blessing of his parents and is ready to even return to him the promised word. "If you find yourself a narrowed, if you will love another - God with you, Peter Andreich, - Crying, says Masha, and later adds: - the century will not forget you; Before the grave you will be alone in my heart. " As you can see, the girl agrees to sacrifice its feelings for the sake of the well-being of the chosen one. In addition, she is ready to preserve loyalty and devotion to his beloved until the death.

But the best qualities of Marya Ivanovna reveal before us during her terrible tests - Bunta Pugachev. It was then that the main heroine shows those feelings and the power of the Spirit that it would seem impossible to expect from her. Overnight, having lost his father and mother, having lost freedom and the usual lifestyle, having experienced the betrayal of the soldiers and passing through the mockery of a cruel officer, the captain's daughter remained faithful to his principles and beliefs, his concept of debt and honor. How much of the spirit and courage was necessary for her to survive the death of his favorite parents and their imprisonment. How many courage and courage required a girl to confront the attempts of Swabrin to force her to hang it with him. The patient, disadvantaged, starving, she resistant to check her love for the debris and to Grinevo.

Much about the character of Masha can be seen and in the fact that she fell on the heart of the parents of Greeneva. The girl did not athlete anger on them for the fact that they did not immediately accept her as a daughter-in-law, did not use them with bale and complaints. She behaved respectfully and meekly, so that soon future mother-in-law "sincerely attached to her, since it was impossible to learn it and not to love." The courage and moral forces were needed by these people who loved each other, when they learned about the arrest of Greeneva and a terrible sentence, which he was taken out.

Special courage and resistance required from Masha. She remained faithful to her beloved both in his grief, and in his trouble. She did not quit him, did not doubt his honor, did not take advantage of his absence to find a groom more learned and rich. No, Maria Mironova safely decided to take the initiative to his hands and turn to the Empress itself for the pardon of the convict. This act is visible to solid determination, absolute independence and skillful enterprise the young girl. She sincerely and clearly explains all the sovereign, and she gives the forgiveness of innocent.

After passing through heavy difficulties and trials, Masha Mironova and Peter Grinev did not cease to love each other. Married, they lived for a long time and happily, in peace and harmony. I am amazed by the hardness of the spirit and the moral cleanliness of the main character. Its modesty and sanity, respectful attitude towards the elders and the adamant persistent spirit is an example and an imitation benchmark. Those who possess such qualities and features of nature, regardless of whether a man is or a woman will definitely be rewarded with fate. After all, true happiness and success must earn and conquer.

An essay on the topic "Why the story is called" Captain's daughter. "

It is known that the story "Captain's daughter" was conceived by Pushkin as a historical description of Pugachevsky Bunt. There is a version that Pushkin had every reason to fear that censorship would not miss the story, where one of the central heroes is Emelyan Pugachev, and he is depicted with explicit sympathy, as very bright, strong, charismatic personality. Therefore, the author and decided to introduce a love line of Peter Greeneva and Masha. As a result, the story about Pugacheva rose into the romantic history of love and loyalty.

In the story "Captain's daughter" depicts not only historical events, but also the life of ordinary people in the established conditions. The author shows us how the events of Pugachev Bunt break human fates. The main topic of the story is the behavior of people in the most critical situations. Life tests reveal in a person a variety of features of his character. Therefore, such moral qualities as patriotism, love, loyalty, honor, dignity, duty and conscience are illuminated in the story.

In the story very detailed the fate of Masha Mironova, who was the daughter of Mironov's commandant - Captain of the Belogorsk Fortress, and was in the center of all events of the story.

This heroine becomes the cause of a quarrel and a duel between the screw and grine. It was for her for her for her who rushes in the occupied Belogorsk Fortress. Masher fell a lot of tests, but it was this timid and fierce girl in the decisive moments of life could become bold and courageous.

The main tests in the life of Masha Mironova begin on the day of taking the fortress - when her parents died. She falls into the hands of a new commandant of the fortress - a traitor to Schvabrin. Unhappy Masha had to endure a lot of suffering and humiliation for his refusal to marry him. But she, like her father, found the strength and courage not to change their beliefs.

When her beloved arrested on a false charge of betrayal, Masha is solved on a brave act - to go to St. Petersburg, to the Empress itself to ask for Greeneva. For the first time, she takes such a difficult decision for the first time and takes responsibility not only for himself, but for the future, for the honor of Greeneva and his family. The honesty and sincerity of the machine was convinced by the empress, and Grinev was forgiveness.

Thus, the quiet and timid trial in a difficult situation managed to cope with his fear and with honor to withstand all the trials that they fell into her share. Therefore, the name of the story is so closely connected with the image of Masha - a modest quiet daughter of the heroic of the deceased Captain Mironov. In very difficult conditions, she just like her father showed hardness and courage. Thanks to his love, the mind, honesty and sincerity, she could save the honest name of his groom and helped recover justice.

All the best human qualities are embodied in the form of a simple girl - the daughter of Captain Mironov. Therefore, it seems to me that the name of the work of Pushkin reflects his essence - it is about the captain's daughter Masha Mironova.