Evgeny Onegin his life. Biography Evgenia Onegin

One of the most famous works of A. S. Pushkin and in Russia, and abroad is his novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", written in the period from 1823 to 1830 of the XIX century. In many ways, the increasing popularity of the novel contributes to its status in an integral part of the mandatory school program. To write a quality essay on the work, we advise you to read the novel, perhaps first not a volley, passages, and the quotes from Evgeny Onegin use to show that you really know the material.

Eugene Onegin. Explanation with Tatiana in the village

The story is conducted on behalf of the main hero of the novel, who is Evgeny Onegin, a native of St. Petersburg, 26 years old:

"... Onegin, kind my friend, was born on Brega Neva ..."

"... live without a goal, without work, up to twenty six years ..."

Onegin was born in a nonestly family, gradually ruined the head of the head of the family, who sought to live not for the means, but ensured the Son worthy, by the standards of that time, education:

"... his father lived on debts, gave three bala annually, and finally dreamed of"

"... first Madame went after him, then Monsieur changed her"

"... fun and luxury child ..."

The result of Eugene's upbringing and training was his knowledge of languages \u200b\u200b(French, Latin, Greek), history, the foundations of philosophy and economics, good tone rules, the ability to dance:

"He could completely express themselves in French and wrote, easily Mazurka danced and bowed at ease."

"... philosopher in the amp of the years ..."

"He knew pretty in Latin, so that the epigraphs were disassembled, to overcome the juvenile, at the end of the letter to put Vale, and I remembered, even without sin, from the aneida two verses"

"... the days of the past jokes from Romula had kept in his memory of his"

"... read Adam Smith and was a deep economy ..."

Evgeny's poetry does not like and does not understand, if it can easily compress the epigram on the evil the day:

"... He could not Yamba from Khorora, as we were fighting, distinguish. Branil Homer, Foocrit ... "

"... he had a happy talent ... to initiate a smile ladies of unexpected epigram."

Onegin is distinguished by nonsense, it in principle can not do anything for a long time:

"... Labor threw it was um ..."

"... Oxt of the last fashion, like Dandy London dressed ..."

"... In my clothes there was a pedant, and what we called Frant. He spent three hours at least before the mirrors ... "

All these qualities of the character are becoming a key to a favorable attitude towards him:

"Onegin was in the end of many ... A scholar is small, but a pedant ..."

"The light decided that he was a smart and very mil"

Life, complete entertainment, quickly bores the chief hero, for a while, the only passion of Eugene remains love adventures, but they gradually bother him:

"But what he was a true genius, he knew the harder of all the sciences that there was plenty of heart and flour for him, and the fade, which took the whole day his longing laziness, was the science of passion gentle ..."

"... Beautiful women were not long the subject of his usual doom, treasure to be tired ..."

"... He didn't fall in love with the beauties, but it looked around somehow ..."

"Like the English Splin, in short: Russian Kandra has gradually mastered ..."

Despite the fact that the society, in general, bored the chief hero, he is considered with his rules, which, ultimately, was worth the life of Lensky, because, even aware of the meaninglessness and unnecessary of the duel, Onegin cannot refuse it from it:

"... But wildly, a secular enmity is afraid of a false shame ..."

"... But whisper, stupid laughter ... And here is a public opinion! Spring honor, our idol! "

At the time of the story, the young man is the last heir of the kind, to whose representatives he himself and his uncle refers:

"... the heir of all his relatives ..."

Despite the well-wondered state of the father, the material values \u200b\u200bremaining in the family, apparently, is enough to ensure the main character to serve without having to serve, lead a secular lifestyle:

"Tompting in the inaction of leisure, without a service, without a wife, without affairs, I did not know how to do anything ..."

"... Three houses for the evening call ..."

"... Honorary Citizen Kulis ..."

Onegin is enough to calculate. Having learned about the death of uncle, Onegin does not feel sympathy for him, but it is quite ready to pretend to be such to get the inheritance:

"Referring to the sad message, Evgeny immediately on a date striking by mail crushed and yawned in advance, prepared, for the sake of money, to sighs, boredom and deception."

His behavior in the world is becoming increasingly fearful and unacceptable:

"... when I wanted to destroy his rivals to him, as he was ulceratively crushing ..."

"... to his stratuous disputorself, and to joke, with bile in half, and anger of gloomy epigram ..."

"... he inflated and, indulge, swore Lensky to scoff and revenge ..."

Gradually, the opinion of the society about Onegin is transformed:

"... Cold and lazy souls ..."

"... this cloudy eccentric ..."

"... Chudak sad and dangerous ..."

"The neighbor is our illness; madman He is Pharmacon ... "

"He is not suitable for the ladies ..."

He himself perceives as a gloomy and indifferent man, trying to even exaggerate, talking about his own person:

"... always fucking, silent, angry and cold-jealous! That's what I "

"... start crying: your tears will not touch my hearts, but will only clarify it ..."

"... I, how much I love you, getting used to, immediately distribute ..."

However, this image has a lot of showing, rice. Onegin knows how to deal with people and appreciate them:

"At least he, of course, he knew, and generally despised them," but there is no exceptions to the rules) otherwise he was very distinguished and the feeling respected ... "

"... my Eugene, not respecting the hearts in it, loved the spirit of His judgments, and a common sense about that about this"

"I would choose another when I were like you, the poet ..."

Even his "rewarding" Yunu Tatyana is caused by his unwillingness to cause her even greater suffering than pain of refusal:

"... but he did not want the gullibility of the soul innocent ..."

He is trying to be delicate with her and trying to warn the girl from careless gusts in the future, although the share of rice and narrowing in his words is still present:

"Learn to mainstream; Not everyone, as I will understand; Inexperience to trouble leads ... "

In fact, it is quite capable of testing compassion and tenderness:

"... Her embarrassment, fatigue in his soul gave birth to pity"

"... the eyes of his eyes were wonderful gentle ..."

In a relationship with Lensky, realizing that they are too different for real friendship, Onegin until the pore show the feelings of the poet and is not trying to make fun of his enthusiastic ideas about life:

"... He tried to keep the cooling word in the mouth ..."

In his character there is also nobility, and self-esteem, and those surrounding this recognize:

"... I know: in your heart there is pride and direct honor"

"How with your heart and mind to be a feeling of a small slave?"

"... In that terrible hour you did noble ..."

"... not for the first time he revealed the soul direct nobility ..."

In the course of the work it becomes obvious that Eugene knows how to love and suffer:

"... Eugene in Tatiana as a child in love ..."

"... Onegin dries - and hardly he suffers from a cachot"

"... he drives up every day; He is chained as a shadow ... "

"... And he is stubborn, does not want to fall behind, still hopes, cottons ..."

Onegin can be truly strict to itself:

"... alone with his soul was dissatisfied with himself ..."

"... In the analysis of strict, at the secret court, having called himself, he accused himself in many ways ..."

"In the longing of heart remorse ..."

Knows how to admit your mistakes:

"... as I was wrong, as punished"

Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Larina. Explanation with Onegin in St. Petersburg

Girl from the noble family living in the province:

"... in the wilderness of a forgotten seboard ..."

Family not high:

"... We will not shine anything ..."

"... simple, Russian family ..."

"... oh, my father, a little income ..."

"Neither the beauty of his sister, nor the freshness of her ruddy did not attract B.

As a child, it was very different from the peers and behavior:

"Dick, sad, silent, like Lan Forest is afraid, she seemed to be a native to the girl in his family"

"She can't guess ..."

"Child herself, in the crowd of children to play and jump did not want ..."

"But dolls even during these years, Tatiana did not take ..."

"And there were children's leprosy to her ..."

In his youth, dreamed and thoughtful:

"Pensiveness, her girlfriend ... the flow of rural leisure Dreams decorated her"

"... Terrible stories in winter in the dark nights captured more heart to her ..."

"She was too early to novels ..."

"She loved on the balcony to warn dashere sunrise ..."

She sharply feels his dissimilarity:

"Imagine: I'm alone here, no one understands me ..."

The girl is pretty smart, though waywardly:

"... mind and will be alive ..."

"... and the wayward head ..."

Tatiana has a very developed intuition, up to the fact that she is being shot by the prophetic dreams:

"... suddenly Evgeny grabs a long knife, and Lensky is blocked ..."

Romantic and enthusiastic, in Onegin fell in love with first glance only because:

"It's time came, she fell in love"

"The soul was waiting ... someone"

Her letter to Eugene is written in French, in a very exalted tone, with highly "book" turns:

"I know you are sent to me by God, you're my keeper to the coffin ..."

"That in Vyshnya destined to the Council ... That will of the sky: I'm yours ..."

"Your wonderful look Tomil ..."

"Who are you, my guardian angel, or a cunning tempter ..."

In fact, she writes not a living person, but a invented image, and in the depths of the soul, it herself understands:

"Perhaps this is all empty, deception of an inexperienced soul!"

"But I love your honor to me ..."

It should, however, pay tribute to her courage. She writes, despite the fact that she is infinitely scared:

"Shame and fear forcing ..."

Over time, it turns out that the love that Tatiana is experiencing to Eugene is not lightweight, fast passing love:

"... Tatiana loves not joking ..."

She does not just cherish unhappy love in the soul, but he is trying to figure out the character of Onegin, comes to his abandoned village house, reads his books:

"You can not see the Barkaya Dom?"

"Then the books were accepted"

"... it seemed to choose them to her strange"

"And I begin to grame my Tatiana to understand ... Togo, on whom she sighs convicted by the fate of power"

It is woven, but all the grooms get a refusal:

"Buyanov woven: refusal. Ivan Petushkov - too. Gusar Pyhtin welcomed us ... "

On the family council, it was decided to go to Moscow, to the "Roman Bride", but Tatiana and there remains indifferent to secular life:

"... Tanya, exactly as in a dream, speech is heard without fate ..."

"... Tatyana looks and does not see, the wave waves hates; She is stuffy here ...

Not everyone and she herself seems to be an attractive bride:

"... Something strange, provincial and cubs find it, and something pale and thin, and however, very unmarried ..."

"The archivans of the young men crowp on Tanya are so sad and talk about it between themselves.

The girl does not seek to universal attention at all, but it is noticed:

"One of the jester is sad on her perfect ..."

"... to her somehow the Vyazemsky hooked ..."

"... about her, actor than her wig, the old man is aware"

"And the eye between themes does not reduce some important general with it.

She comes out at the insistence of a family, without love, for the man who doesn't like her too much:

"Who? Fat this general? "

Since marriage, secular manners of the already closed Tatiana acquire a shade of even to all friendly, for which it is impossible to look:

"... she was leisurely, not cold, not talking ..."

"... Mila's careless lovely ..."

Not participating in any intrigues, not competing with anyone, Tatiana causes respect for society, her husband is very proud:

"It is closer to her ladies; The old women smiled her; Men bowed below ... "

"... and all above and the nose and shoulders raised the generally general ..."

During the time who passed since the first meeting with Onegin, Tatiana learned, on his advice, to own himself:

"And that she didn't embarrass her soul, as she was not surprised, he was amazed, but nothing changed to her: she was preserved the same tone, was also the same her bow."

"... she is sitting late and Volina"

Her true feelings will be shown only in the final stage, when she, suffering, will express her own, reproaching him for the past and pointing to him on the real motives of his current feeling towards it:

"Princess in front of him, one, sitting, not removed, pale, a letter reads some kind of and quietly tears pours the river"

"Why do you have me on? It is not because in the highest light now I should be; What am I rich and noble? ... not because my shame would now be noticed by all, and could you bring you a seductive honor in society? "

Now she shows the nobility of character. Recognizing that he continues to love Onegin, Tatyana reminds him, and herself that she should keep loyalty to her husband:

"I love you (what to smear?), But I am completely given to another; I will be the age of him true "

Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky

Young nobleman 18 years of attractive appearance, rich:

"... without small in the midst of years ..."

"... Handsome, in full color of years ..."

"... and curls black to shoulders ..."

"... rich, good one ..."

Parents died:

"... And in the same way as the inscription of the sad father and mother, in tears, he honored the dust patriarchal ..."

Philosopher and poet:

"... Kant's fan and poet ..."

The nature is enthusiastic, right up to the exaltation, not fully formed:

"... and the mind, still in judgment, and forever inspired gaze ..."

"... Wolno-loving dreams, the spirit of ardent and rather strange, always enthusiastic speech ..."

He arrived from Germany immediately into the village, since it does not accept the rules for which there is the highest light:

"... He from Germany is foggy brought fruit scholars ..."

"... I am a fashionable light your hate, my house is a homemade ..."

Gulling and simple:

"... His trusting conscience, he frightened ..."

Believes friendship and devotion:

"... he believed that friends are ready for honor to take his shackles ..."

"... There are sacred friends chosen by the fate of people ..."

A rural society is perceived as enviable fiance:

"... Lensky was adopted everywhere as a groom ..."

However, Vladimir from childhood was engaged to the younger daughter of the neighbors of Larina, Olga, and at the time of the story he was in love with her and was going to marry her:

"And children referred to the crowns of their neighbors, their fathers ..."

"... Olgin arrived adoration ..."

"Oh, he loved how in our summer no longer love ..."

"... He believed that the soul was native to connect with him, which, without breaking, she was waiting for her daily ..."

"... after two weeks was scheduled for a happy term"

Love him is platonic:

"... He was a cute heart of ignorant ..."

"... In the confusion of a tender shame he only dares, the smile of Olga encouraged, developed curl to play Ile the edge of clothing kiss ..."

"... and meanwhile, two, three pages ... he misses, blushing ..."

Already after challenged to a duel, seeing Olga and realizing that she didn't even understand what had happened, Lensky forgives her and no longer would be revenge on Onegin, but only wants to protect the bride from the attempt influence:

"... I will be the Savior. I will not tolerate, so that there is a flap of fire and sigh and praise a young heart tempting ... "

Olga Larina

Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina

Junior sister Tatiana:

"Are you in love with a smaller?"

Charming chicken rosy blonde doll appearance:

"... innocent charms full ..."

"... Linen curls ..."

"... eyes like a blue sky ..."

"Round, red face she ..."

"Ah, cute, how Olga's shoulders have so much, what kind of chest!"

According to Onegin, beautiful, but absolutely uninteresting:

"Olga has no life. Exactly in Vandikova Madonna »

The mind of the youngest lariat is not developed especially, it is simple, to stupidity:

"... as a poet's life is simple ..."

"Before this clarity of the view, before this tender simplicity, before this roving soul!"

Because of this, the girl cannot appreciate the nature of Lensky and his relationship to her:

"Vladimir and wrote OD, and Olga did not read them."

Olga - the bride of Vladimir Lensky, willingly spends time with him and encourages his courtship, but it is unlikely to be able to a strong feeling, which is quite right

"In her rest, they sit in the darkements two ..."

"They are in the garden, hand with hand, walk the morning sometimes ..."

"... Olga's smile encouraged ..."

"He was loved ... At least he thought so ..."

Windan, does not know how to behave in society, compromises himself, and his groom, flirting with another:

"... And stood in her face a proud blush brighter"

"Goettle, windy child!"

"I really know the trick, to change the scientific!"

Sincerely does not understand the issues of the situation:

"Olenka from the porch jumped to the meeting of the poor singer, like a windy hope, laughing, careless, having fun, well, exactly the same as it was"

"Why did the evening disappear so early?" Was the first Olenkin question "

In the farewell scene, in front of Olga duel, looking in the face of Lensky, the heart of which bursts from longing, just asks "What is with you?" And having received the answer "so", without further issues let him go.

After the death of the groom on a duel, the girl quickly falls in love with another and get married for him:

"She did not cry ..."

Let's pay attention to the epigraph to the I Chapter: "And living in a hurry, and feel hurry" - from the poem of P.A. Izzemsky "First Snow". The epigraph notes the essential side of the personality of the hero and his youthful years.

Without accession, Pushkin immediately gives an episode from the life of the hero: Onegin rides in the village to the sick uncle. The author calls Onegin "Young Hang", but immediately talks about him as "good" his friend.

In the following stanza, we are talking about the formation of Onegin and the circle of his interests.
We all studied little by little
Something and somehow ...
Pushkin notes an accident, the impurity of ordinary noble education. Of the further poems it turns out, indeed, the absence of one of the systematic education, but the circle of interest of Onegin was very wide.

Apply to the following lines:

He had a happy talent
With a scientist view of a construct
Without forced in conversation
keep silence in an important dispute
Touch everything slightly
And excite a smile ladies
Fire of unexpected epigram ...

These lines talk about the lack of depth in the formation of Onegin. But the mention of "unexpected epigram" at the same time characterizes the ironic, the ulcer orientation of the conversations of Onegin. The epigram was often manifestation of opposition sentiment and thoughts.
Historical jokes that attracted Onegin - stories about cases from the life of historical figures - to a certain extent testify to the interest of Onegin to history.

As can be seen, despite all the powerlessness of the formation of Onegin, he does not remain aside from cultural, historical and political interests. He has a wide range of interests, and the selection of the names of the readable ongin authors is such that we can say about the opposition, critical mood of young Onegin.
Next, we appeal to stanza, drawing the usual day of Onegin.
Onegin rides boulevard
And there walks on the square,
Three houses on the evening are called ...
As long as the undeading Bregar
Morning in the morning
He will not ring lunch.
In the image of the lunch draws attention to the list of dishes. Non-Russian cuisine, characterizing the addiction to everything foreign.

Next, we read the stanza dedicated to the description of the Cabinet of Onegin and its toilet. Listing decorating the cabinet of Onegin things (amber, bronze, porcelain, perfume in a graved crystal, ridges, saws, etc.), recreates a typical situation of the life of the young man of St. Petersburg light. In the XXVI stanza Pushkin, lizing the items of the clothes of Onegin, uses foreign names. In ironic form, it gives motivation the need to include foreign words to the Russian literary language:
But Pantalona, \u200b\u200bFrak, Vest,
There are no these words in Russian.

Starfish XXXV ends the description of the usual, ordinary day of the young man of St. Petersburg light. Onegin returns home in the morning,
And Petersburg is restless
Already drum awakened ... -
those. The layout of Karaulov began in the military capital. People representing a completely different part of the population are shown on the streets: a merchant, a peddler, a cab driver, thrush-hunt. It begins the work day of the big city.
The XXXVI stanza seems to generalize the number of pictures that have passed before us, indicates that the day of Onegin was for him on the usual day:
Wake up for noon and again
Monotony and sand.
Before the morning, his life is ready,
And tomorrow the same thing yesterday ...
And in this stanza, the poet proceeds to the coverage of the inner world of Onegin, by setting the question:
But was my happy Eugene,
Free, in the color of the best years,
Among daily pleasures?
Hundreds, and maybe thousands of young nobles were satisfied with this empty life. And Onegin?

Evgeny is not satisfied with life, he is bored, they mastering "Handra". This state of Onegin highlights it among young people who satisfy the existence described. He is higher, meaningful than ordinary young people of the St. Petersburg society. It lives some big inquiries, and empty secular life does not bring him happiness. Dreams involuntary devotion
Inimitable strangeness
And sharp, chilled mind ...

This author's characteristic is very important. All these qualities dramatically allocate Onegin from the medium that surrounded him, Pushkin's high appreciates his hero. The noble secular society was inhomogeneously, and along with a mass of empty mediocre people there were people of another type. And some features of his personality Onegin is close to them. Dissatisfaction of Onegin surrounding the poet emphasizes in the XIV! Stroof.
First Onegin Language
And to the joke, with biliary in half,
I was confused; But I'm used to
And to the anger of gloomy epigram.
To his stingy dispute

So, from the I head of the novel, we learned about the origin of Onegin, upbringing and education. Found out which environment surrounded him and formed his views and tastes. I got acquainted with the circle of his interests. I figured out some of the negative aspects of his life, which could not but impose an imprint on his personality: Onegin lives without difficulty and a certain classes; He is not connected with native nature, nor with the life of his people. Starting from French upbringing and ending reading predominantly foreign books, - all in his life deprives Onegin the possibilities of rapprochement with his national, Russian. Onegin appears dissatisfaction with life, longing. He feels the aimless of his existence.

In the further chapters of the novel, the image of Onegin develops, undergoes some changes. The author puts Onegin to new situations, encounters him with new people, and in these clashes in a number of new circumstances, the essence of the image is fully revealed, its social sense, the typical part of the youth of the 20s, reflected in the image of Onegin.
At the end of the first I head and in the II chapter tells about the life of Onegin in
Two days he seemed new
Then they really have a dream;
Secluded fields ...
Then he saw clearly he,
As in the village of boredom, the same ...
... on the third grove, hill and field
He did not occupy more;

"Boredom", "Kandra" do not leave Onegin and in the new living conditions. Nature does not attract it, he is not engaged in the economy. As a landowner, Onegin must enter into some kind of relations with peasants. Only one message is in the novel:
In his wilderness, the sage desert
The lifestyle replaced the loss;
Jar he is an old bar
and the slave fate blessed.

However, this was done "so that only time to spend time." How did the neighborhood residents react to "reform":
... in the corner I was inflated,
Another smile smiled
Seeing terrible harm
And everyone decided to go to the voice
His calculating neighbor:
That he is the most dangerous eccentric.
What relationships have established between Onegin and landowners? Onegin closed in himself and clearly shared himself and his neighbors.
And those, in turn, found him the "eccentric", "pharmaceutical" and "Friendship stopped with him."

In I, the head of Onegin was the author allocated from the Wednesday of the Secondary Mature Nobility. In the II chapter, he is sharply delivered from the usual circle of landowners, on Wednesday whose whale fell.
It is worth paying attention to the friendship of Onegin with Lensky. With all the difference in characters and temperaments, they, nevertheless, enter into themselves and something in common: they are both opposed to Buyanov, Petushkov, Prostakov, Mizinechik, Durin. General in them - great requests for life, wide mental interests. Here is the story, both philosophical and moral questions, and reading literary works.
In the III chapter - the first meeting of Onegin with Tatiana. Pay attention to the dialogue between two buddies, when they are "dear brief home fly in full support." From the conversation it is clear that Onegin paid attention not to Olga: "I would choose another", i.e. Tatiana. Onegin knows how to deal with people, he did not attract a bad, empty Olga. Yes, and the fact that Onegin immediately made an extraordinary impression on Tatiana, it is impossible to be attributed only at the expense of its dreamy, educated on reading sentimental novels, imagination.

However, along with all this, as if to raise the hero, do not forget about his egoism and coldness - a result of the conditions of its upbringing and secular life.
VIV chapter our attention will attract the stanza about the first impression, which made the received letter on Onegin: But, having received the release of Tanya,
Onegin vividly touched ...

These and subsequent lines say that the soul of "Fashion Tirana" is not entirely empty and did not finally felt. However, Onegin is unable to respond to the love of Tatiana, and "drag out", "flirting" does not allow him decency. Of course, the problem of Eugene is that, despite his mind and dissatisfaction with the whole of the life of the people of their circle, he cannot break and look for the meaning of life in another, put in front of him a significant task. However, the vague consciousness that is not a narrow circle of "home" interests, and some other life could give meaning his existence, it lives in it.
"But I was not created for Bliss ..." - and Onegin deploys ironically the picture of family life, to which he is unable. In this "sermons", despite its purification and some arrogant, it sounds, however, and some sadness. Onegin sorry Tatiana, but sorry and himself.

Living in a rustic wilderness, bored and tommy, Onegin shows the ability to respect his provincial girlfriend, does not want to play a serious and big feeling.
The behavior of Onegin in the name of Tatiana nothing new to his image does not add. However, the neglect of Onegin to people and his egoism again appears.
Crank, hitting the feast huge,
I was angry ...
Although he was not angry with that, and Lensky, and Larina are located to it. And Onegin not only "began to draw all the guests in the soul of his caricature," but lightly offended his friend, causing Olga. In chapter VI, the episode of the challenge and duel eloquently characterizes Onegin.
Having received "no extra words" challenge, Onegin
Alone with his soul
And befell: in the analysis of strict,
Was dissatisfied with himself.
At the secret court to call himself
He accused himself in many ways ...

And further - honest, loyal thoughts about their wrong. So, - a high and noble idea of \u200b\u200bhuman relationships and sharp self-constructions. Suddenly, the honor is again the reason that the hero gives his humane, noble positions and floats through the course of events. But this is another honor, not the one thought about Onegin before. This is a fake honor regulated by the "public opinion" of the noble society. And she wins Onegin: He, with all his contempt for the nobility-secular circle, himself is his product and cannot break out of its limits, break with him. Onegin is inferior to "public opinion" in an important issue. It does not prevent him from laughing on the traditions of his circle in the affairs of a small scale.

And he takes a Frenchman-lake with the second with him:
Although he is unknown,
But of course small honest.

In the painting of the fight, we celebrate the exposure and composure of Onegin, and after the murder of Lensky - repentance, shock, worried about them:
In longing cardiac remorse
Hand gritting a gun,
Looks at Lensky Evgeny ...
Such is the age-old litigation, the splitness of consciousness, typical of the nobility intellectual of that time.

The next episode "Tatiana in the office of Onegin" raises a number of literary and life associations, which are talking about the complexity and controversivity of the image of the hero, reflected in his personality of the "Spirit of Time." Again and again, Tatiana comes to the office of Onegin. She goes through books, "greedy soul" "indulges" reading. Selection of Onegin books, marks on the fields open her a lot in the person's personality.

Crank sad and dangerous
Now clearer - thank God -
Create hell Ile Heaven,
That comes one to sigh
This angel, this idea,
What is he? Caught priests
Other people's configuration
Insignificant ghost, Ile more
Words fashionable full lexicon? ..
Muscovite in Harold
Is he parody?
There is no answer to questions.

Turn to Onegin in the VIII chapter. There is a new cycle of events in Nor Nenegin, opening a meeting in St. Petersburg with Tatiana. Onegin in the secular round:
But who is who in the crowd of the chosen
Is there silent and foggy?
For all, he seems to be a stranger.

Onegin because turned out to be superfluous among the secular rout.
Pushkin sincerely sorry his hero, with all the wealth of his
personality that turned out to be superfluous, who did not find his place in life. Deep tragic his fate.

Meeting with Tatiana awakens Onegin. Long years passed, he survived a lot, changed his mind since "I read Muchi" by the county lady. Eugene changed, his worldview was more serious, but the hero is still not happy with life. Finally, a meeting with Tatiana awakens an unexplored feeling in it.
The love story of Onegin is a kind of repetition of the history of Love Tatiana, but only roles changed. Evgenia's letter written sincerely, with Fast, without secular etiquette. Finally, the last date, but now Onegin is listening to the reward of Tatiana. In the soul of Onegin the whole "storm of sensations." Roman is calicing.

And here is my hero,
Reader, we will now leave
Per minute, evil for him
For a long time ... Forever ...

Pushkin understood that the junction in the VIII chapter leaves the question of the fate of the hero open. He, as it were, indicated this junction on an infinite variety of options for this fate in a complex and controversial reality.

The character of Onegin in the novel "Yevgeny Onegin" became the subject of scientific disputes and research immediately after the work out of the work. Until our days, Pushkinists cannot come to unambiguous conclusions. By whom Eugene was - a lonely lost soul, excess person or carefree in captivity of his own idle thoughts. His actions are contradictory, the thoughts are wrestled with a smisling of "world grief". Who is he?

Hero prototype

In the novel "Eugene Onegin", the brief content of which is provided against the background of the development of the image of the hero, is the treasure of many literary critics and Pushkinists. We will show you the development of the character of the hero against the background of the events of the novel.

Pushkin was not only a brilliant poet, but also a subtle psychologist. His only novel, his writing, editing the writer dedicated seven years. This work marked the transition of Pushkin from romanticism to realism. The novel in verses was scheduled to be a fully realistic work, but the influence of romanticism is still very strong and tangible, which is not surprising, if we consider that the idea of \u200b\u200bhim arose after reading the Bayronovsky "Don Juan".

The character of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is the result of the creative quest of the poet. It is impossible to say that the main character had his clear prototype. The role of the prototype was referred to Chayadaev and Griboedov, the Pushkin himself and his opponent Peter Katenin, with whom the poet exchanged veiled invades in his works. However, Pushkin himself repeatedly said that Eugene is a collective image of noble youth.

What was the character of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin"?

In the first rows of the novel, we see the well-spoiled poor nobility life of a young man. He is good and not deprived of women. Therefore, it is absolutely not surprised by the reader the title key line of Love Tatyana to Onegin, and then the unrequited love of Onegin to Tatiana.

Throughout the novel, the character of the hero undergo serious changes that we will tell about in the following sections of the article. At first glance, it seems to be an impression that strong feelings are not available to him, he is so fastened by the attention of representatives of the fine sex, which considers himself entitled to give advice. "The smaller the woman we love, the more we like her" - became aphorism. But in Roman Onegin himself comes across his trap.

Characteristic of Onegin in the novel "Evgeny Onegin" 1 chapter

The work was called the "encyclopedia of Russian life." It describes the balls and dresses of ladies and cavaliers, dishes and cutlery, interiors and architecture of buildings. But most of all the attention of the author was aimed at the atmosphere in which the poet himself lived, and in which his heroes live.

The first head of the novel is dedicated to Eugene. On behalf of the story, we learn that the hero is saddened by a letter of his uncle's illness. He is forced to go to him, but the desire to do it from Onegin is not. Here we see the hero somewhat indifferent. Having learned about the illness and early death of a relative, he would grieve and sympathize, but Eugene cares only its own comfort, the unwillingness to leave secular life.

Image of Onegin

The characteristic of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is pretty deep. It begins with a description of the origin of the character from which we learn that he is nobles, born in St. Petersburg. His father on the balas and card debts "finally dreamed."

Evgeny's education was engaged in hired teachers - governers, whom the fruit of their occupations did not care at all. The author says that in his time, almost all noble children received such education.

Non-vaccinated moral principles did their job: Young Onegin became a kidnapper of female hearts. The attention of the ladies fell to him, pushing on "love exploits." Soon such a lifestyle led him to satiety and boredom, disappointment and Handra.

Characteristic of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin", a brief description of which we see in the first chapter, is gaining momentum with the development of the plot. The author does not justify the actions of his hero, but the realistic Kima Roman shows us that it can not be different. The environment in which he grew could not bring other fruits.

Development of the characteristics of Evgenia

The characteristic of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" on the chapters shows us the exact opposite directions of the personality of the character. In the first chapter, in front of us, a young couple, balls and the conquest of wonderful girls, outfits and care for themselves - its main worries.

In the second chapter Evgeny - the young heir to the deceased uncle. He is all the same dumping almush, but his behavior with serfs tells the reader that he is capable of sympathy and understanding. Onegin eliminates the peasants from the unbearable tax, which causes dissatisfaction with his neighbors. They are, however, just ignores. For this hear the eccentric and "ignorant", its image is becoming rumored and speculation.

Friendship with Lensky

Next to Evgenia is a new neighbor - Vladimir Lensky. He just arrived from Germany, where the world of romanticism and poetry was fascinated and fascinated him. At first, the heroes do not find a common language, they are very different. But soon between them a friendly relations are tied.

The young poet Lensky at the time with his communication eliminates Eugene from the insane boredom, which overcomes him and here. He is interested in the poet, but he really does not understand his romantic gusts.

The characteristic of Onegin in the novel "Yevgeny Onegin" thanks to the image of Lensky rapidly introduces the reader with dark shades of the hero's soul. The spirit of rivalry and superiority throws Onegin on the fifth chapter of Larina organized a feast about the birthday of Tatiana. Antensed boredom and gamma Evgeny begins to flirt with Olga, Lensky's bride. He does it to raise Vladimir, and does not expect a call to a duel from him. On this duel he kills a friend and leaves the village. Whether he is mourned about the friend who deceased from his hand, the poet does not say.

Evgeny and Tatiana

In the third chapter of Roman Evgeny appears in the house of Larina. Tatiana falls into power in part of his maiden dreams, in part - the charm of the hero. She puts his feelings in the letter. But there is no answer to it. At the beginning of the fourth chapter, the heroes are found, and Onegin speaks coldly Tatiana that if he wanted a calm family life, no one except Tatiana would be needed. However, now the family is not included in his plans, and the marriage will bring both frustration and pain. He takes on the role of a noble mentor and advises the girl to be careful with his gusts, because "not all of you, as I understand."

Characteristic of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin", the brief content of which we tell, the nearest from the image of the chief hero. It is revealed precisely thanks to the love line. Tatiana is luckless in his unreserved love, the coldness of Eugene wounds her in the very heart, deprives sleeping and peace, immerses in the half-brass, semi-shy dreams.

Second meeting with Tatiana

When Eugene meets the girl once in love with him in St. Petersburg - it becomes the climax of the novel.

The character of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" undergoes completely unexpected changes. Hero for the first time in his life falls in love. And so much that is ready for any crazy, just to conquer the girl who once pushed.

He writes a letter to her where he is confessed in his feelings, but does not receive a response to him.

The answer later will be a conversation with Tatiana, where she admits that he also loves him, but loyalty to her husband, honor and responsibility do not give her to respond to his feelings. The novel breaks on this dialogue, the poet leaves Eugene to reap the fruits of his madness in Tatiana's bedroom.

\u003e Characteristics of Heroes Evgeny Onegin

Characteristics of the hero Evgeny Onegin

Evgeny Onegin is the protagonist of the same name Roman A. S. Pushkin, a young nobleman, a person with a complex and controversial character. Onegin was born and grew up in St. Petersburg. He did not have a mother, and his father was a man, though rich, but frivolous and quickly wondered. After his death, all the property went to creditors. Eugene brought up French governors that did not take a lot of time to science. In return, they taught him to express him in French, to understand Latin, dance Mazurka and recite epigram. Good and quickly, he mastered the "science of passion gentle".

Rose Onegin is rather selfish, incapable of work, easily wounded feelings of other people. Every day he visited theaters, balls and feasts. The next morning I was lacking in bed, and then I was again preparing for going into the world. Soon the young man has developed a hander. To at least somehow diversify your life, he tried to read books and engage in literary creativity. But it also bored him too. Going to the village to the dying uncle, who visited him a rich inheritance, he hoped to relax from the metropolitan bustle. He fell to the decline in taste, but here he soon began to miss. Such was the natural nobleman's nature.

In the village of Onegin met Lensky, who subsequently became his best friend, as well as the family of Larina. Meeting with Lensky discovered in it the opportunity to faithful friendship, hidden behind cold egoism. And the meeting with the young Tatiana Larina touched something in his indispensable soul, but seeing the romantic nature of the girl, he did not dare to play her feelings. In response to her letter with recognition, he said that he could love her brother's love and that family bonds were not for him. Despite the fact that it was good for these two people, he did not bring his happiness. Lensky he accidentally killed a duel, and Tatiana was issued for another and became the princess. At the end of the novel, he saw her in a different light and loved, but this time she refused him. This refusal is overlooking the coup of all his thoughts and mental feelings.

Evgeny Onegin is rightfully worth a mansion among the works of Russian literature of the 19th century. This is one of the most harmonious compositions and the rich in the content of the works of Pushkin. For more than 8 years, dedicate Alexander Sergeevich to his brain: having started working on a novel in verses in the spring of 1823, it was completed only by autumn 1831. It was the most painstaking and long work on the work in his life.

He threw the work on the "Eugene Onegin," he again seated her. Conditionally work on the novel can be divided into four stages, during which a lot of events happened in the life of Pushkin: both southern link, and Boldin autumn, and a series of turbulent novels. All chapters were published gradually, as they wrote, one after another. The last author's version saw the light in 1837. According to the description, the actions in the novel cover the period of time for 6 years. In the process of narrative, the heroes grow up, they pass some life path and turn from dreamy young men and girls in mature personalities.

Thanks to the expression of the emotions of heroes through a poetic form, the novel receives greater lyricity and expressiveness, so the reader becomes clear and the entire feeling palette is available that the author laid the basis. In addition, Pushkin enters the novel and himself as one of the heroes of the narration, he keeps the letter of Tatiana and meets with Onegin in St. Petersburg. There are many lyrical digresses in the novel, where Pushkin shares with the reader with his thoughts and experiences, as if alienated by the stroke and the main line of the narrative.

Analysis of the work

The main story of the work

The plot is based on the Loveline: Young Tatyana Larina falls in love with the bright extraordinary personality of Eugene Onegin. It is still very young, he is already tired of the noisy bustle and tinsel around him, and calls his soul firing. A young girl in love is decided on a desperate step and writes a letter of recognition, where with his characteristic youthful nature, with an ardent of his soul with an excessiveness, and expresses the hope of romantic relations between them. The hero does not respond to Tatiana reciprocity than it wounds very much. There is a decisive explanation between young people, and Onegin gently tells Tatiana that his stratum soul is no longer able to love, albeit such a young and beautiful girl like Tatyana. Later, when Larina becomes a married woman and, it would seem, gains quiet family happiness, the path of heroes intersect again. Onegin understands which terrible mistake he committed, but, unfortunately, fix something is no longer possible. Tatiana pronounces his famous "... but I am given to another, and I will be true about him ..." than puts the point in the failed history of love.

Many mistakes that tend to do people, especially in the youth, prevented young heroes to be together, despite their mutual love. Just passing through a series of spiritual shocks, Onegin understands that Tatiana is the same girl with whom he could be very happy, but, as usual, understands it too late. All this certainly causes the reader to think about the fact that he does a similar mistake. And, perhaps, it immerses the memories of past sad experiments or makes the fervent and tender first feelings again.

main characters

One of the main characters is Evgeny Onegin. A closed young man with a complex character. The author deliberately does not idealize his image, making it all the shortcomings that are usually inherent in a real person. Since childhood, he did not know anything, being the son of the St. Petersburg nobleman. His soul did not like the work, was ranked with novels, balas and scientific works of favorite authors. His life was also empty, as in a million of the same Bar gambles of that time, filled with couments and debauchery, meaningless bothering of life. As it turns out, as a result of such a lifestyle, Yevgeny became a real worn egoist, which is just thinking about his own pleasures. He is not in a penny, it does not put other people's feelings and with ease insults a person if he did not like him or said the phrase inappropriate in his opinion.

Meanwhile, our hero and positive features are not deprived of: for example, throughout the novel, the author shows us how kind of geniene is to science and knowledge. He is constantly in finding what you can replenish and expand your consciousness, studying the works of philosophers, leads intellectual conversations and disputes. In addition, in contrast to the peers, he very quickly annivers the bikes and meaningless pastime. Very soon, the reader can observe his personal growth, while his friends alone inevitably degrade, turning into the prominent landowners.

Despite his disappointment and dissatisfaction, in a way of life, which he is forced to lead, he does not have enough peace and motivation to break this vicious circle. He did not grab about that saving straw, which he stretches his clean and bright girl Tatiana, confessing in love.

The turning point of his life is the murder of Lensky. At this point, Onegin opens his eyes, he understands how negligible is its former existence. From the feeling of shame and remorse, he is forced to escape, and sends to conquer the expanses of the country in the hope of hiding from the "bloody shadow" of the murdered friend.

From a three-year voyage, he is returned to a completely different person, mature and conscious. Having met Tatiana, who is already married at that time, he understands that he experiences feelings for her. He sees an adult smart woman in it, an excellent companion and holistic mature nature. He is affected by her grandeur and secular coldness, without recognizing in it that timid and tender rustic girl, what he knew her before. Now she is a loving wife, tactful and friendly, kept and calm. In this woman, he falls in love with no memory, and he ruthlessly rejected it.

This was the final of the novel, the further life of Onegin and Tatiana remains for the reader unknown. Pushkin does not give any answer to questions about whether Eugene will accept and forget his love and how did he spend his next days? Was there a little happy Tatyana married for an unloved man? All this remains a mystery.

No smaller image described in the novel - the image of Tatiana Larina. Her Pushkin describes as a simple nobility from the province. The modest young lady, not endowed with special beauty and external attractiveness, however, having a surprisingly deep multifaceted inner world. Her romantic poetic nature fascinates the reader and makes it sympathize and empathize with her suffering from the first to the last line. Pushkin and himself more than once confessed in love for his fictional heroine:

« Sorry to me: I love so much

Tatyana Mild Moy! ".

Tanya grows quite closed, immersed in his own feelings, closed by a girl. Her best friends were very early book, she was looking for answers to all questions, through the pages of Romanov she was recognized. Especially strange it looks like a reader an unexpected impulse of Tatiana and her frank letter Onegin. This behavior is not at all typical of its nature and indicates that the feelings that broke up to Eugene were so strong that they eclipsed the mind of a young girl.

The author gives us to understand that after the refusal, and after a long departure of Onegin, and even after marriage, Tanya never ceases to love him. However, huge nobility and self-esteem does not give her opportunities to rush in his arms. She respects her husband and protects his family. Refusing the feelings of Onegin, it manifests itself as an exceptionally reasonable, strong and wise woman. Duty it turns out for it above all, and this decision makes the reader imbued with deep-respect heroine. The suffering and later repentance of Onegin is the natural finale of his lifestyle and actions.

(Illustration of K. I. Rudakova "Evgeny Onegin. Meeting in the garden", 1949)

In addition to the main characters, many secondary characters are described in the novel, however, such a bright characteristic, like Nobody gets more than Tatyana and Onegin. Is that Lensky author pays some attention. With bitterness, he describes his tragic fate with an unfair finale. Pushkin characterizes it as an exceptionally pure young man, with a challenged reputation and high moral qualities. He is talented and impulse, but at the same time quite noble.


A mansion is a description of nature in the novel: the author pays a lot of time. We can find beautiful pictures on the pages of the novel, recreating Moscow, Petersburg, Crimea, Odessa, the Caucasus and, of course, the wonderful nature of the Russian depths before our eyes. All that Pushkin describes is ordinary paintings of the Russian village. At the same time, he does it so virtuoso that the pictures created by them are literally come to life in the reader's imagination, fascinate it.

Despite the disappointing final of the novel, it cannot be called pessimistic. On the contrary, the abundance of bright living moments makes the reader believe in a wonderful future and with hope to look into the distance. There are so many bright, real feelings, noble gusts and pure love that the novel is more able to withdraw the reader for positive emotions.

The whole composition of the novel is lined with surprisingly harmoniously, which is surprising, considering what major breaks the author again searched to work on it. The structure has a clear, slim and organic structure. Actions smoothly result from one of the other, throughout the novel, a favorite Pushkin reception is used - a ring composition. That is, the place of primary and end events coincides. The reader can also track the mirroring and symmetry of the occurrence of the events: Tatyana and Eugene are several times in similar situations, on one of which (Tatiana's refusal) The effect of the novel is interrupted.

It is worth noting that no love story in the novel has a successful final: like her sister Tatiana, Olga Larina was not destined to gain happiness with Lensky. The difference of heroes is shown through opposition: Tatiana and Olga, Lensky and Onegin.

Summing up, it is worth noting that "Eugene Onegin" - truly confirmation of the non-Runny poetic talent and the lyrical genius of Pushkin. Roman reads literally in one breath and captures from the first line.