Husbands of Ksenia Borodina. Ksenia Borodina's husband spoke about the divorce Borodina's husband Yuri Budagov biography

Ksenia was born in Moscow into a family that she herself calls Armenian. It is known that Ksyusha's real surname is Amoeva, and she borrowed Borodin's surname from her mother when she quarreled with her father, who did not come to congratulate her on her 18th birthday.

The fact is that the girl's parents divorced when she was one year old. Soon my mother married an Italian architect and went to his country, leaving her daughter to be raised by her grandparents. However, Ksyusha did not suffer from this.

Every year I went on vacation to my mother in Italy, and in high school I transferred to a lyceum with in-depth study of languages. After graduating from a Russian high school, she got the opportunity to study in the British language school. She did not last long there: she greatly yearned for Russia, her grandparents, and also for her lover. Then the sentimental and amorous Ksyusha already had a heartfelt friend - neighbor Sasha.

A month later, the girl fled from England to Moscow and was able to immediately enter the second year of the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. She soon broke up with Sasha, because of whom the girl dropped out of English school, but she never blamed him for the circumstances. The girl still believes that she did the right thing.

Love affair at work

After graduation, she dreamed of working on television. Ksenia went to auditions and auditions, starred in minor episodic roles in little-known films, but still could not get her dream job, which would glorify her and make her a real star.

When on the reality show "Dom-2" they were looking for a co-host in a couple of Ksenia Sobchak, Borodina tried her hand. Accustomed to rejection, she did not even hope that she would go to the show that promised to be popular. And while the casting directors decided her fate, she agreed to the offer of her mother and stepfather to move to Italy, bought a ticket and was already waiting for her departure. A few minutes before boarding the plane, she received a call from television: she passed.

A couple of months later, the whole country, quickly addicted to reality, watched the developing novel of the host and participant - Oscar Karimov. It was a novelty on the project: it seemed that the participants were supposed to pair up with each other, but you cannot order your heart.

As a result, the romance of Borodina and one of the Karimov twins lasted more than a year and quietly faded by itself.

The most rated project of this format in the world, entered in the Guinness Book of Records, could not fail to bring frenzied popularity to its presenters. So Ksenia became one of the most recognizable persons in the country. Now she not only led reality, but also wrote books with advice on how to build the perfect relationship, as well as on proper nutrition and fitness.


The beautiful and ambitious TV presenter was invited to various parties and shows as a special guest. At one of these parties, businessman Yuri Budagov met Xenia. The man drew attention to the beauty right away, but for some time she believed that their relationship did not develop further than friendly "hello-bye."

Once, right on the road in Borodina's car, the brake pads failed. A serious breakdown could have entailed serious consequences if, by coincidence, Yuri was not nearby. Ksyusha only asked where the nearest service was, and the man had already decided to take matters into his own hands.

He just took the girl's car, and then returned it in good order. Ksenia appreciated the gesture and agreed to a date with Yuri. This is how their relationship began. They will last three years, after which, on a beautiful date - 08.08.08, young people will get married.

A year later, the couple had a daughter, Marusya. Ksenia has repeatedly said that before giving birth she was afraid that because of the decree, the contract would be terminated with her, so she tried to get out as early as possible. However, no one pressed her. Despite this, Ksenia quickly found a nanny and returned to the project.


And again, Ksenia found her love on the project that she led. This time the passion happened to the young handsome Mikhail Terekhin. They were together for more than three years, and the whole country watched the eccentric relationship.

Lovers with difficult characters constantly and loudly cursed and tried to leave several times. When, finally, Ksenia decided for herself that this could not continue and broke off the relationship, Terekhin launched a real information attack.

First, the man told the details of their intimate life, then he pointed out that Ksyusha hindered the development of his career and did not want to share money with his beloved. The accusations that her little daughter constantly prevented Misha from enjoying his vacation with Ksenia became the talk of the town.

In response, the TV star gave an interview in which she said that Terekhin has a difficult character and often limited her freedom. And also stressed: she will not meet with him again.


While Terekhin was trying to survive the breakup in his own way, Xenia began a new relationship. She met this young man several years ago, but then they were both busy. The man began to look after the beauty and quickly won her favor. At first, she hid the name of her beloved, and only before the wedding she showed it to the public.

Dagestani businessman Kurban Omarov is gallant and well-mannered. He surrounded his beloved with care and attention. They planned the celebration for the fall, but Ksenia became pregnant. I had to urgently postpone the wedding to the middle of summer - I didn't want the baby to be born out of wedlock.

Xenia's former lover Mikhail reacted violently to rumors about an upcoming event. In the media every now and then slipped his comments that he did not understand what kind of circus Ksyusha had divorced, getting married so quickly? And then repentance and words that he was ready to accept her even pregnant from another man. It is not known which of the statements actually belongs to Terekhin.

Ksenia Borodina, whose parents are Armenian by nationality, is a rather famous woman. Many people know her from the television project "House 2", which brought her resounding fame as a TV presenter.

She is familiar to us as an actress, cheerful and bright, lively and red-headed, but few did not ask the question: “What is her family life? With whom does she support the family hearth? "

Borodina's husbands

Ksyusha was married 2 times to businessmen:

  1. Kurban Omarov;
  2. Yuri Budagov.

Two promising and prominent men, whom many women dream of ringing, were seized by Xenia. Unfortunately, not always two young hearts get along and the marriage falls apart, as happened with her first husband, Yuri.

Marriage with Yuri Budagov

In this union, young Xenia had a girl who was named Maria. The marriage with Yuri lasted about three years. Unfortunately, from the media, Borodina herself was not very happy about this marriage, therefore, when this relationship was broken, she did not regret much about the collapse of the union. After the divorce, she took her daughter with her, but she allowed her to see her dad.

Marriage with Kurban Omarov

After the breakup of marriage, not everyone succeeds in creating a new union in the shortest possible time, but Ksyusha did not lose her head and quickly rose in spirit and body. For which we can safely say that she is strong and she clearly has a strong core inside.

Xenia's second marriage is going well so far. Having watched the video from her wedding, in which, by the way, Olga Buzova, a participant in the House 2 project, was the host, we can say that her daughter-in-law's eyes were shining and she was happy. It is logical that at the wedding any daughter-in-law will feel like a royal, and everyone's eyes will shine, but we will believe our intuition and think that everything is really good with her.

From the second marriage, the artist had a daughter, Theon. Due to the girl's pregnancy, the date of the wedding with Kurban was postponed, but it was not canceled. And now, as we wrote above, they live together in a large and friendly family.

Unlike most TV stars, Ksyusha had only two marriages and from this it is already clear that she has a good taste for the opposite sex. The men whom she prefers can be proudly called "brutals", it is not so easy to become the wife of such a man, in our opinion, one must obviously be not only a candy with a beautiful cover, but also have an education behind his back + intellect.

Borodina Ksenia Kimovna is the idol of many young people, since she is talented and knows how to profitably present herself to her fans. The woman learned not to pay attention to the evil words of ill-wishers, and also never to give up.

At the same time, Ksyusha is not only a famous TV presenter and socialite, but also a DJ, a sought-after actress and author of two bestsellers. The woman teaches her fans how to look good, offers a proven author's diet, and also says that for happiness you just need to respect yourself.

Borodin is not only an accomplished star, but also a loving wife and caring mother who never leaves her daughters to their fate.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Borodina

Fans are constantly looking for information about their favorite height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Borodina - it's easy to clarify, knowing her date of birth, which is not a secret.

At the same time, Ksenia Borodina: photos in her youth and now prove that the TV presenter is a woman without age, because she looks just great. The fact is that Ksyusha was born in 1983, so she has already managed to celebrate her thirty-fifth birthday.

The zodiac gave the girl the sign of dreamy, creative and original Pisces, and the Eastern horoscope endowed her with the stability and talkativeness of the Pig.

The shade of the girl's hair is constantly changing, so those who follow the process are in a hurry to inform that the hair color of Ksenia Borodina in 2017 and the current year has allowed her to be considered a brunette. By the way, recently a woman made a balayage fashionable this season, which looks great with curly curls.

By the way, Ksenia Borodina's haircut is a light cascade on the longest hair, which is complemented by a straight parting.

Ksyusha's height was one meter and sixty-five centimeters, and she weighs incredibly little, only forty-six kilograms.

Biography of Ksenia Borodina

The biography of Ksenia Borodina began when she was born in the capital of our Motherland. Her parents were far from television and creativity, while her father's name was always covered with a secret.

Father - Kim Amoev - a man who was associated with crime, but he was also an entrepreneur who abandoned his daughter when she was one year old.

Mother - Inna Amoeva - a nurse and a housewife who married an Italian and left for this country, leaving her daughter with her grandparents.

Brother - Nikita Amoev - is younger than his famous sister, no one knows for sure whether he is her native or cousin, it is only known that young people do not communicate, and the guy raps under the pseudonym Stakhat.

The girl studied at a Moscow school and studied foreign languages, while after graduating from her Ksyusha went to the international school "Multilingwich". By the way, she received her higher education at the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism of the capital, at the same time attending the castings of the TV show.

Borodina's television career began with the Dom-2 project in 2004, because of which she refused to leave for permanent residence in Italy. In addition, as a participant and presenter, she shone in the programs "Windows", "Cruel Intentions", "Dancing with the Stars", "Reboot", "Let them talk".

Ksenia Borodina starred in the films "Lavrova's Method", "Zaza", "Since March Eighth, Men!"

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

The personal life of Ksenia Borodina was eventful and tragic at the same time, since all her love stories ended before they began. Ksyusha's first love was her seventeen-year-old peer named Sasha, who lived with her on a nearby train. They met with the boy for two years and could not live a day without each other. It was because of her beloved person that Borodina decided to return from Italy, where she studied at a prestigious school.

Sasha and Ksyusha decided to enter the same university, but soon the young people broke up, although the girl is grateful to the guy for staying in the Russian Federation.

On the site of the Dom-2 project, Borodina had new fans who fell in love with her without memory, but quickly left her. These include Misha Terekhin and the fatal handsome Oscar Kerimov, who met with the beauty for about a year.

Later, the couple broke up, but Ksenia was not alone for long, because Nikita Isaev appeared in her life, who was a rather successful guy and headed the Prime Insurance company, which was engaged in insurance.

After Nikita, a young Moscow DJ named Anton burst into Ksyusha's life, however, the girl did not meet with him for a long time. Many of her fans often say that the reason was most likely in her beloved boyfriend Borodina and at the same time the vocalist from the popular group "Dynamite" Leonid Nerushenko, who tragically died in 2005 in an accident.

However, recently, data appeared on the Internet that Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina got married, so we can say that the black streak in the life of the TV presenter is over.

Family of Ksenia Borodina

The family of Ksenia Borodina was strange, since she broke up as soon as Ksyusha was one year old. After that, the girl never saw her father, so she was terribly offended and even changed Amoev's surname to her mother's, since she had been waiting for dad at his birthday party for several hours, but he did not come.

At the same time, the mother was also not close with her daughter, she decided to improve her personal life, married the Italian architect and owner of the construction company Jenny and went to Italy. The baby stayed with her mother's parents - Galina and Bulat, who simply adored Ksyusha, but could not make ends meet.

Mom sent the girl expensive gifts from Italy, but Ksyusha asked her grandparents to sell them in order to buy food and clothes, by the way, Inna Bulatovna did not know anything about this for a long time.

In childhood, Ksenia did not get along well with her stepfather, she was afraid of him, but as a teenager she began to constantly fly to Italy. The stepfather even called his stepdaughter for permanent residence in this country, but Ksenia chose a career on Russian television.

Children of Ksenia Borodina

The children of Ksenia Borodina were born from different husbands, but the woman simply adores babies. She says that she is grateful to the spouses precisely for the fact that they gave her children.

When the eldest Marusya was born, her famous mother got a tattoo with her name so that her daughter was always by her side. However, due to her busy creative schedule, Borodin was forced to hire an experienced nanny, who replaced her and raised her daughters.

By the way, the age difference between the girls is six years, but they are very friendly, although Marusya, as an older sister, constantly protects the baby and takes care of her.

Ksyusha often calls her son Omarov from his first marriage, and Omar simply adores new sisters and often comes to visit them. Recently, information appeared on the Internet that the couple broke up and the baby is now not allowed to communicate with the sisters, although he really wants it, but this information has remained at the level of gossip.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Maria Budagova

The daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Maria Budagova - was born in 2009, her father was Yuri Budagov. Marusia slightly disappointed her mother, because she was born not on June 8, as she planned, but on the ninth.

By the way, the baby has already become a real star, since in 2011 she already starred with her mother for the cover of Dom-2 magazine, she took part in many issues of the program, and also participated in photo shoots. Marusya studies at the school of young politicians, she wants to become a fashion model and constantly participates in fashion shows, while doing gymnastics and running her own blog on Instagram. She loves Lego constructors and monsters, and also cartoons about Shopkins.

Marusia did not suffer in any way from the divorce of her parents, since she often spends time with her dad and gets along well with her stepfather.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Teona Omarova

The daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Teona Omarova - was born in 2015, and Kurban Omarov became her father. The baby is often called Thea, which means "divine wisdom", she grows up as a copy of her dad.

Until two years, Ksenia hid the name and photo of her second daughter from fans, and then decided to reveal this secret. At the same time, by nature, Thea surprisingly resembles her mother, she is active, cheerful, easily converges with people and radiates positive.

Teona loves to play with dolls, and especially with dolls, she enjoys communicating with animals. The baby works with her mother according to Doman's method, she draws, sings and learns English.

Former husband of Ksenia Borodina - Yuri Budagov

The ex-husband of Ksenia Borodina, Yuri Budagov, is a famous businessman whom the TV presenter met in 2008 on the set of the popular Comedy Club show. This meeting was not love at first sight, but the guys met for a long time to chat and have a cup of coffee.

The novel began when Borodina's car broke down right on the road, and Yuri simply repaired it, without taking a dime for it. Three years later, the guys secretly and modestly got married, and the bride did not even have a white wedding dress.

However, in 2011 more and more information began to appear that Budagov decided to divorce. The fact is that he needed a submissive housewife, and Ksenia spent all the time on the set of "Dom-2" and films, forgetting about her wife and daughter.

After the divorce, the guys left for different apartments, but they continue to be friends and communicate only for the sake of their daughter.

Ksenia Borodina's husband - Kurban Omarov

Ksenia Borodina's husband, Kurban Omarov, met her in 2015, he was a famous Dagestani businessman and a fan of his future wife's talent. From childhood, the guys called him simply Zima, because he was distinguished by restraint and self-confidence.

Kurban was not a public person, but for the sake of his beloved he agreed to give interviews and post his photos on the Internet. In 2015, young people got married, and their children from previous marriages were present at their wedding. Together with the kids, the newlyweds went on their honeymoon to the Turkish coast.

Kurban gave his chosen one a beauty salon, but the relationship was on the verge of collapse, since the guy turned out to be incredibly loving. Xenia threw him a scene of jealousy, and for the first time he raised his hand to her.

The couple did not meet for several months, but then Ksenia nevertheless forgave her husband, although the Internet was already rushing to announce their divorce.

Ksenia Borodina Nude

Naked Ksenia Borodina on the Internet is far from uncommon, since the girl was often shot naked for many men's magazines. For the first time she undressed for the XXL men's edition in 2005, but the photos turned out not to be vulgar, but naive and cute, since Ksenia looked like a young girl with huge eyes on them.

In 2011, the beauty posed in a more candid photo shoot for Playboy magazine, where she appeared as an insidious temptress in furs and a black peignoir. This was followed by shooting for other magazines, but on them Ksyusha, no matter how hard she tried, looked pretty chaste.

In 2014, hackers hacked into the girl's computer and put on public display spicy photos of Borodina for the fact that the star refused to pay them 1,000,000 rubles.

Photos of Ksenia Borodina in Maxim magazine never appeared, although her rather candid photos often made it to the Internet. And it’s not only the hackers who hacked her site, but also the woman’s openness.

However, completely naked Borodina never got on the pages of publications or on the Internet, because she believed that it was possible to completely naked only for a loved one whom you trust, like yourself. There are also ambiguous photos and videos that were filmed in films or on television programs.

Ksenia often appears in front of her fans in luxurious underwear or in a swimsuit, since she is an avid traveler who loves to soak up the seashore.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Borodina

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Borodina exist in the official form, since the TV presenter is incredibly sociable. From the article on Borodina on Wikipedia, you can learn about her childhood, education, parents and stepfather, spouses and children. It also contains up-to-date information regarding filmography, participation in television programs and doing business.

At least 10,800,000 people have subscribed to Ksyusha's Instagram profile, who can rate and comment on photos and videos dedicated to creativity, spouse and children.

It is worth noting that Borodina has an official Vkontakte page that can be trusted, but, in addition to VK, you can find reliable data about her life on Facebook or Twitter.

Marriage does not always mean eternal love. Often emotions and feelings begin to fade away by the third year of marriage. The heroes of today's collection did not keep the family boat afloat and decided to build their future life in the absence of their first spouses.

Yuri Budagov - the first husband of Ksenia Borodina

The presenter of the scandalous TV show went to the altar twice in her life. She met Yuri Budagov on the set of the Comedy Club. Simple communication quickly spilled over into a real three-year romance, which ended in marriage. The couple did not delay with the appearance of children, and a year later the first-born was born in the Borodina family. A year later, Yuri began to reproach Ksenia for numerous projects and a rich social life. The husband felt too little attention from the TV presenter on himself and the child. It was Budagov who first made the decision to divorce.

Leonid Yaroshevsky - Valeria's first husband

If we compare Valeria's situation with the current trends in marriage registration, the singer got married very early. In her youth, she was a member of a musical group led by Leonid Yaroshevsky. Getting to know the ward closer, Leonid went with Valeria to Moscow in order to conquer show business. Then the musician hails from Saratov and made an offer to his 18-year-old chosen one.

Yaroshevsky tried to make money on Valeria's talent, becoming her producer, but there was no money to promote the unknown singer. As a result, the venture failed, and misunderstandings in the family began to grow. The marriage lasted only two years. According to the star, her husband turned out to be too weak in character for her.

In an interview, Valeria spoke in detail about her feelings for the musician: "I really felt only pity for him." The singer found it difficult to control and direct a grown man. The whole union of Valeria and Leonidas turned out to be a youthful spontaneous mistake.

Peter Kislov - the first husband of Polina Gagarina

In a marriage with Pyotr Kislov, Polina Gagarina gave birth to a son, Andrei, in whom she does not like a soul. And the relationship of the spouses was tested for strength for three years, and did not stand the test. At first, the stars did not comment on the reasons for the gap. After some time, Kislov gave an interview to the magazine "Caravan History", in which he shed light on his past family life.

According to Peter, their marriage with Polina destroyed pride and unwillingness to give in to each other. Each of the spouses understood the requirements of the other half, but agreeing to meet halfway would mean admitting that they were wrong. Neither Kislov nor Gagarin could allow this. The couple divorced in 2010.

Valentin Belkevich - the first husband of Anna Sedokova

The singer got married at 22, football player Valentin Belkevich became the chosen one. Obviously, an unplanned pregnancy pushed the wedding, because just a few months after the marriage was registered, the couple had a daughter, Alina. Having got married in 2004, already in 2006 - Sedokova announced her breakup with Valentin. The reason for this was family disagreements.

Sergey Lenyuk - the first husband of Lera Kudryavtseva

The heart of the young TV presenter was conquered by the musician of the Laskoviy May group Sergey Lenyuk. A fast-paced romance grew into Lera's pregnancy. Having decided to leave the child, drummer Lenyuk and Kudryavtseva got married, and their first-born Jean was born. The name of the star mother gave her son in honor of Jean-Claude Van Damme. As it turned out, Sergei often cheated on his wife, so Lera, after two years of marriage, filed for divorce.

Mykolas Orbakas - the first husband of Alla Pugacheva

The singer met her first husband at the circus, where she came to watch the performance. Mikolas was touring at the time trying to make a living. The novel, which began in 1969, was crowned with success, because soon the young were married. Daughter Christina Orbakaite was born in 1971. For two years, the whole family huddled in a communal apartment, when in 1973 Mikolas and Pugacheva were provided with housing. Unfortunately, already at that time, the boat of love practically drowned in an ocean of resentment and discontent.

After the divorce, the ex-spouses continued to communicate. Orbakas still maintains warm communication with his daughter Christina, taking part in raising grandchildren. As for the relationship with Alla Borisovna, Mykolas respects his first love and supports her choice.

Alexey Semenov - the first husband of Elena Temnikova

The couple met at the "Star Factory", where everyone was for himself. For a long time, Alexey and Elena communicated exclusively within the framework of the project, but after dropping out of the "star family" they confessed their feelings to each other.

The romance among the lovers proceeded measuredly throughout the year, when Semyonov suddenly invited the singer to become his wife. The stunned Elena also suddenly agreed. With the help of friends of the future spouses, the couple managed to wedge them into the busy schedule of the registry office. The wedding took place surrounded by young people from the "Star Factory". The bride and groom themselves chose not the most formal outfits - instead, the stars put on jeans and T-shirts.

Over the next six years, the marriage was tested for strength. Although the spouses remained faithful to each other, tenderness and love gradually left their home. Temnikova began to ask for a divorce, but Semenov did not want to agree. As a result, when the star spouse met a new love, the union was officially terminated.

Yuri Budagov announced his innocence in the beating of the star of "House-2"

Yuri Budagov announced his innocence in the beating of the star of "House-2"

On the second day after the broadcast of the program "Sincere Confession", Stepan Menshchikov was attacked by three unknown persons. As a result, the former participant of "House-2" was taken to the hospital with head injuries. According to Styopa, he paid for the rash words on the air, calling the ex-wife of Ksenia BORODINA a swindler.

During the NTV program dedicated to the upcoming 30th anniversary Ksenia Borodina, the journalists of "Sincere Confession" decided to interview all the beloved men of the birthday girl, including Ksyusha's friend - Stepana Menshchikov.

I didn't think that Xenia's ex-husband, Yuri, had no sense of humor, Menshchikov wonders. - On Sunday evening, he called me and said: he did not like that I called him a swindler. I meant that, as I heard, he owes money. It was fun, funny, humorous - he just didn't get it. Budagov asked for a meeting.

We talked in his car. Yuri threatened me: “You will answer! People will come to you. You can plant drugs. " He answered briefly: “I have nothing more to talk about. Let's goodbye!"

The next day Menshchikov was invited by an unknown girl to her child's birthday.

She promised 1000 dollars, - says Stepan. - I asked for a meeting to transfer money. I didn't suspect anything. A black BMW arrived, I sat down on the passenger seat, the door opened immediately, and the young guy delivered beautiful and correct blows. Then two more men came up and, having pulled him out of the car, beat him. I have a slight concussion, on this fact I wrote a statement to the police.

Did Ksyusha order the attack?

For comments, we turned to Borodina's ex-husband - Yuri Budagov.

I did not touch the stepa with a finger, - says Yuri Budagov. - We met and had a good conversation. Styopa, of course, didn’t want to explain himself, but I persuaded: “We don’t have to toil the foolishness, we’ll have a good conversation.” I have a DVR in my car, you can check what the conversation was about. Styopa suggested lighting a joint of marijuana, so to speak, a pipe of peace. He asked directly: “Why was it said? If there is something specific, I want to hear. " Styopa explained: some people called him and said that I owe money. He tried to call someone in front of me, but they sent him to hell. We sat in the car for about 17 minutes. Let him write a statement to the police, his right. If I wanted to beat him, I would have dealt with him myself.

- What are your actions?

If I do not hear from him publicly apologizing on the same channel, I am filing a lawsuit for “insulting honor and dignity” and, at the same time, a statement to the police under the article “libel”. I heard that Styopa was going to the USA to shoot, and so: a letter will be sent to the embassy. My lawyer has received a linguistic examination of the word "swindler", and we have ample grounds for a claim. I believe that a person should be responsible for the words spoken.

- Do you think this is Styopa's PR, or the revenge of your ex-wife Ksenia Borodina?

Ksyusha and I parted normally: I see my daughter Marusya, - explains Yuri. - We just realized that we are incompatible with each other. There was no scandal when we parted. I took my things and left the apartment. After some time, we met with Ksyusha and talked. He invited her to write a statement for divorce in court, which I never came to: he asked to consider the case without me. I learned that we were divorced from the journalists who called.

You are a Caucasian man. Maybe they didn't want Borodin to host the scandalous Dom-2 program? Therefore, there were disagreements in the family?

I have democratic views. On the contrary, I believe that a married woman should work. You can treat the show "Dom-2" in different ways, but there is no person in the country who would not have watched it at least once. Gone are the feelings, so they parted.

- How did your family feel about Xenia?

Of course, many have told me that our marriage is a hurricane. They kept saying: "Think, can you live like this?" But what happened happened. After the divorce, we tried to return the past, lived together for a while, but it didn't work out. What was, can not be returned.

- They wrote that you shared your daughter, is that so?

Not true. As a non-public person, I have never commented on our relationship. It was not even a question that Marusya would stay with me. To be honest: I would not have coped with a child. We communicate well with our daughters on weekends. Ksyusha calls me herself every other day.

- Were you invited to shoot the program?

Yes, but I categorically stated that I do not participate in any shows. I haven't watched TV for a year and a half after the divorce, so the shows don't interest me. Why is Ksyusha doing this? First they shot this broadcast, and then after the broadcast she said that she had nothing to do with this: “I'm sorry! Styopa is a deer! "

Menshchikov: "I apologized, but I will not take the application!"

Yesterday I apologized on the same channel to Yura, but I will not take the application, - Stepan Menshchikov told us today, - At the moment, a criminal case has been opened in the Gagarinsky police department against unidentified persons under the article "robbery." In addition to being beaten, another three thousand dollars were stolen. Yuri set himself on fire: right after I was beaten, he called Ksenia Borodina and asked about my health. Ksyusha told me about it.