Who is Khovansky - the biography and work of the Russian YouTube gangsta. Khovansky vs. Afonya: how an alcoholic major exposed Where is Khovansky

I welcome guests and regular readers of the site site. So, Yuri Mikhailovich Khovansky- the infamous video blogger, stand-up comedian, creator of the "Russian Stand-up" project, was born on January 19, 1990 in Nikolsk, in the Penza region.

Yura at an early age

It is known that the father of Internet fame is the technical director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (Federal State Unitary Enterprise).

Mikhail Khovansky - Yuri's father

As a child, he loved to kick the ball on the football field, but most of the time he stood at the gate.

Khovan in childhood

In addition, he liked to devote a lot of free time to online games, especially the young man was fascinated by "Ragnarok Online". As a teenager, Khovansky changed several schools for personal reasons.

Yuri while studying at school

The parents of our hero wanted their son to enter the "St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University" (INZHECON) after graduating from the 11th grade.

However, Khovansky did not have enough USE scores, so he went to the programmer. After a while, the future YouTuber realized that being a computer scientist was not his calling, so he decided to leave his first university.

Khovansky in his youth

Later he entered the "St. Petersburg State Economic University" at the correspondence department. Despite conflicts with some teachers, Yuri graduated with honors in 2014.

Yura with his diploma

In his youth he played in amateur musical groups on bass guitar. However, not a single team lasted for a long time due to the constant taste differences of the participants.

Future youtuber at the performance

Already with youthful years loved alcoholic drinks. Despite future health problems (at the age of 25 he was close to cirrhosis of the liver), Khovansky does not think to stop drinking.

Before vlogging, I tried to work as a promoter, waiter, call center employee, courier, etc.

Khovansky in 2010

At the beginning of his YouTube career, he voiced the performances of foreign stand-up comedians. This is what became the prerequisite for the creation of the "russianstandup" channel. Previously sang songs under the pseudonym "That Guy with the Guitar" and introduced various podcasts on "Maddyson FM" and "Thank you, Eva!"

On September 23, 2011, the first season of "Russian Stand-up" started, the show was launched on the advice of comrade Dmitry Maltera. Here the guy shared his opinions from various aspects of life, which were distinguished by their harshness and cynicism, in the style of foreign comedians.

Shot from season 1 "Russian Stand-up" (2011)

Despite the fact that the show at first went very poorly with the audience, after a while, having enlisted the support, the blogger managed to gather his audience.

Maddison and Khovansky in a joint video

In 2012, Yuri began to release a "standing" show in the same stand-up format, only with the addition of various sketches.

He also began to give performances in clubs in front of a live audience with his humorous program.

In 2013, he organized a crowdfunding project in which anyone could sponsor the release of the third season of RUSSIAN STAND-UP. The funds were raised, but the show did not live up to the expectations of the majority of Yuri's subscribers.


In 2014, Khovansky released a series of commercials for the 4th season of Russian Standup.

RUSSIAN STAND-UP: Islam and all that (2014)

In the same year, he introduces the "Asked for It" format, in which a YouTuber comes to visit his famous colleagues in the shop.
In 2015, he comes up with such programs as "Shawarma Patrol", as well as "Visiting Khovansky".

In 2016, he took part in the Versus Battle rap competition, where a video blogger acted as Yuri's opponent. Before that, the YouTuber was on the judging panel of this show. The video was released in March, where you can watch how Khovansky won a landslide victory over his opponent.

It was after this that the image of the "Gangster" was born, which Yura fixed music video"Dad in the building", released at the end of October.

Yuri was born in 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, which is located in the Penza region. The boy's father, Mikhail Khovansky, served as technical director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

As a teenager, he liked to play football in the yard with the boys, where he acted as a goalkeeper, and at home he could sit at the computer for many hours, enjoying online games. Also in his younger years, Yuri became interested in music. The young man played bass guitar in amateur rock bands.

After school, at the insistence of his parents, Khovansky applied to the St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University, but did not pass the competition. The young man began to study at another university as a programmer, but after a while he realized that this direction was not interesting, and quit classes.

Later, Yuri graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics in absentia, and received a diploma with honors. True, the title of specialist did not bring dividends. Khovansky worked as a promoter, waiter, call center employee, courier. The success of Yuri, including financial, brought the virtual world.


First of all, Yuri Khovansky began to upload videos of foreign stand-up comedians on YouTube, for whom he translated into Russian and voiced them. Also, a blogger under the name "That guy with a guitar" performed songs, often humorous. At the same time, Yuri led columns and podcasts on third-party projects Maddyson FM and Thank you, Eva!

On Internet radio, the young man met Ilya Davydov, better known as a reviewer of films, clips and video games Ilya Maddison. This young man recommended Yuri to shoot his own comic videos. Thus, the first project of Khovansky "Russian Stand-up" was born. Creative biography the first fans became interested in the blogger.

The first season started at the end of September 2011. Against the backdrop of a brick wall, the showman shared his opinions and thoughts about various aspects of life, not hesitating to speak sharply and somewhere even cynically. Also, Yuri often crossed the line of generally accepted taboos, but the performances were emotional, lively and eloquent, which relatively quickly affected the popularity of the show.

Best of the day

In total, 4 seasons of “Russian Stand-up” were filmed, after which Khovansky decided to freeze the project, as he lost interest in the transfer. Instead of this program, Yuri launched a number of other shows - "Big Smoking Pile of Sketches", "[standing]", "Lex Play", "Russian Drink Time", "Shawarma Patrol".

In 2014, a conflict broke out on the network between R "n" B singer Christina C, an artist of the Black Star Inc. label, and Yuri Khovansk. The girl posted on Twitter a comment on the Versus battle she had watched, in which she called the host of the competition, Yuri, an alcoholic. To which the young man gave an insulting answer and called Christina to fight him personally on the online platform. The singer sent a musical diss, where she threatened the blogger with reprisals from the Armenian mafia in poetic form. A couple of days later, Yuri Khovansky said that he was attacked in his own entrance, for which he accused Christina C. The conflict ended when the singer caught Khovansky in a blatant lie and stopped communicating.

Khovansky acts as a permanent host of the Versus rap battle. At his home site, the blogger once became a participant in the competition. In 2016, Khovansky fought against his colleague Dmitry Larin. The competition was won by Yuri.

Personal life

Yuri Khovansky does not talk about romantic adventures, and fans of creativity can only guess and speculate on the topic - do they have an idol, tall, stately young man(Yuri's height is 182 cm), lady of the heart. The only thing known from social networks is that Yuri is not married.

Yuri is a fan of the animated television series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ”and even participated in alternative amateur voice acting, giving a Russian voice to three characters at once. By the way, among the fans of this cartoon there are many other bloggers and movie stars.

Yuri Khovansky now

In 2017, Khovansky released a disc with his own hip-hop songs "My Gangsta", which included the tracks "Dad in the Building", "Ask Your Mom", "Forgive Me, Oksimiron", "Whisper of Trunks". In August, two episodes of the Moscow-Jupiter program appeared on the VKontakte network, where Yuri acted as co-host Dmitry Malikov. In the program, Khovansky was assigned the role of a comedian, and Dmitry from time to time diluted the blogger's monologue with his jokes. In October, Khovansky starred in a commercial for MTS about a world without the Internet, authored by Vasily Sigarev. The clip also starred Dmitry Malikov and Ida Galich.

Now the scandal associated with Khovansky's statement about Mikhail Zadornov is gaining momentum. The young man posted a post on Twitter, where he indicated that the comedian paid for own statements. This post caused a negative reaction from users, but from own words blogger refused. After some time, a picture appeared on Khovansky's Instagram, where a young man is in prison with a magazine, on the cover of which you can see a photo of a satirist who died of cancer.

The blogger got the opportunity to act in prison casemates while participating in the reality show Experiment-12, where the blogger appeared as the head of the prison. The creators of the Russian show with a round-the-clock broadcast decided to repeat the Stanford experiment of 1971, the essence of which was to divide a group of volunteers into conditional prisoners and guards.

Every day, the prisoners are required to carry out the task received from the head of the prison, Khovansky. At the end of the week, after the audience votes have been counted, a demonstration execution of one prisoner is carried out. The process looks naturalistic, but for the person himself is not dangerous. The guards are forbidden to use violence against the prisoners, but the prisoners cannot leave the project until it is completed.


«Russian stand-up»

"Big Smoking Pile of Sketches"

"Lex Play"

Russian Drink Time

"That guy with the guitar"

"Khovansky will destroy"

"Shawarma Patrol"

"Beach Purchase"

"Lost in the Jacuzzi"

"Visiting Khovansky"


"Behind the bar"

"Khovansky in video chat"

"Moscow - Jupiter"

Yuri Khovansky is a popular Russian video blogger and stand-up comedian from St. Petersburg with notoriety. He runs his own YouTube channel called Russian Stand-up.

The young man acts as a director, screenwriter and let's player.

The childhood of Yuri Khovansky

Yuri Khovansky was born on January 19, 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, located in the Penza region. He grew up as an ordinary boy - he loved football and computer games. As a teenager, Yura became interested in playing the bass guitar and was a member of several amateur rock bands.

After graduating from school, he followed his parents' lead and tried to enter the Engineering and Economic Institute in St. Petersburg, but failed. Khovansky began to study as a programmer, but quickly realized that he was not interested in numbers and algorithms. The young man worked as a courier, waiter, call center employee, and later he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics with honors.

Yuri Khovansky's career

Work in the specialty did not attract Yuri. He achieved fame, success and material well-being thanks to virtual reality.

In 2011, Khovansky started his own vlog (short for "video blog") on YouTube, posting videos of foreign stand-up comedians in his translation. Also there were videos of “That guy with a guitar”, in which Khovansky performed his songs, often humorous.

Yuri Khovansky - schoolchildren are enraged on the Internet

After that, he was noticed by Ilya Maddison, a famous video blogger, video game reviewer. It was he who gave Khovansky the idea of ​​​​shooting his own humorous videos. This is how the debut project "Russian Stand-up" appeared. The novice showman, in a sharp and sometimes cynical form, shared his thoughts and reasoning about various aspects of life with the audience.

Although the blogger in his speeches often crossed the line of generally accepted morality, his show was lively and emotional, and therefore quickly gained popularity. However, after the release of four seasons, Khovansky lost interest in the show and froze the project. Instead, new programs appeared that had varying degrees of popularity.

Yuri Khovansky and his project "Drunken Yards"

The showman has the following projects in his anamnesis: “[standing]”, “Lex Play”, “Russian Drink Time”, “ZADROT-TV”, “Shawarma-Patrol”, “Ask for it”, “Big smoking pile of sketches” and a number of other extravagant undertakings like guitar lessons and survival lessons for a thousand rubles a week. And in 2014, the blogger became a judge in the popular rap battle Versus.

Personal life of Yuri Khovansky

The scandalous video blogger does not advertise his personal life, and therefore both fans and opponents of his work can only speculate about the lady of Khovansky's heart. But on social networks, Yuri has the status of “not married”.

The showman does not hide that he is a lover of alcoholic beverages, moreover, from his youthful years. Once he said that in the past he could drink up to eight liters of foam, but since then he has passed a lot.

On July 20, 2012, a message appeared on Khovansky's VKontakte page that he had died. The information was confirmed by Maddison, but by the evening it turned out that he was the author of this joke.

Yuri loves the animated series "My Little Pony" and even participated in alternative amateur voice acting for three characters at once.

In 2014, he launched an online petition calling for Senator Yelena Mizulina to be sent for a mandatory mental health check. The document was signed by 116 thousand people.

Scandals of Yuri Khovansky

Although Yuri has a very non-conflict character, he has quite a few real enemies, including rapper Noize MC. Khovansky has repeatedly spoken about his work in a negative way, and in September 2014, during the filming of the next Versus, he attacked the blogger with his fists.

In 2016, the showman decided to try his hand as a rap artist. The debut composition "Dad in the Building" from the five-track mini-album immediately received public recognition and earned several million views on YouTube. Along the way, Khovansky once again insulted Noize MC with the line “Bomzhar Noize saw the battle and pissed on his cardboard box.” Following Yuri released the track "Noise", in which he again "attached" the rapper.

MS Khovansky - Dad in the Building

At some point, the authoritative rapper Oksimiron stood up for Noize MC, who stated that "Khovansky played too much." Khovansky's song with apologies "Forgive me, Oksimiron" was not long in coming - he presented it on December 28, 2016.

The blogger also had a conflict with Christina Si, a pupil of Timati's music label. In her tweet, she called Khovansky a drunk and was indignant that he was judging Versus. Khovansky did not remain in debt. The result of their skirmish was Christina's video "Yurik", dedicated to Khovansky, in which the girl called the blogger "a failed comedian, a lover of other people's mothers."

Kristina Si - Answer to Yuri Khovansky on Versus

Khovansky has another "personal enemy" - blogger Dmitry Larin. “Someone Larin appeared, began to teach everyone: how funny it is to joke, how to make videos, how to stand up. Such a devil, an upstart, ”Yuri spoke of him like that.

In March 2016, they collided at the Versus site, and Khovansky won. This release has become one of the most popular in the history of the project.

Yuri Khovansky now

In the spring of 2017, Yuri Khovansky, together with vlogger Nikolai Sobolev, presented the track “Drinking Beer” - a parody of the sensational video “Ice Melts” by the Mushrooms group.

MS Khovansky - Drinks beer ("Melting Ice" gr. Mushrooms)

At the same time, he recorded another parody track - Supervaper, a remix of the 2016 hit Partymaker.

Yuri Khovansky is a Russian video blogger developing a humorous direction on the portal YouTube. The Russian Stand-up channel, which aired the show of the same name, made the young man popular. Now Yuri has more than a dozen projects. Khovansky calls himself the "Emperor of Humor", and his own jokes are alternative.

Yuri was born in 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, which is located in the Penza region. The boy's father, Mikhail Khovansky, served as technical director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

As a teenager, he liked to play football in the yard with the boys, where he acted as a goalkeeper, and at home he could sit at the computer for many hours, enjoying online games. Also in his younger years, Yuri became interested in music. The young man played bass guitar in amateur rock bands.

After school, at the insistence of his parents, Khovansky applied to the St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University, but did not pass the competition. The young man began to study at another university as a programmer, but after a while he realized that this direction was not interesting, and quit classes.

Later, Yuri graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics in absentia, and received a diploma with honors. True, the title of specialist did not bring dividends. Khovansky worked as a promoter, waiter, call center employee, courier. The success of Yuri, including financial, brought the virtual world.


First of all, Yuri Khovansky began to upload videos of foreign stand-up comedians on YouTube, for whom he translated into Russian and voiced them. Also, a blogger under the name "That guy with a guitar" performed songs, often humorous. At the same time, Yuri led columns and podcasts on third-party projects Maddyson FM and Thank you, Eva!

On Internet radio, the young man met Ilya Davydov, better known as a reviewer of films, clips and video games. This young man recommended Yuri to shoot his own comic videos. Thus, the first project of Khovansky "Russian Stand-up" was born. The first fans became interested in the creative biography of the blogger.

The first season started at the end of September 2011. Against the backdrop of a brick wall, the showman shared his opinions and thoughts about various aspects of life, not hesitating to speak sharply and somewhere even cynically. Also, Yuri often crossed the line of generally accepted taboos, but the performances were emotional, lively and eloquent, which relatively quickly affected the popularity of the show.

In total, 4 seasons of “Russian Stand-up” were filmed, after which Khovansky decided to freeze the project, as he lost interest in the transfer. Instead of this program, Yuri launched a number of other shows - "Big Smoking Pile of Sketches", "[standing]", "Lex Play", "Russian Drink Time", "Shawarma Patrol".

In 2014, a conflict broke out on the network between the R "n" B singer, artist of the Black Star Inc. label, and Yuri Khovansk. The girl posted in Twitter» commentary on the Versus battle, in which she called the host of the competition, Yuri, an alcoholic. To which the young man gave an insulting answer and called Christina to fight him personally on the online platform. The singer sent a musical diss, where she threatened the blogger with reprisals from the Armenian mafia in poetic form. A couple of days later, Yuri Khovansky said that he was attacked in his own entrance, for which he accused Christina C. The conflict ended when the singer caught Khovansky in a blatant lie and stopped communicating.

Khovansky acts as a permanent host of the Versus rap battle. At his home site, the blogger once became a participant in the competition. In 2016, Khovansky fought against a colleague. The competition was won by Yuri.

Personal life

Yuri Khovansky does not talk about romantic adventures, and fans of creativity can only guess and speculate about whether they have an idol, a tall, stately young man (Yuri's height is 182 cm), a lady of the heart. The only thing known from social networks is that Yuri is not married.

Yuri is a fan of the animated television series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and even participated in alternative amateur voice acting, giving a Russian voice to three characters at once. By the way, among the fans of this cartoon there are many other bloggers and movie stars.

Yuri Khovansky now

In 2017, Khovansky released a disc with his own hip-hop songs "My Gangsta", which included the tracks "Dad in the Building", "Forgive Me", "Whisper of Trunks". In August online

Yuri Khovansky is known to people who are interested in the work of video bloggers. Since childhood, he spent a lot of time at the computer, playing online with virtual opponents. Actively develops a humorous movement that not everyone likes. Why? Find out from this article.

Yuri Khovansky: biography

The hero of the article was born on January 19, 1990 in the city of Nikolsk. In addition to his passion for computer toys, he was involved in a rock band. Playing the bass guitar was part of his amateur creativity. After leaving school, Yuri Khovansky entered the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics. The decision to study at this educational institution was made by the parents, considering it the most serious for their son. Yura honestly submitted documents and passed the exams, but he failed to pass the competitive selection.

After this failure, it was decided to try his hand at another institute. The faculty of programming was chosen. But after a couple of years, Yuri Khovansky, whose biography had not been adorned with a solid education before, dropped out of school. He justified this decision by the unwillingness to develop in the chosen direction. Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, he graduated with honors from the economics department of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Studied in absentia.


The received diploma did not save the young man from problems with finding a prestigious job. For a very long time he did not turn up any interesting offers, so he had to work in the lowest positions for the minimum wage. Yuri Khovansky managed to work as a waiter in a restaurant, a courier for the delivery of orders, a promoter for the distribution of leaflets, and also a call center operator. Yuri Khovansky, whose height is 1.86 centimeters, sought to achieve more.

The idea of ​​creating your own YouTube channel

Yuri Khovansky is a video blogger with 6 years of experience. But the idea to try yourself in shooting videos arose involuntarily. The lack of a steady income and career prospects led to such a decision, which later became the main source of decent income.

"That guy with the guitar"

Yuri did not immediately begin to shoot short videos on his own. At first, he simply translated the speeches of foreign stand-up comedians and posted them on his page. Then a memorable nickname was invented - That guy with a guitar, under which he sang social and humorous works. Then they began to invite him to speak on the wave of Internet radio, and Yuri Khovansky also helped to shoot review videos for already popular bloggers.

Acquaintance with Ilya Maddison

The Internet has its own party, where the most popular people are known to all viewers. Ilya Maddison is one of the most recognizable film and video game reviewers. It was he who gave Yuri confidence, advising him to actively engage in the promotion of his own channel. For his part, Ilya provided all possible assistance - he made a powerful advertisement for a creative comedian. To this day, they periodically work together to create new joint projects for the development of blogs.

Emotional Russian Stand-up

After such a useful acquaintance, a real blogger Yuri Khovansky was "born". How many years have been wasted! It was the invented author's show Russian Stand-up in 2011 that brought the desired effect. It was the first full-fledged project that highlighted the problems real people and personal reflections on a given topic. A special feature of the story is the author's charisma and the unusual presentation of a public speech. Yuri Khovansky makes videos funny and emotional, using personal charm and intelligence. What attracted such a huge number of viewers? The highlight of the project was the ease and lack of taboo topics for discussion. He says what he thinks about it, even if it sounds harsh and unacceptable. Thanks to his bold manner of speaking, Yuri Khovansky became a popular blogger.

Closing of the debut project

Gradually, the channel gained more than a million subscribers. But the successful project was extended only for 4 seasons, after which Khovansky suspended his activities, citing a loss of interest in this topic.

New horizons and notoriety

To realize his creative potential, Yuri developed several directions at once. Among them are Lex Play, Shawarma Patrol, Behind the Bar and others. When Khovansky's popularity gained impressive momentum, he began to call himself the "emperor of humor" without hesitation, and it is also important to clarify the fact that he became the first stand-up comedian on the Internet.


For many, the idol is Yuri Khovansky, the growth of the audience confirms this. But not everyone likes the activities of an unprincipled blogger. Ignoring the moral side of what is happening is sometimes annoying, so the presence of a large number of opponents of Yuri Khovansky's work is quite natural. A number of people consider him a narrow-minded person with a miserable sense of humor and a lack of conscience.

Life position and worldview

He repeatedly spoke in a negative way about the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. For his own PR, he uses all methods, not shunning anything.

Conflicts in 2016

Participation in conflict situations traditionally fuels interest in a person, so in 2016 Yuri was seen as a participant in controversial situations. The conflict case with Dmitry Larin ended with a battle and was marked by the victory of the hero of the article.

Andrey Afonin actively tried to provoke Yuri to emotions, openly declaring his obscene lifestyle and promoting unhealthy eating. Ultimately, Khovansky made several response videos and ignored the opponent's reaction. Obviously, he is calm about such criticism and does not seek to prove his point of view to the last.

Personal life

It would seem that a person with such an open mind cannot hide anything. However, there is one topic that Yuri is intriguingly silent about. A chatty blogger never talks about relationships, nothing is known about his girlfriends. Not officially married.