Elena flying - biography, information, personal life. Elena Volatile: personal life, biography, photo What happened to Elena Volatile

Elena was born in one of the oldest Russian cities - Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978, in the family of Flying Alexander Nikolaevich and Flying Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

According to astrological characteristics, the sign of fire: Sagittarius, according to the Eastern calendar - the Horse.

In 1986, when Elena was 7 years old, her father, a civil engineer by profession, was offered a job in the city of Tynda in the Amur Region on the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline, in connection with which the whole family was forced to move to the North. Here Elena goes to her first class. In her interviews, Volatile spoke more than once about how her real name discouraged those around her, and the classmates of the presenter, when meeting her, caused laughter, which surprised the girl very much. To Elena's question "What's wrong with my last name?" the wise mother answered: “You will understand how cool your last name is!”.

During her school years, Elena led a very active life, was engaged in dancing, figure skating, and also attended an art school, where she studied drawing. In 1997, after graduating from the 11th grade of the school, Elena, at the insistence of her parents, entered the Blagoveshchensk Financial and Economic College with a degree in Enterprise Finance, where in 1999 she successfully defended her diploma. For higher education, Letuchaya chose the Russian State University of Communications in Moscow. In parallel with her studies, Elena begins her professional career in the specialty "Economics of Enterprises" at the Directorate for Passenger Services of the Northern Railway in the city of Yaroslavl. In 2005, Flying finishes her studies at the university and decides to go to work at Gazprom Gazenergoset OJSC.

However, work in one of the most prestigious organizations in Russia did not fully meet the requirements of Flying. Despite the enviable status of a Gazprom employee for many people, in 2008 she decides to drastically change her life. Elena said more than once that she envied those people who go to work with pleasure and began to look for a way to realize themselves in life. In 2008, in company with a friend, she entered the MITRO School of Television with a degree in TV and radio presenter. At first, her studies did not impress her at all, but after the students were given the task of making their own story, Elena felt that the profession of a journalist captured her.

Having no connections in the world of television, Elena took on any job, in the end she even managed to be an editor in the infamous program “Let them talk” on Channel One, she managed to work on cable television, produced documentaries on Channel One, MTV , CTC, worked for some time at the Zodiak Media company, made an attempt to get into the Evening Urgant program as a co-host, but they did not consider her candidacy there because of an unsuitable type.

The finest hour for Elena came at a time when the Pyatnitsa TV channel was looking for a host for its new show Revizorro, the Russian analogue of the Inspector General format bought in Ukraine. Initially, they wanted to leave the already established star of Ukrainian television Olga Freimut in the program, but the stars were formed in such a way that in the end the channel's management chose Flying. Elena shared in an interview that she was very worried that on test screenings of the show she lost to other candidates in a sense of humor, according to the audience. In the first editions of the program, the producers also could not fully decide what image to take as a leading, softer or iron lady, and ultimately invited Elena to remain herself. Now on the screens we see an extremely demanding Nordic blonde who cannot leave anyone indifferent.

The name of Elena Letuchaya has now become almost a household name and is known in all corners of our country. And with the launch of the new Revizorro Show program, her popularity has grown even more. She is nominated for well-known awards of the year, such as Glamor Magazine's Leading of the Year 2015, she is invited to the most rated programs, such as Evening Urgant and others.

Despite the busy schedule, Elena said that she didn’t even have the opportunity to get sick, and sometimes even sleep, Flying loves and is proud of her work, believing that she has a special mission to improve the level of service in her native country. She speaks harshly about those who dream of leaving their homeland, believing that it is in our own power to change it for the better.

Elena is in excellent physical shape, which many can envy. Perhaps the reasons for this lie in her outdoor activities, the presenter loves to do yoga, surfing, skiing and horseback riding, and also admitted that she loves to cook, especially for her beloved man. By the way, Elena's height is model: 176.5 cm.

Regarding her personal life, Elena admitted that the European system of building a marriage is closer to her, when people have already realized their careers, grown morally and mentally and are ready to make such a serious decision as marriage and having children. The presenter herself has never been married, but this is not because she was not called or she did not have a permanent partner, just at that time in her life, in her opinion, she would be a bad mother and wife. However, Elena dreams of having a large family and, if possible, several children, she kindly envies pregnant and young mothers and hopes that the joy of motherhood will soon befall her too. At the moment, Elena has a lover and according to some rumors they are going to get married. In the question of choosing "Family or Career", Elena unambiguously chooses the Family.


Member Name: Elena Letuchaya-Anashenkova

Age (birthday): 5.12.1978

City: Moscow, hometown Yaroslavl

Education: Blagoveshchensk College of Economics, RTUPS

Family: married to Yuri Anashenkov

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Elena Flying is an economist by education, but works on television.

This girl needs no introduction, and her appearance in public places says only one thing - Revizorro has arrived with a check!

Indeed, Elena has been on the protection of consumer rights for several years, checking the quality of services in hotels and restaurants.

Elena was born in the city of Yaroslavl, but after 7 years the family moved to the distant and cold city of Tynda. The girl went to school there, attended a figure skating club and an art group. In her studies, Flying never lagged behind, although she was quite restless, and she dreamed that when she grew up, she would live in St. Petersburg and become an architect there.

After graduating from school, the girl's plans have changed - she entered the financial and economic college of the city of Blagoveshchensk. Flying was an excellent specialist, she had a chance to work at Russian Railways and at Gazprom.

In parallel with this, she received higher education at the RTUPS at the Faculty of Economics.

A brilliant specialist and the soul of the team, Elena did not feel satisfied with her work, therefore, on the eve of her 29th birthday, she decided to radically change the direction of her activity. She became an economist at the behest of her relatives, and a journalist of her own free will.

Lena entered the Ostankino television school. Her first job was a blood donation program., thanks to which Russian viewers learned about all the shortcomings of Russian medicine.

Despite the great desire to achieve heights in the chosen profession, Elena at first did not succeed. There were no acquaintances in this area, no work experience either. The first year of Flying had to adjust the scripts.

Parents called home all the time, and stubborn Elena still went to her goal. Soon she managed to get a job on Channel One, where she became a producer of some documentaries.

But more success was waiting for Elena ahead - when the project "Inspector" was released on the Ukrainian channel
and instantly became popular, the Friday channel bought the rights to create a similar show, but under a different name, Revizorro.

At first they planned that the Ukrainian host Rolga Freimut would lead it, but later they decided that a Russian woman should be at the head of the project. Elena Letuchaya fit this role perfectly, and for several years now she has been fighting an unequal battle with insufficient service in Russia.

A few seasons later, Elena decided to go to the producers of the project and engage in the development of other programs, and she was replaced by Olga Romanovskaya.

All this time, Letuchaya remained behind the scenes and was a participant in the Revizorro Show, where she had another chance to meet with restaurateurs and hoteliers, who, in her opinion, do their job poorly.

This project, like Revizorro, turned out to be resonant and very emotional, but Volatile always behaves impeccably, not allowing herself to break down.

In 2016, she again had to become Revizorro, since Romanovskaya unexpectedly left the show.

This time, Elena undertook to check Moscow and all its establishments, including skating rinks, parks, shopping centers and other public places.

At the moment, selection is underway for the Revizorro school, where Elena will become one of the teachers. The graduate who showed the best results will be entrusted with furthering the sensational project.

Elena's personal life is always in the spotlight - in 2016, she married businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The wedding celebration took place on a Greek island, and a detailed photo report of the bachelorette party and the event itself can be found on her instagram.

In addition to her main job, Elena is fond of equestrian sports, yoga, and regularly visits fitness centers. She is a real shopaholic, loves TV shows and never turns to stylists, preferring to choose her own hairstyles, outfits and accessories.

Don't miss the fun:

In an interview, Elena Flying said that she would never do serious plastic surgery and she was against strict diets. All the photos of Elena before and after plastic surgery that you will find on the Internet are just a comparison of two pictures, Flying did not do any operations.

Elena's photo

The presenter has an instagram, where she uploads shots from various events of social life and personal photos.

Lena Letuchaya is a well-known Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer and director. A wide audience is known as the host of the program "Revizorro", aired on the federal TV channel "Friday!". Producer of the first two seasons of the popular series "Kitchen". She worked in the studio of special projects of Channel One. Before joining Revizorro, she took part in several documentary projects. Since 2016, he has been the head of the workshop at the MITRO broadcasting school.

All photos 10

Biography of Lena Flying

Lena Letuchaya was born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl, where she spent her early childhood. Her father, Alexander Nikolaevich, is a civil engineer by profession, in 1985 he went to the construction of the BAM. So, a distant and unfamiliar Siberia appeared in the life of a first-grader Lena. The girl quickly got used to the new place and was one of those who are called activists. She studied well, was engaged in dancing and figure skating, while developing her creative skills at an art school. Elena saw her vocation in architecture and dreamed of leaving to study in the Northern capital.

But after receiving a certificate, Lena Letuchaya enters the Blagoveshchensk Financial and Economic College, which she successfully graduated in 1999. After that, she decided to return to her native Yaroslavl. Here, the future star entered MGUPS, at the same time getting a job on the railway in the Passenger Service Directorate. Having received a university diploma, the girl finds a job in the Gazenergoset company. However, after working there for several years, she finally realized that she was doing something completely different from her own. As the TV presenter said, she felt that "life is passing by."

In 2008, Elena takes a decisive step and enters the MITRO Television School, which she successfully graduated with a degree in television and radio host. Brilliantly filming a graduation TV report about the problems of donors, she was once again convinced that she was on the right track. But without the necessary connections and acquaintances, it was not easy to break into television screens, so for about a year Flying makes great efforts to be able to reveal her talent.

Elena received her first television experience in the Vesti program, helping to prepare an economic news block for broadcast. In parallel with this, she filmed TV spots for the Stolitsa channel. Then, during the year, she was the host of author's projects on the Global Star TV channel.

Lena Flying knew her finest hour after joining the Revizorro program. She got there after winning the casting arranged by the leadership of the channel. He really liked how the future presenter checked one of the capital's restaurants. In February 2014, she was offered to broadcast, the format of which was bought from the Ukrainian New Channel. Having traveled to many cities of the country for two years, Lena became even more convinced of the important social purpose of the program. Many owners of hotels and catering establishments have already realized what losses anti-advertising from a popular program can cost, so they are trying to improve the quality of their services. This is the mission of this TV project, Flying is convinced.

Not all fans of the star presenter are aware of other aspects of her creative career. For two seasons, Elena was the producer of "Kitchen", its sequel "Kitchen in Paris" and a documentary about the series. Also, since 2011, she has worked as an editor and producer on Channel One.

Today, Elena lives in a frantic pace, in which there is little time for relatives and friends. Frequent business trips, irregular working hours, as well as a complete lack of time for rest do not affect the appearance of the beauty. Volatile, as always, slender and elegant, to the envy of women and to the delight of men. It is no coincidence that in 2015 Maxim magazine included her among the sexiest Russian women.

She confesses her love for skiing and loves any extreme. The TV presenter regularly practices yoga and enjoys horseback riding. Despite the chronic lack of time, Elena cooks herself in her spare time and, when the opportunity arises, tries to learn from more sophisticated colleagues Yu. Vysotskaya and N. Belotserkovskaya. Among her favorite dishes is the branded Oriental cake, which she tries to pamper her friends with.

At the beginning of 2016, it became known that the permanent host of Revizorro was leaving the popular project. Rather, she acted in a new capacity - as a producer. But it did not last long - in the fall of the same year, the Friday! announced that Letuchaya would host the show again. But in the new format, Revizorro, led by Lena, will check only metropolitan establishments.

Personal life of Lena Flying

It is known that even before joining Revizorro, Flying had a boyfriend with whom they lived in a civil marriage for 5 years. But then the relationship outlived itself, and the young people parted quite peacefully, remaining on good terms.

According to her, in her personal life everything happens very logically. At the age of 25, it was still too early to marry, as she felt that she would not yet be able to become a good wife and mother. Until the age of 30, the TV presenter made a career and family relationships simply did not reach her hands. At 35, she realized her readiness for family life and even clearly understands what kind of man she needs.

Elena does not hide the fact that she never tried to get married at any cost and treats the stamp in her passport without any reverence. In 2016, on her page in one of the social networks, she happily announced her engagement. The famous restaurateur Yuri Anashenkov turned out to be the chosen one of the TV personality, who left his common-law wife for the sake of a new relationship. The couple got married in August.

The 37-year-old TV presenter and Yuri Anashenkov decided to run away from everyone and have a romantic wedding ceremony. And they chose the Greek island of Santorini, which is one of the most romantic islands in the world, for the celebration. The wedding itself was modest, the bride and groom invited only the closest people to the ceremony. But the incredibly beautiful view of the sea and a luxurious wedding dress from Vera Wang fully compensated for the lack of splendor and pomposity.

However, Lena compensated for the lack of splendor of the wedding ceremony with an expensive bachelorette party: it took place in the presidential suite of the Lotte Hotel. The cost of apartments, as you might guess, is simply breathtaking - 600 thousand rubles per day!

Lena assures that she is very lucky to meet a man who looks with her in the same direction.

“We are like yin and yang. Similar in many ways. First of all, we have the same position in life. Yura is very responsible, unusually kind, and, most importantly, I feel like a woman with him. It seems to be so elementary, but I communicate with my friends and understand that men have ceased to take responsibility, and women have ceased to feel like women next to them, the star confessed. - And I feel weak next to Yura. Beloved. And, in turn, I want to give to him. This is not a story of those: you owe me, you owe me. We are very good together. We take care of each other. That's what this story is about. And then someone writes that he is an oligarch. What nonsense. It really doesn't matter what he does."

The couple spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. Lena and Yuriy surfed, yoga, sunbathed, cycled and swam with manta rays.

The owner of an interesting and extensive biography, Elena Letuchaya is known to a wide audience as one of the most popular Russian TV presenters.

Having a variety of creative activities, the ex-host of the Revizorro program continues to delight her fans with new projects: on a show called The Flying Squad, she, together with the film crew, will check work in schools, hospitals and kindergartens.

Hobbies in school years and the search for a favorite thing

Elena was born in 1978 in Yaroslavl. Her father and mother worked as civil engineers. When the girl was 8 years old, the whole family moved to Tynda, as her parents were sent to build the BAM. In her childhood and school years, the future TV presenter had diverse interests: she danced with pleasure, skated and studied at an art school, dreaming of becoming an artist in the future.

In the photo, Elena Flying in childhood with her family: father Alexander Nikolaevich and mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna

After graduation, the girl changed her plans and wanted to study as an architect, however, her parents were against it. Having chosen the Blagoveshchensk Financial University, she successfully entered this university, after which she got a job at Gazprom Gazenergoset OJSC. Then Flying received a second higher education, having studied at the Russian Open Academy of Transport in Moscow. She also managed to work at the Railway Directorate, but soon the girl realized that she did not enjoy her work.

Television career

In company with a friend, Elena entered the school of television, where she took a course. Her first creative work was a story about donation, after which the spectacular blonde realized that she was on the right track. At the same time, she was an editor at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, filmed stories on the Stolitsa TV channel, and was the author of several programs on the Global Star TV channel. In 2011, Letuchaya began to cooperate with Channel One, becoming the editor of some projects. Her creative activity also included production work, which she carried out on the Friday! and TV3.

At the beginning of 2014, the blond beauty was able to charm the producers of a new show on the Friday TV channel with her creative abilities, thanks to which she was soon appointed the host of Revizorro. For the sake of a new job, Elena had to not only learn all the subtleties in servicing various establishments, but also change her external image. This project quickly gained popularity among viewers, and the star of the broadcast itself had numerous fans. For two years in this show, she had to visit many Russian cities with her team and carry out the difficult work of checking a wide variety of hotels, cafes and restaurants, while causing hostility from their owners.

In 2016, the hard work of the TV presenter was noted: she received two TEFI awards in such categories as Investigative Journalism and Evening Talk Show. However, already in 2017, Flying left Friday!, becoming the host of a new program on Channel One. Her fans were saddened by the turn of events, but Elena herself is happy with her new appointment. As part of her Flying Squad program, the blonde, together with a team of like-minded people, will tell viewers how to fight for their rights in difficult life situations.

Harmonious relationship with husband

For a long time, Flying did not seek to start a family, since all her strength was thrown into building a career. But this does not mean that she forgot about her personal life, in which there were dates with men, meetings with friends, as well as hobbies for equestrian sports and other interesting things. The blond beauty always watched her figure, due to which, with a height of 178 cm, her weight was only 60 kg. When a major leap took place in the career of a TV presenter, at the same time she met businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The new lover had a relationship in the past, and now he has two sons growing up. When Elena started dating Yuri, he was already free. A year and a half later, the lovers celebrated their engagement, and in the summer of 2016 their wedding took place, which took place on the Greek island of Santorini.

In the photo, Elena Flying with her husband Yuri Anashenkov. Source https://www.instagram.com/elenapegas/

Together with her husband, she opened her own Internet project "Flying Shop", where you can buy various souvenirs and gifts. Spouses are interested in spending time together, so they often go shopping together, travel the world, surf, not getting tired of each other's company. Flying hopes that soon two children will appear in their family, but for now she is happy to communicate with her husband's sons.

Elena Flying is a popular TV presenter of the Friday channel, producer and screenwriter.

It is her image that is associated with inspections of public catering places, hotels and hotels, it is she who brings dishonest businessmen who want to save money on the quality of services provided “to clean water”.

Elena was born in Yaroslavl. Flying is her real name, inherited from her parents, and not a pseudonym, as many believe. The father of the future star worked as a civil engineer, so in 1986 he was sent to build the BAM, and the whole family moved to the city of Tynda in the Far East. It was in this town that Lena's childhood passed.

At school, the girl studied perfectly, she was always an activist, while she devoted a lot of time to dancing and figure skating. She also attended art school, where she studied fine arts.

Sharp turns in the profession

The future star really wanted to someday move to St. Petersburg to work as an architect. But her parents insisted that she learn the profession of a financier, which is why after school Elena entered the College of Economics in Blagoveshchensk, where she studied for 2 years. Having defended her diploma, she returned to Yaroslavl, where she got a job as an economist at the Directorate of the Railway. At the same time, Elena studied at the Moscow Institute of Communications. After receiving a diploma, she decided to change the company and got a job in one of the divisions of Gazprom.

So another three years passed. Elena felt that she was doing something she didn't like. She looked with envy at people who are happy to go to work, who enjoy their professional activities. That is why, at the age of 29, she decided to drastically change her life and get another profession that would help to more fully reveal her creative potential and would bring satisfaction.

Elena entered the Ostankino School of Television to study the profession of a TV presenter. Now she knew what she wanted in life.
But it turned out that having neither experience nor connections in this area, it is very difficult to get a job in your specialty. The first year after graduation was almost wasted. She took on any job that somehow came into contact with her chosen type of activity, for example, she edited scripts, news items on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and prepared economic news for live broadcast. In Moscow, she had to rent housing, and the money she earned was not always enough even for rent. Mom persuaded her to return to her native Yaroslavl, but the girl did not back down.

Later, she got a job at the Stolitsa TV channel, for which she filmed stories, then worked as the author of two programs on the Global Star TV channel. Finally, her efforts paid off. In 2011, she was able to become a producer and editor of the popular programs on Channel One, hosted by Andrey Malakhov. True, Elena worked in such a busy schedule without days off that she even ended up in a heart clinic.

She had to leave the labor-intensive work at Ostankino and switch to more “quiet” channels. She prepared documentary projects for the Pyatnitsa TV channel, produced the series "Kitchen" on STS for two seasons and the show "Vacations in Mexico".

At the beginning of 2014, Pyatnitsa TV channel acquired the rights to show the Ukrainian program "Inspector". Initially, the channel's management wanted to invite Olga Freimut to the role of host, but she refused, citing a busy work schedule. Then a casting was announced for the role of the host. Elena decided not to miss the chance. A spectacular, sociable blonde, outwardly somewhat similar to Olga Freimut, made a proper impression on the producers of the show, and after three months she was approved for the role of the host of the Revizorro program.

She began a life of continuous traveling and flights. The work was difficult, all the time I had to overcome the resistance of the owners of cafes, restaurants and hotels. Sometimes the film crew was even attacked using physical force. However, Elena always kept her composure, realizing that the program benefits people by identifying multiple violations in service.

This went on for two years, after which Elena decided to leave the show and create a new program on the Friday channel. The TV presenter's fans objected to this step, but Elena made her choice, and a new presenter was approved for the place of Revizorro.

Personal life of Elena Flying

But not only the new show caused Flying to leave the program. The point is also that Elena decided to get married and, possibly, have a baby. Previously, she believed that she was not made for marriage, and her goal was to build a career. But after 35 years, she revised her views, moreover, she had a lover - businessman Yuri Anashenkov. Young people have been together for more than six months, Elena is actively preparing for the wedding, she has already bought a wedding dress.

Volatile is a versatile person, she has favorite hobbies, she loves equestrian sports, devotes time to yoga and fitness with pleasure. She needs to keep herself in shape in order to look good in the frame. The presenter almost does not turn to stylists, completely trusting her own taste. Elena also loves to cook various dishes herself, but she stopped going to restaurants, she had to observe too many violations during the years of filming the Revizorro program.

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