Comedy Woman: “You can mold an ideal from a man living next to you in ten years. Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan: biography, career and personal life Natalya Andreevna from gum wumen family children

Natalya Yeprikyan (Natalya Andreevna)

Natalya Araikovna Yeprikyan, better known under the pseudonym Natalya Andreevna. She was born on April 19, 1978 in Tbilisi. Russian comedy actress, TV producer, participant and author of the Comedy Woman TV project.

Regarding her stage name, Natalya Andreevna, she said: “I have a short stature, I am petite and fragile, and I thought it would be funny if they called me by my first name and patronymic ... Andreevna’s patronymic took root well with me, even though I and not Andreevna. Araikovna. Probably the most unpronounceable patronymic in the world. (Laughs). Dad has an ancient Armenian name, and in Armenia it sounds very organic, but in Russia, alas. But in my opinion, Andreevna is somewhere close, and even consonant. The idea itself belongs to her friend and colleague on the New Armenians KVN team Artur Tumasyan.

Even as a child, according to Natalia's stories, she wanted to go on stage. Then she dreamed of KVN, which she really liked to watch: "I always had thoughts that I would definitely be a member of KVN when I was a student."

She spent her childhood in Georgia, until the age of 14 she lived in Tbilisi. She graduated from the physics and mathematics gymnasium. Then she moved to Moscow with her family.

She has a younger brother Garik, he is a musician.

In Moscow, she entered the "Pleshka" - the Russian Academy of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov on the specialty mathematician-economist.

According to her, she really studied for 2 years. And then "the moment came when I got bored, I wanted to entertain myself with something." She was drawn to the stage - KVNovskaya.

She played in the KVN team "New Armenians".

In 2004-2007 she was a member of the Megapolis KVN team. Champion of the Premier League of KVN (2004), champion of the Major League of KVN (2005), winner of the "Small KiViN in Light" award (2005).

In 2006, Natalia created a humorous club project "Made in Woman". Since November 21, 2008, the show has been airing on the TNT channel, and later changes its name to Comedy Woman. She writes scripts herself.

"I can be tough, I can be soft - depending on who I'm with. As far as work is concerned, I'm quite demanding. I care about everything - I try to pay attention to all the components of the production of our show. If necessary, I can speak harshly with people, perhaps I can and hurt," she says.

She took part in the creation of the series "Univer" as the author of dialogues, in one of the series she appeared as a leader and participant in the show "Comedy Woman".

The growth of Natalia Yeprikyan: 152 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Yeprikyan:

He hides his personal life from prying eyes. "Personal life - it's personal, so as not to talk about it," she said. She doesn't talk about her husband or children. The fact that Natalya was generally married became known only because of the persistent spread of rumors about her affair with Dmitry Khrustalev. Only then did she announce that she had been married for a long time.

Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan is a recognized artist and producer of the excellent comedy program Comedy Woman. At the beginning of the appearance of this program, it did not have much success, but in 2008 new ones began to appear in it. interesting characters and, little by little, things got better.

Natalya Yeprikyan is a very popular actress working in the comedy genre. The woman herself does not really like to talk about her personal life. She was born in Georgia, her parents were mathematicians and her daughter also inherited the ability to this science and studied at the Physics and Mathematics School of Tbilisi. However, from an early age, the girl discovered an artistic streak in herself and successfully performed in various performances and concerts. When Natalya was 14 years old, the family moved to live in Moscow, so her parents got a prestigious job there.

When Yeprikyan graduated from school, she considered studying at the Academy of Economics the best for herself. However, after two years she realized that this occupation was not for her. Participation in KVN became an excellent tool. And here the girl showed herself in all her glory. Soon the team won Major League. In 2006, Natalia decided to organize her own project. Probably due to the fact that the artist does not like to flaunt her personal life, rumors arose several times that Natalya Andreevna was pregnant. Either someone saw her with an enlarged tummy, then there were other reasons.

In fact, all the rumors were not confirmed. In addition, fans constantly gossip about whether Natalia has a husband, and if so, who is he. The woman carefully concealed this and did not allow anyone close enough to her to share personal secrets. The project "Made in Woman" came out on the screen and received its share of recognition, but it was still not quite what Natalya Andreevna wanted. Photos of this group regularly appeared in various media. Over time, the composition of the participants in the program has completely changed and by 2008 they have become extremely successful.

Since 2012, the artist began to take part in various other television programs. Everywhere she receives well-deserved success and recognition. Rumors are being renewed that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan is pregnant. Neither colleagues nor reporters received a clear answer to all the questions. When notes about her affair with Khrustalev began to appear in the press, the woman simply said that she had long been married to another person, but she did not say anything about pregnancy. Probably Natalia does not really want everyone to know about her relationship with men and in general about her personal life.

Sometimes reporters try too hard to find out about the personal lives of artists. Then there are rumors about possible lovers and mistresses. It is enough just to take a photo in a photoshop to show everyone that Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan is allegedly pregnant, the photo is posted on the Internet and everyone is told about the artist’s invented pregnancy.

The host and producer of the popular comedy show Natalya Andreevna is extremely secretive about her personal life. The name of her husband is still unknown, no one knows if she plans to have a baby. Rumors that Natalya Yeprikyan is pregnant periodically arise due to a somewhat plump waist, but no one can say this is a real pregnancy or fiction of idle journalists. The only thing that reporters managed to get from a secretive woman was a confession that she loves to cook national Georgian dishes, but very rarely can do it.

Natalya rarely communicates with reporters, only when it is no longer possible to avoid it and prefers to talk only about her creative plans. Although he talks about it very reservedly. But the girls from her show love to gossip and are happy to talk about the wonderful character of their boss's husband. It turns out that the man has an excellent sense of humor, he is noble and always supports his wife. It became known that Natalya Andreevna, in between filming, likes to relax in deserted places - in the forest or on the seashore.

By the way, the artist is not going to give up the joy of motherhood at all, but when this happens, she does not tell anyone. Natalya Andreevna says about the girls participating in the show that they sometimes try to change the script written by the male screenwriter. In most cases, they are great at it. Probably, the fact is that the girl does not seek to somehow humiliate men or make fun of them. Mostly they prefer to laugh at themselves. They say that it is much more interesting and funnier.

The actress Natalya Andreevna has a beautiful figure and looks very young, but it is likely that in the foreseeable future we will see that the beautiful Natalya Yeprikyan is pregnant, all fans will surely like the photo of her plump tummy. These will be the best photographs of a woman. It is known, after all, that women in a state of pregnancy become even more beautiful and seem to glow from the inside. Professionally, Natalya is a well-established actress, her show is a huge success, she is going to take part in other projects, as well as star in several interesting films.

Natalya Yeprikyan does not like to talk about her personal life. Even about her own husband, she prefers not to spread. Some of his character traits were learned only from the girls from the show, who, like all women, love to gossip.

People who know Natalya Yeprikyan say that it is not yet known for certain whether she is going to have children. But when this happens, then her child will certainly be from her husband, whom the woman devotedly loves. A man tries to support his beloved in all her affairs.

1. Natalia Medvedeva

Natalya Medvedeva, a participant in the Comedy Woman show, is known for her bright and unusual images. A few years ago, a talented actress and TV presenter, unexpectedly for everyone, married her longtime colleague in KVN, the captain of the STEPiKO team, actor and director Alexander Koptel. Having met at work back in the days of playing KVN, the couple officially formalized the relationship in 2012. The wedding in retro style took place on the picturesque river bank. In September of this year, they had a baby, whose name and gender the star parents have not yet disclosed.

2. Natalya Andreevna

The participant and producer of the TV project Comedy Woman Natalya Yeprikyan is better known to the general public under the pseudonym Natalya Andreevna. The petite reserved brunette that we are used to seeing on the show turned out to be no less secretive in life. Little is known about the personal life of the actress. Busy writing scripts and staging numbers for the project, Natalya is a rare guest at social events. She answers all questions from journalists about her personal life with jokes or simply evades answering. Only once did she let slip that she had been married for a long time. Who became the chosen one of the artist and whether they have children, the journalists still have not found out.

3. Catherine Barnabas

Bright and temperamental Ekaterina Varnava often plays the images of spoiled ladies. According to her friends, in life she behaves much more modestly. After the Comedy Woman show, incredible popularity fell on the artist. Today, she is also known to many as the host of several shows.

A few years ago, everyone discussed her romance with Comedy Woman participant Dmitry Khrustalev, then they also vigorously discussed their separation.
And this summer, it became known about Catherine's new lover, dancer Konstantin Myakinkov. The couple met several years ago, but the romance began recently, during the filming of the “Dance!” project, where Katya was the host, and Konstantin was one of the participants.

4. Elena Borshcheva

Former member of KVN and Comedy Woman with an unusual appearance Elena Borshcheva has been married for a long time. With her lover, fitness trainer Valery Yushkevich, the artist met back in 2004, and in 2005 the couple got married. Their first daughter, Marta, was born to them in 2007, and in April 2015, the happy family was replenished with another baby, who was named Uma.


5. Maria Kravchenko

Two years ago, it became known about Maria's romance with TNT producer Konstantin Zolotarev. In the spring of this year, information appeared that Maria gave birth to a daughter from her lover, whom the couple named Victoria. Maria is already actively restoring her form in order to return to work soon.

6. Polina Sibagatullina

The original image of Polina is familiar to almost all fans of KVN and Comedy Woman. The poetess and "Madame Polina" was married to the former director of the same show, Dmitry Efimovich, but the couple broke up, and the place in Polina's heart is still vacant. The actress prefers not to talk about her personal life.

7. Tatyana Morozova

Russian beauty in 2011 married businessman Pavel Titorov.

In February 2013, they had a baby named Sofia.

8. Ekaterina Skulkina

The colorful Ekaterina Skulkina gave her heart to her beloved man Denis Vasiliev more than 10 years ago, and in 2006 they got married. The couple met while they were both studying at a medical university. Today they are still together and are raising their son Oleg, who was born in 2008.

9. Nadezhda Sysoeva

Nadezhda plays a cute stupid blonde in the show, although she has already achieved a lot in her life. A participant in beauty contests, several major projects, an actress and singer is not yet married. It is known that earlier she had a short relationship with Pavel Volya, and for the past few years, Roman Pan, a member of the Band'Eros group, has taken the place of her lover.

10. Marina Fedunkiv

Marina, like many of the shows, started at KVN. She gained immense popularity after the series "Real Boys" and got into Comedy Woman already being a well-known comedy artist. The actress does not like to disclose information about her personal life. It is known that she is married. Marina's second marriage has been going on for about 14 years. The couple met quite by accident when Marina and her friend were catching a car to get home. It is also known that her husband is an entrepreneur and supports his active creative wife in all endeavors.

11. Nadezhda Angarskaya

The chosen one of Nadezhda was the Jordanian Raed Bani. The couple met thanks to her famous voice data: Raed saw videos with Nadia's songs and wanted to get acquainted with the vociferous Russian beauty. In 2013 they got married. In October 2015, a baby was born in the family.

Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan is probably the most secretive person on earth. Her personal life is inviolable. It is hidden under a lock with seven seals. The husband of Natalia Yeprikyan is just some kind of mythical person. Fans are very upset that nothing is known about their beloved celebrity. No yellow press could find out anything, no matter how hard they tried. All the secrets of the family of Natalia Yeprikyan are exclusively inside her.

Of course, it should be so, although at the present time it is rather difficult to do this - “not to wash dirty linen in public”, so to speak, especially for popular and world-famous personalities. Probably a single case occurred when the journalists nevertheless “sniffed out” that Natalya was in a romantic relationship with some presenter. Then the showman Dmitry Khrustalev stood at the sight of the fans. However, the disappointment of KVN fans was not long in coming. Soon Natalia and Dmitry denied given fact- they were not in any relationship, especially in a romantic one.

Husband of Natalia Yeprikyan photo

Moreover, Natalya Yeprikyan told the most curious people in the world - the press, journalists and, of course, respected fans - that she has a husband and has been married for a long time. Only now she didn’t say the name, and even who her husband is, and whether there was a wedding. Natalya Yeprikyan and her husband never showed up anywhere. One can only guess who the husband of the famous Natalya Andreevna is and what she does. Secrets, all secrets! As they say, caution does not hurt - this is about Natalya Yeprikyan. Nothing is known about the children of the KVN girl either. No one will find a photo of Natalya Yeprikyan's husband on the net.

There was a time, maybe now too, when fans began to closely monitor Yeprikyan's figure for pregnancy. For years! Even if the family is already full of children, then no one, except for the closest and most reliable people, knows this for sure. Unfortunately, this is a fact. All fans are furiously watching the biography and personal life of the famous KVN girl.

What is known about Natalya Yeprikyan? The girl's family is her beloved mother, father and brother. That's all the curious yellow press knows. Whether a celebrity has a husband or children is not proven. The public is completely at a loss, and how can we do without upset?

In fact, there is only a confession of Natalia Yeprikyan that she is married. Apparently, the artist sacredly adheres to folk wisdom that happiness loves silence. The less the public knows about you, the more soundly you sleep. There are few envious people on the planet. Fans can only accept ignorance and be at least a little happy for Natalia and wish them further happiness.

Periodically in in social networks there is news that Natalya Yeprikyan is pregnant. The figure and outfits change. Get wider. However, the rumors were never confirmed. Who doesn't get fat? Celebrities are people too - not all of them should be the ideal of beauty, and you can give them a little slack! Journalists and fans constantly follow the information in various networks, if only there was news about who is the husband of Natalya Andreevna, what if she is pregnant? They still have hope. Now the riddle has no answer.

Like everything mysterious in the life of Natalia Yeprikyan, her husband is also hidden from the world of popularity. He is, but no one has seen him and does not know. It looks kinda weird and unbelievable. Not even the slightest detail is known. Fans still don’t understand this - why is Yeprikyan’s husband hiding like that? It is better to live in secret, because it is impossible to please all the people in the world at the same time. Natalya prefers to live her own life, and not to be condemned or something like that by everyone existing person. A photo has not yet appeared on the Internet, which depicts Natalya Yeprikyan with her husband and children.

Member Name: Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan

Age (birthday): 19.04.1978

City: Tbilisi

Education: REA im. Plekhanov, Faculty of Mathematical Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Height and weight: 152 cm

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Reading this article:

Natalya Yeprikyan is well known to fans of humor - short, slightly reminiscent of a child.

She used her special appearance back in KVN, and now she shines in the Comedy Vumen show.

However, in childhood, her parents made big bets on her future, because she was born in a family highly respected in Georgia, where her father and mother were mathematicians.

Tatulya, and that was the name of her relatives, also inherited her abilities in the exact sciences, so she went not to a simple school, but to a mathematical school.

Success in subjects aroused pride in parents and teachers, but she herself Natalya was more drawn to performances - not a single performance took place without her participation.

In some productions, she got several roles, and the future artist brilliantly coped with each image.

Natalya moved to Moscow with her parents when she was 14 years old - mom and dad were given good positions in the capital. And if the adults were glad to move, then their daughter spoke for a long time about the inconvenience and unnecessary fuss.

However, a year later she was already drawn into a new rhythm of life and entered the Academy of Economics.

However, having received an education, she never became either a mathematician or an economist. Interestingly, the brother of Natalia Yeprikyan, Garik, also could not connect his life with science, he became a musician. And Natalya realized that she wanted to escape to a separate world more, and KVN became an outlet for her.

The artist got into the Megapolis team when she was already 26 years old. This is a fairly respectable age for the participants in the game, but Tatulya managed to win the audience's love.

She was called the elite one and a half meters, and she herself took the stage name Natalya Andreevna, under which she still performs.

In 2004, Megapolis literally blew up the hall, this year was a breakthrough for the team, and in many respects this is the merit of a little Georgian girl.

But Natalya was not going to sit idle for a long time and be content with what she had achieved - she decided to create a club in which only girls would perform, proving that their jokes can also be funny.

"Made in Woman" - a project that later turned into a television format, became Natasha's brainchild, on which she is working to this day.

The comedian took everything into her own hands, she even got the image of the “hostess of the show”, and no one doubts that this is the case. Demanding and stubborn, she is in many ways similar to her heroine., but that's how her parents raised her - otherwise the goal cannot be achieved.

And soon Natalia was invited to write scripts for the series "Univer". This was followed by offers to participate in various shows and television programs.

Natalya Yeprikyan takes her personal life quite seriously- she never, under any circumstances, comments on rumors and does not answer questions.

Only once did she break her silence - in 2012, they started talking about her having an affair with Dmitry Khrustalev, a stage partner. She did not tell much, only announcing that she had been married for a long time. But who is her chosen one and what does she do, Natalya Andreevna never confessed.

Photo by Natalia Andreevna

She leads instagram, where you can find footage from the filming of the show and from photo shoots.