Katy topuria, husband. Biography of the soloist of the group "a - studio" kati topuria A studio kati topuria biography

With the arrival of a new singer, the group received a second life. The biography of the soloist of the "A-Studio" group is full of interesting facts that give rise to a lot of all kinds of rumors around Katie.

Katie's childhood

Keti Topuria (full name Ketevan) was born on September 9, 1986 in the city of Tbilisi. The singer's father, Andro Topuria, was a civil engineer by training, was a famous businessman, and her mother, Natalya, worked as a chemical engineer.

When the girl was 8 years old, her mother enrolled her in a school-studio for young fashion models, which Keti Topuria attended for 4 years. In the neighborhood of the Topuria family, her music teacher lived, who was the first to notice the girl's unusual voice and advised Katie's parents to send her to a music school, where she would begin to seriously study vocals.

When Katie was 12 years old, she received her first musical award: at the international competition "Sea of ​​Friendship" she took 1st place. In 1998, the future soloist of "A-Studio" Katie Topuria graduated from a music school. At the international competition "The Way to the Stars" she won the Grand Prix. At that time, Katie was only 14 years old.

Star Trek Start

Then Katie entered the music school. After graduating in 2003, she released 2 albums and became a fairly famous singer in her homeland. Simultaneously with her creative work, Katie continued her studies at the State University of Georgia at the Faculty of Psychology. In 2004, Polina Griffis, the second soloist of the group, left the A-Studio collective.

"A-Studio" (photo above) has started searching for a new vocalist. When the group was on tour in Georgia, Nato Dumbadze (a famous Georgian producer) invited the group to listen to Katy's recordings. Her voice made a very strong impression on the musicians, and they immediately invited the girl to move to Moscow and sign a contract. This is how the biography of the soloist of the A-Studio group Katie Topuria began in big show business.

First hit

Katie burst into the group like a hurricane. By the time she started working in the group, she was only 17 years old. By the spring of 2005, the band's first album was recorded with a new soloist. It was called "Fly away", like one of the songs in this collection. The presentation of the album took place in March 2005. The songs "Fly away", "You", "Night-friend" immediately found their listeners. In the same year for the song "Fly away", which took the top lines of all Russian charts, the group received the "Song of the Year" prize. In the same year, a clip was filmed, which for a long time did not leave the screens of Muz-TV and MTV channels. According to the results of the audience voting, the song "Fly away" received two awards "Golden Gramophone", and in 2006 - an award in the category "Best Ringtone".

Scandalous story

One could say that the biography of the soloist of the group "A-Studio" Katie is as pure as a teardrop of a baby, if not for the sad story with her father. And the fact is that Andro Topuria was a well-known crime boss in Tbilisi. In 2010, he was arrested for drug possession and sentenced to three years in prison. Prior to this incident, Andro had already been convicted twice for more serious crimes. He spent four months in Matrosskaya Tishina, then was transferred to one of the colonies of the Republic of Mari El. There he did not stay long. Inmates found Andro's body in the morning, the called doctors stated death from heart failure.

Many newspapers wrote that Topuria died of a drug overdose, but this version was not officially confirmed. Katie took the news of her father's death very hard. Journalists literally did not give the singer a pass, bombarding her with questions about him, but not once did Katie say a single bad word about Andro. For her, he will always remain her beloved dad. It's good that the days when children are responsible for the mistakes of their parents are gone. This story did not affect Katy's career in any way, and she continues to delight us with new songs.

Ah, this wedding ...

A successful career is, of course, good, but what about the singer's personal life?
In 2010, Katie's life appeared. Acquaintance took place through mutual friends. The romance between them did not begin immediately, but only a year after they met. In the winter of 2012, Geykhman made the singer an offer, to which she agreed.

The official wedding ceremony took place on 7 September. It was attended only by the closest relatives. Katie was dressed in a white short dress with a fluffy skirt, instead of shoes she put on trendy sneakers, and there was no evening hairstyle. The groom was also dressed informally: a T-shirt was visible under his jacket.

The main celebration took place on September 9 in the concert hall on Barvikha. The soloist of "A-Studio" appeared before the guests as a fairy-tale princess. The wedding took place on such a grand scale that it could well qualify for the title of the wedding of the year. Among those invited were Alla Pugacheva, Alsu, Yana Rudkovskaya, Lera and many other eminent guests. Here, both the groom and the bride were in full dress: Katie in a white wedding dress, and Leo in an elegant suit with a bow tie.
The wedding day coincided with the birthday of the singer, who turned 27 years old. Therefore, the guests sounded not only in honor of the newlyweds.

Pregnant or not?

From the very moment the marriage of Katie and Leo took place, the media were full of headlines about the singer's pregnancy.

And this was due to several photos where Katie appeared in loose dresses, and a video taken in January. In the video, a girl frolics in the sea in a separate swimsuit. And it seemed to some fans that the singer's tummy was rounded. However, the singer herself refutes information about her interesting position. It turns out that the biography of the soloist of the "A-Studio" group has been replenished with a new rumor? Or does she just not want to put her private life on public display? Time will show…

Keti Topuria is a talented Georgian singer, now well known not only in her homeland, but also in many CIS countries. Most of her creative activity is associated with the A-Studio group. It is as the soloist of this group that our today's heroine is most widely known in recent years.

But is it possible to say that being a member of a well-known Kazakh-Russian band is the only significant success in a vocalist's career? Of course not. After all, in life and work, everything develops gradually.

Early years, childhood and family of Keti Topuria

Keti (Ketevan) Topuria was born on September 9, 1986 in the capital of Georgia - the city of Tbilisi. Her mother was a chemical engineer. And his father, Andro, worked as an architect-builder. However, in the biography of the father of our today's heroine, you can find some other notable episodes.

So, in particular, according to some Internet sources, Andro was closely associated with the underworld of Georgia and even was a crime boss in Tbilisi. Some time ago, the singer's father was detained by law enforcement agencies in the Georgian capital for drug possession and received a long sentence. Subsequently, Andro Topuria died in prison under rather vague circumstances. However, we will not dwell in such detail on the personality of this person.

Returning to Keti herself, we also note the fact that not only Georgian, but also Italian and Polish blood flows in the artist's veins. Despite this fact, our today's heroine has always considered herself to be one hundred percent Georgian. As for the love of music, then, according to Keti, she always had it. Even in childhood, the talent of a young girl was noted by her neighbor, a professional music teacher, who at first studied with Keti herself for a short time, and then took the girl to the music school of Gogi Sudradze. In this place, our today's heroine studied for several years, during which she was able to get a good musical education, as well as work well on her vocals.

In the end, such zeal was not in vain. Already at the age of twelve, Ketevan received the main prize of the "Sea of ​​Friendship" competition for young performers, and two years later she also became the owner of the prestigious Grand Prix of the international song festival "The Way to the Stars".

These successes strengthened Keti's desire to become a singer. After graduating from the music school, the future soloist of A-Studio also studied at the Tbilisi Music School, where she later received a diploma in vocal teaching.

It is very noteworthy that after that, for some time, the artist also studied at the State University of Georgia, where she studied psychology. However, the artist never received this diploma, leaving the university due to her employment in musical projects.

Star Trek of singer Keti Topuria, A-Studio

The first years of Keti's professional singing career are covered with a dense veil of secrecy. It is known that even before the invitation to the A-Studio group, the artist managed to record and release two solo albums, which became quite popular in her homeland. Many of her early compositions, recorded in Georgian, became real hits in Georgia. However, it is not possible to tell something more detailed about this period in the life of our today's heroine.

A Studio - Katie Topuria - Just like everyone else

For some time, Keti Topuria worked closely with Georgian producer Nato Dumbadze. It was she who, at one time, invited the young singer to try her hand at the well-known Kazakh collective A-Studio. At that moment, the group was just left by the former soloist - Pauline Griffiths. Therefore, other members of the musical group were in search of a new soloist.

Having learned about this, our today's heroine sent several recordings with her performances and studio songs to Moscow. The selected material made a favorable impression on the musicians of A-Studio. Therefore, very soon Keti was invited to Russia for a personal meeting.

From that moment, Ketevan's cooperation with the A-Studio project began. Very soon, together with the new soloist, the band's first radio hit, "Fly away", was recorded. The composition became a full-scale hit, and also marked with its release a new stage in the collective's creativity.

In 2005, the public was presented with an album, also called "Fly away". The vast majority of the vocal parts presented on this disc were performed by Keti Topuria.

Keti Topuria's wedding

From that moment on, the Georgian singer became an integral part of the entire team. Together with other musicians of the group, over the next few years, the artist released three more new albums, as well as several official collections. The A-Studio group toured all the largest cities of the CIS with concerts, and also presented the audience with a whole series of bright concert programs. Over the years, the band's compositions reached the first lines of various charts.

Keti Topuria and the A-Studio group are still working on a new portion of hits. When to expect new songs - we will find out very soon. In the meantime, all the fans of the group can only enjoy the previous hits of the group.

Personal life, Keti Topuria today

The personal life of Keti Topuria has always been full of idle speculation and rumors. And this is not surprising, because our today's heroine is always surrounded by crowds of fans. So, over the years, the imposing Georgian beauty was courted by football players Dmitry Sychev and Kakha Kaladze, showman Igor Vernik and singer Sergei Amoralov. However, the artist herself notes that all compliments and signs of attention are just a manifestation of friendly feelings, refuting reports of romance with people from the world of sports and show business. According to Ketevan herself, for several years she met with a certain young businessman, whose name the singer, however, refused to name. Subsequently, the secret was revealed. The artist's beloved turned out to be entrepreneur Lev Geykhman. In 2013, the couple tied the knot.

In everyday life, Keti is in many ways similar to other modern girls. She loves to change something in her appearance, and also loves to sleep well. According to her, she always gets up no earlier than two in the afternoon, but goes to bed late at night. Besides, Ketevan doesn't like to cook. Often friends prepare food for her, but usually the singer still eats in restaurants or orders food home.

Her strong and clear voice has long been accustomed to hearing the fans of the "A-Studio" group. Having changed several vocalists, the creators of the group settled on Katie Topuria. And we didn’t regret it. The girl organically blended into the team and now "A-Studio" is associated with her.

The young singer was remembered by the viewer not only for her voice, but also for her appearance. And her appearance is close to the model. It is not surprising that, with such external and vocal abilities, the girl became popular with the opposite sex.

Romantic relationship

Katie very rarely gives comments about her personal life. Most often, she does it forcedly, when rumors become so ridiculous that it is easier to tell the truth than to happen and read these absurdities about herself.

However, the girl preferred not to give any comments about her novels. She was credited with novels with colleagues on the stage and with famous athletes, for example, football players Kakha Kaladze or Dmitry Sychev.

But whether these relationships were in reality and how they developed is impossible to say, since the girl carefully protects her personal life from the interference of strangers.

It was the same in the case of meeting her future husband. She has long stated that her beloved man is far from the world of show business and is not at all a public person. The name of the groom became known when he proposed to the singer.

Acquaintance, proposal and wedding

Keti Topuria met Lev Geykhman in 2010. An ordinary acquaintance at a party of mutual friends. At that time, the man was married, and the singer's heart was not free. But this meeting left a mark on their souls.

Fate gave young people a second chance in a year. The banker has already filed a divorce from his first wife, and the girl broke up with her boyfriend. Keti and Leo preferred not to advertise their relationship. They even hid them.

Details became known after Lev Geykhman proposed to his beloved. After this event, the couple began to appear together at different events and no longer hid their feelings. Keti was happy and in love.

She gave free rein to her feelings and told everyone that Leo is exactly the man with whom she wants to spend her whole life. She also added that she wanted to give birth to four children.

The lovers got married in 2013. The ceremony itself took place on September 7, and the main celebration was scheduled for September 9 - Keti's birthday. Many guests came to congratulate the young people, most of whom were stars of show business and cinema.

Family life

Soon, fans of the couple learned the good news that replenishment is expected in the family of the singer and the banker... This news was well received by the members of the "A-Studio" collective. They decided to create the most comfortable conditions for the girl. It was decided to reduce the number of concerts and performances.

Keti, in turn, did not interrupt her creative activity during pregnancy. In the summer of 2015, the couple had a girl who was named with the beautiful name Olivia.

The singer's birth took place at an American clinic in Los Angeles. It was here that Lev Geykhman spent most of his time running his business.

Interesting notes:

It would seem that the spouses have everything for absolute happiness. But soon rumors began to spread that the couple was on the verge of divorce. Several reasons were named, one of which was Katie Topuria's betrayal with Guf.

For some time, the singer denied family problems. She posted joint photos with her husband on social networks. But still, in 2017, it became known that Katie Topuria and her husband had filed for divorce. The singer herself announced this and also added that they remain friends with their ex-husband and continue to communicate for the sake of their daughter.

The singer's mother told in more detail about the reasons for the divorce. According to her, it was very difficult for the spouses to live together, because most of the time Leo was in America, and Katie worked in Moscow. Those rare visits of a businessman to Russia could not fill the need for communication between his daughter and his father.

Personal life of the soloist of A-studio now

The singer's fans are interested in what is happening in her personal life now after a divorce from a businessman. Yet in 2016 there were rumors of a romantic relationship with rapper Guf and a joint vacation in Thailand. Then young people completely denied this fact. They unanimously declared that they were bound exclusively by working and friendly relations.

But after the divorce of Topuria, this story was continued. Photos from the singer herself appeared on the network, where she was photographed on a beach in Thailand. Almost the same photo appeared on the page on the social network and on Guf's.

Attentive fans compared these two photos and realized that the background on which the young people are posing is the same. By the way, Guf himself in an interview with Yuri Dudyu mentioned Katie's help in his fight against drug addiction.

Fans suggested that Katie Topuria and Guf not only spend their vacation together, they are also connected by more than friendly relations.

Katie Topuria was born into a purely uncreative family. We can say that both her mother and her father were techies: her father was a civil architect and her mother was a chemical engineer. Thus, Katie, unlike many, many performers, first got on the stage and into the world of art not with the help of relatives already known in the right circles, but on her own, thanks to her talent and will to win.

She was fond of music since childhood and was very fond of singing. When she was twelve, she graduated from music school. Parents were advised to send her there by a singing teacher, a neighbor of the family, who noticed the girl's talent and told her parents about it. Even then, she participated in international competitions and took first places: she was twelve when she became the winner of the Sea of ​​Friendship competition, and fourteen when she received the Grand Prix of the Path to the Stars competition.

After that, Ketevan Topuria did not stop and forget about classes, as many, even the most successful, graduates of music schools do. Katie firmly decided that her life would be closely connected with music, and went to study further: this time to a music school, from which she graduated with a specialty "vocal teacher".

Katie Topuria at a social event:

The beginning of a musical career

Having barely graduated from school, she applied to Tbilisi State University, now studying psychology, but she never graduated. By that time, she was widely known in Georgia, she released two albums that were loved by many.

She, of course, was noticed not only by ordinary listeners, so two years after starting her studies at the university she was asked to replace the soloist of the A-Studio group. Katie, of course, did not miss such a chance from the category of those that come across once in a lifetime, and left for Moscow, interrupting her studies.

Katie Topuria during her performance on "Song of the Year":

Her participation in "A-Studio" was a turning point for the whole group. Despite the fact that the group "A-Studio" at the time of joining it Katie was almost twenty years old, Katie Topuria perfectly joined the team. The listeners' love for the group's compositions noticeably increased, sales jumped, and the overall popularity of A-Studio quickly went up. With Katy the albums "Fly away", "905", "XX" and "Waves" were recorded. Now she still sings as a member of "A-Studio", having successfully found her place in life.

Katie Topuria on the set of the video "Far away":

Katie Topuria on the set of "The Only Thing" video:

In her life, she never had scandals, except for the unpleasant story with her father. Andro Sanodze, as it turned out in July 2010, was a big shot in the criminal world. He was sent to a general regime colony for three years, but he lived there for no more than a few months: he died of a drug overdose.

Katie Topuria at the concert:

Personal life

Her personal life has long remained a mystery to the press and fans. Katie Topuria has always been quite secretive in this area, not even making it clear whether she has a lover. All this, of course, caused numerous rumors and gossip, gossip was constantly going on, beautiful novels with so many popular people were attributed to her.

Katie with her husband Lev Geykhman:

Only in 2010, the public suddenly learned about her engagement to Lev Geykhman, a businessman with whom she had been secretly from everyone for six months already. The wedding took place three years later, in 2013. There were two ceremonies: quiet, for those closest to you, in the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow, and magnificent, “on camera”. Katy and Leo have one daughter, who was born on June 15, 2015.

Katie Topuria with her daughter Olivia:

The girl was named Olivia. Katie's family is friendly and close-knit, they try to spend as much time together as possible, touching all fans and caring people with their love and friendship. Katie and Leo are often chosen to go to outdoor events together. Even the fact that Leo is much older than his wife is not an obstacle for them. It doesn't matter to them, nor what the general public has to say.

Read about other famous Russian singers

Keti Topuria was born on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi. Father - Andro Topuria, civil engineer by education, was engaged in business. Later it became known that he is a crime boss. In 2010, Keti's father, who by that time had taken the name Sanodze, was sentenced to three years, and soon died in the colony from heart failure. Mother - Natalia Topuria, chemical engineer.

From 8 to 12 years old, the future star studied at the school-studio of young fashion models. Keti began to study music in childhood. The singing teacher who lived next door drew the parents' attention to the child's abilities and recommended the girl to take vocals seriously.

In 1998, Topuria graduated from the Goga Sudradze Children's Music School. At the age of 12, she received her first award - she took first place in the international competition Sea of ​​Friendship.

At the age of 14, Keti became the owner of the Grand Prix of the international competition "The Way to the Stars". After graduating from the music school, the future star entered the music school, which she graduated in 2003.

After college, the future singer entered the State University of Georgia at the Faculty of Psychology. But for the sake of participating in group A "Studio, Keti Topuria had to sacrifice higher education.

The fact is that Pauline Griffis left the group, and the musicians began to look for a new vocalist. An acquaintance of Keti, the famous Georgian producer Nato Dumbadze, invited the musicians from the A "Studio group to listen to this disc when they came on tour in Tbilisi. The guys liked the girl's vocals. She made such a strong impression on them that they offered her to move to Moscow and become soloist of the group.

Keti Topuria: “As a child, I had cassettes with recordings of the songs of this group, but I could not even imagine that I would ever work with my favorite musicians,” says Keti. - Mom was very surprised and delighted when she found out that I became a soloist in such a famous group. And now I have met the guys myself ”.

Since the end of 2004, Keti Topuria began to work in the group as a vocalist, and in March 2005 the first album "Fly away" by the A "Studio" band was released with the participation of the singer.

During her career, the press has repeatedly attributed to Katie romances and secret weddings with various celebrities. According to rumors, she met with football players Kakha Kaladze and Dmitry Sychev, with showman Igor Vernik, and with singers Vlad Topalov and Sergei Amoralov. However, the star did not confirm or deny them.

Keti Topuria: “I don’t pay attention to the stories that the press comes up with,” Keti smiles. - For example, they wrote that I had an affair with Igor Vernik, although there was nothing like that. With Dmitry Sychev, I am generally nodding familiar. I admit, there were mutual sympathies with Vlad Topalov, but the matter was limited to them ... There were rumors that we would soon get married with footballer Kakha Kaladze. And we are just old friends, and I'm definitely not going to get married yet: I have not yet met a person with whom I would like to join my destiny. But I am very amorous by nature: before I have time to like someone, I immediately feel that I love him madly and I don’t need anyone else in the world ”.
The quote is taken from the magazine "7 Days", No. 03 (10.01.2008)

For a long time, Keti refused to comment on her personal life, but in 2010 it became known that the singer had an affair with businessman Lev Geikhner, whom she met through mutual friends. In the summer of 2013, the beloved soloist of A "Studio for the first time publicly proposed to the girl. A significant event took place on June 18 as part of the celebration of Maxim Galkin's birthday.

On September 7, 2013, singer Keti Topuria and businessman Lev Geykhman got married in one of the Moscow registry offices. On September 9, in the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall, the solemn part of their wedding took place, as well as the celebration of Keti Topuria's 27th birthday.

As part of the group A "Studio, Keti Topuria recorded albums:" Fly away "(2005)," 905 "(2007)," XX "(2007)," Total "(2007)," Waves "(2010), and also starred in clips: "Fly away" (2005), "Night-friend" (2005), "You" (2005), "Still love" (2007), "I'm running to you" (2007), "Heart to heart" (together with group "Reckless Scammers", 2007), "Angel" (2007), "Just like everyone else" (2009), "Morning gymnastics (Let's live)" (together with Leonid Rudenko, 2010), "Fashion Girl" (2010) , “Just Goodbye” (2012), “Once and for All” (with 3XL Pro, 2013), “Dad, Mom” (with Igor Krutoy, 2013).

On June 16, 2015, a daughter Olivia was born to Keti Topuria and her husband Lev Geykhman. The singer's birth took place in the USA, where she flew away with her husband in the spring.


as part of group A "Studio:
▪ Golden Gramophone Award (2005)
▪ "Record" award (2006)
▪ Fashion People Awards (2007)
▪ Tarlan Prize (2007)
▪ MTV Russia Music Awards (2007)
▪ Ovation Award (2008)

A family

Spouse - Lev Geykhman, banker, businessman (married 09/07/2013)
Daughter - Olivia (05/16/2015)


Kakha Kaladze, footballer (rumored)
Igor Vernik, actor (rumored)
Sergei Amoralov, singer (rumored)
Vlad Topalov (rumored)