Meaning of names: Male patronymics. Male middle names


Men with the patronymic Aleksandrovich have an impulsive and restless character. They are vulnerable, suspicious and quick-tempered, but quick-witted and unforgiving. Not deprived of friends. They like to be in the spotlight, are somewhat selfish. Laziness is a big drawback of the Alexandrovichs, but when it comes to health or career, they develop a vigorous activity. Aleksandrovichi are prone to respiratory diseases, bronchitis.


Patronymic Alekseevich brings such traits as calmness, hard work, perseverance to a person's character. Alekseevichs are complaisant men who do not express their feelings in words, but try to prove them with deeds. They are somewhat slow in their work, although they do it carefully. They are vulnerable, they try to survive all their grievances in themselves. They are squeamish, love comfort and order.


People with a very difficult, principled and stubborn character. They seem to be looking for trouble for themselves. Stubborn, quick-tempered and vulnerable. It is very difficult to get along with people, it is not easy to communicate with them. However, with those who manage to understand them, they are attentive, tolerant and even gentle. A distinctive feature of the Anatolyevichs is their extraordinary capacity for work.


Men with the patronymic Andreevich, born in the spring, are good orators, they know how to beautifully and convincingly express their thoughts. Andreevichs are impressionable, vulnerable people, with a superbly developed imagination, often with musical abilities. Kind and accommodating. In communication, they are simple and trusting, sometimes unnecessary. They love themselves, become grumpy with age.


Talented people with a rich inner world. Often they make life difficult for themselves. They have excellent hands, they have an undeniable technical talent (typical techies) and can achieve outstanding results in this area under the right circumstances. They know how to be objective, including in relation to themselves. Sociable, but heavy on the rise.


Business people, unhurried, but purposeful. It is good to have a partnership with them, as they always bring what they started to the end. They learn easily, and most of them achieve a lot in life. They have an analytical mindset. Nice, but a little grumpy, especially when things go wrong. They are very attached to family and parents.


Cold-blooded and determined men. They always know what they want and try to achieve what they want at all costs. Smart, they will not miss their own. Thrifty, even stingy, but not greedy. Not selfish, but not particularly eager to help others. They are ambitious, striving for a career, and this is usually the main goal of their life. They never stop there.


Conflict-free, docile people who never impose their opinions on others. They are very impressionable and overly sensitive. They sharply react to injustice in their souls, but, as a rule, they do not show their emotions. It often ends in stress. They have exceptional intuition. They value their freedom and independence.


Cheerful and cheerful people, endowed with great energy and a sense of humor. They are capable, successful, everything is easy for them. Whatever these men take, they do everything perfectly. They are reckless, love to compete in their studies, work. They often win and are very proud of it, but they are never conceited.


Sly kind-hearted people who love to play a trick on their friends, but their jokes are never offensive or evil. They are always surrounded by many friends. Despite all their shortcomings, they have one invaluable quality - diplomacy. Laziness is their disadvantage. The character of these men is complex and contradictory.


Strong, independent and proud people. They are closed, uncommunicative, do not let anyone close. They are respected by those around them. Calm, confident. They easily cope with all difficulties. They always come to the aid of other people. Smart, capable, not careerists, but ambitious.


Pragmatists with an analytical mindset. Stubborn and persistent in business. They know how to calculate several moves ahead and anticipate possible interference. They are sociable, but they have few close friends. These are talented people who do not waste their abilities, who know how to make a career. Do not tolerate rough pressure. They are very active.

Valerievich (Valerievich)

Hardworking, executive and motivated people. Excessive categoricalness, the ability to argue over trifles hinders them from making a career. These same qualities make it difficult for them to contact people. They have a somewhat inhibited reaction: in rapidly changing circumstances, they do not have time to make the necessary decisions.


They have a kind, pliable character. Capable, but somewhat disorganized. They are full of plans, but this does not mean that, having started a business, they will bring it to the end. In non-standard situations, they can show courage, even fearlessness. Failure to firmly adhere to the set goal makes their career very difficult for them. They are soft and accommodating, they value friendship very much.


Impressive, influenced by others. They are hardworking and dependable. The gentleness of character leads to the fact that they are easily manipulated, with all the ensuing consequences. These are the only people who can be asked for something completely unthinkable, and they will do it. They are very gullible.


Tough, strong and determined men, very intolerant of other people's shortcomings. True, they are even more strict with themselves than with others. They are ready to argue on any, even insignificant, occasion, but they know how to defend their opinion. Proud, arrogant, sometimes arrogant. They are smart, hardworking, but often, striving to achieve their goal, they go ahead.


Unbalanced, poorly managed. In the morning they like to soak up the bed. Curious, endowed with an analytical mindset. Not too sociable. Some of them are stubborn, they like to argue. Conflict situations are often created at work. Due to their somewhat absurd nature, they often never realize their capabilities. Endowed with talents in different areas activities.


Nervous and indecisive people, usually very gifted, but not always able to realize their abilities. Hardworking, executive. Often they have interesting ideas about improving their working methods, but they are shy about talking about them, and their ideas disappear. Vulnerable and touchy to the extreme.


They are complex, impulsive, stubborn. Their true thoughts are almost impossible to know. They may look warm-hearted, soft, open, but only as long as they need you. They have almost no real friends, they surround themselves mostly not with disinterested, trusted friends, but with people from the category of necessary ones.


Smart, ambitious men with organizational skills. They often work as teachers. Persistent and firm in achieving their goals, it is difficult to force them to deviate from the path and abandon the intended goal. They always get what they want. They are cold-blooded, in a difficult situation they do not lose restraint and self-control.


Cunning and stubborn, they like to argue on an insignificant occasion. A bit slow-witted. They are not obligatory. Stubborn, persistent and even brave, if the business promises them great benefits. Are not devoid of career aspirations and yet make careers difficult. Jealous. They are hospitable, they like to live in grand style.


Kind and accommodating people. They have a very warm, loving relationship with their mother. By nature, they are altruists, they are always ready to come to your aid not only with good advice, but also with concrete deeds. Hot-tempered, but, as a rule, their anger is short-lived. Brave and determined. They have very developed family feelings.


Active, mobile and excitable people. They are quick-tempered, take a long time to cool. They are very touchy and do not forgive insults. In everyday life, they are demanding and picky. Their character is very difficult. But on the other hand, men with this middle name are indispensable in work where a quick reaction is required.


Nervous, often insecure people. They are able to worry about trifles. They are very touchy and vulnerable, but they are secretive and never show their feelings. They are unforgiving and quickly forgive insults. Glebovichi gladly help everyone who needs it. Modest, do not like to stand out.


Calm and agreeable, but with cunning. They are excellent family men, they occupy a leading position in the family, although their wives try to command them. They get married rather late. The hardworking, setting a goal, will do their best to achieve results.


Sociable, friendly, sometimes too trusting. This quality of character is often used by dishonest people. Reasonable, they calculate any business to the smallest detail and bring it to the end. Unhurried and hardworking. They are non-aggressive and very accommodating.


Stubborn and strong men. They love to win and achieve success and do not imagine life for themselves without struggle, ups and downs. Persistent, persistent in achieving the goal. They do not retreat in front of difficulties, these people like to overcome obstacles. They are ambitious, make a career, to which they throw all their strength and abilities.


Men with a difficult character. Stubborn, persistent, brave. They trust people a little, tend to rely only on themselves. They are hardworking, but do not like to listen to other people's advice, even practical ones. They lack flexibility and diplomacy. They can deceive, behave very rudely. Heavy to climb.


Brave and decisive, they always get their way. Strive to be leaders. They like to do business slowly but thoroughly. They have a great capacity for work, but prefer to work alone, without helpers. Somewhat harsh and uncommunicative, but exemplary family men.


People are stubborn, stubborn, but indecisive. It is very difficult for them to please, as well as to convince them of something. Sociable, they easily converge with people, but disagree without regret. They like to sleep in the morning, are more efficient in the afternoon.


Noisy, cheerful and self-confident people. They are the kind of people who are called incorrigible optimists. Always cheerful and cheerful, inexhaustible for jokes. All troubles and failures are taken with humor. Even if they are upset, then a good mood quickly returns to them.


Broad, generous and magnanimous natures, as they say, "open soul." These men are always the first to rush to help, ready to give the last. They do not attach much importance to money. They work reluctantly, with laziness. Sociable, always have many friends.


Calm, patient, flexible phlegmatic people. Balanced, thoughtful, with a somewhat delayed reaction, they are not able to quickly calculate all the possible advantages or disadvantages of the upcoming business. Hardworking but slow. Domovites, good family men, are very attached to children.


People with a practical mindset, materialists. They are jack of all trades, they love to tinker with technology. They can fix everything in the house. At work, as a rule, they are high-class specialists and enjoy well-deserved respect and recognition from colleagues. They are ambitious, make a career quickly and without much difficulty. They are responsible and reliable people.


Talented, creative individuals. Cunning, strive to be the first everywhere and, as a rule, succeed in this (with the exception of "summer" men). They are calculating, but often act under the influence of a sudden urge. They lack tolerance and flexibility.

Very calm, with a stable nervous system, modest people. They are patient, attentively listening to other people's opinions, although they almost always act in their own way. They are liveable, devoid of careerism. Punctual and meticulous. They love to travel.

Innokentievichi (Innokentievichi)

Balanced, calm, hardworking people. They love to observe the measure in everything, do not go to extremes. They do not like to quarrel and argue over trifles, and in general they are non-conflicting. Men with this patronymic are assiduous, obligatory, always bring what they have begun to the end.


Enthusiastic natures, gifted with many talents, with a very wide range of interests. Hardworking and obligatory. They love severity and order in everything. They never rush to make assessments, do not act at random. Everything should be logical, balanced and thoughtful.


Mild, gentle and docile people, easily amenable to other people's influence. They quickly change their minds, it is not difficult to convince them. Quiet, indecisive, they do not achieve great results in their work, although they quite cope with their duties.


Strict, calculating and at the same time kind and generous. As a rule, these are broad natures who know how to get along with people, although they are not very sociable. You can always come to them with your troubles, they will listen carefully to you, and maybe they will help you with advice or deed. They are talented, but not everyone manages to fully reveal their abilities. Proud and not devoid of vanity.


The inconsistency of character makes the Leonidovichs unpredictable: on the one hand, they are agreeable, reasonable and benevolent, on the other, they are impulsive, stubborn and cunning. Sometimes they completely lose their sense of humor and any, even completely harmless, joke in their address is perceived as a blood offense.


Talented, but often exaggerate their abilities. It is often believed that those around them do not understand and underestimate and are very worried about this. It happens that they even get angry and begin to ironic over everything. Although this is usually a kind of protection, because these men are very sensitive and vulnerable.


People of extraordinary thinking. Stubborn, calculating and selfish. They thrive in life, reaching great heights. Talent and hard work help Lvovites to take a good position in society. Child-loving. They have a weakness for detective stories, preference and chess.


Calm and balanced, do not like hustle and bustle. Outgoing, friendly and accommodating. Easily converge with people. They willingly and a lot help others, without demanding anything in return. They have many reliable friends who truly love them. The work is obligatory and thorough.


They are friendly, considerate and obligatory. Easy to communicate. They have great willpower, never complain about their troubles, of which they have a lot. It is difficult to make a career, although excellent workers. Devoted sons. They have a good command of the word.


Outwardly calm, even sometimes imperturbable. However, in fact, these are very emotional people, they just know how to control themselves well and not give vent to their feelings. They are not curious and do not like to fuss in vain. They notice everything that is happening around them, but they do not always consider it necessary to react.


Kind, sometimes spineless, amenable to the influence of stronger natures. Compliant, open and friendly. At the same time, they are cunning, they carefully consider each step, although they can act impulsively. They are able to correctly assess the situation and make an accurate decision.


Hot-tempered and irritable men, they lose their temper even for minor reasons. Very careful, sometimes too careful. Careers often cost them a lot of effort. Stubborn, they do not like to admit that they were mistaken or were wrong. They are hardworking, persistent, able to achieve their goals.


They are talented, hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals. Smart, energetic and ambitious. They work a lot, do not allow them to be pushed around. They usually succeed and have a career. They treat failures calmly, try to fix the matter immediately. They are great at getting along with people.


Secretive, withdrawn, do not like the manifestations of feelings and emotions. They never share impressions, thoughts and experiences - they keep everything to themselves. However, they can be interesting interlocutors, as they are smart and well-read. Respect someone else's opinion. They do not like to argue and know how to keep other people's secrets.


Hot-tempered, impulsive, stubborn. At the same time, they are excellent specialists who compete for any business: no matter what they undertake, they will complete everything. They are not careerists by nature, but they often occupy leading positions. Sometimes they are too straightforward, they do not know how to bypass sharp corners.


Very difficult people with a pretense. It is difficult to make new acquaintances and quickly, without regret, can break all ties. Stubborn, persistent, principled. Hot-tempered, vigorously prove their point of view. Having set a goal, they are able to move mountains.


Somewhat reserved, even morose. They are very hardworking and meticulous, they do any work carefully, but they do not like being overheated, and even more so when they indicate what to do. In such situations, they can flare up, utter rudeness.


The character is quite contradictory. They are characterized by cunning, stubbornness and selfishness. But they are trusting, kind and unforgiving. Too talkative, but they think one thing and say something completely different. Neat to cleanliness and extremely squeamish.


Simple, strong people... They are straightforward, do not like to be cunning, always honestly express what they think. They cannot stand rumors and gossip, lies, laziness and rudeness. They work hard, take their responsibilities very responsibly and demand it from others. These men do not like to hesitate for a long time and often try to solve problems with a raid.


Amazingly solid natures. They are courageous and kind, attentive and persistent in achieving their goals, they always stand up for themselves. Very neat, elegantly dressed. They are exemplary husbands, caring fathers, hospitable hosts. They are quick-tempered and touchy, like to have long conversations on the phone.


They are impulsive, difficult to communicate, because they are almost devoid of a sense of humor, do not like and do not understand jokes. They tend to argue over trifles and prove their point of view. Despite this, there are many friends around them, they take their problems very closely. They are hardworking, but they like to dream of the impossible.


Very trusting, simple-minded people who do not know how to hide their feelings. They are friendly and helpful. They are often deceived, but this does not make them disappointed in people. Sociable, funny, but not very fond of work. They perform their duties well, but do not show initiative.


Sociable, cheerful men, good organizers. Persistent in achieving the goal. Accidental defeats only increase their tenacity. If they think of something, it is difficult to convince them. They know how to be good companions. They appreciate in people, first of all, their business qualities and professionalism.


People with a strong will and firm principles, from which they do not retreat. They are self-critical, but they are also very strict with others. These men are demanding both at home and at work. They bring any business started to the end. IN difficult situation restrained and cold-blooded. They do an excellent job of their duties, are responsible and accurate.


Open, honest and calm people. They try to maintain good relations with everyone. Sociable, charming and welcoming, they easily attract people to themselves. They are respected and their opinions are listened to. They are good psychologists, observant and perceptive.


Cunning, insincerity and prudence are surprisingly combined in these people with benevolence and decency. They are kind, prudent, prudent - they ponder every step and every word. Not a single person close to them is bypassed with attention and care. Smart, unhurried interlocutors.


Balanced, hardworking and persistent in achieving goals. They take the matter seriously, they will calculate everything, put it on the shelves. Responsible, true to their word. These are people you can rely on. They are talented and pragmatic. Careers are made without much effort, although they do not like to adapt and obey. Many Sergeevichs are overly emotional.


Stubborn, principled and independent. They are very judicious: before deciding something, they will think over all the details. They are benevolent and tolerant of other people's opinions. They are reliable and loyal friends. The work is carried out with their characteristic zeal, reaching leading positions. Excellent family men. They love their children with mad love.


They are benevolent, flexible and kind. Almost all Stepanovichs are very hardworking, they take up any business, and they have everything in their hands. Neat. Easy to communicate, sincere. In a family, leaders like to grumble, read lectures to their wife and children, and this annoys loved ones. Good entrepreneurs.


Strong, sometimes even cruel, people with persistent character and firm principles. They try to have everything own opinion and rely little on other people's words. For the sake of achieving their goal, they will give up all their forces, collect all their will. They easily overcome difficulties. They love to be in the spotlight.


Vulnerable, touchy, but kind and sociable men. They do not like to work, they often prefer work with little money, but a lot of free time. They like to argue, but they often argue for no reason. They are stubborn, but at the same time unforgiving, responsive. They are capable enough, but they do nothing in order to find use for their abilities.


Men with this patronymic are calm, easy to communicate, easily converge with people, very executive and obligatory. They can be entrusted with any business, but they are somewhat slow. Those born in summer are overly suspicious and easily injured. They love it when everything goes on as usual, calmly, naturally. They are heavy on the rise, tied to the place, including the place of their work.


Affectionate, gentle and gentle people. They hardly get used to everything new, therefore they really do not like and are afraid of changes, even good ones. They are affectionate, sentimental and dreamy. They tend to have illusions about other people. Collisions with real life are very difficult. They don't know how to adapt. They are neat, executive, sometimes even pedantic.


The character is quite complex, contradictory. Balanced, easy to communicate. However, behind the external balance and equanimity, there is often a difficult work of the soul. Are not indifferent to what is happening around them. They often prefer to keep their opinions to themselves, listening more to others. Homebodies.


Natures are bright, passionate, sexy. They are very straightforward, so communication with them always contains pitfalls. They do not tolerate any dictatorship over themselves, so it is better for them to choose a job in which communication with their superiors is minimized. Stubborn, decisive, easy to calculate any deal, far-sighted. Good entrepreneurs.


Sociable and cheerful men with a sense of humor. They easily get carried away with new ideas and try to implement them, and often they succeed. They are proactive and creative people, with a broad outlook and non-trivial thinking. They always have a lot of ideas that they willingly share with everyone. Idealists: Believe in the ability to make all people happy.


Dreamers love to make plans, they have a lot of ideas, and very interesting and original. But when it comes down to it, they become indecisive, do not know where to start. These men can make promises that they cannot fulfill. They are very passive, do not like to fight. They are not ambitious and do not strive to make a career. Excellent performers. They easily succumb to other people's influence, are weak-willed.


Selfishness is the most characteristic... These men are cunning, calculating, pragmatic. They like to sleep in the morning, work with laziness, they just need strict control. In the family - not leaders, although they pretend to be strict. They are amorous and addicted natures. They are sociable, they converge with people easily and quickly, have a great sense of humor.


Modest, inconspicuous men, hiding in themselves a lot of undeniable advantages. They are very hardworking and determined. They are excellent, executive workers who can be entrusted with any task. In family life, it is sometimes difficult with them. They lack softness and tenderness, and maybe they simply do not know how to express their feelings, and therefore they are harsh.

Persistent and stubborn, they never give up their plans. They do not like to talk about their plans and intentions and to consult with anyone, therefore, what they have done often turns out to be a surprise for others, and not always pleasant. These people are proud, sometimes arrogant, but in general they are not bad. They are kind, helpful, generous and fair.

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This dictionary contains the meanings of the main feminine patronymics (return to the beginning of the dictionary: "The Meaning of the Name")

Male middle names and the meaning of male middle names

What can a man's middle name tell you? Like a man's name, it contains information about a person, which, with the observation of people of the past, was systematized in the dictionary of male patronymics below.

Impulsive, very vulnerable, quick-tempered and suspicious, but quick-witted and not vindictive. Restless, parts change their attachments, abandon what they started, not finishing it. They have a rich imagination, often dream of distant wanderings. They like to be in the spotlight, are somewhat selfish, but at the same time have many friends. A bit lazy, but for the sake of a career and their health they are ready to move mountains. They love to argue and defend their opinions with perseverance.

Compliant, hardworking and calm. A little slow, but they do the work assigned to them very carefully. They are vulnerable, they try not to show their feelings, they do not like to spread about their feelings, they prefer to prove them with deeds. They value family very much, love comfort and order, treat children well.

Stubborn, principled, hot-tempered and vulnerable. It is difficult to get along with people, but with those who can understand them, they are attentive, tolerant and even gentle. Very workable. They love to achieve everything with their work. They are restless, do not like to stay in one place for a long time, they love to travel. They are very welcoming. Success in the professional field is usually achieved after 30 years. In family life, they are somewhat arbitrary, they take a leadership position and demand that everything happens within the framework of their rules and principles.

Impressive, with a well-developed imagination, these people often have oratory and musical abilities. They are kind and agreeable, but they love themselves very much. In relationships with people, they are careful, but they trust their friends and relatives completely, sometimes in vain. They become grumpy with age.

Hardworking, stubborn, persistent, very active and mobile. They have a flexible, lively mind. They hate the optionality in people. They themselves try not to give empty promises, they always keep their word.

They are patient and persistent. Slowly and gradually go to achieve their goal. Very binding and reliable. They are tactful and know how to avoid sharp corners with the help of diplomatic maneuvers.

Quick-tempered, irritable, touchy and rancorous. They do not listen to other people's opinions, are decisive and always act in their own way, even if they realize that they are making a mistake. They love to go ahead, onslaught and force prefer diplomacy and conversation. They can be cunning.

The character is complex and contradictory. Kind and tactful, they love to make fun of their friends and acquaintances. They have many ideas, but because of laziness they rarely implement them. They do not like to take risks, but they often recklessly drive. They love to travel.

Stubborn, persistent, do not like to obey others. They have a practical mind and carefully calculate all the options. Hardworking, but not fond of difficult tasks. They do not like long journeys, they prefer to be in a well-known territory.

They are hardworking, purposeful, but categorical and do not always find contact with people. They do not like to adapt to circumstances, they prefer to adapt circumstances to themselves. They do not tolerate diktat over themselves, but they themselves love to command, if not subordinates, then at least domestic ones. Hot-tempered, but not vindictive. They are very circumspect and do not like to draw conclusions and make decisions until they see the full picture of what is happening.

Hardworking, resourceful, fearless in extreme situations. In ordinary life, they are kind, agreeable, but cannot stand coercion. They are often disorganized and in no hurry to carry out important assignments in the service. When drunk, they are aggressive.

Kind, sympathetic and very gentle, these men are too trusting and often fall under the influence of others, both good and bad. They are easy to manipulate. They are very fond of children, their own and others. The Viktorovichs themselves adore children, but sometimes they are embarrassed to show it. Alcohol is categorically contraindicated for these men.

They are inquisitive, have an analytical mindset. Stubborn and like to argue over trifles. Unbalanced and poorly managed, these men do not get along well with people, often conflict at work and because of this do not realize their potential. They are gifted in many fields of activity, but are especially talented in mathematics and electronics.

Persistent, impulsive, stubborn, Vyacheslavovichs do not get along well with people. They have almost no real friends. they maintain friendly relations with the right people and only for the time being.

Stubborn, persistent, brave, especially if this promises them material benefits. Careerists, but difficult to move up the career ladder. Sluggish, they like to argue on the most insignificant reason, they are not obligatory. Jealous.

Kind, docile people are always ready to help someone in trouble in word and deed. They are quick-tempered and can break wood in anger. It is better for them not to fall under the hot hand. However, their anger is short-lived. They value family and family ties. They usually maintain a warm relationship with their mother until they have gray hair.

Hardworking, persistent, calm and patient. They try not to impose their opinions, although they often occupy a leading position in the family. They are prudent, judicious, rarely commit rash acts. Easily find contact with people. Big cunning and diplomats.

Sociable, friendly, sometimes too trusting. This quality of character is often used by dishonest people. Reasonable, they calculate any business to the smallest detail and bring it to the end. Unhurried and hardworking. Not aggressive and very accommodating.

Stubborn, brave and incredulous. Accustomed to relying only on ourselves. They do not listen to other people's advice, they can behave rudely with colleagues and in the family. They are zealous owners, they love the house, they are heavy to lift. Their family life is rarely successful due to the lack of flexibility and diplomacy in relations with people.

Persistent and purposeful, they always get their way. They have a great capacity for work, prefer to work alone, without helpers. They are moving towards the set goal slowly but decisively. In communication, they are somewhat harsh, they get along with people difficult, they part painfully.

Phlegmatic, unhurried, calm and solid. Hardworking and thoughtful, but a little slow. They are often household and homely, they have golden hands, but any work takes a lot of time. It's pointless to make them fit. They spend a lot of time at work, are kind and have friends. Despite affection for the family and love for children, they are often unhappy in marriage because of their kindness. Failures are experienced in silence. Very demanding of friends. Suspecting one of them in an unfair attitude to themselves or betrayal, they break off relations forever. They are easy-going, love to travel, they are well-oriented in unfamiliar surroundings. They love animals.

Creative and talented people, they always love to be the first in everything. They have a calculating mind, but often act on impulse. In dealing with people, sometimes they experience difficulties due to a lack of flexibility and some intolerance.

Calm, patient, modest people, are attentive to others, listen to other people's opinions, although they still prefer to do their own thing. They try to justify their opinion, avoid pressure on others and impose their principles. Punctual and pedantic. They are well versed in people, they know how to appreciate other people's merits. They love to travel.

Talented, multifaceted individuals with a wide range of interests. Hardworking and obligatory, they love strictness and order. They are not in a hurry with assessments and conclusions. Most of all they value logic and thoughtfulness in decisions. They never act at random, although they tend to get too carried away by some ideas.

They know how to get along with people, although they are not very sociable. They are very responsive and ready to listen to anyone in trouble, help with advice, and sometimes with deed, proud and a little vain, have many talents, but they cannot always show them. They are efficient, like to calculate their actions, a little strict, but very kind and gentle.

The character is contradictory. They are very friendly, but sometimes they are stubborn and do not know how to take jokes in their address. They are usually reasonable, but sometimes they are prone to thoughtless impulsive actions. Compliant, however, find it difficult to get along with people. They are capable of cunning and are very proud of it. They pay special attention to their appearance and react painfully to criticism. In family life, they are rarely happy, although they usually do not dare to divorce.

Talented, extraordinary personalities, they often succeed in life. But selfish and stubborn. They are very attached to home, do not like long trips. They treat children well, love to educate them and willingly play with them.

They are tactful and easy to communicate, get along well with people, are friendly and do not like to complain about their life. Despite their hard work, they rarely reach career heights. Treat their elderly parents tenderly.

They have an analytical mind, are able to accurately assess the situation and make the only right decision. Very careful and good at adapting to circumstances. They are prudent, but, despite this, sometimes they commit rash acts. They always have many friends and acquaintances, they are open and benevolent, ready to provide disinterested help, they love friendly feasts and funny drinking parties. Sometimes, because of their good nature, they fall under the influence of stronger natures. Good family men, considerate husbands and fathers. They love to travel.

Hot-tempered, impulsive, stubborn, sometimes too straightforward. They have a strong sense of their own dignity. Ambitious, but not careerists by nature. They often occupy high positions, act decisively and quickly in extreme situations, are good specialists in their field. Thrifty and tidy. They don't converge with people very quickly. They are not indifferent to alcohol, they are often aggressive when intoxicated.

They find it difficult to get along with people, easily and without regret they can break off friendship and love relationships. Stubborn, persistent, principled, ardently defend their point of view. They are not distinguished by hard work, however, having set themselves some goal, they can work hard to achieve it. They are talented and extraordinary, capable of unexpected decisions, but they have too high an opinion of themselves and a lot of claims to others.

They are hardworking, meticulous, accurate, but do not like self-control and instructions. They can flare up and be rude if you make comments to them. They themselves love to teach, become boring by old age. They like to sort things out with their superiors and seek justice, from which they often suffer. In dealing with people, they are somewhat withdrawn, and sometimes gloomy. Very attached to their family and children.

Stubborn and selfish, cunning and prone to making empty promises. They often think one thing and say another. At the same time, they are kind and unforgettable. Sociable, sociable, but very trusting. They are partial to alcohol. Sensitive, vulnerable and a little romantic. They love to travel, they do not like monotony. Nevertheless, they are assiduous and can do work that requires meticulousness. They are often awkward and sluggish, they are constantly late for work for "valid reasons."

In their hearts, dreamers and romantics love to dream of the impossible. They have a very complex character. They love to argue over trifles and defend their point of view, no matter what. Devoid of a sense of humor, especially when it comes to their person. They do not seek to delve into other people's problems, they are rarely attentive to their friends. They prefer light friendships to deep, serious friendships. They are hardworking.

They are prudent and prudent, pondering every step. Very cunning and sometimes disingenuous. They surround their loved ones with care and attention, try to provide them with comfort and coziness. They are ready to go to many tricks for the sake of profit, but avoid dishonesty. They have a very flexible and resourceful mind, they are always in excellent relations with their superiors and colleagues. They do not like haste and fuss, they are hardworking and helpful.

They are talented, have a practical mindset, do not like to obey and adapt, which does not interfere with their career. Hardworking and persistent, they take their work very seriously. Usually balanced, sometimes they are too emotional if something goes wrong. In anger, they are capable of rash words and actions. They take their failures to heart and worry for a long time. They are not very sociable, but they have a few loyal and loyal friends. They are hospitable, they love their home.

They are very independent and principled. The work is carried out with zeal, often reaching leading positions. They never act on someone else's orders, but they are tolerant of someone else's opinion. They are friendly to people, attached to their family, they love their children very much.

They are very hardworking, they take up any business. Neat. They are kind to people, kind and do not like conflicts. They occupy a leading position in the family and like to grumble and read lectures to the wife and children, which often provokes dissatisfaction and irritation of the family.

Very diligent and obligatory. They are unhurried, do not like to be rushed. They are calm, very attached to their home and place of work. They don't like change. In dealing with people, they are simple and benevolent, they easily converge and easily part with people. Balanced and love to bring up children.

Complex nature, contradictory. Cunning, selfish,
smart, love to have the last word in the dispute. Sometimes they are prone to obsessions, which they persist in implementing, no matter what. Felixovichs, born in the warm season, are distinguished by a good knowledge of human psychology and an innate inclination to diplomatic maneuvers. They are very obligatory - they try to perform any business impeccably, considering it a matter of honor.

A complex and contradictory character is often hidden behind the external poise and equanimity. They prefer to listen to others and not express their opinion. They like to pretend to be indifferent, but they are keenly interested in everything that happens around them. They are simple in communication, but somewhat secretive.

Very independent, vibrant and passionate natures. They hate any diktat, so they hardly work under someone's leadership. They are distinguished by perspicacity, calculate possible situations and rarely make mistakes. Stubborn, decisive and sometimes too straightforward. They easily converge with people, however, because of their character, they often conflict with bosses, colleagues and family.

They are very selfish and somewhat lazy. They need strict control, otherwise they may not do the work assigned to them or perform poorly. They easily converge with people, are the soul of the company, have a sense of humor and know how to be the center of attention. The family often pretends to be strict, but in essence they are not leaders. Curious, easily carried away natures, do not tolerate monotony, love to travel.

Hardworking and executive, they prefer to modestly keep silent about their merits, they try to be invisible. They are uncommunicative, curious, trying to keep abreast of all intrigues and events. Stingy. In family life, they are harsh and even rude, they lack gentleness and the ability to express their feelings. They readily do their homework, but they are rarely capable of tenderness and affection.



This patronymic brings such traits as calmness, hard work, perseverance to a person's character. The Alekseevichs are docile men who do not express their feelings in words, but try to prove by deeds. They are somewhat slow in their work, although they do it carefully. They are vulnerable, they try to survive all their grievances in themselves. They are squeamish, love comfort and order. Some turn into sullen grumbles by old age. They value the family very much. They love children, devote most of their free time to them. They get married late. They try not to impose their opinion and society on others. They are not conflicting by nature. They often suffer from gastric diseases.


Children with such a patronymic are prone to respiratory diseases, bronchitis. The character of these guys is restless, impulsive, they are naughty and restless, they often change their addictions, abandon what they have begun to get carried away by others. Dreamers dreaming of long journeys. They are often endowed with a good ear for music. They are very vulnerable, suspicious and quick-tempered, but quick-witted and unforgettable. Not deprived of friends. They like to be in the spotlight, are somewhat selfish. In the family, these are my mother's favorites. Laziness is a big drawback of the Alexandrovichs, but when it comes to health and career, they develop a vigorous activity. Inveterate debaters, they will defend their ideas with enviable persistence. They are talented, but their lives are often not very successful. Sensual natures.


People with a very complex, principled and stubborn character, they seem to be looking for trouble for themselves. Stubborn, quick-tempered, vulnerable. It is very difficult to get along with people, it is not easy to communicate with them. However, with those who manage to understand them, they are attentive, tolerant and even gentle. After parting with them, you will nevertheless retain wonderful memories of them. A distinctive feature of the Anatolyevichs is their extraordinary capacity for work. They have golden hands, and they achieve everything in life exclusively by their own labor. Success usually comes to them after thirty years. Fidgets, do not like to linger in one place, so the wife will have to get used to the idea that her husband will spend a significant part of his life on the road. They love travel. They are very welcoming. In the family, the leaders are even somewhat arbitrary. Everything must flow within the limits prescribed by them.


Those born in spring are good speakers, they know how to express their thoughts beautifully and convincingly. Andreevichs are impressionable, vulnerable people, with a superbly developed imagination, often with musical abilities. Kind and accommodating. In communication, they are simple and trusting, sometimes unnecessarily. They love themselves, become grumpy with age. They are distrustful, therefore, they are careful in relations with people.


They are very active and mobile. They have a flexible, lively mind. Stubborn and persistent in achieving the goal. Combined with an enviable hard work, this guarantees them success in life. They are faithful to their word and do not tolerate unreliable and unnecessary people.


These people have excellent business qualities. They are patient and walk towards their goal slowly, but without deviating from the path. Most often they manage to take a good position in society. Very obligatory and reliable as partners. Flexibility and diplomacy allow them to avoid sharp corners and not impose their opinions by force.


Cunning, stubborn, persistent and decisive. Whatever they undertake, they will definitely bring the matter to the end. They go ahead, never listening to the opinions of others, even knowing that they are making the wrong step. Excessively hot-tempered and irritable. They are not too talkative, they like to grumble, they remember their insults for a long time.


Sly kind-hearted people who love to play a trick on their friends, but their jokes are never offensive or evil. They are always surrounded by many friends, despite all their shortcomings, they have one invaluable quality - diplomacy. Laziness is their drawback, Borisovichs have to be urged all the time, otherwise all their impulses will remain just impulses, and the business that has been started is never realized. The character of these men is complex and contradictory, which is why misunderstandings and complications arise in the family. They love to travel and drive a car dashingly.


Endowed with a complex, contradictory character. They have a pragmatic mindset, they carefully consider all possible options. They are distinguished by stubbornness and perseverance. However, those born in summer are more patient and calm. It is difficult to get along with people, they do not like to obey, although their wives often try to take power into their own hands. They are hardworking, but it is better not to entrust them with difficult matters. Homebodies.


Despite hard work and dedication, it is not easy to make a career. They are categorical, they do not always find contact with people and cannot adapt to circumstances. Hot-tempered, but quick-witted and unforgettable. They are prudent and do not rush to final conclusions. They cannot stand dictatorship over themselves.


They have a flexible, tolerant character. Resourceful, hardworking and talented. But, like most creative people, they are somewhat disorganized. So, having entrusted Vasilyevich with some important matter, it is not superfluous to check how it is moving. A certain amount of irresponsibility makes it difficult for them to move up the career ladder. The Vasilievichs are brave and fearless in extreme situations. Kind and malleable, loyal in friendship, but cannot stand coercion. Very cool drunk.


These are very kind and gentle men, often spineless, gullible, adoring their children and using them in return. They are easy to manipulate, they easily fall under the influence of others, both good and bad, with all the ensuing consequences. Alcohol is categorically contraindicated for Viktorovich.


Unbalanced, poorly managed. In the morning they like to soak up the bed. Curious, endowed with an analytical mindset. Not too sociable. Some of them are stubborn, like to argue, proving their point of view, sometimes over trifles. Conflict situations are often created at work. Due to their somewhat absurd nature, they often never realize their capabilities. They are gifted with talents in various fields of activity, but mainly in mathematics, electronics. Most of them get higher education, but do not work in their specialty. They are very careful, they think first and then act. Themselves select their friends. They often spend most of their time at work.


They are complex, impulsive, stubborn. These people are on their own mind. They have very few or almost no sincere and devoted friends: they communicate with people and welcome them as long as they need them. This is especially true for men born in winter. They are strong, persistent, sometimes cocky. "Summer" - calmer, more tolerant, softer.


Cunning and stubborn, they like to argue on an insignificant occasion. A bit slow-witted. They are not obligatory. Stubborn, persistent and even brave, if the business promises them great benefits. Are not devoid of career aspirations and yet make careers difficult. Jealous. They are hospitable, they like to live in grand style.


Kind and accommodating people. They have a very warm, loving relationship with their mother. By nature, they are altruists, they are always ready to come to your aid not only with good advice, but also with concrete deeds. Hot-tempered: it is better for them not to fall under the hot hand, but, as a rule, their anger is short-lived. They are able to analyze the situation well. Courageous and decisive, they have very developed family feelings.


Men with such a patronymic are calm, docile, but with cunning. They are excellent family men, they occupy a leading position in the family, although their wives try to command them. They get married rather late, carefully choosing for themselves not only a wife, but also an excellent mistress and mother of the family. The hardworking, setting a goal, will do their best to achieve results. They boldly take on a new business, they cannot stand the routine. In relations with people, they are diplomatic and patient, they try not to impose their point of view, although their opinion is worth listening to - the Grigorievichs are prudent and prudent, they never commit rash acts. They make excellent teachers and mentors. They are good at adapting to people. May have their own capital.


This patronymic brings such traits as complaisance, prudence to the character. The Danilovichi will first think over everything, calculate, and then get down to business. They are very hardworking, they can be entrusted with any work with the confidence that it will be completed. Danilovich are sociable, surrounded by friends. Their drawback is excessive gullibility, which is often used by unscrupulous and dishonest people.


Men with a difficult character. Stubborn, persistent, brave. They trust people a little, tend to rely only on themselves. They are hardworking, but do not like to listen to other people's advice, even practical ones. They lack flexibility and diplomacy. They can deceive, behave very rudely not only towards colleagues, but also in the family, therefore, their family life often does not work out, although they are homely, zealous owners and are tied to the house. Heavy lifting.


Brave and decisive, they always get their way. Strive to be leaders. They like to do business slowly but thoroughly. They have enormous capacity for work, are fanatically devoted to their favorite work, but prefer to work alone, without helpers. Somewhat harsh and uncommunicative, but exemplary family men. They are looking for their place in life for a long time and persistently. It is difficult to get along with people, it is painful to part.


People are stubborn, stubborn, but indecisive. It is very difficult for them to please, as well as to convince of something. Sociable, communicate with people easily, disperse without regret. They like to sleep in the morning.


Hardworking, persistent and persistent in achieving goals. Talented, but not always able to realize their abilities. Hot temper and selfishness are not the best traits of their character. They quickly make new acquaintances, but they part without regret if it turns out that they disagree. They demand attention to themselves, without understanding that this process cannot be one-sided. Internal egoism prevents them from noticing the problems of their loved ones and helping them as much as possible.


Calm, patient, flexible phlegmatic people. Balanced, thoughtful, with a somewhat delayed reaction, unable to quickly calculate all the possible advantages or disadvantages of the upcoming business. They are hardworking, but slow, and pushing them is absolutely pointless. They have golden hands, they are housewives, good family men, very attached to children. However, they are often unlucky in marriage. Thanks to their kindness, they fall under the heel of their wife. Those born in winter are unrestrained and hot-tempered, especially when drunk. They spend a lot of time at work. They love to tinker with the car, and not only with their own. They are easy-going, willingly jump off the ground, perfectly navigate in unfamiliar surroundings. The Ivanovichi are endowed with great kindness, they have many friends who often abuse their patience and responsiveness. Suspecting someone of an unfair or selfish attitude towards themselves, they easily and forever break off friendly relations. In personal life, they are not too happy. They are not distinguished by openness and experience their failures in silence. Deprived of career aspirations. They love animals.


Talented, creative individuals. Cunning, strive to be the first everywhere and, as a rule, succeed in this (with the exception of the "summer"). They are calculating, but often act under the influence of a sudden inner urge. They lack tolerance, flexibility, and therefore it is not always possible to find a common language with people.

Very calm, with a stable nervous system, modest people. They are patient, attentively listening to someone else's opinion, although they almost always act in their own way. They will not force their own point of view, but will try to convince the opponent with all sorts of arguments. They are lively, devoid of careerism. Punctual and meticulous. They love to travel. They are good at understanding people - they are able to appreciate their friends and acquaintances. Very often small.


These are people with a complex, difficult character. It is extremely difficult to communicate with them, they are incredulous, careful, cunning. They are not the most welcome guests in companies. Iosifovichs live with anguish, not always responding adequately to the current situation. They are characterized by hyperemocinality.


Enthusiastic natures, gifted with many talents, with a very wide range of interests. Hardworking and committed. They love strictness and order in everything. They never rush to make assessments, do not act at random. Everything should be logical, balanced and thoughtful.


Strict, calculating and at the same time kind and generous As a rule, these are broad natures who know how to get along with people, although not very sociable. You can always come to them with your troubles, they will listen carefully to you, and maybe they will help you with advice or deed. They are talented, but not everyone manages to fully reveal or realize their abilities. They are proud and not devoid of vanity. The efficiency of these people truly knows no bounds as a master of their craft. Very neat and often fan-looking.


People of extraordinary thinking. Stubborn, calculating and selfish. "Autumn" are especially successful in life, reaching great heights. Talent, multiplied by hard work, helps Lvovites to take a good position in society. Tied to home, some willingly go on business trips. Child-loving. They have a weakness for detectives, preference and chess.


The inconsistency of character makes these men unpredictable: on the one hand, they are flexible, reasonable and benevolent, on the other hand, they are impulsive, stubborn and cunning. Sometimes they completely lose their sense of humor and any, even completely harmless joke in their address is perceived as a blood offense. This quality makes it very difficult to communicate with them. It's hard to get along with people. In marriage, they are not very lucky, although they usually do not dare to divorce. They are attracted by technology, they often graduate from any technical university, although they do not always work in their specialty. They like to sleep in the morning. They treat their appearance with special attention, before leaving the house they spin for a long time in front of a mirror. Almost all Leonidovichs have a sweet tooth.


They are friendly, considerate and obligatory. Easy to communicate. They have great willpower, never complain about their troubles, of which they have a lot. It is difficult to make a career, although excellent workers. Devoted sons. They have a good command of the word.


These men lack commitment, accuracy and organization, but if something vital is at stake, they will do their best to get things done. However, they are lucky and require less effort than others. The Matveyevichs have one extremely unpleasant trait: they are surprisingly jealous. Their wives or lovers have to behave very carefully, but, despite this, stormy scenes cannot be avoided.


They are kind, some are spineless, amenable to the influence of stronger natures. Compliant, open and benevolent, you can always find good advice and disinterested help from them. But, despite all their good nature, they are cunning, they carefully consider each step, although they can act impulsively. With an analytical mind - they make great leaders. They are able to correctly assess the situation and make an accurate decision that guarantees success. In addition, these people are extremely careful and adapt well to circumstances. They have many friends with whom they spend time not only in intellectual conversations, but also in friendly feasts, to which they are clearly not indifferent. Sensual and popular with women. However, they are good family men, considerate husbands and caring fathers. They love to travel and drive a car with pleasure.


It's not easy with these men. They are hot-tempered, impulsive, stubborn. At the same time, they are excellent specialists who can handle any business; whatever they undertake, they will finish everything. They are not careerists by nature, but it is the Nikolaevichs who prevail among high-ranking leaders. Sometimes they are too straightforward, they do not know how to bypass sharp corners. Listening to someone else's opinion, they still do it their own way. With a very developed sense of self-esteem. They are ambitious in a good way. They subtly feel any injustice and protest against it. In extreme situations, they act decisively and quickly. Their weakness is their indifference to alcohol, especially in "winter" ones. The drunken ones can behave aggressively. The Nikolaevichs are thrifty and tidy, prefer good-quality, comfortable clothes and wear them for a long time. Punctual. It is difficult to get along with people, so the circle of their friends is rather narrow. These are inveterate fans, and they themselves are not alien to sports.


Very difficult people with a pretense. It is difficult to plant new acquaintances and quickly, without regret, can break all ties. Stubborn, persistent, principled. Hot-tempered, vigorously prove their point of view. Olegovichi are talented, they are fond of technology, sports. Read a lot. They work on inspiration, however, having set a goal, they are able to move mountains. It is not easy to communicate with them in everyday life, but very interesting. Olegovich is one of those people about whom they say that you will not get bored with them. You never know what they will do next. Outwardly they look like mothers. They get married late.


Somewhat reserved, even morose. They are very hardworking and meticulous, they do all the work carefully, but they do not like it when they stand above their hearts, and even more so they indicate how to do it. In such situations, these people can flare up, utter rudeness. They like to teach young people, they often become boring when they get old. They do not sin with diplomacy, they cut the truth in the eyes, seeking justice. They rush into battle to sort things out with their superiors, but it often ends not in their favor. They love children, family and are loved by them.


The character is quite contradictory. It should not be forgotten, moreover, that in people born at different times of the year, character traits are manifested in a more or less pronounced degree. They are characterized by cunning, stubbornness and selfishness. But they are trusting, kind and unforgiving. Too talkative - the flow of speech of these people is often simply impossible to stop. They can promise you mountains of gold, but do not flatter yourself, they are unlikely to keep their word, moreover, they almost always think one thing, but say something completely different. They are assiduous, if you need to do some kind of painstaking work, then you cannot find a better performer. However, they are very slow, it seems that everything is falling out of their hands, they are often late for work. Neat to the point of neatness and extremely squeamish. They marry late, many remain bachelors, although sex is not the last place in their lives. Sociable, sociable people, about whom they say "the soul of society", but, unfortunately, quickly succumb to the influence of alcohol. They adapt well to circumstances. Sensitive. They read a lot, like to discuss.


Calm, balanced people, completely lost in their fantasies, living in a world they make up. They have one very rare quality - they know how to listen to others. They are not very talkative, nevertheless they are quite sociable, they like large companies, they often sing and play the accordion.


They are impulsive, difficult to communicate, because they are almost devoid of a sense of humor, do not like and do not understand jokes. They tend to argue over trifles and prove their point of view. Despite this, there are many friends around them, they take their problems very closely. They are hardworking, but they like to dream of the impossible.


Amazingly solid natures. They are courageous and kind, attentive and persistent in achieving their goals, they always stand up for themselves. Very neat, elegantly dressed. They are exemplary husbands, caring fathers, hospitable hosts. However, they also have weaknesses: they are quick-tempered, touchy, like to have long conversations on the phone.


Cunning, insincerity and prudence are surprisingly combined in these people with benevolence and decency. They are kind, prudent, prudent - they ponder every step and every word. Not a single person close to them is bypassed with attention and care, they will try to make everyone feel comfortable, comfortable and, importantly, profitable. They are smart, unhurried interlocutors who always find a common language (colleagues and superiors, who value them for their hard work. They have a unique flexibility of mind, well-read.


Balanced, hardworking and persistent in achieving goals. They take the matter seriously, they will calculate everything on the shelves. Required, true to the word. These are people you can rely on. They are talented and pragmatic. Careers are made without much effort, although they do not like to adapt and obey. Many are overly emotional and take failure to heart. Loyal to the family, parents. They are not too sociable, they try to surround themselves with a few, but loyal and reliable friends. They spend most of their time at home, although they gladly receive guests. They have an easily excitable nervous system, so it is better to wait out outbursts of their anger than to respond in kind.


They are benevolent, flexible and kind. Almost all Stepanovichs are very hardworking, they take up any business, and they have everything in their hands. Neat. Easy to (communicate, sincere. Leaders in the family, like to grumble,) read lectures to the wife and children, and this annoys loved ones Good entrepreneurs.


Stubborn, principled and independent. They are very reasonable: before deciding something, they will think over all the details. They are benevolent and tolerant of other people's opinions. They are reliable and loyal friends. The work is performed with the characteristic zeal, reaching leading positions. A woman who married him will never regret her choice - such men make wonderful family men. They love their children with mad love.


Already from childhood they stand out among their peers Kind, but somewhat cunning, cautious, cowardly. They are quick-tempered and irritable, so living with them is quite difficult. Their unstable nature is often the cause of many conflict situations. However, there are no hopeless situations for them. They adapt perfectly to any circumstance. Ambitious and careerists, in achieving their goals, they can resort to any method.


There is no firmness in the character of these men. They are kind, hardworking, not stingy. They cannot resist the influence of others. Pragmatists. They never jump to conclusions. They get married late, and in their personal life they are not very lucky.


Calm, easy to communicate, easily converge with people, very diligent and obligatory. They can be entrusted with any task, but they are somewhat slow, and urging them on is useless. Those born in summer are overly suspicious and easily vulnerable. They love when everything goes on as usual, calmly, naturally. They are heavy on the rise, tied to the place, including the place of their work. Unselfish, rushing to help all those in need, soft-hearted. Usually, there are only two entries in their work book: one about admission to work, the other about retirement. In communication, they are simple, they easily converge with people, but they also easily part. They are not very lucky in life.


Complex natures, obsessive, inveterate debaters. Cunning, selfish, domineering, smart. Obligatory - any task entrusted will be performed flawlessly. Summer are good diplomats.


Their character is rather complex and contradictory. Balanced, easy to communicate ("winter" - emotional). The hard work of the soul is often hidden behind the external balance and equanimity. Are not indifferent to what is happening around them. They often prefer to keep their opinions to themselves, listening more to others.


Natures are bright, passionate, sexy. They are very straightforward, so communication with them always contains pitfalls. They do not tolerate any dictatorship over themselves, so it is better for them to choose a job in which communication with their superiors is minimized. Stubborn, decisive, easy to calculate any deal, far-sighted. Good entrepreneurs. In marriage, they often have sons who inherit the character of their father.


Selfishness is a characteristic feature of people with such a middle name. Cunning, calculating, pragmatic. They like to sleep in the morning, work with laziness, they just need strict control. In the family - not leaders, although they pretend to be strict. They are amorous and addicted natures. They are sociable, they converge with people easily and quickly, they have a great sense of humor, they are simply irreplaceable in the company. They love to travel, because they just need a change of impressions.


These are modest, inconspicuous men, hiding in themselves a lot of advantages. They are very hardworking and determined. They are excellent, executive workers who can be entrusted with any task. In family life, it is sometimes difficult with them - they are somehow curious like a woman, they try to keep abreast of all events, besides, they are stingy and rude. But they are great hosts, they will do any homework. They lack softness and tenderness, and maybe they simply do not know how to express their feelings, and therefore they are harsh.


Calm and docile people with a gentle, compliant character. They are intelligent and analytical. Proud and amorous. They are very careful and prudent in their actions. Selfish.



These women repeat the character of their father: they are kind, gentle, energetic, but obstinate. They are very hardworking, any work burns in their hands. They are impulsive, do not accept the advice of others, do everything their own way. Proud and stubborn. They get married early, headlong, but the first marriage is rarely successful. Good housewives, their husbands are balanced, family relationships add up difficult. They have many friends, but they prefer men to women.


Balanced, calm, flexible women who get along well with the team. They do not rush to conclusions, are calculating and focused on the realities of life. These are excellent housewives who know how to create coziness and a pleasant atmosphere in the house. Very tasty food. They have many friends, whom they willingly and unselfishly help. In their personal lives, they are not very lucky, many get divorced, and some never get married. Many of them are believers. Those born in winter have a somewhat irritable character. They are stubborn and capricious, they strive for leadership in the family.


Stubborn, persistent, strict and very accurate. They have a certain amount of puritanism. If your wife is Anatolyevna, you will never see her chatting for hours on the phone with her friends or discussing the news from the yard on the bench at the entrance. Although it is from them that familiar women want to find sympathy and understanding. Anatolyevna know how to listen and condole, but it is difficult to wait for real help from them. These women love to take, but not give. They are musical, love to go to rock music concerts.


If your friend Andreevna, then perhaps you will not part with her until the end of your days. In friendship, they are very loyal and loyal, they can find a common language with any person. Excellent housewives, everything in their house shines. They are hospitable, excellent at cooking, baking, canning, as well as knitting and sewing. Why not an example of a classic housewife and hearth keeper? True, they are grumpy and become especially harmful and intolerant by old age.


These women are often unlucky in life, although they are kind, sympathetic, persistent and hardworking. The first marriage usually does not go well. They will not pass by the grief of others, they will help as much as they can, especially the old people. They will never offend anyone, rather they themselves will silently and patiently bear grievances from others. They are shy, dress modestly. These are thrifty, thrifty women, devoted to husband and children, often spineless.


People with a complex character. They love to impose their point of view. It is difficult to communicate with them. It is not easy to converge with people, but, having become attached, it is hard to experience the breakup. They are not devoid of hypocrisy: they often think one thing, but say and do another. Outwardly charming. They move up the career ladder slowly.


They are calculating, smart, not easy to communicate, independent and stubborn. In a family, this character is the cause of many conflicts. They are jealous, do not find a common language with their mother-in-law. The husband is in charge. The slowness and quarrelsomeness of these women are not the best qualities to succeed in life.


These people are extraordinary, with a complex, contradictory character. They are impulsive and at the same time know how to analyze the situation and calculate everything to the smallest detail. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with them, as long as everything goes in accordance with their plans and desires, otherwise they become intolerant and irritable. For a long time they do not forget offenses, moreover, they are vindictive and stubborn. They have an unstable psyche and it is better for them not to fall under the hot hand. Persistent, hardworking. They love to attract the attention of men. Dress up with style and fashion. They love to visit, but they themselves are very hospitable, good hostesses. They talk on the phone for a long time. They love travel. They look more like mothers, but their father is closer to them in spirit. They are very emotional, sometimes unpredictable.


The character of a woman with such a patronymic begins to form in childhood. They are usually capricious and spoiled. They tend to lie. They do not play calmly with dolls, but run around with a gang of boys. They start dating boys very early. They are pretty girls with a good figure, not stupid, but reluctant to learn. With age, their character changes into better side... They are kind, patient, tactful and self-possessed. True, this applies more to their relationships with strangers, but they can break down on loved ones. Although they work with their souls, they rarely finish the work they have begun. They like to sleep longer. They marry for great love, but they are rarely happy.


Stubborn and persistent in achieving the goal. Somewhat eccentric both in demeanor and in the manner of dress, although they have an almost impeccable taste. They are kind and devoid of selfishness, but too straightforward, which often complicates their life. They have a rather rare quality - the ability to see themselves from the outside. This helps them become good leaders, especially of the female team. They are firm in their decisions, rarely change their point of view. They often do not find mutual understanding with the mother. The first marriage for most women with this patronymic is unsuccessful.


Compliant and calm women... They are distinguished by great hard work and endurance. The first marriage is often unsuccessful. Sometimes they remain single, not daring to remarry. They are modest, but often behind the external inconspicuousness there is an exorbitant pride and cunning. They can act on the sly. Out of envy, they are capable of intrigue. In difficult situations, they think only of themselves. Many of them are stingy. However, they are not all like that. There are also very kind, open, generous natures, capable of self-sacrifice. It all depends on the time of birth and, of course, on the name.


Balanced and docile people, striving to create a cozy home, the type of lovely "home" women. Excellent hostesses, everything in their house shines and shines with cleanliness. They are welcoming and hospitable, willingly receive guests, but even at a feast they are not able to relax and forget about everyday problems. Very friendly and selfless; the kindness of these women knows no bounds, and friends often abuse their reliability. A bit envious, although they stubbornly hide it. They love to teach others. Correct to nausea. They are very sociable, they easily converge with people. If the marriage breaks up for any reason, they devote their lives to children. They do not always find mutual understanding with the mother.


Compliant and useful talents. Some of them are characterized by vanity and fussiness. They are very hardworking, persistent, they like to bring the business started to the end. They prefer to work alone. They do everything very carefully. They are calculating and choosy in their friends. They love to visit. Sociable. People are treated with understanding, they prefer the company of men. They are pragmatists by nature, it is difficult for them to believe in miracles. Optimists.


Very emotional person. They are hardworking. They approach any business with great responsibility. In relations with people, they are obligatory themselves and cannot stand the non-obligation of others. Scrupulous. They do not trust anyone in business. Pleasant interlocutors, only completely devoid of a sense of humor, so it's better not to make fun of these serious ladies. Their relationship with people is largely determined by their mood and state of mind. They like to stay at home or work more than go to visit and waste time.


Difficult people who act impulsively on a sudden urge, but quickly cool down. It is better for them not to fall under the hot hand. It is recommended to wait out the storm. These are independent women, masters of their own destiny. relying only on their own strength. They are sociable and hospitable, but they prefer to visit rather than receive them at home.


These are modest, somewhat cunning women, devoid of career aspirations and not trying to achieve a high official position. Perhaps, with the exception of the "winter" ones, who are talented, more tenacious and persistent than the rest of their namesake.


Calm women with a phlegmatic character type. They do not shine with beauty, nevertheless there is something in them that attracts men, and they do not experience a lack of admirers. However, they get married late, if they ever decide to take such a step. They are not important housewives, the only thing they like to do around the house is to wash and rearrange the furniture in the apartment. All other chores fall on the shoulders of the mothers who live with them. A bit lazy and selfish. They love big dogs, travel and noisy companies. They lead a somewhat disorderly lifestyle.


They are easy to communicate, they know how to adapt well to life circumstances. These women are especially distinguished by loyalty - both to family and friends. Friends are chosen very carefully, they will not call the first acquaintance a friend. Nice, hospitable hostesses. They are ambitious, strive to occupy a high position in society, often without the necessary data.


Women with such a middle name, as a rule, are attractive in appearance, but they are extraordinary proud. They are strong in character, arrogant, vain and determined. They often occupy leadership positions. In the team, they are appreciated for their truthfulness and integrity. Compromises are rarely made and only with those who are trusted. Some of them never get married or have children. For those who get married, family life most often does not work out. Vulnerable and touchy, although outwardly this does not appear. Rather, this is the type of business woman for whom work is the main thing in life.


People with a firm and stubborn character. Living with them is not easy. Authoritarian, seeking to impose their own idea of \u200b\u200blife. Cautious, even cowardly. They are not very neat. They are very hot-tempered and jealous to insanity. They love to rule over their husbands and not only them. They prefer male society. Disputants, it is almost impossible to convince them of something. Don't mind gossiping. They don't always get along with people.


They are kind, sympathetic and fearless women. Hardworking, but devoid of career aspirations, rather they are "domestic" women. Chatterboxes can talk on the phone for hours. Interesting interlocutors, somewhat reckless. They love to be in the spotlight, always rush to help a friend.


Tactful, do not seek to impose their opinion, although they are great debaters. They are stubborn and persistent in moving towards the goal, but when an important decision needs to be made, they become indecisive. Their life is not strewn with roses, they have to pave the way in life with difficulty.


They are distinguished by great diligence, kind and tactful. The whole life of these women is outlined by the walls of the house and is devoted to caring for the family and children. Nice and pleasant companions. Hospitable hostesses. Sensitive and vulnerable. They take to heart all the problems of their many relatives.


Balanced and somewhat withdrawn. Although some of them are impulsive, they are usually very calculating, thinking things through before making a decision. They are simple, sincere and very kind in communication. Always ready to help. They know how to find the right tone in communicating with others. Not inclined to trust people too much. They are hardworking, hospitable hostesses who love to feed their guests deliciously. They keep their home in perfect order. Somewhat suspicious. They are independent women. They are not very lucky in marriage, but they rarely complain about their life. They love children.


Independent, independent people with a rather complex character, and only at the very beginning of their life path they need the help and support of their parents. They are calculating, with cunning, which they do not always manage to hide. Often they are the cause of conflict in the team. It is difficult to convince them of anything; no matter how much you give them reasons, they still do everything in their own way. They are sociable, they converge with strangers quickly, without much difficulty, becoming a leader and the center of society's attention. Affectionate and attentive. We are always ready to stand up for ourselves, if necessary. Charming women.


Passionate, addicted people. Impulsive, irritable, with a somewhat unbalanced nervous system. Caring and devoted wives and grandmothers, but living with them is not easy. Their excessive exactingness and intrusive solicitude can tire any person. They lack the flexibility and tact to avoid conflicts. At the same time, they are able to empathize, comfort, give good advice. Good housewives.


These women are calculating and obligatory, with good business qualities. They are silent and withdrawn, but in the circle of close friends they become liberated and talkative. Fanatically devoted to their profession. They make good leaders. They have sufficient flexibility and caution.


Stubbornness and perseverance are the hallmarks of these people. Having set a goal, they go ahead to it until they achieve their plan. They are kind, sympathetic, always ready to help. Big debaters like to prove their case for any little things. They do not dare to get married for a long time, and their choice is not the most successful. However, they are faithful wives, good housewives, although they are not very neat. Slightly delayed and uncollected.


Women with a rather complex character, clearly overestimated self-esteem and great conceit. Selfish, arrogant and withdrawn. Not without hypocrisy. Dress outside the box. Homebody. Despite the mass of fans, they get married late, choosing a worthy one, but the choice is often unsuccessful. They are good housewives, devoted women, loyal wives and caring mothers. They love their children selflessly. If they have to separate from their husband, they do not marry again

Patient, gentle and calm women, soberly assessing the situation and not very happy in their personal lives. They are gifted with many talents, have a strong will and reach a sufficiently high position thanks to their hard work, although they are people of mood. Sometimes problems arise with children. They often tend to be overweight.


Calm, friendly and hardworking. It is very important for them to be in the spotlight and on top of the situation. Sociable, loved by friends. You can turn to them with any request, they will never refuse you. Excellent and hospitable hostesses, they know how to do needlework, but these women usually have no luck with their husbands.


Compliance is perhaps the main feature of these people. They are good-natured and patient, often spineless and easily fall under the influence of others. All problems, not only their own, but those of their friends and acquaintances, are taken too close to heart. Hardworking and diligent. They can be trusted with any business. In personal life, they are often unlucky, family life does not work out, but they meekly carry their cross. Good daughters, take care of their parents for the rest of their lives. Homely and hospitable hostesses, everything in their house sparkles. They have a sweet tooth and are sentimental. Diplomatic and careful. They attach great importance to the impression they make on others. These women are charming, cheerful, and are popular with men.


Emotional and unbalanced natures. It is very difficult to please them, they are always unhappy with everything, grumble about and without reason. Always prove their point. Hardworking, stubborn and persistent. They strive to be leaders in the team, play the role of a fighter for justice. They have a masculine character, outwardly they are more like fathers. Punctual and responsible. Are prone to stress. Many of them cannot find mutual understanding with their own mother. In search of a suitable partner, they don't get married for a long time. Quite good housewives, they sew, knit. They try to rule in the family. Somewhat exalted and scandalous. More often they have sons. Sociable. Male society is preferred to female society. They love to live in a big way. They are independent and value themselves very highly. Despite the setbacks in personal life, people are treated with warmth and understanding.


They have an impulsive character: first they do, and then they think about their act. However, despite a certain imbalance of the psyche, they manage to calmly solve most problems, they know how to find an approach to people. Stubborn, it is difficult to convince them of anything. They are hardworking, they always have order at work and at home. Relations with the mother are not very good, conflicts arise due to a lack of mutual understanding.


They are cheerful, with a light character, capable, broad natures, but stubborn, it is almost impossible to convince them of something. Kind, always ready to help others. Sociable, sociable, but they need to be careful not to drink alcohol. A marriage is usually unsuccessful or short-lived. In the family, these women are leaders, the desire to lead everyone in general is very characteristic of them. Dress up tastefully.


These are easy-to-communicate women who enjoy success with men, kind and flexible. However, they are also distinguished by such not very pleasant qualities, such as excessive irritability and straightforwardness. Neat and diligent. With a well-developed sense of humor. Excellent housewives, devoted wives, caring mothers. Their house is an example of cleanliness and order and is always open to guests. They are in love, but their hobbies pass quickly. They have excellent taste. Book lovers.


Unpredictable women (especially those born in winter). These ladies are cunning, diplomatic and very emotional. They love to be in the thick of things. They are amorous and sexy. They are extremely proud, do not forgive betrayal and are able to break off long-term friendship if they are caught in this sin. "Summer" is softer and more tolerant. Get a good education.


They are broad-minded, sociable and hospitable, feeling like a fish in water in a big noisy company. They are hardworking and very persistent in achieving their goals. Somewhat harsh and not flexible enough. Hot-tempered. They like to be in sight, they are more willing to communicate with men. Independent and proud, they never regret what has been done, even if they see their own mistakes. They easily break off relations with unworthy people.


They have an excellent ability to avoid sharp corners and avoid conflict situations. They know how to find the right tone in communication with others. Moderately flirtatious, sexy, they like to be in the company of men. Dress up tastefully. They are outwardly calm, flexible and hardworking people. Home is a special concern of these women. In their first marriage, they are often unlucky. Sentimental and somewhat impractical. They are not devoid of greed.


Tactful, well-mannered and talented people. Great optimists, despite frequent failures in their personal lives. They get married several times. Loved by friends. They are very punctual and accurate. The company is cheerful, sociable. They have a somewhat loose nervous system, they are vulnerable and overly sensitive. They never impose their point of view, but it is extremely difficult to convince them.


Women with such a patronymic have a rather firm character, but sometimes, when it is necessary to choose one or another method of action, they become indecisive. Compliant and kind, but too irritable. Efficient, hardworking. Good housewives, but the cooking is simply amazing. Sociable and charming. There are always a lot of guests in their house, and everyone gets their own: some advice, some help and support. Empathy and empathy are in their blood. They are not very talkative, but they know how to listen. They get married a little late, but well. They are devoted, affectionate wives and very caring mothers.


Emotional, somewhat absurd women. They have a masculine character. They are hardworking, hardy, can do any job on an equal basis with men.


They have a flexible mind, cautious and indecisive. They are not devoid of ambition: in combination with hard work and perseverance, it helps to achieve a strong position in life. But the main thing for women with this patronymic is their home, not work. The circle of their interests is limited to the family. There are many deeply religious among them.


Compliant, outwardly calm and balanced, but this is the case that they say that in a still pool ... Hot-tempered: in anger they are unrestrained, but very easy-going and do not consider it shameful to ask for forgiveness. They are very disciplined and demand the same from others. Kind, sympathetic and kind. Resignedly bear the whole burden of caring for the family. They are easy-going, usually dominated by spineless husbands.



Impulsive natures act on a sudden inner urge and, as it later turns out, recklessly. They are heavy in communication, it is difficult to get along with people, but they, in fact, do not need anyone, because they consider themselves self-sufficient and valuable in themselves. Homebody. These are independent people who do not seek support and protection from anyone. They make their own way in life. In the team, they are loved for their non-conflict and the ability to bypass sharp corners. Interesting companions, charming, spectacular and sensual women.


Firm, stubborn and determined. They easily converge with people and part without any regret. They love to insist on their own, trying to subjugate those around them, and few people like this. I have an extremely high opinion of myself. They are very sexy and enjoy being the subject of male worship. They dress elegantly, but somewhat extravagantly. In the morning they love to bask in bed, nevertheless they are hardworking and hard-working, especially when it comes to their own home.

They are very emotional and receptive. These women are cunning, calculating and a little stingy. But at times they are generous to the point of recklessness. Kindness and responsiveness are combined in them with stubbornness and perseverance. Yurievna are smart and interesting interlocutors. Spiritually very strong natures striving to assert themselves in everything. Perhaps this is why they are not very lucky in their personal lives, since weak and unprotected men are drawn to them. You cannot call them exemplary hostesses. They are very sensual, flirtatious and amorous, but they have strict rules. They are not self-critical and tend to overestimate their merits. They love children very much.


These are calm and kind "home" women. They are very compassionate, anyone in need of help can get it, and many often abuse their responsiveness. All their impulses are distinguished by absolute disinterestedness. Executive and hardworking. They take the problems of their many relatives to heart.