Theory of the needs of Maslow. How do the needs of a person in childhood affect his life

The concept of "formation of needs" of the population in theory and practice is considered in two aspects: firstly, as an objective process of their development, secondly, as a certain type of activity of society and the state.

In the first sentence, it characterizes the objective process of moving the needs, determined by the law of their elevation; In the second, it acts as a type of purposeful impact of society and the state to raise a harmoniously developed personality.

When analyzing the formation of needs as an objective process, it is important to correctly identify the defining factors.

Factors of the formation of needs - conditions and circumstances, under the influence of which the needs of the population are developing and developing.

These factors are divided into objective and subjective.

Objective factors include those that act independently of the will and consciousness of people and are external to the person itself as a carrier or subject of needs. These include socio-economic and cultural and domestic living conditions of the population in a given country, from which the degree of development of the need and the possibility of their satisfaction are directly depended; the level of development of productive forces and production relations, which determines the living conditions of the population; the level of social production and scientific and technological progress;

the intensity of its penetration in the field of personal consumption; Natural and climatic conditions; The age of the population, the number of families, their composition, and the like.

Subjective factors depend on the individual itself, the psycho-physiological characteristics of the individual. These are the opinions, preferences and tastes of a person, its inclinations, habits, etc. However, as is well known from sociology, and they are formed in a certain social environment, which significantly affects them.

The process of formation and development of personal needs is characterized by certain patterns. There are common patterns of formation and development of needs and specific.

The general patterns of the formation of needs are inherent in any public building and manifest themselves at all stages of the development of human society, for example, the growth of the overall needs of the needs, high-quality elevation and improvement.

Specific characterize individuals in the development of personal needs, including those that are inherent in certain public

economic formations.

The means of forming the needs of the levers with the help of which the state and society purposefully affects the processes of needs to develop. These include: educational and propaganda activities, promotional activities that have a goal to excite and form the need for a specific product and service. The use of various methods of impact on the consumer involves the knowledge of the motives of his behavior, tastes of preferences.

The specificity of modern demand is such that it is economically not profitable to produce a product designed for a universal level of requirements. It is advisable to create such products that would meet the specific requirements of a certain consumer contingent, depending on the demographic characteristics, living conditions, climatic and household characteristics.

For example, it makes no sense to build a salon fashion clothes In urban slums, or sell air conditioners on Calyme or in Alaska.

It is possible to use a differentiated approach to the study, the satisfaction and formation of the demand of various categories of consumers based on the so-called market segmentation, which considers the market not as a homogeneous mass, but as the sum of segments (sectors), in each of which the special nature of demand is manifested. Market segmentation involves working on customer typology, i.e. identifying the most important types of consumers and their specific requirements, depending on the demographic, socio-economic, psychological and other differences. For example, studies in the formation of population's demand for clothing indicates the presence of two main age groups that present various requirements for modern clothing. So the first group is youth - places increased requirements for aesthetic parameters, the appearance of clothing items, its correspondence, etc. The second group of older people - preference preferentially applied by materials. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the design of the store, age, field and external data of the seller. That is, it is necessary to calculate everything on the basis of the needs of that part of society with which the store has a store, a salon or industry.

Some species of any society are formed for years.

They are transmitted from generation to generation and rooted in the subconscious of members of society. This is influenced by many factors, including a social structure, some natural resources, ideology. There are traditions and customs. All this refers to non-responsive factors in demand change.

Methods of forming needs are specific ways of using individual tools for active targeted impact on the needs of the population.

There are economic, socio-psychological and organizational assets and methods of forming needs.

Economic funds for the formation of needs include those related to the economic activities of society, individual enterprises and industries, as well as individuals as media needs.

The main of these funds are: the production of goods, especially new, which causes to life and forms the needs of them; Progressive changes to the so-called consumption infrastructure (for example, gasification and electrification of life, the development of roads, computer networks, and other communication paths that bind residents of different areas, and simplify the transfer of information. This affects both the consumer themselves and their lifestyle. .

The social and psychological means of forming needs include those with the help of the impact on consumer consciousness. With the help of these funds, you can stimulate the development of some needs, limit socio-unpromising, irrational needs.

Organizational funds are associated with the process itself. These include exhibitions and sales, various kinds of locations of goods, exhibitions of products - new products, demonstration of clothing models. Organizational funds are used in close cooperation with socio-psychological.

There are many methods and factors for forming needs.

Business people beginners aimed at working with society, it is necessary to study the objective factors for the formation of the needs of this society, otherwise they may become victims of their lablems.

The need for generally is a special psychological state of a person who is sensible or aware of them as "dissatisfaction", the discrepancy between the internal and external conditions of life. Therefore, the need encourages activity aimed at eliminating the inconsistency.

Human needs are very diverse. In particular, individual, group, collective and social needs differ in subjects (carriers). According to the object (subject to which they aim), people's requests are divided into material, spiritual, ethical (relative to morality) and aesthetic (concerning art). On the areas of activity, labor, communication, recreation (recreation, recovery of performance) and economic are allocated.

Consider more about the last type of needs. Economic needs - This is part of human needs, to satisfy which production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services are necessary. It is these needs that are involved in the active interaction between production and unsatisfied people's requests. What is this interaction?

Production directly affects the needs in several directions:

  • First, it creates specific benefits and thereby contributes to the satisfaction of certain human requests. Satisfying these needs and already consumed useful thing in turn leads to the emergence of new needs. For example, a man sought to buy a car. After his purchase, a person has a lot of new needs: the car must be insured, find a suitable parking or garage for it, get fuel, spare parts, etc.
  • Secondly, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress is radically updating the world and lifestyle, generates qualitatively new needs. Let's say the release and receipt on the sale of video recorders cause the desire to acquire them.
  • Thirdly, production largely affects ways to use useful things and thereby forms a certain domestic culture. For example, primitive It was quite content with a piece of meat, charred at the fire. Our contemporary for the preparation of the same piece of meat requires a gas stove or grill.

In turn, economic needs have reverse effects on production:

  • First, they are an internal prompitative cause and specific guidelines.
  • Secondly, the requests of people inherent in the property quickly change in quantitative and qualitative relationships. Because of this, economic needs often overtake production.
  • Thirdly, the leading role of needs is manifested in the fact that they cause the movement of economic activities - from the lowest stage to more and more high.

Fig. The movement of labor products

If you turn to the figure above, it becomes clear that the missing link in the circuit of the circuit of economic benefits is the "need" phase connecting "consumption" and "production".

The entire history of the economy in a certain sense can be considered as a history of the formation of an increasing level of needs. Modern civilization (the current stage of the development of the material and spiritual culture of society) knows several levels of needs:

  • physiological (in food, water, clothing, housing, reproduction of the kind)
  • security (protection against external enemies and criminals, disease assistance, poverty protection)
  • in social contacts (communication with people who have the same interests; in friendship and love)
  • in respect (recognition from other people, self-esteem, in acquiring a certain public situation)
  • in self-development (improving all the possibilities and abilities of a person)

The listed forms of human needs can be depicted as a pyramid.

Fig. Pyramid needs of modern man

The progress of society is pronounced in the action of the law of elevation of needs. This law expresses objective (independent of the will and desire of people) the need to grow and improving human needs as production and culture develops.

Some scientists argue without any reservations that people's needs are growing endless. However, in fact, the increase in needs is not in a simple proportional growth of all their species. Faster than all satisfied and have a certain limit for increasing the needs of the lowest order. On the contrary, the queries of higher order are social and intellectual - essentially endless.

It is quite obvious that it is important for the correct orientation in practical economic activity to know which shifts occur in the structure of purchases of the population of each country for a certain period. Based on this, enterprises leaders can determine when the limit of the saturation of the population needs for certain benefits is coming. Then you can switch to the release of new and more high-quality products in a timely manner, look for ways to promote them in the domestic and international markets.

And with the theoretical, and with practical points of view, the question of interest is: what are the options for the relationship between needs, consumption and production in today's global economy?

The physiological need is the need for food and water, in sexual relationships, in a dream, roof over your head, protection against various external influences. If a person takes one of these needs, but it can eclipse all other needs, for example, a hungry man, as a rule, says and thinks only about food.

The step above is the need for safety.

This need includes: security, self-confidence, stability, comfort. For example, infant children feel more calmly when their parents adhere to a certain regime, the routine of the day. It also feels more confidently a person when his future becomes predictable when there is stability, a sense of protection from outside (there may be a strong connection with the church). If, in childhood, a person has no need for security (for example, a child lived in a family where parents quarreled, scandaling, the child did not have her room, her toys), then this complex would stay with him for a long time. Such a person will not feel safe, will feel constantly fear of unknown, fear of something new, you will never be 100% alone with such a person, it will be all the time. It is most often closed, hidden people, they do not know how to talk about their problems, do not know how to share something.

Next comes social needs.

Social needs include: Communication, attention, care, support, love, friendship. These needs a person feels when the first two rows of needs are satisfied. At this stage of his life, a person seeks to create a family, make friends. The child in the family is very important to feel their significance, love of relatives, have friends. Children who have unrealized this need to fully grow people who cannot complete the relationship. They live in unsatisfied family relationship And they pull them as a "suitcase without a handle." Maslow distinguished two types of love: deficient or d love, and existential or b love. The first is the love of the egoist, love based on receipt. The second love is based on the contrary, in distinguishing, respecting a person, without aspiration to change it.

To be continued.

    What is culture genesis? How does culture genes affect the modification of human needs?

    Call the main components of culture genesis, changing human needs? Expand their content.

    How does the need for culture need a person?

    What a need can change daily life man? How does this affect the state of culture?

    What is values \u200b\u200band meaning? What influence do they have on the need?


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Chapter 3. Consideration of a person and its needs in private sciences

§3.1 Biological consideration of man and its needs

Social essence and biological nature of man

In an understanding of a person, we proceed from the recognition of the uniqueness of human being. The basis of this provision is the doctrine of a combination of biological and social components in man. Biology, natural principle, of course, manifests itself in the existence of a person, because a person is, among other things, and part of nature, a lively physical creature.

Man exists at the expense of metabolism with the environment. It breathes, consumes various natural products, exists like a biological body within certain physicochemical, organic and other environmental conditions. As a natural, biological being, a person is born, grows, growing, aging and dies. All this characterizes a person as a biological creature, its biological nature. But at the same time he is different from any animal.

The difference between a person from the animal characterizes him nature; She, being a biological, is not lies in the natural life of a person. A person is not only a natural, but also a public creature living in a special world - in a society that socializes a person. It is born with a set of biological traits inherent in him as some biological species. The man becomes reasonable under society. He learns a language, perceives social norms of behavior, soaked with socially significant values \u200b\u200bregulating public relations, performs certain social functions and plays specifically social roles.

All its natural deposits and feelings, including rumor, vision, the smell becomes socially culturally oriented. He evaluates the world according to the laws of beauty, developed in this public system, is valid under the laws of morality, which have developed in this society. It develops new, not only natural, but also social spiritual and practical feelings. This is primarily a sense of social, collectiveness, morality, citizenship, spirituality.

All together these qualities, both inborn and acquired, characterize the biological and social nature of the person.

Thus, the biological and social in man are in close relationship, therefore, to explain the development and behavior of a person mainly in terms and the framework of biology would not be true - outside social conditions, one nature does not yet make a person man.

Biological in man is carried out and satisfied in social form. The natural and biological side of the human existence is mediated and "aligning" sociocultural facts. This also applies to the satisfaction of such purely biological needs, as a continuation of the kind, food, drink, etc. True, it should be noted that the "humanity" of nature does not always mean its refining.

The difference between the biological nature of man from his social essence (man as a biological phenomenon)

Naturally biologically due to intrauterine development, birth, lifespan, the ability to absorb certain types of food, transfer to the inheritance of certain deposits and capabilities, gender and other human qualities. Like other biological species, humanity (Homo Sapiens) has stable variations of species, for example, races, belonging to which is expressed in specific anatomical and physiological signs.

As a biological phenomenon, a person exists, obeying his physicity, on the basis of which a complex of natural needs, encouraging a person to actions aimed at their immediate satisfaction. Natural needs - food and selection, sexual attraction, childbearing, the struggle for life in extreme conditions, hygiene, expansion outside the cash space is all the manifestation of the instinct of life, which is inherent to man, like animals. Most of their time and all their own forces, a person uses to meet their biological needs for food, water, dwelling, clothing, etc. Man's efforts in this direction make up the main content of material production. But the natural-biological existence of a person provides not only material production, but also the entire social organization of the vital activity of people (genus, tribe, family).

A person as a biological phenomenon is determined by the biological resource - its physical strength, health, the viability of the body, immunity to diseases, sexual energy and childbearing ability. All this is a natural potential, which determines the perspective and durability of the public being of a person, its professional and social suitability, the duration of its active life as a subject of social activity. Therefore, an important and noble task for a person is to preserve its biological resource.

Biological human needs

There are two kinds of people managers - biologicaland social (Natural and spiritual). The nature of needs depends primarily from activities that leads to their satisfaction. A person is an activity mediated by public living conditions. The needs of a person both higher and elementary, always have a public nature. In general, the need is the electoral dependence of living organisms from the factors of the external environment, essential for self-preservation and self-development. Needs determine the interests, aspirations, desires, human attachments, the focus of his thinking and goal.

Biological (Natural) Needs - These are universal primary needs of the body's life, the normal functioning of the human body. These include: nutrition and allocation needs, the need to expand the living space, childbearing (reproduction of the genus), the need of physical development, health, communication with nature. Submitting the call of its nature, a person encourages actions aimed at meeting biological needs.

Biological needs ensure the existence of a person as a biological creature and humanity as a biological species. The basic in this group are security needs, in personal territory and the need to continue the genus.

Basic (basic, fundamental) biological needs generate a lot of quasi-consumables produced from the main. For example, the basic need for security, which includes the need (quasipotability) in maintaining a constant body temperature, generates a human need for clothing, and it, in turn, is the need for clothing manufacturing, in creating technical means for this production, in fashion, In service. The basic need for safety also generates the need of humanity in medicine, in the production of drugs, in sanitation and hygiene, in a healthy lifestyle, in rest, which contributes to the creation and expansion of the service sector. The same basic need for security (survival) includes human needs in food and drink.

Biological needs are satisfied with material objects.

Among biological needs also allocate the principle of saving forces, which can manifest itself and how everyone familiar laziness, and as a desire for inventiveness, to improving skills.

Biological needs are divided into two types - the needs of "for themselves" and the needs of "for others". The biological needs of "for themselves" ensure the survival of the individual in itself. The biological needs of "for others" serve the survival of the species as a whole as the commonality of biological individuals. The prerequisite for the development of the need "for others" in the animal world is the parent instinct, group concern for young people, observed in many species of animals, as well as the ability to emotional resonance. Human biological needs "for others" are mainly manifested as care about loved ones, family members, about their well-being.

So, people like living organisms are born with certain biological needs, which should be satisfied to continue the lives of a separate person. Of course, they influence the psyche of man. The question is, what is the degree of this impact and how it is carried out.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba person as a socio-natural being

In the past, psychology, responding to the questions raised, relied on the theory of instincts. Psychological science proceeded directly from the biological needs of a person, believing that the presence of certain actions, thoughts, feelings, attachments are called directly by them. Thus, the basis of the theory of instincts is the concept according to which human life is caused by its biological needs. Based on the theory of instincts, many psychologists and philosophers were attributed to people all sorts of instincts, among which were called as dominant maternal love, egoism, aggression, curiosity, sociability, and even capitalist accumulation. Z. Freud All these numerous instincts have reduced to two - instincts of life and death, which manifest themselves in the transformed forms in all spheres of human life. The instinct of life embodies the desire of any body to continue its life, growth. Death instinct, on the contrary, expresses a destructive tendency of the body, located to aggression, destruction, hatred, cruelty, self-ruling.

This concept of instincts was criticized by many scientists. One of the objections to the theory, which takes human thoughts, feelings and activities directly from human biological needs is that people do not have a purely biological life. After all, people have many such needs that cannot be reduced to the manifestations of the fundamental need for protoplasm in the continuation of their lives. The decisive characteristic of human needs, in contrast to the needs of animals, is that many people's needs are generated by the organization of people in a continuously changing socio-economic formation. For example, there is a need for such forms of spiritual communication between people as music, literature, philosophy, etc. There is a need for vehicles, in upbringing, cultural activities and many other things that are not completely related (in any case directly) with a direct biological necessity. And nevertheless since the time of Z. Freud among psychologists and psychiatrists continues to dominate the tendency, according to which everything in human existence is determined by biological needs, and the main emphasis is on the sexual activation.

Consider seemingly the most organic need for the nature, such as food. Is this need due to only biological factors? Humanity has accumulated experience for a long period and, nevertheless, every new generation, entering into life, has to be painfully learning how it is and what can be eaten, because the child does not distinguish that it is delicious, but not tasty, It will have all sorts of poisonous and even unpleasant substances. Bans in food are not at all congenital. In addition, not every person from the food makes the cult and considers food as a pleasant and important thing, there are people who are eating back.

The same can be said about other biological needs. In various societies, people satisfy their biological needs in different ways and think about them. Biological needs and properties affect the psyche, but this influence is indirect - depending on which way this society has been preinstalled to meet such needs. The decisive factor in determining the nature and quality of relations between people is not just the fact that all people have biological needs, but a method of production and property to the means of production. On our thoughts, feelings, entrepreneurs and customs related to food intake, the property is more affected, the type of agricultural equipment, a sufficient amount of the product produced and the classroom of society, because First of all, these factors depends on who, what and how much eats, and not from the hypothetical instinct of food. This, of course, does not negate the role of biology in human needs, but it is necessary to understand the meaning of the fact that the human biological organism becomes a human being only in a certain society. It must be remembered that biological needs are inextricably linked with a certain technique of production and historical formation. which in turn determine the nature of our activity, and our thoughts, feelings, attractions, feelings and relations between people. Such qualities of people like kindness or aggressiveness, egoism, love, decency, etc. Defined not on biological, but at the social level.

Only due to the influence of human social activity, a combination of the biological needs of the human body with social experiences and social needs, which has completely changed the animal nature of these needs. It even changed the physiology of the brain and human body itself. Due to the change in the cortex of the brain under the influence of civilization, training, education biological and social steel is one.

Fundamental vital needs

But despite the sociobiological duality of human existence described above, it is possible to talk about primary biological forms of need. In them, it is the condition of the body expressing the objective need in the addition, which lies outside it. Of course the first and main need of a person - the need to live. Before this need, all other needs are retreating into the background, submitting the main need - to live, and in order to live a person should eat, drink, dress, have a dwelling, and give birth to children.

Man is one of the organisms. It follows that it is subordinate to the forces and conditions that are subject to organisms at all. These are all conditions that preserve the life of the body and the data along with the latter. Any organism to live should meet their basic needs. These include, first of all, biological needs like stimuli - the need for food, in reproduction, in self-preservation. These needs are given together with the body and are inseparable from it, because to live without satisfying them, no living being can.

These needs are called vitality (vital) needs. The needs that meet these signs make up what is commonly called the biological factors of the behavior and social life of people. They are considered factors due to the fact that in the direct sense they are an "engine", forcing a person to act, and act in a certain direction. If any biological need is not satisfied (for example, hunger), it generally encourages a person to actions and actions aimed at satisfaction. The most important of the biological needs are: the need for nutrition, the need for sexual (reproduction), the need for individual self-defense, the need of group self-defense, unconscious imitation, the need of movement, sleep and rest, the aimless spending of excessive energy (games), removal from the body of decay products, etc. P.

To the group of biological factors, we must also include plant and animal organisms surrounding a person, since not only people affect the life and behavior of a person, but also other organisms with which it comes into contacts. The life and behavior of people depend not only from large animal organisms, but also from small. For example, in places rich in predatory beasts and a game, a person will behave differently than in places where there are no them, or in places where cholera bacillus, causing the world of epidemic people, mortality or a number of measures aimed at combating them . The behavior of people has the impact and nature of the surrounding her plant world. Places rich in fruit trees or food-friendly plants make satisfaction of hunger and maintaining life much easier compared to places, poor plants, that is, flora and fauna affect the vital activity, behavior of people.

Socaobiological meaning of nutrition

One of the most important fundamental vital needs is the need of a person in food, since food is the basis of its health and livelihoods. Hunger and thirst - mighty engines of human behavior, they are called many actions of a person, they are obliged to their existence a number of social institutions and social processes.

The effect of hunger affects the flow of thoughts and ideas. Hunger violates them to a normal shift, more often causes ideas related to food, often displaces all thoughts and ideas that are not related to the satisfaction of this need. In most cases, a hungry man focuses only on food and cannot think about anything else.

Hunger and thirst affect the perception of man. A hungry man is usually made particularly sensitive in the field of smell, hearing, vision for subjects and emerges related to food, but cultural experience also knows the use of starvation in religious purposes: the exhaustion of the body, interpreted as a ritual cleansing, is able to lead to hallucinatory experience, Improving the path to the world of sacred.

Hunger is also called many physiological processes in the body, starting with the release of saliva and ending the whole organism directed to overcoming hunger. Thus, the effect of hunger on a number of individual aspects of human behavior is manifested in a variety of forms and species.

Under the influence of hunger, the instinct of self-defense is quite often existed. In order to eat, people are often risking life. Hunger and thirst overcome the sexual instinct, because with a long hunger strike, the sexual need is weakened and falls.

Hunger and thirst can overcome socio-psychological irritants of behavior. They often pushed a person to violate religious rules of behavior. Due to the hunger, believers are often eating prohibited religion food. Hunger overcomes legal and moral factors. Under the influence of hunger, even honest people become criminals. Thus, under the influence of hunger, a person can make a number of foreign acts unusual.

Hunger and thirst have a multilateral impact on social life. In any society there are phenomena and institutions obliged to their existence of this need; These are the institutions of nutrient production, exchange, intended for the exchange of food products (food stores, markets, fairs, etc.), food consumption institutions (restaurants, dining rooms, snack bars, cafes, beer, etc.), distribution institutions Food (Food Commission, Supplies, Food Supplies, All Summary Procurement Commissions, Groups distributing and delivering food).

The need for food has an impact on other areas of public life. Thus, for example, a significant part of laws (legal norms) is the norms that regulate nutrition and the distribution of food products between the group members. The main element of many religious rituals and commandments, starting with the communion of communion, symbolizing the human nutrition, was and remains "our urgent bread." In addition, a widespread theme of works of art, literature, painting, etc. are hunger and satiety.

So, food is the most important component of human vital activity, it determines the duration and quality of human life. Not only the health, human longevity, but also its appearance, mood, health, perception of the surrounding world are largely dependent. Consumption of healthy food is one of the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, errors in the food structure become one of the causes of many severe diseases and, above all, cardiovascular and oncological.

The most important condition for the normal metabolism in the body is to preserve the constancy of the inner medium. The composition of nutrients entering the internal environment, even with a random choice should not drastically change. Food includes only those substances that provide the body with energy, material for growth, recovery and reproduction, as well as those that regulate these processes.

Biological water value for man

Water and minerals plays a huge role in the vital activity of the human body. Water is the basis of life on Earth. Water is 75% of the human body, 85% of the brain, 94% of blood, with a loss of 8% of water in humans appear hallucinations, 10% - coma, 12% - death.

As you know, without food, a person can live more than 30 days, without water - only 5-7 days. With the lack of water in the body, it is closed: up to 66% of the need from cells, as a result - the level of cholesterol increases, fatigue appears, up to 20% - from the intercellular space, resulting in gagging and stones in the horizontal bubble, kidneys, up to 8% of Blood, which leads to the development of heart attacks and strokes.

On the day, a person should receive so much fluid as he spends (excreted from the body). The daily need of the body in water is about 30 g per 1 kg of mass. The stake of drinks accounts for 1 - 1.5 liters per day, but not all drinks are equal and useful for the body. Tea, coffee, beer, wine have diuretic properties, so the excess of these beverages can lead to the total loss of water. Milk and dairy products are useful drinks, but they also possess a diuretic effect, and some people generally carry the milk poorly. To eliminate thirst optimal water, diluted juices, mineral waters. The human health is largely dependent on water quality. The mineral composition of water determines the work of the intestine, heart, vessels, muscles, the activity of the endocrine system. Therefore, only natural water is truly useful for a person, and sweet carbonated drinks are most harmful to health.

In addition to all of the above elements, the mandatory component of all liquids and tissues are minerals. They provide the development and normal functioning of the body, participate in all types of metabolism.

Sociopolithic nature of modern hunger and excessive phenomena

Modern food crisis threatens the world with mass hunger. Today, many states were under threat of hunger, and not only the most nice and backward countries of Africa. Many scientists believed that in the conditions of the rapid development of science and technology, such a phenomenon, as hunger, has exhausted itself, but reality gives completely different forecasts.

The created intelligence situation is assessed as extremely pessimistic. According to Western experts, the food crisis is a more serious problem than the decline in the course of the shares and the slowdown in economic growth and even the international terrorism. The problem of hunger detectable in such circumstances is a global threat, since hunger, as cultural history shows, is accompanied by a general regression - in the field of education, equality, total cultural level. In addition, hunger together with poverty generates a threat to world safety. Therefore, from the issue of morality, the fight against hunger turns into a matter of survival. The opposite problem of modern society is the problem of overweight.

Animals, as you know, do not burn, they eat in moderation, this measure is indicated by the instinct of hunger. A completely different picture with a man. For him, the increment leading to numerous diseases is the usual phenomenon. Animals are eaten when they want to eat, they have no accurate hours of food. The order and methods of meals are regulated by the instinct of hunger. The same breakfast time, dinner, dinner is determined mainly by the influence of other factors. Each person is distributed depending on its classes, service hours, etc. No service and classes adapt to hunger, but, on the contrary, hunger is timed to a certain hour, a certain set of socio-psychological factors.

The perfect body weight is the main concern of many people in modern conditions, in any case, according to statistics, every fourth adult resorts to diets in order to reduce weight.

According to statistics, most people want to lose weight for the considerations of beauty, but the type of figure is due to genetically - even the effort of the will from the Crystina's chorearless figure will not work. It is necessary to lose weight, first of all, in order to be healthy. To do this, first need to eat right. The task of the future is to at the place of the instinctive mechanism (since it is destroyed), put the rules of healthy nutrition produced by science.

Sexual need for a sociobiological phenomenon

Similar to nutritional needs, reproduction instinct is condensed by the body, its satisfaction is a necessary condition for the existence of the human race. This explains its enormous influence and role in the emergence and development of many phenomena, institutions and public life processes.

Sexual instinct causes a number of physiological processes in the body leading to strengthening the activities of the reproductive system. Under the influence of this need, the entire human body (and animals) turns into an apparatus aimed at satisfying the sexual need. Actions of a person are changing, its appearance, the normal course of the psyche is disturbed by displacing all other ideas and thoughts not related to this need. Under the influence of this need, a person commits many of the most diverse acts: she encourages him to fall in love, pushes on feats or reckless actions.

Hence his huge impact on social life, manifested both in a number of social institutions and social processes. Sex instinct, for example, is subject to legal regulation. According to the norms of law, relations between the floors, spouses, parents, between parents and children, relatives are regulated. In religion, sexual instinct manifests itself in the consecration of childbearing organs, in the emergence of gods and goddesses of fertility, in the cult of "marriage".

Sexual instinct has a colossal impact on social life through the reproduction of people. The consequence of the satisfaction of this need is the reproduction of the population. This fact itself has a huge importance, since the composition of the group and the nature of its organization is changed from the growth and number of population. Nevertheless, the degree of influence of the sexual need for people's behavior is not absolute, but depends on the degree and nature of the action of other behavioral factors. For example, self-preservation instinct may suppress or destroy the influence of sexual instinct, since the person is in danger, does not feel about the satisfaction of this instinct. Suppresses it and hunger. A person who does not donate, exhausted, ceases to feel this need.

Social and psychological factors also affect the suppression of sexual instinct. For example, under the influence of religion, ascetics and many sectarians suppress this need. The same can be said about the right, morality, the influence of which is manifested in the forms of marriage. Economic conditions affect. Many people are not marry until the future family is adequately. Some do not marry because of economic problems, others, on the contrary, marry because of money.

The influence of social factors is also explained by the fact that people have partially destroyed the biological mechanism present in animals, which determines the time and ways to satisfy sexual need. Animals satisfy it when nature requires, that is, time is regulated by the instinct itself.

Socio-psychological factors also have an impact on the breeding process. G. Spencer convincingly showed that in the biological conditions themselves there are already forces that limit the magnitude of the organism. These include the interests of self-preservation of the form and individual, because Survival is possible only in two ways: the fact that this species will multiply in huge quantity, or, on the contrary, it will be restricted. Spencer came to the conclusion that the higher the body in his structure, the offspring it is small. Such a gradual reproduction is manifested in human genus. The higher the country's spiritual development, the fact about the birth rate below. As the culture and civilization of the same population grows, it gradually slows down. The same effect has the nature of the socio-legal organization, religion, industry, the economic welfare of the country. With the growth of civilization and culture, the penis is increasingly falling under the influence of social conditions. The speed of reproduction depends on them, the mortality rate and population growth.

Thus, sexual instinct is one of the powerful factors of human behavior and social life, but it represents only not much of the system of human biological needs. This is one of the basic instincts, one of the basic needs associated with other basic needs. The importance of sexual instinct as manifestation of the need to continue the kind undoubtedly.

Sex problem is quite relevant today. About sex, the sexual revolution written a lot, they say, discuss, but there are no less problems in this area. The sexual revolution, which emerged in the 60s of the last century in Western Europe, is a controversial process. Its result, on the one hand, it became a tolerant attitude to sexuality, an understanding that it represents an important aspect of public and personal life, one of the manifestations of freedom, and on the other hand, negative consequences due to the fact that many prohibitive standards have lost their importance And new internal regulation standards have not yet developed. For example, the most common forbidden in the past form of sexual life before marriage and generally lost its importance to a certain extent, but did not disappear. Now in Western civilization, sex before marriage is not rebored.

Individual and group self-preservation instinct as a biological need

To satisfy the need for hunger and breeding - it means to maintain the life of an individual or kind, but as a special factor there is an instinct of self-preservation. He encourages a person to actions that prevent the danger, the life of the body.

The instinct of self-preservation exists in two forms: in the form of an instinct of individual self-preservation and group. They differ in each other and act differently.

As you know, the instinct of self-preservation plays a big role in the life of animals. A person has an instinct of individual self-preservation manifests itself in the form of a purely biological instinct (in the form of unconscious actions) and in the form of an infinite instinct. The self-preservation instinct encourages a person to act without any thinking, instantly. For example, when we burn, we are automatically expanding your hand. Even the biological role of suffering and pain is that they are signals about disadvantaged. But more often in humans, self-preservation instinct manifests itself in a conscious form. Danger, as a rule, is aware of a person that encourages it to make certain actions to prevent it.

The instinct of self-preservation affects the physiological processes, on the thoughts of the person and its presentation, on behavior and social life. In turn, social mechanisms themselves, such as legal, ensure its satisfaction. But modern man It often enjoys the consumption of such substances that pose a threat both for its own and public health (for example, the pleasure of alcohol, tobacco, drugs), and at the same time, he may suffer from useful, from the point of view of biology.

The instinct of individual self-preservation is inextricably linked by the instinct of group self-preservation, which is aimed at preserving the life of not a separate person, but groups. This instinct arose based on the preservation of the integrity of a whole kind or type of animals. One of the forms of manifestation of the instinct of group self-preservation is the parental instinct, or maternal.

In people, the instinct of group self-preservation protrudes most often in conscious form, but often manifests itself in the form of an unconscious instinct. This manifests itself in the fact that people sacrifice the sake of well-being of other people, some die for their homeland, others for friends, relatives.

In addition to those considered fundamental vital needs, there are many other, which play an important role in the vital activity of the human body. These include unconscious imitation, the need of movement, the biological need for rest and sleep, respiration, removal from the body of spent substances, hygienic need. All of them, like the previous one, make a person make a number of actions and cause a number of phenomena in public life.

The need of imitation

The unconscious imitation is manifested in the fact that people make a number of action by imitation. The simplest facts of unconscious imitation is the infection of laughter, horror, yawns, etc.

Imitate - it means to repeat, copy a certain sample. Imitation plays a big role in public phenomena and in human behavior. Any similarity of people in the field of fashion, customs, etiquette is due to imitation.

The most bright imitation is manifested in the crowd. Often, the mood of the crowd infects a person in her: he, in addition to his will and consciousness, gives back to her general emotional setup. Of course, for the imitation action, certain conditions are needed, so the imitation is manifested in different ways and has a different effect.

Thus, the unconscious imitation is a factor in human behavior and social phenomena. His influence favors all the same circumstances that weaken the highest centers of consciousness. They can be attributed to monotony, poverty and monotony of impressions, as well as the excessive wealth of irritation, dull and stunning these higher centers of consciousness.

Move Movement

Another biological need of a person is the need of movement. Movement is the characteristic property of any animal organism in general, it is also characteristic of both a person: it constitutes an absolute need for him. This need can be satisfied and without the participation of material goods and services.

The need of movement is satisfied either in consciously target movements, or in the aimless actions committed by the very need of movement. Satisfaction of this need is a factor causing actions and actions of people, starting with aimless movements of body parts and ending with special skills in acts (long walks, running, jumping, swimming, dancing, games, etc.). The most bright need of movement is manifested in the situation of restrictions on freedom of movements. For a person painful, restriction of freedom of movements with even the limits of a certain room (prison, camera) or limits of the territory (prohibition of entry, departure)

Resting need

As other biological needs, you can call the need for rest and sleep. Rest - recreation (from Lat. Recreation - recovery) for a person is one of the necessary needs, since the integrity of the human person is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of the psychic and physical forces of the body. Harmony at the level of psychophysics organism increases health reserves, creates conditions for creative self-expression. A person cannot work continuously or awake. By virtue of the limited physical resource of the body, it needs to rest and dream. It is this need that the rhythms of life are determined, starting from the daily rhythm of human activity and ending with such as the length of the working day, workers shifts, suspension of work time with a lunch break, vacation, vacation, etc.

The need for rest is implemented as a timely vacation of the body from various loads, including information, during which energy production is restored. Rest as a result of any activity is a physiological need. The rest itself is the satisfaction of all the needs of the first two groups of needs in the Pyramid of Maslow - physiological and security needs.

Rest can be considered as the instrumental activity of the body on the absorption of chemicals, energy and nervous reorganization. The fatigue occurs as a pulse, and the rest is that slow motion, which manifests itself as an external, visible passivity, during which the body restores its own potential.

The ideal recreation model is a compliance of the recreational needs of the individual to the sensible threshold of their satisfaction. This reasonable threshold allows the following phenomena: restoration of the body's physical forces, satisfying the primary needs of a person, regular satisfaction of the physical and spiritual needs of traditional means to which treatment and health prevention, relaxation, tourism, physical recreation as a struggle against hypodynailes. It is necessary to take into account the psychology of a person, its individual characteristics and aesthetic criteria.

As a socio-cultural phenomenon, recreation is determined by a set of structural components, which include the value orientation of the individual, a motivated desire to meet the reactionary needs, individual psychological attitudes and recreation styles. The result of socio-cultural recreation is to improve the psycho-physiological state of the individual.

The most important characteristic of recreational activities is not only its content, but also an external form that can be defined as the style of recreational behavior of the individual. Due to the variety of well-known recreation styles, each person may choose the one that corresponds to its value dominant. Thus, when dominating the values \u200b\u200bof physical improvement, the individual is included in intensive sports and in other types of active leisure activities; When dominating the values \u200b\u200bof spiritual self-improvement, the individual seeks to harmonious rest in nature, to the development of aesthetic, moral and intellectual needs.

A large role in meeting the biological needs of a person, including the need for rest playing flora and fauna, bioclimatic resources, natural (natural) resources, under which the natural objects and the phenomena of nature, which a person uses to create material benefits that ensure the maintenance of mankind and gradual Improving the quality of life.

The need for hygiene

Biological needs include the need to remove unnecessary substances from the body. This need has an impact on our behavior, and in public life there is a number of processes (starting from the toilet devices in private and public buildings and ending with social phenomena as a sanitary and epidemic supervision, the existence of sanitary standards), providing that level of cleanliness of all areas of residence A person who is considered normal for this society. Although in the modern world, the problems of cleanliness and control of epidemics are given fully medical knowledge, initially they belonged to the religious sphere. For example, a medieval person describing the disease with the help of the concept of "infection", perceived patients as captured by the malicious activity of the devil himself. This trend inherits the era of the Renaissance: already professionalized medicine of this period will continue to develize epidemics. The well-known epidemiologists of the 16th century Ambroazz Para and Dzhirolamo Fracastoro will begin to explain epidemic diseases as a transmission between the bodies of contagia - a certain devil material that spreads through any direct recipe contact and is almost invulnerable to healing.

Hygienic need is one of the fundamental needs of a person who is directly related to the need to maintain health. Health is largely due to the influence of natural and social factors. Natural includes air, water, soil, climate, to social - working conditions, nutrition, housing conditions, etc. These factors are interrelated. Thus, the growth of modern cities affects the natural composition of water, air, soil, in turn, natural factors determine the nature of the population. Considering these factors, hygiene (from Greek. Hygieinos is healthy) as a special medical science studies the impact of living and labor conditions on human health, develops standards for a healthy lifestyle in labor, in everyday life, during rest, as well as disease prevention activities, preservation Health and extension of life. It allocates the following specialized directions: communal hygiene, labor hygiene, hygiene of intellectual activity, nutritional hygiene, personal hygiene, etc.

Personal hygiene provides for the use of various types of physical activity, depending on age, gender, health status and type of professional activity. To preserve and promote health, rational nutrition is of great importance, the correct mode of labor and recreation. In the competence of personal hygiene, the regulation of the pace and the rhythm of life, sleep and rest mode; This is especially true of the inhabitants of large cities, since in the conditions of urbanization (growth of cities), an accelerated pace is being created for a given rhythm of life, communication links are increasing, the overloading of information (industrial, household, entertainment), high noise in settlements and residential premises, increase stressful Loads - all this leads to nervous overloads, stressful states.

This area of \u200b\u200bknowledge involves the development of hygienic requirements for household subjects (especially made of synthetic materials) and modern home appliances. Synthetic materials contaminate air toxic substances, which leads to various kinds of changes in the body, contributes to the emergence of many inflammatory and allergic diseases. Household appliances In addition to the comfort created by it, has a negative impact on human health: many devices are sources of noise, vibration, an increase in air temperature, electromagnetic emissions, which will certainly be a risk factor. Therefore, the development of hygienic requirements for household appliances is one of the actual areas of research of modern hygienist.

Housing need

Finally, the need includes the need for housing. Housing, especially, good - material background of human existence. It provides a person to a favorable habitat, contributes to the preservation of his health. One of the characteristics of human living conditions is the "Housing Comfort", which determines the optimal conditions for the settlement of the family in the apartment.

The dwelling is a complex system of natural and artificially created environment. The habitat of a person includes not only accommodation, but also a zone of cultural and domestic services. The habitat must create favorable conditions for human life. In the modern period, in conditions of stormy urban planning, the danger of the negative impact of changes in the living environment for health increases due to an increase in the storeinity and density of development, the use of harmful building materials

Ecology of human culture

Man is a biosocial being. The biosocial nature of a person is manifested in the fact that his life includes both biological and social factors, which makes it necessary not only its biological adaptation, but also social.

Biological adaptation is due to a man's desire to preserve its biological functions, and this, in turn, contributes to the preservation of social. This circumstance has a very large environmental significance.

From the point of view of ecology, a person is one of the species of the animal world with a complex organization inherent in it. Despite the fact that a person as a biological species is the highest stage of the development of living on Earth, it, like any living organism, depends on the environment. In other words, despite the production activity, allowing a person to overcome the limiting abiotic and biotic factors, nature was and will be an integral part of the world around the world.

Another component of the world surrounding man is artificially created by the environment; It affects biological and social processes in human populations. Modern technogenic civilization is already high in a fairly convincing form, as a civilization post-libosfer and post-deplement. Its formation and development is characterized by the transformation of the biosphere and man, during which the previous forms of life of the biosphere, the vital activity of people and the multifaceted nature of the biosphere person are destroyed. It is about the fact that mankind, having done the way from "natural" to the "sociotechnical", on which it has achieved some independence from natural impacts, falls under the influence of the technosphere. First of all, it concerns the problem of the relationship between the growing human needs and the possibilities of nature. For the last three centuries, the civilized needs of the population and the possibility of their satisfaction at the expense of nature increased in tens of times. All this led to the fact that the tech (the totality of technical systems) consumes the potential energy of the biosphere about ten times faster than it accumulates in the earth's crust. And than "above" the level of civilization, the stronger the consumer-negative impact of society on its pruraateria.

Another group of problems caused by man-made adaptation of a person is related to the ecology of the person himself and its resilience. The fact is that a person has lost harmonious integrity with nature: in the conditions of industrial civilization, the ecology of a person is significantly dispersed with the environment ambientMoreover, it enters it in contradiction. Under the influence of external ecology, the internal ecology of a person changes. For example, a modern person uses semi-industrial-half-effective food, which is associated not only with the extensive use of mineral fertilizers, but also with the socialization of the natural world as a whole - with the oversight industrial-artificial cultivation of animals and plants. Scientists have established that our ancestors were used in food five times more fiber, four times less salts and two times less fat. Significantly less often in their diet was meat. Thus, their nutrition was significantly more healthy. In addition, polluted water and air for which modern person is doomed, pose a threat to health. The body's vital for the body can seriously suffer from the use of contaminated waters, the lungs under the influence of a polluted medium are significantly affected by bronchitis, cancer and other diseases. As a result of the violation of human ecology, the many so-called "urban diseases" have become massive.

So, in a technogenic medium, especially under the influence of "chemical aggression", not only the internal ecology of the person, but also almost all its main natural properties. All these facts demonstrate that the consequence of progress is the destruction of the natural world, and with it the former natural-social type of man. F. Nietzsche, who proclaimed the Baby of the Birth of the Superman and argued that his contemporary "there is a transition and death", turned out to be in the end: humanity, too focused on the satisfaction of "too human" needs, on the growth of the comfort of its existence, undermines its own foundations and weakens Potential of own forces.

The transition of the biosphere to the nosphere means that humanity as a planetary phenomenon in the social and natural history of the planet assumes all the completeness of responsibility for the further evolution of the biosphere. It also takes responsibility for its own biosocial evolution.

The accelerated formation of the noosphere in the second half of the 20th century is also accompanied by the acceleration of the degradation of a modern human type. It is this period that is characterized by the growing creation of a technically comfortable habitat of people and the socialization of natural natural world in the name of comfort and "satiety". Thus, the process of the development of the technosphere and the noosphere, respectively, the death of the biosphere and a biosphere person receives its acceleration. And who knows whether the current scientifically thought surge on the planet will actually lead to the final formation of the noosphere - a complex viable and life-time system of natural-biological, artificially technical and reasonable, or will serve only to further increase the degradation of a biosphere man.

The degradation of a biosphere man, expressed in the fact that a person rapidly loses its natural qualities, is carried out in two ways. The first of them is a pronounced path of the physical and mental degeneration of the currently type of man, who, unfortunately, passed some primitive societies. The second is the path of forming a new, immoral person integrated into the world of technology and organically connected to the technosphere and noosphere, which is also a scenario of the degradation of a biosphere man, but the degradation is "promising". In this scenario, natural human activity is entirely determined by technician, its life is designed by artificial technologies. Artificial heart, artificial lungs, artificial eyes and ears, artificial fertilization, etc. become the norm for this type of human existence.

Thus, the cultivation of nature and man during the powerful technical development of the productive forces reached the feature when "refining" turned into its opposite - the foundation of the living and biosphere itself was destroyed. The chances of the "survival" of nature are becoming meager. In such a situation, the satisfaction of human needs is implemented through the production and growth of the artificial world, and all natural is estimated at the "weight of gold"

A person, destroying living, does not notice that this is a living is part of his body extending to the entire biosphere. But it is the biosphere as a single and closed on the scale of the planet the whole has a maximum systematic system. Including a person, society, vegetable and animal peace, land and sea with the oceans as their own components, the biosphere is a kind of lively and holistic organism. Therefore, the destruction of the biosphere leads to catastrophic consequences for human existence. In this regard, one of the main tasks of modernity is to find a harmonious alliance between the disappearing phenomenon of living and human life, fully penetrated by artificial technologies.

It should be borne in mind that the world created by a person, the so-called "second nature", has a steady tendency to improve and continuous complication. Complicating it in accordance with its needs, a person also creates a "third nature" - an artificial life organically associated with the "second", but it is highly different from her. The "third nature" is born, first of all, in the world of computer technologies and can claim a special form of life, which Christopher Langton, one of the founders of studying high-tech machines, called "artificial life." This new cultural phenomenon, created by human efforts due to the needs of modern public progress, has acquired a sustainable trend towards development and independent life. For example, among computer forms of life, the most famous are electronic viruses, which are endowed with independent ability of reproduction and implementation in computer programs. And the satisfaction of developing human needs is not so much vital, vital, how much social, deepens the introduction into the human life of the artificial world of the "third nature". For example, if the life of a modern man depends on the replacement of a patient with biocrines with artificial blood, he is unlikely to give up a chance to extend it at least for several years.

So, despite many theoretical justifications, we cannot yet give a complete answer to the question of what life is and how life and man happened on earth. We are not able to answer the question of what complete evolution cycles and the forms of existence takes place. Reconstructing only the hypothetically of their last history, we all haul can not look into the future of evolution. But scientific prediction of evolution trends is an urgent task of modernity. A nosporological person who became the usual life form becomes rapidly outside the biosphere, thereby neutralizing the natural certainty of a person. And the question of the specifics of human nature is characteristic of the creature, almost entirely overcoming the biological parameters of its own existence, requires responsible understanding.

A biological approach to a person considers it in the perspective of the unity of biogenesis and therefore, when explaining the specifics of a person proceeds from its organic characteristics - first of all, from the characteristics of the anatomy and various elements of the inner environment of the body, from the specifics of physiological processes. In the boundaries of this approach, people are aware of how the creature subordinate to their own physical importance, on the basis of which a complex of natural needs, encouraging him, aimed at their satisfaction. Thus, the needs are defined as manifestations of the dependence of the human body from significant for its self-preservation and self-development factors of the external environment. Studying the nature of needs, the biological approach focuses on fundamental vital needs, that is, on those whose satisfaction guarantees the optimal vital activity of the body. But a person is a biosocial being, all the biological parameters in it are imbued with the common experience of the team to which he belongs; That is why the biological approach also pays attention to social correction of vital needs.