Luna personal life. New name: Ukrainian pop singer Luna

Simple, sincere lyrics and minimalistic arrangements in the spirit of the 90s - according to American Vogue, this is what the "face of the Ukrainian musical revolution" looks like. The publication assigned this status to Kristina Gerasimova from Kiev, acting under the pseudonym Luna. Her songs were not rotated on the radio, and the clips were not broadcast on TV. Luna's art has become popular thanks to the Internet. At the same time, the artist herself declares that she does not consider herself an indie project.

Childhood and youth

Christina Gerasimova (during marriage - Bardash) was born on August 28, 1990 in the GDR, where her father served at that time. The family lived in the town of Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz) for about two years, after which they moved to Ukraine. The Gerasimovs settled in Kiev.

Together with her younger sister Alina, Kristina studied at school №53 in Kiev, having time to study choreography after lessons. In the lower grades, Christina attended folk dances, later - ballet, to which she gave 6 years. Then the girl changed dancing to music. At the school of arts for two years she studied solfeggio, vocals, attended the choir and took guitar lessons.


Christina recorded her first demo when she was 14 years old. While studying at school, and then at university, the girl wrote poetry and music, but she did not consider it necessary to demonstrate her creativity to the public. The first performance took place only in 2015. The artist took part in Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days. And a year later she presented her first album "Mag-no-you".

The grandiose solo performance made too strong an impression on the performer: Christina took a break from creating songs and focused on performances. Following the capital of Ukraine, concerts of the Eclipse tour took place in Riga, Yekaterinburg, Moscow.

Moon, clip "Autumn"

The songs of the first album - "Boy, you are snow", "Bottle", "Bambi" - immediately defined the melancholic mood characteristic of Luna's creativity and sounding in the style of pop music of the 90s. Critics draw parallels with creativity,. The singer herself calls Glass Animals, groups, "Guests from the Future", as well as performers and among her favorite performers. She defines her own style as “soulful pop”.

At the end of 2016, Luna released a mini-album "Sad Dance". The disc was marked by a successful debut: on the very first day it took first place in iTunes Ukraine and second in iTunes Russia and iTunes Armenia.

Luna's video for the song "Ogonyok"

In 2017, the singer released her second album, The Island of Freedom. Out of 8 tracks, 3 were presented earlier during the year: "Bullets", "Ogonyok", "Friend". The video for the song "Ogonyok" turned out to be the most massive video in the assets of the Moon: more than 50 people got into the frame. For 6 months, the clip has collected a million views on Youtube. The songs "Jukebox" and "Free love" became hits.

Luna sings the song "Jukebox"

It is noteworthy that in the first clips "multi-station" Luna not only thought over the plot and the style of the video, but also tried to control the technical side:

“On the set of Bullet, I really did my best, because I thought over each shot, went to rentals, chose lenses, a camera, put the light on - on heels, then climbed into the frame.”

In the future, the singer agreed to delegate these responsibilities to directors. This, however, does not exclude the participation of the Moon in the creation of the script and the development of images.

Personal life

Christina was married. Her former husband is a producer, co-owner of the Kruzheva Music company, a participant. The hit "The Ice Melts" is dedicated to the Moon.

In 2012, the couple had a son, George. At the time, the family lived in Los Angeles. Christina describes this period of her biography contradictory:

“I have just begun my conscious life. And all this pounced on me. This is all great, but this America is still around, and I just found myself alone with myself and my vocation to be a woman. I butted for a while, because I wanted to remain a girl who can go to discos, smoke, hang out ... I threw objects out of the house, yelled for the police to come and take me to the madhouse, and could run out into the street naked. But that's okay, I'm not ashamed of it. I had to survive this trash. "

The life of the moon entered a calm channel after writing the first album. As the artist admits, a friend sent it. The girl became interested in human connection with natural cycles, space, ways to control her energy.

Adultery is an unpleasant affair, but purely personal. However, the founder of the Mushrooms group and also the husband of the singer Luna, Yuri Bardash, decided to expose the family squabble to the public and published a large open letter to the culprit of the discord - the singer's sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk. The post became a real sensation, many users social network Facebook left comments to sympathize with the musician's grief. Others accused Bardash of inadequacy and sexism. Read more in the material "360".

The gap gave a start to a career

Luna told in many interviews that it was the discord with her husband that made her a singer. When Christina, that is the name of the star, met with Yuri, he had already created the Quest Pistols group and successfully toured the country and abroad. The girl was then 19 years old, and he was 27.

After the birth of a child, Christina Bardash plunged into postnatal depression. Frequent quarrels with her husband began. Then the couple decided to take a break in their relationship and separated for six months. During that period, Luna said, she wrote more than 30 songs. She filmed the debut video for the song "Autumn" on the phone in her yard, edited it in a couple of hours and posted it on YouTube. The video had the effect of an exploding bomb: more than a million people watched it. They began to discuss the moon.

Soon Christina and Yuri were able to restore relations. Luna claimed that Bardash is her support and support not only as a husband, but also as a producer: it was he who negotiated concerts, helped shoot videos.

"The fact that I cheated on my wife is our problem with her"

On May 25, a video with an ambiguous caption appeared on Luna's Instagram. In the publication, the singer said that a new stage had begun in her life, and she called the name of the cycle “Islands of Freedom” symbolic.

On Thursday, June 7, a post appeared on Yuri Bardash's Facebook account with a lot of obscene words and grammatical errors... It is quite difficult to read it, so we will freely retell it briefly: Bardash turned to the sound producer of the Moon, Alexander Voloshchuk, with the accusation that he made Christine to cheat on him. Also in the text, the producer admitted that he had cheated on his wife more than once, but he considered all this to be purely family matters. At the same time, Bardash does not throw accusations towards the Moon, since he believes that "there is no demand from a woman."

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

The publication instantly spread across the web. The moon itself was noted in the comments.

The post did not "hang" even for six hours: Yuri Bardash deleted the post. After a while, he published another post, the meaning of which remained unknown to fans.

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

At this time, a photo appeared on Luna's Instagram confirming that the singer left her husband for Voloshchuk.

The singer's fans supported her decision:

“For some reason, it seemed to me that you seemed like two different people you live under the roof. At first I could not believe that you are married ... ".

“Christina, I want to sincerely wish you happiness and true love, yes for all your life. You are worthy, you deserve, let everything bad be quickly forgotten, and good will be every day, wake up loved and fall asleep with your loved one. And so endlessly ... ".

“Love is free and pure! Even at a concert in St. Petersburg, I noticed a spark between you and has long suspected about your love !!! I'm happy for you! This is the best pair! I'm only for you! "

“He screams about a ruined family, reproaching a child who cannot be involved in this showdown at all. However, when he jumped on some women, he was not stopped by the fact that there is a “beautiful wife with a golden child”. This is a boomerang for him for the disregard and treacherous attitude towards the family, which he did not value when he walked to the left. All these whims on social networks are so stupid that you feel nothing but pity. Christina, I am incredibly glad that you are now happy, loved and enjoying life. I wish you prosperity and a sea of \u200b\u200blove that you definitely deserve. "

"Everyone is urgently googling who Bardash is"

A special flavor of the scandal that broke out was the comments on the publication of the offended husband on Facebook. In them, for a short time of the "life" of the post, a serious battle broke out. Fans of the union of Christina and Yuri divided into two camps. Some saw sexism and inadequacy in Bardash's words:

Photo source: TV channel "360"

Others suspected that in this way Bardash decided to stir up his popularity, and at the same time practiced humor:

Louna is a Russian rock band. Some journalists call it a "side project" of another famous rock band called The Musicians Sami, however, in interviews they refute this definition. They insist that the Louna group is an independent project. The band gained popularity in 2010, when the debut album, "Turn it up!" Immediately the songs of this group topped the popular "thematic" charts.

Group name

It happened, as you might guess, from the word Luna. The final touch was the letter "o" added to the title by guitarist Ruben.


The genre of this group can be defined as experimental alternative music. Some consider it to be alternative metal. The creativity of the collective is at the junction of many styles and genres of recent times. The Louna group is one of the most unusual projects on the Russian stage today. In her songs, you can hear the echoes of the alternative line, which is the main one. At the same time, there are also grunge notes (post-grunge - in the official version). It is safe to say that the genre to which the work of this group could be attributed does not yet exist. Therefore, it makes no sense to build analogies. The labeling of such a genre as alternative metal is somewhat far-fetched. The creativity of this collective can be considered an experiment, which has already proven its worth. Louna has thoughtful, vibrant lyrics. They are aimed at combating various vices of our time, including social injustice and religious fanaticism.

Composition of the group

The vocalist of the Louna ensemble is Lusine Gevorkyan. She currently participates in 2 teams at the same time, performing also in the Tracktor Bowling team. Today, a large number of people believe that she is the founder of the alternative vocals of our country.

The second participant is Vitaly Demidenko, who is better known as Vit. This is the band's bassist. He also participates in Tracktor Bowling. Vitaly has his own fan club.

The band's guitarist is Ruben Kazaryan. Concurrently, he is the author of texts in English. Ruben played in bands such as Ens Cogitans and Southwake.

Another guitarist is Sergey Ponkratyev. He has also been seen working with the above two bands, Ens Cogitans and Southwake.

Drummer - Leonid "Pilot" Kinzburskiy. He is a talented drummer and longtime fan of Tracktor Bowling.

Group creation

The creation of the team dates back to September 2008. It was then that the members of Tracktor Bowling, a Moscow alternative group, Vitaly Demidenko and Lusine Gevorkyan founded this collective. They were also joined by guitarists Sergey Ponkratyev, Ruben Kazaryan and drummer Leonid Kinzbursky.

In the work of the collective, the stake was immediately placed on a powerful sound, as well as on the intellectual content of the texts. Louna's songs charge the listener with energy and make him think.

First performances, first awards

On May 23, 2009, the first performance of the band took place. It is considered the date of his birthday. The performance took place in the Tochka club in Moscow. In 2009, a young and not very well-known band won the RAMP prize, receiving it in the "Discovery of the Year" nomination. The rock group Louna later gained great popularity in the musical environment. Louna has been headlining various rock festivals. In 2009 - at Extreme Girlzz Fest, in 2010 - at Metal Summer Fest and Neighboring World, in 2011 - at Invasion and Kubana, in 2012 - also at Invasion and Kubana, etc.

Debut album

The debut album of the group "Turn it up!", As we have already said, appeared in 2010, in the summer. It was released in the fall of the same year. This event became a turning point in the history of the team. A pronounced irreconcilable social position and non-standard music provoked the interest of the general public, as well as the media. Note that the leader of "Cockroaches!" (a Russian punk band), as well as Ervin Khachikyan, keyboardist of System Of A Down.

Growing popularity

In February 2011, the collective presented the single "Who do you believe?", Made together with the vocalist of the Lumen group Rustem Bulatov. In the summer of the same year, at the invitation of the Invasion-2011 organizing committee, Louna performed on the main stage of this festival together with such Russian rock stars as Alisa, Gleb Samoilov, DDT, Kipelov, Spleen, Lyapis Trubetskoy , "Pilot", "King and Jester", "Chaif", "Bravo", "Bi-2" and others.

The composition "Fight Club", included in the debut album, in January 2011 entered the rotation of "Our Radio". And a week later - and in the "Chartova Dozen" (rock chart). This song climbed to number two and managed to stay on the chart for 16 weeks. Later, in the summer of the same year, one more song by the group - "Turn it up!" - reached the top of the charts in a month and did not give up its positions for 2 weeks.

The Louna group was nominated for the final in 3 nominations - "Best Soloist", "Song of the Year" and "Breakthrough" by the Expert Council of the Chartova Dozen. Top-13 (annual award). In addition, the band was invited to perform at the award ceremony, which took place at Crocus City Hall on March 7, 2012. Louna won the award, winning the Song of the Year (Fight Club) nomination.

Second album

The group's second album, Time X, was released in February 2012. The disc included several protest-themed tracks. In addition, the album includes several lyrical compositions. In the same year, in March, solo concerts were played in St. Petersburg and Moscow, dedicated to the release of the second album. 14 new songs were included in it. The recording was attended by the leader of a well-known group, as well as Alexander Ivanov, the leader of the NAIV group (which broke up in 2009) and the current Radio Chacha project.

In an interview, S. Mikhalok said that he likes to collaborate with the musicians from Louna. He noted that the bulk of duets in rock 'n' roll and on stage are created when producers want to benefit from it. However, Louna is not a commercially biased project.

New assault on the Chartovoy Dozen

The song "Everyone is Right" has been in rotation of Our Radio since February 2012. She lasted more than two months on the Chart Dozen, reaching third place. Composition "Mama" in August 2012 for three weeks in a row topped the hit parade. In total, she lasted more than three months in it.

On June 12, 2012 the band performed at the "March of the Millions". Together with the main studio activity, the recording of an English-language album is also being prepared. The band, according to the musicians, has plans to perform at the largest rock festivals, including world-class events.

"People are looking up" is a song that started on the air of Nashe Radio on November 16, 2012. A video was also shot for it by Svyatoslav Podgaevsky, who had previously made clips of this group for the songs "Mama" and "Make it Louder".

Louna conquers America

In 2013, on January 25, it became known that the group's first English-language album would be released under the name Behind a Mask. Red Decade Records will take part in its publication. The song Mama was first played on Chicago radio 95FM W.I.I.L. on March 22nd. After that, 138 Americans called on the air. About 75% of them said they liked the song. One even confused the vocalist Louna with the vocalist of In This Moment. The single Business was released on March 26, followed by a high-budget video of the same name, which was presented to Western audiences. Also in 2013, on February 24, the group's English-language website was launched. At the same time, the track list of the future debut album appeared.

On the basis of the popular vote on February 24 of the same year, L. Gevorkyan was recognized as the best rock vocalist in Russia. She bypassed Helavisa, Zemfira and Olga Kormukhina. The vocalist of the Louna group won the "Best Soloist" award, which she received from the hands of the famous actor.

The band's first English-language album was released on April 30, 2013 (Behind a Mask). It received positive reviews in various online publications in the United States.

A tour of US cities took place in the fall of 2013. Louna played concerts in 26 cities in America with The Pretty Reckless, a US band, and Heaven's Basement, an English band. In 44 days, Louna traveled 13 states. As part of the tour, in addition to live performances, the group gave numerous interviews, performed at a Chicago radio station with an acoustic set and was received with great interest by American radio listeners. The group's songs were in rotation of the seven largest radio stations in America, and the composition called Up There took 13th place in the WIIL FM charts. All albums and paraphernalia were sold at American concerts, which indicates a high interest in the work of the collective.

Album "We are Louna"

Albums of the Louna group were added to their list on December 1, 2013 with the appearance of a new one - "We are Louna". It was recorded using crowdfunding, that is, with the money of the listeners. Fundraising has been recognized as one of the most successful in the history of music crowdfunding in our country. In the fall of 2013, a large-scale tour of the United States took place.

2014 in the history of the group

In 2014, work was underway on the video for the song "With You". It came out on June 30th. In May of the same year, the group played two anniversary concerts for its fifth anniversary in the capital, and one in St. Petersburg. On the fifth anniversary, her friends performed with the group. Among them are Ilya Chert, Rustem Bulatov, "Cockroaches!", "Elysium", "Brigade Contract", "Prince", "Stigmata", "Fantasy", etc. Also a documentary film entitled "We are Louna" was released. ...

2015 year

In 2015, the premiere of the composition "The Fighter's Road" took place in the "Chartova Dozen". The song immediately hit sixth place, and a month later topped the charts.

In February the band returned to live performances. Also, interest in her from the media increased: the team began to more actively invite to the air of various radio stations. From January to May of this year, the group visited 40 Russian cities, covering almost all regions. This tour, which was named "Even Louder!", Is by far the largest in the history of the band. In almost all cities of this tour there were sold out. According to the unanimous opinion of the capital and regional promoters, Louna is currently one of the most popular rock bands in Russia.

On May 30, 2015, the discography of the Louna group was replenished with the collection The Best of, which included best songs... Bonus tracks - "The Way to Yourself" and "Freedom" (in an acoustic arrangement). "In me" - a song included in the album in the version recorded together with D. Rishko.


Christina's father was a military man, so he always kept the girl strict. Christina also has a younger sister. Mom completely devoted herself to raising children.

As a child, the girl was very interested in music, so her parents decided to send her to a music school to study singing and playing the piano. After leaving school, she entered the university at the Faculty of Journalism. She liked studying, but in her profession she did not work a day. Even while studying at the university, the girl became interested in directing and began working as an operator.

As her musical career developed, the girl starred in videos filmed on famous songs Beat and Forget It All, produced by the Quest Pistols. I got carried away with clip making. She shot video clips of Julia Nelson and the Nerva group.
At the end of spring 2016, the singer's first solo album, entitled "Mag-ni-you", was released. It was during this period that she took the pseudonym Luna for herself. On October 27 of the same year, the girl released the album "Sad Dance", which in one day took first place in the top of the best songs of Ukraine.

After the overwhelming popularity of the released album, the girl undertook the "Eclipse" tour. On November 3, 2016, Luna held large concerts in Moscow, Petersburg, Riga.

In early April 2017, the single "Bullets" premiered. In mid-July of the same year, the second song from the Ogonyok album was released, Christina immediately presented her video clip to it. Luna calls her music soulful, as it reminds her of the 90s.

Personal life of Christina Bardash

The singer is the wife of producer Yuri Bardash. In 2012, the couple moved to Los Angeles. At first they lived in Hollywood Hills, and later moved to the Venice area. In the same year, they had a red-haired son, George. In America, she devoted herself entirely to the child, leaving her creative activity for a while.

In one of her interviews, the singer admitted that all the time she lived in Los Angeles, she learned to be free and independent from anyone.

The couple lived in America for two and a half years, after which they returned to their homeland to continue developing the creative potential of the Moon in the vastness of Ukraine and Russia.

Regarding the fact that her husband is promoting the Mushrooms group, Luna says that she does not see anything wrong with this. She says that the audience for the singer Luna grows gradually, so she will never have problems with having an audience.

In one of her interviews, Luna admitted that the song "Boy, You Are Snow" was addressed to her lover, with whom there was a litter, and she felt insulted. She was referring to her current husband and musician of the group "Mushrooms" Yuri Bardash.
Christina Bardash loves to cook for her husband and son; she dreams of opening a bar-restaurant. She explains her craving for cooking by the fact that she is a vegetarian and finds flaws in all vegetarian restaurants, so she dreams of opening a place that will meet the needs of all people who have given up eating meat.

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Now the whole family of the singer leads a healthy lifestyle, and she does yoga and meditation every day.

The singer notes that her main goal is the happiness of family members, and only in second place is creative activity. Although it is rather difficult to imagine this girl not engaged in musical activities.

AT last years Ukraine is shaken by one revolution after another, and this time it is not only and not so much about politics. Behind the revolution of dignity, when millions of Ukrainians faced the issue national identity, at the same time linking it with the European cultural code, followed, and now - also musical. We will tell you who Luna is and why American Vogue called her the face of the Ukrainian musical revolution.


The most interesting thing on the Ukrainian scene is now happening in the new pop music. , Pianoboy, The Maneken, Ivan Dorn - confirmation of this. In addition, the Kruzheva production center, founded by the husband of Christina Bardash, the very same Moon, Yuri Bardash, has been actively supplying high-quality pop performers, musicians, photographers and producers for several years, many of whom we owe to the emergence of the phenomenon of the Ukrainian musical revolution ...

One of these new pop artists is the singer Luna. The project has existed for two years, and in 2016 literally everyone started talking about the Moon as a breakthrough in the Kiev musical underground - from Russian Wonderzine to Ukrainian gloss, and now - American Vogue, which first drew attention to Ukrainian music.

Liana Satenstein, a journalist specializing in the culture of the CIS countries and, in particular, Ukraine (she is the author of last year's article about), writes that the music of the Moon is "a symbol of changes taking place in Ukraine against the backdrop of a political situation, war and an unstable economy." Of course, it naturally suggests itself to compare the music of the Moon with a similar trend in fashion - what people from the post-Soviet space and Gosha Rubchinsky do.

Luna herself characterizes her musical style as “soulful pop” - she feels nostalgia for the post-Soviet 90s and 2000s, a romantic hobby, as well as the current trend for “gopnik fashion” exported to the West by the same Gvasalia, Rubchinskiy, and other designers.

Christina Bardash is perhaps the most unusual face that has ever become a symbol of the musical revolution,

- writes about the Moon Vogue. In less than a year, 25-year-old Christina thanks to her vocals, music video, recorded literally on the knee in the spirit of "new sincerity" and personal style, has won the attention of music and fashion critics and just people who understand modern music - and fashion, which is important.

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Says Luna, while Liana calls her face "elven." After Kristina and her team uploaded the first video for the song "Autumn" to Facebook, people began to distribute the video themselves, and six months later, all tickets for the Kiev concerts were sold out.

According to Luna, the 90s and early 2000s are the main source of her inspiration. And this is not accidental, since it is this period - of minimalism, the flourishing and entry into the "big world" of various subcultures, feminism with its "new femininity" by Phoebe Fileo, the era of supermodels, the peak of popularity and - most of all, modern fashion is also interested.

For Ukraine, the 90s became, according to Luna, "a time of revolution in the minds of people and awakening of Ukrainian youth."

In the article, Satenstein describes in detail the image of Christina Bardash during the interview: she was wearing a pink Roberto Cavalli mini dress with buttons, which “would have been more suitable for the wife of a Slavic mafia,” but she looked absolutely organic on Kristina.

My style depends on my mood and the same thing happens with my music,

- says Bardash. And, indeed, before Luna had the opportunity to buy clothes in Kiev boutiques Helen Marlen and Asthik, she - according to her own words in previous interviews - dressed in a second-hand on Lesnoy (which, by the way, the same Liana Satenstein calls in rating best places for shopping in Kiev), since she invested all the money she earned in her favorite business.

Luna owes the lion's share of its popularity not only to her style and vocals, but also to emphatically amateur clips - many of them were filmed on the phone. Luna maintains an image of a "new sincerity" that opposes commercial music and popular culture, which are slowly killing real, living culture and art. Bardash shot the video for the track "Autumn" spontaneously on a small pocket camera when she took her son to kindergarten.

I love Kiev. It is a beautiful city, although some people destroy the culture. But now a new generation of young guys has appeared who are changing the situation - and I am one of them,

Bardash says in an interview with Vogue. The phenomenon of the singer Luna lies in the fact that her music is, of course, part of our original, so to speak, cultural code with its sleeping areas, dull pop music and infantile nostalgia for the past, which Christina Bardash transforms into a high-quality modern product that is interesting to the West. Thanks to people like her, Ukraine is gaining a new face and in a few years will no longer be associated with a poverty-stricken, dilapidated country, which is often shown in the news and in which something is not thankful all the time.