Types of speech and grammatical errors

1. In a complex sentence, you should not use several unions with the same meaning, this leads to redundancy, ie. to the error. Wrong: You better overestimate the risk than rather than don't notice it.Correctly: It is better to overestimate the risk than not notice it.

2. A common mistake is overusing a particle would. Wrong: If we had time to develop the program, we could start working next month... Remember that union so that includes particle wouldso there is no need to repeat it. Wrong: I want you to remind the secretary of the evening meeting.

3. A common mistake is the misuse of a correlative word then. Wrong: I understand that the meeting was postponed due to disagreements between the participants... Or: I understand that the meeting was postponed due to disagreements between the participants. Correctly: I understand that the meeting was postponed due to disagreements among the participants.

4. If in a complex sentence there are several subordinate clauses that are in sequential subordination, then the repeated use of the same union is a mistake. Wrong: I wanted, so that you reminded the secretary so that she clarified the time of the meeting... In order not to repeat the union, you must use synonymous constructions, eg: I would like you to remind the secretary of the following: let her clarify the time of the meeting.

5. A definitive subordinate clause cannot be homogeneous with a participial turnover. Wrong: Doctor, appointing treatment and to which I was supposed to come this week, suddenly got sick. Correctly: The doctor who prescribed my treatment and to whom I was supposed to visit this week suddenly fell ill.

6. If there is a relative clause in a complex sentence, then pay attention to which word in the main sentence refers to which the, otherwise ambiguity may arise. Failed: I showed the guests the autograph of a writer who is very dear to me. (Who is friend - an autograph or a writer?).
In such sentences, you need to carefully check the form of the word. which the (gender, number, case): the form is determined by its role in the sentence (if it is the subject, then the nominative case, if the addition, then the form is dictated by the control word). Wrong: This was the very argument that we missed so much.. Correctly: This was the very argument that we lacked so much.

7. Be attentive to sentences with indirect speech: often indirect speech is mixed with direct. Wrong: Within half an hour, some students said that we were ready to hand over the work. Correctly: Within half an hour, some students said that they were ready to hand over their work.

Examples of complex sentences for self-testing:

1. It is more useful for any person to take a walk in the park than to sit all evening at the computer.
2. She had to return to the city in which she spent her childhood, which now seemed so distant.
3. You need to enter your passport data in the form and in what position you are currently working.
4. If at that moment any adult had looked into the room, he would have seen a strange sight.
5. Few expected that the USE would become the main form of entrance examinations in most universities in the country.

Let's carefully read the assignment, which sets out the requirements for an essay on the Unified State Exam in Russian:

Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid overquoting). Formulate the position of the author. Explain why you agree or disagree with the author of the text you read. Argument your answer based on life or reading experience (give at least three arguments).

What is the problem?

Problem - this is a complex theoretical or practical issue that requires a solution, research.

FROM false, difficult, important, serious, deep, basic, main, actual, topical, acute, urgent, philosophical, political, ideological, social, national, international ... problem

The problem of what:war, peace, economy, politics, ideology, upbringing, education.

Statement, study, research, consideration, discussion, meaning, importance, complexity ... whatever. Problems.Point of view on problem.

Put, put forward, consider, state, discuss, resolve any. problem.

To touch some problems.

Pay attention to smb. problem.

Over some problem think, work.

What smb. problemarises, gets up, is of interest, deserves attention, waits for a decision 1.

As you can see, the text problem can be formulated in two main ways:

    formulation as a question (let me remind you that the problem is the question to be solved) gives more opportunities for cases when it is impossible to formulate the problem of the text briefly: Is it possible to organically combine in a person's life “poetry” and “prose”, spiritual and material principles? The text of Yuri Nagibin is devoted to this complex problem.

When defining a problem, you should think about how the content of the text relates to you, other people, all of humanity. Remember that the specific situation described in the text, facts of someone's biography, etc. is an illustration, a special case, an example of the manifestation of any abstract idea considered by the author. Therefore, formulate the problem in such a way that it covers not only the case discussed in the text, but many similar situations.

For example, the author of the text tells about the life of the scientist Alexei Fedorovich Losev, who went through a harsh life school: he was arrested, survived in the inhuman conditions of the camp, worked on the construction site of the Belomor-Baltic Canal, practically lost his sight, but did not lose optimism and will to live, continued scientific work and achieved worldwide recognition.

After reading such a text, it is worth thinking about the fact that many people had to overcome difficulties. Suffice it to recall the biography of A.I. Solzhenitsyn, who told the whole world the truth about stalin's camps... So, the problem of this text can be formulated as follows: What can help a person survive in inhuman conditions and not lose human dignity?

What does it mean to “comment” on a problem?

The verb to comment means to explain, to explain. Therefore, your thoughts on the formulated problem of the text are required here.

Think about how relevant what the author is writing about; who and in what situations have to face a similar problem; if possible, touch on the "history of the issue", i.e. briefly tell about how this problem was considered, other authors tried to solve it, is there a different point of view on this issue that does not coincide with the author's.

It should be noted that at least two ways of presenting the material are also possible here:

    from particular facts (commentary) to the formulation of the problem. For example: The development of human civilization has long crossed the line beyond which there is a harmonious coexistence of nature and man. Today, when water and air are polluted, rivers dry up, forests disappear, animals are dying, people are looking anxiously into the future and are increasingly thinking about the tragic consequences of their activities. V. Peskov's text is devoted to the problem of ecology and calls on each of us to realize the responsibility for unreasonable human intervention in the life of nature.

    from problem statement to comment. For example: Why in our country, which has rich natural resources and enormous intellectual potential, does the majority of the population live in poverty? V. Timofeev ponders over this complex problem. I must say that the problem raised by the author has a long history. Remember at least the story from The Tale of Bygone Years about how the ancient Russians invited the Varangian princes to a plentiful and rich land in which there was no order. For many years, more than one generation of our compatriots has been asking the question: "Why is our life so far from perfect?"

If the problem of the text is a question, then the position of the author is the answer to the question posed in the text. Thus, by formulating the problem in the form of a question, you should already know exactly how the author answers it. For example: Talking about the fate of A.F. Losev, the author convinces us that only a hundred spirit and faith in goodness can help a person overcome all hardships in life and make his cherished dreams come true.

If the position of the author of a journalistic text is usually expressed clearly and clearly, then identifying the author's position in a literary text may require more effort from you. Try to answer the following questions: What did the author want to tell his readers when creating the text? How does the author assess the described specific situation, the actions of the heroes? Pay attention to words, artistic devices that express the author's attitude (disapproval, irony, condemnation - sympathy, admiration), give a negative or positive assessment of the described facts.

For example, in an excerpt from the novel by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" a description of the behavior of an official is given: Suppose, for example, there is an office, not here, but in a distant state, and in the office, let's say, there is a ruler of the office. I ask you to look at him when he is sitting among his subordinates - but simply because of fear you cannot utter a word! pride and nobility, and what does his face not express? just take a brush and paint: Prometheus, resolute Prometheus! Looks out as an eagle, protrudes smoothly, measuredly. The same eagle, as soon as it left the room and approaches the office of its chief, is in such a hurry with a partridge with papers under its arm that there is no urine. In society and at a party, whether everyone is of a small rank, Prometheus will remain Prometheus, and a little higher than him, with Prometheus, such a transformation will occur, which Ovid would not invent: a fly, even less than a fly, was destroyed into a grain of sand. “It's not Ivan Petrovich,” you say, looking at him. - Ivan Petrovich is taller, and this one is both short and thin; he speaks loudly, bass and never laughs, but this devil knows what: he squeaks like a bird and laughs all the time. " You come closer, you look - as if Ivan Petrovich! "Ehe-he!" - you think to yourself ... (N.V. Gogol).

The author's irony, descending gradation (Prometheus, eagle, partridge, fly, grain of sand) show that the author ridicules, on the one hand, arrogance towards subordinates, and on the other hand, obsequiousness, respect for the rank, the desire to fawn on the authorities. Both humiliate a person, incompatible with self-esteem.

Be careful. Remember that you are not required to formulate the position of the author "in general", but to show his opinion on the issue you have highlighted and commented on.

How to argue your position?

In this part of the work, you must strictly follow the rules for constructing a text-reasoning. The purpose of this type of speech is to convince the addressee of something, to strengthen or change his opinion. For this, a logically harmonious system of evidence is used.

Typical (complete) reasoning is built according to the scheme, in which there are three parts:

    thesis (a statement to be proved);

    argumentation (evidence, arguments);

    conclusion (grand total).

For example: There are still people who treat art, especially music, as entertainment. What a huge delusion this is!

“I would be sorry if my music only entertained the listeners. I tried to make them better, ”wrote the remarkable 18th century German composer Handel.

"To strike fire from the hearts of people" - this is what the great Beethoven aspired to.

The genius of Russian music Tchaikovsky dreamed of "bringing comfort to people."

How these words echo with the words of Pushkin, surprising in their simplicity and clarity: "And for a long time I will be that love to the people that I awakened good feelings with my lyre! .."

How precisely the poet defined the highest purpose of art - to awaken feelings in people! And this applies to all types of art, including music - the most emotional art.

Music is a big and serious part of life, a powerful means of spiritual enrichment.

(According to D. Kabalevsky)

Thesis- this is the main idea (of the text or speech), expressed in words, the main statement of the speaker, which he is trying to substantiate. Most often, the thesis unfolds in stages, so it may seem that the author is putting forward several theses. In fact, separate parts (sides) of the main idea are considered.

In order to isolate a thesis from a large-volume statement, you can use the following algorithm:

    focusing on the strong positions of the text (subheadings, paragraphs), write out from each part of the sentences that express the main judgment (part of the thesis), separate them from the evidence;

    connect the selected parts of the thesis with semantic unions (if, so that, etc.) and formulate it in its entirety.

The thesis is subject to the following rules:

    is stated clearly and unambiguously;

    remains the same throughout the proof;

    its truth must be proven irrefutably;

    proofs cannot proceed from the thesis (otherwise a vicious circle is formed in the proof).

In our case, the thesis is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the text, which you are trying to substantiate, prove or disprove.

Argumentation - This is the presentation of evidence, explanations, examples to substantiate any thought in front of the audience (readers) or the interlocutor.

Arguments- this is evidence that is presented in support of the thesis: facts, examples, statements, explanations - in short, everything that can confirm the thesis.

From thesis to the arguments, you can ask the question "Why?", And the arguments answer: "Because ...".

For example, the text we read by D. Kabalevsky is built according to the following scheme:

Thesis:Treating music as entertainment is a huge misconception. Why?

Arguments (because):

    music makes people better;

    music awakens emotions;

    music brings comfort to people;

    music gives rise to good feelings in a person.

Conclusion: Music is a powerful means of spiritual enrichment

Argument types

Distinguish arguments for" (your thesis) and arguments against" (someone else's thesis). Thus, if you agree with the position of the author, then his and your thesis coincide. Please note that you should try not to repeat the author's arguments used in the text, but to bring your own.

Attention! A typical mistake!If you support the author's position, you should not specifically analyze his arguments: To confirm his position, the author uses such arguments as ... Do not waste precious exam time on work that is not provided for by the assignment!

Arguments for"must be:

    accessible, simple, understandable;

    reflecting objective reality, consistent with common sense.

Arguments against"must convince that the arguments given in support of the thesis you are criticizing are weak, do not stand up to criticism. In case of disagreement with the author, you will have to build a refuting argument, which requires the writing tact, emphasized correctness (by the way, the need for ethical correctness in the essay is especially emphasized in the evaluation criteria of Part C). Consider the following example:

Nowadays, for some reason, professionalism has been identified with high qualifications and high quality of work performed and services rendered. And this is not true. All doctors are professionals, but we know perfectly well that there are both good and bad among them. All locksmiths are professionals, but they are also different. In short, professional is not necessarily a guarantee of high quality, but it necessarily expresses a certain relationship between the manufacturer and the consumer, between the performer and the customer. A professional is an employee who, for a fee that gives him a livelihood, undertakes to fulfill the order of any client who turns to him. That is why I look with sadness at people who call themselves professional politicians.

“Eh-eh! - I think, - What are you proud of? The fact that you are ready to fulfill the political order of any client who comes to you for money? But is it a virtue? " (According to G. Smirnov).

Fragment of the essay: I do not completely agree with the position of the author: I believe that professionalism is not only belonging to a certain profession, but also professional skill. For example, a bad doctor will not dare to call a professional. If the doctor cannot deliver correct diagnosis and his treatment can harm a person, how can such a "professional" keep the Hippocratic oath ?! Of course, in addition to professionalism, there is honor, conscience, human dignity, but all these qualities only direct human skills in the right direction. In my opinion, many of our country's troubles are associated with the lack of professional doctors, teachers and politicians, as well as with the inability of the state to appreciate the work of a real professional.

Remember important rule of reasoning:arguments must be given in the system, that is, one must think over which arguments to start with and which ones to end. It is usually recommended to arrange arguments in such a way that their probative strength increases. Remember that the final argument is better captured in memory than the first. Therefore, the final argument must be the strongest.

For example: It seems to me that it is difficult to disagree with the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author: people (especially for scientists) should not lose the "liveliness of perception" of the environment. First of all, the world around us is extremely diverse and often refutes the seemingly unshakable laws established by man ... Secondly, most of the greatest discoveries were made by scientists who were sometimes considered insane eccentrics. In fact, Copernicus, Einstein, Lobachevsky proved to people that their special vision of the world not only has the right to exist, but also opens up new horizons for science. AND, finally, the immediacy of the perception of the world, the ability to be surprised will not allow a person to lose touch with reality, turn everything around into a dry, lifeless scheme. An attentive, inquisitive person, the author tells us, must see life in its entirety. It is to such a person that chance comes to the rescue and the world is ready to reveal all its secrets. /

So, your arguments must be convincing, that is, strong, with which everyone agrees. Of course, the persuasiveness of an argument is a relative concept, since it depends on the situation, emotional state, age, gender of the addressee, and other factors. At the same time, a number of typical arguments can be distinguished, which are considered strong in most cases.

TO strong arguments,usually include:

    scientific axioms;

    provisions of laws and official documents;

    laws of nature, conclusions confirmed experimentally;

    eyewitness testimony;

    statistical data.

The above list is more suitable for preparing a public speech. When writing essays-reasoning, the following arguments are most often used:

    proverbs and sayings reflecting folk wisdom, the experience of the people;

    facts, events;

    examples from personal life and the life of others;

    examples from fiction.

By the way, it is no coincidence that you are offered to choose exactly three arguments, since this is the optimal number of arguments to justify your thought. As noted by I.A. Sternin, “one argument is just a fact, two arguments can be objected, but three arguments are more difficult to do; the third argument is the third blow, but starting from the fourth the audience perceives the arguments not as some system (the first, second and finally the third), but as “many” arguments. At the same time, there is a feeling that the speaker is trying to put pressure on the audience, persuading ”2.

Natural evidence

As already mentioned, natural evidence is the testimony of witnesses, documents, expert data, etc. A striking example of such argumentation is an argument "to the obvious."The use of this argument presupposes a situation in which there is an eyewitness (eyewitnesses) of an event or fact. For instance:

- Did you make major repairs in this house? - No. I have been living in it since it was built and I know that it has not been renovated.

- Did everyone like the new film? - No, not all. I myself have not yet seen it, but I heard from many who watched it that they did not like it.

In its usual form, this argument can hardly be used in the essay, however, as an “eyewitness”, one can attract the most persuaded (ie, an expert who will check the essay) by addressing his memory. In this case, we appeal to the experience, which is the same for the majority and therefore is obvious: everyone experienced pain, everyone knows the feeling of resentment, the majority is familiar with the state of inspiration, etc.

For instance:

Thesis:Communication with a book is important in childhood, during the formation of a personality.

Argument:In childhood, the content of the book is perceived especially vividly and often evokes strong emotions. I think this will be confirmed by everyone who traveled through Wonderland with Alice, or helped Robinson to develop a desert island, or fought the dark forces with Harry Potter.

Logical evidence

They are also called arguments "to the logo"or reasons for thought.Ancient greek word logosmeans “concept; thought, reason ". Thus, arguments to logos are arguments appealing to human reason, to reason.

One variation of this kind of reasoning is reasoning with definition 3. Such argumentation is based on the definition, clarification of a concept, when it is necessary to establish the essential (most important) signs of an object or phenomenon.

Usually, reasoning begins with a question about the content of the concept being clarified. Then an incorrect definition is given, reflecting the original, inaccurate ideas about the subject. Then this definition (definitions) is replaced by the correct one, which completes the reasoning. It should be limited only to those definitions that have at least some signs that coincide with the correct one. Each difference between a correct definition and an incorrect one should be analyzed.

For example: Who is a writer? Is this a person who can write? No. Every literate person can write. Maybe this is the person who writes correctly? No. All educated people can write correctly. So, a writer is someone who writes in an interesting and exciting way? No. The author of an interesting text can be a journalist, scientist, politician. A writer is a person who creates works of art, with the help of the art of words, reflects the diversity of human existence.

Another example of reasoning with a definition: It is often believed that a cultured person is one who read a lot, received a good education, and knows several languages. Meanwhile, you can have all this and not be cultured. That peasant family in the North, which I remember for all my life, possessed a genuine culture, because, first of all, it had the ability to understand others, was tolerant of the world and people (D.S.Likhachev).

Note!This kind of reasoning can be an effective introduction to your essay. In this case, you specify the key concept of the text, one way or another related to the problem raised by the author.

Deductive reasoning presupposes a train of thought from general to particular, from general to particular judgments (first the thesis is given, and then it is explained by arguments).

For example: We need to teach the Russian language better. First, the literacy of schoolchildren is declining. Second, we pay little attention to improving adult literacy. Thirdly, our journalists and TV presenters do not speak Russian well.

Inductive reasoning -it is a logical inference from particular, isolated facts to a general conclusion, a conclusion, from individual facts to generalization. Consider the state of the Russian language. Our schoolchildren's literacy rate is declining; little attention is paid to improving adult literacy; our journalists and TV presenters do not speak Russian well. Thus, we need to better teach Russian.

The simplest form of reasoning (both deductive and inductive) is a complex sentence, which consists of two judgments connected by a causal relationship (Reading books is useful because reading expands our horizons - Since reading broadens our horizons, reading books is useful) ...

A more complex form of reasoning is syllogism -deductive inference, in which a third judgment (inference) follows from two judgments (premises). A textbook example of a syllogism: All people are mortal. Alexander is a man. Therefore, Alexander is mortal. Usually syllogisms are based on well-known truths and on elementary logic that is available to everyone.

For example: Every patriot has a feeling of love for his country. Any country is a multitude of cities and towns, villages, villages, farms inhabited by people. This means that love for your home, for the street where our neighbors and friends live, for your hometown - this is the feeling from which patriotism begins - love for your Fatherland.

Ethical reasoning

Ethical arguments appeal to the commonality of moral, moral and ethical principles of the persuading and the persuaded. These arguments are designed to force the addressee to “try on the situation for himself”, identify himself with another person, accept his system of values, sympathize, empathize with him or reject the position of another, condemn his actions and behavior. Rejecting our identity with a certain person, we reject the system of values \u200b\u200bthat this person is guided by. Usually the objects of empathy are people, and the objects of rejection, condemnation are abstract concepts (cruelty, selfishness, hypocrisy, etc.).

Note the typical situations in which ethical arguments are used 4:


Type of text



An object

The source of empathy



Authorities, public opinion

Any social, national, age group (for example,

General human
values \u200b\u200b(compassion, mercy, fair




Characters of the work, carriers
high ethical and aesthetic values

These themselves
values \u200b\u200b(patriotism, nobility, honor, duty)


Type of text



Object of rejection

Source of rejection



Authorities, public opinion

Any social vices
(racism, corruption, bureaucracy)

Individuals, politicians, officials, their specific actions




Ugly, unethical, phenomena (meanness, betrayal, cruelty)

Characters and their
concrete actions

Here are some examples:

Thesis: Fascism must be eradicated.

I think that any sane person will agree with the author: people should understand the danger of spreading the ideas of fascism. First, fascist ideology zombies a person, kills a person in him, because, according to the ideologists of the Third Reich, the state is more important than the person.

Secondly, fascism tramples on the eternal moral norms, to the realization of which mankind has been going for centuries, openly propagandizes racism, teaches people to the idea that there are entire peoples who, for the sake of "racial hygiene", must be enslaved or destroyed.

And, finally, we need to remember the troubles that the brown plague once brought to the world: the Second World War, destroyed cities, devastated villages, tens of millions of dead, tortured, burned alive in furnaces, strangled in gas chambers, hundreds of millions of mutilated, crippled destinies ... - such is the price for the triumph of fascist ideas. This must not happen again.

It is often advantageous for a convincing person to turn to a "third party" - to refer to the opinion of an authoritative public figure, scientist, specialist in any field, to mention a proverb, a saying, appealing to folk wisdom. The strength of such arguments lies in the fact that, using them, we turn to a collective stock of knowledge, which is always greater than that of individuals.

A “third party” can be a specific or generic person, or a group of people. The name of a person is usually accompanied by additional characteristics: a famous Russian writer, an outstanding scientist, philosopher, etc. For example: Prominent civil rights activist Martin Luther King taught that ...; The genius Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev once said that ...; Even Peter I said that ...; Any historian will tell you that ...; Most doctors believe that ...; As established by Japanese scientists ...

Attention! A typical mistake!Since you will not have the exact text of the quote, it is better to use indirect speech: in such constructions, it is enough to convey the general meaning of the statement. This way you will not embarrass an expert who cannot verify the accuracy of the quoted phrase, and you can avoid being accused of misquoting.

It should be noted that the "third party" can be not only our ally, but also our enemy. In this case, we refer to a common misconception, a point of view that does not coincide with ours, and we refute this position.

For instance:

Nowadays, you can often meet people who argue that a person should think only about his own well-being. However, this point of view is not new: one can recall the philosophy of “useful egoism” by Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, the hero of F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". It seems to me that the history of our country convincingly proves the defectiveness of such a life position: today many care only about personal prosperity, and as a result we live in a state where selfish arbitrariness reigns, corruption and bureaucracy flourish.

In conclusion, we remind you that all parts of your essay are interconnected. Thus, by misidentifying the text problem, you jeopardize all work. Reread the text, check how the logic of your essay corresponds to the author's reasoning. And, of course, try to correct your mistakes.

Speech and grammatical errors are the most difficult for perception and comprehension.

Let's consider their types in more detail.

Speech errors and shortcomings .

    The use of a word in an unusual sense

Having slipped, I fell on my back and bruised my knee ”(instead of on my face). Zhilin was glad that he could escape back (instead of again).

    Violation of the lexical collocation of words

    Unjustified use of dialectal and colloquial words

Such people always manage to cheat (instead of deceive) others. The goalkeeper has a jersey worn (instead of wearing) over the shirt. At the school site, our class planted beetroot and tsibula (instead of beets and onions).

    Bad use of pronouns

The text was written by V. Belov. It (instead of the text that I wrote ...) refers to the artistic style.

    Inappropriate use of words of a different style; mixing vocabulary of different eras

    Non-discrimination of shades of meaning introduced into a word by a prefix and a suffix

In such cases, I glance (instead of glancing) in the dictionary. My attitude to this problem has not changed (it has changed instead).

    Non-discrimination of paronyms

Effective (instead of effective) measures were taken. Mom told me to take a sweater, but I refused to cut (instead of flatly).

    Non-discrimination of synonymous words

The name of this poet is familiar (instead of known) in many countries. In the final (instead of the last) sentence, the author applies gradation.

    The use of unnecessary words (pleonasm)

Young girl; very lovely.

    The use of nearby or closely related words (tautology)

This story tells (instead of saying, it goes) about real events.

    Unjustified repetition of a word

In this chapter we learn that Masha became an orphan. Masha (instead of a girl) lost her father and mother. The hero of the story does not think about his action. The hero does not understand the full depth of what he has done (instead, the hero of the story does not think about his deed, does not understand the full depth of what he has done).

    The use of unnecessary words, lexical redundancy

The month of August has come (instead of August). Then our bookstore will take care of you so that you can smile (this is superfluous).

    Word order out of order

Then I saw Natasha in new jeans (instead of Natasha in new jeans). The first to hit Kiribeevich in the chest was Kalashnikov (instead of Kiribeevich, he was the first to hit Kalashnikov in the chest).

    Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions

When the writer came to the editorial office, he was received by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.

Grammatical errors

    Erroneous word formation.

Nobility (nobility), handwriting (handwriting), hardworking (hardworking), mock (mock).

    Erroneous formation of word forms

more interesting (more beautiful), prettier (more beautiful). How many (how many) moral principles have we lost due to the loss of spirituality.

    Violation of the norms of approval

I am familiar with a group of guys who are seriously into jazz.

    Violation of management norms

We need to make nature more beautiful (beautiful). Everyone was amazed at his strength (strength).

    Disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

The majority objected (objected) to such an assessment of his work. The main thing that now I want to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work (the artistic side of the work).

    Violation of the way of expressing the predicate

Everyone was happy, happy and cheerful (merry). Dubrovsky himself was a guards officer (guards officer).

    Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members

The lessons teach us to love literature and many good qualities (love of literature and many good things). In this essay, I wanted to talk about the meaning of sport and why I love it (and why I love it).

    Errors in constructing a sentence with an adverbial turnover

Reading the text, a feeling of empathy arises (I empathize with the characters). Looking at the picture (when I look at the picture), emotions overwhelm me.

    Errors in constructing a participial sentence

The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot (snow falling underfoot). Marya Kirillovna was locked in a room trying to escape from the prince (Marya Kirillovna, trying to escape from the prince, was locked in a room).

    Errors in the construction of a complex sentence

This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read as a child (This book, which I read as a child, taught me to value and respect friends). It seemed to the man (an extra word) that it was a dream.

    Mixing direct and indirect speech

Bazarov tells Arkady that your (his) father is a retired man, his song is sung. The author said that I (he) do not agree with the opinion of the reviewer.

    Violation of sentence boundaries

When the hero came to his senses. It was already late (When the hero came to his senses, it was already late). He was not accepted into the basketball team because he did not know how to play. Because he was short (he was not accepted into the basketball team because he could not play and was not tall).

    Skipping a member of a sentence (ellipsis)

At the meeting, it was decided (decision) to hold a clean-up day.

    Violation of the temporal correlation of verb forms

When December came around, the weather changed dramatically (changed). The heart freezes (freezes) for a moment and suddenly starts pounding again.

    Particle errors

It would be nice if the painting had (an extra word) the artist's signature. In the text only two problems are disclosed (disclosed).