Research work on social studies on the topic “Research of Internet aggression of college students. Research work in social studies

Municipal educational institution


middle School of General education

Russian Federation

Zabaykalsky Krai

S. Alexandrovsky Plant

Scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren

"Step into Science" JUNIOR group

Scientific and research work on the topic:

"Teenager and the Internet".

Completed: 7th grade student

MOU Aleksandrovo- Zavodskoy Secondary School

Falileeva Elizaveta

Academic Supervisor: Falileeva Marina Vasilievna, teacher of social studies

S. Alexandrovsky Plant, 2015


This work is a research project to study the peculiarities of the use of the Internet and social networks by adolescents. The topic of the influence of the Internet on adolescents is very relevant today, when adolescents are increasingly using the Internet in their lives. The purpose of this work is to trace the impact of the World Wide Web on adolescents.

For 2 months I have been selecting material for writing a research paper. It outlines the main problems facing the younger generation when using social networks.

In the course of work, the following stages were implemented:

Stage 1 - research and search work, including the search for information in reference books and the Internet.

Stage 2 - generalization of the received material.

Stage 3 - conducting a survey.

Stage 4 - fixing the results of the work.

Stage 5 - analysis and explanation of the results.

To solve the tasks, the following methods were used: study and analysis of literature and various information sources on this topic; comparison, generalization, modeling; creating a questionnaire and conducting surveys.

The practical result of my research is the conduct and analysis of surveys among students in grades 7-8 at the Aleksandrovo-Zavodskaya secondary school.

Introduction …………………………………………………………… ..

Networking ………………………………………………………………

3.1 Positive impact of social networks …………………………………… ..

3.2 The negative impact of social. networks …………………………………….

Practical part …………………………………… .................................. ..

4.1 Sociological survey ……………………………… .....................

4.2 Research results ………………………………………… ..

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ..

List of references ……………………………………………………............


Relevance .In the era of rapid development of information technology, the computer is perceived as an integral part of our life. Most modern children generally cannot imagine their studies or leisure without it, and spend hours sitting alone with a luminous screen.
Currently, there are quite a few means, forms and methods of communication in the world, in particular, they use the global computer network - the Internet. Where people communicate, share any information, get acquainted. It should be noted that the Internet is developing quite rapidly, turning from a big toy for individual intellectuals into a source of all kinds of useful information for everyone, and also becomes the main form of virtual communication. Now it is becoming more and more difficult not to get into the "network" and not acquire computer addiction.

The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the fact that the study of the problems of computer addiction acquires special significance in the rapid development of computer technology.

I believe that the teenager and the social network is one of the hot topics of our time. Socialization of a person occurs in the process of education and under the significant influence of the environment. The environment of a modern person in which education takes place has changed significantly. The Internet is the most influential right now. Currently, the situation of the influence of both the Internet and social networks on the younger generation has become very aggravated. Some believe that it is only beneficial, some - that it is harmful.

Purpose of the study: consider the problem of computer addiction

Research objectives:

    Study the literature on the problem of computer addiction.

    Prepare a toolkit (in this case, a questionnaire) for conducting a survey

    Conduct a survey.

    Analyze the data obtained and formulate conclusions.

Object of study: students in grades 7-8.

Subject of study: the problem of computer addiction among adolescents

Hypothesis:Nowadays, the term "computer addiction" is still not recognized by many scientists dealing with the problems of mental disorders, but the very phenomenon of the formation of a pathological connection between a person and a computer has become obvious and is gaining momentum.

Research methods: analysis of special literature, study of terminology, questioning.

Chapter 1.The history of the emergence of social networks.

The prerequisites for the emergence of social networks were guest books (web applications consisting of a list of messages shown from the last to the first that each visitor can leave), forums (messages are grouped thematically, each visitor can leave a message on a given topic in response to the previous one) and blogs (each member keeps a journal similar to a personal diary, his posts are sorted in chronological order, and other visitors can leave comments on posts, while the user can create lists of "friends" or restrict access to his journal).
Gradually, on the basis of these forms of communication, social networks began to form, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of clearly established connections between participants.
All social networks have a number of things in common:

    the presence of user registration, when registering, the user indicates some information about himself, by which he can be identified;

    the user specifies a name and confirms his identity by entering a password;

    setting up the environment (for example, specifying additional data about yourself, your interests).

According to many researchers, social media is the main reason why the amount of time spent on the Internet is growing today. Their main advantages are the ability for users to declare their interests, and share them with others. And this gives grounds to assert that social networks are not only a means of communication, moreover, researchers believe that they will soon become a necessary tool for conducting activities. Social networks serve as a platform for informal communication, help create new music, and serve as a serious tool for finding employees and partners.
But one of the major drawbacks of social media is the ability to overlook some of the details that can be key to business reputation and that can have a significant impact on business decision making.

It is simply impossible to imagine modern adolescents without social networks today. Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook filled the minds of young schoolchildren. How did these social networks appear and develop? There are many different social networks on the Internet now. networks, and it's simply unrealistic to talk about everyone. Therefore, I will outline the most popular social networks among teenagers:

    My [email protected]is one of the popular alternative social networks. A distinctive feature of the site is the ability to give each other virtual gifts for free, and if you spend a little on SMS, you can instantly find and make a bunch of friends. Moy [email protected] is a Russian-language social network (with a context menu in Russian) that connects actions on the user's page on the main Mail.Ru portals. More than 40 million profiles are registered on the My World portal, more than 300 thousand people are constantly on the site online.

The goal of the "My World" project is to help in finding classmates, acquaintances, colleagues, friends and relatives. Here you can communicate via private messages, give each other virtual presents, express emotions, post your photos and videos, have a personal blog and read other members' blogs, download songs and listen to music.

The motto of the project: "Your friends, classmates and classmates are in contact with you"!

To register on the site, just create an account on the free email service Mail.Ru

    Classmates - remains a well-known and kind site created to help people find their former classmates, fellow students, old friends and give them the opportunity to keep in touch with each other, despite the different cities and countries of residence. Odnoklassniki ”is a multilingual social network used to find classmates, classmates, former graduates, as well as relatives and close relatives and communicate with them. The project was launched on March 4, 2006 by Russian web developer Albert Popkov.

As of April 2010, the site ranked fifth in terms of monthly coverage for the audience of Russian Internet users aged 14-55 among all Russian-language resources. According to the site's own statistics, as of July 2011, more than 100 million users were registered, as of March 2012, more than 148 million users, and as of January 1, 2013, more than 205 million users. The website traffic is over 40 million visitors per day.

    In contact with- a modern youth resource for quick and convenient communication, as well as finding people around the world. Most popular in Russia and neighboring countries. Founded by Pavel Durov in 2006. Initially it was conceived as a site for finding fellow students and classmates, however, since the first launch, it has undergone many changes and has been simplified. One of the resource's features is to watch videos and listen to music online. Registration is available to everyone, it is enough to indicate a mobile phone number and your phone will receive a login and password to enter.

Information technology quickly entered our lives. Today computers have become a powerful means of communication between people. With the advent of the Internet, users have unique global connectivity opportunities around the world.

In our time, the global Internet has become widespread. This technology and all its services: e-mail, chats, online communication programs (ICQ, YahooMessenger, etc.), conferences, forums, etc. - can negatively affect the human psyche. To date, most users have brought the Internet and local networks into their home and office, and teenagers are in a hurry to go to any social network. network.

The total audience of all kinds of social networks has significantly exceeded one billion people. A significant number of users, no matter what they do on the Web, no longer leave their account in any one. This kind of universal social networks began to compete with a wide variety of Internet services, many of which, as it seemed until recently, were guaranteed a cloudless future without any hints of any serious competitors.

For each user, the Internet becomes as personalized as possible, because the social network knows and remembers everything about his preferences, forming an environment around him that is as authentic as possible to his needs.

Most people spend a local network at home under the pretext that they will search for something useful on the Internet, in fact, the first acquaintance of almost all people with the World Wide Web begins with registration in social networks.

Modern teenagers are significantly different from the teenage generation of past years, when the world existed without a computer and social networks, which have become the meaning of life for children of our time.

Parents often wonder how they can spend so much time at the computer when the weather is so nice! Indeed, modern adolescents and social networks have become almost inseparable, this is an Internet addiction that has captured the minds of children and filled their entire inner world. After all, ten years ago in the courtyards one could see noisy teenage companies and hear ringing children's laughter. Now children and adolescents are increasingly spending time at their favorite computers, which have replaced them with real friends, entertainment and even parents.

Communicating on social networks, a teenager joins various groups, subcultures, meets dubious people. All this can turn badly for the unstable psyche and even the life of a teenager who easily enters into trust and gives in to influence.

Another negative side of adolescent communication on social networks is the limitation of communication opportunities in the real world. Often adolescents who are accustomed to meeting "in absentia" experience problems in making real acquaintances. Indeed, on the Internet, a child can choose any role for himself, make himself better, more beautiful, invent himself ideal, but in life everything is not so simple, because you are what you are, and some are not ready to accept it.

    chapter. Online communication.

Psychologists, educators and parents strive to find the advantages of social networks, but there are not so many of them:

    The ability to self-actualize in the eyes of friends and acquaintances.

    Find friends, familiar classmates

    Search in social. networks of like-minded people. There are many important and necessary groups where people can exchange their accumulated experience or simply their views on life.

    A large database of video files, music files, among which you can find rare or necessary copies.

The impact of social media on teens can be both positive and negative. Almost always there are more negative factors. The main harmful factors when you are often at the computer and find social networks:

Restrained posture, sitting position for a long time.

Sitting at a computer, a student (or an adult) is forced to take a certain position and not change it until the end of the work.

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

Modern monitors are safer for health, but not yet completely. There are electrostatic and electromagnetic fields around the monitor, a low intensity X-ray radiation emanates from the monitor ...

It is because of the load on the eyesight after a short time that the students develop headaches and dizziness. If you work on a computer for long enough, then visual fatigue can lead to a steady decrease in visual acuity.

Overload of the hand joints.

Constant overload of the joints and hands can lead to damage to the articular and ligamentous apparatus of the hand, and in the future, diseases of the hand can become chronic.

The stress of losing information.

If the computer "freezes, important and useful information is lost, the computer slows down, then this can cause nervousness, increased blood pressure, and poor sleep.

Z dependence on the virtual world.

This is perhaps the most common problem.

- Public availability of information.

Users can easily add information about themselves, which can be used by interested people.

Mental disorders.

With problems in real life, communicating with other people, a person is looking for what he lacks in books, watching TV, and a computer. Therefore, sometimes he plunges into the computer world completely, forgetting about the real world.

Chapter 4. Practical research

4.1 Sociological survey

The practical part was carried out with the participation of students from our school. Among students in grades 7-8, 10, adolescents aged 13-16 years, a sociological study was conducted

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school of the village Itkineevo of the municipal district Yanaul district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Research work on the topic:
"Civil marriage"


11th grade student

Sharafutdinova D.F.


history and social studies teacher

Gazizova G.Z.

Itkineevo, 2009

  1. Methodological section
    1. Introduction …………. …………………………………………………………… 3

      Relevance of the topic .. ……………………………………………………… ... 3

      Problem situation ……………………………………………………… 5

      Purpose of the study …………………………………………………………… 10

      Research objectives ………………………………………………………… .11

      Object and subject of research …………………………………………… ..11

  1. Methodical section

      Information gathering methods ……………………………………………… ..11

      Place, time of the study, name of the toolkit ... ... ... 11

      Characteristics of the toolkit …………………………………………… .11

      Sample ……………………………………………………………………… ..12

      Sample questionnaire ……………………………………………. …. …. …. .. ...13

  1. Analytical section

      Research results ……………………………………. …. ….. ….. .12

      Conclusion ... ……………………………………………………. ………… ... 14

  1. Methodological section

1.1. Introduction

We constantly hear that young people, before going to the registry office to submit an application, try to live together in a “civil marriage”, sometimes called a “trial”. What are young people trying to achieve? “Civil marriage” becomes a kind of opportunity to test your feelings about each other, to be husband and wife for a while, to taste all the delights of family life. And only then register your relationship.

For me, as for a true Muslim, these desires to “play” with the family are completely incomprehensible. It is absolutely clear that young people who are beginning to think about marriage have grown out of kindergarten and have not played with dolls for a long time. Is the desire to pamper still lingering in the soul, and "civil marriage" is becoming a convenient opportunity to satisfy this need? Most likely no. So why, in order to test your feelings, you can't just continue to meet, communicate, and quite logically approach a wedding and a full-fledged marriage? Why will the desire to live under the same roof as "trial" spouses prevail over common sense? There are many such questions you can ask. One could blame everything on the licentiousness of the morals of modern youth. But the position of the parents is striking, with whose permission young people begin to live in “trial marriages”. It is even more surprising when middle-aged people who have already had experience of family life and, often, who have survived a divorce, enter into a “civil marriage”. What attracts them to "civil marriage"?

1.2 Relevance of the topic

Once upon a time, the term "civil marriage" meant family relationships that were not sanctified by the sacrament of a wedding. Today the definition has extended to family unions, not recognized not only by the church, but also by the state. In such families, husband and wife are bound exclusively by love and oral agreement. The topic I have chosen is relevant, since nowadays, especially among students, unregistered unions are quite common. If earlier civil marriages were considered something immoral and immoral, today many people are in no hurry to register their relationship with the registry office, preferring to just live at first, without burdening themselves with a stamp in their passport. The attitude of society towards civil marriages is becoming more and more loyal, so this form of relationship has become widespread. Nevertheless, disputes over civil marriages have not subsided to this day, and the attitude towards them is far from unambiguous. Having conducted a survey among young people and among the older generation, I will try to find out what they think about this.

Currently, sociological scientists have broken many copies about civil marriage. Sociology has developed a single point of view on the problems of civil marriage, but do young people agree with it?

It is believed that the most common reason for concluding a civil marriage is an attempt to rehearse family relations, where everyday compatibility is checked, which mutual love and sexual attraction do not yet guarantee. It is likely that everyday habits will be so different that it will be easier to part than to condemn yourself to family life. Do the students agree with this?

Sometimes scientists recommend civil marriage as a temporary form of personal life to everyone who has a desire to love and be loved many times higher than their financial solvency. In a civil marriage, young men and women will gain invaluable experience, learn to respect the space of someone else's life and value their own freedom. Do students need such a relationship - after all, they are initially created precisely as temporary?

It is believed that civil marriages have their own psychological benefits. Unions that are not burdened with a stamp in the passport are not burdened with social stereotypes about family life, such as, for example, "a woman is a housewife, a man is a breadwinner", "the budget should be common", "not a step to the left", "you need to please to all relatives of the spouse. " Are young people inclined to perceive the "other half" of civil marriage as their property?

In the West, the time when a civil marriage should give way to a legal one is easily determined: spouses are officially registered when they decide to have a child. How do high school students define this “watershed”?

It is believed that the main enemy of civil marriages is public opinion, which considers such experiments too extravagant and frivolous. Do they think that it is necessary to be strict with their informal personal life, in order, for example, to make a career, or is it a personal matter for everyone?

Often in a civil marriage, one of the spouses, using the emotional, sexual, possibly, and material dependence of the partner, subordinates him, while leaving himself room for maneuver. One of the partners categorically refuses to marry, while the other either plays along with the first, claiming that the main thing is feelings, not formalities, or arranges scandals, or suffers secretly. Do eleventh graders consider this course of events psychologically traumatic?

And, finally, it is generally known that people in a civil marriage do not have a sense of the inviolability of their position, the seriousness of their relationship. They are also deprived of a certain social status. In addition, informal family relationships are a huge legal risk. If something happens to one of the spouses, the other will suddenly lose all real estate and property. This form of marriage is usually actively opposed by the parents of the husband and wife. Parents and children react painfully to the precarious status of parents. What is the opinion of young people on these issues?

    1. Problem situation

In a civil marriage, there are both positive and negative sides.

What does the rehearsal give? Living together before the official registration of the relationship reveals many things that are invisible during the period of courtship and first love.

The influence of relatives on a man can be very strong, which, with a weak character of a man, can lead to many conflicts in the family. It's no secret that sometimes the husband's parents try to establish "their own rules" in the newlyweds' family. And the woman's relatives do not remain in debt either.

The adaptability of a husband or wife to adult life also manifests itself only when living together. A beautiful and well-groomed beloved in a joint life can manifest itself as a slob and inept. And the man will turn out to be a narcissistic despot who believes that everyone should please him. How many official marriages have broken up precisely because of such "discoveries".

One of the main points in married life is the ability to manage family finances. If each of the partners only thinks about their desires and needs, not caring about whether there is enough money to live up to paycheck, the marriage will not last long. Of course, reasonable people try to learn something, somehow organize their budget. But for some, the need for such efforts never comes.

The conviction that a man should earn a lot, and a woman should go shopping for relaxation and good mood, is firmly living in girls. In life, most people do not work that way, so there are reasons for divorce. So isn't it better to first identify such discrepancies before visiting the registry office?

Some marriages are not formalized due to the housing issue. For example, a man earns decent money and plans to buy a house in a year. If he marries now, then in case of divorce he will have to share the apartment. And who will throw a stone at him? How many cases do any of us know when a woman got married just so as not to go to the outback according to distribution. Then she was registered in her husband's apartment, and a year later she got divorced and sued herself a living space. The men did the same. Now in some countries of the former Soviet Union, the law is on the side of homeowners. But not in all. A man often refuses to register for the reason that he does not want to lose his freedom of choice. There are also such: he will live with one, then with the other. But any of us knows men who have several official marriages in their "medical history". This proves that the stamp in the passport does not guarantee fidelity. Many women wonder ?” and do not find an unambiguous answer. Like any unusual and little-studied phenomenon, civil marriage is overgrown with myths.

Opponents of such unions claim that those living in a civil marriage do not love each other. Statistics say that only 20 percent of civil marriages then develop into formal ones.

Although civil marriage has its opponents, there are many supporters. But, what is most interesting, they are often the same people, but at different periods of their lives. And this contradiction is fully explained by statistics: 92 percent of women in a civil marriage consider themselves married. At the same time, 85 percent of men consider themselves single, that is, they do not bear any responsibility for marriage and family. How differently a man and a woman perceive their position in such a marriage.

In Russia, now every third family lives in a civil marriage, this is about 3 million couples. In Europe, they went further - there, only every fourth couple registers their marriage. Usually, as they reason: - “We live together while we love each other. If feelings have passed - you need to leave! " It sounds romantic, you immediately start thinking about youthful maximalism. Only now scientists have found out for certain that love, passionate, bright, with strong emotional outbursts and other paraphernalia, lives for only three years. That is, after about this time, such vivid emotions, as they were at the beginning, go away, giving way to new relationships. In a legal marriage, most people get used to each other during this time, they begin to value and respect their partner, they develop common habits, similar views, not to mention children and property. The concept of "love" is transformed, and it turns out that a new type of relationship is not worse than a storm of passions. In a civil marriage, the door is always open. And the one who “lost love” can calmly leave home and rush to search for new passions. What is left for the other partner? Search new love... and again for three years ?? Maybe this is something that should be thought about from the very beginning. If a loved one offers to "live together", it will not be superfluous to ask what prevents a real marriage from being concluded. There may be several answers. For example, your man thinks that this will not change anything in your relationship. But, if the stamp in the passport does not matter to him, but it is important to you, why not meet you halfway? Sometimes a man says that he is not yet ready for marriage. Think about whether this means that he is not ready for marriage with you, because in this case, this man is unlikely to marry you at all. More often than not, the absence of a formal marriage is almost never indifferent to both spouses. Usually, one thinks that the stamp in the passport is not important (this is, as a rule, a man), while the other hopes that someday they will sign with him. And if time passes, but this does not happen, a terrible resentment arises. It is especially difficult if such a union falls apart, and the one who does not need a “stamp” immediately registers a marriage with another person. If your loved one cannot go to the registry office with you because he is not yet divorced or just got divorced and wants a little break from family ties, it may be worth asking him to first solve his problems, and only then start a life together. If he really loves you, then he will understand everything correctly. In the end, it is not so bad to check whether partners are compatible by civil marriage. True, quarrels and conflicts are possible with any form of marriage, but the results are different. You can't run to get a divorce because of an uncooked dinner, dirty socks are out of place, and you can't share an apartment, a car, or a dacha every time the scrambled eggs are burnt or your husband drank beer with friends. And in a civil marriage, there are no such constraining factors. Knowing that even a minor quarrel can lead to a breakup, people try not to express their grievances, not to discuss problems. And this leads to a more difficult situation and, often, to psychosomatic diseases, moreover, the one who is weaker or the one who loves more suffers more.

There is a misconception that it is easier for those who are in a civil marriage to disperse - there will be no need to interfere with the registry office and the court. Quite the opposite, moreover, from the legal point of view. If you can divorce a registered husband, dismiss him from the apartment and forget about him, then with a civilian everything is much more complicated. This person is considered an "outsider", but if he is registered in your apartment, then he has the right to use this room, including bringing another woman here. If you want to part with your common-law husband, but he does not? It will be very difficult to prove to the police that from today on this man is no longer your husband. And how to divide "fairly" the things bought together: a car or the same refrigerator? In a legal marriage, at least the court can help. In general, having some kind of movable and immovable property, you will have to contact bureaucratic bodies much more often than legal spouses, and it is much more difficult to solve all formal problems. Sometimes women in love, not wanting to lose a man, sincerely think that it will be easier to marry him, having lived for some time with him in a civil marriage. But this is a big mistake, because, as a rule, a man in such a union is happy with everything: he has a guaranteed intimacy, a housewife, and bachelor status. And the longer such a life lasts, the more difficult it will be to persuade the civil husband to apply to the registry office. What for? He already feels good. But civil marriages were, are and will be. Many couples subsequently register their relationship, and some spouses regret not having lived together even a little before the wedding. And this is understandable, because some character traits appear only when living together. It's very easy to be perfect two to three hours a day on dates. And how does a person behave when he is tired, upset, sick? Only by coexisting side by side can you understand the lifestyle of the other. If you are neat to the point of pedantry, can you withstand the daily carelessness and slovenliness of even a beloved person? When lovers meet, they gladly yield to each other, demonstrate their generosity. But only during life together, both character and principles are manifested.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with a civil marriage, unless it drags on for years. In the end, you can always agree on how long you "grind", and then decide your future, without waiting for your union to move into the "danger zone". Although it is fashionable now to say that traditional marriage has outlived its usefulness, opinion polls show the opposite: 70 percent of young people would like to marry legally, and only 17 percent are supporters of a civil union.

And this is natural, because only in a traditional family does a person feel most confident, and only in it can healthy, happy children be raised. This is the nature of a woman - she needs great moral and legal confidence in her husband. Judge for yourself: a woman gives birth and brings up children, loses her qualifications, loses time for professional growth and career, and, accordingly, material prospects. Therefore, a stamp in her passport is for her an official consent and proof that a man really loves her, understands her female problems and is ready to overcome them together. And everything else is not so important ...

Even such existing facts do not force two "halves" to think about their future. As sociologists note, the number of families who prefer not to register their marriage tends to increase.

    1. Purpose of the study

Find out the opinion of the eleventh graders of the MBOU secondary school of the village of Itkineevo about civil marriage,find out the opinion on the problems arising from partners in a civil marriage and their attitude towards a civil marriage as an acceptable unionbetween man and woman.

Find out what percentage of families in the village of Itkineevo live in unregistered marriage from the total number of families. Also, identify the attitude of the older generation to civil marriage.

    1. Research objectives

    1. Find out what young people understand by the term "civil marriage";

      Find out how high school students and people of the older generation relate to civil marriage and whether they consider this form of relationship acceptable for themselves;

      Determine the distinctive features of a civil marriage, according totheir opinion;

      Find out what could be the reasons for not registering a marriage;

      Identify the shortcomings of civil marriage;

      Determine when, in the opinion of the eleventh graders, a civil marriage should give way to a legal one.

    1. Object and subject of research

The object of the presented research is the 11th grade pupils of the MBOU secondary school of the village of Itkineevo, Yanaul district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, aged 17-19, in the amount of 10 people, as well as villagers aged 31-49, in the amount of 16 people.

The subject of the research is the problems faced by partners in a civil marriage.

    Methodical section

    1. Information collection method: survey in the form of a questionnaire.

    1. Place, time of research, name of the toolkit: Itkineevo village, Yanaul district of the Republic of Belarus - MBOU secondary school, Itkineevo village, December 2009, questionnaire.

      Characteristics of the toolkit:

Questionnaire type: dispensing

The questionnaire includes:

    1. Questions about the form:

      • Closed # 1, # 3-19

        Open # 2

        Semi-open -

      Trap questions: # 8, # 19

      Filter questions: ––

    1. Sample:

    1. Sample size: 10 respondents (6 boys and 4 girls), 16 respondents (8 women and 8 men).

      Unit of selection: students of MBOU secondary school in the village of Itkineevo at the age of 17 to 19 years old, villagers at the age of 28 to 49 years old.

      Geography of the survey: the village of Itkineevo, Yanaul district of the Republic of Belarus

      Sample type: targeted (quota).

      Information processing method: manual (Questionnaire)

2.5 Sample questionnaire

Dear survey participant (eleventh graders)!

1. Read the question and answer options carefully.

2. Circle the answer,which is closest to your opinion.Attention! There is only one possible answer to the question.

In advance thank you for your participation!

1. Your gender:
a) M

b) F

2. Your age: ______

3. Which of the concepts of "civil marriage" do you think is correct?

    family relationships not illuminated by the sacrament of the wedding

b) family relations not recognized by church and state

4. Do you consider civil marriage an acceptable form of relationship for you?

a) Yes

b ) No

5. Have you ever had a chance to live together with a man (woman) close to you, maintain intimate relationships, run a common household, without entering into an official marriage?

b) No

6. You consider the union a civil marriage if a couple lives in the same territory and has a common household ...

    from the first day

b) 2 weeks

c) 1 month

d) 6 months

e) 7-12 months

f) more than one year

g) I find it difficult to answer

7. It is believed that the most common reason for entering into a civil marriage is an attempt to rehearse family relations.

    yes, the main thing is to check household compatibility

b) no, in a civil marriage, the main thing is to check sexual compatibility

8. Your attitude to civil marriage:


    rather positive


    rather negative

    i find it difficult to answer

    those whose desire to love and be loved exceeds financial solvency

    everyone, regardless of financial condition

10. Which of the following can be purchased in a civil marriage?

    sexual and everyday experience

    the ability to respect the space of someone else's life

    the ability to value your own freedom

11. Is it possible for you to have a child in a civil marriage?



    i find it difficult to answer

12. Is it necessary to register a marriage if a child is born?

13. Which of the listed generally accepted rules of family life should be present between partners in a civil marriage?

    woman is a housewife, man is a breadwinner

    the budget should be shared

    not a step to the left

    all relatives of the partner need to please

    my partner is my property

    civil marriage is not burdened with social stereotypes

14. When should civil marriage give way to legal marriage?

    when partners decide to have a baby

    when financial situation allows

    when partners are convinced of the strength of the union

    when partners have lived together for many years


15. What, in your opinion, may be the reasons for not registering a marriage?

    in a civil marriage, it is easier for partners to separate

    obstacles from relatives

    financial difficulties

    avoidance of responsibility

    partners are not sure about their feelings

16. Public opinion considers civil marriage too extravagant and frivolous. Which statement do you agree with?

a) it will be difficult for me if public opinion does not approve of my personal life

    my life is my own business

17. What will you do if you are already ready to enter into a legal marriage, and your partner, on whom you are emotionally, sexually or financially dependent, flatly refuses?

    the main thing is feelings, not formalities - we will live in a civil marriage

    make a scandal

    i will secretly suffer

    i will part with my partner

18. What disadvantages of a civil marriage are important to you?

    people who are in a civil marriage have no social status

    people in a civil marriage do not have a sense of the seriousness of the relationship

    people do not have a sense of the inviolability of their position

    this is a huge legal risk

    this form of marriage is usually actively opposed by my parents and my partner

    civil marriage has no drawbacks

19. What point of view do you hold?

a) "A stamp is not a panacea for a happy life"

b) "Happiness will be only in marriage"

Thanks for answers.

All the best!

Dear survey participant (villagers)!

I, Sharafutdinova Diana, a student of the 11th grade of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Itkineevo, am conducting an educational sociological research in order to find out your opinion on the issue of civil marriage.

The survey is conducted anonymously. The survey results will be used in a summary form.

Instructions for filling out the questionnaire:

1. Read the question carefully.

2. Answer this question.

In advance thank you for your participation

Application form

1) What is your age? ________________________

2) Do you live here permanently or have you arrived? ______________________

3) Do you live in a complete family or not in a complete family? ________________

4) Is your marriage registered? _____________________________

5) How do you feel about a civil marriage? _________________

6) Is there complete agreement between you in raising children in a family? ___________________________________________________

7) How many children do you have and do you want more? ___________________

Thanks for answers.

All the best!

3. Analytical section

3.1 Research results

10 students of grade 11, aged 17-19, 16 villagers aged 28-49, took part in the survey.

Respondents are unevenly divided by gender

More than half of the respondents consider civil marriage to be an acceptable form of relationship.

The majority of students (60%) accept the modern interpretation of the term “civil marriage” as a family union that is not recognized by the church and the state, the rest lean towards the outdated concept of civil marriage: family relations not sanctified by the sacrament of wedding.

If a couple lives in the same territory and has a common household for a month, then such a union is called a civil marriage. Eleventh graders believe that from the first day of cohabitation without registration, marriage is considered civil. That is why, despite the fact that at the present time civil marriage among young people is quite common, the respondents (villagers) mostly answered negatively when asked whether they are in a civil marriage.

Among the disadvantages of a civil marriage are the lack of a sense of the seriousness of the relationship (40%), a huge legal risk (30%). Social status worries 10% of respondents, while 20% believe that civil marriage has no shortcomings.

Sociological research using a specially designed questionnaire allows you to find out:

    eleventh graders have a definitely positive attitude towards civil marriage;

    the generally accepted opinion about the advantages of civil marriage and the importance of psychological, material and legal problems arising in partners is not denied by the eleventh graders.

Contradictions with generally accepted in science positions appeared only on one issue: the dependence of the creation of civil unions on the financial situation of partners, however, it is well known that exceptions to the rules only confirm these rules. It's just that we, students, do not yet know what financial difficulties a young family has to face.

3.2 Conclusion

From the data given above, conclusions can be drawn and compared with hypotheses.

1) Modern youth perceives the term "civil marriage" also in a modern way (60%).

2) 62.5% have a positive attitude towards civil marriages, 18.75% - negative, and the same amount is neutral.

3) 70% of the respondents do not plan to have children in a civil marriage, and this is the majority of the respondents, as well as 70% of the respondents believe that a civil marriage will allow them to learn to respect the space of someone else's life.

4) As a result of the research, approximately the same figures were obtained. Most believed that a civil marriage had no shortcomings, and in second place, the disadvantages of a civil marriage were the lack of a serious relationship and the inviolability of their position.

It is assumed that by getting married, partners take on certain obligations to each other. And, what is important, this is done before a significant authority - before God (in church), before the law (in the registry office), and before people - “witnesses” (although now the participation of “witnesses” in the marriage ceremony is not necessary). Therefore, it is so nice to people who are tired of obligations, or who are afraid of them for an unknown reason, an unassuming and calm "civil marriage". Its merits are precisely in the freedom of relations. Such unions, not burdened with a stamp in the passport, are not burdened by social stereotypes about family life. Civil marriage is as open as possible to experimentation and creativity. While often, in an official marriage, people tend to perceive the "other half" as their property. "In marriage, sincerity is often replaced by diplomacy, trust is replaced by manipulation, and feelings are replaced by habit."

The social meaning and cultural status of unregistered unions are ambiguous. On the one hand, in the ordinary sense, they differ little from registered marriages: the same community of bed, shelter, household, budget, leisure, often the same community of long-term life plans, large financial investments, common children. On the other hand, according to statistics, civil marriage is a very short-lived form of relationship (most of such unions either break up or "grow" into a registered marriage within 3 - 5 years). And with all this opinion"A stamp is not a panacea for a happy life" much more common than"Happiness will be only in marriage."

The presented work describes a sociological study on the topic "Civil marriage".

In the research program, an attempt was made to conduct a system analysis, which makes it possible to clarify the subject of research, highlight the basic concepts and give their interpretation.

The purpose of the described study - to find out the opinion of high school students on the problems arising from partners in a civil marriage and their attitude towards a civil marriage as an acceptable union - is implemented by means of solving specific problems: during the questionnaire, collect and analyze information on:

    in what cases is civil marriage an unconditional good, and in what cases is it evil?

    should a civil marriage give way to a legal marriage, and if so, when?

    are the social status of spouses and the stereotypes associated with it significant to them?

    how does public opinion affect the strength of civil marriage?

    is the legal risk of civil marriage significant for spouses?

The object of the presented study is 10 students of the 11th grade of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Itkineevo at the age of 17-19, the subject is the problems encountered by partners in a civil marriage.

The paper describes the theoretical foundations of some methods of sociological research, a sample questionnaire is presented.

After receiving the results of processing the questionnaires, the data were interpreted.

The work I have done was very interesting to me. The data obtained as a result of sociological research practically coincide with my opinion.