Human activity, its features and types

Manifestations of human essence are diverse. However, a distinctive feature that allocates him of the whole world of living beings, determining his essence, is human activity.

Activity - Inherent in a person, a way to the world, which is a process, during which a person consciously and purposefully changes the world and himself. It is human activity that is the basis of the unity of biological and social in man.

Through the activities, a person changes the conditions of its existence, converts the world around me in accordance with its constantly developing needs. Human activity is impossible in a single manifestation and from the very beginning acts as a collective, social. Out of activity, neither society nor the being of each individual person is impossible. In the process human activity The world of material and spiritual culture is created and at the same time the activity itself is the phenomenon of human culture.

The main types of human activity are labor and creativity. Work - This is the appropriate material and subject activity of people who have their own content and transformation of the natural and social environment to meet the historically established needs of man and society. Labor is also the production of material goods, and education of man, and healing, and human management.

Creative activity is closely connected with work. Creation - The ability of a person to create qualitatively new material and spiritual values, establish a new reality that meets social needs. Creative activities include scientific research, the creation of works of literature and art, etc.

Labor and creativity are inextricably linked: Material labor contains the intellectual component, moral and aesthetic aspects, i.e. Elements of creativity. Human activity plays a crucial role in the formation of personality.

4. The concepts of "man", "Individual", "Personality". Personality structure.

The concepts of "person", "individual", "personality" should be distinguished.

« Human"This is a common, generic concept, it indicates the presence of such a historically developing community in the world, as human genus (Homo Sapiens), which differs inherent in the way of vital activity only.

The concept of " individual"Indicates a separate, specific representative of the human race, with its unique biological, mental and social characteristics.

The concept of " personality"Stresses the social essence of the individual. The concept of "personality" indicates the integrity of the social properties of a person, characterizes the individual as a product of social development, the result of the inclusion in the system of social relations through communication and active activities. Personality is a carrier of legal, ethical, aesthetic and other social norms, this is the subject of knowledge and transformation of the world.

The concepts of "man" - "Individual" - "personality" are dialectically interrelated: they relate, respectively, general single special .

The concept of "personality" is an integrating, unifying in a single whole and biological, and mental, and social in man. therefore in the personality structure You can select three levels: biological, mental, social.

Personality has the morphological differences, the peculiarities of their bodily organization: figure, walking, facial expression, manner talk. The biological level of personality also emphasizes the close relationship of a person with its environmental environment. The biological component is a prerequisite for ensuring the integrity of the personality, its manifestation.

The psychological stem is her character, will. The nature of the personality is manifested in achieving socially significant goals, according to the ideals developed by society. Without the will, neither morality, nor citizenship, the individual self-affirmation of the individual as a person is impossible.

At the same time, a person is a person not on his bodily or mental organization, but on social qualities. Personality is formed in the process of collective activities and communicate. These factors are manifested in the process of socialization. Socialization - This is the process of assimilating the individual samples of behavior, social norms and values, the process of forming social qualities, knowledge and skills necessary for the successful implementation of themselves in this society. Socialization is a process that plays a huge role in the life of both a separate personality and society. The success of socialization depends on how much the personality is able to realize itself, its abilities in society. For society, the success of the socialization process depends, whether the new generation will undertake the experience, the ability, values, the achievements of the culture of older generations will continue whether the continuity in the development of society will continue.

A prerequisite for the formation of a person is the formation of the worldview - the system of views on the world and the person's place in it. Only by working out a certain worldview, the personality gets the opportunity to realize the meaning of its being in the world, the possibility of self-determination in life, the realization of its essence.

Personality includes:

Generalities inherent in her as a representative of the human race,

Special features as a representative of a particular society with its specific national features, socio-political features, cultural traditions,

Unique individual characteristicsConditioned by hereditary features, unique conditions of microcers, in which the personality is formed (family, friends, educational or labor collective, etc.), as well as unique individual experience.

End of work -

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P. I. Smirnov
Activity as a form of human activity, specificity of human activity

In the previous article, it was argued that a significant feature that should be reflected in the content of the logically correct concepts "society" is activities. However, it also noted that for use in the research objectives of several concepts "society", formed taking into account this feature, it is necessary to make a more distinct concept of "activity", which was previously understood as intuitively clear. In this case, it was indicated that for a more distinct understanding of the phenomenon "Activities" it is necessary to carry out a number of conditions. In particular, it was assumed: 1) relate activities with other manifestations of human activity, 2) to identify the essential signs of human activity, 3) to determine the main varieties of activity, etc. This article is devoted to the achievement of the first two goals. The problem of the main varieties of activity will be considered another time.

As for the fulfillment of the first condition, then, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the activity is an amazing and difficultly comprehensive phenomenon, although it would seem, making it, people would have to know it in a detailed way. However, it is not. When you try to make a clear and clear idea of \u200b\u200bactivities, involuntarily pops up the image of an ancient Greek god of the proto, the distinctive feature of which was the ability to instantly change its appearance and turn into anything. This fluidity, mobility, variability of the activity, its "proteisis", coupled with immediate substance for any of us make it extremely difficult for theoretical description. As noted G.P.Shedrovitsky, at some point, mankind turned out to be a situation when "it not only did not know what activity was, but also did not know what means it can be found." But to comprehend the activity is vital. After all, it is clear that all our and victories and troubles are the result of our own activities. Will we can cope with it or not? Or she, as a hunched horse, will relieve his rider - humanity - in the abyss? Of course, it is required to "curb" it, and for this you need to make at least gross, but in something true idea of \u200b\u200bactivities. And, as already mentioned, the first, where to begin, it will relate it to other forms of human activity.

The problem is that there are currently categories that reflect various manifestations of human activity, for example, such as "vital activity", "behavior", "activity", "Communication", do not have more or less clear correlation among themselves. They are used in social scientists and the sciences of human behavior or as intuitive, or metaphorically explained in each other. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of the problem, the reader can make a selection of opinions, in general, random, regarding the concepts of "activity", "activity", etc. (a detailed review of the material on this issue would lead to the goal of this article).

We note, in particular, that when it comes to activities, it is possible to meet allegations where activity is explained through activities, and activity through activity. For example, it is argued that "activity - energetic, strengthened activity." In another case, the activity is explained through activity. At the same time, it is stated, firstly, that "activity is specifically human form of active attitude towards the world around the world," and, secondly, the integrity of the activity "is synthesized in the Marxist concept of practice, including the diverse forms of human activity and the work in the head of the head as the highest The form of activity. " In other words, the activity is explained through practice, and practice through activity.

Sometimes there is a rather strange opinion, according to which it can be considered as activities or social activities.

Found and fundamentally unacceptable attempts to determine the concept of "activity" through the concept of a single act or action. Apparently, the author of this definition implicitly relies on the classic scheme of M. Deber: Behavior - Action - Social Action. However, in the very source scheme of Weber, some sense incontripability is made. It lies in the fact that words taken from different semantic rows are inserted into a logical chain. We will remind, in a well-known article, Weber states that "behavior" ... always represents the action of one or more individuals, and the social action is "such an action that according to an intended person ... meaning agrees with the action of other people and focuses on it "

The incompatibility lies in the fact that (if the reason is not in translating costs) that the meaning of the word "behavior" relates to the values \u200b\u200bof such words as "activities", "communication", "speech". These words reflect human activity as a kind of process that does not have a clearly defined completion. The words "Action", "Social Action" relate to the words "act", "Act", "saying", etc. They mean a manifestation of activity completed at a certain point. It seems that behavior consists of a chain of actions, speech - from statements, activities - from actions. Therefore, as starting points, it is easier to use one-time, completed manifestations of human activity, building the corresponding processes, rather than the opposite. A separate event, the act easier than the sequence of the same type of events or acts. And in general, in the logic of the Russian language, the activity is a concept reflecting the process, and the action is a single act in this process.

Comparatively logical, at first glance, the interpretation of activities and behavior is presented as methods of human interaction with the world, and the meaning of behavior is in the adaptation of a person to the world, and activities in a creative-converter relation to the world. At the very least, both methods can be considered manifestations of external (motor) and internal (mental) activity. However, there is a question of a question (equality) of both categories. How to call housing construction or clothing manufacture? Behavior or activity? Is it possible to call the knowledge of "creative-converter activities"? Or the knowledge of the "way of adaptation"? Such questions can be set to infinity.

Finally, it is also approved that the activity is the "system and polystructure", and the metaphorical nature of this statement is almost obvious, since it is unclear about which system and polystruper, we are talking.

Missing in determining the concepts describing the activity of a person is probably associated with the fact that researchers are usually trying to define a specific (separate) type of human activity, not paying attention to the rest. At the same time, determining, let's say, the concept of "activity, individual authors rely on the texts (most often, classical), which they seem most convincing.

It seems, however, that for the further development of theoretical thought in the sciences of man and society, such approaches are little promising. Development required if not system, then at least some combination of the categories mentioned, more or less logical interrelated. Below and proposed (in the discussion plan) some ordered set of concepts reflecting the phenomenon of human activity.

It seems that it is advisable to proceed from the basic philosophical supplements about the subject and the object to develop such a set about the subject and the object, given that the ways of staying in the world ("existence") of phenomena denoted by these concepts are fundamentally different, as already mentioned in the previous article. Creatures (subjects) exist, and substances (objects) substance. The proposed neologism "to materialize" (which would be useful to introduce into scientific circulation) just emphasizes the fundamental difference in the ways of staying in the world (existence) of the object and the subject.

The recognition of the two ways of staying the world leads to the conclusion that the very original category, relying on which the original set of concepts can be built to describe the activity of subjects (including a person), there will be a category "existence". However, for further construction of this combination, additional, simple and almost obvious, assumptions will be required.

The first assumption is that in the existence of a subject, two main states can be distinguished: activity and peace. Activity is associated with intensive waste of energy and is due to both external and internal incentives. During the period of rest, the entity is minimized, the subject "turns off" from the world and restores the performance of its structures, he "rests."

The second assumption is to assume that activity can be both chaotic and mostly appropriate. The presence of a goal (the ideal model of the future result) is especially characteristic of a person. Calculating activity makes sense to call behavior.

The third assumption will be the assumption that it is advisable to be the behavior of at least two species, depending on its direction from the subject.

First, it may be essential to contact with the world, on its knowledge, use or conversion. Let's call this type of behavior by initiative behavior.

Secondly, expedient behavior is possible as a minimization of contact with the world, evasion from some factors of the world that can cause harm. This type of behavior can be called evading behavior, such as flight and protection (resistance to the forced contact).

Thirdly, initiative behavior can be sent by a subject on himself. In this case, the subject refers to itself as part of the outside world (object).

The fourth assumption is that the presence of both the subjects and private facilities (parties to the world, things, phenomena) is assumed. Accordingly, initiative behavior in relation to objects and subjects acquires two main forms - activities and communication ..

The activity is aimed at objects, the subject with its help will know, converts, uses, and simultaneously in the process of activity interaction with the world, it can change himself. Depending on whether the structure (object or subject) changes the benefit of two leading forms of activity: transformation and knowledge. As a result of the transformation, the object changes in accordance with the objectives of the subject. For a person, the main type of transformation (converter activity) is labor. As a result of knowledge, the structure of the subject is changing as material (body structure changes in accordance with the conditions of the outside world) and the ideal (especially peculiar to man when human ideas about the world are changing - the picture of the world - in the human head). In particular cases, when the subject sends its activity on himself, self-formation and self-knowledge turn out.

Taking into account the fact that the activity is always committed by the "sake of someone or something" can be identified by the main activities related to the existence of a person. They are detected from consideration of the simplest situation when available: 1) a figure, 2) Something "Other" (person, society, nature, God, etc.) and 3) the process itself. First, the activity can be carried out by the figure for themselves (let's call it "eaglestience"), through her leader ensures its existence. Secondly, the figure can carry out activities in favor of "other". This is a service activity capable of making sense to existence a leader. Thirdly, the subject can make activities for the sake of activity. It can be called "game". It introduces joy to the existence of a subject, fun. More This idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic varieties of activity will be set out in the next article.

Communication should be considered interaction between the subjects, which "recognize" each other equal to themselves. In communication, the subjects are reproduced (generate and raise) each other. The main forms of communication, similar to transformation and knowledge, is familiarization (informing) and understanding.

However, subjects of different levels may relate to each other as objects. Then we can talk about the activities of one subject for the attitude towards another. In particular, a person operates with respect to biological organisms to which it refers as lower in relation to himself. Possible, in this sense, such varieties of activity as hunting, fishing, animal husbandry, etc.

However, there is an opportunity when subjects (people) recognize fundamental equality towards other entities, but the first consider the second more "weak" (not equal) in some attitude in a particular situation. Therefore, the first in relation to the second also carry out some activities (as objects), but bearing in mind the benefit of the "weak" subjects. So, the doctor carries out activities towards the patient, the teacher in relation to the disciple, parents in relation to children, etc. The main thing in these interactions is that the stronger side relates to weak exactly as a goal, and not to the means.

It is also assumed (another obvious assumption) that, taking into account the complexity of the structure of living beings, communication between them can occur using different aspects of their nature. Communication based on a specific side (or the totality of the parties) of this nature generates different species Communication (and types of interaction) between subjects. In general, for the aggregate of living beings, including a person, perhaps communication based on the exchange of genetic information, the transfer of senses and signals (signs and meanings), the exchange of performance results (products and services) decisions. Clearly, that certain types of living beings are some kind of communication unusual. For example, communication between people is carried out mainly by speech, and between ants using chemicals. The bees, there is a so-called "dance language", when the bee with the help of movements shows the direction and distance to the plants-honeycombs, etc. Accordingly, it is possible a natural, sensual, communication (including compete-communication), activity, legal communication. Part of the mentioned types of communication was previously called the types of interaction between people.

From the point of view of natural interaction, people differ little from other living beings. But, starting with the sensual level, the names of communication between people are so complicated that they become qualitatively different from similar species of communication between animals, public insects, etc. Especially developed in people such types of communication (types of interaction), as a spectral communication, activity, activity, Legal (the primitives of legal interaction are already observed in groups of higher primates, where different individuals occupy a special, unequal in relation to others). Based on these types of interaction, there are special associations of people: community, community, society (in the narrow sense of the word), the state, society (society in the broad sense of the word), as mentioned above.

In general, one can offer the following set of interrelated categories reflecting forms of human activity (see scheme 1).

Scheme 1. A set of basic manifestations of human activity

The set out approach to the development of a interrelated set of forms of human activity allows to help solve some problems of theoretical sociology:

1) get rid of metaphoricity and tautologies in the definitions of the most important concepts characterizing the form of human activity;

2) to help build the simplest models (ideal types) of various human associations, which ultimately will serve as the basis for the use of natural science (theoretical) methods for the study of social systems;

The proposed set of major forms of human activity needs criticism, clarifications, etc., perhaps even in cancellation and nomination. But it seems undoubtedly that only by developing a set of interrelated concepts will be able to give the language of theoretical sociology the necessary rigor and accuracy in describing the diverse forms of human activity. This scheme for simplicity does not include activity directed by a subject on themselves. But it would be possible to find a place for self-knowledge and self-impact, swamp formation and self-education. Taking into account the objectives and results of the interaction between the subjects, it was possible to reflect such forms of communication as treatment, operation, education, maintenance, etc., which partly it was above.

Recognition of activity interaction as an essential sign of human society leads us, however, to an extremely important theoretical problem, which can be formulated in two ways.

First, how can theoretically distinguish the human society from the unification of public insects, if you do not connect other types of interaction? Secondly, is it possible to build a fairly adequate theoretical model of society, using only the idea of \u200b\u200bthe activity interaction, without resorting to additional species?

Regarding the adequacy of the theoretical model of the Company, built on the submission of an activity interaction as a basic, one can say the following. Its adequacy can be tested only as a result of checking the consequences that flow out of it. But as a preliminary justification, it is possible to use an analogy with those methods of theoretical knowledge that have long been used in physics. Physics are clear that any interaction between the material bodies is holistic. But if you take, let's say, the interaction of two magnets, then you can study only magnetic interaction between them, forgetting for the time that there is a gravitational interaction between them. On the contrary, studying the gravitational interaction between the celestial bodies, one can forget that there can be any electromagnetic interactions between them. Actually, this consideration was lying in the previously proposed combustibility of human associations arising from various types of interaction.

As for the question of signs of the theoretical differences between human society from associations of public insects or herd animals, it implicitly puts the Aristotle, stating that a person is a public animal to a greater extent than bees and herd animals, since it is a person who has a speech. Seeing that the human society resembles a hive, he introduced an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spectacular interaction as a distinguishing feature of the first one. Such a solution seems the easiest and most logical at first glance from the theoretical point of view. However, it explicitly leads to a complication of the theoretical model, which contradicts the initial principle of simplicity of its construction.

In addition, it is possible to indicate as a distinguishing feature and the fact that said associations are compiled from different biological organisms. But theoretically, it is not too good output. For you can imagine at least in the genre of fantasy, a complexized society with a high level of development, consisting of gigantic ants or some other creatures. This society may have the same problems as our.

However, there is another opportunity to find the difference between the hive or anthill from human society, does not attract an idea of \u200b\u200bthe additional form of interaction and without pointing to the biological organisms from which it consists. It is quite possible to distinguish the human society from any other combination of insects or animals if we find the fundamental differences of human activity from public animals. If you show that the human society, like the animal society, exists in the exchange of the results of the activity (that is, at the exchange of substance and energy between individuals), but the human activity itself is fundamentally different from public animals, it is possible to do without attracting additional types of interaction, To reflect the specifics of human society. If the activity, on the exchange of the results of which there is a human society, is fundamentally different from the activities of animals (or public insects), the human society is fundamentally different from any animal associations. But how does human activity differ from animal activities? What signs? We will try to deal with these questions.

Usually the first thing that comes to the mind of a person when (and if) is asked about the difference between human activity from animal activities, this is the fact of the presentation of the presentation of the performance of activities in the human head. At one time, one of the favorite quotes from "Capital" in the Soviet social science was the one where Marx, pre-abandoning the consideration of the "first animal-like instinctive labor forms", declares: "We assume work in such a form in which it is the exclusive human heritage. A spider makes operations resembling weak operations, and a bee of the construction of their wax cells will take some people architects. But the worst architect from the best bee is distinguished by the fact that before building a cell from wax, he already built it in his head. At the end of the labor process, the result is the result, which at the beginning of this process was in the representation of a person, i.e. ideally" . Much earlier, the same thought, but in a shorter and less developed form, A. Bladen. Speaking about those gifts, which God had handed over man, he mentions among others and "the ability of the mind ... comprehend the secrets of art and one should think that he intends to make it" (italic. - PS ..).

Strictly speaking, Marx (like us) does not know exactly if there is a certain image of a future result of the result or not in the head of the bee. But it is quite clear that if he is even there, the bee is unable to change it. The bee cell from wax will always be similar to the hexagon. But the ideal model of the future result of activity in the human head is always free to be created by the person himself. Each architect is able to build its own image of the future at home. Therefore, already at the stage of forming an ideal model, human activity acquires one of the essential signs - freedom. Accordingly, the presence in the head of a person's ideal model of the future result is really one of the most important, and perhaps the most important distinguishing feature of the actual human activity (even if we assume that a certain image of the future result is available at bee or bee). But you can specify other distinctive features of activities that have more "sociological" and less philosophical. It is now about the regulators of activity and the difference between these regulators in humans and animals.

We will proceed from the assumption that any activity is somehow regulated. At the same time, it is obvious that, firstly, the activity is somehow implemented and even develops, and therefore there are some incentives for its implementation and development. Secondly, the activity with all its variability is always somehow framed, and therefore there is something that she attaches this form. Thirdly, activity is always limited, as follows how water or gas vessel is limited in which they are contained. Accordingly, the main regulators of activity can be called incentives, designers and limiters.

Limiters are the properties of the external world (nature) and the leaders themselves.

The natural entity comes into contact with the outside world and mastering (knows it and uses) with the help of its activities only to the extent to which his senses and the structure of his body allow him. Tiger is able to exist (act) only in taiga or jungle conditions. Pchele needs summer air temperature and flowering plants. Without compliance with certain natural conditions (special for each type) the vital activity of any living creatures is unthinkable. Feeling organs, anatomy and physiology of living beings closely conjugate with these conditions, so normal activity is possible when they are not violated (not changed) neither environmental conditions nor the structure of this creature.

The person was able to radically change the situation described. With the help of technical means, it is able to learn and develop such characteristics of the natural environment, which are not available to him as just a living being. The subject of his activity was hardly the whole universe (at least as the subject of knowledge). Nevertheless, human activity limiters were and remain. We cannot carry out our activities if some natural condition disappeared, at the expense of which the activity was previously possible. The change or destruction of some properties and characteristics of the world entails the termination of a certain type of activity, and in the future the change in the structure of society and even to some extent a change in human properties and qualities.

For example, during Paleolithic, when the herd of mammoths and wool rhinos wandered through the territory of Eurasia, the main activity of people in the Tundrov Steppe zone was a collective cloudy hunting. The beasts were driven into traps - pits, bustle places, natural ravines, and then finished. Such a hunt required from people of considerable courage and coordinated actions. Later, during the Mesolitis, after the melting of the glacier, large, more precisely, giant animals disappeared. People had to do hunting on deer, elk, birds, as well as fishing. Collective cloudy hunting gave way to individual hunting and fishing with a bow and networks. Changing the external environment (the disappearance of giant animals) forced people to change the form of their activities. Moreover, they needed new mental properties and quality. After all, "if the Paleolithic was for a man of the school of courage and organization, then Mesolith became a school of resourcefulness and personal initiative."

Opening and inventions, thanks to which the world around us becomes different, gains new faces and qualities, expand the space of human activity, move its borders. The invention of rockets, ultimately, opened humanity the road into space, the invention of scuba in the ocean world. But no less important is the fact that technical devices give new properties of human activity compared to the activities of animals - they sharply increase the saturation of its energy and information. Simply put, a person, firstly, in its activity uses a greater amount of energy than absorbing with food, and the amount of this energy is difficult to move with the energy of animals. Secondly, the amount of information that the person uses is incomparable with the one that he can purchase from personal experience. In the simplest things, not to mention the complex energy or information devices that we use everyday life, So much knowledge is encrypted as one person does not master it in a lifetime. In simple keystroke, almost all knowledge extracted by natural sciences are involved in the home lighting network. But in principle, the boundaries of the activities are unreasonable.

In addition to purely external limiters, activities have their own, "internal" ordering. It is always performed in accordance with certain samples, resulting in certain "technologies" activities. We can call these samples. In turn, they can be divided into two classes: natural and social.

Natural designers are instincts and reflexes, and social norms. The designers set certain sequences, the algorithms of concrete actions, and outside these algorithms, the achievement of the intended goal is extremely unlikely.

Stimuli activities, thanks to which it is carried out and develops, these are needs and values.

As for needs, they are not specifically human incentives of activity. Activities caused by needs is aimed at supporting the existence of a figure. And in this respect, human activity is indistinguishable from the animal. But the main characteristic of the needs is that they are objectively, i.e. The most structure of the figure. And it concerns even higher, spiritual needs, for if they are not satisfied (for example, if the teacher does not read scientific literature), the figure in some point will be degraded. Therefore, activities in accordance with the needs of non-free, and its meaning for the subject is defined not to the free will of the subject, but its own existence itself. On the contrary, values \u200b\u200bare fundamentally different from needs as incentives. First, in the choice of values, a person is free. It is impossible to ban a person to fulfill his duty, writing poems or seek love (although you can create external obstacles that make the relevant activity). Secondly, by choosing a value, a person himself sets himself the meaning of his own activity.

Natural and social regulators of activity.

So, human activity differs from animal activities with signs:

1) the ideal model of the future result of activities

2) the presence of additional classes of regulators - limiters, investors and incentives,

3) immeasurably greater saturation of energy and information,

4) freedom (a person is free in building an ideal model of the future result of the activity and in the choice of values),

5) subjectively asked meaning.

Consideration of activity regulators led us to the three important concepts of sociology: the needs, norms and values, in more detail they will be discussed in other articles.

Let's summarize. Recognition of the corrected activity interaction as a social actually leads to the aggregate of other problems. The main problem is that it is necessary to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bactivities. To solve it, it was recognized as necessary:

First, relate activities with other manifestations of human activity;

Secondly, to identify the essential signs of human activity and show its qualitative differences from the activities of animals, which is necessary for the construction of relatively simple, but fairly adequate theoretical models of society;

Thirdly, to determine the most simple and fundamental types of activities, on the basis of which society exists.

The problem of activity among other manifestations of human activity was solved on the basis of the submissions about the category "existence" as a method of staying in the world of subjects. On this basis, the following set of categories reflecting human activity were formed:

1) actually activity as the widest category (in contrast to peace)

2) behavior as expedient activity,

3) Activities as an initiative behavior of the subject aimed at interaction with the object. The main forms of activity are knowledge and transformation

4) Communication as an initiative behavior of a subject aimed at another subject. The main forms of communication are familiarizing (presentation) and understanding.

The solution to the problem of the specifics of human society is based on the indication of the distinctive features of human activity compared with the activities of animals. Such are: 1) the presence of an ideal model of the future result, 2) an additional class of its regulators (limiters, investors and incentives), 3) freedom, 4) subjectively asked meaning, 5) increased energy-defective saturation.

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Introduction ................................................................................................... ... 3

    Part I.
      The ratio of the concepts of "activity" and "activity" .................. ... 4
      Activity: concept, structure, species .................................... ... 8
    Part II.
      Task number 1 ........................................................................ 15
      Task number 2 ................................................................................... .... 15
Conclusion ................................................................................................ .16
Bibliographic list ............................................................................. .. 17
Appendix ............................................................ ........................ 18


An essential feature that should be reflected in the content of the logically correct concepts "society" is activities. However, for use in the research objectives of several concepts "Society", formed taking into account this feature, it is necessary to make a more distinct concept of "activity".
Activity A special form of human social activity is called, which arose in his historical period of existence and ensuring its normal existence and development as a modern, cultural, civilized person. Human activity is out of society does not exist, as it does not have it in the infant, from any child who has not reached a certain level of psychological development. The activity is not and cannot be a congenital form of activity, it is acquired by people in phylogenesis and is mastered by a separate person in the process of its individual development in society, among people.
Goals and objectives This test work is:

    independent study of the topic "Activities as the highest form of human activity";
    obtaining practical skills by solving specific situations;
    analysis of the material studied, and the conclusion about the work done.
    Part I.
      The ratio of the concepts of "activity" and "activity"
One of the main theoretical problems when considering the concept of personality activity is the correlation of the concepts of "activity" and "activity". The difficulty lies in the fact that in a large number of cases, these terms act as synonyms.
Based on the analysis of the positions of specialists, there are a number of common significant signs of personality activity. These include ideas about activity as:
    the form of activities indicating the essential unity of the concepts of activity and activity;
    activities to which a person has its own internal attitude, which reflected the individual person's experience;
    personally significant activities: the form of self-expression, self-affirmation of a person on the one hand and about a person as a product of active and initiative interaction with the surrounding social environment - on the other;
    activities aimed at transformation of the surrounding world;
    the quality of the personality, personal education, manifested in domestic readiness for targeted interaction with the environment, to amateur in the needs and interests of the person, characterized by the desire and desire to act, purposefulness and perseverance, energetic and initiative.
The idea of \u200b\u200bactivity as an activity form, suggests that the activity should be inherent in the main components. In psychology, they include: purpose or focus, motivation, methods and techniques, with the help of which activities are carried out, as well as awareness and emotions. Speaking about the goal, imply that any activity is carried out for something, that is, it is aimed at achieving a certain goal, which is interpreted as a conscious image of the desired result and is determined by the motivation of the subject of activity. A person, being under the influence of a complex of external and internal motives, chooses the main one, which turns into a goal of activities aimed at achieving. Therefore, the goal can also be considered as the main conscious motive. Hence it becomes clear that productive activities are motivated and afflicted. However, not all the motives, in contrast to the goals, are aware of a person. This does not mean that unconscious motives are not presented in the consciousness of a person. They manifest themselves, but in a special form, in the form of emotions, as an element of the emotional component. Emotions arise about events or results of actions that are connected with motifs 1. In the theory of emotion, it is defined as a reflection of the relationship of the activity to its motive. In addition, they are one of the estimated criteria for choosing the direction of actions. Methods and techniques are an element of activity, but not just as a means for carrying out the action to which movements adapt, but as an element of the action scheme, as an instrument enriched with the last orientation to the individual properties of the object. Determining activity as a special form of activity, it is required to be aware of its differences, its features. As distinctive features, it is proposed to consider the intensification of the main characteristics of the activity, as well as the presence of two additional properties: initiative and situability.
Intensification Reflects the fact that in all characteristics of activity explicitly, elements of high-quality quantitative assessments are viewed. There is an increase in the severity and intensity of its components, namely, the strengthening of awareness, subjectivity, personal significance of the objectives, there is a higher level of motivation and possession of the subject in ways and techniques of activity, increased emotional pain.
Under initiative It is understood as the internal urge to activities, the enterprise and their manifestation in human activity. It is obvious that the initiative is closely connected and acts as a manifestation of motivation, the degree of personal significance of activities for a person, is a manifestation of the principle of activity, indicating the internal inclusion of the subject in the process of activity, the leading role in the internal plan. It testifies to the volitional, creative and psychophysical abilities of the person. Thus, it acts as an integrative ratio of the correlation of personal features and requirements of activity.
Sitizality of activity It can be considered as a characteristic indicative of the transition of activities in a different quality - the quality of activity in the case when efforts aimed at achieving the goal are superior to the normalized level of activity and are necessary for its achievement. At the same time, the level of activity can be considered from two positions - external relative to the subject and internal. In the first case, activity may correspond to a regulatory goal or exceed it. For the characteristics of such activity, the concepts of "forwardpotive" and "exercising activity" are used under which the subject's ability to rise above the level of requirements of the situation or, accordingly, officially imposed by society regulatory requirements. In the second case, activity is considered from the point of view of the subject and relates to the internally determined target that is not an external, socially determined, and its personal internal goals. For a person, the activity is always "regulatory", since it corresponds to the goal, in case of achieving which the activity loses its energy basis - motivation and develop to the level of supports, obviously can not. Activities that did not allow the subject to achieve the goal is traditionally considered not enough or "passive", that is, in principle, cannot be called activity.
The level of activity, its duration, stability and other indicators depend on the consistency and optimal combinations of different components: emotional, motivational, etc. In connection with which, depending on the method of communication of mental and personal activity levels, it may acquire an optimal or non-optimal nature. For example, to maintain a certain level of activity in two ways: overvoltage of all forces, which leads to fatigue, falling activity, and due to emotional-motivational reinforcement. It is these two approaches, for example, distinguish traditional training in high school, built with a support for lecture classes and innovative forms of training based on active learning methods.
      Activity: Concept, Structure, Views
The main, purely external difference between the living matter from inanimate, the highest forms of life from lower, more developed living beings from less developed is that the first is much more mobile and active than the second. Life in all its forms is associated with movements, and with its development, motor activity acquires increasingly perfect forms. Elementary, the simplest living beings are much more active than the most difficult organized plants. This refers to a variety and speed of movements, the ability to move in space for different distances. The simplest can only live in an aquatic environment, amphibians go to the land, black-shaped live on Earth and underground, birds rise into the sky. A person can create a condition for itself and dwell in any environment and anywhere in the globe (and in last years and outside the land). No living being is able to compare with it in variety, distribution and forms of activity.
Plant activity is practically limited by the metabolism with environmental. Animal activity includes elementary forms of study of this environment and learning. The human activity is the most diverse. In addition to all species and forms characteristic of animals, it contains a special form called activity.
Activity It is possible to determine as a specific type of human activity, aimed at cognition and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including the conditions of its existence. In the activity, a person creates the objects of material and spiritual culture, transforms its abilities, preserves and improves nature, is building a society, it creates that without his activity there was no activity in nature. The creative nature of human activity is manifested in the fact that, thanks to her, he goes beyond its natural limitations, i.e. Excellence its own genotypically conditioned possibilities. Due to the productive, creative nature of their activities, a person created a sign system, tools for affecting themselves and nature. Using these weapons, he built modern society, cities, cars, with their help, he made new objects of consumption, material and spiritual culture and, ultimately, transformed itself. Historical progress, which took place over the past few tens of thousands of years, is obliged to its origin of the activity, and not to improve the biological nature of people.
A modern man lives surrounded by such objects, none of which is not a pure creation of nature.
To all such subjects, especially at work and in everyday life, turned out to be in one degree or another the hands and human mind, so that they can be considered the material embodiment of human abilities. In them, as it were, the achievements of the mind of people would be determined. The assimilation of the methods of circulation with such objects, the inclusion of them in the activity acts as its own human development.
The main differences of human activity from animal activity:
    Human activity wears productive, creative, creative character. Animal activity has a consumer basis, it as a result of anything new compared to what is given by nature, does not produce and does not create.
    Human activity is related to the subjects of material and spiritual culture, which are used by him or as instruments, or as subjects of satisfaction of needs, or as funds from their own development. For animals, human tools and means of satisfying needs as such do not exist.
    Human activity transforms himself, its ability, needs, living conditions. Animal activity practically does not change anything in them, nor in external conditions of life.
    Human activity in its diverse forms and means of implementation is a product of history. Animal activity acts as a result of their biological evolution.
    Subsection of people from birth is not given. It is "asked" in the cultural destination and method of using surrounding items. Such activities must be formed and developed in training and education. The same refers to the internal, neurophysiological and psychological structures, managing the outside of practical activities. Animal activity is initially set, genotypically due to and unfolds as the natural anatomy-physiological ripening of the body.
Activities differs not only from activity, but also from behavior. Behavior is not always purposefully, does not imply the creation of a certain product, is often passive. Activities are always targeted, active, aims to create some product. Behavior spontaneously ("where will behave"), the activity is organized; Behavior is chaotic, activity is systematic.
Human activity has the following main characteristics: Motive, goal, subject, structure and means. Motive Activity is called what it encourages what it is carried out. As a motive, a specific need is usually performed, which is satisfied during and with the help of this activity.
Motifs of human activity can be the most different:

Man, his biological and social signs

Socio-political environment.



Natural environment.

Human vital activity.

Human activity.

Man, his biological and social signs.


Lecture 3.

Man as an element of the system "Life-Wednesday" system

The course "Safety of vital activity" is intended to study and understand the meaning of the life of the person himself, its nature and appointment, explanations of the basic patterns of life processes. It is necessary to ensure the conditions of the persistent comfortable existence of humanity. The meaning of the word "man" is multifaceted, as evidenced by the conceptual apparatus of sciences, which are studied by a person.

Philosophyinterested in a person in terms of its position in the world, primarily as a subject of knowledge and creativity.

Psychologyanalyzes man as the unity of psychological processes, properties and relationships: temperament, character, abilities, volitional properties, etc. That is, psychology is looking for stable characteristics of psyche, which ensure the immutability of human nature.

If a economic science it assumes that the person is able to a rational choice, then psychology proceeds from the fact that the motives of human behavior mostly irrational and incomprehensible.

Historians, on the contrary, he is interested in how the human being changes under the influence of cultural and historical factors.

Sociologyhe explores a person, first of all, as a person, as an element of social life, reveals the mechanisms of its formation under the influence of social factors, as well as ways and channels of the opposite influence of the individual on social status.

Man as part of nature is a biological subject. According to his physical structure and physiological functions, a person belongs to the animal world. It is characteristic that from the point of view of the biology of a fundamental difference between man and animal, there is no world. The similarity of man and animals is determined by:

Composition of substances, structure and behavior of organisms;

A person has rudimentary organs that performed important functions in animals and preserved in humans, although not needed by him.

The qualitative difference between people from animals is the qualities and features inherent in all people who find their manifestation in the concept of "NMO SARІNS" - "reasonable man."

Man as a biological view has:

· Characteristic bodily signs (vertical movement of the body on two limbs, hands are adapted to work, etc.);

· Highly developed brain capable of displaying the world in concepts and convert it according to its needs, interests, ideals;

· Consciousness as the ability to know the essence, both the outside world and their personal nature;

· Thinking and language that appeared as a result of labor social activities.

The most characteristic feature of a person is consciousness Supplementing about external circumstances, about their relationships with them and with other people, self-game's ability to live in harmony with himself, with the aim of aware of the meaning of its own being in this long-life world.

ABOUT human nature of vital activity You can talk since the manufacture of the first tools of labor. The content and nature of human life is determined by the method of human activity, the main components of which are means of production and communication.

If animals live in nature, then a person is in society. Socium - This is a special way of life of special beings - people.

A person is determined by three measurements of its essence: biological, psychological and social. Under psychological Understand the inner spiritual world of man - his will, experience, memory, character, temperament, etc. Social and biological there are in the inseparable unity. Biological, natural , simplisticly called the system, "which lives", and social - "How does it live." A person is a holistic unity of a biological, psychological and social level. Wherein human individual - This is an integral unity, which is the basis for the emergence of a qualitatively new level - personality. Personality - This is a human integrity measure that includes all the set of interrelated characteristics and elements.

The main difference between man and animal world consists of lifestyle. An animal exists, a person - behaves life. Everything that is in society, like the society, is the result of human activity.

Activities - This is a specific way of human relationship to peace. It unites the biological, social and spiritual and cultural essence of a person. Activities arises as a means of converting nature on consumption items, creation of culture, etc.

Characteristic features of human activity:

· Acts under the influence of certain motives to meet certain needs;

· There is due to the interaction with the environment (other people, objects, nature, etc.);

· Exchanges information with other people, i.e. takes part in communication;

· From the very beginning of life, a person is played, learns, and only then it works;

· It is due to the actions, interactions acquire a certain experience;

· Feels the influence of living conditions both at the level of the environment (microenvironment) and at the level of society (macroshrod);

· Activities have a targeted and focused.

Activity - This is the active interaction of a person with the environment, so that it reaches a deliberately set goal, which arose due to the manifestation of certain needs.

Need - This is the need for a person that ensures its life, self-realization and the continuation of the kind. Needs are divided into groups:

physiological and sexual (in food, breathing, movement, clothing, accommodation, rest, in reproduction of people, sexual proximity);

existential (this is the need for safety of existence, confidence in tomorrow, the stability of society, the guarantee of the workplace);

social (in belonging to the team, group or community, in communicating, care for others and attention to yourself, in participation in general labor activity);

prestigious (in respect from others, their recognition and high assessment of your abilities, in service growth and high status in society);

personal (in self-expression, in self-realization (or self-actualization), i.e. in an active manifestation of oneself as an independent, original, creative personality;

spiritual (Needs in new knowledge about the world around the world, in self-knowledge, attracting to sciences, arts, etc.).

The first two groups of needs are primary and congenital , Four others - acquired.

Each person has its own hierarchy of species and types of activity. One so specific form Activity is work , which is a targeted human activity, in the process of which he works on nature and uses it to produce the material benefits necessary to meet its needs.

Human work is radically different from the "labor" of animals. The most important difference is that a person uses the tools of labor, which are made by workers. Animals do not know this.

From a physiological point of view - These are the cost of physical and mental human energy, but it is necessary and useful for a person. Only in harmful conditions or with excessive voltage of the forces by a person, in one form or another, negative consequences of labor may appear, which pose a threat to his life and health.

The purpose of human life Developed in a variety of activities - in the work, education, family life, passionate science, literature and art, in active social activities and active life position.

When we talk about life, you need to remember about the opposite concept - of death , representing the end of the biological existence of a living organism, cessation of human life. Understanding the inevitability of death, awareness that human life is the only one in the visible shell and has the end, contributes to the understanding of its moral meaning and value, makes it possible to understand the purpose of life and know the purpose of man.