Funny phrases about women are short. You are a woman, and that makes you beautiful! A selection of quotes, statuses and aphorisms about women

When, if not at the beginning of spring, to talk about the beautiful half of humanity - about women. After all, a woman is like spring: gentle, desirable, beautiful and slightly insidious. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about women. Some of them will help you rethink the role of a woman, while others will simply cheer you up.

Even in ancient times, philosophers made an attempt to explain the female essence and give an adequate assessment of female behavior. But the beautiful half of humanity, as it turned out, defies any descriptions, excuses and explanations. A woman does not tolerate clichés, she is emotional, and her mood is changeable.

Men have always had problems with understanding women's logic. They do not understand why they need to spend hours in the salon, go shopping for half a day, but at the same time dream of having an amazing woman next to them. To understand a woman, she just needs to be born.

Women know how to love. If you earn trust and impress with your actions, you can achieve her love and affection for life. But if you offend her, you can regret it all your life. Women are not vindictive, they just have a good memory, and they will never miss an opportunity to remind their abuser of themselves. They don't even have to do much for this - it's enough just to appear in all its glory to force the ex to gnaw your elbows!

By nature, a woman is a mother. She, like a tigress, will love and protect her child, no matter how old he is. A modern woman manages to combine several statuses at the same time. She can become a caring wife, a loving mother, and still be successful in her career.

If you were struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means that she was dressed perfectly (Coco Chanel).

A man should remember a woman, not her clothes.

If you want to know the girl's flaws, praise her in front of your friends. (B. Franklin).

Nothing pushes towards truth like a sense of competition ...)

Women love it most when money is spent on them. (Moliere).

Moreover, women believe that men are created only to spend money on them ...

There is nothing more destructive than a woman (Homer).

But there is nothing more beautiful either ...)

One woman will never admit the beauty of another (Lessing).

But she will never doubt her charm!

Not the beauty of every woman is gold, but intelligence and silence (Menander).

Funny quotes and aphorisms

A woman is the same force of nature, like wind, lightning, electricity.

Only the frequency of her gusts is much more frequent ...)

A woman is like a traffic police inspector: she will say nonsense, take away the money, ruin the mood, and you are also to blame.

Not only will he take away the money, he will also write out a fine ... a month without sex ...)

Women can keep secrets, but in groups - about thirty!

The secrets are just so big that they cannot cope with them alone ...)

A woman was created in order to love her, not in order to understand her.

She herself does not understand where someone is going ...)

Women are woven from paradoxes, sewn with inconsistencies and stuffed with mutual exclusions. Maybe that's why you won't get bored with them?

So why then are you trying to fix everything to make you bored?)

Yesterday I saw a girl running around the city in a wedding dress ... That's what I understand in an active search ...

And it certainly wasn't you?)))

About women with humor

The ability to fly on a broomstick is all that will distinguish a witch from an ordinary woman.

And what, outwardly, too, are so similar?)

We women only have two weapons - mascara and tears - but we can't use both of them at the same time.

Are you afraid to turn into a kikimor?)))

A real woman knows how to make a salad, a hat and a scandal out of nothing.

They can also divorce out of the blue ...)

Sometimes a woman owes you so much that you will never leave her ...

Women bind men not with their soul and beauty, but with the sums spent on them ...)

An intelligent woman never repeats other people's mistakes. She is able to come up with new ...

Some turn out to be so smart that they don't even have to invent anything ...)

All women are two-faced - one personality is kind and gentle, and the second appears when they offend the first.

Should at least someone protect us ?!))

About strong and beautiful women

Beauty prevents a woman from getting smarter, and her mind from preening.

Nothing bothers me, am I not a woman?)))

God made women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so they could love men.

Is it really that bad with men?)))

A beautiful woman is heaven for the eyes, hell for the soul and purgatory for the pocket.

What did you think you got into a fairy tale?)))

A beautiful woman always feels happy.

And it doesn't matter to her that other women faint from this ...)

I am a strong woman! And I'll take out the trash, and the brain if necessary!

Feminine power knows no boundaries)

A strong woman is not when you pull a freight train with one hand. A strong woman is when you want to cry in pain, and you smile at everyone.

And who does not smile back, he risks learning what female power is ...)

About a woman's smile

It is much easier to solve dreams than a woman's smiles.

It would be better not to make up dream books, but interpreters of women's smiles ...)

The best smile of a woman is meant for a mirror.

It will always tell the truth.

A woman brightens up imperfections in her face with makeup, imperfections in her figure with clothes, and imperfections in her mind - by marriage to an intelligent man.
Edward Sevrus

An intelligent woman is one in whose society you can behave as stupid as you like.
Paul Valerie

The woman laughs when she can and cries when she wants to.
Jean Antoine de Baif

A woman never notices what is being done for her, but she will always notice what is not being done for her.
Georges Courteline

Not the beauty of every woman is gold, but intelligence and silence.

You can ask a woman why she is crying, but you should never ask her why she was crying: she does not remember it.
Alexandre Dumas - son

A woman is like a general rule: the rule, like a woman, has an exception in many cases.
Ancient Greek aphorism

Women are never as strong as when they are armed with weakness.
Ivan Bunin

Woman is sweeter than life and bitter than death.

There are thousands of tricks to get women to talk, but there isn't one to silence them.

Women have only one way to make us happy and thirty thousand means - to make us unhappy.
Heinrich Heine

All opposites converge in a woman's heart.
Francois Voltaire

A woman has her whole heart, even her head.
Jean Paul

Where a woman reigns, desires are often more important than deeds.

The one who was the first to call women the fair sex, perhaps wanted to say something flattering for them, but in fact expressed something more.
Immanuel Kant

There is no worse evil than a bad woman; and nothing has ever been created better than good.

It often happens that, after a woman has given the key to her heart, she changes the lock the next day.
Charles Augustin de Saint-Beuve

More than love, vanity ruins women.
Marie Dudephan

Most women love for money, just the most sensible think that it is more profitable to do it on credit.
Edward Sevrus

Women surrender to God when the devil no longer wants to deal with them.
Sophie Arnoux

Women drink flattering lies in one gulp, and bitter truth in drops.
Denis Diderot

An ordinary woman has as much intelligence as a chicken, and an extraordinary woman has as much as two.

God makes a woman beautiful and the devil makes pretty.
Victor Hugo

One must be able to often obey a woman in order to have the right to command her sometimes.
Victor Hugo

I never liked the men that I was in love with, and I have never been in love with the men that I liked.
Fanny Bryce

Forget the rest of whoever decided to rule a woman.

Love the woman as you made her, or make her the way you love her.
Spanish proverb

Of all the eternal things, love lasts the shortest.
Jean Baptiste Moliere

No matter how badly men think of women, any woman thinks even worse of them.
Nicola-Sebastian de Chamfort

For love to be eternal, indifference must be mutual.
Don Aminado

In the most sincere confessions of a woman, there is always a place for default.
Honore Balzac

It is difficult to fall to your knees in front of a woman who is already sitting on them.
Leszek Kumor

A woman cannot be convinced. She can only be persuaded. "
Mikhail Grabovsky

Women piss me off. They have the gift of dazzling and being blinded. They are stubborn because they are weak. Distrustful because they are weak. They are vindictive because they are weak ... They need constant food for the senses, they do not see vices in their idols, because they are adored; and that is why they are incapable of friendship, for friendship is hardly blinded! - But is it possible to scold women? You can: scold boldly. They have as much virtue as vices.
Konstantin Batyushkov

Beautiful women are often like big cities that are easy to master but hard to hold.
Pierre Bouast

First of all, a pretty dress, then handsome manto worship her - these are the usual desires of a woman.
Kristjan Bovi

Those who distinguish between good and evil, victory and defeat, life and death, even those who know the essence of things, are perplexed by the behavior of women.

Love for a woman has a great, irreplaceable meaning for us: she is like salt to meat: saturating the heart, protects it from damage.
Victor Hugo

The virtue of women often comes from the avarice of their lovers.

A good woman, getting married, promises happiness, a bad woman awaits it.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

There are women who must first be loved in order to know them; they usually do the opposite.
Jean Paul

A woman always has three ages: apparent, real, and ascribed to herself by her.
Allen Carr

Women who get involved in politics are hens who become kites.
Carmen Silva

There are no women who, going to the theater, would not hope that they themselves will also be a little bit of the subject of the show.
Allen Carr

We call a fickle woman who has fallen out of love; frivolous - one who immediately fell in love with another; windy - one who herself does not know whom she loves and whether she loves at all; cold - the one that does not love anyone.
Jean de La Bruyere

A woman who does not hide her age is either too young and has nothing to lose, or too old and has nothing to look for.
Chinese proverb

Most honest women are hidden treasures that are safe only because no one has yet looked for them.
La Rochefoucauld

A woman loves to be thrown into her eyes, and the more this dust is allowed, the more she opens her eyes so that more dust gets into them.
Alfred de Musset

The woman does not want to be talked about her amorous affairs, but wants everyone to know that she is loved.
André Maurois

Every woman is evil, but she is twice good: either on the bed of love, or on her deathbed.

A divinely beautiful woman often has a devilish character.
Edward Sevrus

A woman forgives contempt, rudeness, hatred. She does not forgive irony.
Etienne Rey

There is nothing easier than turning a mediocre woman into an exceptional one. It is enough to love her.
Marc-Gilbert Sauvageon

Mute diamonds often affect a woman's mind more than any eloquence.
William Shakespeare

A woman is a human being who dresses, talks and undresses.

A woman can sometimes confess her sins, but I have not known a single woman who would confess her weaknesses.
Bernard Show

If you want to know a girl's flaws, praise her in front of your friends.
Benjamin Franklin

A frivolous woman will deceive you lightly, and a serious woman will deceive you seriously.
Henri Rochefort

There are many women who scream at the sight of a mouse or a rat, but are capable of poisoning their husband or, even worse, bringing him to the point of poisoning himself.
Henry Fielding

There is nothing more destructive than a woman.

Most women have no character: they are either blondes or brunettes; this is an even better way to tell them apart.
Alexander Pope

Women always fondly remember their first lover, but do they always manage to remember who was the first?
William Somerset Maugham

A woman is more likely to love a man she hates than one to whom she is indifferent.
author unknown

When some women ask their friends not to divulge a secret entrusted to them, they do it only so that the news spreads as soon as possible.
André Maurois

A woman would be in despair if nature created her the way her fashion does.
Paul Bourget

Women in love are like death: they are uninvited and do not come when they are called.
Ramon Campoamor

Women at home are crows, in society - peacocks, alone with a friend of the heart - doves.
Karl Weber

For some women, pride so prevails over bashfulness that they readily admit to acts that they did not commit.
André Maurois

Just as a fish should be measured without taking into account the head and tail, so women should be looked at without paying attention to their hair and shoes.
Jean de La Bruyere

Women love it most when they spend money on them.

Women are much better at saying no than men.
Margaret Thatcher

The love of a woman should be more feared than the hatred of a man. It is a poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasant.

Various statements about one of the main mysteries of the Universe - women :) These statements are very different: both rather funny and the most serious.

Steve Jobs on meeting his wife Lauren:
I was in the parking lot, the key was in the ignition, and I thought: “If this was the last day of my life, what would I spend it on? To a business meeting or to meet this woman? " I ran through the parking lot and asked her to dine together. She agreed, we went to the city and since then we have not parted.

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It was not difficult to understand her, she wanted just a little: understanding, warmth and love. But everyone around was trying to give her anything but this.

Dmitry Grinberg


There was nothing left of her, except for her beautiful large eyes, which were painful to look at, because, if they were smaller, perhaps so much sadness could not fit in them.

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“Some women are not made to be tamed. They are created to be free until they meet someone like that, to be free together. "
- Sex and the City


Love the woman for the sin you brought out of paradise. And not because she cooks and washes the best. Love a woman for the sadness she hides from you. For the fact that next to her the burden of problems decreases faster. Love a woman for a mind that is both great and humble. For children's fun, the noise of the dawn morning in your home. Love the woman for the night she gives you, And for the desire to help when you are deadly tired. Love the woman for the flattery that caresses your ears. And for the priceless gift of heaven - listen to sarcasms patiently. Love a dream and an intriguing secret in a woman. Do not demean beauty with an accidental reproach. Love protest in a woman, as a winner loves the weak. And just like that ... because you have it - love HER!


Any woman is a crazy bird. The problem is that most women want to learn not to fly, but only to build nests. Max Fry


I believe that a woman should bring love and goodness ... And now women demand that attention should be paid first of all to them, to make expensive gifts, etc. In my opinion, a woman herself should give love and be an example, both to her husband and to her children. Fedor Emelianenko


There is nothing more paradoxical than the female mind; it is difficult to convince women of anything, they must be brought to the point that they convince themselves. Mikhail Lermontov


An important rule of a woman: you can't save on perfumes, cosmetics and underwear. If you need to save on something, it's on food.


They say that women are the weaker sex ... but not one man with a hangover will be able to cook borscht and clean the apartment!


A loving woman treats her snoring man like a big purring cat ...


Do not drive a woman into a corner - she will cry at night, the day will change her mind and ... you will already be looking for a corner!


A woman should look like Gazprom ... You look at her and you understand - dreams come true ...


Russian women drink vodka! And they can even fall asleep in a salad! And the next day, as if nothing had happened, again consider yourself airy and mysterious fairies!


He was holding me by the waist, and I was holding him for an idiot. We sat and chatted, he was about love, and I kicked ...


A woman is arranged in such a way that, even when answering a specific question, she says not what she is asked, but what she wants.


Women are divided into those who swing their hips and those who swing the rights ... The former, as a rule, achieve more ...


Women as a loan - excellent conditions, beautiful advertising, you can even without a certificate - just a passport, and then you constantly owe something, and even when you have already repaid everything for a long time, they will still send a letter ... or call ...


A woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melt in her hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not letting you sleep.


A woman is the only riddle that a man will not only be unable to solve, but for his own good it is better not to solve!


She can be a real woman ... just doesn't see the need for it yet.


What do women desire? Women want everything to be the way they want it!


Cool phrases statuses about women:Women's depression is when you change your stiletto heels to ballet flats, styling to a ponytail.


When a woman puts on high-heeled shoes, her appearance changes completely and her body language becomes more expressive. Christian Louboutin.


If a woman quickly surrendered to a man, this is not his merit, but all those that she had before.


A woman with PMS becomes aggressive, wants sex, food, attention and nothing to do. In short, he behaves like a man.


You can only interrupt a woman with the words: "I love", "I will buy", and "Yes, I am a fool" ...


Every woman is a sorceress ... There is a mood - she creates. No mood - gets up.


A gorgeous woman is not a ratio of weight and height, it is a ratio of intelligence, taste and self-confidence.


The only problem a woman has is the bullshit she thought up for herself five minutes ago.


If you look at a woman for a long time, she will definitely get a mirror.


A mysterious woman is like a Rubik's cube. No matter how you twist it - all the same, on the one hand, some kind of garbage will turn out ...