Honor and dishonor, fathers and children. Honor and dishonor - the arguments of the exam

Everyone knows that the problem of honor and dishonor is a key issue in the life of every person. A large number of books have been written on this topic, many films have been shot. Experienced adults and adolescents who are not fully familiar with life talk about it.

What is dishonor? Disgrace is a kind of insult, literally a loss of honor under any circumstances, a shame.

This topic was really important throughout the entire life of a person and does not lose its relevance in modern world... Therefore, many writers have addressed this problem in their works.

"The Captain's Daughter", A.S. Pushkin

The problem raised is the key in this work of Alexander Sergeevich. In his opinion, dishonor is what should be most feared. The personification of piety in the novel is Grinev and his entire family, as well as his beloved and her relatives. Shvabrin is sharply opposed to him. This is the absolute opposite of Grinev. Even the character's surname is speaking. Shvabrin is a terrible egoist who lost his officer's honor, having gone over to Pugachev.

"Song about the merchant Kalashnikov", M.Yu. Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich takes the reader back to the reign of Ivan IV, famous for the introduction of the oprichnina. The guardsmen, loyal subjects of the king, were so loved by him that they could afford any action and go unpunished. So, the oprichnik Kiribeyevich dishonored the married woman Alena Dmitrievna, and her husband, upon learning about this, decided to go to certain death, but return honor to his wife, challenging Kiribeevich to battle. By this, the merchant Kalashnikov showed himself to be a pious man, a husband who would do anything for the sake of honor, even to his own death.

And Kiribeevich distinguished himself only by cowardice, because he could not even admit to the tsar that the woman was married.

The song helps answer the reader's question about what dishonor is. This is primarily cowardice.

"Thunderstorm", A.N. Ostrovsky

Katerina, main character drama, was brought up in a clean, light atmosphere of kindness and affection. Therefore, when she got married, she believed that her life would be the same. But Katerina found herself in a world where completely different orders and foundations rule, and Kabanikha is watching all this - a true tyrant and prude. Katerina could not withstand the onslaught and only found consolation in Boris's love. But she, a believer, could not cheat on her husband. And the girl decided that the best way out for her was suicide. Thus, Katerina realized that dishonor is already a sin. And there is nothing worse than him.

For many centuries there has been a struggle: honor and dishonor fought in one person. And only a bright and pure soul could do right choice, these vices and tried to show the Russian classics in their immortal works.

There are many concepts of honor. For example, military honor, knightly honor, officer's honor, noble honor, honest merchant's word, working honor, maiden honor, professional honor. And then there is the honor of the school, the honor of the city, the honor of the country.

Some particular problematic questions that can be found in the texts:

What is the essence of these types of honor?

What does it take to preserve honor from a young age?

Honor: Burden or Benefit?

Can "the honor of the uniform" be tarnished?

What is a "field of honor"? What is being protected in this field?

What is the court of "cadet honor"? What could be his sentence?

Is the word "honor" modern today?

Petr Grinev. The story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter»

Honor, conscience and dignity for Pyotr Grinev, the protagonist of Alexander Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", were the main principles of his life. He always remembered his father's order: "Take care of honor from a young age."

Grinev dedicated love poems to Masha Mironova. When Alexey Shvabrin insulted Masha, telling Grinev that she was a girl of easy virtue, Peter challenged him to a duel.

After the game with Zurin, Grinev had to repay the debt. When Savelich tried to stop him, Peter was rude to him. Soon he repented and asked Savelich for forgiveness.

During the oath to Pugachev, Pyotr Grinev did not recognize him as the sovereign, as he swore allegiance to the empress. Military duty and human conscience for him are the most important thing in life.

Nikolay Rostov. Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

Squadron commander Vasily Denisov lost his wallet in the Pavlograd regiment. Nikolai Rostov realized that Officer Telyanin was dishonest. Rostov found him in a tavern and said that the money he was paying with belonged to Denisov. When Rostov heard Telyanin's plaintive, desperate words about old parents and his plea for forgiveness, he felt joy, and at the same moment he felt sorry for this man. Nikolai decided to give him this money.

Rostov, with other officers, told the regimental commander Karl Bogdanovich Schubert about what had happened. The commander replied that he was lying. Rostov believed that it was necessary to challenge Bogdanych to a duel. During the discussion, the officers spoke about the honor of the Pavlograd regiment, that it was unacceptable "to dishonor the whole regiment because of one scoundrel." Nikolai Rostov promised that no one would know about this case. Officer Telyanin was expelled from the regiment.

Andrey Bolkonsky. Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

In 1805, the Austrian army under the command of General Mack (Mack) was defeated by Napoleon.

Prince Andrey saw how Officer Zherkov decided to make fun of the Austrian generals - allies of Russia, telling them: "I have the honor to congratulate." "He bowed his head and ... began to scuffle with one foot or the other."

Seeing this behavior of an officer of the Russian army, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky said excitedly: “You must understand that we are either officers who serve their tsar and fatherland and rejoice at the common success and grieve about the general failure, or we are lackeys who do not care about the master's business ... Forty thousand people died, and our allied army was destroyed, and you can joke at the same time. This is forgivable for an insignificant boy ... but not for you. "

Nikolay Pluzhnikov. The story of B.L. Vasiliev "Not included in the lists"

The protagonist of Boris Vasiliev's story "Not In The Lists" is a representative of the generation that was the first to take the blow of the Nazis.

B. Vasiliev gives the exact date of his birth: April 12, 1922. Lieutenant Nikolai Pluzhnikov arrived at the Brest Fortress on the eve of the war. He has not yet appeared in the unit's documents. He could continue to fight outside this terrible place, especially since in the first hours it was still possible to get into the city. Pluzhnikov did not even have such thoughts.

And Nikolai starts the war. The Jewish girl Mirra in her own words: "You are the Red Army" - strengthens Pluzhnikov's confidence in his own strength, and now he will no longer turn from his path - the defender of his native land. He will become one of those who terrified the fascists from the "dark shooting dungeons". He will serve until his last breath.

Nikolai Pluzhnikov is a Russian soldier who, with his staunchness and courage, aroused respect even from the enemy. When the lieutenant was leaving the catacombs, the German officer, like in a parade, shouted a command, and the soldiers raised their weapons clearly. Enemies gave Nikolai Pluzhnikov the highest military honors.

The issue of honor has been relevant at all times, but this was especially clearly manifested in the literature of the 19th century. In the works of different authors of this period, various aspects of this topic were highlighted.

The theme of honor is one of the main themes in Alexander Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter". This theme is indicated by the epigraph of the work: "Take care of honor from your youth." The father of the protagonist, Pyotr Grinev, instructs his son to serve honestly, not to please the authorities, and most importantly, to protect his noble honor. Peter leaves to serve in the army, where he becomes a direct participant in the terrible events - the Pugachev revolt.

When Emelyan Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress, its defenders refused to swear allegiance to "this robber." The commandant of the fortress Mironov, his wife and his soldiers were brutally executed. Refused to swear allegiance to the false emperor and Grinev. He could not break the oath he gave to Empress Catherine. The code of noble honor demanded that the hero give his life for the empress, and Grinev was ready for this.

But among the nobles there were those who forgot about their honor in order to save their own lives. Such is Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin, who went over to the side of Pugachev and became one of the commanders of his troops. But this hero did not find respect in the camp of Pugachev. He was condescending and suspicious of this man: if he betrayed once, then he could betray the second.

The concept of honor is not alien to Pugachev himself. In relation to this hero, we can talk about the concept human honor... Pugachev is able to appreciate someone else's nobility: he has respect for Grinev for the fact that he remained true to his word to the end. And Pugachev himself is humanly honest and just: he rescues Masha Mironova from Shvabrin's captivity and punishes the villain.

Pushkin argues that the concept of honor is characteristic of all people, regardless of their class. Whether or not to follow the code of honor does not depend on the origin, but on the personal qualities of each person.

In the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", the theme of honor is revealed through the opposition of Grushnitsky and Pechorin. Both heroes are typical representatives of the nobility of that time. Each of them has his own concept of noble and officer's honor, each perceives and interprets it in his own way.

For Pechorin, the personal "I" is in the first place, all his actions are subordinated to the satisfaction of his desires. To get what he wants, he manipulates people without a twinge of conscience. Having decided to get the Circassian woman Bela, the hero uses her brother's passion for good horses and literally forces the young man to steal the girl for him. But, fed up with her love, Pechorin simply forgets about her. He does not even think about the feelings of Bela herself, who wholeheartedly fell in love with him, about her outraged honor. This confirms that the concept of human dignity for Pechorin is very conditional.

But in the chapter "Princess Mary" we see that Pechorin is no stranger to nobility. During the duel with the cadet Grushnitsky, the hero does not want to kill his opponent until the last moment. Knowing that Grushnitsky's seconds only loaded one pistol, main character until the last moment gives his opponent a chance to change his mind. Allowing Grushnitsky to shoot first, the hero is ready for almost certain death, but he missed. Pechorin understands that he will kill Grushnitsky, so he gives him the opportunity to apologize. But Grushnitsky is in such despair that he himself asks Grigory Alexandrovich to shoot, for otherwise he will kill him at night from around the corner. And Pechorin shoots.

In another aspect, the theme of honor is revealed in the novel by FM Dostoevsky "The Idiot". Using the image of Nastasya Filippovna Barashkina as an example, the writer shows how human and female honor can be outraged. In adolescence, the heroine was dishonored by the rich nobleman Totsky. Living with him for a long time, Nastasya Fillipovna sank, first of all, in her eyes. Being by nature a highly moral and pure being, the heroine began to despise and hate herself, although in everything that happened was not her fault. Believing in her wickedness and dishonor, she began to behave appropriately. Nastasya Filipovna believed that she was unworthy of happiness and sincere love, so she did not marry Prince Myshkin.

We can say that, having lost her honor, the heroine lost her life. Therefore, in the end, she dies at the hands of her admirer, the merchant Rogozhin.

The topic of honor is an important topic in Russian literature of the 19th century. According to Russian writers, honor is one of the main qualities of a human person. In their works, they solved the questions: what is true honor and what is imaginary, what can be done in order to protect human honor, is a dishonorable life possible, and so on.

First of all, these are not words, but actions. You can say a thousand times that you are honest, kind and noble, but in fact be a deceitful villain. True honor rarely goes with high-flown speeches. You don't have to flaunt your good deeds to be a noble person. Honor does not require gratitude or recognition. People who have this quality in the first place help just like that, expecting nothing in return. A truly noble person does not pay attention to public opinion, but lives according to laws and conscience. For him, this is above all. Although, of course, the insult of honor was not left unanswered: earlier, conflicts associated with humiliation of dignity were resolved by a duel. And here public opinion already had some weight, but this was in the past and more often happened with young, impetuous people.

Very subtle and romantic natures. People who are older and more experienced, or simply have a cold and calculating mind, rarely found themselves in such situations, since they were guided by the wisdom of past years, and the disappointment with society that was affirmed in some souls forced them to take into account the opinions of others less and less. Of course, if they received a challenge, then, as noble personalities, they were obliged to accept it, otherwise the titles of cowards and scoundrels would have been assigned to them, but not a single person betrayed any meaning to the fight itself. All this concerns personal honor, but when the dignity of the weaker woman, relatives was hurt, they defended it to the last drop of blood. But, as already said, this is all in the past. And what is the real thing? Duels have long since passed away, and there are fewer and fewer principled and truthful people. What place does honor have in today's society? Perhaps nobility is still important today, although it is not easy to see it behind many masks. True, it may not always be, but triumphs. They also protect the weak, even to the detriment of themselves. And to this day they look not only at the words of a person, but also at his deeds. And there remain those who follow the important rule expressed by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus: "Do not get yourself honor by vanity, nor by the beauty of clothes or horses, nor adornment, but by courage and wisdom."

And what about dishonor? This is the complete opposite of everything noble. Unfortunately, there were many people with impure thoughts at all times. The speech of dishonor is sweet, it easily draws you into its nets. He has many faces, but the main ones are lies and betrayal. A dishonest person cannot be truthful. It is always accompanied by deception. Dishonest people will never help just like that, without benefit for themselves. They don't keep their promises. Fidelity to the word, to ideals does not mean anything to them. It so happens that dishonest people try to appear principled and noble. They speak beautiful speeches, create the appearance of good deeds, and at the first opportunity they themselves break all words and vows. Such individuals are inherently cowardly and insignificant. But a large number of them are dangerous. The dishonor is like a plague to be fought against.

Many books have been written about honor. Many great authors have been interested in this question. Who just wrote about him! This is one of the most numerous and important topics in literature. The question of honor has occupied people at all times.

The story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is a work about honor and nobility. Many heroes are living embodiment of these qualities, but there are those to whom they are alien. Pyotr Grinev is a young officer who came to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Throughout the entire work, he grew spiritually and performed noble deeds. Grinev, despite the ban, challenged Shvabrin to a duel, defending the honor of Masha Mironova. The young man did not flinch when Pugachev came to the fortress. Grinev refused to go over to his side, despite the generous offers of high positions. It was not for nothing that the young man's father said: "Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age." Grinev followed this covenant stoically and rigorously.

His antagonist is Shvabrin. He is proud and selfish. This man spread false rumors about Masha Mironova only because he could not achieve her love. And then he kept the girl captive, forcing her to become his wife. Shvabrin, when taking the fortress, went over to the side of Pugachev and grovelled in front of him in every possible way. By breaking the oath, the hero gives honor to the officer and shows his cowardice and his inability to be true to the once given word.

The poem by A.S. Pushkin raises the issue of honor in episodes related to the duel. Lensky, out of his ardor, summons Onegin to a duel, offended by Eugene's behavior at the ball. The main character cannot refuse. The duel took place - the ending is tragic. Onegin acts, of course, dishonestly towards a friend, but nevertheless he does it not intentionally, but accidentally, and strongly reproaches himself. Perhaps, had Lensky been less passionate, the tragedy could have been avoided.

As another example, I propose the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin, main character, an individualist who enjoys playing on the feelings of others, but, despite this, is honest in his own way. Knowing that the duel imposed on him was initially a losing one, he accepted it early, defending the honor of Princess Mary. Pechorin gives Grushnitsky the opportunity to abandon his words and end the fight, but he turns out to be too weak and insignificant to admit to deception and accept defeat.

So the honor has great importance... This is the nobility of man and his moral foundations. Society cannot exist without honest people. They are his support and support. Only with their help can society flourish. Therefore, it is very important that there are always people who have a moral code, live according to their conscience and thus make the world a better place.

1. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The epigraph of the novel immediately points to the problem raised by the author: who is the bearer of honor, who is dishonor. Embodied honor, which does not allow one to be guided by material or other selfish interests, is manifested in the feat of Captain Mironov and his closest entourage. Pyotr Grinev is ready to die for the given word of the oath, and does not even try to get out, deceive, save life. Shvabrin acts differently: in order to save his life, he is ready to go into the service of the Cossacks, just to survive.

Masha Mironova is the embodiment of female honor. She, too, is ready to die, but does not enter into an agreement with the hated Shvabrin, who covets the girl's love.

2. M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov"

Kiribeevich is a representative of the oprichnina, does not know anything about refusal, he is used to permissiveness. Desire and love lead him through life, he does not tell the whole truth (and therefore lies) to the king and receives permission to matchmaking to married woman... Kalashnikov, following the laws of Domostroi, stands up to defend the honor of his disgraced wife. He is ready to die, but to punish his offender. Leaving to fight on the place of execution, he invites his brothers, who must continue his work if he dies. Kiribeevich behaves in a cowardly manner, courage and daring immediately disappear from his face, as soon as he learns the name of his opponent. And although Kalashnikov dies, he dies victorious.

3. N.A. Nekrasov "To whom in Russia ..."

Matryona Timofeevna sacredly keeps her honor and dignity of mother and wife. She, pregnant, goes to the governor's wife to save her husband from recruitment.

Yermila Girin, being an honest and noble person, enjoys authority among the villagers of the surrounding area. When the need arose to buy out the mill, he had no money, the peasants at the bazaar collected a thousand rubles in half an hour. And when he was able to return the money, he walked around each and personally returned the borrowed. The remaining unclaimed ruble was given to everyone for a drink. He is an honest man and honor is more precious to him than money.

4. NS Leskov "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District"

The main character - Katerina Izmailova - puts love above honor. It doesn't matter to her whom to kill, just to stay with her lover. The death of the father-in-law, the husband becomes just a prelude. The main crime is the murder of a little heir. But after being exposed, she remains abandoned by her beloved, since his love was only an appearance, a desire to find a mistress as a wife. The death of Katerina Izmailova does not wash away the dirt from her crimes. So dishonor during life remains the posthumous disgrace of a lustful, grudging merchant.

5. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Sonya Marmeladova is the moral ideological center of the novel. The girl thrown by her stepmother on the panel maintains the purity of her soul. She not only fervently believes in God, but also retains a moral principle in herself, which does not allow either to lie, or to steal, or to betray. She bears her cross without shifting responsibility to anyone. She finds the right words to convince Raskolnikov to confess to the crime. And he follows him to hard labor, protects the honor of his ward, protects him in the most difficult moments of life. Saves, in the end, with his love. So amazingly, a girl working as a prostitute becomes in Dostoevsky's novel a defender and bearer of genuine honor and dignity.