Basta where was. Biography and personal life

Basta. Real name - Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko. Born April 20, 1980 in Rostov-on-Don. Russian musician, rap artist, composer, radio and TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, director, producer.

Vasily Vakulenko, commonly known under the pseudonym Basta, was born on April 20, 1980 in Rostov-on-Don.

Father - a military man, served in the missile forces.

Mother worked as an economist in a military camp.

Has a brother.

All the men in his family were military men. One grandfather was an artilleryman, the other served in civil defense, was awarded a medal for the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. His uncle Volodya, a helicopter pilot, fought in Afghanistan, another uncle, Sergei, worked at Baikonur. Basta has repeatedly said that he is very proud of his heroic ancestors.

Grandmother Alla had a great influence on his development and upbringing. It was she who took her six-year-old grandson to music school. At first he played the piano. From the age of eight he learned to play the accordion. His teacher was Galina Pavlovna Usenko, Honored Teacher of Russia. Grandmother every day she sat her grandson at the instrument, set the alarm clock, and only after four hours, when the boy knew the given sketches by heart, let him go for a walk.

He studied at school number 32 in Rostov-on-Don. He admitted that there was no particular desire to study, so he got poor grades. He was very mobile, a lot of hooligans.

He never finished tenth grade. Dropping out of school, made his first musical group. Grandmother, believing in her grandson's talent, gave him a Japanese synthesizer. They came up with a spectacular name for their team - "Black Top". Then he took a pseudonym Basta and began to write something between rap and metal. At first, he only wrote music. Then there were texts.

Under the influence of his mother, he entered the school at the conductor-choir department. There were 37 girls and two guys in the Vakulenko group. However, he quickly got tired of studying - he was fascinated by rap. As a result, he was expelled due to poor performance.

His first "adult" song "My Game" conquered Rostov. Speaking at the Sports Palace in front of eight thousand spectators, for the first time he felt real euphoria. Basta later recalled: "I woke up famous, they began to recognize me on the streets."

In 1997, he became a member of the Psycholyric group, which in 1999 was transformed into Casta. Then he was known as Basta Oink. His song "City" was included in the album in the "First Strike" group "Psycholyric". From that moment on, Basta became an active participant in the Rostov rap movement.

He began to work actively as a musician, gave concerts in Rostov and along the Black Sea coast, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the cities of the North Caucasus. The program was made with a close friend Igor Zhelezka. Performances were held both in small venues and in large ones. Together they gathered 6-7 thousand people each, performed at ordinary city concerts.

In 2002, Yuri Volos, one of his friends, suggested that Basta make a studio and write music at home. Vakulenko restored old songs, wrote new lyrics, new melodies.

In 2004, the efforts bore fruit: Basta's cassette, which ended up in Krasnodar, was accidentally heard. Basta said: “Bogdan found out my phone number somewhere, called and offered to buy a song from me. I was stunned by his words, but said that I don’t sell songs ... I can only give them. And gave. Although the money was very necessary, it was somehow inconvenient for me to take it for my compositions. Titomir appreciated the noble act of the young musician and called Basta and his friends to Moscow.

Basta told about his appearance in the capital: “At eight o’clock in the morning on March 16, 2005, my friend and I arrived from our native Rostov to Moscow. We went out to the square of three stations: not a penny in our pockets (there was no money even for the metro), in our hands we each had a small sports bag with clothes. Of the valuable things, there was only a piece of paper with two phones: Bogdan Titomir and one girl with whom we barely knew.

Titomir brought Basta and his comrades to the Gazgolder creative association.

In 2006, the debut album "Basta 1" was released, and the clip "Autumn" hit television. Vakulenko met Smokey Mo and. Indeed, widespread fame came after Basta took part in the clip of the Centr group “City of Roads”. In 2008, the joint video received the MTV Russia Music Awards.

The second album "Basta 2" was released in 2007 and became a bestseller. In the same year, the character appears in the work of Vakulenko Noggano. Then Vasily already performed under the pseudonym Basta and read lyrical tracks. On April 1, 2008, the first release took place on behalf of Noggano.

In 2008, the project appears N1NT3ND0 (Nintendo), the genre of which the performer himself characterizes as "cyber-gang", that is, extremely brutal rap, the action of which seems to take place in the space of a video game.

In 2011, Vasily Vakulenko began work on a new electronic project called Bratia Stereo. The project also includes Coupet and many other musicians who play a mix of house, dubstep, minimal, techno, hip-hop, rock and other very different musical genres.

In 2013, Basta was included in the list of 15 Russian artists of the year according to Time Out magazine, and the album "Basta 4" took 3rd place among the best-selling albums according to the results of the Russian branch of iTunes, individually becoming the most successful hip-hop work.

In the year Basta starred in a feature film "Gasholder" directed by Ivan Kursky, filmed in the genre of fantastic action. According to the plot, Basta and his friends had a serious conflict with a powerful clan of security forces. The guys will have to find a way out of this situation by turning on the full power of creative energy.

Basta in the film "Gasholder"

On April 23, 2015, Basta with a symphony orchestra was the first of the Russian rappers to perform at the largest concert venue in Moscow - the Olimpiysky stadium.

In February 2016, a closed screening of the film "Ke-dy" directed by Sergei Solovyov took place at the Gazgolder club, in which Vakulenko participated as a military man. Basta recorded three songs for the film and shot two clips. The list of soundtracks also includes other compositions by Vakulenko.

From September to December 2015, Basta was a mentor in the fourth season of the Voice TV show, where he assembled the most international team. In February 2018, he became a mentor in the fifth season of the TV show “Voice. Children".

Together with a number of others famous musicians in August 2016, after leaving the Russian Authors' Society in April, he joined the Council of the Russian Authors' Union, an organization created by musicians for the joint management of copyrights.

He was the ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup from Rostov-on-Don. At the end of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, he performed on September 29, 2018 with a solo concert at the Rostov Arena stadium in the presence of 35 thousand spectators.

Basta - I almost died

Played in 2018 leading role in crime comedy "Clubare" directed by Ivan Kursky. According to the plot, the idle life of the famous promoter Arthur ends when the cops announce a hunt for him. Arthur is put on the counter at the "hottest" time: he got involved in a big scam with the construction of a fashionable nightclub "Klubar". His fate hung between prison, death and a chance to hit the real jackpot. Arthur's problems are on the rise. But his plan has the most unexpected outcome.

Basta in the movie "Klubare"

Scandals and conflicts of Basta

Conflict with Decl:

In August 2016, the creative association Gazgolder held a traditional open-air festival on the territory of the Arma plant. The performers could not meet the time frame set by the so-called “silence law”, after which Kirill Tolmatsky, better known as formerly a regular visitor to the Gazgolder club, published a series of tweets on his Twitter with unflattering words addressed to the association, and later complained to a loud sound at night from the club itself. Basta did not stand aside and reacted: "Decl is a shaggy schmuck."

On September 28, 2016, Decl sued Vasily Vakulenko for public insults inflicted on him. The lawsuit indicated the amount of 1 million rubles for causing moral damage, however, according to Tolmatsky, he does not need money - a public apology is enough. Basta said that he would not "apologise either publicly or in any other format."

The court session was held on December 7, 2016 in the Oktyabrsky Court of the city of Rostov-on-Don with the participation of the defendant and without the participation of the plaintiff. The court ruled: “to partially satisfy the compensation for moral damage, to recover compensation for moral damage in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. Reject the rest of the claim." Also, the linguistic commission determined that the definition of "schmuck" cannot be qualified as indecent.

In June 2017, Decl again spoke of the Gas Holder in a negative way, in particular, he walked through Scryptonite and called him a "guest worker from Uzbekistan." In his opinion, the success of the artist lies only in the well-coordinated work of SMM specialists, co-owner of the label Evgeny Antimony and tour managers, and that anyone could be in the place of Scryptonite. Basta, in response, began to troll Tolmatsky on Twitter. The first entry was “DTSLLHMTCHM” (that is, “Decl is a shaggy schmuck”), and after a while he considered that Kirill Tolmatsky was a hermaphrodite.

Decl filed four statements of claim to the court in the total amount of the required compensation for non-pecuniary damage - 4 million rubles. The first hearing was held on July 13, where it became known that Decl's representatives opposed the admission of the media to the meetings. "Gazgolder" is categorically against this: "We are for an open trial, for the press to be present in the hall, so that each journalist personally sees and hears what is happening in the courtroom, and does not receive information about the case from intermediaries who distort the facts." The next meeting was held on August 15 in Rostov-on-Don.

The court rejected Vasily Vakulenko's request for an examination to determine whether Decl is a hermaphrodite, and ordered Basta to pay Tolmatsky 350 thousand rubles.

Conflict with Nonmagic:

In 2014 creative team Nemagia, consisting of two comedians from the city of Kemerovo, in a satirical form dismantled the film "Gasholder", directed, produced and written by Vasily Vakulenko. The latter commented negatively on this review, calling such humor unsuccessful, citing the video blogger BadComedian as an example, whose film review Basta appreciated.

Having received a lot of views, bloggers continued to review the members of the Gazgolder association, devoting one more video to Slovetsky and Tati. At the end of the video, Nemagia asked subscribers to put likes for the appearance of Vasily's mother in the next review.

Basta asked bloggers to refrain from continuing this topic, but video bloggers continued to joke in a similar manner, mentioning Basta's mother in their videos and live broadcasts. On December 1, 2016, bloggers posted a video on YouTube about the rapper, in which his mother was compared to pornographic actress Phoenix Marie. After that, Basta on Twitter threatened bloggers to find their mothers and “talk to them.” The rapper demanded an apology, since one of the videos was watched by his mother, and the words spoken by the bloggers upset her, and he does not understand such humor. On Twitter, he announced a "competition" for the inhabitants of Kuzbass, the essence of which is to find Nemagia and take an "extreme photo or video with them", the winner of the competition would receive 30 thousand rubles. After a while, he explained that it was a joke, and published a wedding photo of the bride of one of the bloggers - Mikhail - calling her a "winner".

The recording received a wide response and active discussion on the Internet. On December 7, 2016, the conflict was settled. Rappers Obladaet and Markul released the Friends & Family EP on November 30, 2017, on which the very first song is called "Basta". Its content refers to Basta's conflict with Nemagia bloggers, in particular the punchline: "You are dangerous on the Internet - I will find you like Basta", and also talks about the planned achievement of the same success as Vasily Vakulenko.

In January 2018, he was included by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine in the list of persons threatening the national security of Ukraine.

The growth of rapper Basta: 181 centimeters.

Personal life of rapper Basta:

Married. Wife - Elena Pinskaya, daughter of journalist Tatyana Pinskaya, who lives in France. Elena's father is an entrepreneur, selling elite wines.

I met my future wife by chance in a restaurant. This happened on November 24, 2007. On that day, Elena went to the presentation of a jewelry house, and an invitation remained in her purse, she decided not to throw it away so that it would always remind her of the first meeting with her husband. Elena liked Basta's work, she sympathized with the musician, although she revolved in areas far from rap. Having met him in a restaurant, she decided to get acquainted, they exchanged phone numbers. Then they started dating.

When Elena wrote to her mother in Paris that she was dating a rapper, the potential mother-in-law, seeing a photo of a brutal guy in tattoos, could not recover for two days. But when Lena sent her beloved poems to her mother, the well-known journalist called back and exclaimed into the telephone receiver: “He is a real talent, daughter!”

After Elena became pregnant, the couple applied to the registry office. They got married on June 11, 2009. We got married in the Elokhov Church.

According to Elena, Basta is the ideal father.

He enjoys skating and snowboarding, loves curling.

According to Forbes, in 2018 Basta earned $ 3.3 million.

Discography of rapper Basta:

1997 - First strike (as part of the Psycholyric group)
2000 - In full action (as part of the "United Caste" association)
2000 - Free Zone
2001 - Free Zone (Part 2)
2004 - Southern Front
2005 - Basta Bastillio
2006 - Basta 1
2007 - Basta 2
2008 - First
2009 - Warm
2010 - Basta 3
2010 - Basta / Guf (joint album with Guf)
2011 - Eye
2011 - N1NT3ND0
2013 - Basta 4
2013 - Bratia Stereo
2015 - Basta / Smokey Mo
2016 - Basta 5
2016 - Luxury

Filmography of rapper Basta:

2014 - Gazgolder (Gazgolder)
2016 - Ke-dy
2018 - Klubara
2018 - BEEF: Russian hip-hop (documentary)

The work of rapper Basta in the cinema as a composer:

2016 - Ke-dy
2018 - Klubara
2018 - The story of one appointment

HELLO.RU continues to acquaint readers with the style of the most fashionable celebrity children. Following the daughter of the singer Anna Sedokova and businessman Maxim Chernyavsky - Monica, the daughters of the rapper and jury member of the show "Voice" Vasily Vakulenko, better known as Basta or Noggano, and the business lady Elena Pinskaya - Maria and Vasilisa become the heroines of our column.

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Basta met his future wife Elena Pinskaya in November 2007. They met at a restaurant, and the rapper came there with another girl. On Pinskaya Street, she approached Basta and confessed her love ... to his songs. Since then, they have not parted, and on June 11, 2009 they played a wedding and got married in the Elokhov Church.

7 months after the wedding - December 4, 2009 - the happy newlyweds had a daughter. The baby was named Masha, and it was she, according to Basta, who changed his life:

A daughter is the best thing I've ever done. She changed my life ... The further, the more I fall in love with Marusya, with my own, the best vermin.

Despite the fact that Basta positions himself as a harsh rapper, in family life he is an insanely loving, caring and gentle husband and father. In one of the interviews, Basta's wife admitted that after the birth of Masha, he looked after his daughter better than any nanny:

We have a nanny, but Vasya looked after Marusya better than both of us. He got up at night, took her to his bed. When the little girl caught a cold in the summer, her husband could not find a place for himself, he wiped her with wet rags ... And this love is mutual: when a daughter looks at dad, no one else exists for her.

Basta with daughter MariaBasta with daughter MariaMasha Vakulenko
Masha Vakulenko
Basta's daughter - MariaMasha Vakulenko

On January 21, 2013, another happy event happened in the Vakulenko family - the second daughter of the couple was born, who was given the name Vasilisa. Basta shared his experiences, and then boundless happiness, with fans during the day. At 9 am on his Twitter page, he wrote - "Well, with God!", And 6 hours later he announced the birth of Vasilisa and wished the fans to experience similar feelings.

Everything is super, mom and daughter feel great,

The manager of Basta shared with the press. For the first time, Vasilisa met the followers of dad and mom 4 months after birth. Elena posted a photo of her daughter on Instagram, and the followers could not help but note their images: both Elena and Vasilisa were dressed in similar striped outfits.

Since then, netizens could not as often as they would like, but admire the stylish ensembles of Elena and her daughters. Despite the fact that Masha and Vasilisa are the daughters of a real rapper, they are more like little princesses. No wide trousers, hoodies and men's caps - girls are much closer to delicate dresses, flowered sundresses and fluffy skirts. They are very fond of accessories, including bows, headbands and hats, and Masha has a special passion for all kinds of handbags.

Elena Pinskaya with her daughter VasilisaMasha and Vasilisa Masha and Vasilisa
Vasilisa Vakulenko
Vasilisa Vakulenko with dadElena Pinskaya with her daughters - Maria and Vasilisa

In addition to truly girlish outfits, there are a lot of comfortable things in the wardrobe of girls. Both of them are very active and inquisitive, and, as you know, it is much more convenient to explore the world in jeans, shorts, T-shirts and cardigans. Very often, their images are similar to the images of their mother - the same restrained, concise and stylish.

Since childhood, the hand reaches for the good!

Elena wrote under a photo in which Vasilisa is sitting surrounded by Chanel bags. Vasilisa's older sister, Masha, also loves to dress up, and according to her mother, going to a beauty salon and shooting in magazines is her "favorite thing." Perhaps Masha and Vasilisa will want to connect their lives with fashion or follow in the footsteps of their father and one day sing on stage - in any case, their talented parents will surely support their daughters in any endeavors.

Vasilisa VakulenkoMasha Vakulenko on the setVasilisa Vakulenko with dad
Basta with her daughters - Maria and Vasilisa
Basta with daughter MariaMasha and Vasilisa
Vasilisa Basta with his wife Elena and daughters - Maria and Vasilisa

Singer Basta (real name - Vakulenko Vasily Mikhailovich) was born into the family of a military man on April 20, 1980 in Rostov-on-Don. According to the sign of the zodiac - Monkey. Vasily Basta studied at a comprehensive school and, at the same time, on the advice of his grandmother, attended a music school.

From the age of 15, impressed by the work of the Wu-Tang Clan and Ol' Dirty Bastards, he began to learn to rap. After graduating from school, Vasily Vakulenko enters the music school as a conductor. But after the first year of study, he leaves the school, realizing that musically he chose the wrong path.

In 1997, Vasily takes instead real surname stage name Basta Hryu and is affiliated with a rap group called "Psycholyric". Soon the group became known as "Casta". In the same year, the group recorded their first album, "First Impact". But already in 1998, the singer left this group and recorded his first song called "My Game", which immediately became a hit for decades. With this song, real popularity came to Basta. From the end of 1998 to 2002, Basta practically did not engage in musical activities.

The reason for Basta's return to the stage was a proposal from a close friend to create a home recording studio. In his native Rostov, this idea did not materialize, so there was a decision to move to Moscow. In Moscow, the rapper's songs fell into the hands of Bogdan Titomir, who liked them. Titomir agreed to become Basta's producer. With its help, it was possible to record 19 tracks of the rapper. A few months later, the first video called "Autumn" is released. This work of Vasily Basta was so successful that it inspired the rapper to shoot another video "Once and For All".

2007 was a significant year for the artist. After all, it is in this year that the album “Basta 2” and several video clips (“So Spring Cries”, “Our Summer”, “Inner Fighter”) are released. In three months, 50 thousand records were sold with the recording of the album. In the same year, the developers of the Rockstar computer games offered Basta cooperation in voicing various game quests. Basta becomes a co-owner of the famous label "Gazgolder". At the end of 2007, the rapper comes up with a new pseudonym for himself - Noggano. With the change of the pseudonym, the style of performing songs also changes. The lyrical songs are being replaced by tougher and more daring hip-hop compositions. Using a new pseudonym, Vasily Vakulenko releases three albums: "First" (2008), "Warm" (2009) and Unreleased (2010).

In 2008, the clip "City of Roads" was awarded the MTV award. In the same year, the rapper tries himself in new genres: actor, producer, director and screenwriter. Based on his own script, Vasily shoots the film "Tea Drunkard".

In 2011, changing the pseudonym again to "Nintendo", the singer releases a new album with the name identical to the new pseudonym. This album consisted of songs performed in the Cyber ​​Geng style.

In the early autumn of 2015, Vasily Basta became a mentor and at the same time a judge of the famous Voice project. Basta's biography and personal life are well known to his fans, so he does not make any secret of this. In 2018, it is planned to launch Basta's new musical project on the air.

Basta - personal life

Vasya Basta boasts a measured and smoothly flowing personal life. The singer met his wife Elena by chance. In early 2009, Vasily and Elena registered their marriage. The wife of rapper Basta is the daughter of a well-known journalist Tatyana Pinskaya.

Later, the son-in-law recorded soundtracks for many of Tatiana's documentaries. In December 2009, the first daughter, Maria, was born in the family. After 4 years, in January 2013, Basta's second daughter was born under the beautiful and romantic name Vasilisa.

Basta's wife

Basta's wife Elena Pinskaya - Vakulenko is a real girl high society. This girl combines refined French manners and the businesslike character that she inherited from her own father.

Elena was born in 1980 in a fairly wealthy family. Elena's father, Dmitry Pinsky, was a co-founder of a popular wine brand. Her mother worked as a journalist covering all the news in the fashion world. In the turbulent nineties, the situation around the family was quite tense. Rampant crime in the country forced to apply increased precautions to all family members. So Elena attended classes at school, accompanied by two guards. Elena's parents, for her safety and their peace of mind, decided to send their daughter to France, where she was to study at a private boarding school. For a comfortable stay in this country, the girl had to urgently learn French.

In early 1997, Elena returned to Russia, believing that European life was too boring for her. In the same year, the girl decides to enter the university. As a result, after five years, Elena graduated from the Moscow School of Business and State Institute management. After graduating from high school, she goes to work in her father's company, where she begins her career from a seller of a wine boutique and rises to a specialist in wine cellar equipment. At the peak of her career, the girl was in charge of four wine cellars with elite drinks. In the future, Elena planned to replace her father, but the meeting with Basta radically changed her life.

Basta met his wife at the Simanev elite entertainment club. Vasya Basta often performed in this club and Elena liked his work very much. After they met, the lovers began to appear together in public. Elena's friends were shocked by her choice, because her chosen one seemed to them an inappropriate party.

Vasily Vakulenko offered Elena to become his wife and the girl, after some thought, agreed. The Basta family became a real sensation among the artistic beau monde. But after a while, all acquaintances and friends of Elena Pinskaya began to recognize the fact that the resulting family is an example for many married couples. Basta's wife and children create all the conditions for the successful work of the artist, and he answers them with love and care.

Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko ( Basta) is a famous Russian rap artist, author of music and songs, part-time TV and radio host. He is also a screenwriter, director and producer. In addition, he achieved popularity under the pseudonym Noggano.

Vasily was born April 20 in 1980(Rostov-on-Don). His parents are military personnel - they did not belong to the world of art music.
Noticing that the son has musical abilities, they enrolled him in a music school

Basta's childhood

After graduating from secondary school, Vasily entered the local music school at the conductor's department. But as a teenager, he showed a keen interest in rap - a completely new culture for Russia in the early 90s.

Musical creativity of Basta

Already at the age of 15, Vasily composed his first rap poems. And after 2 years, the young musician was invited to the Psycholyric group, which was then renamed Casta. Vakulenko himself in Rostov became recognizable under the pseudonym Basta Khryu. His debut rap track was the song "City".
At the age of 18, the musician wrote another song - "My Game". These 2 compositions soon became famous in other cities.

In the warm season, Vasily and his companion Igor Zhelezka (also a rapper) actively toured Russian resorts on the Black Sea coast, giving concerts at various venues, sometimes gathering 5-7 thousand spectators. And then Basta went into the shadows for several years, gaining new strength.

Only in 2002 creative biography Vasily Vakulenko resumed her campaign when he and his friend made a studio at home, where Basta re-recorded his old songs on new equipment, adding fresh tracks to them. However, few people remembered him as Bastu, and there were also difficulties in finding a producer.

He described this difficult period of his life in the song "Stupid labels, no chance." And only by a lucky chance, his disc came to Bogdan Titomir, who remained indifferent to the work of the young rapper, after which he invited the young Bast group to Moscow for future development.

The beginning of Basta's popularity

2006 - the year of the beginning of Basta's popularity. The musician released his debut album - "Basta 1". Positive reviews The listeners were very inspired by the author, that he soon recorded and posted 2 more new videos on the network: “Once and For All” and “Autumn”.

In 2007, the album "Basta 2" and several fresh clips were released, the most popular of which were "Our Summer", "So Spring Cries", "Tea Drunkard" and "Inner Fighter".

In the same year, Vasily becomes known under the pseudonym Noggano. It was under this name that 3 more albums were released: "First" (2008), "Warm" (2009) and "Unreleased" (2010).

In addition, in 2008 Vasily Vakulenko made his debut in several other creative professions: director, screenwriter, actor and producer.

2010 - the beginning of cooperation between rapper Guf and Basta, as a result of which a new disc was released, essentially without a name.

In 2011, Basta released his next album called Nintendo, in an unusual cyber-gang style.

Basta's popularity

In the spring of 2015 - Basta gives a grand concert with a symphony orchestra at the Olimpiysky.

In 2016, Vasily Vakulenko participates in the TV project "Voice", as one of the mentors.

The famous song "Mom" was added to the American computer game.

In the future, he collaborates with as a result of this the video “With hope for wings” is released.

Basta's collaborations with the famous singer Polina Gagarina, and a little later with Alena Omargaliyeva, also became successful.

Songs and - one of the last very successful works of Basta. These singles bear no resemblance to previous compositions.

Basta's personal life

Vasily Vakulenko and his wife Elena met by chance. Being a longtime admirer of Basta's work, the girl herself took the initiative.
Elena's mother, the famous journalist Tatyana Pinskaya, who lives in France, at first took hostility to her daughter's relationship with Basta, seeing the tattoos of the brutal rapper. But after I got acquainted with his work, I changed my mind about him, realizing that the musician is really talented. After all, Vasily especially for the future mother-in-law composed soundtracks for her documentaries about the artists Oscar Rabin and Erik Bulatov.

In 2009, Vasily Vakulenko and Elena Pinskaya got married and played a wedding. And already in the same year they gave birth to their first daughter Masha, and in January 2013 her sister Vasilisa appeared.

Vakulenko Vasily Mikhailovich is a famous Russian singer who reads author's songs in the style of rap and beatbox. Vasily, or Noggano, or Basta, or Basta Khryu is not only a songwriter, but also a composer, actor and producer.

He never ceases to delight his fans with directorial work, as well as television shows. The young man not only adores his own daughters, but also all the kids who were part of his team in the television show “Voice. Children". Fans of the guy's talent claim that Vasily was distinguished not only by his professional attitude towards every talented child, but he always fulfilled what he promised even to the smallest man.

Height, weight, age. How old is Basta (Vasily Vakulenko)

It is worth noting that all the fans of the handsome man are trying not only to find out the details of his personal life, but also his height, weight, age. How old is Bast (Vasily Vakulenko) is also easy to find out, simply by specifying the date of his birth.

Vasily was born into this world in 1980, that is, he was already thirty-eight years old, although Basta (Vasily Vakulenko): photos in his youth and now have not changed much, because the guy not only plays sports, but also carefully monitors his health .

Basta received from the zodiac circle the sign of an ambitious, talented, stable, successful, passionate Aries monogamous.

The eastern horoscope endowed Vasily with the character traits of the Monkey, that is, dexterity, artistry, charisma, sociability, cunning.

Vakulenko's height was one meter and eighty centimeters, and the guy weighs no more than ninety-five kilos, but he does not complex about this.

Biography and personal life of Basta (Vasily Vakulenko)

The biography and personal life of Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) also often attracted the attention of fans.

Father - Mikhail Vakulenko - a hereditary military man, since Vasily's grandfather was also an officer, therefore he successfully used military drill when raising his grandson.

Mother - a young man rarely shows his fans, although he respects her immensely, because a woman with several higher educations received at the prestigious Moscow State University washed floors and sold yogurts in the nineties to feed her family.

Vasya has an older brother, with whom they are the same age, since the age difference between them was eleven months. He resembles his youngest in size, went in for sports and loved to read. The guy was more diligent and accommodating than his brother, so she received two higher educations and works as an engineer on the railway.

Vasily was a freedom-loving and hyperactive boy, he constantly ran away to his yard friends. The boy was nicknamed Piggy because he littered and was sloppy, he was cheeky as an adult and fought.

By the way, until the ninth grade, he studied quite tolerably, wanted to become a clergyman and often talked about God, but then he became interested in music and was expelled from school in disgrace, so Vasya did not have a graduation. At the same time, the teachers kindly remember the guy, because he was a ringleader, mass worker and an avid KVN player. They recall that Vasily loved to be in the spotlight and grabbed all the knowledge right on the fly.

Then the guy entered the Rostov School of Music at the conducting department, but was expelled from it for absenteeism. He organized the youth group Black Tob, and he himself took a pseudonym from the singer Basta Rhimes.

From the age of seventeen, Basta has been writing compositions in the style of rap and touring with the Psycholyric (Casta) group. After that, there was a lull in his life associated with star fever, drugs and alcohol. But in 2002, his friend Yura Volos organized, in tandem with Vasya, a recording studio at home.

In addition, Bogdan Titomir came across his disc, who introduced Vasily to the Gazgolder association, sponsoring his hits and videos. At the same time, Basta completely refuses alcohol and drugs, and his work flies up. He constantly disappears into the recording studio, releasing albums one after another.

Basta collaborates with well-known performers Guf, Smokey Mo, Nerves, City 312, Godfamily, AK-47. He became the official voice of the Yandex. Navigator”, Ambassador from Rostov for the FIFA World Cup this year.

Vakulenko writes soundtracks, is on the jury of many show programs, acts in films, acts as their producer, director and screenwriter. Basta's filmography includes thirteen works, including the films "Klubare", "How the style was tempered", "Spring in Florence", "Ghetto", "Moats".

The personal life of Vasily Vakulenko is not too stormy, he first fell in love at sixteen, but does not name the girl. He was a shy boy, so he didn’t dare to confess his feelings, and then there was a “classic drama”, because she went to another.

After the guy turned twenty, another nameless girl entered his life. By the way, the guy decided to go to conquer the capital, and the beauty simply did not wait for Vasily and married his friend Maxim.

Basta's family and children (Vasily Vakulenko)

The family and children of Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) are very unusual, but they are his support and reliable rear. It is worth clarifying that Vasya met his dad when he was seven years old. And then I almost lost it, because Mikhail got into a terrible accident and almost died, but got out and received the first group of disability.

It was the father who influenced the further attitude of his son to music. Because he was an avid Beatle fan, he often played Deep Purple and Queen records. However, Vasya often said that in his family he often lacked the attention of his parents. He grew like grass on his own, and was naughty to be scolded.

Vasya was greatly influenced by his grandmother, who sent him to a music school to study accordion and piano. Forcing you to practice at least four hours a day. She brought the boy to the church, where he sang in the choir and was a sexton, Vasily sings the liturgy and has a church rank. By the way, the grandmother presented the first professional Japanese synthesizer for performances to a talented fifteen-year-old boy.

The boy's parents arranged their personal lives, so the boys were educated by their grandfather and grandmother, who came to school and raised the tomboys as best they could. Vasily says that because of his dull childhood, he tries to do everything so that his daughters feel his love.

Most of all, Basta was afraid that he would do something that would disappoint his parents, and he himself wants his daughters to never experience this feeling and grow up self-sufficient.

Vasily's children live in love, he constantly shoots clips about them, takes them with him to concerts and travels around the world. Basta never yells at children and does not require any super knowledge, believing that life will teach everything.

Both girls simply adore their daddy, and the rapper dedicates his songs to them, including the piercing hit "Samsara". The guy is convinced that parents and children are "just swapped", and his girls will certainly "be better than us."

By the way, only at a concert at Vasily's are all children who want to be invited to the stage and seated on chairs so that it is convenient for them to watch the performance. And his wards from the program “Voice. Children" tour with him and receive the full support of the coach.

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Maria Vakulenko

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Maria Vakulenko - was born in 2009, she inherited the genes of the famous daddy, since Mashenka plays the piano and sings great. And Basta often replaces the girl's mother, in infancy he fed and treated her, dressed and entertained, so dad is the most main man in a girl's life.

She performed with her father on the stage of the Olimpiysky, while Vasily repeats that it doesn’t matter to him how his daughter sings, he is always ready to support her in all endeavors.

The girl looks like her father in appearance and has a bad temper, but she is an excellent student at school. At the same time, Masha is very kind and understanding, she was happy to voice a cartoon about an autistic boy Dima, in which she asked many questions about the features of such children, which were answered by her on-screen “mother” Olga Shelest.

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Vasilisa Vakulenko

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Vasilisa Vakulenko - is the second child, she was born in 2013, which Basta instantly announced on his Instagram. The baby is more like dad and was named after him.

Vasilisa is very active and inquisitive, she sculpts from plasticine, draws and works in a developing studio. The baby is incredibly artistic, she is ready to sing anytime and anywhere, for example, recently a video appeared on the Internet where Vasilisa and Masha sing with dad in the car, and then perform a patriotic spy song at home.

Vasilisa is engaged in vocals, but not yet on professional basis, she attempts to play the piano and appears in children's fashion shows.

Basta's wife (Vasily Vakulenko) - Elena Pinskaya

Basta's wife (Vasily Vakulenko) - Elena Pinskaya - is the beloved and only one in the guy's life, because she never betrayed him and always understood. The guys met in the closed club "Simachev", where the girl was relaxing in the company of her friends, and Vasya performed.

Lena was a fan of Basta, so she went on stage to him to express her delight, she was not shy about another nameless passion of Vasily. It was this independence and perseverance that conquered the guy, he went to see the girl home, it turned out that they were practically neighbors. At the same time, few believed in the future of the bully and the daughter of a winemaker and a French journalist.

Basta was used to fighting, he conquered the girl's parents with excellent manners, gallantry and creativity, as well as the fact that in 2009 he not only got married, but also married Lena.

Instagram and Wikipedia Basta (Vasily Vakulenko)

Instagram and Wikipedia Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) have existed for many years, and the information posted there is relevant, it satisfies the needs of fans. On Wikipedia, you can find reliable facts about childhood, parents, children, spouse, education, personal life of Vakulenko. Really will find disco and filmography, clips and soundtracks young man and also about his awards and prizes.