Real name and surname nargiz. Nargiz Zakirova - biography, information, personal life

Nargiz Zakirova is an unusually charismatic and talented singer from Uzbekistan. The woman gained popularity and recognition of numerous fans at the famous vocal competition "Voice".

Nargiz's husband - Philip Balzano

The famous singer has been married 3 times. From each spouse, Nargiz gave birth to a child. The longest relationship was with her second and third husband.

History of relations with Philip

With her third husband, a musician from Italy Philip Balzano, the woman was introduced by friends. In addition to the fact that they had a lot in common, they both emigrated to the United States (Zakirova from Russia, Balzano from Sicily).

The woman said that Philip is not only her friend and support, but also a musical mentor. The couple lived happily in marriage, but in the summer of 2016 it became known that the couple decided to divorce after 20 years. Nargiz repeatedly reported in an interview that her husband extorted money from her, mistreated her son from her second marriage, so the divorce went through court. It was not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Former husbands of Zakirova

At the time when Zakirova first got married, she was only 18 years old. The girl's chosen one was Ruslan Sharipov, who played at that time in an Uzbek group. From him, the singer gave birth to a daughter. The couple separated because of Ruslan's betrayal, but Nargiz remembers this person with warmth.

Having emigrated to America, Zakirova married Yernur Kanaybekov a second time.

Photos of children Nargiz Zakirova

The children of Zakirova are two daughters Sabina (27 years old) and Leila (16 years old), as well as a son Auel (21 years old). The father of the eldest daughter is Sharipov, the son is Kanaybekov, and the youngest Leila is Balzano. After the divorce of Nargiz and Philip, the daughter stayed with her father in the United States, as she was worried about his mental state. Leila dances well, plays various musical instruments... She now works at the yacht club.

The singer's son is a rather serious person. He loves books, is interested in politics, draws well. With the third husband of his mother, he did not find a common language, and during the divorce, it came to assault.

The eldest daughter recently gave her grandmother a grandson, who was named Noah.

The girl does not show the face of the child, but on her page she regularly adds a photo of Noah.

Photo: Instagram @sabinatash_nzofficial

Sabina is a creative person, her favorite activities are the study of Buddhism and philosophy. She actively opposes drugs and other bad habits.

What Nargiz looked like in his youth

Nargiz's appearance has always caused a lot of comments. Often the singer is mistaken for an informal one due to the large number of tattoos and a shaved head. Zakirova herself said that her appearance is just a whim, not a way of life.

In her youth, she looked very different: long hair, neat makeup and a moderate style of dress. Then the singer became interested in rock and roll and decided to completely change her image.

Nargiz in the movie "The Bride from Vuadil" and at a concert with the song "Remember me"

Nargiz's performance at the "Blue Light" 1986 with the song "White Birds"

Photo from home archive

Photo from home archive

Nargiz is the owner of a powerful voice and bright appearance. During her life, she went through many obstacles, endured many hardships. Now she is actively working, enjoying communication with her children and grandson. The singer does not think about marriage.

Wikipedia calls Nargiz Zakirova a singer of Uzbek origin living in the United States. Indeed, Nargiz was born in Tashkent. All her maternal relatives were Uzbeks. She belongs to the famous musical dynasty of the Zakirovs.

But at the same time, Nargiz's father, Pulat Sionovich Mordukhaev, was a Bukharian Jew. And, before answering the question of who is Nargiz Zakirova's nationality, you need to determine what nationality is.

The concept of "Nationality"

The term nationality has several definitions. At present, in Russia, nationality is defined as a person's belonging to a particular ethnic group.

Ethnicity (ethnic community) is a stable historical association of people who have common objective and subjective characteristics:

  • History;
  • Culture;
  • Economy;
  • Language;
  • Beliefs.

For a long time, a common territory was considered a sign of an ethnic group, but now living in a certain geographical area is not important in determining national belonging.

For modern society, ethnic self-identification of a person is more important, i.e. how a person himself determines his belonging to any nation, ethnos.

Nationality Nargiz Zakirova

Nargiz was born in 1970 in the Soviet Union in the Uzbek SSR. At that time, the nationality of each citizen was determined without fail. There was a so-called "fifth column" in the passport.

Most often, nationality was determined by the nationality of one of the parents. Father Nargiz Zakirova was a Bukharian Jew, and his mother was Uzbek.

Due to the fact that the mother's surname was much more famous, and being a Jew in the USSR in the late 60s and early 70s. The twentieth century was, to put it mildly, undesirable, Nargiz received the name of Zakirov's mother. And, accordingly, by nationality in the documents she was recorded as an Uzbek.

At the same time, it is difficult to say how the singer now identifies herself with the Uzbek nation. After leaving for the United States in 1995, the Zakirov-Mordukhaev family was admitted to the Bukharian Jewish diaspora.

Nargiz herself admits that she understands the Uzbek language, but can no longer speak it. In an interview, she said that in Uzbekistan her work was not understood and not accepted, and it was in the United States, and now in Russia, she received recognition and true freedom.

During a tour in Vladikavkaz, in an interview with reporters, Nargiz said about herself: "I came from the East, I am a woman of the East, difficult nationalities are seething in my blood."

The biography and personal life of Nargiz Zakirova are known to few.

Childhood and family of Narkiz Zakirova

Nargiz Pulatovna was born on October 6, 1970 in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. The future singer was born and raised in a famous family of musicians, so it is not surprising that the talent for music began to manifest itself from early childhood, because it was in her blood.

From the biography of the singer Nargiz Zakirova it is known that all her relatives were associated with music. Grandfather Karim Zakirov was an opera singer, awarded the title of People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR. The life of my grandmother, Shoista Saidova, is also connected with music, she was a soloist of the Tashkent Musical Theater, uncle Batyr Zakirov is a famous Uzbek singer and composer. The mother of the future singer, Luiza Zakirova, in the 60s was one of the most popular singers in Uzbekistan.

Raising a child in such a talented musical family, it was impossible to raise him indifferent to music. The family Nargiz Zakirova instilled in her a great love for music, which remained with the girl for life. According to the singer, she first appeared on stage at the age of 4. During her performances, mother often took her daughter with her, once she sang a children's song "A smile will make everyone brighter."

The future celebrity studied at school without much enthusiasm, because after performing on stage and an interesting touring life with which her mother introduced her, there was no desire to learn lessons. Nargiz's favorite school subject was singing, because she did the best to sing, in addition, this activity brought the girl real pleasure. However, oddly enough, the girl had poor grades in this subject, because for the teacher it was not the ability to sing that was important, but the students' knowledge of the lyrics.

Soon the parents transferred their daughter to a music school, but even there the girl studied poorly, because she needed to know a lot of notes by heart, while she wanted to further develop her musical skills and abilities. At the age of 15, Nargiz Zakirova took part in the music competition "Jurmala-86", she sang the song "Remember me", the words of which were written by Ilya Reznik, and the music was by her uncle Farrukh Zakirov. The young singer won the Audience Award with her song.

Nargiz Zakirova's performance on the TV show "The Voice" and the best singles

Nargiz was a fan of Madonna, whose popularity peaked in 1992. At this time, the future Uzbek singer dyed her hair in white color and performed with a very daring program, dressed in short shorts. For such behavior on the stage, Nargiz was called the Uzbek Madonna, but at the same time almost everyone condemned her.

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The first few years, when the girl lived in New York with her parents and daughter, worked in a store, in a tattoo parlor, and performed in restaurants for some time. In 2001, Nargiz released an album in the ethno-style "Golden Cage".

Her father's serious illness prevented the girl from taking part in the first casting of the “Voice” TV program, which took place in 2012. The father of the Uzbek singer Pulat Mordukhaev died in April 2013.

Nargiz's career continued in 2013, when Zakirova passed a three-stage casting for the American X-Factor. But the organizers of the project did not call the girl back. Then Nargiz Zakirova went to the show "The Voice" - a Russian television project. With her performance, Nargiz Zakirova in the TV show "The Voice" won over all the judges, but chose the team of Leonid Agutin. She made it to the finals and took second place.

Since April 2014, the singer has been collaborating with producer Maxim Fadeev, performing solo. This year, the musician wrote the debut single for Nargiz "I am not your war." In October, the singer's fans saw a video for this single, in which Nargiz starred with her husband Philip Balzano.

At the beginning of 2019, Nargiz Zakirova released the second single, "You are my tenderness." At the end of this year, fans of her talent heard the third single “I don’t believe you”, the author of these two musical compositions is Maxim Fadeev.

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Personal life Nargiz Zakirova: husband and children

The personal life of Nargiz Zakirova did not work out in the best way, in 1995 the singer was already divorced. The Uzbek singer was married three times, from her first marriage she had a daughter, Sabina. In addition to the eldest daughter, Nargiz Zakirova also has children - son Auel and daughter Leila, all children from different men.

In 1997, the singer's husband dies in a car accident, she is left with two children and all the worries about them fall on her. During this period, a woman experiences a severe and prolonged depression, but soon pulls herself together, because she wants to give her children a decent life. A few years later, the Italian musician Philip Balzano appears in the singer's life, below in the photo are the children and husband Nargiz Zakirova.

Now the woman is a popular singer, a happy wife and mother of three children.

In the photo, Nargiz Zakirova with her husband and children - a son and two daughters.

Irina Tatiana

Irina Tatiana wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

I don’t understand, such a talented one in America worked in a tattoo parlor and so on. Almost the best voice of Russia snuggled up here. She swore at the MUZ TV awards and like water off a duck's back. She generally had to be expelled from the country. I don’t see the voice, or rather I don’t hear, Russian singers sing much better, and let the Uzbeks sing and swear at home. Didn't call 1 channel and did the right thing. And in general I do not understand why I came to Russia. Although it is understandable for the money

Mikhail Timokhov

Mikhail Timokhov wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Anatoly Borovik

Anatoly Borovik wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Let it pour out of the true ITS pleasant SHE is charm. There are no similar talents now, except for barum ba, you will not hear anything. even if she pleases us with something pleasant. Well done in terms of Mom, three children and looks so good. At 47 years old, not everyone can pull such a voice. Give her GOD all the best in a life of love in a family and her children to continue their colorful world of singing talent of a good kind of singers and musicians.

Alena Alena

Alena Alena wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Wonder-yudo-fish-whale. Who might like a woman who looks like don’t understand what. No femininity, no sophistication. Freak and only, a worthy match for Merlin Manson. She has a good voice, that's all you can say good about her. I'd rather listen to Taisiya Povaliy, and a beauty and a singer with the data of a classical singer.

Tatiana Lipatova

Tatyana Lipatova wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Good girl. When Nargiz sings, goosebumps creep through the body ... A worthy generation of their parents. I lived in the 70s in Tashkent and saw the queues for concerts with their performers ... Bravo Nargiz !!! When she's on stage, it's a real show and it's nice to listen to .... It's a pity. that such talents come from abroad ...

Raisa Pirmatova wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

It doesn't matter what appearance a woman is, but if a positive is rushing from her insides, love and tenderness from her eyes, and a sincere smile on her lips, especially since she is talented, then her appearance is perceived as a single component of the above. Personally, I accept her beautiful, harmonious woman. After all, such a woman no longer exists.

Maria Voronova

Maria Voronova wrote a review to Nargiz Zakirova

Awesome, talented, incredible woman! Unusual, not like everyone else, this is what it takes, not to mention the cool, taking to the living, just tearing vocals! For some reason, we believe that everyone should look within a certain framework. But this is a creative person! Everyone expresses themselves in their own way, but in addition to a bright unusual appearance - Nargiz has an amazing voice, has charisma, and she is worth something. There is no need to drive everyone into a certain framework that is familiar to a common man in the street!

Nargiz is a popular singer from Uzbekistan who became famous thanks to her participation in the Voice competition.


Zakirova Nargiz Bulatovna was born on October 6, 1970 in Tashkent, which at that time was part of the Uzbek SSR. The girl's love for music was inherited - all members of the singer's family were to some extent connected with the world of music.

Shoista Saidova, grandmother Nargiz, was a soloist at the Tashkent Musical Theater, grandfather Karim Zakirov wore the honorary title of People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR and worked as an opera singer.

Luiza Karimovna, the singer's mother, was a popular pop singer in the 1960s and 70s and sang in a duet with her brother, and her father, Pulat Sionovich, performed with the ensemble as a drummer.

Therefore, it is not surprising that from an early age the girl literally lived by music. Luiza Karimovna often took her daughter with her on tour, and already at the age of 4, Nargiz first appeared on stage. Then the girl's mother played in one of the performances, for one episode it was necessary to find a girl for the role of a doll. As a result, the director gave the role to Nargiz.

Overwhelmed by the impressions of an incredible touring life, the girl could not sit out lessons in a comprehensive school, so she had a poor academic performance. The girl's favorite subject was music, but Nargiz received poor grades for her - the music teacher did not evaluate the vocal abilities of his students, but the banal knowledge of the lyrics.

In parallel with the secondary school, the parents sent the future star to a music school, but even there the girl was not interested - instead of developing her vocal skills, Nargiz had to learn notes.

Carier start

At the age of 15, Nargiz first showed her singing talent to the general public. Then the girl participated in the popular singing competition "Jurmala-86", where she managed to get the audience award. The girl could not fight for the prizes, because, according to the rules of the competition, participants who had reached the age of sixteen claimed for prizes. At this competition, the girl sang the song "Remember Me" by Ilya Reznik to the music of her uncle Farukhkh Zakirov.

After leaving school, Nargiz did not want to enter a higher educational institution. Instead, she became a soloist in Anatoly Bakhtin's orchestra. Together with the orchestra, the girl toured throughout the USSR.

However, very soon the girl was tired of working in the orchestra - she did not want to perform in a simple format, she wanted to make spectacular and vivid performances. Therefore, performing on stage, the aspiring singer often surprised the audience at that time with strange antics: she performed in short shorts, dyed her hair blonde, tried to perform rock music, and took male dancers to dance.

At that time, the inhabitants of the Soviet Union considered this unacceptable, therefore, after her performances, Nargiz had mixed emotions in the audience, and the singer's colleagues did not approve of such experiments. As the singer herself says, she was called the Uzbek Madonna, but at the same time she was criticized and condemned.

Migration to the USA

Faced with a misunderstanding of the audience and colleagues, Nargiz decides to migrate with his family to America. In 1995, she packs up her things and flies to New York.

As the singer herself says, the first time in the big city was not easy. Nargiz managed to visit a saleswoman in a store and a video salon, a waitress in a pizzeria and even worked in a tattoo parlor, in which she filled most of her tattoos.

Gradually, Nargiz made useful contacts, and one of her new acquaintances offered the girl to work as a singer in an American restaurant. The girl willingly accepted the tempting offer.

Later, Nargiz said that performances in an American restaurant are much higher in level than performances in Russia. Gradually, the singer gets to know professional musicians and collects money for her debut album.

In 2001, Nargiz recorded her debut album in the force of ethno "Golden Cage", released by Sweet Rains Records. In the states, the album became quite popular, selling in large circulation in a short time.

Nargiz also tried several times to create a group. But after the failure of several groups, Zakirova decided to perform on her own.

Return to Russia and participation in the show "The Voice"

In America, the singer often thought about moving to Russia. But, according to the girl, she was stopped by the fact that in Russia it is not enough to have a good voice. The key role, as she was given to understand, is played by financial investments in her career.

Nargiz wanted to take part in the first season of the Voice show. But then terrible news fell on the girl's family - her father fell ill with lung cancer. Attempts to save his father were in vain, and in 2013 Pulat Sionovich died.

Before participating in the second season of "The Voice", the singer passed three qualifying stages of the American "X-factor" competition. Before the start of the fourth stage, the organizers of the Russian "Voice" called the singer and offered to try to pass the casting.

The singer, without thinking twice, chose to participate in the "Voice". From the first broadcast, Nargiz became the favorite of many viewers and judges, striking absolutely everyone with her strong voice, unusual appearance and charisma.

The first performance, in which the singer performed the song "Still loving you" by the legendary band Scorpions, has collected 20 million views on YouTube. The singer received approval from all members of the jury, going to the team to Leonid Agutin.

Nargiz reached the final of the competition, losing the palm to Denis Volchkov. In the final, Nargiz performed with the legendary song Show Must Go On by Queen.

After participating in the project, the famous Max Fadeev undertook to produce the singer. In 2014, Fadeev wrote the single "I am not yours" for his ward, in October of the same year a video clip for the song was released, in which the singer appeared with Philip Balzano, her third husband.

In the summer of the same year, the star received the Grand Prix at the White Nights of St. Petersburg festival. In February of the following year, the second single "You are my tenderness" was released, in December the singer pleased the fans with the third single "I don't believe you!". The author of both compositions was Maxim Fadeev.

In May 2016, the fourth single "Run" was released, the video for which was released a week after the release of the song. On September 1, together with Maxim Fadeev, the singer released the song "Together".

In October of the same year, the album "Heart Murmur" was released, which was positively received by critics and brought Nargiz a new wave of admirers. At the moment, Zakirova and Fadeev are actively working on recording new compositions.

Personal life

Nargiz was married three times. From her first spouse, Ruslan Sharipov, the singer has a daughter, Sabina. At the time of migration to the States, the singer was married a second time and was expecting a second child. The second spouse was Yernur Kanaybekov. Already in the United States, the couple had a son, who was named Auel.

In 1997, there was a terrible car accident, as a result of which Yernur died. Then Zakirova, under the influence of the worries and problems that fell on her, began a protracted depression.

Nargis and Philip Balzano

In that difficult period, the Italian musician Philip Balzano, whom the singer soon married, became support for Nargiz. Later, the lovers had a daughter, Leila. The singer has a grandson, Noah, who was recently given birth to by her eldest daughter, Sabina.

Participation in a TV show

After the program "Voice", the singer began to appear in other TV shows. In 2014, she appeared in the project "Battle of Psychics" on TNT. A year later, Nargiz acted as the host of the second season of the "Main Stage". However, she hosted the show for only 4 issues, after which she realized that the leading role was not for her and left the show.


Nargiz's appearance often causes discussion among the audience. A shaved head, tattoos and piercings all evoke quite mixed emotions in viewers. The singer herself is annoyed by the constant discussions of her appearance, which she once stated on the page on the social network.

Nargiz got her first tattoo after moving to America - the first to adorn the singer's body was the omkara sign, symbolizing goodness and peace. The left hand is decorated with a tree, inside which is the image of a girl - this sketch was drawn to the singer by her familiar tattoo artist.