Adele's personal life. Adele: biography of one of the most talented singers of our time Age of singer Adele

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, better known as Adele. Born May 5, 1988 in London - British singer, composer, poet, performing pop-jazz / soul, blues.

Adele is a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (2013), winner of ten Grammy Awards, five Brit Awards, as well as Golden Globe and Oscars (2013).

Adele in 2007 was announced by critics as "the new Amy Winehouse", but a year later she was recognized as the continuer of the traditions of Etta James and Dusty Springfield.

Adele's debut album, released on January 28, 2008, topped the UK Albums Chart a week after the release, and subsequently received "platinum" status (that is, it sold over 300 thousand copies) and was nominated for the 2008 Mercury Prize.

Adele's second studio album, 21, released in January 2011, became the top bestseller of the year. It was voted Album of the Year by two leading magazines: Billboard and Rolling Stone. On February 12, 2012, at the 54th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, the disc was named Best Album of the Year. The album became the best in the USA for two years in a row (2011 and 2012).

To date, Adele has over a hundred different awards, including the Order of the British Empire. Also Adele is listed in the Guinness Book of Records... In the new edition of the Book, three unique achievements of the singer are recorded: Adele is recognized as the first solo artist, whose album topped the British chart for 11 weeks in a row and 21 weeks in general. And besides, she was the only artist whose two albums and two singles were simultaneously in the top five of the hit parade.

Adele as a child

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988 in a place called Tottenham (North London).

The parents of the future star were Englishwoman Penny Adkins and Welshman Mark Evans.

Adele's parents broke up when the girl was barely 3 years old. Adele stayed with her mother, but maintained a relationship with her father.

Adele with her father

She got into music very early on, and oddly enough, she calls the British pop group Spice Girls her main inspiration. “They made me who I am now,” the singer admits in one of her interviews.

Adele was fortunate enough to study at one of the most prestigious institutions in England - the London School of Performing Arts and Technology (BRIT School). It was there, at different times, the foundations of music comprehended by such superstars as Amy Winehouse, Jesse Jay, Keith Nash, Leona Lewis and many others.

Adele Adkins first appeared on stage at school, where she sang "Rise" (Gabrielle's hit).

By this time, she was influenced by her favorite performers, Etta James and Dusty Springfield, although, by her own admission, she came across their records by accident. Adele graduated from the London School of Performing Arts and Technology in Croydon in May 2006. Two months later, she published two of her compositions in the fourth edition of the online art magazine

Adele's career, as often happens in modern show business, began with the music site MySpace, where she posted several demos of her songs. The popularity of the tracks grew at an incredible speed, and as a result, the fame of the new, talented performer reached the managers of the record company XL-Records. The label executives, with difficulty, but still managed to get themselves Adele, and already in the first half of 2007 she started recording her debut album.

The first single on album 19 was the lyric song Hometown Glory, dedicated to the London area East Norwood, where Adkins lived with her mother for a short time.

Adele - Hometown Glory

In April 2008, the single Hometown Glory hit the UK Top 40 again after being featured on the soundtrack of the TV series "Skins".

In December 2007, Adele received the Brit Awards Critics "Choice Award (given to an artist with no album yet).

This was followed by the signing of a new contract - with XL Recordings - and the release of the second single "Chasing Pavements", which for a month stayed on the 2nd place of the British charts.

In January 2008, her debut album 19 topped the national charts just a week after its release, and in a month reached 500,000 copies, earning platinum status. In March 2008, Adele signed an American contract with Columbia Records and had a successful tour of the United States and Canada. Her debut album was released in the United States on June 20, 2008, climbing to No. 10.

In 2010, Adele was nominated for a Grammy (Best Female Pop Performance) for the single Hometown Glory. In September (after performing on The X Factor) her cover version of Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan entered the UK charts again and climbed to # 4.

On January 24, 2011, the singer's second studio album, 21, was released in the UK. The American release took place on February 22.

Critics noted some changes in the sound of the record: a shift towards country music. The first single from the album Rolling in the Deep occupied the first line of the Billboard Hot 100 for 7 weeks, which is a rarity for British performers. The album climbed to the first places of the charts in Great Britain (it was in the lead for 6 weeks), Ireland, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, and in March 2011 it reached number one on the Billboard 200.

The second single (performed by the singer at the Brit Awards) Someone Like You reached # 1 in Britain. According to the Official Charts Company, Adele - with two singles and two albums in their respective top fives at the same time - became the second in history after The Beatles (1964) to achieve this result.

Adele - Someone Like You

In early November 2011, it was announced that all Adele's concerts were canceled due to surgery on her vocal cords.

"I have been singing every day since the age of 14 and I never had problems with my voice, and then my throat hurt, I had to perform, it was cold, I performed in Paris and suddenly he just disappeared ... It was a hemorrhage. , a ruptured vessel in the vocal cords. It passed and I continued to tour, and then it happened again, at my best friend's wedding on October 1st ... Some fucking ** would spread the rumor that I had throat cancer. "- said Adele. According to her, this story and the operation helped her appreciate everything that she has achieved in her career.

At the beginning of 2012, Adele's song Set Fire to the Rain topped the US national charts - the "Hot 100" of Billboard magazine.

Adele - Set Fire to the Rain

By May 2012, Adele's 21 album had sold 4,274,300 copies in the UK. This made the disc one of the five most successful releases of the British media market.

In May 2012, Adele won the Billboard Music Award, receiving 12 awards from 20 nominations.

In 2012, Adele recorded the song Skyfall for the soundtrack to the next James Bond film, "007: Skyfall Coordinates."

For her writing, the singer, together with Paul Epworth, was awarded Golden Globe and Oscars in the Best Song category (2013), as well as a Grammy Award in the category Best Song Written for Film, Television or Other Visual Performance "(2014).

Adele - Skyfall

In 2014, Adele was awarded the Order of the British Empire for her services in the development of culture and art.

In the fall of 2012, Adele gave birth to her first child and took a break in her career, fully devoting herself to the child. Therefore, her return in October 2015 with the video for the single Hello made a splash among the public.

Adele - Hello

In 2016, the Brit Awards won three out of four nominations, and also received a special award for World Success. There are 4 awards in total.

In 2017, Adele won five out of five Grammy awards, increasing her number of awards to 15, and becoming the first artist to win Album of the Year, Record of the Year and Song of the Year twice.

Adele's height: 175 centimeters.

Adele's personal life:

Since 2011, Adele has been in a de facto marriage with Simon Konecki (born 1974).

Simon Konekki runs the Brighton-based water charity Drop4Drop.

Civil spouse Adele is a rather extravagant figure and is known for her cheerful disposition. "They called me Swampy (Swampy is translated from English slang as "swamp schmuck" - website), as well as the guy who lived in the tunnel under the runway at Manchester Airport. Probably because of my long hair and leftist views ", - he said in one of his interviews.

Adele and Simon Konecki

All sorts of rumors constantly circulated about Adele and Konecki - either about their upcoming wedding, then about the breakup. However, these are only rumors.

"I have said a million times that I am not married, but all the same, everyone says this. But in general, yes, we are still together. We never separated. We never separated. We are together. We just do not feel the need to get married. We have common child. I feel that this is enough for devotion to each other. ", - said Adele in early November 2015.

In April 2019, it was announced that after 8 years of marriage. Representatives of the star said that "Adele and her partner broke up." "They want to raise their son together with love. As always, they ask for confidentiality," the official statement said.

Discography of Adele:

2008 - 19
2011 - 21
2015 - 25

Singles Adele:

10/22/2007 - Hometown Glory
01.21.2008 - Chasing Pavements
04.21.2008 - Cold Shoulder
27.10.2008 - Make You Feel My Love
11/29/2010 - Rolling in the Deep
24.01.2011 - Someone like You
04.07.2011 - Set Fire to the Rain
11/05/2011 - Rumor Has It
11/05/2011 - Turning Tables
05.10.2012 - Skyfall
10/23/2015 - Hello
01/22/2016 - When We Were Young
05/16/2016 - Send My Love

Adele about herself:

"People think I hate fame. But no. In fact, I'm afraid of it.".

"I hate red carpets. It's not that I'm feeling insecure, it's just that I don't like it at all. It makes my stomach really feel like it.".

"I'm pretty loud and I'm a Bolshevik".

"There are many of me - that is how I am. I walk into a room, large, tall and loud.".

"I get nervous every time I perform".

"You can see the fear in my eyes. The very first TV show I ever performed was Later ... With Jools Holland, when I was 18 years old, and I was put in a program between Bjork and Paul McCartney. And this is the same fear that was then , is still in my eyes at every performance. The more albums I sell, the more popular I become, the larger the concert halls where I perform. This is a kind of vicious circle. ".

Someone says that the world of show business is cruel and complex. And these words are certainly not devoid of meaning. However, sometimes in this world, deceit and intrigue are really met fairy tales... One of these is the creative biography of the British singer Adele.

Today she is known and loved on all continents, her voice sounds on the radio, and photographs adorn the covers of authoritative music publications like the Rolling Stones. At the age of 19, she released her first album, which made her a star, and three years later, Adele's next record won several Grammys and went platinum four times in the UK. How a girl from North London reached such heights and changed the established rules of success in show business, read further on the site.

Childhood and family

The future star of the world music scene, Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, was born on May 5, 1988 in Tottenham, an area in north London notorious for frequent riots and thriving organized crime. At least that was the case in those years. Only immigrants from Arab countries and the poor lived in this part, and the family of the future singer belonged to the second category.

Adele's parents, Penny Adkins and Mark Evans, met in 1987 in one of the city's pubs. She was an 18-year-old art student, and he was in his early 20s. They started living together and Penny soon became pregnant. Choosing between studying at the university and having a daughter, the woman chose the latter. Adele was born two weeks ahead of schedule. Soon after giving birth, Mark asked for Penny's hand, but she refused, believing that she was still too young for a marriage bond.

The father left the family when the girl was 9 months old. From him, the artist only had a stack of records of the jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald, as well as the middle name - Blue, in honor of Mark's favorite musical genre, the blues. For a while, Adele and her mother visited him, but when the girl was three years old, he disappeared from her daughter's life for many years. Mark moved to Wales, where he began to drink and practically did not take part in raising his daughter, either financially or emotionally. In 1995 he found new love, and Adele had a half-brother, Cameron. He is very similar to Adele both externally and in character.

Her father reappeared in Adele's life when her success was talked about throughout Britain. It was at this moment that interviews with the singer's father appeared in a number of English-language media, to which she reacted very violently and ambiguously, noting that "this person has no right to talk about her."

This is a 2011 article in the British tabloid Daily Mail. The publication paid Macra Evans for personal details from Adele's life, and he, feeling financial need, easily agreed. Adele was outraged:

He left me and suddenly appears ten years later and declares that all the problems in my life are due to our bad relationship! Go to hell!

Since childhood, the closest people in Adele's life were her mother and grandfather on her father's side. It was they who nurtured the desire to sing in the girl. To pay for the little girl's vocal lessons, Penny worked in three places: she was a massage therapist, a furniture assembler and organized training courses for adults. Adele loved to sing and studied with a teacher almost every evening.

The grandfather replaced the girl's father, but in 1999 he died of intestinal cancer. After that, Adele and her mother moved to South London and rented an apartment above a discount store with another neighbor.

First steps to success

Adele became interested in singing at the age of 4, imitating the voices of the members of the Spice Girls. “In many ways, they shaped me as an artist,” the singer says. The first public performance of the future British pop star was the performance of the song "Rise" from the repertoire of the singer Gabrielle as part of a school production. A little later, she became interested in r'n'b and pop-rock like singer Pink

As a teenager, Adele began to admire jazz singer Etta James.

I heard it for the first time and froze. I just sat there and listened. My mind and body were in her hands.

Possessing a strong chest voice and a wide vocal range, the girl amazed everyone with her ability to sing beautifully, pulling out literally outrageous notes. She was admired by friends and acquaintances, but she herself did not believe at all in the possibility of success - her figure was far from ideal (until 2008, the artist's weight was 134 kg), and she never had wealthy sponsors.

How Adele changed (2007 - 2017)

And yet, after listening to the opinions of loved ones, Adele went to audition for the famous London School of Performing Arts and Technology, which previously trained Amy Winehouse, Leona Lewis and many other English stars. The audition was successful, and Adele began to study music with the best teachers in Britain.

In 2006, the singer recorded several demos. The compositions were so successful that, without consulting her herself, Adele's friends decided to post them on the MySpace social service page. The songs were noticed by prominent British producers from XL Recordings. As the singer herself later admitted more than once, the call from the record label office became a pleasant surprise for her. “After picking up the phone, at first I thought it was a joke,” she recalled.

However, the dream that suddenly came true turned out to be quite real. And after that, Adele's long ascent to the heights of the European musical Olympus began. The singer's first single, "Hometown Glory", was released in October 2007 and was released in a very limited edition. But a year later it was reissued, and the composition itself was nominated for a Grammy Award.


The singer's first real hit was the song "Chasing Pavements", which, just a couple of weeks after the official release, reached the second line of the British national charts. And after 14 days the singer's debut album "19" was released. That was the age of Adele at the time of its release.

Adele - Chasing Pavements

Adele received her first music award even before the release of her first album. Such was the Brit AwardsCritics "Choice Award - an award for young performers who have not yet released a full-fledged studio album. However, such success immediately faded before the number of various awards that fell on the singer after the release of her first album" 19. "Critics scattered in praise and christened Adele is the "queen of soul".

Adele - Cold Shoulder

A week after its release, the album topped the British national chart. Within a month, the disc sold 500,000 copies, which brought it platinum status. In total, over 7 million copies have been sold worldwide. This triumph was followed by a successful tour of the United States and Canada, as well as the signing of a contract with the American label Columbia Records.


Three years later, the impressive success of the first studio album surpassed Adele's second album, entitled "21". The singer began working on material for the album in 2009, which coincided with a falling out with her partner. Many of the songs on her second album were inspired by their feelings. For example, the emotional “Take It All” Adele wrote at the time of a serious quarrel with her beloved, the gloomy “Rolling in the Deep” - a response to the mocking remarks of her boyfriend, who believed that without him the girl’s life would be worthless, and “Rumor Has It” was a prick in side of gossip friends.

The album was produced by Rick Rubin, who, according to the singer, pulled her out of her comfort zone, which made it difficult for her to work on the album. In particular, he was against the use of electronic instruments and samples, while Adele wanted to make a more modern and danceable album. Under his leadership, the singer recorded the compositions "Lovesong" (cover of the song the group Cure), “Don’t You Remember”, “He Won’t Go”, “One and Only”, “I Found a Boy”. A total of 11 songs were included in the album track list.

Adele - Rolling in the Deep

Initially, Adele wanted to release a disc under the name "Rolling in the Deep", but in the end she settled on the name "21": it reflected her inner age and creative evolution.

In February 2012, "21" brought Adele 6 Grammy statuettes. So the British woman repeated Beyoncé's record for the number of awards in one ceremony. Adele won the most prestigious nominations: Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Pop Album of the Year, Record of the Year, Best Video and Best Pop Solo Performance.


After the release of the second album, Adele found happiness in her personal life (read more below): she had a husband and a child, and this is the reason for the long break between the 2nd and 3rd albums. “The next album will be released in two years, I want to live for myself,” Adele admitted in 2012.

In the same year, she delighted fans with the song "Skyfall", recorded specifically for the soundtrack of the new part of Bond film with Daniel Craig. And before signing a contract with the filmmakers, Adele demanded to let her read the script. When it comes to James Bond movies, it's always a mystery. But for Adele, the producers made an exception.

As soon as the singer's son turned 18 months old, Adele returned to the recording studio, full of ideas for new creativity. His leitmotif was the happiness of motherhood. However, the first attempts were unsuccessful: the resulting music seemed boring to the singer. Instead of the promised 2014, the album was released in November 2015.

Many world stars have postponed the releases of their records, frightened by competition, even the idol of youth Justin Bieber and the boy band One Direction. Maybe that's right: in the first week, “25” was bought by more than seven million people. Over the next six months, this figure increased to 20 million.

2014 brought Adele the Order of the British Empire, which is awarded for outstanding service to the country. Undoubtedly, the singer has done a lot not only for English, but also for world music.

The 2017 Grammy Awards are undeniably Adele Day. Her album 25 was nominated for Album of the Year and Best Pop Album, and her song Hello was nominated for Song of the Year, Record of the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance. Adele won all five nominations. It was not possible to break her own record (in 2012 she got 6 Grammy statuettes), but this is the second time that one artist received all three main nominations of the ceremony (song, record and album of the year) for the second time.

Adele - Hello (Live at Grammys 2017)

By May 2018, Adele had made a fortune of $ 190 million, which secured her first place in the ranking of the richest performers in the UK. At the same time, Adele attended the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and warmly congratulated the newlyweds, and soon announced the release date of the fourth album - it will be released in December 2019, on the eve of Catholic Christmas.

Adele's personal life

As we mentioned above, the album "21" is inspired by the experiences after parting with a man. But Adele, a rather private person, does not advertise the name of the "culprit." The fans could only guess - who is this man who broke the heart of the people's favorite?

At first, the handsome Slinky Sunbeam, the singer with whom Adele was credited with an affair in 2008, fell under suspicion. But the singer herself put a fat point on these rumors: “Those who say that do not know anything about us from Slinky. He's not even my type. "

Candidates also included producer Mark Ronson, who worked on Adele's first album; comedian James Corden, good friend singers; Klaxons frontman Jamie Reynolds. But all the guesses were in vain. Neither a powerful fan club, nor journalists, nor the paparazzi ever opened the veil of secrecy over the name of the anonymous boyfriend. The singer's fans christened him "Mister 21".

In 2011, Adele met true love... The artist's chosen one was Simon Konecki, the owner of a large investment holding. Simon is 14 years older than Adele, but this fact did not bother the lovers. By the way, the song "Someone Like You" from the same album "21" is dedicated to him.

On October 19, 2012, the couple had a son, who was named Angelo James. After the birth of a child, news about the allegedly impending wedding of happy parents began to appear in the American and British press with enviable constancy. Finally, during a concert in 2017, Adele made a declaration of her marriage, after which the audience burst into applause. In March, she and Simon got married in secret in Los Angeles, holding a ceremony in their own home.

Adele does not hide the fact that after the birth of the child she suffered from postpartum depression and was tormented by the thought that she had made the worst decision in her life, deciding on motherhood. But she managed to overcome this feeling, and for the sake of her son, Adele turned out to be from bad habits - cigarettes and alcohol, which used to often keep her company.

In the spring of 2017, the couple acquired a mansion in the British city of East Grinstead in addition to the singer's mansion in West Sussex, a house on Brighton Beach, an apartment in London, a penthouse in New York, a beach bungalow in Malibu and two houses in Beverly Hills.

In September 2019, Adele announced that she was filing for divorce. Usually the singer does not comment on events from her personal life, but this time she made an exception. A source close to the family claimed that the crisis in the family began in April. The reason for this is the popularity of Adele, not slowing down, as Simon hoped, but vice versa. “It was difficult for him to feel in second place, and lately he does not see Adele at all,” the insider claimed. The former spouses remained friends and share custody of the child.

The singer's fans were upset by the news, but at the same time, the changes in Adele's life gave hope for new creativity. After breaking up with Simon, Adele was caught in connection with a black rapper from Tottenham, nicknamed Skepta (real name Joseph Adenuga).

He and Adele are longtime friends, were born in the same city and kept in touch all these years. In early October 2019, a couple of them were spotted at the Crystal Maze game show in London. Skepta also broke up with his girlfriend shortly before. “Adele and Skepta have a close bond and they will definitely become a great couple,” the singer's friends convince.

Adele supports the LGBT community. In June 2016, she gave a benefit concert in support of the victims of the shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida. In 2018, Adele hosted the wedding of her friend, TV presenter and homosexual Alan Carr. The ceremony took place in the backyard of the singer's house.

Adele now

Listeners have not heard Adele's new material since 2017, however, on May 5, 2019, the artist hinted that the release of a new album is not far off. “30 will be a drum and bass recording to piss you off. Above your nose, "she wrote on Instagram on her 31st birthday. Given Adele's tradition of naming albums by numbers that correspond to her age at the time of working on new material, the music market regarded her words as such. According to forecasts, Adele's new album "30" will go on sale in December 2019, closer to Christmas (but this is inaccurate).

She previously claimed that "25" will be the last album to be titled in honor of age. “I'll just call the next album Adele,” she said in 2018 in the Carpool Karaoke YouTube project.

Adele in Carpool Karaoke show (Russian subtitles)

In the meantime, fans are waiting for the new album of the British woman, Lady Gaga surprised the audience by naming her new album "Adele" (2019), although the singers have never collaborated and were not closely acquainted.

Adele, song "Rolling in the Deep" (video)

Adele, a young English pop-jazz / soul singer and songwriter, was born in Anfield, North London.

The date of birth of the singer Adele is May 5, 1988 (05/05/1988). Full name Adele - Adele Lowry Blue Edkins. Music critics first called her the new Amy Winehouse, but then decided that the singer was the successor of Dusty Springfield and Etta James.

In January 2008, the first music album of the singer Adele was released, which was named "19". Within a few days "19" became the leader of the "UK Albums Chart". Soon the album received platinum status, it was nominated for the "Mercury Prize". Adele has received nine Popular Music Grammy Awards and five Brit Awards. This year, 2013, for the song "Skyfall", written for the next series of the famous "Bondiana", the singer Adele received the most famous Golden Globe and Oscar awards.

For the first time, Adele appeared on the stage at school, performing Gabrielle's song "Rice". Then Adele was impressed by the aforementioned Etta James and Dusty Springfield.

Adele studied at the prestigious School of Performing Arts in the Borough of Croydon, London, from which she successfully graduated in the spring of 2006. And after a year and a half, Adele went on her first tour of the UK. Around the same time, that is, in October 2007, Adele signed a contract and recorded her first single, "Hometown Glory" at Pacemaker Records. The song immediately became popular on iTunes and was voted "single of the week" there. The following April, "Hometown Glory" hit again, climbing to the top of the UK charts on a wave of the song being used as the soundtrack for the "Skins" TV series.

In 2007, singer Adele, who did not have a single music album at that time, was awarded the Brit Awards Critics "Choice Award." Adele's song "Chasing Pavements" (possibly inaccurate translation) for four of the week secured the second position of the British charts.

In the spring of 2010, Adele was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Pop Female Artist for her song "Hometown Glory". In the fall of the same year, Adele's cover song “Make You Feel My Love” by the famous musician Bob Dylan firmly secured the fourth place in the British charts.

On February 22, 2011, Adele's second album “21” was released. Music experts noted that Adele's performance was influenced by country music. The composition from the album "21" "Rolling in the Deep" ("Rolling to the very bottom") for a month and a half held the first place in the rating "Billboard Hot 100", and the album "21" kept on top of the charts in Britain for about the same time , Ireland, Austria, Belgium and many other countries. And in the spring of the same 2011 "21" became the leader of the "Billboard 200". The song "Someone Like You" became the first in the UK. Adele performed this song at the Brit Evards Awards. In terms of popularity, Adele caught up with the Beatles themselves!

In November 2011, Adele canceled all of her performances due to ligament surgery.

In 2012, the song “Set Fire to the Rain” became the leader of the “Hot Hundred” of Billboard. By May of the same year, a total of over four million copies of Adele's album "21" had been sold, making "21" one of the five most successful UK releases. In the same month, Adele received twelve of the twenty (!) Billboard Music Awards.

Since 2011, singer Adele has been married (de facto) to Simon Konecki, and in October 2012, the couple had a son, Angelo James.

Adele is a singer who at one time conquered the whole world show business with her unique voice and extraordinary appearance. Today she is loved and known in all countries, her songs are heard on all radio stations, and the photos are decorated with the most famous magazine publications and tabloids.

Adele's personal life has always been riveted a lot of attention. The singer was married and is raising a son, and she has come a long way to happiness.

First love and broken heart

One of the famous British magazines reports that the identity of the former boyfriend of the famous singer Adele is known. This person is several years older than her. It was he who inspired the singer to create the famous "Rolling in the Deep", "Someone Like You". Who is this? Drum roll ... this is photographer Alex Sturrock.

Adele and Sturrock met for a very short time - from 2008 to 2009. Their relationship was short, passionate, and volatile. One of the well-known publications was informed about this by a person who is friends with Sturrok. On the page in in social networks the photographer can find several candid images of Adele.

This confirms another fact: Sturrock was her official photographer for her 2009 US tour.

“They met in a circle of mutual friends, and he immediately conquered her. He shot her several times with his gaze, and the singer was subdued ... They spent all their free time together, and when they were at a distance from each other, they constantly called back, ”said their mutual friend.

Since the official reason for the separation of Adele and Sturrock was not known, the source said that the photographer refused to call her his girlfriend, despite the fact that they lived together for several months in an apartment in West London. Adele was discouraged by this statement and began writing songs about redemption and grief in relationships.

“He made me an adult, he showed me the path I follow,” Adele said.

“Rolling in the Deep was a reaction to being told that my life would be boring, lonely and dirty, that I was a weak person if I didn't stay in a relationship. I was very offended and wrote: "f..k you".

In the end, Adele got her revenge in a way that no girl would get revenge: in February she received six Grammys for the album 21. All the world elite gathered in the hall gave her a standing ovation. In the same month, Adele's photo was featured on the cover of Vogue magazine.

Adele with her husband and son

Since 2011, Adele began dating Simon Konecki, and in June 2012, the singer officially announced that she was expecting a baby.

"How does it feel to be parents?" - Adele replied: “I felt alive. I have a goal. This was not the case before. "

She also said in an interview:

“When I was working on my upcoming album, 25, it was difficult for me to leave my son at home. It's very hard. I thought it would be easy. Everyone knows how difficult it is. Ohhh ... I had no idea it was so difficult. "

“He makes me feel young and there is nothing better than a child who protests and refuses to do what I ask. My whole world revolved around me, and now around him, ”Adele said.