Once upon a time there was a storyteller. Famous storytellers Video: Video tutorial "Bazhov Pavel Petrovich"

Once upon a time, children's films and cartoons were shot based on his scripts, his plays were taken by the best theaters in the country ...

Last year he became the best contemporary storyteller in Russia. But, despite his popularity, the children's writer Yuri Kharlamov lives in a remote province, carries firewood on a sled from planting and claims that life is beautiful and amazing ...

I never thought that fate would turn like that, - the writer's wife Svetlana tells me and takes me to a low adobe hut. - We came to Generalskoe as to a dacha, but lived in Dushanbe, in an elite apartment. In addition, we had decent savings, but the USSR collapsed, the money depreciated, and we moved here empty-handed ...

"Moscow is not for me ..."

Sagging ceiling, smoky walls, a small window through which sunlight barely breaks through. The Kharlamovs carry water from the well with buckets, but Yuri Ilyich does not complain.

I learned to plant a garden, heat a stove, built a bathhouse, - he shows his possessions. - And in the summer, we have birds singing and smells of apples ...

Last year, Yuri Kharlamov received the first literary prize named after Pyotr Ershov for books for children and youth. The Kharlamovs have finally supplied gas to the premium. Now the family lives on a small percentage that comes from the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, where Kharlamov's play "High-rise" has been performed for several years ...

By the way, I offered the same work to Rostov theaters, but nobody was interested in it. And Tatyana Doronina liked it, - says the writer. - Perhaps, they would have taken other manuscripts, but to be popular, you need to live in Moscow, move in bohemian circles, and this is not for me.

Despite the secluded lifestyle, fame still found Yuri Kharlamov in the Don hinterland. After the publication of "The Tales of Baba Pear", the writer received a letter: "Hello ... Thank you for writing about me ... I demand to continue ..." It so happened that the heroine of Kharlamov's series of fairy tales, Pear, not only looked like a real woman, but also the stories that happened to her were as if taken from the life of the author of the letter ..

Writers go into show business ...

After receiving the award, Kharlamov's fairy tales were printed in Ershov's homeland, in the Tyumen region, and now we have released the first in fifteen recent years his book ..

I didn't go anywhere, I didn't knock out anything. It's just that in the library the children started asking for my stories. And they remembered about me. And here it is, the first edition, - Yuri Ilyich shows piles of books on the floor. - They brought it a few days ago.

Part of the circulation, which Kharlamov took instead of the fee, the storyteller is going to give away to the village kids. Indeed, in the village they know that a writer lives in a small adobe house in poverty, and what he wrote about, they have no idea.

The world has changed. People don't read much. And writers go into show business or write texts for humorists, says the storyteller. - There are no decent playwrights or children's writers left ...

But Kharlamov stayed. And in children's literature, and in a small hut on the outskirts of Generalskoe. Every day he sits down at an old typewriter and goes into a world where good always triumphs over evil. After all, that's why he is a storyteller!

Svetlana Lomakina

Danish novelist and poet - the author of world famous fairy tales for children and adults. He penned The Ugly Duckling, The King's New Dress, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Princess and the Pea, Ole Lukkoye, The Snow Queen and many other works.

The storyteller was constantly afraid for his life: Andersen was frightened by the likelihood of a robbery, a dog, the possibility of losing his passport.

Most of all, the writer feared fire. Because of this, the author of The Ugly Duckling always carried a rope with him, with which, in the event of a fire, he could get out through the window onto the street.

Also, Andersen was tormented by the fear of poisoning all his life. There is a legend according to which children who loved the work of the Danish storyteller bought a gift for their idol. Ironically, the guys sent Andersen a box of chocolates. The storyteller was horrified when he saw the children's gift and sent it to his relatives.

Hans Christian Andersen. (nacion.ru)

In Denmark, there is a legend about the royal origin of Andersen. This is due to the fact that in his early autobiography the author himself wrote about how in childhood he played with Prince Frits, later - King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys. Only the prince. Andersen's friendship with Frits, according to the storyteller's fantasy, continued in adulthood, until the latter's death, and, according to the writer himself, he was the only one, with the exception of relatives, who was admitted to the coffin of the deceased.

Charles Perrault

However, world-wide fame and recognition of the descendants brought him not serious books, but the wonderful fairy tales "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Bluebeard", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty".

Source: twi.ua

Perrault did not publish his tales under his own name, but under the name of his 19-year-old son, Perrault d'Armancourt. The fact is that in the culture of the XVll century throughout Europe, and especially in France, classicism prevailed. This direction provided for a strict division into "high" and "low" genres. It can be assumed that the writer hid his own name in order to protect his already established literary reputation from accusations of working with the "low" genre of fairy tales.

Because of this fact, after the death of Perrault, Mikhail Sholokhov suffered the fate of Mikhail Sholokhov: literary critics began to dispute his authorship. But the version about the independent authorship of Perrault is still generally accepted.

Brothers Grimm

Jacob and Wilhelm are researchers of German folk culture and storytellers. They were born in the city of Hanau. For a long time they lived in the city of Kassel. They studied the grammar of the Germanic languages, the history of law and mythology.

Such tales of the Brothers Grimm as "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Rapunzel" are known throughout the world.

The Brothers Grimm. (history-doc.ru)

For the Germans, this duo is the personification of the primordial folk culture. The writers collected folklore and published several collections entitled "Tales of the Brothers Grimm", which became very popular. The Brothers Grimm also created a book about the Germanic Middle Ages, German Legends.

The Brothers Grimm are considered the founders of German philology. At the end of their lives, they began to create the first dictionary of the German language.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

The writer was born in the city of Sysert, Yekaterinburg district, Perm province. He graduated from the theological school in Yekaterinburg, and later from the Perm theological seminary.

He worked as a teacher, political worker, journalist and editor of the Ural newspapers.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. (zen.yandex.com)

In 1939 a collection of Bazhov's fairy tales "The Malachite Box" was published. In 1944, The Malachite Box was published in London and New York, then in Prague, and in 1947 in Paris. The work has been translated into German, Hungarian, Romanian, Chinese, japanese languages... In total, according to the library. Lenin, - into 100 languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

In Yekaterinburg there is a house-museum of Bazhov, dedicated to the life and creative path of the writer. It was in this room that the author of the "Malachite Box" wrote all his works.

Astrid Lindgren

Fabulous works are close to folk art, in them the connection of fantasy with the truth of life is felt. Astrid is the author of a number of internationally renowned children's books, including The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof and Pippi Longstocking. In Russian, her books became known thanks to the translation of Lilianna Lungina.

Astrid Lindgren. (wbkids.ru)

Lindgren devoted almost all of her books to children. “I haven’t written any books for adults and I think I’ll never do that,” Astrid said emphatically. Together with the heroes of the books she taught the children that "If you do not live out of habit, your whole life will be a day!"

The writer herself always called her childhood happy (there were many games and adventures in it, interspersed with work on the farm and in its vicinity) and pointed out that it was this that served as a source of inspiration for her work.

In 1958, Lindgren received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal, which is equated with the Nobel Prize in Children's Literature.

Lindgren lived a long life, 94 years, of which 48 years, until her death, she continued to engage in creativity.

Rudyard Kipling

Renowned writer, poet and reformer, born in Bombay (India). At the age of 6 he was brought to England, those years he later called "years of suffering." When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Until now, he remains the youngest writer-laureate in his category. He also became the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

AT Rostov regionat village Generalskoelives a real storyteller - laureate of the literary prize named after Pyotr Ershov.

The old adobe hut of Yuri Kharlamov and his muse - wife Svetlana, even without knowing the address, is not difficult to find. You just need to stop a passerby and ask: "Where does the writer live?"

From the side of a narrow rural street, the writer's courtyard is closed from prying eyes by a hedge covered with a green ivy carpet. The round gazebo in the back of the garden - Kharlamov's summer study - is not visible either. In the most honorable place in it is an old typewriter "Continental", which can now be seen only in an antique shop or a museum.

Yuri Kharlamov was born in 1936 in Lugansk. His father was the director of the school, his mother was a teacher. In the late fifties Kharlamov came to Rostov, went to work at a weaving factory and began to ask: "Where are the poets crowded here?"

A club of young writers was gathering in Rostov at that time. Pyotr Vegin, Boris Primerov, Slava Saksin, Kulikov, Ter-Markaryan - the Rostov "sixties" went there, - Yuri Ilyich recalls. - Vegin worked on television and invited me there. I became cut off and wrote - poetry, prose, published in the Don magazine.

I sent my creations simultaneously to two institutes - in VGIK and the Literary Institute.

Positive reviews came from both universities, and Yuri Ilyich chose the script department of VGIK. Entered the correspondence course, studied at the workshop of the famous screenwriter Alexey Kaplertogether with the future screenwriter Victoria Tokareva and Gennady Bokarev- the author of the play, which was sensational at the time "Steelworkers"... He began his own creative life on the Don land, considering it since then his small homeland.

The first essays in the journal "Don", a test of strength in different genres, work on the first book, meetings in the club of young writers, where the Khrushchev thaw gathered talented people of the sixties - Anton Gerashchenko, Anatoly Gritsenko, Boris Primerov.

Many peers and fellow craftsmen strove with all their might to get to the capital. And Yuri Kharlamov wanted to "see life and show himself" in completely different places of the great country.

By this time, on television, he was appointed head of the cinema department, but this work did not like the beginning writer, and he left for Sochi. For a whole year he worked there as a newspaper editor.

But I got bored in this beach town, '' Kharlamov admits. - I wanted romance. With a friend, the poet Ivan Mashkin, we were going to go to Chukotka to save the dying tribe of Yukagirs there.

But instead of Chukotka, Kharlamov went to Tajikistan... He worked in a newspaper, at a film studio.

Once Kharlamov decided to escape from the bustle of the city in order to create in the silence of nature. Settled meteorological observer to a nature reserve with an enchanting name Tiger beam.

I lived like Robinson Crusoe. There was not a soul around, only greeted the jackals. Every day I sat down at a typewriter and wrote, wrote in such a way that the right hand was swollen and hurt ... Nothing happened! And only when I returned to Dushanbe, in a familiar environment: friends, communication, I wrote a book in a month "At the edge of the disappeared tiger".

In Tigrovaya Balka, Yuri met a gamekeeper, a Russian guy who grew up in a Turkmen family - he wrote the script for a documentary about him. Soon Tajikfilm announced an anonymous competition for the best scripts for feature films, documentaries and animated films. Both Kharlamov scenarios won - about the huntsman and about the "tiger" (according to this scenario, the film was shot "Tiger Wanted"). Yuri Ilyich traveled all over Tajikistan.

In every mountain village, a fire always burns in the windows of the outer houses so that the traveler does not get lost, - the writer recalls. - You approach the village, and a child is already standing on the threshold, holding out water and a cake - to any traveler, whoever he is, a good man or bad. Everything around was very often so fantastic and fabulous that it was then that my first fairy tales were born.

As a scriptwriter, Kharlamov began to be invited to film expeditions and business trips to the shooting. The constant companion of the young writer was his wife Svetlana Tsoi- a graduate of a medical institute. Over time, she became its editor, proofreader, and critic. Yuri Ilyich was admitted to the creative unions of writers and filmmakers. With the receipt of an apartment in Dushanbe, life seemed to be finally getting better.

When in 1980 year, the couple decided to acquire a dacha on the Don land and looked after an old house in the village for this purpose General's, no one could have imagined that someday he would remain their only wealth and refuge. But this was still quite a long way off. For a dozen years, Yuri Ilyich and his wife flew five thousand kilometers to their dacha every spring by plane and spent the entire summer season here.

For a long time, the neighbor's grandmother could not understand what kind of profession Kharlamov had, if he sits in a gazebo at a typewriter all summer and does not go to work anywhere.

You must be working as a fireman, she decided one day. - Of course, the stoker has no work in the summer.

Is this story a fairy tale? - Yuri Ilyich smiles. - And yet nothing was invented, everything was in fact.

The war in Tajikistan deprived the spouses of everything they had acquired. Having become refugees, after long ordeals, they eventually settled in their adobe house.

Usually, this room is the storyteller's study. He writes all his works by hand, then types them on a typewriter - "to see the text", makes notes. Only when everything is ready, is accepted, as he himself says "for typographic work": retyping on the computer and printing for distribution by regular mail.

Printed sheets are spread throughout the house: Yuri Ilyich works tirelessly. Behind - books of fairy tales, scripts of films and cartoons, plays. One of his plays - "High-rise" - for several seasons went to Moscow Art Theater.

Yuri Ilyich himself laid out the stove, built a bathhouse, - says his wife Svetlana. - I confess, only here for the first time in my life I saw a live cow.

A couple of cats are basking in the sun, chickens and ducks are walking nearby. All live together, as in a fairy tale.

Our bird is more decorative. To cook soup from it - the hand does not rise, - says Yuri Ilyich.

Impractical, of course, but it couldn't be otherwise. After all, all these birds and animals for Kharlamov are fairy-tale heroes. He watches them like that, and then transfers them into a fairy tale. Readers and critics are only surprised: how is Kharlamov so smartly and vividly written everything?

But if I didn't write a fairy tale right away, it somehow leaves, - Yuri Ilyich continues - something happens: if you cheated on her, then she also leaves you. Creativity is some kind of living thing ... I love old things, I have a Continental typewriter, now I have a different one, but still I love this typewriter, because it has a destiny: she traveled around Central Asia on camels in the sands, and I myself have had many adventures with her. Once I did not write for a long time, a mouse settled in this typewriter, dragged there herbs, all kinds of threads, made a nest. But then I banished her, of course ...

These are poems by Yuri Ilyich. He says about them like this:

Poems are the highest form of a fairy tale. If you write just poetry, reflect reality, it will be poetry, but not poetry ... it was not poetry, but I called them a state of mind. (Lyrics by Yu. I. Kharlamov.)

AT 2006 year Yuri Kharlamov became the laureate of the first All-Russian Literary Prize named after Pyotr Ershov for books for children and youth. The high award was given to the writer for his book "Tales of Baba Pear" (dramatization of a fragment of fairy tales).

A memorial sign of the Ershov literary competition - a statuette made of an elk horn depicting the famous fairy Ivan on the no less famous fairy Humpbacked Horse to Yuri Ilyich was sent from Siberia.

The Don writer did not have to personally attend the award ceremony - for health reasons, doctors did not release him. By the way, the head of the administration of the Siberian city of Ishim Victor Rein, who established this award together with the Writers' Union of Russia, officially invited Kharlamov to move to permanent residence in Ishim, where he guaranteed him the provision of decent housing.

I was deeply moved by this proposal, - says Yuri Ilyich, - but I thanked the respected Viktor Alexandrovich and refused. In Rostov, I began my creative biography. And Generalskoe became my small homeland. It is very easy and familiar to work here. "The Tales of Baba Pear" was born on this very land. My friends are here.

In a letter to V.A. Rein, he wrote:

“... I think I've been very lucky three times in my life. Born in the same city (Lugansk) with the great creator of the Russian explanatory dictionary - Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. I live on the land of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov, covered with world glory. The award was received in the homeland of the unsurpassed master of the poetic fairy tale Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov. Under the gaze of such titans, words, thoughts and spirit are ashamed to write not at the limit of their creative possibilities. "

He writes his fairy tales, but does not invent. About what is close to him, about painful. After all, the life of Yuri Ilyich himself is so similar to a fairy tale, where there are always difficulties, but there is always some little miracle.

- A fairy tale, like marriages, is born in heaven.
And from there, someone pushes them - such a burnt clay jug. And now you come across, suddenly, a fragment of this broken jug and then begin to fold it.
- Search for the remaining parts? ..
- Which are - more than that - a piece. And this, as for any archaeologist or man of science, is the happiest moment when you feel that this jug in your hands has suddenly folded, revived, played and then finally saw the reader.
(From an interview in the Don-TR radio program "Square of Culture").

In program release "Culture square" , dedicated to the International Children's Book Day, the floor is given to children-readers, children's writers (interview with Yu. I. Kharlamov , N. A. Sukhanova ) and, of course, the heroes of children's books. The program also includes a conversation about children's reading with librarians of the Rostov Regional Children's Library.

It is about such a life that Yuri Kharlamov writes in his book about Baba Grusha. Pear laments his hard life, but does not lose heart. These complaints reflect all the life of our pensioners and the Russian countryside in general ( "How we live: we don't get wages, the lights are turned off, they don't give medicine, they torture food on TV"). Baba Grusha lives in a small village. She tasted a lot of grief in her life - "In the very heart of my betrothed kissed a bullet-lover"... But good miracles do not bypass Baba Grusha - she was rewarded by fate with a boy Vanechka from a magic seed.

The inquisitive and dexterous Vanya helps Baba Grusha with the housework, cleans the pipes for his neighbor, digs the subway with the mole, helps the mice free themselves from the curse; deftly gets out of trouble and learns the world together with the reader. It is worth noting here that the appearance of a boy from a seed echoes the motives of the fairy tales about the Boy-with-a-finger and Thumbelina. The content of individual tales of the book reminds of Russians folk tales, the plots of which Yuri Kharlamov presents with his characteristic humor and in a modern context, thanks to which the book only wins.

In "Fairy Tales ..." one can hear a living national language - the language of Baba Grusha, and the language of the younger generation - Vanechka, so that it will be understandable to grandmothers who read the book to their grandchildren ( "Theirs", "Regional center", "Nivrmag", "King beetle"), and the younger generation ( "... if you meet my Vanechka on the Internet, you must tell me, otherwise, they say, there are cobwebs and some kind of dogs running around ...").

This cannot be said with complete certainty about the understanding by young children of the social context of "The Tales of Baba Pear". Although it is also impossible to say that he is superfluous here. Such tales "on the topic of the day", but at the same time kind in their own way, are necessary in our time. After all, that's why they are modern fairy tales, to raise urgent problems.

Despite the secluded lifestyle, fame still found Yuri Kharlamov in the Don hinterland. After the publication of "The Tales of Baba Pear", the writer received a letter:
"Hello ... Thank you for writing about me ... I want to continue ..."
It so happened that the heroine of a series of fairy tales by Kharlamova Grusha not only outwardly resembled a real woman, but the stories that happened to her were as if taken from the life of the author of the letter.

After receiving the prize, Kharlamov's fairy tales were printed in Yershov's homeland, in the Tyumen region, and now we have published his first book in the last fifteen years.

- I didn't go anywhere, I didn't knock out anything. It's just that in the library the children started asking for my stories. And they remembered about me. And here it is, the first edition, - Yuri Ilyich shows piles of books on the floor. - They brought it a few days ago.

Part of the circulation, which Kharlamov took instead of the fee, the storyteller is going to give away to the village kids. Indeed, in the village they know that a writer lives in a small adobe house, but they have no idea what he wrote about.

To the collection "Green Boy", published by the publishing house "Kniga" Rostov-on-Don in 2007 year, in addition to "The Tales of Baba Grusha" included three stories-tales by Yuri Ilyich "Green Boy", "Magic skullcap", "Tiger Wanted".

It was for these three fairy tales that he became the laureate of the competition "Golden leaf fall-2009" them. G. Mikhasenko in the nomination "New childhood awaits its fairy tales".

“As a child, I never thought about where fairy tales come from - I thought there were always fairy tales.
But now I got older and learned that there was a time when neither the Far-Away Kingdom, nor the Serpent Gorynych, nor the Princess and the Pea existed. I felt sad: I thought about the children who lived before these fairy tales appeared.
When I became an adult, I realized that I, too, did not have to learn many fairy tales, because they would appear after me. But if they are not written, this does not mean that they are not! Fairy tales live around us - we simply do not notice them. And it happens, and we don't want to notice. But remember - even kings abandoned important state affairs and took part in fairy tales with pleasure. Foolish kings went to war, and smart ones went to fairy tales. And what? From those kings who conquered entire countries, these countries were then taken away by other kings. And those kings who preferred a fairy tale remained in it forever. A fairy tale can neither be conquered, nor taken away, nor killed: it does not belong to anyone, and therefore belongs to everyone.
And then one day I decided to visit a fairy tale by all means. But waiting for the fairy tale to find you, you can wait all your life. And I myself went in search of a fairy tale. "

This is how the tale-tale "Tiger is required" begins, but these words can be attributed to all the tales of Yuri Ilyich.

In this tale, the author goes as a weather observer to a reserved forest, which was first called the Tiger Forest, then the Tiger Trail forest (since there was only one trace left of the tiger), and then they began to call it the disappeared Tiger forest.

The heroes of the fairy tale: Gifted, Green Bangs and Cyril are fighting against the robber Dandelion, who kills defenseless animals in the forest. But when the villain was caught, and it was decided to exchange him for a tiger, it turned out that it was not so easy to do this: “it was easier to destroy thousands of tigers than to get two tiger cubs now”.

But the heroes of the fairy tale "Magic skullcap" Vorbyshek Chirka and the starling Pashka did not get to Africa because of the hurricane, but ended up in the Solar Kingdom, the Cotton State, where King Navruz ruled - the owner of a magic skullcap with his beautiful daughter Malika.

Love helps you do miracles. And Teal, falling in love with princess Malika, saves her from Puzan-Spider, who stole a magic skullcap, and the entire Cotton State from gluttonous butterflies and their queen Zu-Zu.

But the princess and the sparrow cannot be together! On the wonderful night of the Flying Star, when the most cherished desires are fulfilled, Princess Malika asked the star to turn Chirka into a prince, but he fell asleep, and the star fulfilled only the wishes of those who did not sleep. Then Malika herself became a sparrow. And for ten long years they lived together, without complaining about fate. As a reward for their love, Flying Star found them and turned them into a prince and princess and presented a kingdom called the Land of Tales.

“Well, the land of fairy tales, as you guessed, is not far away, but right in your room. One has only to take a fascinating children's book off the shelf and open it. "

The boy Pea from the city of a Thousand Roses in a fairy tale had to endure amazing adventures "Green Boy"... The famous maestro Tyrant-Polosat, a tamer, who was hated by all animals, appeared in the city. Polka dots went to the circus to try to disrupt the show and stop bullying poor animals. But after the show he ... disappeared.

Polka dots overheard the conversation of Tirana Polosat with her daughter Suzanne, who was going to train ... butterflies! He rushed into the forest to warn them about trouble, about tulip traps, with which they were supposed to catch them.

Butterflies redeemed Peas in the wonderful sap of plants and he became invisible, that is, green in the green forest.

Wonderful classes at the butterfly school helped Pea learn about how the Lord created the Earth and all life on it, about Adam and Eve, about the worldwide flood, about the worst enemy of God, the Antichrist, and about bad people who kill living beauty created by God without mercy.

Peas were able to save the flower of Transformations, because if it died, there would be eternal cold on Earth, the seasons would not replace each other.

And the fairy of Spring said that because of the enmity of people, the Earth, which was once a single whole, was divided into different continents, and so it will be until people join hands and unite it. Only then will eternal peace and happiness come on Earth.

But it already depends on us, people.

All these tales are imbued with love for all life on Earth, fictional, fabulous, and real heroes act in them, in them there is a clear guideline for goodness, friendship, and mutual assistance.

New fairy tale by Yuri Kharlamov "The Girl and the Tsar" (read) is based on real historical events that took place in Ishim - the very town where the author of "The Little Humpbacked Horse" Pyotr Ershov was born and where a literary prize was established in his honor.

In this city there is a monument to Praskovya Lupolova, - says the author. - She was the daughter of a retired soldier who was exiled to Ishim in 1798. Praskovya is known for the fact that she went on foot to St. Petersburg to the Emperor Alexander I in order to beg for mercy for her father. On the way, she independently mastered the letter, managed to write a petition and achieved an audience with the king. The sovereign pardoned her priest, and the girl, fulfilling her vow, retired to a nunnery. That's what the tale is about.

The book is the greatest miracle that must be cherished, which must be cherished, this is the leitmotif of all Kharlamov's fairy tales. What is happening with children's reading now cannot but worry the writer.

- The world has changed. People don't read much. Again, TV, all these consoles, the dominance of all these cartoons of children's computer Western - all this somehow discourages interest in literature. This is also a great damage, which will come back to haunt, maybe it will not be so long to wait when a generation appears that is not interested in books, - the writer says bitterly. - It's scary, because books contain all the wisdom, all the poetry.

Every librarian dreams of a book that would start the Reader, Reading for Life. It is about such a book that Yuri Kharlamov writes in his fairy tale "Royal copy".

“The boy was asleep. There was a book on the floor beside his bed. These were boring lectures of one of the successful court writers. The great storyteller took it by the cover, shook it well, and all his characters spilled out on the floor like cockroaches from a can.
- Where are we now? they whimpered.
- To the one who invented you! - answered the Great Storyteller.
And since every word he said had a magical power, they immediately disappeared like a nightmare.
They say that these ugly people actually settled in the house of their creator, idling all day long, playing tricks, carrying all sorts of nonsense and building nasty things to the author. Until he thought to republish them.
And the boy, waking up in the morning, found under his pillow a book of the Great Storyteller, brand new, still smelling of paint, with color pictures and a portrait of the author. I do not presume to describe his joy and surprise. But the fairy tales themselves turned out to be even more surprising - he could not tear himself away from them until he read every one. True, there was a little confusion with the pictures: at night, in the dark and in a hurry, they confused where whose fairy tale was, and ended up on someone else's pages. The naked king got into the kingdom Snow Queen, on a pea instead of a princess there was a nasty boy, and the princess married a chimney sweep. But this made the book even more fun, it was necessary to guess which of which fairy tale.
The book was read first by the boy, then by his friends. She passed from hand to hand, adults and children were read by her, people stopped quarreling and offending each other, so much wisdom and kindness were in fairy tales and magical stories Great storyteller. The book was disheveled, its pages were covered with wax (then there was no electricity yet) and tears (and there were always tears), several times it was glued and re-bound, but this is the usual fate of any interesting book ... "

Writers go into show business or write texts for humorists, says the storyteller. - There are no decent playwrights or children's writers left ...

But Kharlamov stayed. And in children's literature, and in a small hut on the outskirts of Generalskoe. Every day he sits down at an old typewriter and goes into a world where good always triumphs over evil. After all, that's why he is a storyteller!

Special thanks to
the journalist of the TV and radio company "Don TR" Dzhichoeva Elena Georgievna,
for radio broadcast materials, an interview with Yu. I. Kharlamov,
courtesy of her from her own archive,
to work for librarians of the R. V. M. Velichkina

List of used literature:

  1. Egorov, N. Storyteller of romantics / N. Egorov // Azov region. - 1994. - No. 23. - June 9.
  2. Ivanov, Yu Fates and fairy tales / Yu Ivanov // Our time. - 2006. - December 29 - P. 5.
  3. Kovaleva, T. Yuri Kharlamov: Monetization of Mind and Heart / T. Kovaleva // Culture. - 2008. - 27 Aug.-3 Sept.
  4. Krivoshapko, Y. As in a fairy tale / Y. Krivoshapko // Russian newspaper. -2009 .- June 18 .- (Week - South of Russia).
  5. Lomakina, S. Once upon a time there was a storyteller / S. Lomakina // Arguments and facts on the Don. - 2008. - No. 5. - 30 January.

Sources of the Internet.

  1. http://www.ren-tv.com/news/culture/6954-2009-08-03-17-23-33
  2. http://www.province.ru/newspapers/img/12/14(382)/text


We are not talking about Korney Ivanovich and Luntik, but about the book that came out at the very end of the year - "The Bead of a Pocket Dwarf" by Anastasia Strokina. Here, too, all cultural layers are mixed. There are trolls, and the life of an ordinary family from the provinces, and the storyteller Sakarias Topelius from the 19th century, and the underground inhabitants responsible for the arrival of spring, and the ghosts of the bride and groom from the German settlement, and many other ghosts, not scary at all, but on the contrary, friendly and beautiful, and the fabulous Mount Rastekais, and the revived Angel from the spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the talking wolf-mechanic ...

“The storyteller took a bag of cranberries out of his pocket and handed Vera:

Help yourself. The bird will love it too. And the Angel. Angels love cranberries. "

This fairy tale to the touch is like the feeling of natural materials: wool, canvas, wood. Everything plastic, polyethylene, and synthetic was taken out of the history of our time. We left only the essentials: a snowy winter, an icy lighthouse in the yard, loyal friends, a wise book, the advice of an old archivist, a rocking chair by the fireplace, the sounds of a cello and a handful of dried cranberries for birds.

All these are stages of a long journey, stops on the way of the heroes. Their path, the goal of which is completely clear at the beginning, gradually turns into something completely different - the path from illness to recovery, from winter to spring, from childhood to adulthood.

If we wanted to represent their path geographically, we would take a red felt-tip pen and draw the route of the heroes' journey. Then its end point would be the estate of Sakarias Topelius, the same storyteller who once composed a tale about the adventures of the Finnish boy Sampo. It is this storyteller who is visited by the heroes at the end of the path. He died a long time ago, they do not hide it from us - time again mixes up, but remains unchanged.

... The heroes are tired, exhausted, frozen, they are frightened by the upcoming meeting with an evil and vengeful troll. After all, it is not known what to expect from him if he is able to send illness to a little girl. And then the storyteller appears and puts everything in its place. He guides them on the right path, but does not reveal the whole truth. He watches them, as if laughing, he is not just a character here, he belongs to two worlds at the same time - as a hero and as a representative of a high caste of storytellers.

I am grateful to the author for this image. And for the exact understanding that the storyteller is also a character who travels far away, wears out seven pairs of iron shoes, helps a comrade out of trouble. Charles Perrault, the Grimm brothers, Korney Chukovsky - these names for a child sound the same as the names of the heroes of a fairy tale. And therefore it seems to children that folk tales were written by Ivan the Fool or Emelya.

Although the question of authorship is not raised by children at all. We insist on this: “Remember: this was written by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak” or “Korney Ivanovich knew nothing about Luntik,” pulling the child out of the blissful state in which he possesses everything at once, and does not put it on the shelves.

On the whole, the impression of the book can be expressed in the words of Anastasia Strokina herself: “He opened the envelope with a silver paper knife. And right there colorful words fluttered out of him, circled around the Storyteller's head for several seconds, fell to the floor and disappeared. "

Natalia Vishnyakova


Anastasia Strokina
"Pocket dwarf bead"
Artist Oleg Braude
CompassGid Publishing House, 2018