Young Japanese girls in a swimsuit. Japan girls

What are the girls of Japan? We are used to seeing Japanese women in anime and very rare Japanese feature films. We have never seen real girls (unless, of course, you have visited the Land of the Rising Sun yourself).

You can go to Japan on a package tour. But, you must admit, going to a distant country just to look at the girls is rather stupid. It's another matter, staying at home, to look at real Japanese women through the Internet - this is already serious and affordable.

So what japanese girls actually? Modest? Beautiful? It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question. Girls are different, and not only in Japan, but in any other country. It is a mistake to think that all Japanese women are the same for selection - this is not so!

Personally, I had stereotype of a beautiful japanese girl... After watching a lot of videos, I realized that not all Japanese women are beautiful. Yes, there are not pretty girls. Even there are not very beautiful, which amazed me indescribably.

In Japan, girls are divided into two categories:

  1. Girls watch their appearance;
  2. In general, they do not follow either the view or the behavior.

Of course, this is all very conditional, but it is better to split the girls into a couple of fronts than to unequivocally state one thing - this will not be correct.

So, Japanese women who look after their appearance make up about 70% of the total number of girls. To varying degrees, but they try to preserve cuteness for many years. Therefore, walking around Japan, you can meet many beauties, from whom you simply cannot take your eyes off!

Girls from the second category belong to the lowest strata of the Japanese population. They are slovenly, tastelessly dressed, often with long unwashed hair. The behavior of such Japanese women is usually defiant: they talk loudly, use profanity, and may even fight. Fortunately, there are not so many of these representatives of the beautiful half of Japan - about 30% of all.

Japanese girls are always modest - this is the stereotype of many! Not all of them are modest and obedient, some of them are very determined and even arrogant. For me it was also a real revelation - i have always considered Japanese women to be very quiet creatures.

In fact, if you carefully watch the video on our website, you can see or hear stories about completely different girls, whose behavior instantly breaks any stereotypes. For example, in one video it is said that in public a Japanese woman behaves more than modestly, but when she comes home and is alone with her husband, she quickly turns into a frantically screaming shrew! And I have no reason to doubt the veracity of these words, since the narrator has lived in Japan for several years and has seen enough of everyone there!

Frivolous Japanese girls

Are Japanese girls engaged in prostitution?? Yes, although there is officially no prostitution in this country. All this is veiled under various massage parlors where the girls work. And the more beautiful the girl, the more expensive it is. Well, I think everyone understands this.

There are also girls who do not work in such establishments, but at the same time earn extra money, providing certain services to single (and not single too) men. Such Japanese women simply visit various clubs, expensive hotels, where they meet men. Then it happens like all over the world, I think the details are superfluous.

There is another type of Japanese girls who are not prostitutes in our understanding. They are not prostitutes at all, but that is how they behave. Walking through the prestigious districts of Tokyo, you will surely meet such girls and decide that these are the real prostitutes:

  • They speak loudly;
  • Beautiful;
  • Smartly dressed;
  • Dramatically different from the people around them.

But you're wrong - these are girls of a certain class (I just can't find the right word here). They are fashionistas, but they lead a respectable lifestyle. It's just that girls want to meet presentable Japanese men in order to marry them. There are quite a few such girls, but most often they can be found in the capital of Japan, Tokyo.

Japanese girls are a vast and very enjoyable topic... You cannot cover it with one article! So just watch the video and meet (albeit virtually) with the most real Japanese women! Good luck to you!!!

Japan is one of the leading countries in the modeling business. The modeling industry is developed in Japan not only at the national level, but many models from all over the world, as well as modeling agencies, send all promising manikuni to Japan for internships, so that eventually girls become world-class models. Get on the cover Vogue in Japan it is still considered a great honor, and modeling itself is a huge and alluring industry for young girls.

Unlike models from other countries, Japanese women are practically obliged to be diversified and in demand as models. Very few models in Japan are known solely for their work in the world of glamor. Nearly every model on the list also works in television, music, or pop culture. This is actually a very good idea.: Most of these girls are appreciated not only for their beautiful face, but also for what they bring to other areas of activity.

Like many Japanese models, Miyako Miyazaki started her career by participating in various magnificent shows. In 2003 she won the Miss Universe Japan competition and in the same year represented her country at an international competition and even entered the top five. In the same year, she was named the sexiest woman living today. After that, her career flourished and she became the face of many global brands.

When Miyako Miyazaki is not working as a model, she tends to devote her time to literature, and she also has an art degree. She looks well-groomed and elegant, although there is some kind of wildness in her. Her participation in the Miss Universe pageant caused a lot of controversy, as someone decided to change her costume for a more discreet one (while she preferred the defiant one), which deprived her of the chance to take a higher position.

Half Japanese, half Italian, Rosa Kato has a distinctive appearance. With small facial features and big eyes, she looks like an anime cartoon heroine. Indescribably beautiful, she began a modeling career in bridal magazines, but soon took on more significant work. Like many Japanese models, she quickly moved on to fairly successful work in television and even won the best debutant award in a show called "Dance Training".

In 2011, Rosa Kato married the famous Japanese footballer Daisuke Matsui, who currently plays for Jubilo Iwata. The couple have one child in common. Like many Japanese models, Rosa Kato looks like a living doll, and this is actually strange.

Although Masami Nagasawa is a model, she is best known as one of the most famous Japanese actresses. She is well known in her home country, thanks to her work in television and cinema, several films have earned worldwide recognition, including Our Little Sister (2016) and her voiceover of the cartoon From the Slopes of Kokuriko (2011). An undoubtedly versatile girl, she also recorded a music album and performed on stage.

Like many Japanese, he is an avid collector of stickers. She has won numerous awards and has worked as a model in large part because of her acting fame. Possessing much more awards than it was possible to calculate, Masami Nagasawa is not just cute, but a girl who has reached great heights in acting in her homeland. To be honest, in Japan it's hard not to see Masami Nagasawa's image when looking anywhere.

Continuing to talk about versatile Japanese women, I would like to mention that Rio Matsumoto is a model, actress and singer. It is not surprising that she decided to develop in different directions so that many can enjoy her appearance not only on the catwalks, but also on television screens. She is best known as a television actress, she started acting in the 90s.

Investigating the careers and personal lives of celebrities, the Japanese also try to find out the blood type of their idol. So, everyone in Japan knows that Rio has a second blood group. Rio Matsumoto has light brown eyes, which matches her complexion very well and gives her appearance a Western tint. Rio Matsumoto is not easy beautiful girlbut also enjoys cooking and painting.

Among the few models lucky enough to strike a deal with the prestigious magazine, Maki Nishiyama was the one to sign in 2005 with CanCam, a monthly magazine for female students. Maki Nishiyama has also frequently appeared in commercials, including voice acting for McDonald's in Japan (What I Love). She has also worked in television and in a few films.

In 2013, she married actor Taichi Saotome, who is 6 years younger than her. Interestingly, her husband is best known for his role as young men and women onnagata ( common in Japan: a man plays a female role on stage). Knowing that this beauty chooses younger men, you can love her even more, older women have some kind of power that allows us to move forward.

In 2006, Kurara Chibana won the title of Vice-Miss Universe. She also won the " Best national costume"for the samurai outfit, which, admittedly, was simply dazzling! Although she claimed first place, she lost quite a bit to Zuleika Rivera from Puerto Rico. After 2006, Karura Chibana's career took off. Being incredibly intelligent, she talks in four languages, which helped her later career as a journalist in a respected fashion magazine.

She now spends time flying around the world interviewing different people in different languages, not a bad life, isn't it? She is also interested in art, earning a philosophy degree from the University of Sofia. Very talented and beautiful, Kurara Chibana is universally recognized in Japan. Honestly, if you imagine the most beautiful and cute Japanese girl, it will be Kurara Chibana.

She is one of the most recognizable models on this list because Keiko starred in the franchise. " The fast and the furious"in 2006 in the second part" Tokyo Drift". In 2003-2006 she worked for Seventeen magazine as a model. After the expiration of the contract, she officially retired from the world of fashion.

While productive, she has been active in television and in films, and has even published several books on makeup and her life. In 2016, she married Daigo, a Japanese pop star and singer. Keiko Kitagawa looks really adorable and no less cute and sexy.

Stunning, in the best sense of the word, Sayo Aizawa began her modeling career right after leaving school. She works in television and in the modeling business. She currently has a contract with Classy magazine in Japan. The target audience of the magazine is working women, especially office workers, the content of the magazine itself consists of articles about a variety of Japanese models, although it was originally supposed to write material about American celebrities.

As the oldest model on this list (she is 38 years old), Sayo Aizawa has not lost her beauty and to this day is one of the most beautiful womenthat you can meet. As absurd as it sounds, you can easily imagine Sayo Aizawa as a hot mom or a stunning director. There is something familiar, close in her, nevertheless, imperious beauty.

Although Yumi Kobayashi has a pretty face, she is better known for her stunning figure. This hot model has made a lot of her career thanks to her one-in-a-million body, and she is often featured in bikinis and lingerie. Yumi Kobayashi was born in Tokyo and will soon turn 30, but she still remains beautiful.

She also works as an actress and has appeared on several famous television shows in Japan. To a certain extent, Yumi Kobayashi embodies the image of a dream girl, combining both grace and sexuality. Perhaps Japanese women rarely have curvy curves, but Yumi Kobayashi's figure is truly inspiring.

There are few girls on this list who have the same full complement of qualities and skills as Aya Ueto. While many models appear on television, even record albums, Aya Ueto has already done all this and on a much larger scale. At the pinnacle of her career, she is a fairly well-known radio personality and celebrity throughout Japan, appearing on television programs.

She became a star in Japan at the age of 13, after which she began her career as an actress. After that, she became even more famous, and it's clear why! Aya Ueto is not only flawlessly beautiful, but also lively and simple-minded. She has a kind soul and does charity work in Japan. Although in her thirties, she looks strikingly young.

The beautiful model supported Madonna for most of her career and was known as " Nozomi". Being one of the most cocky, after completing her modeling career, she became a representative of the ultimate fighting competition.

Interestingly enough, after many years of successful modeling in a women's magazine, she purposely gained weight in order to become a model for a men's magazine, and it must be admitted that being overweight was not her disadvantage. Strange, but Nozomi Sazaki does not like to talk about her career, now she is a minor celebrity in Japan, she even refuses to communicate with reporters and journalists if they ask about this period in her life. One thing is certain: whatever the reason, but if a woman has secrets, she looks even sexier.

The incredibly talented Yuki Nakama works not only in the modeling business, but also in television and music. One of the most attractive girls (this saying was repeated on this list more than once, but this only shows how beautiful Japanese women are), Yuki Nakama is the owner of timeless beauty that is difficult to meet.

It's hard to understand why she is so sexy, but perhaps it has to do with the fact that she is a scorpio in the zodiac sign. Believe it or not, horoscopes say that scorpions are the sexiest of all zodiac signs. She is also somewhat sassy, \u200b\u200bwhich is understandable by the fact that she is the youngest daughter in the family. But girls who are in control of their lives are amazing.

This model's last name is so good that you can pronounce it twice, Chiari Pamyu Pamyu is a completely different type of model compared to the rest of the girls on this list. Known for its cartoonish and flowery style, her brand originated in Japan's popular Harajuki District, where young people, threatening Japan's conservative style, are introducing bright colors and non-template styles.

One of the most internationally renowned models on this list is Kyari Pamyu Pamyu, her quirky yet catchy music videos have become famous outside of Japan as many of her clips have spread across Reddit and other major websites. Chiari Pamyu Pamyu became popular thanks to her fashion blog, which attracted the attention of many people working in the beauty industry. Her beauty and unique taste in clothing paved the way for her to fame.

If dreams were people, then Pi Shinozaki would be that dream, after which you don't want to wake up. Full package of benefits: stunning figure and adorable face. She is a model for men's magazines and part of a famous brand. Like Chiari Pamiu Pamiu, Ai Shinozaki got her start on the internet when she was 14, her online publications began to gain attention thanks to her rounded shape.

It may sound a little odd, but she is now 20, so you can breathe easy. Ai Shinozaki is so famous and loved that a crowdfunding company is creating an artificial intelligence app based on the parameters and qualities of Ai Shinozaki. Strange, isn't it? I would like to try this miracle of engineering.

It is not easy to choose the most beautiful Japanese model, but Meisa Kuroki became her. She has that very beauty that is not subject to the passage of time. Like most of the women on this list, she has a rich portfolio and is hardly just a model. At the pinnacle of her modeling career, she took up music and now regularly appears in films. She has an unusual appearance in the fashion world.

Japan is a mysterious country for us, with its own traditions and mentality. Female beauty in Japanese - look and be surprised!

Although the Japanese entertainment industry is not growing as fast as Korea's, Japan is a beautiful country with many naturally beautiful girls. Therefore, Japanese actresses and singers are stunningly beautiful in their own way. The year 2015 was especially hot for the Japanese beauty industry.

If you are interested japanese culture and Japan in general, you can see below. 10 most beautiful and sexiest Japanese girls whose photos you want to see again.

Born in 1987, Masami Nagasawa is a very young Japanese actress who has incredible success. She has a unique acting talent. It usually takes actresses many years to achieve such popularity. However, Masami Nagasawa achieved this in a fairly short time.

She made her debut in the film " Godzilla”, Which opened the way for her to success. After that, she starred in many other films. Thanks to this, she is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful Japanese girls of 2015.

Super model and actress Ri Miyazawa is stunningly beautiful and sexy. Therefore, many distinguish it from the rest. For many, Ri Miyazawa's super sexy photos are breathtaking - she is so attractive. Rea's career began in 1996. Every year she became more and more famous, and is now included in the list of the 10 most beautiful Japanese girls.

At first Maria Ozawa was a super model, then she decided to become an actress. And this decision turned out to be correct, because she achieved a lot in her acting career. With her stunning looks and incredible acting talent, she is one of the most attractive and beautiful Japanese actresses.

Yuki Nakawa is versatile talented... First of all, she is a very famous singer, besides, due to her cute and attractive appearance, she is considered one of the most beautiful Japanese girls. Like many of the actresses on the list, Yuki Nakawa has accomplished a lot in her career. At 35, she looks as young and beautiful as before.

Kurava Chibana is a gorgeous Japanese woman... She has a crush on fashion, which prompted her to compete in the Miss Universe Japan pageant at a very early age, and that was the start of a successful career today.

Komatsu Ayaka is not only one of the most beautiful Japanese girls, but also an extremely talented actress. Her career began with the role of Sailor Venus, a Japanese cartoon character. After such a brilliant public appearance, new opportunities opened up for Komatsu Ayaka and one more interesting fact career was the appearance in the magazine " Sabra"... This raised her to the peak of her popularity.

In 2013, Nazomi, being at a fairly young age, was already named one of the most popular and beautiful Japanese actresses. This is a tremendous achievement. First of all, she is an incredibly successful Japanese supermodel. Later she decided to try herself as a singer. It worked out very well because Nazomi Sasaki has different talents.

Educated, charming and talented model Keiko Kitagawa is one of the most stunning Japanese actresses. It cannot be denied that her natural beauty and acting make her an angel. The most important achievement is the career of an elite model in the Japanese magazine “ Seventeen". However, in 2006 she decided to leave the magazine.

Karina Nose is a successful young Japanese model... Besides modeling, she is also a very talented actress. Has appeared in many Japanese performances. In Japan, she is considered a very promising young girl. Recently, she can be seen in super sexy photos. This makes her one of the most beautiful Japanese girls ever.

Rounding off the list is Reon Kadena, known for her sexy eyes and lips. In addition, the incredible talent of the model is beyond doubt. Therefore, over time, she gained such popularity and fame. More importantly, Rheon Cadena has a lot of exposure to sexuality in public whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Popular video from Dmitry Shamov - the whole truth about Japanese idols. Cover girls

Since ancient times, Japanese girls have been associated with splendor and grace. The image of a geisha has long faded into oblivion, but ideal behavior, breathtaking beauty and cute facial features have been and remain the distinctive qualities of girls in the land of the rising sun.
continues to delight you with ratings of beauties, this time we imported beauty from the land of the rising sun ...

10th place. Erina Mano

Erina Mano was born on April 11, 1991 in Kanagawa, Japan. Singer who participated in the "HELLO!" Later in 2007 he became a member of the jury. She debuted as a pop singer in 2009 with the release of the album Friends. In 2012 she left the “HELLO!” Project, performing a solo concert. She has starred in several dramas and television shows.

9th place. Mayuko Iwasa

Mayuko Iwasa was born on February 24 in 1987 in Tokyo, Japan. She starred in a number of serials for local television. He made his big movie debut with a role in Shinobu Yaguchi's "Swing Girls". She actively starred in advertising. Photos with her participation have appeared on the covers of many Japanese magazines.

8th place. Yukie Nakama

Yukie Nakama was born on October 30, 1979 in Urasoe, Okinawa, Japan. His film debut took place in 1996 in the film "Tomoko no Baai". Then she decided to try her hand at the serial industry, playing roles in the television series Trick and Gokusen. She often became the face of various advertisements, it is worth noting the videos with her participation most often flashed on the screen.

7th place. Keiko Kitagawa

Keiko Kitagawa was born on August 22, 1986 in Kobe, Japan. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a doctor, but after she received the title of Miss Best Cover in the famous “Seventeen” magazine, she decided to follow the path of modeling. She advertised the popular female school uniform for the same "Seventeen". Co-starred in Sailor Moon.

6th place. Meisa Kuroki

Meisa Kuroki was born on May 28, 1988 in Okinawa, Japan. She worked as a model for many well-known magazines, such as "JJ" and others. The films "Last missed call" and "I just love you" brought fame to the cinema. Received the debutant award at the 44th Golden Arrow. “She actively appears in TV series and commercials.

5th place. Ebihara Yuri

Ebihara Yuri was born on October 3, 1979 in Osaka, Japan. A graduate of the prestigious Kyushu Sangyo University, where she studied fine arts. Her debut in the advertising business came a few years after her studies, when she posed for CamCam, signing an exclusive contract with them. She starred in the drama "Tokumei Kakarichō Tadano Hitosh"

4th place. Ayumi Hamasaki

Ayumi Hamasaki was born on October 2, 1978 in Fukuoka, Japan. One of the most famous Japanese pop singers... She unofficially bears the title of "Empress of Japanese Pop Music". During her musical career, which she began in 1998, she has recorded more than twelve albums and two mini-albums. She won the Grand Prix at Japan Record Taishou three times.

3rd place. Kyoko Fukada

Kyoko Fukada was born on November 2, 1982 in Tokyo, Japan. From an early age she worked as a model, posing for the most famous Japanese modeling agencies. At the age of 14, she won first place in the most popular Japanese talent competition. In 1992 she made her debut in the world of cinema, starring in the film "Ring 2". In 2000, she showed herself as a singer with the release of the album "Moon".

2nd place. Aya Ueto