Lesson of Knowledge in the first class. Lesson script

September 1, 2017-2018: The first lesson, the theme for this year is about a healthy lifestyle in general. Last year, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the norms and standards of the TRP, which were once common, re-entered modern school reality.

For this reason, for the solemn return, the first lesson on September 1 can be held just on the topic of the TRP and a healthy lifestyle in general. Although teachers are free to choose a topic for the first lesson, you can devote a lesson to the world, the Second World War. Although, with regard to the Great Patriotic War, this topic was the most relevant in the last academic year, if we take into account the round date of 70 years of victory.

Readiness of the education system

September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, topic and presentation is selected depending on the age of the students and the city or village where the educational institution itself is located. By the beginning of the academic year, many newspapers sum up the results and give statistics on how each region and country as a whole is ready for the new academic year. For example, about 1.3 million people should go to kindergartens, schools and colleges in Moscow on September 1.

Readiness for the beginning of the academic year in many institutions has already been accepted and noted. Moreover, this year the number of general students in the education system of the Russian capital alone will increase by 200,000 people. The total number of schoolchildren is 850,000, college students - 600,000 people, but preschoolers - 400,000.

Also, from the informative facts that the Moscow authorities gave on the eve of the days of knowledge, it can be noted that about 80% of parents prefer to send their children to educational institutions at their place of residence. The enrollment of children in kindergartens and the first grades of schools this year has also been simplified to a minimum, many parents note this. In honor of the holiday will be relevant.

Interesting! On Knowledge Day in 2017, 22 new buildings will open their doors to children. These are 11 school buildings for 5,000 places, as well as 11 kindergartens for 3,000 places. Major repairs have been carried out in 24 buildings, and all schools are staffed with professional staff.

First lesson on Knowledge Day

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the recommended topic for the first lesson is “Ready for Labor and Defense”. Traditionally, this lesson, regardless of the year, is called the "All-Russian Lesson of Peace", but the topic is already chosen at the district level. This year, the topic is dedicated to the TRP, because, since 2014, the TRP standards and the corresponding badges for their implementation have been again adopted at the state level.

The norms of the TRP prepare schoolchildren for active physical activity and healthy work. As the saying goes, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Therefore, it was decided to return the motivation to young people to engage in various physical exercises and fulfill the standards.

During September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, the theme "Ready for work and defense" teachers should tell the students what this system is. For the timely delivery of standards, students will be able to receive gold, silver or bronze badges. But these badges will not just lie on the shelf, there are some motivations for obtaining them: they will give certain points and bonuses for further admission to higher educational institutions of the country.

To spend Knowledge Day on September 1 for your students according to all the established rules, you need to talk about how personally they are ready for work and defense. Despite the fact that the TRP system was eliminated in 1991, it existed in the Soviet Union for a long time. The reward system not only united and helped in life, it contributed to the improvement of the spiritual and physical health of each student. Isn't this the main thing in the modern education system? Even despite the fact that this system has stepped far ahead.

September 1, 2017-2018: the first lesson, its topic is devoted to readiness for work and defense. Our website has an example


Peace Lesson on September 1 is an annual class hour held by teachers of elementary, middle and high schools with the aim of familiarizing students with national, cultural and universal values, the formation of patriotism in children, the emergence of love and respect for the peoples of the world. The All-Russian Peace Lesson on Knowledge Day is carried out individually for each class or parallel, using videos and presentations on relevant topics, cognitive tasks and quizzes, interesting scenarios for games and thematic competitions. The first lesson on September 1 is a responsible start in the new academic year, so every teacher should prepare for it in advance.


The first trip to school in the new academic year is an exciting event not only for children and their parents, but also for teachers. After all, it is at the first school lesson that children will form a decisive opinion about the entire learning process, the teaching staff, science and other concepts. This means that the development of an interesting lesson of the World (September 1, 2017) for grade 1 by elementary school teachers is an important and very responsible task.

In recent years, the first day of September in Russian schools is not a training day. It is rather an exciting moment of meeting new teachers, old friends, the school yard, etc. On Knowledge Day, it is customary to hold a single Peace lesson, the single theme of which is traditionally set by the ministry for all schools and classes. Most often, this is one of the global world problems, the essence of which teachers must convey to the children. And since it is not easy for students of the 1st grade to explain important things at the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, they have to use a number of methodological techniques and age-specific features: interactive or game forms of the lesson, presentations and other multimedia, visual materials, etc.

The main goal of the Peace lesson is to instill patriotism and deep pride for their homeland in every student. But the teachers of the youngest children set themselves other tasks:

    to acquaint the kids with the concepts of "peace", "homeland", "native land", "patriotism";

    explain the meaning of the "white dove" as a symbol;

    interpret the colors of the national tricolor;

    develop logic, memory and attention;

    to cultivate humanity and humanity in relation to people, animals, nature.


Modern pedagogical literature offers many traditional and non-standard options for conducting an educational lesson of the World in elementary school (grades 2,3,4) on September 1, 2017. But since classical lectures and seminars are more suitable for high school students, it is better for kids to prepare one of the unusual forms. Eg:

    presentation lesson;


    quiz lesson;

    kvn lesson;

    relay lesson;

    drawing lesson on blackboard or asphalt.

It is equally important to use visual materials and technical means during the Peace lesson. So it is much easier to explain to younger students the essence of the chosen topic. During the educational lesson of the World on September 1, 2017 in elementary school (grades 1-4), methodologists recommend using:

    Illustrations of military scenes and civilian life that can be hung on the board.

    A multimedia projector for broadcasting a presentation on the topic of the lesson.

    Cards with photographs and drawings (symbols, flags, coats of arms, etc.), models of the globe and national attributes.

    Crafts from paper, plasticine, natural materials and recycled materials prepared by children on vacation.

    Costumes or masks, if dictated by the theme of the Peace lesson for Knowledge Day.

    Musical compositions of suitable subjects.


The topic for the Peace lesson is determined by the Ministry every year before the Day of Knowledge. But for elementary school, the theme of the first class hour in the academic year always remains the same: the basic ideas about the Motherland and its symbols, the confrontation between peace and war, humanity and respect for the environment. In the course of conducting an exciting lesson, the teacher can use his own presentation or a blank from the Internet. But before using someone else's presentation, it is better to adapt it to a certain age category, the level of development of children and the classroom scenario. Important questions in the Peace lesson in elementary school:

    What is a city and what is the country in which we live?

    Why are there stripes on the flag and what do they signal?

    How is war different from peace? What threatens the war to a peaceful people?

    Why respect and appreciate your homeland?

    Who is a patriot? What is patriotism?

The logical conclusion of the educational lesson of the World in elementary school (grades 2, 3, 4) on September 1, 2017 may be the reading by students of poems dedicated to friendship, peace, love and unity.


Any lesson should arouse interest in children, and even more so - the lesson of the World - the first and most important in the school year. Only in this way the material is assimilated by schoolchildren easily and efficiently. But how to hold a Peace lesson (grades 5, 6, 7, 8) on September 1, 2017, so that the guys let go of the thread of the outgoing holidays and plunge their thoughts into the topic outlined by the teacher? Let's figure it out step by step:

First, write a classroom script, taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren. Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 are not small children, but not high school students either. The concept of the lesson for them should be creative.

Secondly, allow improvisation in the lesson: during the lesson, students' answers, digressions, etc.

Third, start class with a surprise, trick, gift, or any other surprise. For example, invite a famous person from the area where the school is located (veteran, writer, artist) to visit.

Fourth, use the most diverse options for presenting information: show in pictures, voice over in audio recordings, broadcast in movie fragments, demonstrate in presentations, etc.

Fifth, have active dialogues with the students and allow the children to freely express their opinions. Let it not coincide with the generally accepted. An individual approach and manifestation of personality on September 1 at the Peace lesson in grades 5-8 are more than relevant.

Sixth, surprise students with amazing facts, entertaining stories from life, your own observations and other exciting stories.

Seventh, hold themed games even in middle grades. Just like primary school students, students in grades 5-9 love creative games on a specific topic. Play out the stages of the formation of a power, appoint all the rulers, remember the wars and their participants.

The Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 in high school is the last opportunity for teachers to put into the minds of almost adults a strong belief in the need to work for the good of their country, protect the environment and respect older generations. In the 11th grade, children are able not only to listen carefully to the teacher's lecture, but also to take an active part in the seminar, pre-prepare part of the speech, decorate the blackboard with thematic clippings, illustrations, portraits.

A part of the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in grade 11 can be a quiz on a historical topic (about great historical figures or scientific associates) or on sports topics (about athletes, Russian champions and agitators for an active and healthy lifestyle). So the teacher will be able to check how deep the knowledge of high school students is after a long 10 years of study. A small segment of the lesson can be devoted to brilliant compatriots - inventors, discoverers, engineers and other experimenters. Perhaps among the inhabitants of the city or village there are great people who will agree to become guests of the school on the appointed day. Such a lesson, filled with unusual facts and fantastic theses, will certainly be of interest to graduating classes.


At the Peace lesson, which begins the new academic year on September 1, 2017, an educational conversation is traditionally held with high school students. It can be dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, sports achievements, courage and courage, peace on earth, environmental and environmental issues, respect and reverence for older generations, pride in the country's historical past. The theme of the last Peace lesson in high school on September 1, 2017 is determined in advance by the authorized bodies and agreed upon by the administration of a particular school.

The Lesson of Peace on September 1, 2017 is an excellent initiative, clearly aimed at educating the growing citizens of the country as patriots, who will later live and work actively for the good of their homeland. Conduct the first lesson on Knowledge Day in the new academic year so that both elementary school and high school are not only interested, but also inspired to beautiful and kind patriotic deeds. Use the tips and approach the organization of the event in an original and creative way.

The Lesson of Peace on September 1, 2017 is an annual class hour held by teachers of elementary, middle and high schools with the aim of introducing students to national, cultural and universal values, the formation of patriotism in children, the emergence of love and respect for the peoples of the world. The All-Russian Peace Lesson on Knowledge Day is carried out individually for each class or parallel, using videos and presentations on relevant topics, cognitive tasks and quizzes, interesting scenarios for games and thematic competitions. The first lesson on September 1 is a responsible start in the new academic year, so every teacher should prepare for it in advance.

An interesting lesson of the World September 1, 2017: presentation (Grade 1)

The first trip to school in the new academic year is an exciting event not only for children and their parents, but also for teachers. After all, it is at the first school lesson that children will form a decisive opinion about the entire learning process, the teaching staff, science and other concepts. This means that the development of an interesting Peace lesson (September 1, 2017) for grade 1 by elementary school teachers is an important and very responsible task.

In recent years, the first day of September in Russian schools is not a training day. It is rather an exciting moment of meeting new teachers, old friends, the school yard, etc. On Knowledge Day, it is customary to hold a single Peace lesson, the single theme of which is traditionally set by the ministry for all schools and classes. Most often, this is one of the global world problems, the essence of which teachers must convey to the children. And since it is not easy for students of the 1st grade to explain important things at the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, they have to use a number of methodological techniques and age-specific features: interactive or game forms of the lesson, presentations and other multimedia, visual materials, etc.

Presentation for the first lesson of Peace in Grade 1

The main goal of the Peace lesson is to instill patriotism and deep pride for their homeland in every student. But the teachers of the youngest children set themselves other tasks:

  • to acquaint the kids with the concepts of "peace", "homeland", "native land", "patriotism";
  • explain the meaning of the "white dove" as a symbol;
  • interpret the colors of the national tricolor;
  • develop logic, memory and attention;
  • to cultivate humanity and humanity in relation to people, animals, nature;

Cognitive lesson of the World in elementary school (grades 2, 3, 4) September 1, 2017

Modern pedagogical literature offers many traditional and non-standard options for conducting an educational lesson of the World in elementary school (grades 2,3,4) on September 1, 2017. But since classical lectures and seminars are more suitable for high school students, it is better for kids to prepare one of the unusual forms. Eg:

  • presentation lesson;
  • lesson-game;
  • quiz lesson;
  • kvn lesson;
  • relay lesson;
  • drawing lesson on a blackboard or asphalt;

It is equally important to use visual materials and technical means during the Peace lesson. So it is much easier to explain to younger students the essence of the chosen topic. During the educational lesson of the World on September 1, 2017 in elementary school (grades 1-4), methodologists recommend using:

  1. Illustrations of military scenes and civilian life that can be hung on the board.
  2. Multimedia projector for broadcasting a presentation on the topic of the lesson;
  3. Cards with photographs and drawings (symbols, flags, coats of arms, etc.), models of the globe and national attributes.
  4. Crafts from paper, plasticine, natural materials and recycled materials prepared by children on vacation.
  5. Costumes or masks, if dictated by the theme of the Peace lesson for Knowledge Day.
  6. Musical compositions, suitable subjects.

What is the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in elementary school about

The topic for the Peace lesson is determined by the Ministry every year before the Day of Knowledge. But for elementary school, the theme of the first class hour in the academic year always remains the same: the basic ideas about the Motherland and its symbols, the confrontation between peace and war, humanity and respect for the environment. In the course of conducting an exciting lesson, the teacher can use his own presentation or a blank from the Internet. But before using someone else's presentation, it is better to adapt it to a certain age category, the level of development of children and the classroom scenario. Important questions in the Peace lesson in elementary school:

  • What is a city and what is the country in which we live?
  • Why are there stripes on the flag and what do they signal?
  • How is war different from peace? What threatens the war to a peaceful people?
  • Why respect and appreciate your homeland?
  • Who is a patriot? What is patriotism?

The logical conclusion of the educational lesson of the World in elementary school (grades 2, 3, 4) on September 1, 2017 may be the reading by students of poems dedicated to friendship, peace, love and unity.

How to Conduct a Peace Lesson (Grades 5, 6, 7, 8) September 1, 2017

Any lesson should arouse interest in children. Moreover, the Peace lesson is the first and most important in the school year. Only in this way the material is assimilated by schoolchildren easily and efficiently. But how to hold a Peace lesson (grades 5, 6, 7, 8) on September 1, 2017, so that the guys let go of the thread of the outgoing holidays and plunge their thoughts into the topic outlined by the teacher? Let's figure it out step by step:

  • First, write a classroom script, taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren. Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 are not small children, but not high school students either. The concept of the lesson for them should be creative.
  • Secondly, allow improvisation in the lesson: during the lesson, students' answers, digressions, etc.
  • Third, start class with a surprise, trick, gift, or any other surprise. For example, invite a famous person from the area where the school is located (veteran, writer, artist) to visit.
  • Fourth, use the most diverse options for presenting information: show in pictures, voice over in audio recordings, broadcast in movie fragments, demonstrate in presentations, etc.
  • Fifth, have active dialogues with the students and allow the children to freely express their opinions. Let it not coincide with the generally accepted. An individual approach and manifestation of personality on September 1 at the Peace lesson in grades 5-8 are more than relevant.
  • Sixth, surprise students with amazing facts, entertaining stories from life, your own observations and other exciting stories.
  • Seventh, hold themed games even in middle grades. Just like primary school students, students in grades 5-9 love creative games on a specific topic. Play out the stages of the formation of a power, appoint all the rulers, remember the wars and their participants.

Class hour on Knowledge Day in the new academic year in grades 5, 6, 7, 8: video

The last lesson of the World in high school September 1, 2017

The Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 in high school is the last opportunity for teachers to put into the minds of almost adults a strong belief in the need to work for the good of their country, protect the environment and respect older generations. In the 11th grade, children are able not only to listen carefully to the teacher's lecture, but also to take an active part in the seminar, pre-prepare part of the speech, decorate the blackboard with thematic clippings, illustrations, portraits.

A part of the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in grade 11 can be a quiz on a historical topic (about great historical figures or scientific associates) or on sports topics (about athletes, Russian champions and agitators for an active and healthy lifestyle). So the teacher will be able to check how deep the knowledge of high school students is after a long 10 years of study. A small segment of the lesson can be devoted to brilliant compatriots - inventors, discoverers, engineers and other experimenters. Perhaps among the inhabitants of the city or village there are great people who will agree to become guests of the school on the appointed day. Such a lesson, filled with unusual facts and fantastic theses, will certainly be of interest to graduating classes.

Topics for the Knowledge lesson in the 11th grade of 2017

At the Peace lesson, which begins the new academic year on September 1, 2017, an educational conversation is traditionally held with high school students. It can be dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, sports achievements, courage and bravery, peace on earth, environmental and environmental issues, respect and reverence for older generations, pride in the country's historical past. The topic of the last Peace lesson in high school on September 1, 2017 is determined in advance by the authorized bodies and agreed upon by the administration of a particular school.

The Lesson of Peace on September 1, 2017 is an excellent initiative, clearly aimed at educating the growing citizens of the country as patriots, who will later live and work actively for the good of their homeland. Conduct the first lesson on Knowledge Day in the new academic year so that both elementary school and high school are not only interested, but also inspired to beautiful and kind patriotic deeds. We have already prepared the topics, videos and presentations for the class hour of grades 1-11, it remains to use the tips and approach the organization in an original and creative way.

By tradition, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will open the new academic year. Class hours, the topics of which will be devoted to maintaining peace on our planet and preventing war, will be held in elementary school and in high school. For grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, teachers will choose and prepare everything for the Day of Knowledge themselves. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students can do this on their own.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - Grade 1 Presentation

By September 1, 2017, the first teacher will prepare a Peace lesson for his new students who come to the first grade. First-graders will get acquainted with the meaning of the word "peace", its symbols, the Russian flag and the meaning of its three colors. Using a presentation, video and slides, the teacher will explain to students how even the smallest children can help adults avoid another war. The guys themselves will try to answer the question why the absence of even the slightest threat of war is so important for each of us living on this planet.

Examples of presentations in grade 1 for the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017

The theme of the first lesson in grade 1 is always peace on the planet. Even before September 1, 2017, the teacher will prepare a presentation for the Peace lesson that is understandable for first-graders. Its purpose will be to introduce children to the symbols related to the world and to explain the reasons that cause wars in different countries. By listening to the teacher and looking at the photos, videos and slides shown by him, girls and boys will better remember the concepts of "peace" and "war", understand the meaning of each of the three colors of the Russian flag. Perhaps for the first time, schoolchildren will learn that white means the purity of the thoughts of our people and the world, blue - truth and heaven, our seas and rivers, red - life and courage. The most active schoolchildren will read poems about our planet aloud.

Peace Lesson in Primary School - September 1, 2017 in Grades 2, 3, 4

What can Knowledge Day 2017 be dedicated to? Children in primary school, in grades 2, 3 and 4 are already familiar with the meaning of the word "peace". However, not everyone understands why the Peace lesson always takes place on September 1st. The teacher will tell the students the bloodiest World War II in the history of mankind. Its beginning coincided with the first autumn day. During the lesson, the teacher will introduce the boys and girls to materials related to the battles of 1939 - 1945. Comparing the greatness of European cities before the military devastation with the horrifying ruins left in their place after numerous military battles, he will say what exactly causes wars.

I draw the word WORLD

The sun is shining over the earth
Children play on the grass
The river is blue, but -
The ship is sailing on it.
Here at home - straight to the sky!
Here are the flowers, and this is mom,
Next to her is my sister...
The word "peace" is drawn by me.

Peace Lesson in Grades 2, 3 and 4 - Video September 1, 2017 in Primary School

Conducting a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in an elementary school, the teacher focuses on what war brings to all mankind. Schoolchildren already understand that only the desire for unlimited power of the rulers of some countries can cause a real tragedy on Earth. They know that only patriotism and love for the motherland and people, general disarmament can help preserve peace throughout the world. Children in grades 2, 3 and 4 often read poetry on Knowledge Day at the first lesson. The teacher shows the students a video about countries where wars are currently going on.

Children of the World, hold hands!

Children of the World, hold hands!
You can hug the globe of the earth.
Stop the wars on Earth!
The world is subject to children's voices.

Dear boys and girls,
Teach adults to live peacefully.
Baby, beautiful little hands,
Try to save our world.

Our children, be brave!
Take a seat at the helm!
You will become a team, growing up,
Our Earth ship.

He will float on the waves of the universe,
Happiness, illuminating everything around.
Horrors will leave the pores of the military,
All misfortunes, troubles and fear.

The world will become better and brighter
In the colors of cute children's eyes,
People will become cleaner and kinder.
Children! We hope for you!

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 in 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grades

The first lesson on September 1, 2017 is dedicated to the world - a state of harmony and stability. Telling students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 about countries where the sounds of exploding shells are still heard daily, the teacher will tell them that every child dreams of only one thing - peace in their native land. Of course, Russian schoolchildren know about the terrible Syrian "revolution" that killed almost 75,000 people. How to prevent the erasure of entire countries and peoples from the earth? How to return the atmosphere of consent to every city? The teacher will reveal to the students a little secret - you should always start to change something for the better from yourself, developing tolerance and tolerance.

Peace lesson and class hour in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 September 1, 2017

Telling about peace and war to students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the class teacher will tell about the most terrible and long war that affected not only many European countries, but America and Asian states. He will also cite terrible statistics: in the last two decades alone, African countries have been involved in more than 20 civil wars. The desire of a few people for power and wealth has led to the death of millions of their fellow citizens, former friends and classmates. September 1, 2017 will be a lesson in kindness and love - qualities, cultivating which in ourselves, we will never take up arms against our own brothers and sisters.

I think about the world

If we were to connect
Make friends with all the guys
If they united
All villages, cities,
No more tears would shed
On the planet never!
In the sky, on the water, on land
The dove of peace would soar
Everyone would be in the world
He spoke to us about the world.

Peace Lesson in High School - Classroom September 1, 2017

While conducting a Peace lesson in high school, the teacher can touch on such terrible topics as "terrorism" and "civil war". By September 1, 2017, students in grades 9-11 can prepare a presentation. Their topics will be: "Acts of Terrorism in Europe", "Forbidden State of ISIS", "Nuclear Threat of North Korea", "War in Donbass", etc. Knowledge Day for high school students can take up to two hours. During this time, several schoolchildren can make presentations on the above topics. For adolescents, whose consciousness has not yet been formed, it is extremely important to know what horrific consequences civil wars and fratricidal "projects" lead to.

Peace lesson video September 1, 2017 - Class hour for high school students

Before September 1, 2017, high school students can prepare video presentations. Students of grades 9-11 will demonstrate them at the first lesson dedicated to peace and the prevention of war. Students can choose topics for class hours. On the Day of Knowledge, they will make presentations on the civil war in eastern Ukraine, on the terrorist acts carried out in Russian cities, and on the real number of their victims. Here, the word “victim” means not only the dead, but also their relatives, friends, who have lost loved ones forever. Speaking about the consciousness of his choice and patriotism, the teacher will also make a speech. He will tell teenagers how important it is to stop attempts to communicate with people who are aggressive towards representatives of other nationalities or religions. During the Peace lesson, he will show videos taken in different parts of the globe. These videos can show nuclear tests, terrible executions, bombing of cities. As opposed to scary war films, at the end of the lesson, short films about peaceful life on the planet, the beauty of the Earth and nature, and family happiness should be shown.

We have one earth

We have one Earth, one,
She is so blue.
She calls us to help
Such an unprotected...

Do not respond - at the same moment
She will blame us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, save this Earth!

On it alone flowers bloom,
On it alone children laugh,
And there is no greater beauty
And there are no doves of the planet.

She gave us joy
Gave dews and dawns,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.

The Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 will introduce elementary school students - children in grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 with such opposite concepts as "war" and "peace". By the Day of Knowledge, high school students and children in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 can prepare independent presentations that introduce classmates to the history of wars and urban restoration.

Very soon, the Day of Knowledge will die down throughout Russia as a public holiday. Teachers are preparing to meet their students by developing scenarios for the first lessons. The topic recommended by the Ministry of Education for the 2017-2018 academic year is Ready for Labor and Defense. Why is the emphasis placed on this particular question and what will the children take away from such a discussion?

Knowledge Day: historical notes

The first bell at school is a memorable event. Snow-white shirts, a motley ocean of flowers, a solemn line and interesting discussions for class hours are the main attributes of September 1, which opens the new academic year with a festive Day of Knowledge. In 2017, a significant date falls on a Friday. Despite the status of a national celebration, the day off is not assigned to it. Until the onset of 1935, the start date of studies was floating, until the decision of the Council of People's Commissars determined a single day for all - September 1. The regulation on the duration of the acquisition of knowledge has changed frequently and has only recently been fixed. It still depends on the age of schoolchildren, but is focused not on dates, but on the number of weeks: grade 1 - 33; 2-8 and 10th year of study - 34-37; 9-11 grades - 34

The duration of school holidays is determined in a similar manner. Summer vacation - at least 8 weeks. Seasonal breaks in study - at least 30 days (grade 1 - 37). On the first day of September, solemn rulers are held, and then the schoolchildren disperse into classes. On a holiday it is not customary to study in the ordinary sense of the word. The children are waiting for unusual activities: a peace lesson, an actual class hour and other interesting events.

The tradition of starting the school year with a peace lesson has been around since the times of the USSR. At that time, talk about the exclusion of military aggression in relations between states was extremely topical. Their background was the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and the diplomacy of the imperialist countries in general. In many Russian educational institutions, the trend of discussing the political situation continues, because even today there are many reasons to talk about the actions of governments. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation treats the topics chosen by school administrations democratically and does not impose its own opinion. All instructions of officials of the department are advisory in nature. Armed with the advice of experienced teachers, class teachers get the opportunity to develop an optimal scenario for the first lesson. The criteria are obviously clear. The lesson should be informative, useful and memorable.

The first holiday lesson: forms and methods of conducting

Are you ready for work and defense?

The abbreviation TRP is well known to parents of schoolchildren. In Soviet times, these letters were perceived as everyday, and they were proud of the insignia received during training. The return to the topic of patriotic education is again becoming relevant. In fashion and excellent physical training.

To the teacher on a pencil: how to choose the right class hour topic?

Source: http://year2018.net