Moinak lake. Miraculous Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria - healing from ailments with therapeutic mud Moinak Lake in Evpatoria on the map

Having lived a little on the Crimean coast, we began to walk around the outskirts and sights of the city. We found out that in the city of Evpatoria there is a Moinaki lake, where you can get treatment with mud, and as it turned out, it was within easy reach of our housing.

  • Therapeutic mud application
  • Where to buy healing mud
  • Women's mud fights in Crimea

Where is Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria

If you are relaxing in the city of Evpatoria, not far from the city center, then it will not be difficult for you to walk to Lake Moinaki on foot, as we did. As you can see on the map, if you move along Lenin Avenue or Kirov Street towards the park. Lenin, then you can directly go to Lake Moinakskoye, located within the city, on its western outskirts.

One day, we took a stroller for a child, swimwear and towels and went on foot to the mud bath. We walked from our house along Kirov Street until the street literally ended and the beach area began.

Mud bath Moinaki Evpatoria

As soon as you enter the territory of the beach of Lake Moinaki, you see what a mud bath in Evpatoria is like. This is a natural lake, or rather a shallow bay formed by flooding by the sea. The water in it is highly mineralized. At the bottom of the lake lies therapeutic mud, which is used for medicinal purposes in the sanatoriums of the Crimea. The depth of the lake is not more than a meter, but I think it will not be possible to wade the lake - the bottom is too swampy. But the water in it warms up well - much warmer than in the Black Sea. Such therapeutic lakes are often found in the Crimea, and they are called estuaries.

The water in the lake is highly saturated with salts, and gives off the smell of hydrogen sulfide. But despite the high percentage of salt in the lake, it is not dead. A nasty small crustacean lives in its waters, which is difficult to see, but can be fully felt. After we plunged into the lake, someone began to bite us and at first we did not understand the nature of these bites. At first they thought that the body was stinging from salt, but then they saw how these small transparent cuttlefish were running around the body. And the desire to swim immediately disappeared. Few where else they want to crawl?!

Therapeutic mud application

But do not be discouraged to do mud therapy, it is not necessary to go into the water. The dirt lies literally under your feet. When we first arrived, we immediately saw grimy people. The use of mud for medicinal purposes is applying it to the body in a thin layer. The dirt is not very pleasant to the touch - a viscous oily mass of black color. The smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide) will also not leave you indifferent.

But despite all the external unsightly qualities, treatment with the help of Moinak mud has a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole. Therapeutic mud whitens the skin, strengthens blood vessels, and activates vitality.

The use of therapeutic mud in Evpatoria is quite extensive, it is prescribed for:

  • chronic diseases of the stomach,
  • inflammatory processes in the joints,
  • female diseases, infertility,
  • in otolaryngology
  • for cosmetic purposes to eliminate skin rashes and cellulite.

But it also has contraindications for heart and vascular diseases. You can apply therapeutic mud on the body for 20 minutes. The same applies to being in the salt water of Lake Moinak - no more than 20 minutes for adults, and ten minutes is enough for children.

Where to buy healing mud

Why buy, you say, if you can take it for free. Many visitors did just that, they put therapeutic mud in pre-prepared containers. We did not do this, because at the exit from the beach you can buy therapeutic mud from private traders. It is inexpensive, but it is already neatly packaged in polyethylene containers by weight, dried and cleaned of living creatures.

By the way, this is a great gift from the Crimea, a natural cure for all diseases! You can find out 20 more ideas what to bring from Crimea.

Women's mud fights in Crimea

There is another use of healing mud that will not be written about in medical encyclopedias - this is its use in the fighting arena. Our nighttime leisure usually included a walk to the central Frunze beach in Evpatoria, so we simply could not miss one of the most unusual performances - women's mud fights.

What is this type of martial art? Professional female fighters take the stage. The stage is a large inflatable trampoline in the form of a boxing ring. At the bottom of which splashes the same healing mud from Liman. The fighters are girls of a fragile physique, on which the relief of skillfully pumped muscles clearly appears.

I am not a fan of cruelty, and I doubted that I would make it to the end of the performance. But, friends, this is not just a beach entertainment for drunken men, but a professional staging of fights. Here we did not see snot and broken noses. Each movement in the battles was perfected in such a way as to show the viewer spectacular tricks - coups, somersaults, somersaults. To the music in the style of heavy metal, it becomes very hot to enjoy the performance.

The spectators became so excited that when the presenter invited those wishing to try their hand at wrestling in the ring, a whole queue lined up! And not only from men! As it turned out, it was not so easy to fight in slippery mud - newcomers constantly fell, and some lost their last underpants in battle, although this is not noticeable under the mud.

Lake Moinaki is one of the amazing natural attractions of the city of Evpatoria. Moinak Lake is located directly within the city, just 1 km from the famous balneological one. The lake is separated from the Black Sea by a narrow strip of land, an embankment, the width of which is not much more than 100 m.

Moinaki was formed from a sea bay, first turning into an estuary, and then completely separating from the sea. This salty lake was already known in the Middle Ages, the Turkic nomads called it "Moynak", in translation - "star". The lake does not dry out, because it is fed by its own mineral springs, which are unusually rich in useful hydrogen sulfide.

To admire the beauty of the salt lake and swim in it, it is not necessary to use public transport. From the sanatorium "Dream" you can safely walk even with children. And at the same time admire the picturesque surroundings and breathe in plenty of healing air, smelling of salts and hydrogen sulfide. On the sandy shore of Moinaki (eastern), the descent into the water is the easiest, so it is advisable to swim here.

The radiobiological and chemical properties of the mud of Lake Moinaki contribute to the cure of chronic and difficult-to-treat diseases. Among them:

Infertility and gynecological diseases, prostatitis;
diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, polyarthritis;
diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
osteomyelitis, rheumatism, decreased immune defense;
diseases of the digestive system, ulcers, gastritis.

Pelotherapy (mud therapy) has contraindications, so it is best to take a course on the basis of a sanatorium, under the constant supervision of doctors.

The Mechta sanatorium is recognized as one of the best Crimean health resorts that effectively use mud therapy, and in Evpatoria the prices for vouchers in 2017 depend on the conditions of accommodation, the treatment itself was and remains affordable for the majority. Medical manipulations are done under medical supervision and only after examination. Therefore, complications are practically not observed, and the planned positive results are also achieved.

A course of treatment with healing mud can be taken by children from 4 years old and adults. If you want to relax and undergo treatment with the whole family in the sanatorium "Mechta" in Evpatoria, the prices of 2017 will be the lowest if you book tickets in advance, starting from winter. In the summer, "high" season in the sanatorium "Mechta" in Evpatoria, prices in 2017 will be much higher.

At the same time, there is always the opportunity to buy a medical voucher for September (“velvet season”), when it is still very warm. You can swim in the sea until October, and the flow of tourists is getting smaller. In September, the sanatorium "Mechta" in Yevpatoriya will reduce prices in 2017, so in September it will be possible to relax and undergo treatment not only comfortably, but also profitably.

Lake Moinaki is a unique well of medicinal mud, comparable in terms of its healing properties to the mud of the Dead Sea. The reservoir is located near Evpatoria and in the process is considered a seaworthy estuary. Several millennia ago, there was a shallow bay of the Black Sea in its area. Multiple storms washed over the sand spit over time, and the hot midday sun steamed the water up to the state of brine. As a result, the concentration of salts and microelements has increased: at different times of the year they are contained from 80 to 180 g per liter of water, in which case there are 4-10 times more than in sea water.
The therapeutic mud of the Moinaki reservoir has a pleasant viscosity and plasticity, of course, its color is not very pleasing to the eye - gray-dark. However, when it comes to the state of health, no one pays any attention to such trifles. For this reason, vacationers walk along the banks of the reservoir, soiled from head to toe, sharing their own recipes for curing diseases in 2019.
Bathing in the waters of this attraction restores the nervous system, enhances the protective qualities of the body, and restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Mud from a reservoir in combination with sunbathing contributes to the effective cure of chronic inflammation of the larynx, nose, ear, and in addition, it can productively help with dermatological diseases.
The most necessary and detailed information about the attractions of Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria: photo of the place, description, contacts - address, phone, official website. At the attraction, you can see user ratings, read reviews, tips and tricks. In the catalog of interesting places you can see the location of the attraction Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria on the map, places nearby, where to eat nearby and what to see nearby. For some of the locations you can find tours, news and special promotions, as well as a list of tickets.

The name of Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria in Turkic means "star". Scientists believe that once the tribe of the same name lived in the area of ​​​​the reservoir, from which the name of the lake came from.

Finding Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria on the map is easy. It is located within the administrative limits of the city. This is the western part of the resort, where there is a pond and a mud bath.

Moinak lake in Evpatoria is famous for its beauty

Salt lake in Evpatoria: how to get there?

It is not difficult to get to the reservoir on your own. Any local resident will be able to show the way to Moinaksky Lake in Evpatoria. You can use the following types of public transport:

  • Bus number 11;
  • Tram number 2 or number 3.

Moinak lake in Evpatoria is salty, so you can lie on its water and not drown

You need to go to the stop "Mud bath", and then walk a little. If there are difficulties with determining the location of Lake Moinakskoe in Evpatoria, taxi drivers, tram or bus drivers will tell you how to get there quickly.

Moinak lake in Evpatoria: what heals?

Once there was no lake in Evpatoria, but there was an estuary. Sea water gradually washed up the spit, which cut off the reservoir from the rest of the sea. Under the influence of climate and isolation, water began to acquire healing properties.

Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria contains therapeutic mud that heals the body and helps fight ailments

Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria, according to vacationers, heals with various components. This includes water, salts, and mud, which contain important elements and minerals that help treat a variety of diseases.

The salt lake in Evpatoria helps with such ailments as:

  • Inflammation of the joints;
  • Diseases of the skin and respiratory organs;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cerebral palsy, including in children;
  • Gynecological diseases.

The healing lake in Evpatoria contains mud and brine, which are used in therapeutic courses. Doctors prescribe bathing in a pond and applying mud to the body. The most convenient descent into the lake is on the east side, where mothers with small children often come.

Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria is one of the famous attractions of the resort

Lake Moinakskoye in Evpatoria is always depicted in the photo next to a medical facility. On the banks of the reservoir there is a mud bath, in which patients undergo a full course of recovery under the supervision of specialists.

The lake in Evpatoria with therapeutic mud is not suitable for self-treatment. Self-administration is prohibited. It is imperative to consult a doctor, as dirt can have an improper effect on the human body.

You can see the location of Lake Moinaki in Evpatoria on the map below.

In the western part of the city of Yevpatoriya is one of the most famous lakes of the Crimea - Lake Moinak. This lake is known for its medicinal properties. The water in the lake is highly mineralized, and the mud is curative in a number of diseases and is often used to rejuvenate and improve the skin.

Geographical coordinates of Lake Moinakskoye on the map of Crimea GPS N 45.183925, E 33.326758.​

Lake Moinaki formed about 5 thousand years ago as a result of separation from the sea, by the formation of a sand spit. Fresh springs replenishing the lake did not allow it to disappear completely in the hot summer, constantly feeding it with water. The bottom of the lake consists of a slab of shell rock, just such a substrate does not allow the lake to go underground and turn into a swamp.
The length of the lake is about 2 km, the width is 870 m. The lake is very shallow, in some places the depth reaches one and a half meters, but mostly knee-deep. Very often, tourists, getting to distant beaches, do not go around, namely through the lake.
The healing properties of the lake were known long before the emergence of modern Evpatoria. The ancient Greeks, Tatar-Mongols used the healing properties of water and mud. Wounds received in battle or at home healed instantly on the lake.

In the Middle Ages, off the coast Lake Moinaki settled a tribe of warriors-Moynaks, of Turkic origin, which was part of the Golden Horde. It is because of this tribe that the lake got its name. “Moinaki” is translated from the Turkic language as “star”. Since then, the lake has had its name.
The transformation from ordinary mud to healing mud is due to the presence of the crustacean Artemia salina in this water. It is the products of its vital activity that enrich water and mud with healing properties. In the early 90s, the city authorities ceased to perform some of their functions of nature protection, and household waste began to enter the water of Lake Moinak, which practically led to the extinction of the only inhabitant of the lake. In 2003, environmentalists sounded the alarm, and the barbaric attitude towards the lake stopped. Only in recent years, the crustacean population has left the critical zone, and the lake is gradually starting to come to life.

Since the lake is curative, a number of rules must be observed:

  • you can swim in the water no more than 5-8 minutes a day;
  • wash off the applied dirt no later than 15 minutes;
  • after washing off the dirt, you can not supercool;
  • it is recommended to carry out procedures in the summer between breaks in the exacerbation of skin, joint and other diseases. During the period of recurrence, applying mud is strictly prohibited;
  • Before the procedures, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Compliance with these simple rules will exclude the possibility of harm to the body by medical procedures.
Access to Lake Moinak today is absolutely free. There are a number of restrictions on the industrial removal of healing mud and a ban on digging the firth worm (highly valued among fishing enthusiasts), which lives in the healing mud of the lake.
If you decide to spend your holidays in