What should be done in ks. How do you learn to play counter well? What to do

This article lists the main tips for beginners to play the game (although experienced players can also learn a lot of valuable for themselves). Some of them are rookie mistakes, others will just raise your overall level of play. Of course, you should not expect that the implementation of these techniques will immediately turn you into a professional player, but these things are worth thinking about when taking the first steps in the game, and experienced players will be able to try them out in practice.

While some general tips will be based on your feel for the game, others will be useful in specific situations.

What not to do

  • Never point your scope at the floor or at your feet (a common mistake for those who haven't reached DMG rank).
  • Don't lean out of cover as soon as you hear the sound of a bomb being cleared. Wait about 3 seconds before acting.
  • Do not try to finish off the enemy with one burst if you did not manage to do it with the first 10 shots. Get behind cover, then shoot again.
  • Do not attempt to walk if the enemy is aware of your presence or there is only one entrance (for example, route B on the Inferno map).
  • Don't reload while in a dangerous position with more than 5-6 rounds in your clip. Find cover first, then reload.
  • Don't peek out of cover until you finish reloading.
  • Do not buy a helmet if the opponents have AWP or AK, and you do not have extra money.
  • Don't play an eco round with around $3500 for terrorists or $4000 for CTs (and don't buy a helmet) knowing that the opposing team is low on cash.
  • (IMPORTANT!) Do not play an eco round if you lost the pistol round (exception: when playing as terrorists, you managed to plant a bomb). Buy a helmet with a pistol, scout or MAG-7. On the fourth round, you will be able to buy, regardless of how you spend the second. In addition, winning the second round is not so difficult, since the opposing team also does not have a lot of money.
  • Do not stand behind a player (especially if he has an AWP) peeking around a corner. If he misses, he will need to quickly hide and if you interfere with him, he will most likely die.
  • Do not rush forward and do not expose yourself to bullets if you are carrying a bomb. Just leave her in a safe place where she won't be seen by the opposing team.
  • Never peek out using the forward key. Always use a strafe.
  • Don't run with a grenade in your hand. Movement speed with a knife is higher than with a grenade.
  • Never scold your teammates: the game will not improve from this.

What to do

  • Fire a head-height preemptive shot at popular ambush spots.
  • Place a deceptive bomb to lure the enemy out of cover. Hold "E" until you hear a sound, then quickly press "1" to draw your weapon.
  • When deactivating the bomb, use a step to get close, press "E" several times to create a defuse sound, and move to the side at a large angle to the original position. When the terrorists peek out of hiding, you will be in an unexpected place for them.
  • Use flash grenades defensively as CT. When attacking aggressively, smoke grenades may not fire in time. Flash drives will help you buy time and possibly get a free frag.
  • Use Molotov cocktails in popular ambush spots and watch your opponents scatter for their lives.
  • Use incendiary grenades to give your teammates time (7 seconds) to change position.
  • Use the most suitable position to plant the bomb in the current situation. In most cases, the players try to sneak the bomb in the safest way, while breaking through with the team head-on would be optimal. Learn the location of the bomb sites and the routes to them so that you always use the right one.
  • Help your teammates with blinding grenades. In most cases, their use does not require high casting skills. Tell your teammate that you will drop the flash so he can look out and maybe make a frag.
  • Explore all smoke grenade locations on different maps while playing as Terrorists. YouTube is here to help.
  • Try to accept that your teammate is probably better at AWP than you.
  • Buy in round 3 if you managed to plant a bomb in rounds 1 or 2, but it was deactivated. You should still have about $4500, which is enough.
  • Study the recoil trajectory of the most popular weapons (AK, M4A1). Once again, YouTube will help you.
  • Always be friendly and optimistic. Your chances of winning back are increased by 80% if you don't lose heart. The statistics confirm.
1 - If the first floor window is too high for you, try to jump on your friend, and from him into the window. 100% shocks the enemy and opens up new ways of assault for CT. Tested in cs_test and cs_new_york. In theory, you can build such a pyramid in cs_militia and jump into the window above the entrance. The main thing is to have a quorum.
2 - Night vision goggles are great help for snipers. For example, in cs_raid, the mountain is slightly out of the map, as a result of which CTs can walk around the top with impunity and shoot the enemy. But, if you put a sniper with glasses on the tower, then a rare CT will take the risk of mountain climbing.
3 - For CT: if your opponents are locked in one room, and it is impossible to smoke them out, then a machine gun with grenades will help you. Four machine gunners, shooting one building, turn the interior into a pitch hell.
4 - For T: if you feel like losing the situation, and you desperately need points, shoot the hostages and hide.
5 - Try to recharge in secluded places. For example, behind a box or a wall. If this all the same happened and an enemy is waiting for you around the corner, then remember that a pistol is also a weapon, a knife, by the way, too.
6 - A grenade can be used as a cobblestone. It should be thrown at the opponent's head when he has less than 15% health.
7 - It's better to squat down inclined ladders, it's better not to do it on vertical ones, unless you want to drown out the sound.
8 - choose a fair person as a server, so that later there would be no undeserved kick or games with gravity.
9 - Some doors open when a grenade explodes near them. Example: back door in cs_assault.
10 - If you can hear what is being done on the computers of opponents, check their presence by shooting at windows or walls. Remember, it's mean!
11 - Don't break on the door. If you are alone - open and quickly move away. If together - one opens, the second shoots. You can, of course, shoot at her. But, even if you are with the M4A1, you run the risk of sending your conspiracy to hell. Better stand at the door and listen.
12 - Concerns T: comrades! Sometimes the CT respawn spot is easier to defend than native pinatas. So why protect them! Go to CT for a visit and wait for them there. They'll be back!
13 - Listen to what they yell at the club. The main thing is to listen and reel on the mustache. In general, the dead have a very useful ability to inform the living about the enemy. And in Counter-Strike, knowing who is where is a huge advantage. If you are left alone with the enemy, then do not hesitate to loudly ask where he is. Remember, it's mean!
14 - Try to come to the club with a friend. Or at least negotiate with a neighbor for help and mutual assistance. The "dead" partner is the best means of reconnaissance. It looks especially effective when aiming through walls in this way. Remember - one in the field is not a warrior.
15 - Shoot through walls. About half of the weapons fire through walls very well.
16 - Change weapons while running. With a pistol you run much faster than with an AWP, I generally keep quiet about the speed of squatting. With the included sight, the speed also decreases. It's best to run with a knife.
17 - Snipe smart. Do not jump with the scope on. Find some good places on the map and change them constantly. From any of these places it should not be very noticeable from afar, all fires to it should be shot through. It's also good to be able to take a few steps around the corner to recharge after a possible miss. It is best that only your head sticks out. When you see a grenade, make a sharp jerk with the mouse in any direction. A blinded sniper is a dead sniper.
18 - learn keyboard shortcuts when buying weapons. On so many maps, the one who first runs to a certain point plays a decisive role. Therefore combinations such as B-4-4, B-4-1, B-4-6, B-4-3, B-4-2 and B-3-1 should be dialed automatically.
19 - learn all the stash on the map. The same applies to dark places and camping spots. All of them need to be able to shoot and throw grenades if necessary. Remember, camping is mean!
20 - Create a clan as soon as possible. Clan game is a team game. Nothing can be achieved here alone. Yes, both of them too. Only in a clan where team tactics are taken seriously can one really claim good results. It is quite possible that your first clan will be "lamer", but, in any case, it is an order of magnitude better than what an "individualist" can do.
21 - If the water is ankle-deep, then it drowns out the steps quite well. If knee-deep, then the fighter should lie on his stomach and crawl. Of course, the speed decreases by 10 times, but it’s very convenient to swim around the corner and wet the campers in such a simple way. If the water is waist-deep, then when you squat you will not be seen from above, and you will see the observer perfectly. If the water is above the waist, then you can swim. A good swimmer with a knife can kill a whole crowd underwater. Unfortunately, there are few maps where you really need the ability to swim. But still, practice.
22 - If your style is to sit around the corner with a shotgun, then turn on the speakers or better headphones to the maximum. After a few hours of practice, you will be able to understand everything that happens in your half of the level. Remember, it's mean! If it's the other way around, you hate all sorts of "waiters" fiercely, press Shift more often (by default) and throw grenades... Using sounds, you can perform quite interesting maneuvers.
23 - Having a good permanent partner is a great success. Periodically practice new tricks with him, and for this, draw or download map plans online. The usual way is to reconstruct the usual tactics on this or that map and find its weak links. Come up with a few tactics for playing with a weak team and a few for playing with a strong one. Between partners, the names of the parts of the map should be clearly stipulated, explanations about the position of the enemy should sound clear and clear. Practice shooting through walls. Learn different types of distraction maneuvers.
24 - It often happens when you are blinded. If until this certainly joyful moment you were sitting in ambush, then do not twitch! Suddenly they don't notice. If at the moment of blinding you were under fire, then, without stopping shooting, remember where you were and, without spinning, using only the keyboard, go around the nearest corner. Why not touch the mouse? According to the law of meanness. An attempt to turn around while blinded almost always results in the blinded person running out right under the opponent's nose.
25 - Many bots do not shoot at a long distance, so it is very good to train accuracy on them. Climb onto the main roof of cs_assault and train hard! The second type of bots shoots great, but sticks out at the base until the end of the round. Launch them on cs_mansion for T, take a shotgun and train your reaction. The last type of bots are those that follow waypoints. The very top of strategic thought is to arrange waypoints for the team in such a way as to automatically beat the superior enemy team. I recommend to all lovers of the sixth rainbow.
26 - Don't get into the tank if you don't know how to drive. And ruin yourself and others. The same applies to Jeeps.
27 - Never get into the crowd. Even if there are two of you, it's already a crowd. In general, always try to always be at least a step away from any player. By doing this, you, firstly, reduce your own seductiveness for throwing grenades; secondly, clear your visibility zone; thirdly, usually the whole company tries to hide around one corner and, as a rule, there is not enough space for everyone ... The "superfluous" are quickly killed by opponents stunned by such impudence. Separately, I want to say about the narrow corridors: being in one of them with a friend, you become a potential victim. Rounds tend to pass through living and semi-dead flesh. Therefore, if a mass passage cannot be avoided, try not to stand and look at your decreasing percentage of life when a firefight begins, but simply shoot right through your own. The same applies to the situation when you fire at someone and then a friend unexpectedly blocks the sight with his back. Do not stop shooting, your friend will not notice that the enemy was shot through him. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can kill your own.
28 - In a good team it is very useful to keep the driver. The fact is that when T sees the nose of a tank on cs_siege, his hands itch to kill the driver. Especially if the tank is about to enter the passage. Naturally, the abrupt exit of the people from the sewers at such a crucial moment will go unnoticed.
29 - Driving a jeep is an art. A duel between two teams sitting on jeeps can be more interesting than an action movie. Just do something in a jeep is very convenient to distract reptiles. It's pretty fun to throw a blind fly at an enemy jeep, and then, leaving one person on your jeep, crash into the enemy one. From a person, of course, it is required to jump out in time. You can also put the jeep as a bait in the middle of the square, and keep it on the AWP gun yourself.
30 - How do you feel about the knife? Do you want me to prove to you that this is the perfect weapon? Travel speed is not reduced, the cost is zero, the number of charges is infinite, and no reloading is required. This is the quietest weapon in the game, and with a headshot in the second mode, it removes 100% of life. In contrast to all these advantages, it has only 2 drawbacks: an average "rate of fire" and a short range. Knife combat is often reminiscent of a samurai fight, in which one precise blow decides the case. We must try to choose the place of battle so that you can suddenly attack the enemy. If the fight is on a level field, you must wait until the opponent makes a blow, and immediately attack yourself, until he is "unarmed" for about half a second. Hit always in the second mode.
31 - The silencer in the game is a very valuable thing. The muffler has 3 advantages and only 1 disadvantage. The first advantage is that the silencer makes the shot of your weapon almost inaudible, the second advantage is that it increases accuracy. And the third advantage - it reduces the dispersion of cartridges. And to all this, a disadvantage that reduces the power of fire.
32 - If you are a CT, then hostages can be put out the window. In confusion, the enemy will start firing at them, thinking that it is you, and will fly into the dough. And it's nice. It is all the more pleasant that you will be able to determine its firing position and sectors of its fire.
33 - If you are a CT, then you can hurt them a little with a few shots from a pistol and drag them along. Then they will take the first hit of the grenade on themselves, and dropping the enemy on the money, and you will have time to react.
34 - If you are a CT, just carry one hostage with you, because he acts as a kind of back shield, taking on the whole wave of hatred and lead from your worst enemy.
35 - If you are a CT, then in the case of a protracted battle with the use of firearms, I recommend using a hostage as a human shield. Jumping around him and shooting at the enemy. The accuracy and rate of fire of the enemy's shots will be an order of magnitude lower, since he does not want to accidentally fall into a hostage.
36 - In order to run fast "in your hands" you must have a knife or a grenade, then you will run as if you did not have an n-kilogram machine gun hanging behind your back.

I’ve been playing Counter-Strike 1.6 for about 4 years, I wouldn’t say that I’m a pro, I play when I’m high, when I have free time, I don’t use cheats, I just use some tips that are described on the site, for example, “AWP shooting technique ". And most often I gamble with bots, because I understand that this is an algorithm, if it kills me, I don’t blame everything on cheaters. Why don't I play online, you ask? Most often, a cheater starts up on the network and starts to bring down everyone indiscriminately, which I despise in every possible way. In order to learn how to play cs well, you only need desire and time. What I don't have at all lately! And it is also desirable to read some tactics, tips on counter-strike! I will give you, dear readers, some advice that I know from my experience, many of which you are already familiar with.

Listen to the radio, they also say useful things.

Try to shop quickly.

If there is more than 25% of body armor left, you should not buy a new one.

Don't shoot from the stairs, you will miss.

When walking, the spread of bullets increases, shoot bursts.

If you want to jump on something high, ask a friend, do not forget to crouch in the jump (you need to hold down Ctrl)

If you have a lot of money, but a friend doesn’t, don’t be a redneck and share weapons.

Don't forget, CS 1.6 is a multiplayer game.

When running in a crowd, do not get up in narrow openings - this can cost you your life, or your comrade, blocking the path to retreat.

Do not turn on the flashlight unnecessarily, remember that it illuminates you too.

If you see a sniper, zigzag to make it harder for him to hit you.

The knife slightly increases movement speed.

Try to wear headphones to hear which side the enemy is coming from.

Don't want to be heard (hold Shift).

Play on servers where there are few people 3-5 people.

Do not use cheats, this will not make you play better, and what do you want to prove to yourself with this?

In the first round, CT will need armor and ammo, and T Deagle.

It is useful to listen to the rustle around, it may be your opponent.

And of course, practice and more practice! These tips will help you a little in the game, just look at my previous articles, maybe you can learn something new.

Today I will give you 25 of the best tips for those who do not know how to play Counter-Strike 1.6, this article will also be useful to those who have been playing for some time in CS.
And so, let's go.

1. You must know at least the main weapon in CS and its properties, behavior, returns, etc. such as: m4a1, AK-47, Deagle, usp, Glock, Awp, Famas, Galil.

2. Know the main cards CS such as: de_dust2, de_inferno, de_nuke, de_train, de_cbble, de_tuscan, de_mirage.

3. At the beginning of each round, try to buy quickly and never use the auto-buy mode (default - F1), because. can buy something wrong, and besides, extra ammunition, if in one or two rounds you buy, for example, 100 cartridges for usp, then in the next one, because of this, you may not have enough money to purchase additional 2-3 clips for AK-47 or m4a1, and sometimes even on the main weapon itself.

4. Better to play Counter strike in good headphones, try to listen to the steps and run of the enemy, this is very important! Sound in CS very often can decide your fate in the game.

5. Always use the radar and do not turn it off as he can often help you, at first it may not reach you, but soon, when you gain experience in the game, you will understand.

6. No need to shoot at the enemy with 10-20 rounds of ammunition while pinching him, at medium distances it is better to shoot 2 rounds, a maximum of 3, and at long distances it’s better to do 1. You can pinch the enemy in a large burst only in exceptional cases, when he is very close, with the time of gaining experience, you yourself will understand and comprehend it.
7. No need to run around the map like an elephant, preferably when you enter the enemy's side, walk while holding down the key, which provides a slow walk (Shift by default).

8. If you run with a knife in your hand, the speed of the model increases if you pick up a fly ( Scout), your speed will increase even more noticeably. If you run with an elephant in your hand ( AWP) your speed will noticeably be very slow.

9. Not when it's better not to use a flashlight in Counter strike, it not only illuminates the path, but also creates lighting around you, so it will immediately become clear to the enemy where you are.

10. When an enemy appears, try not to stand still and not move in one straight line (i.e. straight) because. the enemy can easily hit you, especially a sniper from AWP or Scout. Try to move left and right (default keys A and D), i.e. strafe. By the way! If something becomes unclear to you from these tips, watch my new video at the very bottom of the article. There I clearly showed and told everything.

11. If a live grenade is thrown in your direction from a medium or close distance in a free place ( HE), in order not to get into the very epicenter of her explosion, it is better to run to meet her, i.e. on her. In this case, you will receive much less damage if you stand still or run away from her. The situation is approximately the same with flash grenades, if a flash is thrown at you, turn away from it by 180 degrees, i.e. back. In this case, you will only be blinded by half and you will see the enemy, not so clearly, but it is quite possible to kill with such a review.

12. It is better to climb some stairs quietly (by default, while holding down the key CTRL) so that your enemy does not hear. This is especially true for the map. de_nuke at point 9.

13. If you know at least a little English, then listen to the radio commands, sometimes you can hear a lot of useful information from your teammates in them. For example, if you press C-4, you will hear the command " Sector Clear!", meaning that in the field of view of the teammate who voiced this command, the sector is clear (i.e. there are no enemies).

14. If you play as a team, especially in a 5v5 game, don't ever be afraid to sacrifice yourself for the team, sometimes your sacrifice of yourself can lead the team to victory in this round.

In the meantime, be aware that there are models for the game that can harm the client, such as WUAs with a scope - they can be banned for them. So, if you decide to download models for CS 1.6, then it is better to do this on trusted sites. Let's go further.

15. Do not shoot while walking, running, if you are on the stairs or in flight. This greatly increases the spread of bullets and in this case you are unlikely to be able to hit anyone.

16. Do not buy new armor if the balance of the old armor is above 25%.

17. Playing as CT in the first round, i.e. pistol, you don’t need to buy a cartridge for usp 100, just buy 2-4 clips, you probably won’t need more, and for the remaining $ 700-750 it’s better to buy armor or a couple of grenades. If you are already playing T in the first pistol round, then it is better to take armor as well, given that you are playing as an attack and you will have to attack. Well, if you're not friends with glock"Oh, you can take Deagle or usp and 1 flash grenade( flash).

18. It is not necessary not when to climb on the edge of the enemy, try to quietly make your way around the map, checking (looking) all the points where the enemy can be, try not to get out to your full height.

19. When playing, the main thing is not to worry! Anxiety can ruin everything. In no case do not be afraid of the enemy and do not think "And if I don't hit?", It is necessary that the enemy be afraid of you!

20. Remember, the main thing when buying in a round is the main weapon (+ cartridges for it) and the 2nd armor with a helmet. And all sorts of grenades, defuse or spare second Deagle you can buy later. The main thing is that you have a murder weapon and good defense, soon as you gain experience, you will understand this yourself! If you already lost the round and don’t have enough for good weapons and armor, it’s better not to buy anything and merge this round, just running with a gun, and in the next round buy in full and hit the enemy.

21. If you play defense( CT) and saw that a plant (bomb) fell out, just hold it and in no case let the enemy take it! Terrorists won't win the round until they kill all counters or plant and then detonate the bomb.

22. On some maps there are creaky doors through which the enemy often passes, so if you need to go through it, do not necessarily open it yourself, because. you can be killed immediately. Try to throw any of the grenades at the door or throw some object on it, the same gun or bomb, and the door will open.

23. Use lumbago on the map. Remember, V Counter strike any wall, door or ceiling can be shot through. If there is an enemy behind this structure, he can be wounded or, in the saddest case, even killed!

24. Do not use in any case not when other people's configs for CS 1.6, even if it's a professional player's config. Remember! You should have your own config and your own settings as you like, and not someone else's. Moreover, other people's configs can contain commands, any extra aliases or binds that will cause you inconvenience in the game.

25. Last and most important! Remember! The best way to practice for you and your team is to watch demos like HLTV-shnyh so and POV-demo professional teams and players, as well as playing on CSDM servers.

P.S. And remember Counter strike it's a team game! Always try to run in pairs, do not act alone, you must play as a team! If something was not clear to you, you can watch the video below. In it, I clearly showed everything:

Hi all! Former players in CS 1.6 or CS: Source most likely more than once asked this question: - "How to put the standard purchase keys, as in previous versions of CS". Many CS players could already get used to the new purchase option, but despite this, the article still has the right to its full-fledged existence, since the classic purchase option can speed up the purchase process and satisfy those who are wary and dissatisfied with the newly introduced round robin system.

At the end of my article, I will attach ready-made values, you just have to copy and transfer them to your config file.

The end result of a classic purchase:

- "o" + "1" - Armor.
- "o" + "2" - Armor and helmet.
- "o" + "3" - Blind grenade.
- "o" + "4" - HE-Grenade.
- "o" + "5" - Smoke grenade.
- "o" + "6/7" - defuza (CS 1.6/CS:S)

So, to make the old version of buying equipment, we do the following:
1) Go to the config.cfg file (our config). You can find it in the directory where CS:GO is installed

2) We make an alias with a bind to buy our equipment. We define there such purchase keys as: grenades, defuze, armor and the exit key from the menu.

3) We make an alias that converts the functions of the keys back. This is used to ensure that the buttons, after closing the menu, function exactly as written in our config.

4) We create our own alias for each type of equipment.

5) Making the visualization of the active purchase menu. Any command can be used instead of cl_crosshaircolor. The visualization is made in the form of opening and closing the menu.

6) Add a bind to the buyequip alias.