Sports holiday "volleyball player's day". Volleyball birthday

Many sports games have their own birthdays. This is especially true for popular destinations that a large number of people are interested in. And volleyball was no exception in this list. It is played in the hall, in the open air, and there is also a separate direction - beach. It has also already reached the professional level. And we celebrate the birthday of this wonderful game every year on February 9th.

history of the holiday

Speaking about the holiday, we need to remember the game itself and its history. It arose with the easy suggestion of William Morgan - this man taught physical education in a Christian youth organization. This happened in the USA at the end of the nineteenth century. William invited the guys to play ball, voicing completely new rules. They set up a net, played several matches, and after that the game became very popular among active young people.

A year later it was shown in Springfield at a conference where representatives of the Christian movement gathered. Professor Halsted, who was present there, suggested giving this sport the name that we know now. Clear rules of the game were established a year later. At the same time, a separate reference book was published in which anyone could read about them.

The game gained real popularity after being recognized throughout the world, and this happened very quickly - already in 1900. Twenty-three years later, the first match was held in the USSR. February 9 is considered the birthday of volleyball - it was on this day that representatives of Christian youth under the leadership of William Morgan played the very first game.

The tradition of holding Volleyball Days was, unfortunately, interrupted after we lost the opportunity to hold the event in such a convenient clearing in the Domodedovo district. Since then, we have been searching for a new clearing that would meet the criteria necessary for conducting a DV - a flat field for sites, enough space for tents and cars, distance from populated areas, the presence of a nearby reservoir, etc. Gradually, our search moved away from Moscow - in 2016 we reached Stupino, the Istrinsky reservoir and the Kaluga region. The choice fell on the last site in the Protva Tourist Park, it has many advantages:
- a large flat field that can accommodate everyone
- in addition to space for classics, the presence of prepared beach areas
- possibility of renting a sleeping tent for those who do not have camping equipment
- cafe, fire zones, firewood, water
- high-quality infrastructure of the tourist park, various entertainment and other services
- the administration’s positive attitude towards our event, extensive experience in conducting similar tourist events (Rosatom tourist rally, ambulance station tour rally, Obnisk city rally)

Most importantly, we hope that this is the place where we are guaranteed to be able to hold DV every year. Therefore, despite the distance from Moscow, in 2016 we decided to hold the Far East event there.

General information about the event
For those who have never been to Volleyball Day, we’ll tell you how it all happens.
The event takes place over two days, Saturday and Sunday. Teams arrive partly on Friday evening and partly on Saturday morning.
Saturday morning is team registration, then the official opening where we usually ask teams to introduce themselves somehow, and the volleyball tournament starts around noon. The tournament is held among mixed (men + women) teams, this allows to equalize the strengths of the participants to some extent, and generally has a positive effect on the general mood. Competitions are held at several venues so that everyone can play enough :)

Classic volleyball tournament: group stage + playoffs, mixed squads - the team must have at least 2 girls on the court, and at any time at least one girl must be on the front line. Refereeing is done by teams (the option of professional refereeing at the playoff stage is being explored). The sites are earthen.

In addition to the volleyball tournament, the teams take part in an exciting competitive program. There is a general classification (volleyball + competitions), so in addition to volleyball skills, it is also necessary to demonstrate resourcefulness, good spirits and other talents.

Teams are accommodated in their own or rented tents from Protva Park.
There are sanitary blocks on the site - stationary toilets (not "blue houses") and washbasins.
There are enough fireplaces with barbecues on the site (each fireplace for a group of 9-10 tents). Lighting a fire is only allowed in fire pits.

This is what placing a large tent camp in a clearing looks like:

There is a cafe on the field; it is possible to pre-order meals, but meals will need to be prepaid in full 3 days before the event.
Firewood will be purchased by us centrally.

It is possible to order the installation of baths (6-seater). The park also offers various services and entertainment (house/tent rental in the hotel area; restaurant; rope park; fishing; canoe rental, etc.). Please write when applying if you are interested in these services. Mobile Internet is available in the clearing, and they also promised Wi-Fi near the cafe.

ATTENTION! An ambulance will be on duty at the event, but there will be no ambulance at night; participants will need to independently comply with safety and prudence requirements (do not swim in the river, do not burn yourself on the grill, etc.).

Another photo shows a cafe and two existing beach areas. If possible, a beach tournament will also be held:

Additional important information has emerged.

Goals and objectives:

  1. Make this day a sports holiday.
  2. Give students the opportunity to analyze the skills and abilities of those treated in physical education lessons and sports sections.
  3. To instill in students a love for systematic physical education and sports.
  4. Develop a friendly team and a sense of camaraderie.
  5. Show students’ physical preparedness and work results.

Venue: gym or playground.

Equipment: volleyballs, whistle, stopwatch, volleyball court.

Participants of the holiday: students of 3 teams: 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year. 6 people each.

Time: 18.00.

Panel of judges: 3 people.

Progress of the event

The sports festival “Volleyball Player's Day” takes place in the school gym with all teams, judges, fans and already at their original place. The signal sounds for the start of the holiday.

Presenter 1. Good evening, dear friends! The sports holiday “Volleyball Day” is declared open. The word is given to the panel of judges; they take an oath that they will judge fairly and honestly. The words are given to the head teacher for educational work. The head teacher of all the participants of the holiday gives parting words to win and the strongest team will win.

Presenter 2. Volleyball means “flying ball”. Yes, these names are quite true, because in the game of volleyball the volleyball should only be in the air, only momentarily freezing in the hands when serving, passing, or hitting. What seems easier is to take the ball and hit it with your hand. But this is apparent simplicity. Anyone who plays volleyball knows that to control the ball in the game, you need to work hard in training. And for success in volleyball, as of course in many other games, team cohesion, strong-willed spirit, and emotional uplift are important. Today we will look at the preparation of the participants. The teams are participants in our festival and must demonstrate these qualities. Today we will sum up the results of the school volleyball champions. Let's identify the best volleyball players at the school.

Presenter 1.

The ball flies over the court
Like his wings.
The ball flutters through the net
Many times there-ship
I'm descending onto the platform
They skillfully don’t give it to me.
Eh! I love to break through the block,
When the rescuer gets hit hard
One-two-three ball in the rhythm of a waltz,
Hey player, try your best
So that the ball doesn't fall down!
Twenty-five is the top of the count
And again the game from scratch,
But victory awaits someone,
Stranger is a draw for me

Presenter 2.

Oh, beautiful! How beautiful!
It's sports time!
When my clear trill
The game opens
Oh, wonderful! How lovely!
Two teams - “physical education - hello!”
After them the game is wonderful
I give the green light!
Oh, nice! So glad!
Code fair game
It's so gratifying after the match
Hear me “physical education-hurray!”

Presenter 1. Yes, and you are friends, I see you are eager to fight. That we are starting competitions. Captains approach the judges. We draw lots; whose team gets the number 1 begins to perform the competition.

Submission Competition

All team players take turns making serves at calls 1, 5, 6, and 2, 3, 4. That is, each player makes three serves. Accurate entry into the zone earns the team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Competition “Volleyball plus gymnastics”

All players take turns completing tasks.
The player performs a low pass with both hands above himself, after which he lies down on his chest, stands up and, moving to the ball that has bounced off the floor, performs a low pass with both hands above himself. This task must be completed by the whole team in turn in 3 minutes. Whoever gets the most things right will earn points.

Competition “Passing the Ball”

The team captains complete the task without leaving the circle D 2 meters. Perform an overhead pass with both hands at the same time. Who will complete the most passes in one minute? , You cannot catch the ball without touching the floor. If the ball falls or is caught, the captain is eliminated from the competition. The captain who completes the task correctly wins.

Volleyball Sniper Competition

There are circles drawn in colored chalk on the wall of the gym. Teams play volleyball for accuracy. Teams stand in a column one at a time, facing a wall with drawn circles. The distance from the wall is 1.5 meters. The first player passes with both hands from above into the circle and goes to the end of the column, the second at this time receives the ball and makes a pass into the circle, and so on. For losing the ball, the team receives a penalty point. The winning team is determined by the difference between the number of accurate passes into the circle and the number of penalty points. Time for tasks 2 minutes ( shown in the picture).

Competition “Volleyball juggling”

Option 1

One girl and one boy from each team take part in the competition.

The player with the ball makes a pass with two hands from below, two hands from above, alternately moving diagonally across the volleyball court (as shown in the figure). The one who completes the task correctly and in the fastest time wins.

Option 2

The entire team stands in a circle with a diameter of 3-4 meters at an equal distance from each other. Moving in a circle at a run, each student takes turns passing over himself and accelerating forward; the partner following him takes his place and receives the ball. The team that performs without errors and keeps the ball in flight for a while wins.

Competition “Two-sided game in pairs”

Game: Two teams play beach volleyball with a score of up to 10 points in a round-robin system. The team that takes first place wins and gets 5 points.

Presenter 1. Thank you for completing the tasks beautifully. And now, when the judge is being let down, we will conduct a theoretical quiz with the fans.

Quiz questions:

  1. What are the dimensions of a volleyball court and how many times can substitutions be made in a game? (28x9. Reverse substitutions are not limited.
  2. Year and place of birth of volleyball. (1895 USA)
  3. When volleyball became an Olympic sport (18th Games in Tokyo, 1964)
  4. The first Olympic champions in volleyball (USSR for men, Japan for women 1964)
  5. When the USSR women's volleyball team became Olympic champions (at the 19th games in 1968)

Presenter 2. The end of the sports festival “Volleyball Player’s Day” is coming; let’s sum up which team ranks. The judges report the teams' results and award the winning team a prize. Rewarding the best players. music sounds, the celebration continues, a disco is announced.

::: Results of Volleyball Day 2016:::

Volleyball Day 2016: how it happened

So, after a 5-year break, the Organizing Committee decided to resume the tradition of holding Volleyball Day. Back in the spring, a cry was raised among the participants of our huge community, and through joint efforts a platform was found to hold it.

Remembering past years, when not a single Volleyball Player's Day was complete without rain, and after checking our calendars with horoscopes and satellite clocks, it was decided to hold the DV in July instead of August - counting on good weather. However, the closer we got to day X, the less this calculation came true. The organizing committee was in suspense - all the previous times the forecast did not scare away the teams, but this time the rains were prolonged and the hope that no one would come still glimmered in the souls of the organizers.

Meanwhile, teams were announced slowly, but they were announced. The first, as always, were MGSU. They were followed by Mammoths and Force Majeure (formerly Skoda). New teams also showed up. The main problem for almost all teams was girls - there were absolutely not enough of them. The organizing committee frantically offered either Alla K. or Marina O. to everyone without getting in. The bidding was brisk. Marina sold especially well :)

Friday, July 22
On Friday, July 22, at exactly 9:00 am, the Organizing Committee moved to the area to prepare the site. It was raining. Having reached the site in just 3.5 hours, the organizers leisurely mowed the grass and set up their tents. And immediately it was time to taste the local cuisine. After having lunch and playing with the local administration's radios, we had to return to our direct duties - namely, installing platforms. The rain continued to fall. The 3 classics grounds and the Organizing Committee tent were set up in a nice cool drizzle. Marking the sites and assembling the banner had to be postponed until after dinner. The rain got heavier.

After having dinner and looking at the torrential downpour outside the window, a strong-willed decision was made to relax and try to light a fire. Moreover, by this moment representatives of MGSU and Mammoths with Monsters had already arrived at the clearing. Force Majeure was also on the way.

Lighting a fire from wet wood in a downpour is not an easy task. After just a couple of hours of this activity, the final night came. Those who arrived had already occupied one of the tipis and were keeping warm by other methods. From the tipi came discordant guitar chords, accompanied by equally discordant voices, among which Nina Feodoridi harmoniously dominated.

After drinking tea in the pouring rain, the Organizing Committee waited for the tired guests to be invited to the tipi, on the condition that we would continue to amuse and entertain them. This honorable duty was assigned to Daniil Tararukhin, as the main Spleen of Rosenbaumovich Vysotsky. The rain was getting heavier. Under its cover, Vasily Kamburov crept into the clearing almost unrecognized with his +1. At this time, Sergei Gretsov with his family and Ilya Kazachkov tried unsuccessfully to see the stars in the sky.

Saturday, July 23
Getting up at 7 am was disrupted, because why get up and finish the sites if it’s still raining outside and no one will come anyway.

At 8:15 the Volleyboys appeared in the clearing and woke up the Organizing Committee, and right behind them the rest of the teams began to arrive. They confidently settled down, took places for their camps, took away the barbecues, and stocked up on firewood. It was obvious that the water from the sky did not bother them at all. The organizing committee sighed and, with envy of the sleeping MGSU students and Mammoths, went to finish the sites.

By 10:00 the first pieces of blue sky flashed in the sky....and by 11:00, when all the teams gathered for the not-so-ceremonial opening of the 5th, almost anniversary, Volleyball Day - the bright sun was shining on us in the blue-blue sky , and the weather promised only the most pleasant things!

According to tradition, Volleyball Day began with greetings from the teams - some sang songs, some came up with chants, some simply said hello and fell silent. This is how we learned that there will be 10 teams in the classic tournament.

After the opening and drawing of lots, the teams began the sports part of the weekend, namely classic volleyball. In group A, the favorites were identified almost immediately, but in groups B and C everything was not obvious. Moreover, for Group C this remained unobvious even at the end of the round-robin stage, since the second place in the group had to be determined on Sunday in additional games.

After playing the classics and having lunch, the especially zealous entered into single combat in beach volleyball. Those who remained out of work supported their friends, sitting in a cafe or sunbathing and sipping various drinks. Other maniacs continued to play the classics, just for themselves. Someone went swimming and discovered that the river had overflowed its banks and demolished the pontoon bridge.

Having played the beach and hastily had dinner, the Organizing Committee again began to torment the teams - this time through competitions. As you know, Volleyball Day competitions bring the team together and also provide a legal opportunity for everyone to laugh at each other. Which is exactly what happened. First, the teams had to be smart and turn over the foam without leaving it. Then we had to run with balls. Then throw the cards long. And then there was an improvisation competition, where some had to portray generals, others had to host the program “Good Night, Kids,” and others had to win a million dollars. All teams tried hard and seemed to even enjoy themselves. After which they were released to the camp - eat, drink and enjoy the evening.

The evening and night of Saturday passed, so to speak, in a very friendly and family atmosphere. Many songs were sung with a guitar, and the administration of the park hotel organized a disco in the cafe, at which three dozen people were seen. But here the author is forced to stop - because what happens at night on Volleyball Day remains on Volleyball Day)

Sunday, July 24
The awakening was difficult.....but we had quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals waiting for us. But first, volleyball competitions. Some teams coped with the traditional "Serving" competition, but the "Volleyball Juggling" competition turned out to be difficult for everyone. Therefore, we hasten to announce: next year there will be juggling too - practice)))

After the entertainment part, we moved on to the serious tournament. Immediately in the first games of the quarterfinals, it became clear that everyone had come for a reason - the desire to win was off the charts! And against the backdrop of the previous night, the desire must have been very strong, because the possibilities sometimes let us down. So, the Battalion without white socks barely made it through the quarterfinals, and MGSU lost to Volleybosha. The semi-finals were no less spectacular, where the Sphere almost threw Volleybosha out of the tournament, and the Battalion fought with the Beauties and the Beasts of Mammoths until the very end and could create intrigue.

But everything turned out as it did, and in the finals the participants of group A met - the Beauties and the Beasts Mammoths against the Volleyboshi. It must be said that the rosters of both teams included very, very well-deserved players and gamers (just look at one evil girl in a Panama hat). But still, apparently the Volleybos left the disco a little earlier the day before, and therefore the victory, albeit difficult, remained with them.

The beachgoers also continued their struggle. The Organizing Committee team fought and fought in the quarterfinals, but since they had to go deal with organizational issues, they had to give in. Towards evening, the beach tournament ended, in which youth triumphed over age.

In the rays of the pre-sunset sun, the last words from the Organizing Committee were spoken and medals and cups were awarded to all prize-winners and winners. And Volleyball Day 2016 is officially over....

Thanks to everyone who made it despite the forecasts and we hope that you had as much fun as we did - both on the sites and at the tents, and in the cafe, both in the rain and in the sun. It was really cool! Have a great year. We look forward to seeing you all and your friends next year.

The results of games and competitions can be viewed

When is this holiday held? World Volleyball Day is a sports holiday celebrated annually on February 9th.

How is World Volleyball Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? On Volleyball's Birthday, sports competitions are held, we honor volleyball athletes and congratulate them on the holiday.

History and traditions of International Volleyball Day

This team ball game appeared over 120 years ago. World Volleyball Day is celebrated in memory of the fact that on February 9, 1895 in the city of Holyoke in the US state of Massachusetts, the first game in this sport took place in the gym of the Young Christian Association.

It was invented by YMCA (Young Men's Christian Organization) physical training director William Morgan (1870–1942).

He combined some rules from baseball, handball and basketball, borrowed a net from tennis and installed it at a height of about 196 cm from the floor - and the result was a new game. Now there is a world volleyball hall of fame in Holyoke.

On the birthday of volleyball, they also remember another person, thanks to whom this game got its name. At first it was called “mintonette”, and it received the name “volleyball” (from the English “at the volley” - “on the fly” and “ball” - “ball”) thanks to Professor Alfred Halsted.

In 1897, the game was included in the official YMCA athletic league directory. Volleyball became popular in the USA, and at the beginning of the 20th century in other countries of the world: Canada, Cuba, the Philippines, Japan, Burma, and then in European countries.

In the 1920s, the first national competitions were held - the YMCA championship in Brooklyn with the participation of 23 men's teams; The first volleyball sports organization in Europe was created - the Basketball and Volleyball Union in Czechoslovakia, and then the national federations of Bulgaria, the USSR, the USA and Japan.

In our country, the first official volleyball match took place on July 28, 1923. It was a game between the teams of the State College of Cinematography and the Higher Art and Technical Workshops (VKHUTEMAS).

Currently, this sport is an Olympic sport. There are numerous varieties of it, including beach volleyball, pioneer ball, mini-volleyball and others. The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) has 221 national federations and is one of the most popular games in the world.

So, World Volleyball Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, and recently the Birthday of Volleyball is becoming more and more famous here in Russia.