Esthete show live hat script. Dance, music and table games and competitions for the "hat party"

If you believe the Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov - Holiday- is “a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of something. A day especially celebrated by custom..., a day of joy and celebration about something..., a day of games, entertainment...".
And if you ask, does the kindergarten need a holiday?
What can I say, it’s already clear. Of course, it is necessary, even necessary; for joy, fun, mystery. Without a holiday, a child’s life is unthinkable.
“If there are not enough holidays, you should invent them,” the Japanese say.
And then a great idea arose. This is an unusual holiday - Hat show. I would like to note that the idea appeared, one might say, by accident.
There is a tradition in our kindergarten: every year in November, a charity fair of toys and crafts made by the hands of real craftsmen: parents, children and teachers is held in the kindergarten hall.
We were faced with a problem: what crafts should we prepare? The idea was suggested by the children themselves. Shouldn't we make some crafts - “hats” from different materials! And then it started spinning and spinning! Active work on the project has begun.
We tried to express the results of our fruitful creative work in Hat Parade for parents and guests not only of our group, but of the entire kindergarten.

Fashion show scenario
"Fashionable hats and bonnets"

Good evening, dear friends, good evening, dear parents! What a wonderful day today!
We are glad to welcome you in our cozy and beautiful hall! We are glad to see those who love holidays, beauty and fantasy!

Hurry up everyone here!
Check out our fashion theater!
You haven't seen anything like this, you didn't know,
What we will show in our hall!
The anticipation of the parade tickles your nerves,
Let every child in a hat be the first here!

There's a fashion show today! Every child who comes here to this extraordinary hall will have to present an unusual headdress. Today there are many trends in the fashion world, so each hat will be unique and beautiful.

With this fashion show we are completing a huge amount of work on the project on the topic: “We need different hats, all kinds of hats are important.” Both parents and children took part in its creation. Our parents are real masters! How much invention, creativity and imagination there is!
We invite our participants - lovely charming children, girls and boys - to come and show off their wonderful and original hats.

So, welcome! Our models! New items in the fashion world!

The passage of fashion show participants along an impromptu podium - path to the music "There is beauty in the world" lyrics. and music Yu. Antonova.

First model: We present to your attention the first participant. Margarita – the model is called “Lady Margot”.
The hat is in soft colors, there is a wild surge of imagination, an abundance of rhinestones, ruffles, and flowers. Only Ladies wore these.

The hat is just a sight for sore eyes!
What a miracle! It's so wonderful!
The product is unusual and beautiful!

Second model: she is demonstrated by Dima N.
Next to the Lady is the “Chess King”. On Dima's head is a cylinder with a chessboard. The top hat is a tall hat for true gentlemen with high goals. Chess is a game for wise men and we hope that when he grows up, he will definitely become a “great, real” chess player.

Third model: ITS title is “A Fairy Tale”.
Dasha M. presents it simply superbly. The hat goes perfectly with the character of the hostess, and there is harmony in the whole image,
Wow! What an outfit!
Everyone was happy to try on such a hat!
Original! Fashionable! New!
Beautiful! Not an easy update!
And the main thing is on the hat here
Overseas flowers are blooming!
Timofey's model is a model of a master, scientist, judge.
She suits him amazingly. No wonder Timofey’s family chose this particular hat. Our Timofey is smart, inquisitive, and we are sure that as an adult he will rightfully wear such a hat.
The master's hat is heavy,
labor, teachings and knowledge are invested in it

Fourth model: This model is exclusive in itself. But it has a name “Jolly Guys”.
Perhaps when our twin brothers (Vanya and Misha) grow up, they will become circus performers. The hats match their look. Take a closer look, they are as similar as two peas in a pod. For example, in a circus act they will perform tricks: if one of them falls under the floor, the other will immediately jump out of the hall. With the help of a hat you can easily make yourself unrecognizable.

Fifth model: And these models are fraught with magic. They are unusual, fabulously mysterious.
Denis has a “Wizard” hat on his head. Dasha in the Fairytale Fairy hat.
There is no modern crown,
originality is her secret
The hats are luxurious and really decorate the face. A wizard has a difficult job, to make our lives fabulous, happy. After all, it’s not for nothing that wizards create miracles, so let magic fill our world with warmth, kindness, joy, and a smile.

Sixth model: Introducing the following participants in our parade: Maxim. Julia.
How wonderful that these models remind us of the forest! This “Lesovichok-borovichok is hurrying to us with his charges. There is a nest on the hat, in which a tiny cute bird is hiding, and next to it there are little fly agaric girls in bright hats. These models uniquely remind us of the sacraments, the rustling of leaves, the rays of the sun, the blowing of the wind.
If you like the style -
place an order at the salon!

Seventh model: The presented models amaze us with their extraordinary beauty, warmth, joy, and happy moments. Dasha's hat is called the “Cheerful Ball”.
It shows many bright colors and multi-colored balls.
The hat is festive, cheerful,
Tempting, honey.
She is the most colorful of all,
and more noticeable among others!
And “The Little Prince” walks nearby. - Kirill.
The appearance also speaks for itself: unusual, mysterious, dreamy, kind. We really hope that our children, when they become adults, will always remain children at heart.

Eighth model: Check out our youngest parade participants! Their hats are unique, original, inimitable, a real miracle!
Polina’s hat is simply a sight for sore eyes, it evokes admiration!
Charming, sweet,
even Pierre Cardin himself would envy such a model.
And Dima’s hat is a true masterpiece, created by a real master – his mother.
This is "The Brave Little Tailor". The hat features details of various accessories for work. Perhaps this is the future Yudashkin or Slava Zaitsev, who will open his own “hat workshop” in the near future.
This is a luxurious, extravagant, catchy hat. Greeted by the hat!

Ninth model: Maxim’s model continues the forest theme - “Forest Magician”.
We see the hat of a forest artist who diligently shows the miracles and life of forest inhabitants.
The fashion designer showed great talent,
Developed a forest option.
And next to it is just a wonderful model “Stargazer”! He predicts the destinies of both individuals and all nations.

Tenth model: Vanya, Danya P. We rightfully called these models “The Musketeer Model”.
These are reliable protectors of the king and queen. The constant element is the feather, the appearance of which speaks of status. Musketeers removed their hats only in front of ladies and royalty.

Eleventh model: Meet! Our little modest girl Sonya.
This hat is knitted. In modern life it is especially relevant and always in fashion!
This hat might come in handy!
You can go out in public in it, and maybe even get married!

And the show of fashionable hats ends with a group of cowboys: Egor, Vadim, Ilya. They came from either Texas or Mexico.
“Cowboy hat.” - Probably every man in childhood dreamed of being a cowboy. This is a great decoration. Wide-brimmed hats are an indispensable attribute of cowboys. These are dashing riders. The hat has always been and remains the main means to achieve a goal. And we are confident that our boys, growing up, will become real cowboys, courageous, strong, and brave.
The image of the legendary cowboy is ideal for all guys.
On Ilya's hat is the Sheriff's star. This policeman is the protector of the people.

I would especially like to note that our teachers also did not stand aside. And they created extraordinary hats - hats - hatters! They don't even have a price!
(to the music of the Paul Mauriat orchestra, teachers demonstrate models that they also made with their own hands)
Olga V. - Model - Malvina,
The hat is unusual and exclusive because it is multifunctional. During the day it perfectly protects from wind and cold, and in the evening it serves as an excellent addition to an evening outfit.
Lyudmila F. – Model “Bouquet of Daisies”.
This model creates the appearance of a woman, a lady - tender, airy, graceful, bright. In general, the appearance of a beautiful lady
There's a wonderful bow on this hat
Sharma is your guarantor
The model is elegant and new
For any celebration
Tatiana. B..- Model - “Charm”.
And this hat seduces, seduces, captivates and dizzy. She evokes so many emotions and feelings! We can safely assume that this is a glamorous hat from a famous couturier.
What a color! Marvel cute!
Admire, guests, how beautiful it is!
And she looks like a film star!

Presenter: So, the original idea “Showing ladies' and men's hats” has come true! Dear friends, there will always be hats and bonnets, because they are an amazing creation of humanity; at all times were considered a fashionable accessory not only for women, but also for men. They were and remain an invariable sign of sophistication and exceptional taste, the embodiment of female coquetry and the elegance of men.

The hat has always been and remains the main means to achieve a goal. And at all times there were two goals: to drive a man crazy and to defeat his rival on the spot. And just such a small piece of clothing as a hat was the main weapon.
Hats are fun! And we really hope and will be glad that we brought you true pleasure and pleasure.

The happy eyes of the children spoke about the main thing: the holiday was a success!

The hat theme is very popular for both children's and adult events. There are hat parties for kids, and hat parties for adults and high school students. This concept allows you to make your celebration fun and colorful without much effort or expense. After all, the main condition is that all participants wear hats. Moreover, their choice, as a rule, is not limited by anything. Some come in the hats of fairy-tale characters, others in national headdresses, others in uniform caps, etc. This diversity in itself gives the event brightness and originality.

But hats alone are not enough. We need something to entertain the participants. Moreover, it is desirable that these entertainments be, as they say, on topic. Both intellectual competitions and outdoor games are suitable. We bring to your attention several “hat” entertainments that can be interesting for both children and adults.

1. Quiz about hats

Can be conducted among teenagers, high school students and adults.

1. This is both a headdress and a country in America (Panama).
2. This is both a headdress and camping utensils (kettle).
3. This is both a headdress and a geometric body (cylinder).
4. This is both part of the headdress and a canopy over the entrance to the building (visor).
5. This is the name for both the brimless cap and the dosage form (tablet).
6. Both the sea and the hat have this (bottom).
7. Murzilka’s headdress (beret).
8. Postman Pechkin’s headdress (earflap hat).
9. Original headdress of the Scattered One from Basseynaya Street (frying pan).
10. The headdress of a Red Army soldier, similar to the helmet of a hero (Budenovka).
11. The stranger has a cap and boots, ours has a hat and felt boots. What's our name? (Father Frost)
12. The headdress of this fairy-tale character was made from a striped sock (Pinocchio).
13. Wide-brimmed hat from Latin America (sombrero).
14. Sailor's cap (peakless cap).
15. Flat headdress of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples (skullcap).
16. A flattened cap, which can be seen on soldiers, pioneers and flight attendants (cap).
17. Previously, this headdress was worn by women and children, but now only by infants (bonnet or bonnet).
18. The hat from which the magician takes out a rabbit (top hat).
19. The jester has bells, and the doctor has a red cross (cap).
20. A headdress sewn or fastened to clothing (hood).
21. If there is chain mail on the body, then on the head... what? (helmet)
22. Curtain for a woman’s face, attached to a hat (veil).
23. An ancient Russian headdress, named because of its resemblance to the crest on the head of a chicken (kokoshnik).
24. Father + grin = Cossack headdress (papakha).
25. European commander in a bicorne hat (Napoleon).

2. Whose hat (hat)?

This is another quiz, but this time it's based on pictures. It is equally interesting for both children and adults (for young children, some pictures should be excluded, since they most likely will not be able to identify the character).

You will need images of headdresses associated with literary and film characters. Pictures can be printed, sketched in pencil or displayed on the screen.

You can show the headdresses of the following heroes:
- Shapoklyak
- Mad Hatter
- D'Artagnan
- Doctor Aibolit
- Jack Sparrow
- Sherlock Holmes
- Pinocchio
- Tin Woodman (funnel)
- Robin Hood
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Dunno
- Maleficent
- Willy Wonka

3. Intellectual competition for children: riddles

Riddles that contain the names of headdresses (hats, caps) are suitable.

1. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
He's all striped.
(Puss in Boots)

2. All Antoshka -
A hat and a leg.
It will rain -
He will grow up.

3. Four brothers
Belted with one sash,
They stand under the same hat.

4. I am all made of iron,
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit into the board up to my hat,
But for me it’s all here and there.

5. Look at the flower!
How to weave it into a wreath?
Standing in a white hat,
And if you blow, it will fly away.

7. We made a snowball.
The hat was made on him.
The nose was attached, and instantly
It turned out...

8. They put on white hats at home,
It’s cold for them - it’s come...

9. The pillars stand white,
Their caps are green.

10. The woman wears a snow hat,
The stone sides are shrouded in clouds.
(High mountain)

4. Guess what's under the hat

Place an object (new, needed) on the tray and cover it with a large hat. Participants must guess what is underneath.

It is possible (and desirable) to make the task easier. For example, use an object that, like the word “hat,” begins with the letter “SH.” This tip should be voiced. Participants take turns naming options. Whoever ultimately guesses the object hidden under the hat will receive it as a prize.

The prize could be, for example, a ballpoint pen, chocolate, shampoo, a corkscrew, a sewing kit, skewers, mini-checkers, a maze ball, pop (candy), drawing stamps, a set of balloons, a chocolate egg, a box, etc. It all depends depending on the audience and budget.

Of course, you can wish for a prize for any other letter. Let’s say the same one as the name of the birthday boy whose birthday a hat party is being held begins with.

5. Hit the hat

This is the simplest, but very exciting competition with a hat. An inverted hat is placed on the floor or on a chair. The participant receives a set of objects (including, for example, candy, a coin, a tennis ball and a playing card). Standing at a certain distance, the participant throws objects one by one, trying to hit the hat. The number of hits is counted and recorded. Then the second participant throws, then the third. When everything is discarded, the results are summed up. If several participants have an equal number of hits, a final competition is held between them. The winner gets a prize.

6. Relay race “Hat on a stick”

You will need two hats and two gymnastic sticks. Hats should not be high, otherwise it will be easy to hold them on a stick. We need the participants to have to try not to drop the object.

So, the teams are lined up in two columns. At the leader’s signal, the first participants start the race, trying to keep the hat on the stick. Having run around the landmark, they return to their teams and pass the item to the second participants. The team that completes the relay earlier wins.

7. Relay race “If you litter, clean up”

Participants are divided into two teams, and a relay race is held between them.

The teams are lined up in two columns. The reference point is a hoop on the floor or a circle drawn with chalk. The first participants hold in their hands hats or caps filled with various objects (their number should be the same for both teams).

At the leader’s signal, the first participants begin the relay race. They run to their landmark circles and dump objects from the hat into them (litter). Then they return and give the empty hats to the second participants. They run to landmarks and collect scattered “garbage” in hats. Returning to the teams, they pass the baton to third participants, whose task is to cause trouble again. The competition continues until all team members have participated. If the teams are small, you can do 2 or 3 laps.

8. Team game “Catching with a hat”

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them chooses one catcher.

The catcher, holding a hat in his hands, stands at a certain distance from his team. Participants take turns throwing several balls to the catcher, who tries to catch them with his hat. The number of times the ball ends up in the hat is how many points the team earns. At the end, the results are summed up and the winning team is awarded.

9. Musical hat

Participants stand in a circle and pass the hat to each other to the music. Having accepted a hat from a neighbor on one side, you need to put it on your head, take it off and give it to the neighbor on the other side. The music suddenly stops. Whoever had the hat at that moment should make an elegant bow using the headdress and leave the circle. The game continues until the last player remaining.

10. Hat twister

Participants try to pronounce a tongue twister related to the topic of hats without hesitation. For example:

  • The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap.
  • Sasha sewed a hat for Sashka, Sashka knocked off a bump with his hat.

11. Knock off your hat

Several hats (real or miniature made of paper) are placed on the table. The participant stands at the opposite edge of the table and rolls a heavy ball along it, trying to knock the hat onto the floor. How many hats are on the table - the same number of attempts to launch the ball. For each hat knocked down - 1 point. Whoever gets the most points is the winner.

12. I twist, I twist, I want to confuse

This is an analogue of the gambling game “Thimbles”. You will need a table, 3 identical hats and a small ball. Couples participate. First one tries to confuse, and the other tries to unravel. Then they change places. If both guessed correctly or, conversely, did not guess correctly, no one gets anything. If only one guesses right, he gets a prize.

The essence of the game: the ball is placed under one of the hats. The presenter (the one who is making a wish at this moment) quickly swaps hats, saying: “I twist, I twist, I want to confuse.” As soon as the phrase ends, the movement of hats stops. The player (the one who is guessing at this moment) must indicate the hat under which, in his opinion, the ball is located.

13. Game for children “Guess by touch”

This game can be played if children come to the event wearing different hats.

First, the presenter invites the participants to examine each other’s hats and try to remember them. The first volunteer is then blindfolded. He is brought in turn to five participants. He feels their hats and tries to guess who is in front of him. For the correct answer - 1 point. Then others participate. Those with the most points are awarded.

Fantasy hat party scenario for preschoolers

Target : Bring joy and pleasure to children. Creating a friendly, emotional atmosphere from the joint creativity of children and parents, developing a sense of self-confidence, and attracting parents to joint leisure time.

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of hats. Create a holiday for the children and arrange a hat festival. Develop motor skills and abilities (speed, agility, strength, accuracy, coordination of movements). Foster a sense of collectivism, competition, friendship, empathy for a friend.

Equipment: Hats made by parents together with their children. Hats of different sizes for games, headdresses of fairy-tale characters, a chest, 2 gymnastic sticks, 2 stands, cones, dummy mushrooms, riddles in a hat, prizes.

Come in quickly, welcome guests,

Throw away all your worries at the entrance!

Let happy faces flash everywhere,

Let everyone have fun with us today.

Come in, hurry up

Our dear friends!

Relax, have fun,

You can't get bored here

Presenter: Hello guys. How many girls and boys have gathered here! And how elegant everyone is! Oh, what is that you all have on your heads?? Well, who is we missing at the holiday?

Fanfare, sound louder!
I am glad to see all the guests today.
Take your seats quickly,
The start of the hat parade awaits you!
Meet Her Majesty the Hat Queen!

Queen of Hat: I greet you, my friends! I admire your outfits, and especially your amazing hats and bonnets. There is no such splendor and diversity even in my hat kingdom. All this is so wonderful! And since our holiday takes place in the summer, I suggest you sing a summer song.
1. Song “summer”.

Queen of Hat: Now hurry up, everyone get up and start the fun dance.
2. Dance “Funny Hats”.

Queen of Hat: My dear friends, today I have gathered you together for a reason.I greet you, my friends! I admire your outfits, especially your stunning hats and bonnets. There is no such splendor and diversity even in my hat kingdom. It's all so wonderful!

Guys, do you know that the hat was invented for warmth, that is, to cover the head from cold, wind, snow and rain. The first hats were made from animal skins. Then, in the process of development of society, the hat began to mean power and strength, belonging to the upper class. All kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, princesses, kings and nobles wore headdresses - crowns, tiaras, all kinds of hats, which were considered luxury items and were decorated with feathers, precious stones, diamonds. Common people walked around with their heads uncovered.

Time passed, images changed, the modern woman stopped wearing hats, preferring headscarves, scarves or nothing at all. Now the hat in all its glory can be seen on catwalks and in magazines. Although the hat is so beautiful and impressive...

Let's start the holiday soon!

But, before we start our holiday, I want to know which guys came to us today. I will ask, and you will answer “YES” or “NO”. Begin:

Did the guys come to us as friends?



Are elders respected?

Are kids being bullied?

Do you like nature?

Are the trees being destroyed?

Do they shoot from slingshots?

Do they drag cats by their tails?

Do they shout in class?

Are they silent during the holidays?

Well done! Friendly and attentive guys came to the party!

As they say: “It’s all in the hat.” Since you love hats so much, I suggest you play with them.

Well, is everyone ready? Then let's begin. I have a wonderful chest with hats of various fairy-tale characters. Your task is to guess whose hat is hidden in the chest.
3. Competition: “Guess whose hat it is?”

(children must say who left their hat: Little Red Riding Hood, Parsley, Karabas, Puss in Boots, Aibolit, Sailor, Clown, Dunno, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, etc.)
Queen of Hat: Did a great job on the first task. Now meet the guests.
Presenter: And you guys, don't yawn! Clap! Welcome guests!

4. “We are bandito-gangsterito” 2 bandits enter.

Presenter: Well, guests! That's it! Who called you here?

Bandits: We always come ourselves -

With villainous deeds. (to children)

Come on, quickly, hooligans,

Turn out your pockets.

Queen of Hat: Wow, we don't have any hooligans here. You better play with your dreams.Attention! Attention! Now let's start the competition.
Spectators, cheer more actively,
5. “Hit the hat with a cone.”
(at a certain distance there is a basket with pine cones,
need to hit the nail on the head)
Bandits: OK! Our things are dirty, let's do a big wash.

Presenter: Let's go.

Bandits: You and I will dance the “Washing” dance, you will just have to repeat all the movements on me and energetically.

6. Dance “Big Wash”

Bandits: Great! Well done, babes! Thanks for your help, goodbye!

Queen of Hat: I hear, music is heard, a new guest is coming here.
7. Exit of the Boletus Mushroom.
Queen of Hat: Hello, dear mushroom Borovik. What a huge hat you have on your head. I've never seen anything like it.
Boletus mushroom: I received an invitation
And I hurried to your holiday.
I see the hat ball is in full swing.

Now we will turn the hat into a basket.
We won't let our hat get bored here.
Let's try to harvest the harvest with a hat.
Ready to go? Then get started!
8. Game “Harvest in a hat.”
(models of fruits are laid out on the floor, children collect in a hat to see who has the most)

Boletus mushroom: We'll take another hat and start playing with it.
9. "Move the hat"
(the hat is hung on a long stick, you need to move it without dropping it, 2 teams of 5 people play)

Boletus mushroom: I have one more hat. The hat is a mystery.
10. Riddles from a hat.

The daughter says to her mother: “The sun blinds my eyes.”
And my mother bought a cute one for her daughter... (Panama.)
The mother said to her daughter: “You will walk in a headscarf.”
But Dasha said: “No!
Better give it to me...” (Takes it.)
A strong wind blew up, and Dad didn’t have time to gasp.
Why is dad upset? His hat flew off... (His hat.)
There is a portrait hanging on the wall, this is my beloved grandfather.
He is wearing a white shirt, and on his head... (Papakha.)
Pinocchio - naughty girl From a famous children's book
He was an expert at getting weird and always wore... (Cap.)
Ian is in a hurry to work, He has a sporty look: He always wears a T-shirt, With the visor backwards... (Baseball cap.)
We love to go for walks and play different games.
Look at Pashka! How does it suit him... (Cap.)
I found a photo album, there is a river there in the photo, a house, Pioneers sitting in a boat,
On their heads... (Pillow caps.)
And our neighbor is a champion, he races a motorcycle.
To avoid problems, he puts on his... (Helmet.)
The doctor will take a robe and a heating pad,
Cook - spoon and plate,
Teacher - chalk the pointer,
And the fireman - a hose and... (Helmet.)
My mother took me to the circus
It's a fun program.
Settled firmly on my head
The clown has a big... (Cap.)
The wind dispersed the clouds,
Katya tousled her braids.
Katerina tied it instantly on her head... (A scarf.)
Queen of Hat: Well done to all of you guys! Well, now II’ll ask you to turn on the music and repeat the funny dance.
11. Dance “Chunga-changa”.

Queen of Hat: The hat tells everyone to clap

Someone is still rushing towards us.

12. Enter Puss in Boots, bows to the Queen and the audience.

Puss in Boots : Madam! Mademoiselle! Monsieur! I received an invitation

I hurried to your holiday

I see the hat ball is in full swing

Well, it was not in vain that you called me.

Queen of Hat: Dear cat, we have long known that you are a great inventor and entertainer. I have no doubt that this time you have prepared something funny and interesting for us.

Puss in Boots: You're right kids, I have a game for you.

13. Attraction “Knock the Hat Off”

Queen of Hat: Thank you, Puss in Boots, for your interesting games. Goodbye!

Puss in Boots leaves

14. Shapoklyak (arrogantly):I hope I'm not late, I hope the audience recognized me.

Presenter: Guys, do you recognize our guest? Who is this?

Shapoklyak: Well, hello! What, are you having fun, dancing? And I'm not in the mood for fun. I lost my only hat, and the rat Lariska ran away somewhere. Didn't you take my hat for the holiday?

Shapoklyak : Nothing, nothing! I see you have a lot of different hats here. I’ll steal it from someone, and that’s business. But who will return my little rat Larisa to me? (cries) Eh, who came up with these hats, why are they even needed? For what?

Queen of Hat: It’s impossible to live without hats; this is an important part of a person’s life. You can use a hat to express your mood. Now our children will show off their hats.

15. Hat Parade

Queen of Hat: And now I announce the beginning of the main event of our Festival of Hat. We need to determine the best hat.
(awarding of participants in categories: smallest, largest, original, old, colorful, etc.))

Presenter: Here you go, Shapoklyak, we are giving you a new hat, I think it will suit you. Don't lose her.

Shapoklyak: Thank you very much, my friends, for the wonderful gift, but I need to go look for my little rat Larisa. I will come to you again for the holiday. Bye!

Shapoklyak leaves

Queen of Hat: Someone is still in a hurry to visit us, we will welcome the guest from the heart!

16. Khattabych comes in dancing

Old Man Hottabych : Thanks for the invitation

I received it from you,

And, leaving all my affairs

Came here for the hat festival.

Indeed, there are so many different hats here,

So funny and beautiful!

Queen of Hat: Dear Old Man Hottabych, you, most respected, also have a magnificent hat.

Old Man Hottabych : Thank you, my hat is simply magical. Don't believe me? Now let's check: (takes a top hat with a double bottom)

There is magic hidden in this hat: (music plays, the wizard performs manipulations and pulls out colored ribbons and silk handkerchiefs)

Queen of Hat: Thank you, most respected elder and wizard.

Queen of Hat : Everything was so wonderful and beautiful. We will say to all the hats: “Thank you!” And we say goodbye to you and return to the fairy tale.

Old Man Hottabych:Oh, most venerable Queen of Hat! Allow one more magic.

17. Sounds magic music, Old Man Hottabych shows a trick with a ball (piercing the ball right through, through holes prepared in advance)

Queen of Hat: Oh everything was so wonderful and beautiful.
We'll tell all the hats: "Thank you"
And I say goodbye to you
And I return to the fairy tale. And at parting, a miracle from me. I really want to accomplish it for you... I say a spell... and you will find my gift on your plots.


Zatsepina M.B. Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006. – 64 p.

Zatsepina M.B., Antonova T.V. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006. – 136 p.

Child in kindergarten "Leisure activities for a walk." No. 5 – 2006

Summer holiday scenario

"Hats Festival"

Educator: Kosenko O. V.

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of hats, their purpose, types, and shapes. Create a holiday for the children and arrange a hat parade. Develop motor skills and abilities (speed, agility, strength, accuracy, coordination of movements). Foster a sense of collectivism, competition, friendship, empathy for a friend.

Equipment: Hats made by parents together with their children, prizes.

Adult characters:

Queen of Hat


Baba Yaga

Participants of the holiday:Children of senior and preparatory groups.

Celebration progress:

Leading : Hello, kids!

Mischief makers and naughty girls!

I am glad to see all the guests today,

The start of the hat parade awaits you!

I propose to organize a hat fashion show.

Leading : I admire your amazing hats and hats.

How many different hats are there? So funny and beautiful, small, medium and large.

Then take your places of honor. (Music sounds)

Someone is rushing here to us!

Queen of Hat:

I, the Queen of Hats, greet you, my friends! I am amazed by your outfits, especially your stunning hats and bonnets. There is no such splendor and diversity even in my hat kingdom. It's all so wonderful!

Magic music sounds. The Queen takes off her hat, waves it and says:

My magic hat notifies me that the first fairy-tale guest from the hat kingdom has already arrived. Let's greet him with loud, friendly applause.

Old woman Shapoklyak appears to the soundtrack of the song “I Help People.”

Shapoklyak : I hope I'm not late.

I hope the audience recognized me.

Queen of Hat : Guys, do you recognize our guest? Who is this? (Children's answers)

That's right, this is the old woman Shapoklyak from the cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena."

Shapoklyak : But it’s not clear to me at all,

Why did you call me?

Queen of Hat : Dear Shapoklyak, today there will be a hat parade. You're invited

as a guest of honor. After all, they know your wonderful hat

worldwide. A hat style like yours bears your name, and

it's called a hat!

Shapoklyak : How flattering! What are you saying?

Do you want to play with me?

Explains the conditions of the game.

Game "Put on your hat": 5 children stand, take 5 players away from them, turn them to face those children who are standing, so that they can navigate where the players are standing. They are blindfolded, turned around and given a hat. They must put the hat on the child standing opposite them. The game is repeated with other children.

Queen of Hat : Thank you, dear Shapoklyak, for coming to our holiday.

Shapoklyak : And I have a Queen, there is one more game task:

“Find and put on your hat”

Children come out to the music, children have signs hanging around their necks, which depict people’s professions, children need to find on the table the headdress that belongs to this person. For example: a cook, a doctor, a sailor, etc. Line up. The Queen brings out hats from these costumes on a tray (5 children play) - 2 times.

Queen of Hat : And now it’s time for my game, and it’s not easy for me!

Queen of Hat:

It’s not in vain that we spend our holiday in the summer. In summer everything blooms, ripens and the cap can be decorated with different colors. Berries, mushrooms.

What month is it. Do you know? (JULY)

The Queen of Hats invites children to read poems about summer.


The berries are ripe in the gardens.

In the bright red sky

The sun is walking in the clouds.

2. And in the nests there are lump chicks

They opened their beaks, they were scared.

They won't let you sleep day or night

They are their parents.

3. Haymaking occurs in July,

Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

4. Summer is a ray of sunshine,

Warm rain from under the clouds.

5. Summer - bright flowers

Of unusual beauty,

6. Summer is a warm river,

A flock of clouds in the sky.

7. Summer! Summer is coming to us!

Everything rejoices and sings!

Queen of Hat:

Well done boys! Pleased us with your poems

Queen of Hat:

Therefore, we are starting to show fashionable hats!

Come out guys, show us and tell us what hats you wore to our ball today.

Each group shows and defends its hat.

Queen of Hat:

Thank you everyone, it was very nice!

What a wonderful day today. The weather is beautiful and I'm in a good mood

Oh, what is this? My magic hat notifies us that a fabulous guest from the kingdom of hats has arrived. Let's meet him

Baba Yaga comes in to cheerful music

Baba Yaga.

I received an invitation and hurried to your party.

I see the hat ball is in full swing.

Well, it was not in vain that you called me

Queen of Hat:

Baba Yaga, we have long known that you are an inventor and an entertainer. I have no doubt that this time you have prepared something funny and interesting for us.

Baba Yaga:

I always have something interesting for the children. These are riddles. And the riddles are very complex about various hats

1. With a long hat, so combative,

Of course, we have met more than once.

The soldier loves her like a girlfriend,

And he wears it dashingly on the top of his head. (cap) .

2. Sometimes it’s made of silk, sometimes it’s made of chintz,

And a chubby face suits girls very well.

Decorated with flowers or polka dots.

The girls in it look like nesting dolls. (Kerchief).

3. So that the miner underground

Work without fear

He goes down into the face

Of course, only in... (helmet).

4. A snowball will fall in the morning -

We take the sled out into the yard,

Don't forget to put on your jacket

And a warm one (earflaps).

5. We only wear it in the summer,

Mom will always remind you of her.

Well, when autumn comes,

It will go back on the shelf (Panama hat).

6. Your own cozy forest house

Locking on a hook.

The gnome goes for a walk,

Putting on the scarf and... (cap).

7. We always wear

Along with a T-shirt

Sports cap

With a name (baseball cap).

8. The tanker has it, and the pilot has it -

For everyone who is engaged in dangerous work.

And dressed in heavy armor,

A knight always wore it once. (Helmet) .

Baba Yaga:

And I also prepared a game for you called “Living Hat”

GAME "Live Hat"

(Each group stands in a circle. Each group is given one hat. As soon as the music starts, the children pass the hat around the circle to each other. The presenter stops the music. The 5 who still have the hat in their hands go to the middle and dance. Repeat the game 2 times.)

Children line up. The jury consults and discusses the models of hats shown.

Leading : An exciting moment has arrived.

The Queen made her decision.

Shapoklyak : Now I’ll tell you a secret.

In the competition... there are no losers!

The hats are all so beautiful

Wonderfully charming!

Success awaits everyone today

Everyone will be rewarded!

Queen of Hat : There were a lot of different hats here,

So funny and beautiful

Everyone looked good in hats

I'm telling you from the heart.

Queen of Hat : I have this one,

Magic chest

It contains a surprise for you,

The main prize is a prize for all the guys!

The teachers approach the Queen and take the prizes.

Queen of Hat : Everything was wonderful and beautiful,

We'll tell the hats to everyone.

All characters: Thank you!

Idea: organize a birthday party where the main attribute will be a hat.
If your birthday girl loves various caps and hats, then organize a party for her according to the “Hat Party” birthday scenario.

  • Make a guest list. Send each guest an invitation in the form of a hat indicating the time, date and location of the party. Also specify that the ticket to the party is a hat.
  • All guests must be dressed according to the style of the holiday according to the “Hat Party” birthday scenario. That is, each guest must have a hat. What exactly it will be is a matter of taste. For example, you can wear a cap, you can wear a scarf, or you can wear a crown.
  • The gift also needs to be chosen accordingly. Anything that looks like a headdress or is needed in the care of a headdress will do. For example, it could be a stand for jewelry in the shape of a hat, or a fashionable cap. You can choose gifts in the “Gifts for Her” section.

  • Decorate the room with all kinds of hats and pictures of them. The table should also be decorated according to the style of the holiday according to the “Hat Party” birthday scenario. For example, for each guest you can fold a napkin in the shape of a hat. You can also make sandwiches in the shape of a hat.
  • Divide all guests into groups according to the headdress they are wearing. For example, you will get three groups “Caps”, “Hats”, “Scarves”. But if some group turns out to be too small, then you can give the opportunity to move from it to another group, but you will need to wear the appropriate headdress.
  • The birthday party “Hat Party” will be aimed at identifying the best headdress. To do this, teams named according to their hats will participate in competitions and defend the right to name their hat the best. The birthday girl participates along with everyone else.

  • All competitions at this holiday must include hats. First, you can conduct general entertainment in which all teams participate simultaneously. For example, it could be "Touch Hat". For fun you will need a hat. All guests participate in the competition. Participants stand in a circle around the hat, alternating boy - girl - boy - girl. Each participant in the entertainment writes on 5 pieces of paper the name of a body part, for example, ear, arm, leg, etc. Then everyone puts their pieces of paper in a hat. The presenter shuffles the papers. Then the participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and touching with their right hand the part of the body that is written on the piece of paper. Then everyone takes out another piece of paper and touches with their left hand the part of the body that they got. In the third circle they touch again with their right hand, in the fourth with their left, and so on until they run out of pieces of paper.
  • Next, “Live Hat” games are played between the teams. To play you will need hats (according to the number of teams) and a stopwatch. All teams stand in a line. The presenter puts hats on the first team members. The participants’ task is to pass the hat to the last participant without touching it with their hands, but at the same time, each participant must put the hat on his head. If a member of one of the teams touches the hat with his hands, then that team is given a penalty point. Each penalty point when summing up the results will be calculated as additional time spent (about 30 seconds). When each team completes a task, the execution time is recorded. The team that shows the best result wins.
  • Then the “Tear off the hat” competition is held. Each team is given a hat. One representative from each team is called to the battlefield. Each representative puts a hat on his head. Participants must keep their left hand pressed to their side, and with their right hand they must tear off the opponent’s hat, while not allowing their own hat to be torn off. After the hat is torn off, the fight continues between the next two representatives. And so the competition continues until all representatives take part in the battles. The team that rips off the most enemy hats wins the competition.

  • After this, several more competitions are held according to the theme of the holiday. You can find competitions in the “Games and Competitions” section. After all the competitions are over, the results are summed up. If the “Caps” team wins, then the cap is declared the main headdress, and everyone must wear caps for the rest of the party.
  • After determining the main headdress, distribute such a headdress to those who do not have one. After this, invite everyone to the table, and after the feast, continue the party, dancing to fiery rhythms.