"January 11 - International Thank You Day." International Thank You Day: congratulations in verse and SMS January 11 is International Thank You Day

We offer one of the possible options for the children's holiday program for the World Thank You Day, which is celebrated on January 11, 2020. It is designed to remind the children of good manners and call for the observance of the rules of etiquette in everyday communication.

The script of the holiday for the Day "thank you" in kindergarten

- Hello guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful international holiday - Thank You Day.

Gratitude is one of the best feelings that people experience. We thank each other every day, on big and small occasions.

- World Thank You Day
Today we celebrate
And we say: "Thank you!"
To everyone who surrounds us.
Let this day "thank you"
For everything and everyone we will say.
Being polite is nice
And everyone knows it!

- According to scientists, the Russian word "thank you" comes from the words "Save God", which was spoken as a sign of gratitude.

- Words of gratitude are the first thing you need to learn in order to successfully settle down in any corner of the world. Although they are pronounced differently in different countries, their essence does not change.

- Let's pronounce this word in different languages ​​on World Thank You Day in our kindergarten:

  • Greek: Evkaristo (efcharisto).
  • Georgian: Mahd-lobt (madlobt).
  • Danish: Tak (tsak).
  • Italian: Grazie (grace).
  • Chinese: Xie-xie (Sie-sie).
  • Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala).
  • German: Danke schön
  • Turkish: sagol (sagal).
  • Finnish: Kiitos (kiitos).
  • French: Merci beaucoups (merci side).
  • Hindi: Shoukriah (shukran).
  • Czech: Dekuju (dyakuyu).
  • Japanese: Domo arigato (domo arigato).

According to the scenario of the holiday on the Day of "thank you", children will perform verses:

- Thank you! - sounds good
And everyone knows the word
But it so happened that it
Less and less flies from the lips of people.

Today there is a reason to say:
"Thank you!" those who are close to us.
It's easy to become a little kinder,
To make mom more fun
And even brother or sister,
With whom do we sometimes quarrel,
Say thanks!" - and warm
The ice of resentment will melt soon.

- I'll tell you a secret, friends:
All the power of the word is in our thoughts,
You can't do without good words.
Give them to your family and friends!

Guys, what other good words do you know?

- Even an ice block will melt from a warm word ... (thank you).

- Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good afternoon).

- When we are scolded for pranks, we say .... (forgive me please)

- We will say goodbye to our acquaintances ... (goodbye).

Then the children read the verses again:

If grandmother in the morning
I gave you a pie
Then you tell her: "Thank you" -
Grandma will be happy!

To ask for something
You need to be polite.
We "please" add -
Everyone will be happy with us.

If we bake cookies
All friends for a treat,
We will tell them: "Do not be shy,
Eat healthy!"

If you stepped on your foot
At least by chance, at least a little,
Just say "I'm sorry"
Or better yet, "I'm sorry."

Everyone will say goodbye
Leaving: "Goodbye everyone."
It's time for a friend to leave
We will tell him: "Bye."

"Welcome" guests
They talk here and there.
Guests go home
"Bon Voyage!" wish.

For farewell and meeting
There are many different words:
"Good afternoon!" and "Good evening!"
"Goodbye!", "Be healthy!",
"I'm glad to see you,"
"We haven't seen each other for a hundred years"
"How are you?", "Good night"
"Bye everyone", "Goodbye", "Hi",
"I'll be glad to see you again"
“I don’t say goodbye!”, “Until the morning!”,
“Good luck to everyone!”, “Be healthy!”
And "No fluff, no feather!".
(A. Usachev).

Leaders continue:
- On the World Day "thank you" in kindergarten, it will be useful to remember the proverbs and sayings dedicated to the "magic words".

  • A kind word is the key to the heart.
  • An affectionate word that spring day.
  • A warm word warms even in the cold.
  • With a kind word you will melt the stone.
  • A kind word and a cat is pleased.
  • Kind words are stronger than a whip.
  • Kindness opens all doors.
  • To a good hello - a kind and answer.
  • They fear arrogance, but respect politeness.
  • From polite words, the tongue will not wither.
  • Politeness costs nothing, but brings a lot.

A children's Thanksgiving Day script might include short scenes such as the following.

The hosts begin the scene:
- Guys, where does "thank you" come from?
It's not for sale in the store.
It is not spoken by order,
Some people never got it.
And Misha went outside today
And immediately three words "thank you" heard.

Scenes are played out in which the boy Misha, at the request of his mother, went to the store for bread, brought an old woman across the street, opened the door to a woman with a small child. And every time he was told “thank you” by those whom he helped.

Then, at a celebration in kindergarten dedicated to World Thank You Day, the host can invite the children to play the following game:

“Petya Ivanov was driving home from school on a trolley bus. The boy sat at the window and looked out into the street with interest. Suddenly, a woman with a child entered the trolleybus. Petya stood up and told her: “Sit down, ... (please).” The woman was polite, she thanked Petya, saying ... ("Thank you"). But then the trolleybus suddenly stopped. Petya almost fell and pushed the man who was standing next to him hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Petya quickly said: ... (“Excuse me, please”). As a result, all passengers arrived where they were going in a great mood.”

At the celebration for children on Thank You Day, poems will be heard again:

- Kind words are not laziness
Repeat to me three times a day.
Just go out the gate
Everyone going to work
Blacksmith, weaver, doctor -
"Good morning!" - I scream.
"Good afternoon!" I shout after
Everyone going to lunch!
"Good evening!" - so I meet
Everyone hurrying home for tea.
(O. Driz).

– As you can see, being kind and attentive is not at all difficult and very pleasant, because people will be grateful to you for this. Be polite to your mom and dad, your grandparents, friends and other people. And they will support you in a variety of situations and treat you kindly.

- "Thank you" say,
After all, it's so simple.
Lend a piece of good
It's not difficult at all.
"Thank you" say, do not be silent,
After all, these are the keys to the heart.
"Thank you" say, do not be rude -
And the whole world will become kinder.

At the end of the children's holiday on World Thank You Day in the kindergarten, according to the scenario, the hosts will again take the floor:

- Dear friends! Words of gratitude spoken from the heart warm us with their warmth. A short word "thank you" can give us a good mood even on a gloomy cold day.

Don't forget to thank everyone you meet today. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word. Say it - and the soul will become lighter. Say it to people, like other words of gratitude, as often as possible!


Politeness, good manners, kindness and sincerity have always been valued - words of gratitude have a magical effect. With the help of simple words, but spoken from the bottom of the heart, people convey to each other the vibes of well-being, happiness, positive emotions, their care and attention. Say the word "thank you" without stint, smile at the same time and speak sincerely, from a pure heart. In this case, you not only thank the interlocutor, wishing him "God's salvation, God save", but also, uttering good words, you get a charge of emotions and positive like a boomerang.

Do not give a boon by saying "thank you" if you are angry or annoyed, in which case the magic words will not achieve their goal and will not bring joy to either you or the one to whom you speak.


The bright holiday was initiated at the suggestion of international peacekeeping communities. Words of gratitude spoken with good intentions have powerful energy and are able to materialize in good health, relieve depressive feelings and make you do good deeds again and again.

This is interesting:

  1. The gesture of gratitude was first officially mentioned in 1586 in a French dictionary.
  2. In the 16th century, a Russian analogue of the phrase appeared in the Proto-Slavic language: deacon Avvakum, instead of the accepted “thank you”, he introduced the wishes “God save”.
  3. The Old Believers associate the word with the combination “save, Bai”, where Bai is a pagan god, and do not use the expression, seeing it as sinful actions.
  4. According to etymology, the word carries a sign of birth, a symbol of good luck, a connection between male and female essence, a tandem of earth and sky. A word pronounced with sincere intonation activates the meaning inherent in it and gives a strong share of positive and goodness;
  5. Saying "thank you", you thank Destiny itself, God, penetrating not only the one to whom the words are addressed, but also your own aura.


The brightest holiday of the year is full of light, warmth, openness and sincerity of wishes. Every day, every inhabitant of the planet Earth utters words of gratitude dozens of times. But on a significant day, the symbol of the holiday sounds especially often. Take the opportunity and thank your parents, friends, family members just like that, for the fact that they are, love and appreciate you. Do not limit wishes only to a significant date. A natural and real sign of respect should become ordinary and familiar every day. Wish a person the patronage of the Higher Forces, say these wonderful words, putting your whole soul into them - “May well-being and good luck be with you! Save God!

International Thank You Day 2020 is celebrated on January 11th. The holiday is celebrated by figures of charitable organizations, public funds. Employees and pupils of educational institutions, employees of cultural institutions join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday originated in Western countries at the initiative of the UN and UNESCO. Its goal is the fight against rough treatment, uncivilized communication.

On this day, people say warm words to each other, express gratitude, exchange cards with the inscription "Thank you!". Organized educational events. Activists talk about cultural traditions, ethics, good manners. In educational institutions, they talk about the importance of gratitude. Flash mobs encourage participants to be polite. Charitable events are held, the participants of which raise funds for people in need. The media prepare publications about the holiday. Thematic programs and films are broadcast on radio and television.

For the first time, "thank you" appeared in a Parisian phrasebook published in 1586. Researchers suggest that this word comes from the reduction of the expression "Save Bai" to the pagan god. For this reason, adherents of the Old Believers do not use it.

Until the 20th century, the word "thank you" was more common.

The forerunner of the words of gratitude was "dyakuyu". It is contained in the Book of Veles.

The first attempts to introduce “thank you” into everyday speech were made by Archpriest Avvakum, using the phrase “God save”.

“Thank you” is the main theme of many sayings: “You won’t put thanks in your pocket”, “You won’t be full with thanks”, “Thank you is a great word”, etc.

Children begin to consciously thank from the age of 6.

Expressing or receiving gratitude causes a person to increase the production of hormones, in particular oxytocin. It has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the body.

Travel guides claim that "thank you" increases the speed and quality of service.

The holiday is used in children's educational and educational institutions for the development of ethical principles of behavior.

January 11 is the day on which it is customary to be polite and remember good manners more often. "Why?" - you ask. The fact is that on this day one of the international holidays is celebrated, which is called World Thank You Day(International Thank You Day).

Everyone knows from childhood that "thank you" is the word "magic". And what is the magic of this word?

Together with the words “please”, “give” and “mom”, we pronounce it first and continue to pronounce it throughout our lives. And, if, for example, the English analogue - "thank you" - is just a "naked" gratitude, then the Russian "thank you" is much deeper. The word "thank you" is a well-established abbreviation for the phrase "God save." This phrase in Rus' expressed gratitude.

ALEXANDER BALYBERDIN, PRIEST: “Thank you is a wonderful word, because with this word we express our gratitude to the person who did good to us. This word can be approved, consoled. If you think about the meaning of the word, Orthodox people most often say not “thank you,” but “God save you,” “God save you,” thank you, that is, thank you.”

Interestingly, the Old Believers do not use the word "thank you", they avoid it in their speech, because they believe that this word was born from the phrase "save Bai". "Bai" is the name of one of the pagan gods.

VERA LYSKOVA, PSYCHOLOGIST: “Any word spoken to a person does work in his body for up to 30 days. If you sincerely thank, then it is kept in his mind for a month. And this provides him with a good mood, good luck, peace of mind in life.

World Thank You Day holiday history

The holiday was initiated by UNESCO and the United Nations. The purpose of the event is to remind the inhabitants of the planet of the high value of politeness, good manners and the ability to thank others for good deeds.

We all are well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but most of the thanks we express, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become meager and gloomy.

For the first time the word "thank you" was recorded in 1586, in a phrase book published in Paris.

Around the same time, our Russian analogue of the way of expressing gratitude in a new way appeared, originating from the Proto-Slavic language. Archpriest Avvakum tried to introduce him into philistine speech, instead of the usual "thank you" using "God save". But this step did not manage to supplant the old form of politeness in the blink of an eye: three centuries passed before the word “thank you” took root in modern society, becoming one of the rules of etiquette.

It is interesting that the roots of the English analogue - Thank you - also go much deeper than simple gratitude. This suggests that both the Russian “thank you” and “thank you”, pronounced in almost all languages ​​of the world, have been and are extremely important for the culture of any people. Therefore, on January 11, it is necessary to celebrate "World Thank You Day" or "International Thank You Day"

New York is considered the most polite of the major cities in the world - “thank you” is most often said here. Moscow took 30th place in the courtesy rating among 42 "big" cities. And it is very rare to hear a word of gratitude in the most populated city of India - Mumbai.

Today thank everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm your loved ones today!

Congratulations on Thank You Day in verse

Happy World Day THANK YOU
We decided to congratulate you
And wish to THANK YOU
You were told any hour.

We wish you a lot of happiness
And we give this poem
Everyone on this wonderful day.

Thank you for your acquaintance
Thank you for the warmth
Thank you for the gift
For laughter and a smile - FOR EVERYTHING!
Thank you for your attention
Thank you for your eyes
Thank you for your wish
Make me happier.
I hope that our acquaintance
You brought something
Thank you for your concern.
Thanks again for everything!
© http://www.inpearls.ru/1941

A short "thank you"
It hides a big secret:
Christ our Great Savior,
Mental wounds heal!
A short "thank you"
For us - a talisman from adversity.
When we say "Thank you"
We wish you health and happiness!

Congratulations on Thanks Day in prose

World Thank You Day encourages everyone to pay attention to how seemingly clichés, words of gratitude and courtesy can cheer up, bring a smile, dispel a gloomy state. Psychologists are sure that kind words create exactly all positive “strokes”, returning a person to a comfortable state and warmth, but only if the words were spoken sincerely. Let's thank our loved ones for being with us. Thank God for giving us this wonderful life.

Today I want to thank you! You know, you can say it at least a thousand times ... For the way you look and your heart skip a beat, for how you don’t leave alone when it’s not easy, for how you keep company in any adventure! And today is World Thank You Day. Happy holiday to you, from the bottom of my heart! And I want to wish you the fulfillment of desires and the ability to perform only those actions that are in your soul and that will lead you to happiness!
© http://bestgreets.ru/gratters_thanks_day.html

Today, on World Thank You Day, I thank you for everything - for the joy, for the radiance of smiles! Thank you!" I also say. Thank you, just for the fact that you are, that you are in my life and that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my undertakings, thank you for your patience and support, in those very difficult moments when I literally lacked air from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.
© http://s-dnem-rozhdenija.ru/slova-blagodarnosti-spasibo/slova-v-proze

Happy Thanks Day greetings on the phone you can listen to and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the World Thank You Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Day of "Thank you" on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on Thanks Day

Know everything around, both adults and children,
What a Thank You Day today!
And people are all in the world
Behave politely today.
Happy Thanks Day congratulations!
I want to tell you a huge "Thank you!"
For friendship, love and support.
Yes, just for your warm smile!
© http://pozdravitel.ru/prazdniki/megdunarodnyj-deny-spasibo

I want to say "Thank you!", I thank you, I give you. Thank you, Vielen Dank, grazie, merci In English, German, Italian, French, and Ukrainian... I will say THANK YOU a million times! And maybe I'll get a tattoo with the word THANK YOU! Listen to me! THANK YOU! My gratitude knows no bounds!.. Happy World Thank You Day!

Happy Thank You Day, congratulations
And I want "Thank you!" say
For my insidious thoughts that I dream
I hug you tightly!

Give you passion, no hack
And the radiance of the eyes in silence,
And all the tenderness of his nature,
And the excitement of my soul.

Wishes on a magical holiday
Let's give you a little more hope.
To some extent, he is serviceable,
Although there is no such profession.

Congratulations! Warm in winter
No calories in drinks selection.
You say "Thank you!" quicker,
Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be discord.

How to celebrate World Thank You Day?

World Day "Thank You" in a children's institution

For children on this day, it is imperative to arrange an event, the purpose of which is to cultivate politeness. For kids who are just learning to read, you can make the game "Collect THANK YOU". In advance, in the room where the event will take place, hide a lot of cards with letters that make up the word “thank you”. At the command of the host, the guys begin to search for letters. You need to collect only different letters, so that in the end there are 7 cards from which you can add the word "THANK YOU". The one who collects the word first wins.

Etymological problem. Divide the kids into two groups and ask them to prepare a detailed answer to the question about the origin of Russian polite words. Let one group think about the word "thank you", the other - about "thank you". (thank you - God save me, thank you - I give good, good)

Quest. For older children on this day, you can arrange a quest game. A group (or two groups) of children are given envelopes with a route (stops are indicated in it) and boxes (baskets, packages, etc.), in which all the "thank you" found will need to be added. You should look for "thank you" at the stops indicated in the route. The team that reaches the finish line first wins. The game is played in the school building after school or on the street.

What are the "riddles"? For example, one of the stops is some room in which there is no one. The guys carefully look around and understand that they need to find something. As a result, somewhere on the windowsill behind the curtain they find a sign with the inscription "Merci" and put it in their basket, after which they go on.

At one of the stops, for example, a teacher or a high school student with an empty glass in his hands may be waiting for them. He does not say anything, but the children must think that they need to fill the glass with water, that is, to help the person. When this is done, he will give the guys, for example, a badge with the word "thank you".

At another stop, the student asks the guys to help him solve the problem (here it is advisable to prepare an entertaining riddle problem). When the guys solve it, the student will thank them and hand them, for example, a ribbon on which the word “thank you” is painted with paint.

So that the quest does not last very long, but at the same time does not end too quickly, you need to come up with about 10 riddles, that is, include 10 stops in the route.

Tasks can be not only search-intellectual (collect puzzles, solve riddles, etc.), but also sports. For example: stop - gym, you need to help carry the kids across the stream, that is, take one baby on your back and walk along the log. When all the little ones are on the shore, one of them will give the team of players a toy with a postcard tied to it with the inscription "Thank you!" - the basket of players will be replenished.

At the end of the route, the organizers check whether all the hidden "thanks" are collected in a basket and award the prize to the winning team. The second team, which will come to the finish line later, must also be awarded. After that, you can invite the guys to a tea party and a disco.

You can arrange a game "Thank you" on the globe. The host pronounces the word "thank you" in any foreign language, and the children must name the country where they say so, or the language. The game can be made more interesting if you add visibility. These can be pictures, clips from films shown without sound, or silent scenes played out by the guys.

For example, a picture showing a chef in a hat serving pizza to a woman might imply the word "Grazie" ("Grace").

In a silent scene in which a boy in a musketeer's hat picks up a handkerchief dropped by a girl and gives it to her, the word "Merci" ("Merci") is encrypted, because it takes place in France.

Children can come up with plots for scenes on their own. It is only necessary a few days before the event to break them into groups of 2-3 people and explain the task. Since the variant of the game with visibility requires linguistic erudition, it is worth doing this entertainment only with high school students.

World Thank You Day for Adults

World Thank You Day - why not a fun party for young people? You can arrange a standard party a la feast and disco, but it is better to organize a themed party.

Since this is a day of politeness and good manners, such concepts as “intellectuals”, “culture”, “correctness”, etc. can be taken as the basis of the party. Party themes may also be appropriate, such as "Intelligent Party" or something like "Culture-multur-party". Or maybe you like the idea of ​​"The Right Party" or "Pie Party" (from "Pie Girl").

Here you can also play with the festive dress code: let all the participants look like a caricature of an intellectual of the 70-80s era: a suit, suspenders, a bow tie, a hat, a cane, a briefcase, glasses, etc. Girls can transform into a kind of "sexy blue stockings" with slicked hair and gray dresses (by the way, the most fashionable color of dresses in 2010), glasses and purses.

If a "Right Party" is arranged, then the style of clothing is similar, but reminiscent not so much of the intelligentsia, but of the tribe of modern nerds.

With a table for a banquet, you can also get creative by placing books under the plates instead of coasters, and placing a bronze bust of some famous poet in the center of the table.

What kind of entertainment can be arranged at a thank you party?

"Secret gallantry". At the beginning of the party, each participant is invited to draw lots to find out who will be his "protégé" today. Accordingly, in advance you need to prepare pieces of paper with the names of everyone who will be at the party.

Having learned the name of your "protégé", you need to keep this information secret. Task: during the evening, try to do good deeds aimed at your protégé (give something, move a chair, help with something, etc.). Thus, each participant in the party will have his own protégé, but no one will know his patron.

After a couple of hours, you can "reveal the cards": ask everyone if he knows who his patron is. If the patrons are unraveled, it means that they did their job well and were really polite, courteous and responsive to their protégés. Each exposed patron can be given a small prize.

Intellectuals and the right "nerds" love intellectual board games. You can make such a game yourself, but it will be not so much intellectual as fun.

Board game "You can't put a thank you in your pocket"

Making a game.

On any sheet of cardboard or plywood, draw 30 cells of equal size. You will need two dice and chips - one for each participant. In the cells, randomly “scatter” (write with a marker) the letters that make up the word “thank you”, with each letter twice. In total, 14 cells will be occupied by letters, and in the remaining 16 you can enter certain tasks, for example:
Skip a move
Fulfill the command's wish
Do a good deed to the neighbor on the right
Kiss the neighbor on the left
Compliment the neighbor on the right
Say the word "thank you" in a foreign language
Say 5 polite words with 5 candies in your mouth
Name 5 bad words and tap your lips.

Tasks depend only on your imagination and the level of emancipation of the company. If desired, this game can be turned into at least a game of "undressing".

In addition to the playing field, you need to prepare jokers. Jokers can be any cards - for example, paper squares with the word "thank you" or ordinary playing cards. In addition, you will need letters from the word “thank you” - a set of seven letters that make up the word “thank you” for each player (that is, if there are seven players, then 7 sets of letters are needed - a total of 49). Letters can be cut out of newspapers and magazines and folded into a box.

Game progress.

Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their chips to a number of squares equal to the number rolled on the dice. If a player gets on a cell with a letter, then he takes the same letter from the box and gets an extra move. If he already has this letter, then he does not take the second (except for the letter c), but receives an additional move.

If it hits a cell not with a letter, but with a task, then it completes it. If you do not want to complete the task, you can pay off with a joker (at the beginning of the game, everyone receives 3 jokers). Having reached the last cell, continue with the first. The game goes on until one of the participants collects all the letters from the word "thank you". He becomes the winner. It will take no more than an hour to make game "prichindals", and the game can drag on for several hours, because friends will want to play more, especially if the tasks in the game are interesting and spicy.

International Thank You Day in the Office

Make small cards in a graphics editor (let's call them "thank you") with a smiling emoticon and the inscription "Thank you". Each card should also have the name of one of the employees. Have 5-10 name cards for everyone who works in your office. Print the cards, cut and laminate if possible. On the morning of January 11, each employee will receive a set of cards with their name. Accompany the distribution of the kits with instructions: during the day, you need to give one of your personal “thank you” along with verbal gratitude. That is, if, for example, the system administrator Kostya helped the economist Anya with the installation of the program, then she, having thanked him, handed over a card with her name. Sysadmin Kostya asked the head. Iru's office to give him a set of pens, thanked him and handed her a card with his name on it.

Your cards should be handed out as a token of gratitude, and those received from others should be kept. At the end of the day, the remaining own and received other people's cards are counted. Those who run out of cards with their names are declared the most polite (thanks were most often said).

Well, those who have the largest number of other people's cards receive the title of "The Kindest" (necessary, irreplaceable, trouble-free, sympathetic, Samaritan, etc.). It is desirable, of course, to give prizes to distinguished employees. In such a simple way, you can celebrate a world holiday, and entertain employees a little, and remind them of the need for good manners. In addition, this event is another tool for team building.

Don't forget to send to colleagues, friends and family congratulations on the day thank you in verse or prose for the world holiday, which is celebrated annually on January 11th.


January 11 in the calendar of the whole world has recently been an unusual date. This winter day is filled with light and warmth of open hearts, imbued with sincerity of wishes. And that's all, because at the suggestion of international peacekeeping organizations, a tradition was established to celebrate the presence in our lives of a meaningful and infinitely kind word - the word "thank you". Every day, every person on planet Earth pronounces this symbol of gratitude many times, but do you think about how it appeared in our speech, what it means and how powerful its energy is? The piggy bank of your knowledge will be significantly replenished thanks to our article on the holiday of January 11 - International Thank You Day.

history of the holiday

The word "thank you" is more than four centuries old. An important starting point in the history of its colloquial use was 1586, when the gesture of gratitude, concluded in three syllables, first appeared in the Parisian dictionary. Around the same time, our Russian analogue of the way of expressing gratitude in a new way appeared, originating from the Proto-Slavic language. Archpriest Avvakum tried to introduce him into philistine speech, instead of the usual "thank you" using "God save". But this step did not manage to supplant the old form of politeness in the blink of an eye: three centuries passed before the word “thank you” took root in modern society, becoming one of the rules of etiquette.

Meaning of the word

Despite the fact that the Russian dictionary confirms the “divine” origin of our usual way of expressing gratitude, not everyone thinks the same way. For example, the Old Believers believe that the progenitor of the word "thank you" is the combination "save Bai", where the latter is one of the pantheon of pagan gods. Thus, the pronunciation of this expression is equated by them with a sinful act committed against the Creator. In the Christian religion, “thank you” is often replaced by “God save”, “God save” or “Christ save”, but not because the former is considered bad or insulting the Higher Powers, but because of the partially lost original meaning.

If we turn to the deeper past, an interesting circumstance will become clear: it turns out that at the head of the historical chain of words of gratitude is not at all the predecessor of today's "thank you" - "thank you", but the Ukrainian "dakaya". Initially, it was a typical Russian expression and served as an impetus for the emergence of similar colloquial forms in other languages: for example, in Polish - dziękuję, Bulgarian - dzyakui, etc. The roots of this ancestor word go back to ancient times BC, as evidenced by its mention in the annals of the Rus under the name "Book of Veles".

Considering the polite response “thank you” from the point of view of etymology makes the following information available: this thoughtful expression of gratitude has life-giving energy, as it is the personification of the threefold essence of human being in the Universe. Look: “pass” is a sign of birth and at the same time a feminine, earthly principle; “bo” is a symbol of development and, at the same time, a masculine, heavenly principle; "and" - characterizes the totality of male and female essences, the unification of earth and sky. I think it is now clear that the pronunciation of the word "thank you" out loud should be accompanied by a grateful intonation. Indeed, as a result, the meaning inherent in it will be activated, and both - the speaker and the addressee - will receive a portion of positive.

"Thank you" plays more than one role ...

We are taught to speak polite words from an early age. Those who do not want to, forget, are not adapted to use this expression in everyday life, are considered ill-mannered people who dishonor themselves and their parents. In fact, the word "thank you" is not only a sign of good taste. It has other meanings that take effect depending on the purpose for which the expression was used by the subject.

Taking into account the original meaning of the word "thank you", we can conclude that this way of gratitude and showing favor to others is, first of all, a kind of amulet, whose task is to ward off evil from its owner. How it works? There is nothing simpler: the boomerang principle is at the heart of the action of the word.

Let's say a person wished you harm by saying something like "Fuck you! ..", or "May you be empty!". What is your reaction? Of course, respond in the same spirit and thus ignite the conflict. And a quarrel is a source of negative emotions, from which no one has ever benefited. The correct decision is to say a kind word “thank you” when you receive rudeness or outright aggression in your address. At the same time, the protection mechanism will turn on, and the negative message directed at you will return to the person who wishes it without harming you. As a result of a negative retaliatory strike, holes are formed in the energy shell, through which it will not be difficult for a rude person to attack you. Therefore, after mutual insults, the participants in the conflict have headaches, a feeling of weakness.

However, the magic word "thank you" can also cause emotional discomfort. This happens when a person expresses gratitude not for a good deed, but as a sarcastic reaction to an impartial remark, a disservice, etc. things. In this case, "thank you" is pronounced with a certain intonation, colored in various semantic shades: from ironic to ominously poisonous. And sometimes with tears in his voice, which are also by no means a sign of gratitude.

The key application of the symbol of gratitude is a sincere wish to a person for the protection of the Higher Forces. "Thank you" means "May luck and prosperity be with you." Therefore, when you say this wonderful word aloud, put your whole soul into it.

Public opinion

The current way of expressing gratitude is also reflected in Russian folklore.

Many proverbs contain the word "thank you" as a central semantic load. Thanks to oral folk art, one can trace the attitude of people to a polite gesture, looking through the eyes of society at gratitude in one way or another. For example, such familiar phrases that we use every day, such as “Thank you is ugly”, “Thank you, you won’t put it in your pocket”, “Let the fools work for thanks” formed an ingrained opinion among the majority about the negative connotation of a kind word, personifying an inefficient substitute for money. Proverbs tell about human ingratitude: “Instead of thanks, they beat you in the neck”, “The ant drags the burden uncomfortably, but no one will thank him.”

But the most instructive is the wisdom “Thank you is a great thing.” It shows reverence for a sincere word that carries kindness, with which you can express gratitude to a person and demonstrate your good manners.

Say “thank you” to each other - from the bottom of your heart, with the wish of the powerful patronage of the heavenly forces. Don't limit your use of this wonderful word to January 11th, "International Thank You Day", say it always.

Let the natural sign of respect for others become a habit for life. Then the world will become cleaner, and life will be more beautiful.