Quests for work colleagues. Example scenario for the quest room “Mysterious Office”

The escape room concept is based on the following ideas:
— A team of players, usually 2-4 people
— For a limited period of time, usually 60 minutes
—Trying to get out of a closed room
— Solving puzzles, solving codes and obtaining quest items

The room in which the action takes place is decorated in accordance with the plot and creates an atmosphere of immersion in the quest.

+ High atmosphere.
+ Working with the head is combined with moving the arms and legs (climbing on/under the table, feeling the walls, floor and ceiling).
+ Team work can be used for team building.

— Zero replayability. There is no point in going through the same room again.
— The time limit means a significant chance of losing. This may upset some people.


Escape (classic)
Classic genre of reality games. The team is locked in one or more rooms and tasked with finding a way out before the hour is up. As the game progresses, the team finds clues, solves riddles, and may also discover additional rooms.

Quest (first step beyond the standard)
The first step in the development of the direction. The goal here is not necessarily to get out of the room. The door to the outside may not be closed at all. In the quest in reality, players are invited to live a certain storyline. Save one character or all of humanity, make the elixir of youth or the philosopher's stone, and the like.

Performance (add actors)
Here, in the gaming room, in addition to the players, there are actors who can influence the gameplay or act out scenes. Imagine that you are watching an action-packed film, a scene of a shootout between the main character and a crowd of bandits. Now imagine that all this is happening for real, in the same room with you. This is Performance.

Action (add physical activity)
In this type of reality game you will have to work hard. This genre involves working not only with the head, but also with the rest of the body. Obstacle course with Hollywood scenery. Jump on a trampoline, crawl through ventilation shafts, run away from the mafia. All this is interspersed with the need to quickly solve command and logical problems.

Morpheus (quest in unreality)
In Morpheus, the game takes place in your imagination. All players are blindfolded until the end of the game. At the same time, the presenter and actors will help you better immerse yourself in the atmosphere. In Morpheus, all senses are involved except sight. Players will have to hear, feel and touch

VR (make believe)
Players put on a helmet or virtual reality glasses and are completely abstracted from the reality around them. As a rule, quests of this format have a powerful plot...

Angers (without brains)
According to Wikipedia, an unusual way to let off steam comes from Texas. “In the rage room, you can not only break the screen of a boring TV and get rid of office equipment that resembles work. You can choose the entire interior to your liking. And if upholstered furniture doesn’t lend itself very well, you can recoup it on wooden bedside tables. And for those who hate washing dishes, there is a special kind of fun - baseball with plates. The main thing is not to get hurt yourself. A helmet and loud hard rock, according to the rules, are mandatory for everyone.” In the USA, such rooms have been popular since 2011. In RuNet, they found a story from the first channel from Lviv, dated 2010. From those currently working, we found the project “ There is no anger"with prices starting from 1,500 rubles in Moscow, but incentives for opening similar rooms began to appear in famous franchises

Questmobile (on wheels)
A car that is equipped in one of the formats above. He can come to any place, you can conduct a quest even during your lunch break. Savings on transfers, rental of premises and specialized equipment

Promo (demo version)
Some projects and companies offer mini-versions of their quests at public events or in shopping centers. Usually the location is a two-by-two box and the time is limited to ten minutes.

Interactive video quests (discounts and promotions)
Some use them to promote their projects. Examples

— Find a suitable area, preferably a room without animals or strangers. Many people believe that the quest can be carried out absolutely anywhere - for example, hide a map in a hollow tree in the park, associate some task with a city fountain or monument. However, not all so simple. After all, there is always a risk - even if you think through the script to the smallest detail, the plan may be disrupted by children, dogs or local hooligans. That is why many organizers, without suitable premises or separate territories, conduct quests at night. However, this is not an ideal solution - although there are fewer force majeure situations, they can still spoil the game. Therefore, the best option is private territory, where it will be easiest for organizers to control the situation. If you can’t find a room that’s spacious enough, you can use several remote locations, for example, an office that’s empty on a weekend, a garage, an apartment, or a store.
— Come up with a thematic scenario with not too simple, but solvable tasks. The theme of the quest can be anything, relate to a holiday, a movie, a book, etc. You can come up with your own story - about the kidnapping of a hamster that needs to be found and saved, about restoring justice or searching for a princess's treasure. Each task should be exciting and challenging enough. However, we need to make sure that solving it is realistic for everyone. After all, the worst outcome of the game is if the team members, after completing the quest, feel not only like losers, but also stupid. It is also very important that every player can take part in the decision: if two people think and three people are bored, then after completing the quest everyone may have negative impressions. If some tasks still require a single decision, make sure that the other players feel like fans and accomplices.
- Plan your time. An adventure game is a collection of surprises and surprises. However, it is important for participants to know at least the approximate time when the quest will end. In addition, many will want to book a table at a restaurant or pizzeria to relax after the game. And the task of the organizers is to give clear deadlines for completing each task, having previously warned about the total duration of the game.
- Come up with and distribute roles to the participants. This is not a necessary condition. However, it will be much more interesting if everyone gets a role. In addition, it will be easier for players to distribute responsibilities, and everyone will feel personally responsible for the outcome of the game.
— Invest money in inventory. If the budget is minimal, you can organize a quest with a few pens and pieces of paper, and use improvised things to search. However, use more challenging subjects whenever possible.
— Assemble a reliable team. The first quests can be carried out by one person - it’s difficult, but possible. However, it will be much more interesting for participants to interact with original or simply pleasant characters - a cute girl serving tea, a fairy-tale hero - a participant in one of the riddles, a charismatic presenter-storyteller.
- Do some PR. Remember that your target audience is people who love outdoor activities, seek adventure and variety. And your task is to convey to them the necessary information. Use the Internet, thematic websites, social networks, post advertisements around the city. Such advertising will not require financial investment, but will be very effective.
— Do everything possible to make participants feel comfortable. Don't forget to let us know if you need to take hats, warm clothes or flashlights with you. Offer the players hot tea or cold water, and provide wet wipes or stationery. Think through the smallest details - in some situations they will be very important.
— Take care of incentives for participants. Souvenirs or symbolic gifts, diplomas or simply original poems with dedications - even with a minimal budget you can come up with something original. Moreover, it is worth rewarding not only the winners, but also the team that did not complete all the tasks on time - it is important to recognize the efforts of the participants regardless of the result.
- Seek help from professionals. If you decide to become a quest organizer, it is best to start by taking part in several adventure games and enlisting the support of experienced coordinators of such events. The Quest House team is ready to help organize your game, offer interesting ideas, help resolve issues with equipment and premises, and give valuable practical advice.


— Games in which the theme of confined spaces is manifested. This type of quest is actually the most common in the country. That is, the team is locked in a small room and locked with a key. The circumstances are different: from the lair of a maniac to a museum. Examples: house of a maniac, Albatross travel agency, prison;
— Games where in a given period of time you need to find the answer to some scientific question: discover a vaccine, deal with the “anomalous” discoveries of a missing scientist, teleportation, the mystery of the hadron collider. Examples: X-periment, element Z, I - legend;
— Games where you need to find the answer to a recent crime, that is, conduct an investigation and try to find the culprit. Examples - Poirot's office, James Bond girls;
— Games where the basis is a criminal plan: to break into a bank safe, to deceive counterfeiters. Examples: cash out your luck (following the example of Ocean's team), big jackpot;
— Games where you need to prevent the destruction of the world with the help of missiles, weapons of mass destruction, and prevent an attack from an opponent. Examples: the feat of a scout, a digital fortress, an assassination attempt on the Tsar, an hour before Chernobyl;
— Games where you can try to understand the unconscious, incl. schizophrenic brain, paranoid thoughts, restore the professor's memory. For example, psychosis, unconsciousness, paranoia.

First, you need to decide on the type of quest, then write a so-called synopsis (a summary of the quest). In it, indicate the original name, the general concept and determine the final goal of the game (find the key, go back in time and pick up the dead man’s letter, steal the vaccine). It is necessary to pay special attention to the description of the characters, their background, incl. develop a layout to describe the room. The meaning of quests in reality is the completion of various tasks (up to 20), when the first causes a chain reaction for the rest (all tasks are interconnected). At the stage of developing tasks, you immediately need to think through tips (not everyone is as smart as possible). Hints should be thought out for each task. Conventionally, the game needs to be divided into parts (levels). The first tasks should not be made difficult, but rather incendiary, to give the participants the opportunity to get a taste for it and move forward

Types of puzzles:

- drawn
— mechanical (cubes, rings, boxes, cube)
- consisting of letters and drawings (puzzles)
– pictorial (card, wooden Towers of Hanoi)
You can use tricks from computer games and detective novels, modern intellectual games:
- a confusing clue that leads in a different direction
- collecting key elements (for example, place 5 boxes, for each you need to insert 3-4 keys into the keyhole at the same time, as soon as the first box is open, there is an indication where the second one is and how to find the first key for it, etc.)
- hide an important element in the most visible place, which in the end turns out to be what the guys were looking for the whole game (what an irony)
- logical layouts (assemble a puzzle and see the desired object, solve a crossword puzzle and see the desired word, interpret everything into reality)
— Danetka with an operator (you need to guess the object, the participant tries to determine what kind of object it is by answering yes or no from the operator)
— mathematical puzzles

Lighting, sound and acting (if any) must be clearly included in the script. For example, advertise the script as a closed room with no people, but in reality you have live characters. The script also includes a description of the premises, expected actions by the players, game attributes (costumes, liquid, etc.). You can introduce a game with the actor (he asked a riddle, chess until the first pawn is beaten) - for example, you need to defeat the Evil Elgar in order to find out the password for the laptop in which the last letter of the murdered man is stored. In order for an escape room to become popular, you need to understand your target audience. What interests you? It would also be a good idea to shell out for decorations, since a simple table and sofa will surprise few people now. Creating a worthwhile scenario is a labor-intensive process, but it will be so fun to watch how participants unravel the strong mystery sets of your quest


Of course, quests have brought variety to the lives of young people. Cafes, restaurants and more cafes are already yesterday. In search of the eternal question “where to go on the weekend,” local young people are trying to find something that will really be worth the money spent and, most importantly, the time. And what can I say, skillful business hands were able to please with mystical tricks, light and sound decorations and animated scarecrows. Quests bring into people's lives an extraordinary way to see themselves in piquant, sometimes dangerous situations. With the advent of quests in reality, it has become easier to tear a child (or even an adult) away from computer games and invite him to overcome a real ghost, or even worse. Every modern city resident wants to be in trend, but at the same time skillfully save money, so a series of discounts and other marketing tricks will only strengthen the quest business. After the advertising boom and “cold” calls, such an aggressive approach to promoting a company is becoming less and less attractive. Indeed, advertising is everywhere these days: at the entrance, on the bus, on the phone, on the phone, on the computer, on websites, and even on a milk carton. Therefore, the city dweller values ​​his personal space and tranquility. So, the “word of mouth” style is just right for quests. How to do this?
— provide quality in everything (from the entrance doors to the handle in the escape room)
— give your client a photo as a souvenir (bracelet, candy, discount)
— set a gift completion time (for example, in the entire history of our company you are the fastest, so you will receive a gift box)
- make a high-quality script
- hold a competition on social networks
— invite famous personalities (journalists, bloggers) to give your room a test drive
- shoot a commercial in a cartoon style and much more...
Polite communication from the working staff will leave a good impression. In order to notify about news via SMS, you should approach the issue of requesting personal data leniently. Many people are annoyed by SMS advertising, but the anecdote and information about the discount will please them. The truth is also valued - there is no need to deceive in order to embellish the price of a ticket, or paint a non-existent discount. Clarity, accuracy and zest are what a potential client is looking for. Taking photographs and posting them in groups is useful and even very necessary. This is the latest fashion for pseudo-private life. Competition is a normal human condition. So on social networks you can make a competition for the best time or photo after completing the quest (best charming visitor, funny bearded man, etc.).

Some organizers keep diaries about creating rooms before opening. Eg.

And now a gift to all the girls who have not yet figured out how to congratulate their colleagues on February 23rd.

I offer you a list of 17 tasks for a militarized office quest. You can prepare the game quickly and on a budget. Guys are big fans of games and will appreciate your gift.

The full version of this document with additional files and more photos are posted here:

Dear ladies, February 23 is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. We invite you to congratulate your men with an active office quest. All boys love games, from ordinary boys to bearded ones. And if this game is about war, then the burning eyes of the men who adore you will be able to illuminate not only your office in the evenings, but also all the neighborhoods adjacent to it. By the way, these neighborhoods can also be included in the quest game area if your office is very small.

Below we offer you a set of 17 ideas. From these tasks you can form a game scenario and prepare an office quest on your own. The ideas described were prepared by us and successfully implemented in military quests for Wargaming and Rosneft employees. Companies paid a lot of money for this, but you get everything absolutely free.

Let's make the theme of the quest “School of a Young Fighter.” To put it simply, you will turn the office into a training camp, in which office dead people will turn into courageous defenders of the Motherland. The game scheme can be “linear” - when players complete all tasks in turn, or “assault”, when from the moment of start all tasks are available to players at once. In the first option there will be the strongest intensity of passions. The one who comes to the finish line first will win. However, if the player slows down on one task, or you make a mistake in the task itself, the chain of missions will be interrupted. You and I will be preparing the game according to the second, “assault” option. Players at the start of the game receive all the tasks and must manage to complete the maximum number of them by a certain time. Each task is assessed in points and after the game the completed tasks are counted and the winner is awarded.

If you have a lot of men in your team, then before the game, divide them into teams of 4-5 people, if there are few, then let them play individually. Give each combat unit a script and send it on missions. The script can be printed on sheets of paper, or provided on the website by the Encounter Internet engine. The Internet engine is a paid service, but it fully automates the processes of issuing tasks, hints, and receiving code words. This option is suitable for progressive IT companies. If you need an engine, write to us at [email protected]


This task must be included in the script one of the first. It will immediately introduce slight confusion into the ranks of our recruits. The essence of the task is to find shoulder straps that you will hide in advance in the most hidden corners of your office. Shoulder straps will be of various ranks from sergeants to generals. In order for a player to assign himself this title, he must find a pair of identical shoulder straps, and not just one piece. You should try to ensure that the general’s shoulder straps are hidden as intricately as possible and that their number is no more than 8 pieces for all participants in the quest. But you don’t have to spare the lieutenant’s shoulder straps.

After the game, count the pairs of shoulder straps collected by each team. You can score 8 points for a general. For other officers a little less, 3-5 points. Privates and sergeants will receive 1 point per ten. The good thing about the task of searching for shoulder straps is that if suddenly the players manage to complete all the game tasks before the deadline and get bored, then they can search for shoulder straps ad infinitum. Especially when their exact number is unknown.


This task is an encrypted message from headquarters. Each letter of the text is replaced with a military symbol. Identical symbols are identical Russian letters. The smartest players can try to solve the riddle without any clues. Ask the fastest ones to look for stickers with the decoding of different letters. You can place stickers with hints in a specific search area, for example only in the accounting department, or only on the stairs. Write it like that in the script - only the stairs play in this task.

When hiding clues, try to hide vowels and popular letters more difficult than rare lonely ones. Most likely, the team will be divided on this task. The smart guys will stay to look at the encryption, and the rest will run in search of clues. This division will benefit the manager; it will immediately become clear who to hire as analysts and who as couriers. On a 10-point difficulty scale, this task scores 4-5 points.

The encryption we offer asks the question “Which hero city is the northernmost?” Correct answer: Murmansk.


Walk around the office and take 6 photographs with your mobile phone camera. Small but fairly bright details of the office interior should be included in your frame. Take the photo so that the players do not immediately figure out exactly where the object is. See the photo below for examples of such fragments. In a game scenario, place these frames on one A4 sheet of paper. Or you can upload them to Instagram and tag them with a unique hashtag (#quest522682936, #quest_KASDXTYF). In this case, do not forget to indicate in the task both the hashtag and the application for its use.

Next to each fragment (preferably within a radius of no more than 1 meter), write with a marker part of the mobile phone number of one of your assistants. If writing with a marker is not possible, use self-adhesive stickers and write on them. Your assistant will walk around the office with this valid number. Parts of a telephone number may look like this: (+) , (375) , (29) , (688-), (-22-), (-60). Hyphens are used to make numbers easy and error-free.

During this task, players first recognize the hidden places in 6 photographs. Then they run there and look for parts of the phone number on the spot. When players collect all parts of the number and dial it, no one will answer them. Just calling the number is not enough. Teams need to find an agent whose phone will ring in his hands. This agent will be the signalman who needs to be detected. The signalman can move chaotically around the office, and as soon as the team reaches him, he can quietly pass a note to the players with the final code. Players enter the code into the game form and the task is considered completed. This is how we ended up with a complex multi-move. For such a task you can safely award more points.


Let's have a little singing competition and see how well the players know the songs of the war years. To do this, we will take the words of three popular war songs, mix them up and write them in one part of the office. In order not to stain the walls with inscriptions, the words from the songs can be written on self-adhesive stickers and pasted these stickers in the play area. If your office is one large open space, then you can use the same items for this task. For example, stick all stickers with songs only on monitors, or only under tables.

We suggest using the songs “Dugout”, “Oh, roads” and “If there is war tomorrow”. There are many different nouns in these songs and they practically do not overlap. In the attached file we have prepared a table of the above-mentioned songs. If one of the songs in this list does not suit you, you can replace it with words from the “Anthem of the USSR”. And if the task seems difficult to you, then you can use one song, for example, “Three Tankmen.” As usual, hide the most recognizable words better.

If you used words from three songs, then in response ask to write down the names of all three. For each correctly guessed song after the finish, award the players 3 points.


While the practice of sticking stickers on monitors is still fresh, we suggest you perform a similar procedure with your employees’ personal circles. If your company constitution does not require mugs on desks, then simply skip this task. In addition, you need to find and use front-line 100 grams.

We organize the search for the treasured container as in the old children's game Hot and Cold. On the bottom ;) of various employee mugs, write the words Cold-Cool-Warm-Hot as you move towards the epicenter. And at the epicenter of the players there will be a flask or bottle with unknown contents. Players will need to identify the components of this content. In order not to cause panic among management, the components will be completely harmless - just mix 3 different juices together. On the final form, players must write the name of each of the 3 flavors of the front-line cocktail.

To complicate the task, you can tell a legend about a valuable drink stolen by the Germans, which raises the morale of soldiers. Hello Asterix and Obelix. In this case, write the inscriptions Hot and Cold in German. Let your fighters struggle a bit with the translation. And so that you don’t suffer yourself, we will write down all these German words for you from the coldest to the hottest:



Give each team a duffel bag with provisions. If the quest budget allows, then you can give each team a personal duffel bag or khaki backpack. And if you come to save money, then just hang one duffel bag for everyone in the designated place. By the way, old army duffel bags from Soviet military warehouses can be bought inexpensively at various online flea markets.

In the duffel bag, put 5 food items necessary for every soldier at a halt - Vermicelli, Cucumber, Jam, a ring of Krakow Sausage, Orange. And in response, invite the players to write what is missing in this duffel bag. The solution to the riddle is very simple - look at the first letters of the products and make up a word from them. Just ask your fighters not to consume anything from the provisions until the end of the game, otherwise their rampant appetite may make this mission impossible.


This is a creative task. Invite the players to take some posed shots. The team must demonstrate these photographs to the organizers before the finish of the game. For each completed photo task, players can receive from 2 to 3 points, which do not forget to mark on the game forms. Offer players no more than five tasks. It is advisable to take a photo of the mission on a military theme. Here are some examples:

Soldiers, you urgently need to master important front-line specialties and send photo confirmation to headquarters.

A mechanic is a jack of all trades. You need to take a photo of a multi-armed man repairing any office equipment or household appliances. There should be a repair item in the frame and four hands with different types of tools in each.

The shell carrier is the strongest soldier; you need to look for him in a fitness club or with sports equipment in your hands. Take a photo of a person on a machine, or with two different sports equipment in their hands.

Nurse - Take a photo of the patient with his head completely wrapped in a bandage or paper. No parts of the head should be visible from under the bandage.

You can also start celebrating the victory and ask to send a photo in which a fighter thrown up in the arms of his comrades, or five headdresses, is hanging in the air.


We bring to your attention another photo task. It is more suitable for small teams or single players. In this task, you tell the players a long word and ask them to find and photograph an object whose name includes letters from the named word. The longer the name of the item, the more points the player will receive. Only one photo and only one demonstrated during the quest is accepted for credit.

Let's look at this task using an example. The task for the players will sound like this:

You need to take a photograph of any object whose name can be assembled using the letters from the word “LIEUTENANT COLONEL”. Each letter can only be used once, the word itself does not play. Only one photo, the first one, counts.

If the name of the item is from 3 to 5 letters you will receive 2 points

If the name of the item is 6 or more letters you will receive 3 points

Players can easily find and photograph “WINE”, “FRUIT”, “WINDOW”, “BEER”, “CINEMA”, etc. in the office. and get 2 points for it. Those who want to get 3 points will have to run a little and find something from this set: “BLADE”, “JAM”, “FIBER”, “LAP”. And the coolest player can try to find “BEDBUGS”, we hope that it will be discovered outside your office.


Remember the TV show “One Hundred to One”, in which you had to guess the most popular answers to simple questions? You can ask one of these questions to the players and ask, instead of pronouncing the answer, to bring and show the organizers the necessary item.

The question might sound like this: “What is in a soldier’s pocket?”

Points are awarded according to the place of popularity of the answer in the top ten. If a player brings any item outside the top ten answers, his answer is burned and the poor fellow receives 0 points. The most popular answer will earn the player 1 point, the 2nd most popular answer will earn 2 points. And so on up to 10 points for the 10th answer.

Survey a few colleagues ahead of time to create a list of popular answers. Probably the most popular answers would be "handkerchief" or "cigarettes", followed by "spoon", "matches" and "grenade". The rarest ones in the top ten will be “photo of a girl” and “letter”. Whoever brings a paper letter to the organizers will receive 10 points, and whoever brings a photograph of the girl will receive nine.

Using this scheme, you can ask absolutely any question. If you do not limit yourself to the soldier, but ask what is in the pocket of a staff officer. Your imagination will suggest a cigarette case, cards, or even a bottle of cognac. The main thing is that the items from the list of answers can actually be obtained in your office or its immediate vicinity.


This task is quite simple, but fun. Sprinkle different eau de toilettes on different office furnishings. If you adhere to military immersion, then it is better to use old Soviet colognes “Triple” or “Red Moscow”. Surprisingly, they are still on sale. Choose one of the scents and apply it to just one item in the office, for example, one of the potted plants. Place a sticker with the code word next to it.

Include a small sample piece of paper soaked in the same scent that you applied to the plant in the list of tasks for your teams. Players, using their canine scent, must detect a similar aroma in the office and write down the code word on their answer sheet. Please note that the desired scent should be concentrated in only one place in the office - next to the code word, so as not to confuse the players.

For fun, you don't have to name the type of item that was attacked by the perfume. Let the players sniff everything. It’s especially funny if the source of the desired smell turns out to be one of the female employees. In this case, the code word can be written on her hand with a marker. Most likely, there will be plenty of men in your company who want to be surrounded by such close attention.


Like the Qi energy that permeates the entire space of the universe, these invisible flows are also put at the service of man. Even their logo is very reminiscent of the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol. Searching for and contemplating these sources fluctuating in the space of the room will reveal the code word to you.

"What kind of nonsense is this?" - you will ask first, and then your players who have read the task. In fact, everything will turn out to be very simple. The invisible streams that permeate all space are ordinary radio waves. Some of the most popular radio waves you are using right now. These are the waves that bring you the Internet, or more simply Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi technology logo is very similar to the Yin-Yang symbol. Contemplation meant the mobile phone searching for nearby Wi-Fi devices.

Just before the start of the quest, turn on Wi-Fi Internet distribution on one of your phones. This is usually called “Modem mode” or “Create an access point”. Name this point so that the players understand that this is the code word from the quest. For example: Quest_code_BECHA. Despite the Russian word, it is entirely written in Latin letters. The players' task will be to understand what all these strange words mean, and then "comb" the office in search of the required Wi-Fi signal.


Give your team a blank A4 sheet and ask them to draw any recognizable person. If you complicate the task a little, you can ask them to draw any recognizable employee of your company. When presenting a drawing, players are prohibited from saying or indicating on the drawing the name of the person drawn. In case of violation, send the team to redo the work, or do not evaluate their drawing at all.

If everything is bad with drawing in your company, you can invite the players to make any musical instruments from scrap materials. During the quest, players must play any recognizable melody on these instruments. You can give the team an extra point for each instrument played in the melody. After all, the more instruments are involved in the game, the easier it is to make mistakes and turn even the simplest melody into an incomprehensible cacophony of sounds.

Recognition of a pattern or melody is quite subjective. The quest organizers simply look at the drawing and name the character. If it is not guessed after two attempts, the participants leave to redo their work.


This task is a set of riddles on a military theme. To prevent players from searching for answers online, tasks can be issued by one of the organizing agents and control the solution right on the spot.

1. At the beginning of the war, military registration and enlistment office employees found a fail-safe way to quickly mobilize soldiers. To do this, they ordered only one person to be shot. Which one?

answer: The last one to come to the military registration and enlistment office

2. You won’t see it with your eyes, you won’t take it with your hands, but without it you won’t go on the attack.

answer: Battle cry "HURRAY!"

3. Two recruits who did not know how to swim approached a wide river. There was only one small boat on the shore, which could only support one person. But they were both able to cross to the other side. How did they do it?

answer: the recruits approached different banks of the river

4. This thing that Soviet soldiers had is a terrible weapon - throwing, piercing, chopping. It can also be a measuring instrument and a marine engine. What it is?

answer: sapper shovel

5. The saying of Soviet partisans ends with the words “so much the worse for the SS.” What four words does it start with?

COMBAT MISSION No. 14 “Shooting Range”

A shooting task is a must-have for any military quest. Without it, it will not be military training, but ordinary running around. Of course, you won’t get much speed with shooting in an office, but there are relatively safe solutions.

The simplest option is throwing tennis balls. They can imitate grenades in your quest. You can simply throw for accuracy, for example, into an empty trash can. There is also a team building option with a gunner. In this case, the player throwing the grenade does not see the target, because stands right in front of the partition. And his colleagues located directly near the target work as gunners.

There is also a very simple option - turn your mouth into the barrel of a tank and spit at the target with a table tennis ball. However, according to girls, this does not always look aesthetically pleasing. Yes, and you need to purchase 3-5 balloons for each person.

We suggest you organize shooting with darts from a blowpipe. Firstly, the weapon itself and the ammunition for it are made from improvised materials. In case of unforeseen circumstances, you will always know how to make primitive weapons. You can drive away a pack of wild dogs surrounding your country house without any problems. And secondly, when shooting darts, men’s primitive hunting instinct awakens and they can easily hang out at the shooting range for half an hour.

The blowpipe itself is a 70 centimeter piece of pipe with an internal diameter of 1 - 1.5 cm. The dart is made from a square piece of stationery paper, a nail and narrow tape. You will find many video instructions on the Internet. Search for “how to make a blowpipe dart.” As a target, you can use a sheet of plywood, polystyrene foam, or, best of all, polystyrene foam. You can stick a target or some cool image on the surface of the sheet. We once used a Christmas reindeer figurine with our family. There was simply nothing else at hand. I had to urgently come up with a legend about zombie animals and give out double points for defeating fawns and triple points for hitting a deer with bells. These are the bells that hung around the deer's neck.


This is a task for real intelligence officers. Players need to sneak into the enemy headquarters and steal documents from the safe. Yes, you need a small room safe for this task. If you don’t have a safe at hand, then a suitcase with a combination lock will do. As a last resort, use a combination padlock on the cabinet doors.

Because Since the safe will be common to all teams, it is better to just write the code word inside. If you want to leave an envelope for each team, you risk running into saboteurs. Such players, in the heat of battle, will easily steal the envelopes of all their opponents. As a last resort, you can put some props in the safe with a small reserve and strictly prohibit teams from taking extra. If there is an observer on duty near the safe, you can put cookies with a note inside in the safe. The note may contain a random bonus of 1-5 extra points, or an additional task.

The main game element of this task is solving the code to a safe or lock. You have at least 4 digits of the code at your disposal and all of them can be guessed in completely different ways. Have the players count the legs of all the chairs in the office and divide them by the number of lampshades in the hallway. This will give them the first digit of the code. The second digit may be located inside a stereo image, which you can generate in this service. Print the picture or post it on social media. unknown account network.

If you have a zero in the code, then you can guess it with GPS coordinates 23.0525, 113.253611. After studying the maps and panoramic photographs, players will find that the Guangzhou Circle building, made in the form of a giant ring, is located at the address.

Another number can be pasted on the roof of one of your cars parked under the office windows. In this case, hint to the players that they can see the number until the roof goes home. And if you stick a sticker on the manager’s car, then let them search until the director’s roof comes off.


This task will help to drive the teams around the office a little. Your task is to create a walking route from point A to point B. Leave hints at key points. Only instead of chalk arrows on the asphalt, as was the case in deep childhood, you will leave stickers with a QR code. You can enter any text information into a QR code that can be read by any mobile phone with a barcode scanning application. To generate your code, use any online QR code generator.

Players need to get to the last point on the route, where the final word will be written. In the codes themselves, write whatever you want - “refrigerator”, “yellow painting”, “stairs”, “printer”. Anything that will help lead players to the next QR code in the chain. Hide the final code more securely, so no one should find it by accident.


Make this mission the final one. You can carry it out in your office premises only if your office is large enough. Otherwise, it is better to organize all the action on the street, or in a long corridor.

When all the teams have handed in their game forms, give the captains a bottle of champagne. Captains must carefully remove the foil and muzzle. On the cork you need to write the name of your team or a number with a marker. Then line everyone up and give the command to open the bottles. Be sure to film everything that happens in slowmotion mode.

The team's task is to shoot the cork as far as possible. You can designate the firing sector with lines. If the traffic jam goes beyond the 1st line, the team earns 1 additional point, if the second line - two points, and so on up to 5 points. If everything happens on the office premises, then set a mandatory condition for the teams - not a drop of champagne should fall on the floor.

How to arrange all this?

You have just looked at 17 office quest tasks. This selection includes the most “militaristic” ideas that fit perfectly into the concept of Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you try to use all this at once, then your employees are doomed to wander around the office for 3 hours. Therefore, it is better to choose a dozen, but the most interesting, in your opinion. This is enough for an hour and a half of the game, even taking into account the fact that players receive all tasks at the same time.

Arrange all selected tasks beautifully and print them on 3-4 A4 sheets. At the top of the first sheet of paper, leave a field for the team name. After each task, leave some space to write in code words. These sheets will not only be a list of tasks, but also a team identification card. Throughout the quest, the team enters their final answers here. If the task is controlled by the organizing agent, then he marks the completion of his mission with a personal signature on the same forms. Do not forget to write the cost of each task in points, or indicate the possible minimum and maximum number of points. Players need to see this information to make strategic decisions.

Before starting the game, be sure to conduct a briefing and additionally print out the game instructions on a separate sheet of paper. Players must understand the mechanics of the game, and most importantly, they must understand that tearing off, covering or destroying any game stickers is strictly prohibited. This is very important and it can ruin the whole quest.

Example instructions:

Good afternoon dear friends. We invite you to take part in an exciting quest dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. The entire quest will take place on the territory of our office building. In the game you will find about 10 different tasks in which you can show your erudition, intelligence and, of course, demonstrate good physical shape.

Your playing time will be strictly limited and during this period you will need to complete the maximum of game tasks and earn a lot of points. All game tasks are available immediately at the start of the quest and you can complete them in any order.

The result of each task will be either code words or a photograph. You enter the code words into the game form and hand over everything at the finish line. You show the photos to the organizers exclusively during the game.


Team splitting is prohibited. A team can only perform one task at a time.

It is prohibited to tear off or cover stickers with tasks or code words. A team that is caught damaging game props will be immediately disqualified. If necessary, simply photograph all the task stickers you find.

Exchange of information and cooperation with other teams is prohibited. Violation will result in disqualification of both teams.

Contacts of organizers: +375 29 6882260, telegram: @airevgeny

If you don’t have any time to prepare the quest, then write to us by email [email protected] , we can easily find gaming technicians for you in any major city in the CIS.

A quest for girls is a great way to congratulate a birthday girl, give an original gift, or just have fun for no reason. The essence of the game is very simple: the player sequentially finds cards with riddles and tasks and guesses them one after another. The answer to each task indicates the object or place where the next card is hidden. This “chain” ultimately leads to a hidden gift or surprise. The tasks in the game are specially selected for women of all ages, starting from 14 years old. Therefore, the quest is suitable for both a fourteen-year-old girl and an adult woman. To carry out the quest, you just need to print out the tasks and hide them in the indicated places in your house, apartment, cottage or even office.

Quest for Mother's Day at home

The quest game is ideal for congratulating your beloved mothers on Mother's Day! The quest script for mothers includes original and interesting questions on women’s topics, which will be an excellent addition to your congratulations and gifts.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are completed in several versions - each option has its own answer. This is made to make it easier for you to select places where you will hide task cards. These places are listed below. Please note that the words are grouped together. Within a group, answers related to one task are indicated through the “/” sign. In each group of words we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task.

Bag/lamp/chest/template, door/cooler/frying pan, bathtub/shelf, sofa/hammer/printer, towel/monitor, curtain/mirror/passport, flower/chair/template, robe/dress/picture, oven/battery/ clock/refrigerator/phone, chandelier/box/template, flour (bread)/coffee maker, computer/calendar/template.

Description of tasks

Below is a brief description of each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive.

1. A simple riddle about an object

We offer several options for riddles, and you choose for yourself which ones suit you best. You can “dilute” the quest with riddles by inserting them between complex tasks.

The first riddle can be placed in a postcard and given to the quest participant. In the instructions we talk in detail about how to do this in the most interesting way. The instructions also include text for the introductory card.

2. Task "Rearrange letters"

You need to form a word from randomly scattered letters.

3. Task "Archaisms"

To unravel a word, you need to compare ancient words with their modern analogues.

4. Task "Precious Cipher"

It is necessary to unravel the code made of precious stones.

5. Task "Cubes"

The card depicts an intricate design consisting of many cubes. It is necessary to count the number of cubes, and the resulting number will indicate the key item.

6. Task "Puzzle"

From several fragments it is necessary to assemble a picture and decipher the word.

7. Question

We offer several interesting questions, the answer to which is some objects in the house or office. Either erudition or intelligence will help answer the question.

8. Task "Spring Pictures"

To find out the secret word, you need to add the names of famous paintings.

9. Puzzles

Several interesting colorful puzzles.

Quest games are an interesting option for corporate parties. Quests for corporate parties come in various types: urban, closed, combined with a banquet, etc. During such team games, participants investigate detective stories, undergo a series of tests, make scientific discoveries, and create creative projects.

Modern corporate parties are increasingly taking place in the format of team building. One type of team-building activities are quests - games that teach participants to cooperate and make decisions in critical situations.

To organize a quest at a corporate party, you need to take into account many organizational aspects - think through the goal and plot of the game, assign a role to each participant, write a script and provide a comfortable atmosphere, taking into account the solution of possible problems of a psychological or gaming nature.

Corporate quest: concept and meaning

In the modern entertainment industry, quests are gaining more and more popularity - active team games with many puzzles and tasks, the chain of which leads to some goal.

The key point of this game may be a time limit or solving all problems before achieving the final result. Interactive quests originate from computer games of the same name, which is why they are often called real-life quests.

As corporate team building events, quests are received with a bang.
Their popularity is explained by the exciting team game, which fuels curiosity and promotes involuntary communication between participants.

Advantages of quests for corporate events

The benefits of this type of entertainment for corporate events can hardly be overestimated. Since it has a number of advantages:

  • Formation of important qualities for working interaction
    During the quest, participants learn cooperation and mutual assistance, consciously choose a leader and obey him, distribute areas of responsibility, make constructive decisions in tense situations and under tight deadlines. These qualities are necessary for successful teamwork.
  • Fashion and originality
    “Fresh” trends in corporate parties are gradually replacing banquets and other outdated forms of office celebrations. Creative ideas, activity and energy “charge” the team with positive energy and set them up for productive work.
  • Involvement of everyone present
    The format of the event requires equally active participation of all members of the team - there are no observers or secondary participants.
  • Individual approach to program development
    During the preparation of a corporate quest, the interests of employees, their composition, and level of intellectual or physical fitness are taken into account.

The team game program and its implementation can be ordered from an event agency or prepared on your own.

Types of corporate quests

The classification of types of team games depends on their location and genre diversity.

Most popular types

The following types of quests are most often used at corporate events:

Role-playing (character) quest

This is one of the most inexpensive corporate events in the quest format. The essence of this game is to transform the participants into other images. To do this, each player receives a card describing his new role. His task is to fit into the described image as much as possible. The outcome of the game depends on acting skills and internal “reboot”. According to the script, you will need to build new relationships, unravel intrigues and even fall in love.

The themes of such quests can be varied - historical sketches, detective stories, melodramatic pictures, fantastic tales, action adventure, etc. Any venue can also be chosen - an office, an outdoor space, a banquet hall... There are few props in role-playing games, since they play a minor role. The main goal of the participants is to open up in communication with others, achieving their goals.

Searches in a closed room

The goal of this type of game is to escape a confined space within a certain time. As a rule, the number of participants in such quests is small - up to five people. They find themselves in a locked room filled with riddles, puzzles and many amazing things. Looking for clues, they need to open the lock with the found key and go “free”.
Quest rooms can not only exist in specially equipped places. To organize a corporate quest, specialists go to the customer and bring with them everything necessary to create a gaming space.

City quest

This is quite active entertainment for a large number of people. Without being limited to the walls of an office or restaurant, participants move around the city (sometimes using bicycles or cars), completing tasks and looking for clues in various places. One of the types of such corporate events is a quest tour - a combination of a quest with a bus tour of the city.

Active outdoor quest

This type of team game is held at a recreation center or in another suburban area, where you can not only get in touch with nature, but also practice navigation. Often such games in open areas are associated with performing sports tasks.

“Pulsating” quest

In this case, an active team game has something in common with a calmer type of corporate event - a banquet. Such events take place in the banquet hall and do not violate the table format.

To prevent those present from getting bored, the organizers occasionally “shake them up” with short 15-minute game breaks. They are usually connected by one storyline. At the end of the banquet, the climax comes - the revelation of the main intrigue of the game.

Quest genres

Based on genre diversity, the following types of quests can be distinguished:

  • Historical
    Participants are reincarnated as famous historical characters or find themselves “abandoned” in any historical era. They will have to unravel the intrigues and mysteries of the past.
  • Detective
    Investigating crimes and finding the criminal is the key goal of such games. Often the criminal is discovered among the participants, and this intrigue lasts until the last minute.
  • Creative
    These are multi-layered tasks, as a result of which you need not only to solve all the riddles and achieve the final result, but also to create a creative product - draw a picture, make a film, etc. The creative process will be constantly hampered by suddenly appearing obstacles and inexplicable things that need to be eliminated as soon as possible.
  • Adventure
    These events involve numerous tests, the completion of which depends on the cohesion of the team of participants. These can be tasks for endurance, dexterity and other physical qualities, intellectual puzzles, tasks to test the strength of team spirit, etc.
  • Extreme
    This is entertainment for thrill-seekers, in which the game is closely intertwined with reality. Before going through a series of tasks, participants must overcome their fear. Often scripts for such entertainment are written based on thrillers.
  • Business games
    The purpose of these events is to create a new business project. Such quests are closest to the participants by the nature of their professional activities. Often, customers of corporate quests ask organizers to create a scenario for a corporate quest in the style of an quest in accordance with their work tasks in order to immerse players in an environment as close as possible to everyday work.

Principles for constructing assignments

Quest games of any type can be subject to the following principles for constructing tasks:

  • Games with helpers
    At each stage of the event, disguised presenters guide participants, giving them impetus or hints for further actions.
  • “Links of the same chain”
    From a team building point of view, these are the most productive quest tasks for a corporate event.

    Each participant is a link in a single chain in the game, without which the common goal will not be achieved.
    This applies to collecting information, finding clues, and completing a certain part of the task. Often such events involve the use of a vast territory - each mini-team can perform its task in different parts of the city.

Stages of organizing a corporate quest

Choosing a venue for a team game

Depending on weather conditions and time of year, events can be held indoors or outdoors.

  • In summer
    Better to choose fresh air— a recreation center, the territory of a sanatorium, a dacha, a forest, a park or a cozy place within the city with gazebos, benches, green spaces, etc. Professional agencies organize colorful and vibrant off-site quests for corporate events anywhere, bringing with them decorations, props and costumes.
  • In winter or cool weather, in rainy weather
    You should focus on corporate events in closed spaces. This could be one spacious room with many tables for a large number of participants, a small enclosed space, or several rooms.
    The most common places are an office, a banquet hall, shopping and entertainment centers, an equipped quest room, a cafe or restaurant, a recreation center or sanatorium, or a country house.

Initial preparations

  • Determining the Goal of the Game
    Depending on the topic and location, a quest at a corporate party can pursue one of the key goals: getting to know the city, unleashing creative potential, team building, etc.
  • Filling a corporate event with a specific plot
    The plot is selected based on the interests of the employees. As a rule, this is the theme of famous films, works of art or legends.
    Examples of event themes are detective stories based on Arthur Conan Doyle or Agatha Christie, an adventure quest with pirates or cowboys for a corporate event, various science fiction stories (the invention of the elixir of youth or the powder of immortality), etc.
  • Formation of teams
    The optimal number of people for the quest is about ten. If the audience is large, create several teams of 5-7 participants each, otherwise not everyone will have time to prove themselves in completing the tasks.
  • Determining the duration of a corporate event
    The quest itself takes about two hours. add here an introductory briefing (it can last up to half an hour) and a 15-minute final reflection. Often after the game there is a small buffet or post-quest party where participants exchange their experiences and emotions.

Development of a corporate quest script

Before filling the event scenario with tasks, decide on the principle of the game.

You can play in three ways:

  • for time tracking,
  • by the number of points
  • until the end of the task.

In addition, there are quests:

  • linear
    in this case, you need to move on to the next stage of the game only after solving the previous one.
  • nonlinear
    the non-linear type is more often used for a large audience with several teams.

Travel route

The first thing you need to start with is drawing up a route for the participants. In order not to tire the players, there is no need to take too many stopping points - 8-10 will be enough. The distance between them is determined taking into account many factors - the age of the participants, the area of ​​the playing area, the principle of movement.

For walking quests, you should not go beyond the 1 km mark. Players can move along pieces of the collected map or according to clues received at each point.

Tasks for the game

The selection of game tasks is the next important detail in preparing a quest script for a corporate event. They should be of different difficulty levels, but you shouldn’t choose ones that are too easy or too confusing so that the game doesn’t stall.

If participants cannot complete tasks, offer them additional hints or easier tasks for penalty points.

Possible types of tasks are puzzles (charades, rebuses, logic problems, etc.), tasks with props, active actions, tasks with an alternative reality (look at the card through a special program on your smartphone).

How to make a quest interesting and effective: some organizational details

You can organize a corporate quest yourself or seek help from specialists.
Specialized agencies will provide everything you need, from an individualized script to room decoration and costumes.

For those who decide to hold the event themselves, drawing up a quest script for a corporate event is only a small part of the work. When preparing and organizing an event, pay attention to the following points:

  • Selection of the key idea on which the plot component and the principle of constructing tasks depend
  • Detailed description of the role of each participant (or mini-group)
  • Calculation of possible unplanned situations that can slow down the progress of the game, and search for their solutions
  • Thinking through additional tips if tasks turn out to be too difficult for players
  • Colorful design of the game venue to immerse participants in its atmosphere
  • Preparing an appropriate set of “artifacts” and other details
  • The presenter has organizational skills, the ability to interest participants in the idea of ​​the game, smooth out conflict situations and set up productive teamwork.
  • Awarding the winners and participants, holding a photo session at the end of the game
  • Complementing the corporate event with a small buffet and background music.

How to attract a team to the game: ideas for quest situations

To interest employees and involve them in the game, you need to come up with an intriguing beginning - the so-called backstory. We offer you several examples of how interesting it is to invite colleagues to the “playing field”.

Option 1: Email

The event organizer sends emails to all participants informing them that important information has been stolen from the company's servers. Every employee of the company is invited to investigate this intricate crime - the time and place of the party are announced.

Option 2. Planned vacation with “interference”

This idea is suitable for preparing a quest for a corporate event in nature in the summer. At a general meeting, you agree to hold the event at a recreation center or other country premises. Arriving at the place, the participants realize that inexplicable things are happening and find themselves drawn into a strange investigation.

Option 3. Stealing the bonus

A stolen bonus is a great motivation for employees to pass a multi-level test and get their money back.
At a general meeting in the office, the boss reads out a solemn speech and congratulates everyone present on the award, but suddenly it turns out that someone has stolen the key to the safe with money.

The task of those present is to find the key to the safe using the clues left by the attacker.

Quests for corporate parties are one of the most exciting and useful types of leisure time. To interest all participants in an intriguing event, you need to think through every little detail.

However, the result will be worth it - unforgettable impressions will warm you with memories of a bright holiday for a long time, and the united team after the game will reach a new level of communication and cooperation.

Video examples of corporate quests and games

Watch video examples of corporate quests and games that take place both outdoors and indoors.

I have already tried to systematize the types of quests. Today I’ll try to remember all the questions I heard from customers about the “moving quest in nature.”

Games that are popular today among children and adults (they are sometimes called “reality quests” so as not to be confused with computer adventure games) are games based on real-life situations with a lot of puzzles and team challenges. The plot often echoes the stories of acclaimed films and books, so participants, as a rule, easily plunge into the desired atmosphere.

Quest themes

There are presentations on all topics, send requests indicating the specific date of the event, the number of participants, I will send it by email.

Eco-quest “Clean Games”

The quest appeared in the year of ecology in Russia, and is carried out outdoors in a nature reserve, botanical garden, arboretum, or large greenhouse. This is not just drawing attention to the environmental problem, but also real help to the environmental institution. Here are some tasks: “Assembling a water filter”, “Environmental survey”, “Coordination”, “Collecting batteries”, “Sorting”, “Escape from poachers”, “Irrigation system”, “Helper chemistry”, etc. All this in the form of interesting puzzles and creative tasks.

Agent 007

Cool ambient quest. Lots of “spy props” in colorful play sets for each team. Employees are involved in the topic a few days before the event in a special newsletter. Here is a list of several tasks: “Information Gathering”, “A Second Before the Explosion”, “Radio Message”, “Intelligence Equipment”, “Native Elements”, “Weapons Question”, “Crawling Line”, “Colored Symbols”, “Bond’s Note”, “Unexpected call”, etc.

Alice in Wonderland

That same strange wonderland in which events are constantly happening that expand the boundaries of consciousness. A costume quest that will help you smile and look at the real world from a fairy tale. A short list of tasks: “Royal Palace”, “Chamber of Secrets”, “Invisibility”, “Miracle Elements”, “Vicious Circle”, “Masters of Illusions”, “Search for Miracles”, “Wonderful Mechanism”, “Cheshire Costume”, “ The Magic Key", "Liberation".

Around the world

Maps, routes, favorite countries and cities, an exciting search for a mysterious chest. The quest is very flexible, the script can be tailored to the client’s task. I will list the main stages of the game: “Global Vision”, “Shooter”, “Cartography”, “Cape Letters”, “Secrets of the Mayans”, “Maritime Communications”, “Cunning Men in Italy”, “Fur’s Mysteries”, “Japanese Communications”, "Return".

Detective story

There was a terrible robbery in your office. Let's say these are important documents or the entire salary of employees. There is evidence, there is a dossier on suspects, there are important witnesses... Quest blocks: “GoPro Camera”, “Ultraviolet Search”, “Mystery Objects”, “Photo Evidence”, “Cipher Circle”, “Unknown Lines”, “Ticket Line”, “Blind Line” reading", "Musical square" and "Fingerprints".

The Da Vinci Code

A great game for fans of books about Professor Langton. Many mysterious riddles and incomprehensible puzzles. Game plan: “Helmet of Truth”, “Light of a New Day”, “Creator’s Personnel”, “The Wise Builder”, “The Painted Forest”, “Secrets of Nature”, “Guide”, “Addition”, “Sixth Sense”, Labyrinth of Geniuses” .

Success Code

This is a search for a universal formula that will help each player find personal and team success. The script has some similarities with The Da Vinci Code, but has its own development. The Guardian, the Wanderer, the Monk and the Merchant will twist the plot with the following tasks: “House of Success”, “Conductor of Energy”, “Key to Success”, “Signs of Fate”, “Circle of Fortune”, “Attention to Detail”, “Wind of Fate” , “There is a way out,” etc.


America, the era of Prohibition. Mexican “partners” have come up with a new way to send alcohol across the border. Mafia boss versus police chief - who will win? The teams have many tests: “Collecting evidence”, “Gambling house”, “Tsltramafia”, “Mafia in faces”, “Message from informants”, “Knot”, “Hooligans”, “Communication channels”, etc.

mission Possible

Unknown hackers hacked into the company's accounts. They are actively purchasing villas and yachts... How to penetrate an enemy laboratory and block passwords? There is a long way to go: “Laser Networks”, “Security Room”, “Electronic Key”, “Hearing Point”, “Ultra Technologies”, “Space Intelligence”, “Corpse”, “Truth in Color”, etc.

Russian fairy tale

There are many charming villains in the fairy tale and there is always a good ending. Everyone is familiar with the habits of the heroes, everyone knows where Koshcheev’s death is kept, but you still need to think! This is the path you have to follow: “Dobrynya’s Gift”, “Noisy Key”, “Bogatyr’s Jump Rope”, “Bogatyr’s Rocker”, “Sticky Leshy”, “Ivanushka to the Rescue”, “Koshcheev’s Machinations”.

Heads and tails

The fateful coin will determine which team will complete the easy version of the task, and which will perform the most difficult one. Lucky ones often win, but it also often happens that close-knit teams are outperformed on points. Here is a list of tests: “Chinese construction site”, “American action”, “Mexican circle”, “Japanese robot”, “Greek labyrinth”, “Meeting with an Indian”, “Sounds of Austria”, “English rose”, etc.

Born of the USSR

An era that is fresh in the memories of those over 45. The younger generation also thinks that everything is familiar - very often mothers and grandmothers tell Soviet “tales”. There are a lot of thematic props, participants can easily plunge into the 70s: “On the Road of Knowledge”, “Nuclear Safety”, “Grandma’s Garden”, “Entertaining Mechanics”,


An incredible story about the disappearance of Sherlock Holmes himself. Watson turns to the management of your company for help, and you need to look for the great box with the help of modern technologies. Quest stages: “Protective Grid”, “Criminal Traces”, “Ultravision”, “Transformation”, “Tangible Information”, “In the Labyrinth of Evidence”, “Lucky Loss”, “Key Cipher”, “Connected”.

Where is this game played?

There are a lot of options! This could be a recreation center, the territory of a sanatorium or an estate. If your office is located in an area with trees, cozy gazebos and fountains, great! There you can also conduct an interesting quest. However, we once ran around Sokolniki Park - it was also great. The main thing to remember is that at the final stage of the game there is a buffet. Sometimes players need a place from which they can change for the formal part of the event. In this case, it is more convenient, of course, at a recreation center. The quest is more interesting if the area is large enough so that the teams can move around a little, moving around the map from point to point. If there are many teams participating in the game, they will not interfere with each other's challenges. The organizers will offer you options for holding the event, since over the years they have acquired vast experience and ready-made maps of the area of ​​​​many popular venues. All you have to do is name a convenient direction, and then it’s a matter of technology, as they say.

How many participants can there be?

10 is boring. And 20 too. It’s interesting to divide into teams when there are 50, 80, 100, 300 of you... There was a quest for 800 people. They will advise you on how to do better - make more teams or increase the number of players on each team. It depends on the plot you choose.

Where does it usually start?

Option 1. For example, each employee receives a letter by mail from the manager, which may contain a message that “secret corporate information was stolen from work servers, the dissemination of which seriously threatens the future of the company. Management asks employees to join operational search work in a certain area where detectives managed to find traces of the kidnapper.” The date, place and time of the game are indicated. Or so... The letter comes from Robert Langton, the main character of the book “The Da Vinci Code”. He plans to come to Moscow in search of an ancient artifact that was lost many years ago. Now Langton turns to your company’s employees for help in finding the cryptex...

Option 2. The employees simply come to the recreation center for a standard corporate barbecue party, but they soon realize that they are involved in the investigation of an unusual crime. There are other options that our managers will tell you about. Of course, in each case there will be detailed instructions, so you shouldn’t be afraid that you won’t know how to start the game. Each team receives a box with valuable instructions for completing the tests, a map, a test guide book and handouts, which are different for each topic. For example, in a detective story, you might be given fingerprints on a wine glass, a SIM card, a piece of newspaper, a glove, a pen, a pack of cigarettes, the remains of a burnt letter, etc.

Types of tasks

The division is conditional, there could be many more points, these are the main ones:

  • Tasks with the participation of professional actors

During the game, you will have not only the host, but also several characters. They are not just dressed in themed costumes, but they are also the custodians of important information that you need to get by asking the right questions.

  • Team assignments

In the quest, many challenges cannot be completed alone or together. Everything is arranged in such a way that each team member must be a participant in the process. Sometimes several people are needed to hold a prop, search for an item, or quickly gather information in an area of ​​100 square meters.

  • Logic tasks

Solving puzzles, codes, rebuses and comparing facts also requires a collective mind, but to make the final decision it is imperative to choose a leader who will take full responsibility.

Test examples

I will briefly describe a few tasks. This is a mix of different quests; these tasks do not appear all together in one game.

  • Defuse a bomb, the dummy of which is built into the case. You open it and the timer starts counting down 90 seconds. Did not have time? No, of course there won't be an explosion, just a sound signal
  • You need to take fingerprints from a glass or lighter and compare them with those provided to you by the detective
  • One of the participants puts on a helmet with a camera, but he himself does not see anything. The coordination of his movements will be controlled by the entire team from the tablet using speech commands
  • You need to get to the folder with documents or the required key to the safe through a laser alarm
  • Arriving at the indicated location, players find a landline phone that suddenly starts ringing. It could even be a city payphone. You need to listen carefully to the message with further instructions or hints
  • To disconnect the electronic key, you need to carefully slide it along the curved metal rod
  • The team receives a set of walkie-talkies, with the help of which they need to quickly collect information over a fairly large area. These are signs on trees and houses, coded words or fragments of objects
  • Reveal inscriptions on an ancient scroll using special solutions
  • Solve the puzzles of the Master of Riddles, who appears several times during the game in the most unexpected places
  • Solve the mystery of the ancient scales
  • Coping with a large manual maze in which the ball must fall into certain pockets, but at the same time sometimes hides in the “blind” spots
  • Use the power of the four elements - water, fire, earth and air to solve the password
  • Solve a chemical puzzle by mixing different substances
  • Get passwords to open cryptexes, boxes, cases, safes, etc.