Lip reading. How to learn lip reading technique? How to learn to read lips? Lip reading lessons

Since ancient times, spies have been trained to read lips in order to understand the enemy's plans even with minimal audibility. Today you can learn to read lips without doing espionage. People learn this skill to use it for personal gain. For example, look like your favorite character from a movie about secret agents. But to learn this skill on your own, you need to train attention and concentration, study the stages of articulation of sounds (how sound is formed) and have at least a little talent.

Why do you need to study articulation?
Articulation refers to the position of the organs necessary to produce a certain sound. A person who wants to learn to read lips needs to distinguish between the stages of articulation: preparation for the pronunciation of a sound, pronunciation and completion of pronunciation (it is also the transition to the formation of a new sound). This is necessary so that during practice it is easier to distinguish the position of the lips when forming words.

Self-teaching lip reading
Scientists and researchers are now working to improve programs that help deaf children perceive speech visually. This talent may be a temporary amusement, but it can help in unexpected situations, including possible hearing loss.

Self-teaching a skill can be done anywhere and using any method you like best:

  1. Go to classes with a teacher of the deaf. True, they specialize in classes with children who have hearing loss. During the classes you can learn to read sounds from lips, learn sign language technology, etc.
  2. Spying on people. This method is suitable for absolutely any place: park, cafe, institute, apartment. You need to choose an object for training and, without attracting attention to yourself, observe the movement of his lips, facial expressions and gestures.
  3. Using TV. To start learning, you can turn on a movie that you have already seen and turn off the sound on the TV. It is necessary to follow the movements of the characters' lips and try to understand what they are talking about. At first, phrases that you remember from previous viewings will help. Then you can turn on a completely unfamiliar movie and try to learn to read new dialogues by lips. To check for accuracy, you can select films with subtitles, for example, early Soviet ones.
  4. Mirror method. You can also practice learning a new skill using a mirror. You need to stand opposite and speak at first just individual words, then you can practice whole sentences. It is important at this moment to monitor your lips and try to remember how your lips fold when forming a new sound.
  5. Together with a partner. Ask a family member or friend to help you learn to read lips. Practicing with a partner will help you learn a new skill very quickly. Let your partner pronounce words with his lips without making sounds, and you try to read what is said on his lips. The difficulty of the exercises increases with the pronunciation of sentences.
How to distinguish between visible and invisible sounds?
Visible sounds are those sounds during the pronunciation of which the lips acquire a certain clear position. Invisible sounds are those that are difficult to identify the first time, since when pronouncing some letters the lips have almost the same position. These letters include: “M” - “P” - “B”; "B" - "F"; “F” - “W”, “H” - “Sh”; "AND I"; "U" - "Yu"; "O" - "Yo". From these letters you can form syllables that will be visible. To learn to read lips, you need to be able to distinguish these sounds well. It is better to practice remembering them using the mirror method.

Follow people - this method will work for any place you choose. For example, a park, restaurant, bus, metro, college. Choose one object for yourself and discreetly observe its lip movements, facial expressions and gestures. The TV will also help you; first, turn on a movie you know, turn off the sound and try to understand what the characters are talking about. At first, you will be helped by phrases that you remember from your previous viewing of the film. Next, watch an unfamiliar movie and try to learn how to lip-read new dialogues. To check for accuracy, you can select movies with subtitles.

Use a mirror to learn how to read lips. To do this, stand in front of the mirror and start pronouncing individual words, the main thing is to watch your facial expressions and remember how your lips form when forming words and individual sounds.

How to learn to read lips yourself

In this article we will talk about ways to learn to read lips. Let’s omit those cases when this skill is a vital necessity due to poor hearing or lack thereof, since this is what teachers of the deaf do, and let’s touch on those who simply want to master this skill in order to obtain additional information, out of simple interest, etc.

How to learn to read lips?

Any modern person can acquire the skill of lip reading. Many of us believe that lip reading is only taught to super spies, but this is certainly not true. Most often, this skill is necessary for people who are deaf and they hone this ability throughout their lives. However, ordinary people may also need this lip reading skill. Of course, everyone’s prerequisites are different, but you will have to work on yourself in any case. You will learn how to learn to read lips from this article.

The most effective way is to go to a teacher of the deaf, who will teach you how to read lips during his lessons. Also during the classes you will be taught how to read sounds from lips and will be told what sign language technology is. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to a teacher, then do not despair, since it is possible to develop this skill on your own.

In order to learn to read lips on your own, you first need to study articulation, that is, the position of the organs necessary to produce a certain sound. You need to learn to distinguish between all stages of articulation: preparation for the pronunciation of a sound, pronunciation and completion of pronunciation (it is also the transition to the formation of a new sound). Studying articulation is necessary so that during practice it is easier to distinguish the position of the lips when forming words.

Follow people - this method will work for any place you choose. For example, a park, restaurant, bus, metro, college.

Choose one object for yourself and discreetly observe its lip movements, facial expressions and gestures. The TV will also help you; first, turn on a movie you know, turn off the sound and try to understand what the characters are talking about. At first, you will be helped by phrases that you remember from your previous viewing of the film. Next, watch an unfamiliar movie and try to learn how to lip-read new dialogues. To check for accuracy, you can select movies with subtitles.

Use a mirror to learn how to read lips. To do this, stand in front of the mirror and start pronouncing individual words, the main thing is to watch your facial expressions and remember how your lips form when forming words and individual sounds. Next, move on to complete sentences.

Ask a friend or relative to help you learn lip reading. Practical exercises will help you learn to read lips faster. To begin, ask your partner to pronounce words with his lips without making sounds, and you try to read what is said on his lips. The difficulty of the exercises increases with the pronunciation of sentences.

You will also need to learn to distinguish between visible and invisible sounds. Visible sounds are those sounds, when pronounced, the lips acquire a certain clear position. Invisible sounds are those sounds that are difficult to learn to identify the first time, since when they are pronounced, the lips have almost the same position. But do not despair, since invisible sounds are clearly distinguished in the syllables that they form and such sounds are already considered visible. Therefore, training in front of a mirror is necessary. If it’s difficult to start with individual words, then you can move on to the alphabet, then to syllables, and only then move on to words and sentences. The most important thing is to practice as often as possible and do not forget that you can do this almost always and everywhere. Watch the people around you, how they pronounce words, how their faces and facial expressions change.

08/18/2015How to learn, Amazing

Reading speech from lips

Reading speech from lips

The most important way for deaf people to communicate is to read speech from the lips and face of the speaker. Let's do a simple experiment: go to the mirror and pronounce three vowel sounds: A, I and O. It seems that the difference between them is so great that it costs nothing to learn how to read speech from lips. This is far from true. Many completely different sounds are formed by almost the same pattern of the speaker’s lips.

Experts who study issues related to reading speech from lips distribute the main phonemes of the Russian language into the following 15 groups (17): the first group is A, the second is O, the third is U, the fourth is E, the fifth is I, Y, the sixth is PD1*, B, B, M, M, seventh - F, F, V, V, eighth - W, F, H, ninth - L, R, tenth - R, eleventh - S, S, 3,3, C , twelfth - T, D, N, L, thirteenth - T, D, R, fourteenth - K, G, X, fifteenth - K, G, X.

It is easy to see that only the first four vowel sounds and the sound P have such characteristic features that they occupy independent groups. In all other cases, a group with the same visible lip position combines several phonemes - sometimes up to six.

It is difficult for hearing people to understand how deaf people cope with recognizing sounds and words when such a significant number of phonemes have almost the same visible images. Let us name a few circumstances that help solve this difficult problem. The first of them is excessive information content of speech. Sometimes you only need a few correctly captured sounds to understand the meaning of what is being said. Knowledge of the subject of conversation and guesswork are very essential for solving such puzzles.

The latter, in turn, depends on the vocabulary of the deaf person.

Clear articulation, good lighting and slow, clear speech are also important. Mustaches and beards greatly reduce speech understanding. F. F. Rau (18) gives a clear example of how knowledge of the language and the subject of conversation help determine the meaning of a phrase. The deaf boy is told: “Dad has gone to work.” The word “dad” from the lips is read in exactly the same way as “mom” or “woman”. But the boy knows that if the first word were “mom”, the beginning of the phrase would sound “Mom left”, and the ends of the words “ate” or “la” are perfectly different.

It is very important to learn to carefully monitor the lips of the speaker, to be able to distinguish the characteristic features of sounds. Here is one story related to this rule. Our friends, a husband and wife, both of whom lost their hearing as children, got themselves a black cat. They christened him with the Greek name - Pegasus. However, the cat was not black enough to bring bad luck in Russia or to be a lucky talisman in England. This was prevented by white “gloves” on all four paws and the same shirtfront on the neck. Like many other Moscow cats living in multi-storey buildings, Pegasus was very rarely allowed into the yard. Having lived to be one and a half years old, he had never seen a dog. But one day such a meeting happened. The lady of the house described it this way:
- Pegasus was very surprised. His back arched, his eyes became completely round, his mouth half-opened in surprise, and the cat clearly said: “Uh…”

We were perhaps more surprised than Pegasus himself. It is known that our Murkas and Vaskas, as well as their more noble relatives - Siberian and Siamese cats, the sound “e” is inaccessible. We tried to explain: the speech apparatus of a cat is even more primitive than that of a Neanderthal. At best, Pegasus could say “meow” or hiss at the dog. But our friends insisted: “No, we understood well from the lips - Pegasus very clearly said: “Eh.”

Some educators and teachers rightly point out that lip reading is more like an art than a science. Special abilities are essential for him. As a rule, people who have lost their hearing in adolescence or adulthood are not able to master such a method to the same extent as young deaf people. With early training in this art, especially gifted virtuosos almost accurately read speech from the lips of strangers, not only if they look directly at the speaker’s face, but also in profile. Some deaf people have mastered this technique so well that with their help it has become possible to reproduce the speech of people captured on film in those days when cinema was silent. Thus, it was possible to restore the text of several speeches by V.I. Lenin.

Lip reading is perhaps the most difficult way for a deaf person to communicate with a hearing person. But it is very important. Conversations on the street, questions about the availability of a product in a store and its price, as a rule, take place in exactly this way. The deaf also perceives lectures if he studies at an educational institution on an equal basis with hearing people.

That is why, regardless of the period of onset of deafness, it is necessary to master lip reading of common words and speech patterns. If a deaf person has retained oral speech of satisfactory intelligibility, he can ask questions himself, constructing a conversation in such a way that he can understand the meaning of the answer by head movements corresponding to the words “yes” and “no”.

The situation is somewhat simplified if the speaker knows that there is a person in front of him who cannot hear. In such cases, it is necessary to ensure that the features of lip movement are clearly visible to the deaf. It is recommended to memorize sounds that have the same “pattern” of lips.

It is good if the hearing person knows the dactylic alphabet. Then you can help a deaf person understand the spoken word by showing poorly distinguishable letters with your fingers. There are other ways to help with lip reading.


From the book "Man Can't Hear."

How to learn to read lips?

In this article we will talk about ways to learn to read lips.

Let’s omit those cases when this skill is a vital necessity due to poor hearing or lack thereof, since this is what teachers of the deaf do, and let’s touch on those who simply want to master this skill in order to obtain additional information, out of simple interest, etc.

How to learn to read lips?

Anyone can learn to read lips if they have the desire. If a person who wants to master this skill has enough patience, then over time it is possible to learn this and, moreover, bring the ability to read lips to fantastic heights.

The most accessible and common teaching methods:

  1. The first thing you can resort to is practicing in front of a mirror. You need to carefully study the articulation of the letters you pronounce. It is important to remember everything: the position of the lips and tongue at the beginning of pronunciation, when pronouncing the letter itself, and the position at the end. After studying the articulation of all letters, you can move on to syllables and then words.
  2. Movies will help you master the technique of lip reading. Turn on a movie you know well and carefully follow what the characters say, but turn off the sound completely. After familiar films, complicate the task and move on to those films that you see for the first time.
  3. You can arrange unique lip reading lessons with your relatives. Ask them to speak to you silently, slowly and clearly at first, and then at a normal pace. You will have to guess the words, phrases and sentences they pronounce.
  4. Once you achieve more or less tangible results, you can move on to monitoring people in public places: parks, cafes, or simply on public transport on the way to work.

Remember, everything is achievable if you strive for the goal, practice regularly and don’t give up.

Many people call the ability to read lips an art. In fact, it is a valuable skill that anyone can learn. Such skill is a hidden ability of a person, which, if desired, can be developed and used.

Why should we study lip reading? What is the name of a person who has mastered such a skill? In Western practice they are called lip readers. This term is not used in Russian.

Who can benefit from lip reading skills?

People begin to learn lip reading for various reasons. Some were interested in books and films about spies, where the main characters used this skill to “overhear” important information. Others have chosen this method on the path to self-improvement. And for others, such a skill is simply vital. For deaf and hard of hearing people, lip reading is the only way to perceive information.

Even if you do not have an urgent need to master the perception of speech from the lips, we can say that in life such a skill can be useful to everyone. This makes it possible to easily communicate in situations where you need to be quiet and not ask again when you didn’t hear something in a noisy place. In general, this skill will help you better understand others.

How to learn to read lips?

Lip reading is a skill that a person can develop through education and practice. Naturally, some people have a greater predisposition to develop this skill, and some have less, but we can safely say that anyone can master lip reading. Depending on the presence of an innate tendency towards this type of perception, this may require different amounts of time and effort for different people.

What is the difficulty of learning?

It would seem that what is so difficult about remembering the movements of the lips when pronouncing each letter and syllable? Not so simple. The lip pattern is different when pronouncing different letters. But there are some letters that are pronounced differently, but “look” the same. For example, it is difficult to distinguish between the consonants “F” and “V”. It is almost impossible to distinguish whether it is pronounced "B", "M" or "P". And finally, hissing sounds: “Sh”, “Zh”, “Ch” are a problem for perception. Among vowels, there are pairs of such sounds: “O” - “Yo”, “U” - “Yu”, “A” - “Ya”. These letters are called invisible.

You can learn to perceive such sounds by placing them in syllables and using logic and guesswork.

Self-study exercises

The first assistant in self-studying lip reading techniques is a mirror. What needs to be done is to pronounce the letters sequentially in front of the mirror, then syllables and words, then phrases and expressions. At the same time, pay special attention to your reflection. Your main task is to remember the movements of your lips when pronouncing the most common syllables.

Next, TV will help us in our learning. Take a favorite movie that you've watched several times. It is advisable that you remember what the dialogues in this film are about. We turn off the sound and watch, trying to visually perceive the conversation. At the next stage, you can watch news or unfamiliar films and TV shows in the same way. It will become noticeable that if you do not know what they are talking about on TV, it becomes more difficult to perceive information from your lips. But the main thing is practice.

Your family and friends can become your assistants on the path to learning lip reading techniques. Ask them to “talk” to you without sound and try to grasp the meaning of such speech in everyday life.

Organize a “hunt”. You can just sit on a bench in the park and watch the vacationers and practice lip reading.

Problems you may encounter

There are also some nuances that can complicate the learning process:

  • Unknown topic of conversation - this can be a problem in the initial stages of learning. It disappears when practical skills in perceiving speech from the lips appear. In rare cases, when the conversation is on highly specialized topics, using terms, the speech may not be perceived even by professional lip readers.
  • Fuzzy articulation is an individual feature of each person. One can pronounce words, clearly fixing each syllable with facial muscles, while the other uses facial expressions less when speaking, which complicates understanding.
  • A fast pace of speech can complicate perception, since articulation changes during high-speed conversation. Very fast speech can only be understood after long practice.

Special courses or computer program - what to choose?

There are several options for mastering the technique of lip reading. We have already looked at how you can acquire this skill yourself. But if you have a choice: study at home using a computer program, or enroll in specialized courses, which will be more effective? What is the fastest way to achieve your goal and master lip reading?

Learning through a computer program involves “communicating” with a synthetic face. It pronounces the text, your task is to perceive this text without sound accompaniment. There are different settings and tips. Those who have used this program to master lip reading say that such a robot is very easy to understand, it has bright facial expressions and expressive articulation. But the problem is that, having gotten used to such ideal conditions, it is then very difficult to adapt to the perception of living people, each of whom is individual.

That is, for mastering the theory and basics of perception, such a program can be useful, but to practice lip reading, you need to choose and study human speech, although this is more difficult.

During the courses, training takes place in a group. During classes, it is possible to see the articulation of many people and compare the features of their facial expressions. This immediately gives practical experience in mastering the skill. Although such training may take longer, it is definitely more effective. In addition, lessons are taught by qualified teachers of the deaf who are able to explain all incomprehensible and controversial issues.


We all use only a few percent of our own brain capacity. In fact, we have many opportunities that are not used in any way. Each of us has the ability to read lips; it needs to be developed. Thus, people who have poor hearing or no hearing at all are endowed with this skill from birth. If a hearing problem does not arise immediately, but with age, then this skill is developed, since it plays a serious role in the sphere of interaction with people.

In addition, such a skill can be very useful in life not only for people who are hard of hearing. Therefore, let’s try to figure out how to develop it.

How to learn the basics

So, let's try to understand how to learn the basics of lip reading. The most suitable way is to study with a teacher of the deaf. Lessons like these help you master this technique completely.

When there is no opportunity to contact a specialist, it is possible to acquire such skills on your own. All sounds are divided into invisible and visible. The latter include those during the pronunciation of which the lips become in a clear position. Invisible ones include those that are difficult to understand immediately:

stand in front of the mirror. Move your lips and pronounce the letters clearly. It is important here to identify those whose sound is similar;
when you learn to distinguish them, move on to pronouncing the syllables and memorizing them. There are some that are difficult to distinguish: “pu”, “fa”, “shu”, “fo”, “sha”, “pa”. It is their pronunciation that needs to be memorized;
then, after mastering the syllables and letters, move on to a new stage - learn to read the lips of other people. A recording of a famous movie or program is suitable for this. Watch it without sound, paying attention to your mouth movements. To make things easier, you can turn on subtitles first.

Training in front of a mirror is one of the stages of training. The easiest way is to contact a teacher of the deaf. But if there is no opportunity, then do it yourself.

When reading like this, you need to pay attention to facial movements, since it shows a lot of information. This will help you perceive the data. Eyebrows express surprise and horror, etc.

How to quickly master a skill

To master the skill faster, ask friends and family for help. It requires people to pronounce expressive phrases and words without sound in front of you, and you try to determine what they are saying to you.

By the way, asking someone for help is not necessary. You can master this skill anywhere: in a cafe, subway, in the office, while walking, watch the movements of other people’s mouths, try to understand what they are saying.

A person who reads lips fluently should easily understand what movie characters are talking about if they watch them without sound. So, brief instructions for quick memorization:

To learn to read lips, conduct lessons with TV. Turn off the sound and watch the characters' faces. Please note that certain sounds are easy to follow. Among them: “M”, “B” and “P”;
now turn on the subtitles, try reading lips, periodically checking the text;

Watch familiar movies and TV shows without sound. This is the easiest way to study facial expressions.

Articulation of sounds

The concept of articulation of sounds refers to the position of the organs that are required to create each individual sound. A person who wants to learn to read lips must be able to distinguish between the stages of articulation: preparation for the sound, its pronunciation and completion. The last stage is also a transition to a new sound. This is required because with practice it is easier to distinguish the position of the lips.

Most likely, when looking at deaf and mute people, you always could not understand how they read words. Even if you are wearing headphones, you can easily understand some of the phrases people say. An example could even be a request to take off your headphones.

If you constantly take care of yourself, spend time every day practicing in front of the mirror, then soon you will easily distinguish “A” from “F”. The level of reading comprehension depends on several elements:

First of all, competent command of speech. Without this, it is impossible to learn to read lips. If you don't know the words, how will you read them;
Another important condition is guesswork. It will help you recognize words when it is difficult to understand something from your lips. If a person does not hear, then out of 5 words he understands 2-3, but he recognizes the rest by context, semantic connection, topic of conversation;
Each person moves their lips differently. Someone speaks without opening his mouth, making it difficult to understand him. It is better if a person actively articulates, and his facial expressions express emotions. An example of good articulation is the conversation of people who are trying to shout above the noise. This is active articulation, it is important for the perception of data;

The stages of articulation are important to recognize. They will help you identify sounds and syllables from your lips.

Even a mustache will interfere with speech recognition.

Usually, even well-trained people with experience in this are not able to read lips for long. For example, after 15 minutes a lecture is no longer perceived as it should be, the semantic chain is lost, it is difficult to maintain the level of speech perception, and therefore productivity decreases.

Even among hearing-impaired individuals, there are few people who can read lips perfectly. Only a few are able to read anywhere and at any time, regardless of a person's articulation. Typically, deaf people understand conversations within 20-50%. But this skill is also useful for those who are hard of hearing, as well as for those who want to master it for personal development and gain additional skills.

Finally, let’s highlight the main tips in mastering this skill:

At first it will be difficult for you to understand the sentences, because many words resemble each other. It is important for you to understand the word based on the meaning of the sentence;
if you watch TV, then watch real people, not cartoons, because they do not have realistic facial movements;
, which were watched before, but now without sound. Try to repeat the words of the actors by looking at their lips. Remember that if you know the text by heart, then watching such a video without sound will not help in mastering the skill;
if people shout, it is difficult to understand what they are saying, because... articulation changes;
When watching a video on a PC, periodically turn off the sound to try to understand the words;
Practice on people you know and strangers. Pay attention to the articulation of sound by people in transport, on the street, etc.;
don't give up. Mastering the skill will take time;
try to find a printout of words from the show or movie you are going to watch. This way you can follow the text in case you don’t understand the words.

23 January 2014, 15:11

Any modern person can acquire the skill of lip reading. Many of us believe that lip reading is only taught to super spies, but this is certainly not true. Most often, this skill is necessary for people who are deaf and they hone this ability throughout their lives. However, ordinary people may also need this lip reading skill. Of course, everyone’s prerequisites are different, but you will have to work on yourself in any case. You will learn how to learn to read lips from this article.

The most effective way is to go to a teacher of the deaf, who will teach you how to read lips during his lessons. Also during the classes you will be taught how to read sounds from lips and will be told what sign language technology is. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to a teacher, then do not despair, since it is possible to develop this skill on your own.

In order to learn to read lips on your own, you first need to study articulation, that is, the position of the organs necessary to produce a certain sound. You need to learn to distinguish between all stages of articulation: preparation for the pronunciation of a sound, pronunciation and completion of pronunciation (it is also the transition to the formation of a new sound). Studying articulation is necessary so that during practice it is easier to distinguish the position of the lips when forming words.

Follow people - this method is suitable for any place you choose. For example, a park, restaurant, bus, metro, college. Choose one object for yourself and discreetly observe its lip movements, facial expressions and gestures. The TV will also help you; first, turn on a movie you know, turn off the sound and try to understand what the characters are talking about. At first, you will be helped by phrases that you remember from your previous viewing of the film. Next, watch an unfamiliar movie and try to learn how to lip-read new dialogues. To check for accuracy, you can select movies with subtitles.

Use a mirror to learn how to read lips. To do this, stand in front of the mirror and start pronouncing individual words, the main thing is to watch your facial expressions and remember how your lips form when forming words and individual sounds. Next, move on to complete sentences.

Ask a friend or relative to help you learn lip reading. Practical exercises will help you learn to read lips faster. To begin, ask your partner to pronounce words with his lips without making sounds, and you try to read what is said on his lips. The difficulty of the exercises increases with the pronunciation of sentences.

You will also need to learn to distinguish between visible and invisible sounds. Visible sounds are those sounds, when pronounced, the lips acquire a certain clear position. Invisible sounds are those sounds that are difficult to learn to identify the first time, since when they are pronounced, the lips have almost the same position. But do not despair, since invisible sounds are clearly distinguished in the syllables that they form and such sounds are already considered visible. Therefore, training in front of a mirror is necessary. If it’s difficult to start with individual words, then you can move on to the alphabet, then to syllables, and only then move on to words and sentences. The most important thing is to practice as often as possible and do not forget that you can do this almost always and everywhere. Watch the people around you, how they pronounce words, how their faces and facial expressions change.

Knowing how to learn to read lips will help you recognize your interlocutor’s disposition to talk or identify in advance his reluctance to talk. Lips, like eyes, can tell a lot about a person’s mood, opinions and beliefs. We don’t even realize how the mouth bends when it’s false or the whole facial expression changes when we like a person. the site will tell you how to learn to read lips and gain favor in communication. Such knowledge is necessary for managers, people working in trade, and simply anyone who wants to have many friends.

How to learn to read lips: basic facial indicators

A sincere smile and a fake one

The power of a smile is known to everyone, but not everyone can distinguish between a fake, gloomy, joyful, and happy one.

Thailand is called the land of smiles because Thais tend to “automatically” smile when they greet a guest or a tourist at their doorstep. The Thai philosophy of Sanuk has about 13 types of smiles, and for this people it means Life with pleasure. The elementary difference between a sincere and a fake smile will help you understand your interlocutor and catch the moment when interest in communication disappears. A person smiles sincerely when the corners of the mouth rise and small wrinkles appear near the eyes, the lips part, and the cheeks rise slightly. It is impossible to refuse such a smile, it is contagious and attracts a person to friendship. A smile just like that, for good manners, turns out to be crooked, there is no warmth and sparkle in the eyes. When a person laughs heartily or simply smiles, his eyes seem to glow. If during negotiations you see a crooked, unnatural smile on their faces, this means a reluctance to cooperate and talk at all. In this case, it is better to change tactics so that communication does not break down.

If the interlocutor smiles from ear to ear with his eyes wide open, this can mean a clear threat. When smiling, raised eyebrows characterize a person’s readiness to obey or give in, to agree. If the eyebrows are lowered, there is clear superiority. In unpleasant situations, or when something tragic happens, a person experiences and nervousness sets in, and a crooked smile may appear. This does not mean that the person is indifferent or cold-blooded, he just has this way of expressing himself in tragic situations.

What do pursed and tightly compressed lips signal?

Dissatisfaction and disagreement with the speaker's opinion can mean pursed lips or folded into a bow. Such a sign of the interlocutor’s facial expressions signals an imminent protest. As soon as during a conversation you notice that a person is pursing his lips, you can react and correct the impression. Therefore, while a person is thinking about how to express his dissatisfaction, you can immediately take the offensive route: change the flow of beliefs or present convincing arguments in defense of your opinion and force your interlocutor to change his mind. You can practice this “interception” of thoughts in a family circle between husband and wife. If the interlocutor's lips are compressed, then he wants to express his disagreement, but is holding back his emotions. During interrogation, when the criminal involuntarily thought about confessing and began to purse his lips, it is clear that he was holding back his feelings so as not to give himself away.

Under what circumstances does the interlocutor bite his lips?

A simple touch of your fingers to your lips

The interlocutor can express simple embarrassment or disagreement by touching his lips with his hand. The person is unsure of his rightness or is simply embarrassed to touch upon a sensitive topic. In any case, you can encourage your interlocutor to speak up by saying: “It may be awkward to bring up this topic, but it’s worth talking about.”

Why does your interlocutor often lick his lips?

When a person is nervous and tells lies, he often begins to lick his lips. Internal anxiety leads to rapid dehydration and drying of the lips and mouth.

How to learn to read lips so that you can control people's attention? Firstly, it is worth observing the behavior of others and drawing appropriate conclusions. Secondly, observe your reaction and adjust your facial expressions.