Presentation on the topic nasvay. What is nasvay

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Scientific and practical conference “Step into the future” “Dangerous to life - NASVAY”
Mongush Tenzin, 10th grade student at MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in the Kaa-Khem town Scientific supervisor: Oorzhak A.A.

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Epigraph to work
“We cripple life with our follies and vices, and then we complain about the troubles that follow them, and say that unhappiness is inherent in the very nature of things” K. Bovey.

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Relevance of the topic:
One of the serious problems in our time is the widespread use of the so-called nasvay among schoolchildren! At the moment, unfortunately, this substance is not classified as a narcotic - but, of course, it is highly addictive and, what is most sad, its use is mainly widespread among school-aged youth.

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Objectives of the work: to find out the composition and effect of nasvay on the human body.
Objectives: to study the history of the appearance of nasvay and the reasons for its use by adolescents. find out the composition, methods of use, effects on the human body, the consequences of abuse of nasvay, conduct a sociological survey, show a presentation to prevent the use of nasvay by adolescents and make a presentation to students at your school and at parent-teacher meetings

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Research hypothesis
With the help of nasvay you can easily quit smoking. Nasvay is less harmful than cigarettes. Nasvay helps you relax. There is no dependence on nasvay and it is easy to quit. There is no chicken droppings in the nasvay!

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Research methodology
1. Sociological survey (Reasons for the use of nasvay by teenagers) 2. Chemical studies of the composition of nasvay: Determination of nicotine and determination of the environment Study of the effect of nicotine on the salivary enzyme amylase Detection of slaked lime in nasvay Detection of lead in nasvay

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Sociological survey of students from grades 8-11 at MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in the town of Kaa-Khem
52 people took part in the survey (male gender)

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Do you know about the chemical composition of nasvay?

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Did you know that nasvay contains chicken manure?

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Have you used nasvay?

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How often do you use it?

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Do you know about the dangers of nasvay?

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How do you feel after drinking nasvay?

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Is nasvay a narcotic drug?

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Conclusion from the survey
The guys do not know the full information and chemical composition and are not aware of the consequences of using nasvay. They believe all the myths about nasvay. They do not consider nasvay to be a serious narcotic drug.

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Appearance of nasvay Sold in free form for 100 rubles 1 sachet

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Nasvay (nasybay, us, ice, nice)
Nasvay (nasybay, us, nice, ice) is a nicotine-containing product with a disgusting odor. This smell is so persistent that even chewing gum does not interrupt it. The form of nasvay can be different: powder, granules, sticks. Nasvay includes: tobacco or shag; ashes of flax or other plants; slaked lime; chicken droppings and dung; vegetable oil and other components. In addition to feces, nasvay contains salts of heavy metals - cadmium, lead, mercury, as well as arsenic, toxic organic components, resins, and saturated acid aldehydes. Nasvay is not manufactured in a factory. Its production is organized in artisanal conditions.

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The history of the appearance of nasvay goes back to ancient times. The sailors had a serious problem: splashes of salt water led to dampening of tobacco, pipes, and flint, and the pipe going out when smoking. Therefore, chewing tobacco was invented - a mass of tobacco leaves crushed and pressed into slabs. It was consumed, as the name suggests, by chewing. At the same time, the chewed mass was not swallowed, but was spat out with long brown saliva.

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Research results:
Nicotine inhibits the action of the amylase enzyme. Blue coloration indicates the presence of starch that has not undergone hydrolysis due to amylase inactivation.

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Determination of nicotine and slaked lime
When adding 1-2 drops of phenolphthalein solution to 2 - 3 drops of nicotine in test tubes, it turns crimson, which proves the presence of nicotine, because it has basic properties. Those. Nasvay contains tobacco. The crimson color of phenophthalein proves the presence of slaked lime.

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Lead Detection
Quantitative determination of lead with potassium dichromate. Dichromate and chromate ions form slightly soluble yellow lead chromate with lead ions. 0.5-1 l of the analyzed water was evaporated to a volume of 10 ml. 5 ml of nitric acid solution (1:2) was added to the resulting sample. Heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, filtered and evaporated in a porcelain cup. 2 ml of 0.5% sodium acetate solution and 8 ml of distilled water were added to the dry residue. The solution was mixed and filtered into a test tube. Lead ions were not found in the soils of the school area.

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Detection of microscopic organisms
Under a microscope, rod-shaped bacteria - bacilli - are visible, possibly Escherichia coli.

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Nasvay forces you to switch to other drugs, stronger psychotropic substances.

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Untreated chicken droppings burn the mucous membrane of the mouth and internal organs.

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Since the main active ingredient of nasvay is tobacco, the same nicotine addiction develops. This form of tobacco is more harmful than smoking cigarettes because... a person receives a large dose of nicotine, especially due to the effect of lime on the oral mucosa.

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Its use affects the mental development of adolescents - perception decreases and memory deteriorates, imbalance appears.

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Consequences of using nasvay
By consuming nasvay, you can forget about healthy and beautiful teeth, and of course, bad breath.

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Nasvay, or how to inexpensively get oral cancer

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My suggestion
Obviously, the main thing is that the epidemic spread of nasvay consumption was the result of a legislative hole that allows enterprising people to make money from selling nasvay, sacrificing the health and future of children. I believe that in the new legislation aimed at combating drugs, special attention should be paid to nasvay, since there is a long overdue need to study nasvay imported to Russia, conduct a serious study of this substance and legally determine its status. Parents and teachers must promptly respond to evidence of children using nasvay. Supervision of the child is required. If you see or know a seller of this potion, then inform the necessary authorities. They can be prosecuted under the article storage and sale of goods that do not meet safety requirements (fine up to 500 thousand). You must not allow your children to be able to freely buy nasvay!

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Internet resources about nasvay kz/sm/02/08/2002-08.htm /nasvay.html .html article/any/id/1756403.html http://www.sciteclibrary .ru/rus/catalog/pages/2879.html The resources below are forums, which do not always contain censored texts article195.html

What is nasvay? The name of this substance
due to the fact that earlier for him
the plant was used in production
us. Now the main component
are shag or tobacco.
Slaked water is also added to the mixture.
lime, ashes of various plants,
camel dung or chicken
droppings, sometimes oil. In the Middle
Asia, where "nasvay" is used
hugely popular, recipes
his preparations are different, and often
tobacco dust in the mixture in general
absent. She can be replaced
more active substances.
Various types of nasvay are known:
Tashkent, Fergana,
Andijansky and others. External
The type of nasvay is described in different ways.
In some cases it is green
balls, others have a grayish-brown powder.

Using nasvay

The use of nasvay is very
troublesome task. Nasvay do not smoke,
and “throw” or “chik”.
Nasvay is sometimes called
chewing tobacco, but not
chew. Nasvay is laid under
lower or upper lip and
kept there waiting for the effect.
When putting it in your mouth
trying to avoid getting hit
powder on lips that are so
cases become covered with blisters and
ulcers. Consumers emphasize
inadmissibility of ingestion
profusely secreted saliva.
Swallowed saliva or grains
potions can cause nausea, vomiting
and diarrhea. Vomiting is what is described
as the main component
effects of nasvay, especially in
novice consumers.

Short-term impact of nasvay

Consumers describe the following
short term consequences
consumption of nasvay: severe burning sensation
oral mucosa, heaviness in
head, and later in all parts of the body,
apathy, excessive salivation,
dizziness, relaxation
Consumers, for the most part,
speak critically about
the sensations it evokes. Some
suggest that the impact of nasvay
may manifest itself to a lesser extent
those who have experience of smoking tobacco.
Long-term consumption
people like this stop being noticed
manifestations such as burning, unpleasant
the smell and taste of this strange potion. But,
probably that's when the smell
becomes obvious to everyone
those around you. Consumers also
warn newcomers that
You can’t combine nasvay with alcohol
the unpredictability of the effects.

1. According to Uzbek data
oncologists, 80% of cancer cases
tongue, lips and other organs
oral cavity and larynx
were associated with consumption
nasvay. Website
will greet you with the banner “Nasvay
- this is a hundred percent probability
get cancer."
2. Since nasvay contains
animal excrement, then
consuming it extremely
easy to get infected
various intestinal
infections and parasitic
diseases, including
viral hepatitis.

Long-term consequences of nasvay consumption

Gardeners know what will happen to
plant if you water it
undiluted solution
chicken droppings: it will “burn.”
Doctors confirm: the same
what happens in the body
person: suffer first
turn the oral mucosa and
gastrointestinal tract.
Long-term use of nasvay may
lead to stomach ulcers.
Since the main
active ingredient nasvay
is tobacco, it develops
or nicotine addiction.
Nasvay causes strong
drug addiction.

Long-term consequences of nasvay consumption

Kazakhstani narcologists
believe that in some
portions of nasvay can
other ones will be added
narcotic substances,
besides tobacco. So
thus, among consumers
nasvaya may not develop
only nicotine
addiction, but also
dependence on others
chemical substances.

Long-term consequences of nasvay consumption

Nasvay can be considered one of the
psychotropic substances. Its use
teenagers affects their
mental development - decreases
perception and memory deteriorates, children
become unbalanced.
Consumers are reporting problems with
memory, permanent state
confusion. Consequences of use
become a personality change
teenager, mental disorder.
In children, the use of nasvay is very
quickly becomes a habit
the norm. Soon the teenager wants
stronger sensations. And if
a teenager buys nasvay for himself with
as easy as chewing
gum, there is no guarantee that
he won't try in the near future
hard drugs.
Consumers report destruction

Any drug, be it chicken
droppings or camel dung, always
consume for the sake of “unique”
life experience." Exactly this
idea from experienced consumers
instilled in beginners, usually
not talking about my experience of vomiting
or diarrhea.
Like any other drugs,
any are attributed to us
desired by the consumer
qualities that are often opposite.
Moreover, what exactly is the effect
will manifest itself depends not on the dose, but on
consumer sentiment and
consumption environment).

What myths can nasvay consumers spread?

“The arrival is quick, you can
relax during a break or
during recess at school,” apparently that’s exactly what
instilled in teenagers
to whom nasvay is offered
right at school.
Consumers claim
what nasvay allows you to save
teeth from caries. With another
parties, honest consumers
they write about what’s wrong with teeth
you can say goodbye.
Narcologists report that
some of their patients
relatives brought
"nasvay", they said that he
helps fight
drug addiction.

This is worth thinking about.

They say that nasvay gives
great, but what do we get?
instead: disgusting
the behavior of chicking a protruding lip,
constant spitting
fucking face; except
this - all sorts of diseases, like
hepatitis and lip cancer
stomach. And all this for the sake of 10
minutes of mild euphoria?
Nasvay is a vivid example of
that a drug user
experiences exactly that thrill
which he expects. If
nasvay does not contain others
psychoactive substances
besides tobacco, why
should cause more
sensations than usual

This is worth thinking about.

Nasvay consumers – typical
toy in the hands of a narcotic
business. Enterprising people in
Central Asia mixing waste
tobacco production with waste
crop and livestock farming
and, taking advantage of the fact that none of
these substances are not
formally prohibited, create
among young people there is a fashion for new
a drug that can
sell for a lot of money
the further from Central Asia it is
Nasvay contains excrement
birds and animals. Are they
worthy of being put in
a person's mouth? Isn't it better to eat
anything else?


Group of researchers
Institute of Medical Problems
National Academy of Sciences
Kyrgyzstan conducted a study
the impact of using nasvay on
reproductive function of men.
It has been experimentally proven
what harm it causes
nasvay, does not depend on duration
its use. He can
hit immediately, it depends on
individual characteristics
body. The biggest
the danger is that when
the use of nasvay is stopped
sperm production is impaired
reproductive function, and the chances of
its recovery is practically non-existent.

“Smoking and alcohol” - Sober life. Brain zones. 1 mm3 of blood of a healthy person contains from 3.9 to 5.0 million red blood cells. This is what a thrombus looks like - a clot of sticky red blood cells. Descent into the alcohol-drug abyss. Anesthesia dose: Total number of deaths in Russia in 1965 - 2000. And in general, why live if there is no pleasure.”

“Bad habits of smoking” - Research by sociologists “Why do you smoke?” Question one: “Girls in your company smoke. Relevance of the problem. They were offered three questions and, accordingly, three answer options: positive, indifferent, negative. Research work of groups. “Smoking or health? Strength of will; Walks in the open air; Playing sports; Classes with a psychologist;

"Facts about Smoking" - Risk Factors. Smoking kills! The overwhelming majority of patients with laryngeal cancer are heavy smokers. Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrocyanic acid, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and 43 other known carcinogens. 1. Cancer of the larynx. The disease can progress, and then an insensitive area forms on the retina of the eye.

“Game about smoking” - Poisonous gas contained in exhaust gases. In pre-Petrine times, smoking was severely persecuted in Rus'. Smoking of tobacco and its sale were officially permitted in Russia. A person smokes 1 pack of cigarettes a day every day. In schools in China, young smokers face grueling punishment. Smoking tobacco dates back to ancient times.

“Smoking habit” - Bad habits. Passive smoking. An excerpt from the story by L.N. Tolstoy. Nervous and circulatory systems. The appearance of tobacco in Russia. The number of cigarettes smoked per day. Smokers. Most teenagers start smoking under the influence of their friends. Quiz "Cigarette". Tobacco addiction. Nicotine is a nerve poison.

Class hour

“The TRUTH about drugs. NASVAY"

(for students in grades 5-11)

Form: hour of communication.

Subject:“The truth about drugs. NASVAY"

Target: promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Tasks: show the effect of narcotic drugs on human health; develop a sense of responsibility for your actions; formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, conscious refusal of bad habits and addictions.

Class progress


Place on the table a deep bowl at the bottom with the inscription “Nasvay”, a mug with the inscription “Water” and a container “Seasonings”.

Teacher: Good morning, guys! Thank you for accepting our invitation and we can chat. What do you think we will do?

I can give you some advice.

This can be bought...

This is homemade...

It has a smell...

It contains seasonings...

This is put in the mouth...

Question: What is THIS?

Listen to students. Most likely they will say that we will cook

something edible and tasty. Glue the inscription “NASVAY” on the bowl.

Do not be surprised. You will prepare nasvay. Our hour of conversation is called “The Truth About Drugs.” And nasvay is a drug!

Here are 7 white balls symbolizing facts about nasvay, which are true or not true. If you give the correct answer, the ball with the question number bursts, and if the answer is not correct, the ball remains and we find out the truth here and now.

Game “Is it true that...

1...does nasvay cause mental dependence? (Yes)

2...can you quit smoking if you start using nasvay? (No) nasvay made in tobacco factories? (No)

4...does nasvay contain chicken manure or camel dung? (Yes)

5...a nasal driver should not swallow his saliva - is it toxic? (Yes)

6…4g. nasvaya intro. into a cat's stomach causes its death in 25 minutes? (yes)

7...the nasvay-maker doesn’t feel the smell of nasvay, but the people around him do? (Yes)

The remaining balls are the truth about nasvay, which we will find out today.

Viewing the presentation and distributing booklets.

Booklet text:

Food for thought

School. The time of first discoveries and first friends. First love and first dates. First victories and first dreams. Unfortunately, school years are characterized not only by the accumulation of positive experiences with the world. This is where most children take their first drag on a cigarette and taste alcohol and even drugs. One of the serious problems in our time is the widespread use of the so-called nasvay, a substance with a weak narcotic effect, among schoolchildren.

Currently, nasvay is a publicly available substance, unlike cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, the sale of which is permitted only to persons over 18 years of age. In addition, it has a low price - its cost is lower than that of cigarettes. According to surveys of teenagers from different schools, most of them use nasvay only to quit smoking. But, according to the results of the same surveys, there are practically no examples that, after giving up cigarettes, a teenager could stop using this narcotic substance. In the vast majority of cases, he would end up falling back into one of these bad habits anyway.

Another feature of nasvay is that it is almost impossible to single out a person in a crowd who is using it even at the moment. This substance does not require subcutaneous or intravenous injections, swallowing pills or anything like that. It is enough to put one small portion of it behind the lip or under the tongue, and then wait for the onset of the effect due to its action.

This effect consists of a short-term (no more than 5-7 minutes) slight relaxation and blurred vision. Further, the use of nasvay can cause attacks of nausea, headache, stomach upset and the formation of blisters on the lips.

Long-term use of this drug can cause more severe consequences. Oncologists in the Central Asian region (this is where this problem is already being raised at the state level) indicate that 80% of people suffering from cancer of the lip, tongue or larynx use nasvay. The composition of this narcotic substance, which will be discussed below, determines the possibility of the occurrence and development of various infectious diseases. In addition, its use does not help the disappearance of nicotine addiction in smokers, but, on the contrary, causes its appearance in people who have never even touched cigarettes. Also, one cannot discount the development of dependence on nasvay as a psychotropic substance. In addition to all of the above, its use causes destruction of teeth and their roots, and in the case of adolescents - delays in mental development, memory impairment and loss of balance.

Currently, the main component of nasvay is simple shag or tobacco. Previously, the tobacco-like plant "us" was used, which gave the substance its name. In addition to tobacco, nasvay contains slaked lime, ash of various plants, a mixture of camel dung or chicken droppings, and in some cases oil. The very composition of this potion causes disgust, and even the need to put it in your mouth...

By the way, a small detail. When watering gardens, chicken manure is always pre-mixed with water in order to prevent damage to plants that may burn. But chicken manure is added to nasvay as is, without any dilution.

What is it? Its main components are fine tobacco, ash, and lime. Nasvay is made in an artisanal way, so its composition can be very different.

It has been established that the introduction of 3-4 grams of nasvay into the stomach of a cat or dog leads to the death of the animal in 10-25 minutes. And rubbing nasvay into the skin of animals causes the development of cancer in this place. Oncologists believe that people who have been using nasvay for more than 10 years constitute a risk group for malignant diseases of the oral cavity.

Long-term use of nasvay can cause stomach and liver diseases. Research conducted at the Department of Psychiatry Med. Institute showed that the use of nasvay causes mental and physical dependence. The addiction of children and adolescents to nasvay begins with curiosity, imitation, and the desire to keep up with their peers. Eating nasvay causes increased secretion of saliva in the mouth and the need to spit it out after 2-3 minutes. Some of the substance is involuntarily swallowed with saliva.

The state of acute intoxication is accompanied by slight dizziness, increased heartbeat, muscles relax, and cold sweat appears. When you try to stand up, surrounding objects begin to spin (the ground disappears from under your feet). Nausea occurs, then vomiting, which does not bring relief. For about 2 hours, you feel bad: general weakness, dizziness, nausea. The feeling of disgust lasts 6-7 days. For those who continue to use nasvay, the clinical picture changes: the body’s protective reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, and increased salivation disappears. There is a picture of intoxication with euphoria. Intoxicated people become talkative and sociable. The state of intoxication lasts about 30 minutes. The frequency of taking nasvay increases from 2-3 times a week to 7-10 times a day. The amount of nasvay used at one time increases and the need arises for a longer (10-15 minutes) retention of it in the oral cavity. Its systematic use forms mental dependence. The absence of nasvay causes a feeling of discomfort (mood decreases, performance deteriorates, constant thoughts about the drug appear).

Currently, there are not only cases of acute nasvay poisoning, but also mental disorders in children and adolescents. These data allow us to put forward a proposal to classify nasvay as a toxic substance, and those who use it as a substance abuser.

80% of cases of cancer of the tongue, lip, oral cavity, and larynx are associated with the consumption of nasvay.

Nasvay carries a high risk of addiction, cancer of the oral cavity and esophagus, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used by placing it under the lower or upper lip, under the tongue or in the nasal cavity.

What is the composition of nasvay? The name is due to the fact that the nas plant was previously used to make it. According to some reports, the main components of nasvay are shag or tobacco. Slaked lime, plant ash, camel dung or chicken droppings, sometimes oil are added to the mixture, and in some places dried fruits and seasonings are mixed with the manure. There is evidence of another composition of nasvay, when tobacco dust, glue, lime, water or vegetable oil are rolled into balls. The additives hold their shape and granulate dusty waste from tobacco production.

There is no factory nasvay. They make it at home where they find the right amount of camel dung or chicken droppings.

In practice, the consequences of short-term and long-term exposure to nasvay have also been noted: severe burning of the oral mucosa, heaviness in the head, and later throughout the body; apathy, sudden salivation, dizziness, muscle relaxation.

It is unacceptable to swallow the profusely secreted saliva that nasvay drives. It or grains of the potion cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is vomiting that torments novice consumers. Experienced people stop noticing the burning sensation, unpleasant smell and taste; for them they are the norm. It is dangerous to combine nasvay with alcohol; the effect is unpredictable.

Nasvay can be classified as a psychotropic substance. Its use affects the mental development of adolescents: perception decreases and memory deteriorates, imbalance appears. Nasvayshchiki do not hide the fact that they have memory problems. Very soon the teenager’s personality changes, his psyche is disturbed, and the persistent state of confusion unnerves him.

Since everything is mixed in nasvay, those who suck it can develop an addiction, not only to nicotine, but also to other chemicals. Soon the teenager wants stronger sensations...

According to Uzbek oncologists, 80% of cases of cancer of the tongue, lip, oral cavity, and larynx are associated with the consumption of nasvay.

When the plant is watered with undiluted chicken manure, it burns. The same thing happens in the human body: first of all, the layers of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract “burn” and a stomach ulcer is guaranteed.

So why is nasvay openly sold in markets in our capital if it is so harmful?


Game "Consequences"

The plot of the game: The subject reports about the committed action, words or some kind of passion; The consequences of what happened appear before him.

Consequence 1: communicates that the “now” field of the perfect will follow.

Consequence 2: warns that he expects him “in a week.”

Consequence 3: paints a picture of a month from now.

Consequence 4: foresees the inevitable “in adulthood.”

Consequence 5: reports the outcome that will come at the end of life.

"I brought and presented flowers to a good person"

“My friend and I started pawning nasvay to quit smoking,”

"I started smoking"

“I found someone’s wallet and took it for myself without looking for the owner,”

"I smoked marijuana with a friend...",

“I agreed with a friend to inject myself with drugs,”

"I copy all my neighbor's tests"

“I began to work hard in training....

Teacher: Dear Guys! I would like to end our meeting with the words of Yuri Levitansky:

Everyone chooses for themselves

Woman, religion, road,

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer.

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

Shield and armor, staff and patches.

The measure of final retribution -

Everyone chooses for themselves...

Features of NASVAY: Nasvay is a substance with a weak narcotic effect! It is very difficult to identify signs of its use. It is a publicly available substance, unlike cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, the sale of which is permitted only to persons over 18 years of age. It has a low price - its cost is lower than that of cigarettes.

Composition of NASVAY: Shag Tobacco Slaked lime Plant ash Tobacco dust Glue Camel dung Chicken droppings Sometimes dried fruits and seasonings are mixed into the MANURE. When watering gardens, chicken manure is always pre-mixed with water in order to prevent damage to plants that may burn. And chicken manure is added to nasvay as is, without any dilution.

Using NASVAY: Nasvay is not smoked, but “thrown” or “chickened”. Nasvay is placed under the lower or upper lip and kept there waiting for the effect. When putting it in the mouth, they try to prevent the powder from getting on the lips, which in this case become covered with blisters and ulcers. Consumers emphasize the inadmissibility of swallowing copiously secreted saliva. Swallowing saliva or grains of the potion can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is vomiting that is described as the main component of the effects of nasvay, especially in novice users.

Short-term effects of NASVAY: The effect achieved by consuming nasvay is mild relaxation, dizziness, blurred vision, tingling in the arms and legs. The effect lasts about 7 minutes. Severe burning of the oral mucosa, heaviness in the head, and later throughout the body; apathy, sudden salivation, dizziness, muscle relaxation.

NASVAY can be classified as a psychotropic substance. Its use affects the mental development of adolescents: perception decreases and memory deteriorates, and imbalance appears. “Nasvayshchiki” do not hide the fact that they have memory problems. Very soon the teenager’s personality changes, his psyche is disturbed, and he is unnerved by a persistent state of confusion. Consumers report tooth decay. Long-term consequences of consuming NASVAY:

Since everything is mixed in nasvay, those who suck it can develop an addiction not only to nicotine, but also to other chemical substances. Soon the teenager wants stronger sensations... Nasvay forces him to switch to narcotic and other, stronger psychotropic substances. Tashkent, Fergana, nasybay, natsvay, anasvay, asmai, atmai, nosvay (whatever they call it) no longer satisfies. Thus the abyss approaches. NASVAY can be classified as a psychotropic substance.

What myths can NASVAY consumers spread? Any drug, be it chicken droppings or camel dung, is always consumed for the sake of a “unique life experience.” This is precisely the idea that experienced consumers instill in newbies, usually not talking about their experience of vomiting or diarrhea. Any drug, be it chicken droppings or camel dung, is always consumed for the sake of a “unique life experience.” This is precisely the idea that experienced consumers instill in newbies, usually not talking about their experience of vomiting or diarrhea. Like any other drugs, nasvay is attributed to any qualities desired by the consumer, often the opposite. Moreover, exactly what effect will appear depends not on the dose, but on the mood of the consumer and the consumption environment). Like any other drugs, nasvay is attributed to any qualities desired by the consumer, often the opposite. Moreover, exactly what effect will appear depends not on the dose, but on the mood of the consumer and the consumption environment).

What myths can NASVAY consumers spread? The main reason teenagers give for taking nasvay is that they don’t want to smoke after it. Some present it as a means of stopping smoking, others - as a substitute for tobacco when you don’t want to give yourself away with smell or smoke. The main reason teenagers give for taking nasvay is that they don’t want to smoke after it. Some present it as a means of stopping smoking, others - as a substitute for tobacco when you don’t want to give yourself away with smell or smoke. Nasvay is often mentioned as tobacco for athletes who do not want to stain their lungs with tar. However, nasvay is not a substitute, but the same tobacco that harms the body. Nasvay is often mentioned as tobacco for athletes who do not want to stain their lungs with tar. However, nasvay is not a substitute, but the same tobacco that harms the body.

What myths can NASVAY consumers spread? * “The arrival is quick, you can relax during a break or during a break at school,” - apparently, this is exactly what is instilled in teenagers who are offered nasvay right at school. * “The arrival is quick, you can relax during a break or during a break at school,” - apparently, this is exactly what is instilled in teenagers who are offered nasvay right at school. * Consumers claim that nasvay helps protect teeth from caries. On the other hand, honest consumers write that they can say goodbye to their teeth. * Consumers claim that nasvay helps protect teeth from caries. On the other hand, honest consumers write that they can say goodbye to their teeth. * Narcologists report that relatives brought “nasvay” to some of their patients, saying that it helps fight drug addiction. * Narcologists report that relatives brought “nasvay” to some of their patients, saying that it helps fight drug addiction.

It's worth thinking about! They say that nasvay gives you a buzz, but what do we get in return: the disgusting behavior of the “chickers” - a protruding lip, constant spitting, a “fucking face”; besides this - all sorts of diseases, such as hepatitis and cancer of the lip and stomach. And all this for 10 minutes of mild euphoria? They say that nasvay gives you a buzz, but what do we get in return: the disgusting behavior of the “chickers” - a protruding lip, constant spitting, a “fucking face”; besides this - all sorts of diseases, such as hepatitis and cancer of the lip and stomach. And all this for 10 minutes of mild euphoria? If nasvay does not contain other psychoactive substances besides tobacco, why should it cause more sensations than an ordinary cigarette? If nasvay does not contain other psychoactive substances besides tobacco, why should it cause more sensations than an ordinary cigarette?

It's worth thinking about! Nasvay consumers are a typical toy in the hands of the drug business. Enterprising people in Central Asia mix tobacco production waste with crop and livestock waste and, taking advantage of the fact that none of these substances are formally prohibited, create a fashion among young people for a new drug that can be sold. Nasvay consumers are a typical toy in the hands of the drug business. Enterprising people in Central Asia mix tobacco production waste with crop and livestock waste and, taking advantage of the fact that none of these substances are formally prohibited, create a fashion among young people for a new drug that can be sold. Nasvay contains excrement of birds and animals. Are they worthy of being put into a person's mouth? Isn't it better to eat something else? Nasvay contains excrement of birds and animals. Are they worthy of being put into a person's mouth? Isn't it better to eat something else?

NASVAY CAUSES INFERTILITY! A group of researchers conducted a study on the effect of using nasvay on the reproductive function of men. It has been experimentally proven that the harm caused by nasvay does not depend on the duration of its use. It can strike immediately, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The biggest danger is that when using nasvay, sperm production stops, reproductive function is disrupted, and there is practically no chance of its restoration.