Biology project on leaf fall. Presentation on the topic "how leaf fall occurs"

A presentation on the theme of golden autumn tells about this amazing time of year and its distinctive features. Yellow autumn foliage, flocks of birds flying into the distance, a slightly sad cloudy sky and quiet rains - these are some of the slides that children will be able to look at during class. The presentation can be used for direct educational activities on “Acquaintance with the world around us.”



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MADOU DSKN No. 8 in Sosnovoborsk at the address: st. Leninsky Komsomol, 39 “IN THE AUTUMN THE LEAVES WILL SWIRL” Prepared by teacher, Tatyana Romanovna Zadrovskaya Sosnovoborsk, 2016.

Program content: 1.Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature, the relationships between living and inanimate nature in the fall; 2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, expressiveness of speech, expand and activate speech reserve; 3. Instill in children a caring attitude towards nature. Preliminary work: Conversation about autumn. Looking at illustrations. Memorizing poems, riddles, signs. Observing seasonal changes while walking. Equipment: Multimedia installation. Presentation "Autumn". Musical background

Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south. “What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...”

What periods is autumn divided into? (Early and late). Tell us about early and late autumn.

He began to drink large quantities and water the whole earth. Which picture has the correct answer?

The leaves are spinning in the air, quietly lying on the grass. The garden is shedding its leaves - It's just... (leaf fall) - What phenomenon of autumn is the riddle about? Tell us about leaf fall.

What tree doesn't shed its leaves in the fall? Tell us about him. Make a riddle.

What do people do in the fall, will you find out by guessing the riddle? What we planted in the spring, then watered in the summer. Everything that grows in the garden beds in autumn ripens: tasty, sweet! Don’t yawn and collect Our autumn... (Harvest)

Let's play! What's missing here?

What's missing here? Why?

What can you say about this picture? How do birds behave in the fall? What are these birds called?

Which bird is the odd one out? Why?

Now let's listen to how animals and birds prepare for winter. Poem by E. Golovin “Gathered and flew”

What's on the hare's mind? Prepare for winter. The old one became a little cold, and gray and too small. T. Umanskaya Why does the hare change its coat? What does he become?

Tell us what a squirrel does in the fall? In the fall, the squirrel without haste stored pine cones, acorns, and nuts in the hollow of the birch tree. The frosts are no longer scary!

Now we will listen to how a hedgehog prepares for winter. A ball is rolling through the forest. He has a prickly side. He hunts at night for beetles and mice.

Let's find out what a bear does in the fall? A bear sleeps under a snag in a windfall, as if in a house. He put his paw in his mouth and sucked like a little one. G.Ladonshchikov...

How does a fox prepare for winter? Red fur and fluffy tail, cautious step in the forest. The cunning fox hides her beauty for the time being... T. Headquarters

What animal is the riddle about? How does he prepare for winter? He lives in a dense forest, In a gray fur coat and with a tail, Clicking his teeth, with sharp fangs

What do these animals have in common?

Who's the odd one out? Why?

Guess which picture shows autumn? Why did you decide so? Explain your choice.

Each season has its own signs. Autumn has them. Children read a poem by T.A. Shorygina "Autumn Signs".

List of sources used Shorygina T.A. What months of the year?! Journey into the natural world. Speech development. – M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2016. Internet resources:

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Objectives: - To introduce children to the world around them; - to form an idea of ​​seasonal changes in nature; - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; - to enrich vocabulary and develop dialogical...

1.I am the authority……………….

2. According to the method of attachment there are………………. And ……………………. .

3. The petiole leaf consists of………… and ………., the sessile leaf consists only of……….

4. A simple leaf is when on the petiole……. leaf plate. A complex sheet is when……………. sheet plates.

5. Leaves have 3 types of venation ………………, ………………,………………

6. Special green substance of the leaf……….

7……………- formation of organic substances in the light with the help of chlorophyll.

1.I am an authority plants .

2.According to the method of attachment petiolate And sedentary .

3.The petiole leaf consists of petiole and leaf plates , sedentary only from sheet plate

4. A simple leaf is when it is on a petiole one leaf plate. A complex sheet is when some sheet plates.

5.Leaves have 3 types of venation mesh , parallel , arc .

6. Special green leaf substance chlorophyll .

7. Photosynthesis - formation of organic substances in light with the help of chlorophyll.

Spun around me

The rain of leaves is mischievous.

How good he is!

Where else can you find something like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under it,

We danced like friends -

Rain of leaves and me.


What two words are found in this word?



Not a good tree

the leaf drops.


Leaves are falling in the Summer Garden. The leaves in the garden are rustling. Leaves are bathing in the Lebyazhya ditch. Wiper cleaners are clearing the lawns of leaves. Sad statues in quiet alleys. In the quiet alleys there is an autumn breeze.

1 Chlorophyll is destroyed in the leaves.

2 The leaf changes color.

3 The leaf accumulates unnecessary substances.

4 A corky layer forms between the leaf and stem.

5 The leaf turns brown.

6 The sheet is torn off.

7 The leaf falls.

  • Fast, friendly leaf fall means a harsh winter.
  • The oak tree began to shed its leaves, indicating colder weather.
  • If birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top in the fall, then next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late.
  • Aspen leaves lie on the ground face up - the winter will be cold, with the wrong side up - warm.
  • The leaf falls before its time - for a long winter.
  • Until the leaves fall from the cherry trees, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.


It's good to sit under an autumn birch tree.

Add leaves to the birch tree.


  • On first line - one word noun.

This is the theme of syncwine - leaf fall.

  • On second line - two adjectives.
  • On third line - three verbs.
  • On fourth line - a sentence with the help of which one expresses one’s attitude to the topic. This could be a catchphrase, a quote.
  • Last a line is a summary word.

Leaf fall.

Beautiful, protective.

Breaks away, spins, falls,

The plant is preparing for winter.

“Plant tissue” - Cell walls are unevenly thickened. Impermeable to water and gases. Under the stoma there is a gas-air chamber. Life processes are regulated by special substances - phytohormones. Serve to preserve nutrients. List the main types of excretory tissues. The cuticle and wax coating are poorly permeable to water and gases.

““Fruits” 6th grade” - What is a fruit. Flower. Check yourself. Collect a logical chain of concepts. Guess it. Removing seeds from the mother plant over a long distance. What's superfluous. Fetus. The fruit of peas, peach, apple, poppy, cucumber. Name a juicy single-seeded fruit. You pass by a flower. Describe natural objects according to plan.

“Leaf and its structure” - The underside of the leaf blade. The upper side of the leaf blade. Leaf structure. Leaf morphology. Petiole. Pigment cells. Leaf veins. Epidermal hairs 60*. Bottom skin. Leaf blade. Epidermal hairs 200*. Section of a leaf blade.

“Test “Organs of Flowering Plants”” - Which plants have seeds that are dispersed by the wind. A plant is a whole organism. Type of venation. Organs of flowering plants. Inflorescence head. Juicy fruits. The structure of the seed. Internal structure of the stem. Flower structure. Organs of a flowering plant. The test is over. Names of plant parts. Types of leaves.

““Escape and Buds” 6th grade” - Reading with notes. Leaf arrangement. Highlight the main semantic blocks in the text. Escape and buds. The escape. How a leaf is structured. Sinkwine. A bud is a rudimentary shoot. The leaves are simple and complex, their veining and leaf arrangement. Labeling table. Petiolate and sessile leaves. Leaves Simple and complex Grow, fall, secrete Very necessary.

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Topic of research: How leaves fall Pupils of class 2 “B” of Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 8 Head Konova A.N.

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Our assumption: “If the trees do not shed their leaves in the fall, then they will be warmer in the winter”

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What we want to find out Why in the fall a leaf easily falls off a branch Why trees shed their leaves Which trees shed their leaves first What determines the brightness of autumn leaves

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Questions to which you need to look for answers: How are preparations for leaf fall going? Which tree leaves turn yellow first?

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Our plan of action We will discuss the topic in class We will divide into groups We will make observations We will research We will present the prepared material to our classmates

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What have we learned? Amazing transformations occur in the leaves. In autumn, the green grains of chlorophyll are destroyed, but the yellow pigment is preserved. The leaves are turning yellow. The leaves become not only yellow, but also red, crimson, and purple. It depends on what coloring substance is in the withering leaf. The leaves of alder and lilac fall green. In their leaves, except for chlorophyll, there are no other coloring substances.

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What have we learned? Trees have their own “internal” clock. In August, the leaves of birch and linden began to turn yellow. In September, maple leaves turn yellow, rowan leaves turn red, and at the end of the month aspen leaves turn bright red. In ash and hazel trees, the leaves first fall on the upper ends of the branches. In linden and poplar, the leaves of the main part of the branches fall off first.

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What have we learned? The brightness of autumn leaves depends on the weather. If autumn is long and rainy, the color of the leaves from excess water and lack of light will be dull and inexpressive. If cold nights alternate with clear sunny days, then the color of the leaves will be juicy and bright.

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What have we learned? Why don’t all the leaves on a tree turn yellow at once in the fall? Because they grew at different times and turn yellow in the same order. The upper leaves retain more nutrients and stay green longer. The upper leaves get more sunlight, so they turn yellow later.

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Our conclusions The leaf is attached to the branch using a petiole. In summer, the petiole is strong and securely holds the leaf. In autumn, a separating layer forms at the base of the petiole. Now the petiole is weakened, and the blowing wind easily tears it off the branch along with the leaf. Leaf fall helps trees adapt to winter drought. Deciduous trees left in foliage over the winter would die from lack of moisture. In winter, little water enters the plant, and the leaves would continue to evaporate it. Also, during the summer, harmful substances accumulate in the leaves of trees. In autumn, these substances are removed from the tree along with fallen leaves.

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Information resources A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around Us”; M. Education, 2007 L.F. Klimanova “Native Speech”; M. Education, 2007 G. Graubin “Why do leaves fall in autumn?” M.: “Baby” 1987 "Elementary School. Schoolchildren's Handbook" M. : “The Word” 1997 M.A. Gusakova “Applique” M.: “Enlightenment” 1987