What do you need to work at McDonald's? Interview at McDonald's

Working at McDonald's (reviews about which I found on the Internet) is the dream of almost any guy or girl. Naturally, many students want to find some extra money for the summer, because they have neither experience nor qualifications.

Young people believe that there is nothing better than working at McDonald's in Moscow or St. Petersburg, not knowing what really awaits them. Upon learning that one of their acquaintances got a job at McDonald's, they enviously ask how they managed to get there.

Working at McDonald's (reviews of ordinary employees about it indicate that) is not an easy job. Naturally, no matter how objective or biased the reviews are, people are all different, and everyone expects their own from the work.

At McDonald's it's not hard at all. You just need to go to any restaurant and take a questionnaire from the manager. After you return the completed questionnaire, wait for a call. You will be called and invited for an interview.

If your candidacy is suitable, you must undergo a medical examination, obtain a health certificate, and you can start working. Of course, you have to get trained first. The instructor will tell beginners that there is nothing more prestigious than working at McDonald's. Feedback from employees who have worked in this institution for many years will convince you that any member of the team can soon become a manager or even a director! McDonald's employee is universal. He can fry Big Macs and hamburgers in the kitchen, stand at the checkout, clean the hall and scrub the toilets. However, good money is received mainly by directors and their assistants.

The most interesting place in McDonald's is the kitchen. It is from it that everything comes out that visitors then eat with pleasure. During a huge influx of visitors, the quality of food "moves" into the background. No one keeps track of how many cucumbers, mustard or mayonnaise were put in, as well as the shelf life of some products. If we talk about shelf life, it should be noted that all sandwiches, without exception, must be sold within 10 minutes after preparation. Otherwise, they must be thrown away. If you look closely at the counter, from where the worker takes a ready-made sandwich, you can see a lot on which there are numbers. These are timers. They indicate that the hamburger has expired, but you can rearrange the timer and work quietly for ten minutes. True, you need to do this unnoticed by the manager who is constantly watching you, otherwise you cannot avoid a fine. For any wrongdoing, you have to write explanatory notes. Ordinary workers don't eat for free at McDonald's. You can only drink drinks for free. Lunch break at McDonald's is only 30 minutes. If you didn't make it, your problem. You can't be a minute late. Another 3 five minutes are set to go to the toilet.

The best thing about McDonald's is its employees. Not managers, but ordinary members. Hard work and constant stress bring people together. No matter what, working at McDonald's, which is not the most flattering, is a good school. Those who have worked in this institution for at least one year are more easily hired!


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There was a process of dismissal. It was necessary to come to the authorities, look into the eyes and say: “Sorry, I'm quitting!”. When I walked into the small office of the director of McDonald's near the Akademicheskaya metro station in St. Petersburg, it was as if cast-iron weights were tied to my legs.

McDonald's managers immediately figure out those who can quit for the first time days. I was no longer considered one of those. I cheerfully washed floors, fried potatoes and showed all kinds of zeal in work. The day before the dismissal, the deputy director asked me to bring a photo to place on the “Meet Our Newcomers!” booth. By that time I had already worked 10 days in a restaurant. My dismissal came as a surprise to everyone.

Primary training at McDonald's takes two shifts. It is carried out by experienced workers who have the status. Two days after starting work, I was supposed to become a full-fledged member of the restaurant crew. Instructors are responsible for the result of training to the manager. At the end of the training, the newcomer must pass the manager's exam. If the exam is failed, the training is extended. If the test is not passed the second time, the person is parted. But such cases are extremely rare - I was told so.

For two days, Natalya told and showed in practice how, in waffle cups and, which is called "map" at McDonald's. There was a lot of information. Everything was transmitted orally. Natalia was supposed to teach me according to a special schedule. Each section was given a specific amount of time. From time to time, Natalya held theoretical classes with me in a small lounge, where members of the restaurant team and managers dined.

McDonald's is best known for providing part-time jobs for young people: students, applicants who didn't get in and don't want to sit around for a year waiting for their next exams. However, there are those people who remained loyal to the company and rose in the service very seriously. In general, it does not matter whether you consider McDonald's as a temporary job or as a promising career. You need to get a job, so you need to. And do it as successfully as possible.

How is the interview in a chain of fast food restaurants

Now it is fashionable to organize interviews in new formats: conduct stressful interviews, organize business games and modulate business situations, conduct self-presentations. Any of these formats could be used at McDonald's, because it is a company of young professionals who are interested in everything new. But, surprisingly, this fast food chain has remained aloof from fashion trends. The interview takes place with the HR manager, without any oddities and surprises. This means that you need to prepare for it in the usual way, setting yourself up to show your best side.

There is an opinion that they take everyone to McDuck, refusing only not quite adequate people. But it's not. There are parameters that make a candidate impassable even with the maximum loyalty of HR managers. Such candidates are not taken to fast food even for the simplest positions:

  • Jumpers who often change jobs. It is better to come with no experience at all than to show a labor one, where new places of employment are indicated every month. McDonald's has a strong ideology, and loyalty to the employer is valued first and foremost.
  • Untidy people who neglect basic hygiene rules. Clean clothes, washed and neatly trimmed hair, short nails without dirt are the best passes to the state.
  • Those who try to deceive a potential employer by providing false references. They can ask for reviews from past places. So stock up on a reliable contact who can adequately recommend you. If you don't, then be honest.

Of course, the old-timers say that there are times when everyone is taken indiscriminately to certain restaurants. Such personnel crises are not so frequent. But even during the period of "hunger" in the labor market, McDonald's does not sacrifice some principles, in particular, obtaining medical certificates for new employees.

What questions are asked when communicating with a candidate

A list of interview questions at the largest fast food chain can be found in any textbook on working with personnel. Where are they known from? Simply put, they are quite standard. Be sure to ask you about how you see yourself in 5 years. Do you connect your future with the company where you came for an interview. Why did you want to come to our meeting, why are you interested in such work? - the manager will be 100% interested. Needless to say, this is a good option for a part-time job during student time. Rather, it is important to emphasize the importance of opening up prospects, the importance of teamwork, the presence of common goals. Point out that you have heard of the fast food chain's rich corporate culture and are interested in joining it.

You will be asked to tell about yourself. Do not be shy, but do not exaggerate your experience or your abilities. Significant qualities for McDonald's are responsibility, diligence and ingenuity. They appreciate the ability to play in a team and be customer-oriented. If you had experience working with catering, back up your story with specific examples: “We managed to achieve team results”, “We coped with the tasks set”, “I managed to positively resolve a controversial situation with a client” - key phrases for an interview.

To work in such an industry, you need psychological stability and remarkable physical fitness. Not everyone can stand on their feet. It is especially difficult during peak hours. Therefore, be prepared to confirm your willingness to work hard and hard.

Don't talk too much about your disinterest in money. Treat this topic in a neutral way. Skewed towards complete disinterestedness or excessive obsession with causes suspicion.

How to pass an interview at McDonald's

In general, it is not so difficult to successfully pass an interview for a chain of fast food restaurants. As a result, we will formulate several general skills, personality traits that make applying for a job in a network quite a realistic task:

  • Cleanliness, hygiene, accuracy in everything;
  • Politeness, correct communication skills even in a conflict situation;
  • Ability to work in a team and be a full-fledged part of it: mutual assistance and support are valued at any stage of work;
  • Devotion to the company, absolute loyalty;
  • Correct feedback of the candidate about previous employers, as well as good recommendations from them;
  • Psychological stability, the ability to withstand moral overload;
  • Physical endurance, excellent health.

If your candidacy is approved, then you will know about it pretty quickly. They usually call back within a week. Sometimes the appointment is discussed immediately during the first meeting.

Accepted employees without medical books are sent for examination for a health certificate. As soon as this procedure ends, the person enters the restaurant for internships and training.

Any specialty in the kitchen or on the trading floor is mastered in 2 weeks. The term is short. "McDonald's" works according to internal corporate standards, including in the preparation of dishes, sanitary features of work. All actions of the employee are registered, therefore they are easy to master.

After this period, the employee is transferred to the category of trainees, and then starts working on a general basis in the main position.

We hope that our advice will be the beginning of a great career path in the largest fast food chain in the world.

If you ever decide to become McDonald's employee, it does not matter whether it is the first place or another job in search of a better life, then in addition to the completed questionnaire, you will need to pass an interview. Here, as possible, candidates for other vacancies need to know some features. Get rejected for work at McDonald's, where, as you know, they take everyone, well, or almost everyone, it should be very unexpected and insulting.

When writing the article, materials of the company intended for directors and managers working with personnel were used. The goal is to avoid fatal mistakes that will make sure you don't get a job.

First of all, remember that recruiting at McDonald's is far from being done by professionals. These are ordinary people who have completed one-day courses. Of course, someone has more experience, and someone less. This fact partly explains why McDonald's has such a high turnover of staff - bad recruiting. But since the time the company has been following his principles - it is not education that matters, but natural acumen and the desire to work devotedly and hard.

How to avoid mistakes when applying for a job at McDonald's?

Understand that there are no good or bad candidates for the company, but only suitable and unsuitable ones. First of all, they will look for suitable qualities in you. It's not hard to guess which ones. The McDonald's company proceeds, first of all, from the principle that an employee must be ready to earn money at any time of the day or night, and the sooner he does it, the better. Here are 5 main qualities that the company expects from a future employee:

  • Focused on visitors
  • Skill to work in team
  • The employee must comply with all standards and procedures
  • Be proactive and responsible
  • Can communicate with people

Be sure to take them into account when communicating with a company representative and try to unobtrusively mention at least some of them as your own qualities, then interview at McDonald's won't work for you. However, you need to know the measure in everything, if you are a closed person by nature, then you should not build pretense in communication - in the future this will become clear very quickly.

Emphasize better those qualities that are difficult to verify - for example, you value the visitors of this restaurant or how much you like teamwork, as you were fond of sports in the past.

The company currently has, in fact, very limited recruiting choices. Judge for yourself - the budget includes sufficiently large funds for recruitment and during the year the conditions on the labor market can change significantly, accompanying more and more new expenses. Do not forget about competitors in this business area. Based on these features, in the most difficult times, the director gives the command: “We take everyone!”. It looks pretty ridiculous, but there is simply no other way out in difficult conditions, since the chronic shortage of personnel immediately affects the turnover and.

What can really play a cruel joke on you is the frequent change of employer in the past. If you worked for a month in a pizzeria, two months as a waiter in a restaurant, and then for two weeks as a sales assistant in a store, then with almost 100% probability you will not get a job at McDonald's.

Such a quality as devotion is highly valued here. And if your work experience has developed according to the scenario described above, and the job is very necessary, then try not to emphasize it. For such questions, and they will definitely follow at the interview, prepare answers in advance. McDonald's does not require previous work experience at all, everything can be learned on the spot. If you have a long track record, mention only one employer where you worked the longest and left due to study or the like.

It is also worth mentioning the information that a future employer, represented by McDonald's, may want to receive from your previous jobs. Such a development of events is also possible, especially when there are doubts - to take or not to take. If you need to provide a testimonial from a third party, then be sure of the person whose contacts you provide. This does not have to be an employer, a former / current teacher, head of any organization where you are a member will do.

McDonald's recruits young people, many of whom come here to earn extra money. Only occasionally in the team of a particular restaurant you can find middle-aged people. Age is also an important indicator. Here, from afar, a hint of discrimination may seem, but since the work requires great mobility and concentration, especially during hours of increased workload, one can hardly speak of any discrimination here. And if an adult or even a pensioner comes for an interview, and the physical form and state of health allows you to perform such work, then such people also have a chance to find a job.