How to dress for a corporate party in the style of the USSR. Back to the future: how we hold corporate parties in the style of the USSR

The scenario of the program “I live in the USSR” will appeal to all those who were born in the 1960s and 1970s.

The use of this scenario would be appropriate at a corporate party, birthday party, and also as a theme for an entertainment program for a cafe.

The scenario "I live in the USSR" will bring together people with similar interests at the same table, who have something to remember and talk about, have something to laugh at and feel sad about.

This is a great idea for a virtual return to childhood and adolescence.

It will be useful for the younger generation to learn, see, try and feel how people and parents lived in the distant 70s of the last century.

The program of the evening "I live in the USSR" includes video clips, games, contests, a disco of the 80s. An unforgettable atmosphere filled with smiles and memories of past years can work wonders even for those who are hopelessly obsessed with their own affairs and problems, and have long forgotten how to smile and dance.

Hall design and program organization


  • Posters (you can buy them or download them on the Internet and print them yourself on a color printer).
  • Slogans (perhaps left in the archives of organizations or you can write them yourself).
  • Flag of the USSR (most likely it can be found in the school archive or ordered through an online store).
  • Pioneer horns and drums (can be borrowed from the house of creativity, the former home of the pioneers).
  • Pennants.
  • Red carpets.
  • Velvet tablecloths.
  • Faceted glasses.
  • Aluminum cutlery.


  • Wall projector or large screen for watching video clips.
  • Stylized paper money of the USSR in denominations of 1, 3, 5 rubles (they need to be printed on a color printer).
  • Invitation cards.
  • Clothes for fashion show.
  • improvised money.
  • Price list.
  • Menu.
  • Stylized labels for vodka (made in the USSR according to GOST).
  • Diplomas.
  • Candles.
  • Photos of past years.

For the museum it is quite useful:

  • Adding machine.
  • Accounts.
  • Samovar on coals.
  • Iron on coals.
  • Old radio.
  • Kerosene.
  • Vintage lampshade.
  • Rubber boots.
  • Pioneer or Komsomol badge.
  • Bust of Lenin or Stalin.
  • Inkwell.
  • A fountain pen.
  • Old suitcase.
  • Map or atlas of highways of the Soviet Union.

In addition to the stylized design, according to the author's idea, it will be necessary to prepare an impromptu museum, for the creation of which it is necessary to involve all those who arrive at the party.

For an invitation to a party, you need to prepare invitation cards, they must be handed out in advance so that the invited people have enough time to prepare and think through their outfit. It is desirable that the participants of the program should be dressed in the style of the 60s-70s-80s.

At the entrance, guests can be offered to tie pioneer ties, which can be easily sewn from a piece of red fabric.

The program of the evening is designed for 2.5-3 hours.


Good evening, dear Comrades! Greetings to all those who have decided to plunge into their childhood and youth. Those who remember how we lived then, how we were friends and what we valued. Welcome to the era of the USSR! I'll ask everyone to stand up.

The anthem of the Soviet Union sounds.


We will start our evening, as I promised you, with very bright and positive emotions. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine yourself in childhood and youth, remember what surrounded and delighted you, remember your school friends and girlfriends. So, sit down comfortably, I ask everyone to pay attention to the screen.

H and the video clip "The First iPhone" is launched on the screen.


Tonight at our evening there will be thematic contests and quizzes. I have money in my hands. Each correct answer of the quiz and participation in the competition will certainly be paid. For the money received, you can purchase certain goods. There is a price list on the bar counter.

And now, dear Friends, Comrades, Citizens and Citizens, the first and, perhaps, the most serious quiz of today's event. Let's remember some historical facts. I have 10 questions for you, the price of each answer is 5 rubles.

Quiz "Top 10"

  1. Day, month, year of formation of the USSR? (Answer - December 30, 1922).
  2. How many republics joined the Union initially? (The answer is 4 republics). For the answer, which republics they were, another 5 rubles are given (answer - RSFSR, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Transcaucasian).
  3. Which 4 republics were the last to join the Union in 1940? (The answer is Moldova and the Baltic republics).
  4. How many republics were united under the flag of the USSR? (The answer is 15 republics at the time of the collapse of the USSR).
  5. Name the leaders of the USSR in the order they were in power? (The answer is Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev).
  6. Under what leader was Prohibition introduced? (Answer - Mikhail Gorbachev). For the answer, in what year it happened, another 5 rubles are given (the answer is 1985).
  7. Under which leader were food stamps introduced? (The answer is under Gorbachev).
  8. Which republic was to become the 16th in the USSR? (The answer is Bulgaria).
  9. Date of the end of the existence of the USSR? (Answer - December 26, 1991).
  10. When and where was the document on the termination of the existence of the USSR signed and what was its name? (Answer - on December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed in Belarus near Brest, which went down in history as Belovezhskaya, on the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS).

The song “I was born in the Soviet Union” by O. Gazmanov sounds.


My friends, I ask again your attention to the screen. Let's remember the flags of the Soviet Republics together. Each correct answer is worth 3 rubles. (Pictures depicting the flags of the Union republics must be downloaded in advance).

Quiz "Flags of the USSR"

A flag is shown on the monitor, the audience answers which republic it belonged to. The price of a correct answer is 3 rubles.


Well, now a little break. Those who wish can visit our impromptu museum, as well as buy goods at the bar counter for the won banknotes. The most interesting things are ahead of us.

Musical pause. 15-20 minutes background music of past years sounds.


Wait a minute, Citizens and Citizens, our next quiz will be a little fun and even comical. It's called "I Remember How It Was." I ask everyone to take an active part. For each correct answer you get 1 ruble.

Quiz "I remember how it was"

1. What did the leaders of the CPSU promise to every family in the USSR?

  • Apartment*
  • car
  • passbook

2. Who didn't play hockey in the Soviet Union?

  • Old man
  • Coward*
  • Loser

3. Thanks to what program did the Soviet people learn about what was going on abroad?

  • Morals and morals
  • Life behind the hill
  • International Panorama*

4. Today it is called UBEP, but what was the name of the authority in the days of the USSR?

  • OBHSS*

5. If you believe Nikita Khrushchev, then in 1980 the following event should have occurred?

  • Olympics
  • Communism*
  • End of the world

6. What were secret institutions called in the USSR?

  • Mailbox*
  • Postal trailer
  • Postal address

7. What military-patriotic game did Soviet children play?

  • Pioneer dawn
  • True Komsomol member
  • Zarnitsa*

8. What did the three poplars stand on in the Soviet film?

  • On Beaver
  • On horsetail
  • On Plyushchikha*

9. What company were the first televisions in the USSR?

  • Ruby
  • Electron*

10. Who said but did not « Life has become better, life has become more fun! » ?

  • Stalin*
  • Gorbachev
  • Brezhnev

11. What was the name of a sample of a masterpiece from the chefs of the USSR?

  • Romantic dinner
  • communist lunch
  • Tourist breakfast*

12. How much did a subway ride cost during the stagnant period of the Union?

  • 5 kopecks*
  • 1 ruble
  • 10 kopecks

13. Where did Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev menacingly thump with his boot?

  • At the Pentagon
  • At the White House
  • At the UN*

14. What information about a citizen of the USSR was allowed to be entered in a passport?

  • Religion
  • Blood type*
  • criminal record

15. Construction of the century BAM what does the letter a mean?

  • Angarskaya
  • Amur*
  • Atlantic

16. What was the affectionate name for elementary school students in the USSR?

  • Schoolchildren
  • October*
  • September

Correct answers are marked with an asterisk*.


Well, excellent results, and the mood in the hall is just wonderful, as I see it. You did an excellent job with the task and we have already identified candidates for the presentation of diplomas. Yes, yes, at the end of the official part of the evening, I will present three diplomas to the most active participants in our wonderful evening.

And now it's time for everyone to take a break from mental work and smile! I invite two participants for the next competition, and I ask everyone else to support the participants or join them.

A game« Charger»

To carry it out, you will need to say a sound recording that sounded every morning on the radio in the Soviet Union. You can find it on the Internet.

Leading: Wonderful. The bones were crushed. You can eat and dance a little!

Musical break 15-20 minutes. Dance music from the 80s.

Leading: It's time to remember the movies of yesteryear. They are probably familiar to everyone from childhood, or maybe not from childhood, and if we don’t remember, then we will remember. We listen carefully! The correct answer costs 3 rubles. Go!

Game "Guess the melody"

To conduct the game, you will need a selection of songs from all the familiar movies and cartoons of past years. In this scenario, 30 audio files were used.

Leading: My dears! Unfortunately, our life is so arranged that we are created from birth for separation! Let us now remember those who left us for another world. I will ask you to turn off the lights in the hall, turn off all your mobile phones and light the candles that are on every table.

Watch the video clip "Departed Actors".

Leading: Now, my friends, there is a small musical pause, and you help yourself, communicate and soak the parched organs of the body. Don't forget to save up the won banknotes and shop at the bar. I will return to you soon.

Musical pause.

Leading: I am with you again and I ask those who wish to participate in the next competition, which is called "New life according to the old model." I ask brave thinkers and dreamers to come up to me and take cards with abbreviations from the times of the USSR. You will need to come up with a new decryption for them. The price of the game is 3 rubles.

The game "New life according to the old model"

Citizens and Citizens must come up with new decodings for well-known abbreviations. For example: TRP - ready to hug you, and so on. Use the cards of the CPSU, VDNKh, DOSAAF, VLKSM and others. All participants receive a banknote of 3 rubles.


You and I have done a great job. Now let's take a break and enjoy looking at ourselves from the outside. I ask you to sit comfortably and all attention to the hall. We are starting a fashion show!

The fashion show will require preliminary preparation of clothes from the times of the USSR. It can be found in old parents' suitcases, grandmothers' closets, or ask friends. We assure you that it is quite possible to find it. If you still can’t find it, then you can replace the fashion show with a video of the same name. You can also replace the fashion show with the video "I'm taking a photo."


So the solemn part of the evening called "I live in the USSR" ended. Next in our program is the Disco of the 80s and the presentation of diplomas: 1. Forerunner of dance work. 2. Contest Activist. 3. Excellence in dance work.

Approximate menu:

  • Aspic;
  • Salad "Olivier";
  • Jellied fish;
  • Boiled potatoes with dill;
  • Sausage cutting;

"The indestructible union of the republics of the free ..." - tram-pam-pam and so on. Almost every inhabitant of our country aged 15 years and older knows this melody. The era of that time is familiar to our parents and poorly remembered by us.

But there is a chance to rectify the situation, and a storehouse of ideas, a site for women, will help us in this. Your attention is a party in the style of the USSR, its features, program and other details.

Three reasons why you should choose this topic:

  1. Building bridges between generations. Who else, if not a beloved grandmother, will take out the October badge from the chest and tell the story of how she first kissed?
  2. For modern youth, the times of the Union are unfamiliar, so such a party will be interesting and unusual.
  3. Where else can you try the delicacies of the Soviet era? 😉

To create an environment you will need to put in a lot of effort, but the result is worth it. It is necessary to take into account the important features of the historical period, thanks to which the party in the style of the USSR will become bright, creative and unique!


They will contribute to the formation of the appropriate mood. You can use the almighty Photoshop to create fun invitations.

For example, on the background of the poster "Man is a friend, comrade and brother" you can write the time, place and date of the party, and even paste photos of smiling faces of friends (whoever saw the poster will understand what I'm talking about)!

Or just find old postcards, paste the text of the invitation on them and hand them to your friends. You can also use e-mail, ICQ, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki. Tag your friends in the picture with the invitation, compose an original text and meet the guests!

A party in the spirit of the USSR - a start has been made!


There are a myriad of options here. Build a Soviet board of honor. You can make humorous collages from photos of your friends and sign for what such merits they were honored to be "hung on the honor roll." The color scheme is predominantly white and red. But remember that the abundance of red can be annoying.

You do not want the holiday a la party of the USSR era to end with a cold war or a break in diplomatic relations? 😀

For decoration, you can use flags, ribbons, bows, carnations, gramophone records, reel-to-reel or reel-to-reel tape recorders, a red “plush” tablecloth, postcards as coasters for glasses, banknotes, posters of the Soviet era.

By the way, about posters. Texts can be very, very suitable for a party, for example, “Healthy rest for workers”, “Know how to relax!”, “Life has become better, life has become more fun”, “Be vigilant” and so on.

Dress code

Evening in the style of the USSR implies a certain. What could it be? To be honest, the boundaries are very wide, because the era of the USSR is both, and the outfits of the 80s. You can exaggerate the dress code and ask guests to come in white shirts, shorts and caps, and at the same time have fun looking at each other.

School uniforms, jeans, plaid shirts and polka dot dresses are welcome.

Red bandages on the sleeve also have a place to be. Well, various will complement the image and help you look stylish!


It is not necessary to follow the theme and arrange the issuance of coupon rations 😉 Let the guests remember the holiday with some bright dishes in the spirit of the USSR as an addition to the main menu.

So write down: sprats in tomato sauce, sprats, processed cheese, Olivier salad (good, infection!), pickled cucumbers, green peas, Alenka chocolate, Soviet champagne, Bird's milk cake. Most of the products are on our table now. Complete this list with Pinocchio lemonade, herring, sauerkraut or chicken Kiev.


Party in the style of the USSR will give odds to many others in terms of the amount of entertainment. So what can you do?

  • - Watch old Soviet films and get untold pleasure.
  • - Recall the songs of past years and arrange a disco.
  • — You can please yourself and your guests with karaoke. Movie songs are known to almost everyone.
  • - Decipher the abbreviations NKVD, KGB, GTO, VLKSM, BAM, etc. You can come up with a new interpretation of abbreviations.
  • - Recall historical events in chronological order (a task for intellectuals). Just do not get carried away with the debate, otherwise the evening will turn into the program "To the Barrier" or even worse, "PE" ("Emergency")!
  • - Collect the Rubik's cube. This task can become one of the most popular.
  • - Take turns naming famous TV shows, films, books and magazines of the Soviet era. If samples are preserved - great! You will be able to visually demonstrate the magazines "Murzilka" and "Peasant Woman", as well as pick up analogues in the Russian press.
  • - By the way, about analogues. Try to think more broadly and pick up a pair of records (CDs), the game "Electronic" (PlayStation), savings bank (ATM), Lev Leshchenko (Nikolai Baskov) and so on. The sea of ​​humor and pride in scientific and technological progress is guaranteed!

To organize a party in the style of the USSR means to give yourself and your friends a charge of vivacity and good mood. Only Stylish Things can do it!

Theme parties have long been among the most popular entertainment of our time. Wild West, Hawaii, Chicago, Monsters, Space Conquest, Spartakiad, Pirates, The Great Gatsby - the choice of topics is huge and varied. And a party in the style of the USSR can be safely considered one of the most interesting and multifaceted. Various event agencies offer a variety of scenario plans for such events. Looking at their advertising photos, you really plunge into that distant “Soviet atmosphere”. But if you prefer to create a holiday with your own hands: prepare a script, competitions, costumes, then our advice will certainly come in handy. Organizing a themed party in the style of the USSR is not at all difficult.

Preliminary questions

Before you start creating the necessary entourage, you need to answer a few questions.

Holiday invitation

So, the circle of guests is determined, the time and place of the holiday, too, it remains only to invite friends to your party. Of course, you can always just send out text messages or make a few calls, but you're having a theme party that requires a certain entourage, isn't it? And therefore, the issue of invitation should be approached with a greater degree of creativity.

Electronic invitations

The easiest option from a technical point of view. It is enough to choose a suitable picture and print the invitation text on top of it. Agitation posters, postcards, symbols, slogans- You can use anything as a background image.

paper invitations

In this option, it would be desirable to have some Photoshop skills. The invitation can be issued as a postcard card or left in a more traditional, "opening" double form. The invitation layout you created will need to be printed in color and distributed to future guests. Or maybe you prefer a more non-trivial option? For example, to issue an invitation in the form of a telegram or a teletype tape, in the form of a membership card or identity cards, in the form of a symbolic keychain with a card attached to it indicating the place and time, a label on a bottle of lemonade - it all depends solely on your imagination.

audio invitation

You can record an audio file even on a regular home computer, having only a microphone and a keyboard at your disposal. The sound of a pioneer horn or drum roll, the first chords of the anthem of the Soviet Union as a screen saver can be found on the Internet, and then the composed text is read out in a solemn tone. Such an audio file can be sent by e-mail or recorded on voice mail / answering machine to future guests. The text of the invitation is best written in a solemnly patriotic style: “Dear comrade! We invite you to a solemn event dedicated to the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which will be held at the address ... Uniform - full dress.


Of course, not a single theme party can do without special costumes, in which both the organizers and guests should be dressed up.

If you have outlined some thematic boundaries, then it is better to warn the invitees about this in advance.. Otherwise, a guest in Budyonovka and pants with stripes will feel awkward among the dudes of the seventies. Crepe de chine dresses with polka dots, round-toed shoes with socks for women or trousers with arrows and shirts with pointed collars for men - what is not an option? Or maybe the guests will prefer a school uniform - white shirts and blue skirts or shorts plus a pioneer tie tied around the neck? A military tunic, a shirt-shirt, flared jeans, banana pants, national costumes of the peoples of the USSR - just look at the old photos of our mothers and fathers, and the choice of a suitable suit will be made.

Decorations and decorations

What, if not decorative elements, will best emphasize your chosen theme? Of course, not a single party in the style of the USSR can be imagined without "agitation" - propaganda posters calling for achievements. Any search engine in a split second will give thousands of results for the query "posters from the times of the USSR", you just have to choose the right one for yourself. With the knowledge of Photoshop, it is quite possible to remake the sample you like for your own needs. But kumach banners and streamers with slogans can be made independently. All that is needed is a few meters of red fabric, white paint, a brush and the desire to create something like that. Fans of doing something with their own hands will also like the idea of ​​​​arranging the “Honor Board” - a large wall poster with photographs of “labor shock workers”, that is, party guests. The same board can be used in competitions by posting photos of the winners on it. Household items of those times will complement the surroundings: a tube TV, a gramophone or a large Yauza-type reel-to-reel tape recorder, a typewriter, knitted napkins, a crystal vase with three carnations, an old Mayak radio, Pravda editorials, inkwells with fountain pens, a lamp with lampshade... Grandma's pantries are an inexhaustible source of scenery.

Meeting with guests

Perhaps the meeting of guests is the most important part of the event, because it sets the tone for the whole party.

Young pioneers with a drum and a horn, welcoming guests with solemn sounds, a worker and a collective farm woman with a sickle and a hammer, a strict security officer with a revolver, demanding a password for all incoming people, Mayakovsky, reciting a verse, chanting chants and slogans printed in the invitation - the main thing is to show the direction events and make guests laugh from the very first moments of the party.


Of course, the famous "Book of Tasty and Healthy Food", which every housewife considered it her duty to have, offers a huge amount of healthy and, undoubtedly, excellent-tasting dishes. However, a friendly party does not necessarily imply a luxurious table served according to all the rules of culinary art. And therefore, the theme of the USSR can be easily identified with several dishes that are very simple to prepare. The traditional menu consists of several items:

  • snacks,
  • salads,
  • main course,
  • dessert,
  • beverages.

And each position has its own characteristics, characteristic of the period that you are trying to recreate. In the party menu, you can include all of the items listed, or limit yourself to one or two.

Appetizers and salads

So, on every Soviet table, there had to be sandwiches with sausage and cheese, decorated with a sprig of parsley. Caviar, more often black, by the way, was not as rare on the tables of Soviet people as one might think: white bread or a loaf, butter and a spoonful of caviar on top - no toast or crackers. Well, then, according to your imagination - herring with boiled potatoes, the famous sprat in tomato sauce, Baltic sprats, pickles and sauerkraut, chopped vegetables and so on and so forth. From salads to the theme of the party fits perfectly Olivie- hearty, familiar to everyone, invariably popular with guests. Boiled tongue with green peas, mimosa salad, fish, vinaigrette- the main thing is not very complex components and a minimum of mayonnaise. If you prefer to organize a table in a buffet format, arrange the salads in advance in tartlets or volutes.

Main course

Only soups are not welcome as the main dish, otherwise everything is at the mercy of your culinary preferences. Kiev cutlets, chicken tabaka, mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, kindergarten semolina, even ordinary dumplings - most of the dishes of that period have remained on our tables to this day.


For dessert, you can offer guests eclairs and biscuit cakes, cake "Prague" or "Bird's milk". Or you can go the other way and put cans of condensed milk, waffles and cookies "Chess" or "Anniversary". The main thing is not to forget tea from the same pack "with an elephant" or coffee from distant and mysterious India. And, of course, dried fruits compote, poured into faceted glasses - and then the nostalgic memories of the guests from the series "how we were fed in the pioneer camp" are provided to you.


Of course, the main alcoholic drink of the table will be vodka - "Russian", "Capital", "Wheat". Girls can be offered red semi-sweet wine - Moldovan or Georgian - or champagne, certainly "Soviet". Lemonade is good for non-alcoholic drinks. Pinocchio or Duchess, mineral water "Borjomi" or "Essentuki", well, for especially advanced Soviet youth, save a bottle "Pepsi".

The main difference between the Soviet table is abundance. A large number of different dishes, hearty, but simple, so that not a single guest leaves hungry - this is the life credo of any Soviet housewife. Therefore, it is better to forget about diets this evening.

Well, you can always organize the menu to your own taste by changing the names of the dishes to something corresponding to the theme. Salad "Dream of the Komsomol", appetizer "Dish" or side dish "Production Leader" - what is not an option to diversify the feast?

Competitions and entertainment

Well, what party is complete without entertainment, competitions and dancing? Games in " Zarnitsa" or " pioneer dawn”, a competition for the best slogan, reading old newspapers and magazines, deciphering numerous abbreviations and much, much more. Maybe you would like to arrange evening of dedication to the pioneers? "I, such and such, joining the ranks of the young Leninists, solemnly swear ...". The text of the oath can be used both canonical and altered to suit your own views and needs. Well, at the same time, invite guests to supplement the well-known laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union, taking into account current realities. The main thing is to practice in advance how to tie a pioneer tie correctly so as not to make a mistake with the knot. Or maybe your guests are karaoke lovers? Then they'll love it rehashing of songs from old Soviet films- both famous and undeservedly forgotten. The singing competition will bring a lot of fun to both karaoke fans and moviegoers. And how much laughter will sound in the process of learning a new “fashionable dance” - the twist! “You seem to be crushing a cigarette butt with the toe of your right foot ...”. Remember the film Gaidai? A good reason, by the way, to review your favorite movie with your best friends. Almost any entertainment contest can be remade for thematic requests, the main thing is not to forget about prizes and gifts. It should be some trifle in the form of a TRP badge, a bag of toffee, a “terrible deficit” - cans of condensed milk, tangerines in a shopping bag, a playful subscription to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ilyich’s light bulb, and so on.

The music that will accompany the evening can be very different - from Utyosov's songs to Italian disco of the 80s. Perfectly fit into the theme of the party and hits of domestic VIA type " Gems" or " earthlings", and the music of Soviet cinema, and Western hits, and even songs Beatles or rollingStones. Well, if you include patriotic songs in the playlist, the guests will only be grateful. A party in the style of the USSR is a fun and joyful event that can not only unite people who both remember what the Soviet Union is and were born already in the post-perestroika years, but also give many reasons for smiles and merry laughter. The key to a successful party is in competent preparation and indefatigable imagination of the organizers, who are able to combine a variety of things into a single whole. And in conclusion - a short video from the celebration of a themed party in the style of the USSR:

There are many different forms of organization of holidays. But lately, stylish parties have become increasingly popular.

Creative ideas combined with an original theme turn even a modest home celebration into a bright holiday.

Scenario "Back to the USSR" in the style of the 1950s - 80s. with good humor will remind you of the times of building communism and, of course, will appeal to all lovers of non-standard and fun solutions.

Hall decoration

Recreating the atmosphere of the USSR era in the hall where it is planned to celebrate a birthday will be helped by a red red tablecloth on the table and a makeshift podium for speaking comrades (you can put a glass and a decanter of water on it for greater importance).

Posters with comic mottos and slogans should be hung on the walls of the room.

The festive atmosphere and the Soviet spirit of the party will be further emphasized by balloons, carnations and red bows in the buttonholes of the guests.

An important role is played by the correct choice of the presenter, who must have a loud expressive voice and good clear diction. The success of this scenario largely depends on how his word will sound.

The song helps us to build and live

Any marches and patriotic songs from the times of the Soviet Union are suitable for the musical arrangement of the event.

For the background, it is better to use minus phonograms (without voice). Their main goal is to provide "immersion in the era" and create the right emotional mood. And the presentation of awards to the heroes of the holiday, of course, will be accompanied by ink or fanfare.

  • "Spring March" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "Exit March" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "Flow, song, in the open" music. V. Pushkov.
  • "March of the Aviators" Y. Khaita.
  • "March of young builders" music. B. Terentyeva.
  • "March of the assemblers" music. R. Shchedrin.
  • "March of Enthusiasts" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "May Day" music. K. Listov.
  • "Song of the Volga" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "Song of the Motherland" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • Carcass, fanfare for awards.


The scenario "Back to the USSR" will not require much and lengthy preparation from the organizers. To implement it, you need to print on a printer:

  • The text of the birthday girl's speech (which she will see immediately before the performance).
  • Texts of songs-alterations (according to the number of invitees).
  • Medals for presentation to the participants of the holiday.
  • Posters and banners with inscriptions to decorate the hall.
  • Examples of slogans

    ... (name) is the mind, honor and conscience of our company!

    Glory to the leader of production (mother-heroine, builder of a bright future, etc.) ... (name)!

    We welcome the delegates of the Merry Congress!

    Toasts of the congress - to life!

    Let's hit depression with the iron fist of optimism!

    Let's destroy the whiners as a class enemy!

    We will uproot boredom from our ranks!

    Let's fill the bins of the motherland with jokes!

    Let's celebrate a birthday with a bang!

    The world is a feast!

    All to storm the table!

Birthday script

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Dear comrade delegates! We have gathered for the Merry Congress, which has been given a very important task - in the best Soviet traditions, to congratulate a wonderful woman, mother-heroine, shock worker of labor ... (name) happy birthday!
Let's fill the glasses and raise the first toast to the birthday girl! Thus, the work of the congress can be considered open. Hooray!

The guests raise the first toast to the birthday girl.

Leading: Attention, comrades! The following issues were on the agenda of the Merry Congress:

1. Honoring ... (name)
2. Report ... (name) on the work done.
3. Social competition of flying brigades.
4. Rewarding heroes.
5. Cultural program.
6. Fireworks from a bottle of champagne.

I propose to approve the agenda of the congress by an open vote. Who agrees? Who is against? Unanimously! We proceed to the first part - honoring ... (name). Song for-pe-wai!

The guests sing a song-alteration to the music of the "March of the Aviators" composer Y. Khait. (The printed text of the song should be distributed to guests in advance).

You were born to make the world more beautiful
Our true friend, reliable helmsman.
We march in orderly ranks
Towards the sun right behind you!

Everything is better, wiser, and more beautiful!
Throwing down your challenge to the years.
Faster than a rocket
More fearless than a hurricane.

We have such honor and glory in our country,
Composes songs about such land.
And at this time the west is rotting,
All because you are not there.

You always burn like a torch at work,
Heat and light warm the house.
You were born to make problems dust
And we'll sing a song about it.

Leading: The family ... (surname), comrades, is exemplary. It evokes a sense of our pride and serves as an example to follow.
The couple approached the construction of a new cell of society consciously and with a sense of serious responsibility. They not only shaped and strengthened the cell, but also visibly compacted it. Look at what a worthy change they are raising for themselves ... (names). The word for congratulations is given to the head and worthy descendants of the family.

Congratulations from the husband and children of the birthday girl sound.

Leading: For several years now, our dear ... (name) has been successfully leading the work area entrusted to her. The homeland can sleep peacefully when ... (name) is at work.
Her professional merits have been repeatedly noted by high management.
As a good friend and mentor of youth, she freely shares her knowledge with the new shift.
I give the floor to the members of the labor collective who were lucky enough to work shoulder to shoulder with the hero of labor.

Congratulations from colleagues at work.

A new hero appears. This is a "special correspondent" who should enliven the program of the festive feast with a cheerful interview of the birthday girl. He carries a camera, notepad and pen.

specialcor: Comrades! The editors of the newspaper "Glory to workaholics!" sent me to your event, setting an important and responsible task - to highlight the work of the Merry Congress from all sides, and also to ask comrade ... (name) a number of questions that concern our readers. You can read the report in the editorial on the front page of our publication tomorrow!

A special correspondent is interviewing a birthday girl.

So, let's begin. "Glory to the workaholics!" I have repeatedly published materials about your heroic activity. In particular, articles were published about how you stopped a galloping horse and entered a burning hut.

What other exploits can we expect from you in the near future? (answer)

The next question concerns personal life, which is of great interest to the public.

Where and how did you meet your spouse comrade ... (name). Do you share the ideological convictions of your spouse? (answer)

The whole country is anxiously following the recruitment of volunteers for the cosmonaut corps, participants in the first expedition to Mars.

Have you already thought about how you will make alien contact and what will you say to your brothers in mind if your application is accepted? (answer)

You are a tireless fighter against wars and violence, environmental pollution, against the destruction of historical monuments, discrimination against blacks, etc.

What else requires your urgent intervention in the shortest possible time? (answer)

Being an active participant in the socialist competition of allied workers, today you combine mother, wife, daughter, sister, girlfriend, educator, cook, cleaner, seamstress, laundress, driver.

What new related specialties do you plan to master in the coming five-year period? (answer)

And now I will ask you to take some pictures for the newspaper. Attention, comrades! Now the bird will fly!

A photo session is held for the birthday girl and her guests.

Leading: The word for a welcoming speech is given to friends ... (name)!

Congratulations from friends

Friends sing a song-alteration to the music "Fly up the bonfires" by composer S. Kaidan-Deshkin.

Whip the champagne thick foam,
Let's raise a toast to the birthday girl!
We've known her for many years.
Everyone is proud to know her!

Let the birthday last until the night
We don't really want to leave!
We will shout cheers to her until the morning,
The name of the hero must be known by the country!

Leading: I ask for attention and silence, comrades! The time has come to hear the report of our dear traitor on the work done over the past years.
According to the rules of the Merry Congress, three and a half hours are allotted for a speech. Let us support the speaker with a stormy and prolonged applause.

birthday girl: Dear comrades, friends, like-minded people! All my achievements are connected with you. After all, you have always believed, helped, influenced, sympathized, spurred, stimulated, inspired, supported, inspired, rescued, assisted, encouraged, accompanied, favored.
It helped me a lot to understand, to feel, to feel, to get stronger, to realize, to overcome, to overcome, to act, to fight, to manage.
Only thanks to you over the years I have been able to show, prove, win, master, catch up and overtake. Together with you, we have done so much, built, nurtured, created, raised, heaped up, heaped up.
And I know for sure that together we will still show, amaze, stun, shock, stun! Hurrah, comrades!

Leading: Throughout the country, the socialist movement is growing and expanding, filling our hearts with a sense of great pride.
In the vast native expanses, shock brigades are growing like mushrooms after rain. Every day they report on their new labor victories. And we must not lag behind, comrades! Let's join the ranks of enthusiasts and join the social competition here and now!

Contests and games

The guests are divided into two teams - brigades, they come up with original names (for example: "Flying Brigade", "Mad Leap", "Triple Ramming", "Above the Plan", "Our Norm", "Children of Stakhanov"). Competitions are accompanied by fast background music.

Competition "Brigade in a row"

A fun speed contest for two teams of at least 5 people. After the signal, the teams need to line up as soon as possible along:

  • by height
  • seniority
  • hair color from brunette to blonde
  • by weight
  • by shoe size

Who coped with the task earlier, he won.

Competition "Iron Fist"

Each team is invited to one participant. The task of the players is to crumple up the unfolded newspaper with one hand.
The winner of the competition will be the team whose representative was the first to collect a newspaper sheet into a fist.

Competition "Bound in one chain"

In this competition, players must “tie” their team with a string or rope as quickly as possible, pulling its ends through loops, straps, and clothing straps. As always, the fastest participants will win.

Competition "All for the delivery of the TRP!"

To participate in this high-speed competition, teams put up couples consisting of a guy and a girl.

Twos will have to work hard - to burst 3 balloons without the use of sharp, piercing, cutting objects.

Fans not only follow the game, but also support the participants with shouts. The first bursting balloon marks the friendly “Ready!”, The second - “To work!”, The third - “And defense!”.

A couple that passed the standard brings the team victory.

Leading: However, not everything, comrades, is going smoothly with us! Recently, cases of drunkenness and slovenliness have noticeably become more frequent in our ranks. And as conscious citizens, we must enter into a merciless struggle against this flagrant disgrace.
It's no secret that alcohol dulls vigilance. This circumstance will help us to identify drunken comrades during the cleansing of our ranks. Drunkenness is our most decisive battle!

Comic game "Drunkenness - fight!"

Volunteers from each team are invited to participate in the game. The facilitator demonstrates the exercise for repetition. Participants need to grab the left earlobe with their right hand, and the tip of the nose with their free left hand.
After the leader’s signal (clapping hands), the players quickly change the position of their hands to the opposite. With the right hand touch the tip of the nose, and with the left to the lobe of the right ear.

The pace of clapping increases and the task becomes more and more difficult. Those who miss are out of the game.

The winner is the participant who lasted the longest.

Leading: Dear comrades! I remind everyone who has forgotten that business is time, fun is an hour! Time to roll up your sleeves and get to work! We cannot put off until tomorrow acute problems that require a momentary solution.
We barely relaxed and, please, Sylvesters, Roberts, Evelinas are already walking along our streets. But we know which way the wind blows. But we have our own wonderful names Dazdraperma, which means Long live the first of May, Dotnara - the Daughter of the working people, Rosik - the Russian Executive Committee!
These names not only have a beautiful sound, but also carry a deep meaning. Now, comrades, let's get down to business together, let's go, so to speak, and enrich the Russian language with new big names.
Let's put up a barrier to Western pernicious influence! By the way, I have already taken the first step in this direction. You are the first - You are always the first! Perpanader! - The first guy in the village! Cheers! - Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! Please take my initiative, comrades!

Name contest

Participants are given pens and sheets of paper. Players must come up with as many unusual and funny names as possible. The team with the longest list wins. You have 3-5 minutes to complete the task.

Leading: And now the time has come to name the names of the best of the best, our leaders and champions who have gathered around this table. Let's start the awards ceremony.

The presenter announces the name of the medal and the name of the recipient. The presentation is accompanied by a cheerful march or carcass

  • For devotion to a hopeless cause
  • For heroism shown in family life
  • For the sincerity of feelings on the love front
  • For pep in an emergency
  • For naked enthusiasm from scratch
  • For the kindness of an open soul
  • For many years of loyalty to friendship
  • For unpretentiousness in everyday life
  • For beautiful eyes

Leading: The work of the Merry Congress, comrades, is coming to its logical end. Allow me, on behalf of those present and on my own behalf, to express dear ... (name) gratitude for the good mood, spiritual uplift and joy of unity that she gave us today. Our triple cheers for the birthday girl! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

To this day, disputes between supporters and opponents of the Soviet system, which has already become our history, have not subsided.
However, it is obvious to everyone that these were hours when everyone felt that they were an important and necessary part of society. Hard work, a strong family, the fortitude of the Soviet people were elevated to a podium.

The scenario “Back to the USSR”, built on the glorious traditions of praising a working man, a woman, a mother, will undoubtedly be a pleasant surprise and will allow you to warmly congratulate the birthday girl ... like in the good old days!

Today it is very fashionable to arrange theme parties. We invite you to plunge into the past and spend new year in the style of the USSR. We will tell a story, show a photo, offer a script and a menu, select clothes and fun contests.

Before arranging new year in the style of the USSR, you need to remember the history, how it was, how it all began.

New Year in the style of the USSR: history

The New Year in the USSR was somewhat different than today, more general. If you had the opportunity on New Year's Eve to visit several hundred apartments scattered throughout the Union, you would be amazed at how the holiday is celebrated in the same way everywhere. Everyone who remembers how the New Year was celebrated in the USSR knows this atmosphere of a general holiday, the smell of tangerines on the balcony, optimistic TV programs, Olivier salad and chocolates on Christmas trees.

Officially, the tradition of celebrating the New Year was returned to Soviet citizens only in 1935, and became widespread only 20 years later. After all, January 1 became a day off only in 1947, and only then did the inhabitants of the USSR have the opportunity to properly celebrate on New Year's Eve. And since a rich table was an indispensable attribute of any holiday in Soviet times, most citizens of the Soviet Union began to really celebrate only when the card system was finally abolished, and a sufficient amount of food appeared in stores and - New Year's food packages!

Besides, new year in the USSR, in fact, a city holiday. It is understandable: for a villager, December 31 and January 1 are no different from other winter days. If it was possible to refuse to perform obligatory daily rural work, it was by no means for the sake of an annual holiday - but only for a much rarer occasion, for example, for the sake of a wedding or the birth of a child.

Therefore, it is possible to talk about the Soviet tradition of celebrating the New Year only from the beginning of the 1960s, when the share of the urban population in the country exceeded the share of the rural population. In addition, it was in the 60s, with the beginning of the Khrushchev “thaw”, that the right to private life and private holidays began not only to be recognized, but also included in the official ideology. And the flow of young professionals, who poured into the country's formerly purely rural areas to build new cities and factories, brought with them the urban tradition of celebrating the New Year.

New Year in the style of the USSR: traditions

The first main tradition - "Blue Light". Since 1964, it has become an annual New Year's show, and for twenty years, it was the songs and jokes from this TV show that accompanied the Soviet New Year's holiday.

The second tradition is the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath". Eldar Ryazanov's comedy was not only strongly associated with the New Year's Eve (it was shown annually, only the start time of the show changed), but it itself served as the source of some traditions of decorating the house for the New Year.

New Year in the style of the USSR: menu

The third tradition was a food set for the New Year's table - the so-called "order". Since the heyday of the nationwide celebration of the New Year fell in the mid-70s with their beginning shortages, the main source of products were “orders” that were issued at the place of work (by the way, such sets were issued almost exclusively in cities, which also worked to consolidate the image of the New year as a purely city holiday).

Traditionally, the “order” included one or two jars of sprats, a box of chocolates, a bottle of “Soviet champagne”, a loaf of boiled-smoked or raw smoked sausage, a pack of Indian tea “with an elephant”, “Lemon slices” and sometimes a jar of red caviar. At the same time, tangerines began to be perceived as a purely New Year's delicacy: the USSR received most of these fruits in the form of export deliveries from Morocco, where the main crop ripens in November-December.

New Year in the style of the USSR: photo

However, it’s worth getting better: perhaps the earliest New Year tradition - not new, but revived - was the custom of putting a live spruce in the house for the New Year. After the anti-religious campaign of the late 1920s and early 1930s, only in 1935 did the Soviet authorities again begin to promote this custom. Since Christmas trees were specially grown for sale, they were also in relative shortage, and therefore they were bought at the first opportunity, and not at a convenient time. A common picture, for example, in Moscow was people who, one and a half to two weeks before the New Year, were carrying Christmas trees tied with twine, bought on the occasion, to the metro.

And of course, the famous phrase can be attributed to the New Year traditions of the times of the USSR “Here is a gift (food, souvenirs, etc.), but this is for the New Year!” All the same total deficit taught Soviet citizens that they should not buy what they need on the eve of the holiday, but when the opportunity comes up, it’s better to let them lie down. Products were stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony, things - in cabinets or storage rooms, Christmas trees - hung outside the window or on the same balcony. Almost all family members knew what would be given to whom for the holiday, but this did not lessen the joy: the very opportunity to receive a new thing pleased!

New Year in the style of the USSR: how it was

… The final credits of “The Irony of Fate” are floating on the TV screen, champagne is sent to cool out of the window or in the refrigerator, vases with the indispensable Olivier salad are placed on the table (quickly, satisfying and almost without the use of scarce products!), “custom-made” sprats and sausage. A few minutes later the doorbell rings: the first guests have arrived. They must have brought with them a jar or two of salad for the New Year's table or homemade pies: a pooled table was also a Soviet New Year's tradition. As, in fact, the custom is to celebrate the New Year with a friendly company: few could boast of their own large apartment in those years, as well as the opportunity to set a rich table alone, so the holiday was celebrated in a wide friendly circle - it was both more convenient and easier.

After the feast, many companies went out into the street, going for a walk or just into the yard - to take a break from the feast between hot and sweet. Quite often, companies began to roam on different floors of the house: often high-rise buildings were departmental or owned by enterprises, and most residents knew each other well through joint work. Children usually went to bed by this time: although January was the time of the New Year's school holidays, the children were still not allowed to stay up late.

New Year in the style of the USSR: children's Christmas trees

Oh, yes, about schoolchildren!.. As traditional as Olivier and tangerines, there were New Year's "trees" - theatrical performances for schoolchildren, held from mid-December to mid-January in city recreation centers. The level of performances depended on which artists the organizers managed to find, but the main pleasure from visiting the Christmas tree was gifts - confectionery sets packed in elegant cardboard boxes. The best and main "Christmas tree" was considered the one that was held in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Tickets for it were practically not available for free sale, but were distributed among enterprises, reaching managers and leaders of production. The level of performance at this "Christmas tree" was the highest, and the gifts were the richest: every year new unique plastic packages were made for them, often representing approximate copies of the Kremlin towers.

But other "Christmas trees" pleased the children no less - primarily because of the gifts. By the way, often the children got only a part of the goodies from the set, and the parents saved the best sweets until New Year's Eve.

Probably, precisely because the New Year was the most common holiday in the USSR (except perhaps Victory Day, but it began to be celebrated only in 1965), people of the older generation still remember it with nostalgia. Those who were schoolchildren during the late stagnation remember well the joyful foreboding that filled New Year's Eve.

After all, it was not just a holiday - it was also an opportunity to try dishes that are rare on other days, get some new thing as a gift, and finally, just chat with friends without any political overtones - not like May 1 or November 7! Even the New Year's televised address by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev or "on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Soviet government" was perceived only as a preface to the chiming clock, announcing the onset of midnight - and the New Year, the most desired and free holiday ...

New Year in the style of the USSR: instructions for execution

1. Invitations to the New Year's party in the style of the USSR

Pick up pictures with Soviet symbols and make a collage. IN in a small size, it is suitable as an invitation, but if you make it bigger, then it will already be a decoration of the room.

2. Meeting guests at a New Year's party in the style of the USSR

A solemn meeting can be organized, for example, in the costume of the leader of all times and peoples, in the form of a pioneer leader. This will immediately fill the space with positive energy.

Especially if the role is played with talent, with an imitation of the voice of the chosen hero, with appropriate stamped slogans to bravura music.

Feature of the evening - a book for registering guests. IN At the end of the event, you can leave your positive feedback here.

3. New Year in the style of the USSR: room decoration

Decorating a room for a theme party is not so difficult, because there are still plenty of items from the times of the USSR gathering dust in the far corners of mezzanines and pantries.
So, we cover the preferably round table with a red tablecloth, put a decanter with faceted glasses. We put Soviet postcards under glasses or glasses. We decorate the walls with posters with slogans typical of that time, portraits of members of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Politburo, and red banners.

You can hang a fringed lampshade over the table. The presence of a gramophone, radiogram, reel-to-reel tape recorder is welcome.

4. New Year in the style of the USSR: clothes

Classic Komsomol set:

  • white top, dark bottom,
  • shorts and a light shirt with a red cap, a pioneer tie,
  • polka-dot dresses in combination with low-cut patent leather shoes,
  • jackets with patches on the sleeves, denim jeans,
  • "Shot" pants, banana pants,
  • A brown school dress with an apron is the kind of thing that will complete the look of a themed party.

See more:

5. New Year in the style of the USSR: menu

According to the scenario at a party in the style of the USSR, of course, there should be treats that were put on the table in Soviet times at the most solemn moments. Boiled hot potatoes, Ivasi herring with onions and sunflower oil, Kiev cutlets, Olivier salad with boiled sausage, sprats, Bear in the North sweets.

5. New Year in the style of the USSR: music and cinema

Music of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s of the last century is one of the main components of a Soviet-style party that accompanies almost the entire event. It can "light up" the dancers at the disco or just be a backdrop for guests to communicate.

It would be nice to watch your favorite Soviet film comedy on the big screen, for example, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” or “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”, quoting famous phrases in unison. And

6. New Year in the style of the USSR: script

Not a single entertainment event in Soviet times could do without contests, so they should be at this party as well.

For example:

  1. - Pronounce a toast on behalf of the rulers, accompanied by long, prolonged applause.
  2. - Continue a quote from a movie, a famous slogan, a statement by the country's leader, etc.
  3. - Fold the Rubik's cube for speed.
  4. - Recall TV shows of Soviet times.
  5. - List the names of newspapers and magazines of the USSR.
  6. - Decipher the abbreviations: Komsomol, GTO, BAM, NKVD, etc. (possible personal interpretation)
  7. - Come up with a burime with rhymes like: OBKhSS - CPSU, constitution - revolution, etc.
  8. - Demonstrate your ability to jump rope or play rubber band.

Contest winners are rewarded with small symbolic gifts.

A well-organized event will bring you a lot of joy and pleasant memories. And most importantly, it will allow close people of different generations to get closer.