Scenario for a children's birthday party in the company of Batman. Children's superhero party Children's birthday party script superheroes

To warm up, we play Evolution, a favorite game of my daughter and some of her friends. All participants are amoebas. They move on their haunches, swing their arms and make characteristic sounds (bloom-bloom-bloom). Two amoebas meet and play rock-paper-scissors. The one that wins rises one evolutionary step and becomes a chicken. The loser remains an amoeba. The chicken (also walks on his haunches, his wing-like arms are bent at the elbows, says “ko-ko-ko”) looks for a chicken as a partner, they play again. The winner rises up and becomes a dinosaur. The loser goes down one step and becomes an amoeba again. Of the two dinosaurs (they walk on two legs, their arms are raised up, they make scary sounds), the winner becomes Superman (or a superhero), for him the game is over, he raises one hand up and steps aside. And the losing dinosaur goes down a step and becomes a chicken. It is important that only creatures of the same level play rock-paper-scissors with each other: amoeba with amoeba, chicken with chicken, dinosaur with dinosaur.

The game continues until there are three people left who have not become superheroes. You can come up with some funny task for them - a forfeit. Or you don’t have to do anything, since in this case this game is just a warm-up, a short introduction to the topic.

2. Enrollment in the School of Super Agents

In fact, becoming a superhero is not that easy. To do this you need to learn a lot. We are glad to welcome you to the School of Super Agents! To enroll in the School you must pass a test. The main skill of a superspy is not to show his feelings and emotions. We play a game with funny questions (borrowed from Marina Yaroslavtseva).

Each participant draws out one answer on a piece of paper. The presenter asks him a question, and with a very serious look he must answer it as written on the piece of paper. The participants’ task is not to laugh and to maintain a serious expression.

Examples of questions:
Is it true that your grandmother ties your shoelaces?
Is it true that you often fall in love?
When people don't see you, do you pick your nose?

Example answers:
I can't imagine my life without this.
Yes, for hours, especially in the dark.
I have had a penchant for this since childhood.

There should be no less questions and answers than there are participants in the game.

Props: questions, answers on separate pieces of paper.

3. Obtaining grade books

Since all of you will be studying at the School of Super Agents, everyone must receive a Grade Book, in which grades (passes) will be entered for each stage passed. All participants receive test books (A4 sheet of paper, folded in half into a book, with a picture and a place for a name on the cover, and a lined plate inside in accordance with the number of stages of the game). We sign and put the books in our pockets. We choose the leader of the group (in our case, the birthday girl), the leader receives a walkie-talkie to communicate with the base. We come up with call signs with which we will communicate. Control communication with the base (“Base, base, it’s a falcon!”).

Here you need the help of one adult who will act as a “base”. He receives a route sheet in advance - the order of passing the tests - "points".

Props: grade books, walkie-talkies.

4. Tests

In advance, in the surrounding forest, not too far from the clearing, sheets with “points” were hung - “Point 1”, “Point 2”, etc. by the number of tests. To make it more interesting, our route did not go in order, but, for example, first point 5, then point 2, etc. Every time we contact the base to find out where we should go next, and what exactly we will train at this point. For example, the base: “Proceed to point 5, we will practice the ability to understand each other without words,” etc.

Props: for all stages you need "Point..." signs and tape to secure them.

The person who passed the test (according to the presenter) ran to the “training part” - to the clearing where we started the game. There, another adult assistant (or the same one in charge of the “base”) noted the completed stage in the grade book and gave a grade. This can be done in any way - put a signature, draw a small funny picture, a smiley face, etc. We had a set of small stamps with different pictures and we used them. That is, in the end, everyone had a dozen different stamps in their record books. If time allowed, we could then color them or come up with a story in which all these pictures would be somehow involved.

It is important to immediately convince the guys that if they do not pass the test, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, if everyone succeeds every time without much effort, then they themselves are simply not interested in it. 9 years is a serious enough age not to fall into hysterics from temporary failure. We didn't have any problems with this, thank God. Although in some circumstances, it may not be worth using such a pass-fail system if you think that it could offend one of the participants and ruin the whole holiday.

After receiving the score, the participant returned to the starting point, to his team. Thus, at those stages where everyone finishes not simultaneously, but sequentially, we occupied the freed children at least for a short time. While the first ones ran to the training area and back, the rest managed to finish the test.

The tests are listed in order, however, as mentioned above, we took a different route. I'll outline it a little later.

So, let's go for the first test.

Point 1. We experience courage

Plumb. This is a standard ropes course exercise and one of the easiest. Children really like it because it looks more complicated than it actually is.

At a certain height (about 1 meter, maybe a little higher), a rope is stretched horizontally between two trees. Another rope is fixed at one end to a third tree, located at a distance of 2-3 meters from the horizontal rope, preferably in the area of ​​its middle. That is, all three trees form an isosceles triangle, a rope stretched between two vertices is its base, and a rope with a free end is attached to the third vertex. The participants' task is to walk along a stretched rope, holding onto the hanging end.

Very important! At this stage, it is imperative to involve dads in insurance. The exercise is not very difficult, but an unsuccessful fall can not only ruin the holiday, but also seriously injure the child.

Those who have passed the test, at the direction of the presenter, run to the training section and receive a stamp (signature, drawing) in the “Point 1” column. Those who could not pass the test (fell, did not reach the end, were generally afraid to climb the rope) do not receive credit.

We contact the base and find out where to go next. We are looking for a sign with the next point.

Props: 2 ropes of sufficient length and strength.

Point 2. Learning to understand each other without words (borrowed from Marina Yaroslavtseva).

A very important skill of a super agent, necessary for communication and communication with other agents, is the ability to understand each other without words. Sometimes a good superspy needs just one glance to understand what his colleague wants to tell him.

The guys pull out a piece of paper on which is written some place for a secret meeting with the boss or another super agent (for example, a school, a toy store, a kindergarten, etc.) The task is to take turns showing this place with a pantomime, the rest of the participants must guess what it is about there is a speech. Those whose pantomime was solved receive credit.

Props: pieces of paper indicating places.

Point 3. We work on the reaction speed.

Quick reaction is very important for a super agent. Why? In what situations might it be useful to him? Could it save a life? To prepare for the game, you can talk about this with the guys.

This game exists in many versions, we took the one in which at least something suited our theme. All participants stand in a circle. The presenter points to one and says “Toaster”, “Elephant” or “James Bond”. Depending on what was named, the one who was pointed at by the presenter and his two neighbors portray what was named.

Toaster - the two outermost people join hands so that the central person is in the ring of their hands (this is a toaster), the central one jumps up, pretending to have toast, and shouts: “I’m ready!”

The central elephant depicts a trunk (with one hand he grabs the nose and inserts the other into the resulting ring. The neighbors depict the ears of an elephant, placing both hands in a semicircle to the “nose” - the central one.

James Bond - the central one portrays DB - folds his hands like a “pistol” and shoots, the neighbors pretend to be DB’s girlfriends, fold their hands, look at him and say: “Oh, James!”

When the children have become accustomed to the figures, the game proceeds at a fairly fast pace. Who did not have time to depict something or, on the contrary, was in a hurry, mixed up the figure, etc. - leaves the circle. When there are five (or however many more, at your discretion) people left in the circle, the game ends. Those remaining in the circle run to the study area for the test and receive a stamp in the “Point 3” column.

Point 4. Train taste and sensitivity.

It is very important for a super agent to have hypersensitivity; he must be able to taste any food, recognize all substances in order to understand whether his food is poisoned.

The guys close their eyes, the presenter puts a piece of something edible in their mouth (we used a nut-fruit mixture and put raisins, banana chips, nuts, candied fruits, etc.) You need to guess what exactly is in your mouth. Although this game is generally intended for children 2-3 years old, our 9-year-old guests had a blast with it. We didn’t give tests for this stage - I thought it would be too easy, although in the end I was wrong.

If poison has entered the body, you must urgently drink the antidote, which the super agent always carries with him in an inconspicuous place. Children receive a bottle of Immunele (or something else that everyone can drink and is packaged in small bottles); their task is to hide this “antidote” as discreetly as possible. When everyone is ready, the next task is announced: alas, they tried to poison you. We urgently need to drink the antidote. But the super agent never leaves traces behind him, so when the whistle blows, we take out a bottle (from socks, hoods, sleeves, etc.), tear it off, drink, run 20 meters to a garbage bag attached to a bush, throw the empty bottle into the bag, return to the leader, raise your hand. The first five people get credit.

Props: food (dried fruits, nuts, cookies, etc.), immune system, garbage bag.

Point 5. We train accuracy.

Weapon proficiency is an important skill for a superspy. There are targets attached to a rope (we used two, since the wind was quite strong) - a target is drawn on a white cloth. The guys receive a water pistol loaded with paint (you can add ink or ink to the water - it’s inexpensive and the color is rich), their task is to hit the target from a certain distance. We also provided rubber gloves to avoid getting paint on our hands and sleeves. We had two pistols, so we took turns shooting. Those who hit the target run to score.

Props: gloves, rope, fabric (with painted targets), clothespins (to secure the targets), paint (diluted, in bottles), pistols.

February 23, in the style of superheroes, is a holiday of real men, strong and brave, capable of heroic deeds. Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man, Lantern Man, Rossamaha, Daredevil, Thor and many others will gather in one place to celebrate February 23 and measure their superpowers.

The walls can be decorated with pictures in pin-up style with seductive beauties of the 30s and 40s, because everyone knows that superheroes are crazy about charming girls.

Everyone will be able to take a photo with their favorite superheroes in a tantamaresque.

If technical support allows, then on plasma you can broadcast clips from films and cartoons about superheroes.

On the super wishes board, girls can leave wishes for something super for men, for example, super agility, super endurance, super happiness, etc.

Meeting with guests:

Supergirl welcomes guests and hands out superhero masks, as well as mini-comics for voting for the most superheroic superhero. Ballots with the name of the candidate (for example, Spider-Man Ivan Petrovich Kocharyshkin) must be placed in a secret box, and the winner will be declared at the end of the evening.

Scenario for February 23rd in superhero style

Never before have so many superheroes gathered in one place, which means the holiday will be super! By the way, the celebration will be hosted by one famous superheroine - Catwoman (hosted in a Catwoman costume).

To begin with, the presenter will introduce the guests to superheroes. All you need to do is shout “Super-duper!” three times. After such a simple procedure, everyone is guaranteed a superhero image.

Catwoman is the best at superheroes. How well do guests know them? The presenter will test this by arranging a quiz of riddles about superheroes.

Photos of superheroes are shown on the screen, and guests must remember the name of the character and what his superpower or superpower is.

Catwoman can cheat and show the opponents of superheroes - villains. Guests must be careful!

Script competition February 23 “Superman set”

Various tools help superheroes maintain their superpower. Under the strict guidance of Catwoman, the newly-made heroes will be engaged in their production: from a modeling ball (SDM) you need to make a sword, and then fight your opponent with the help of this formidable weapon.

The life of superheroes is unique: they may be ordinary people, but when the world is in danger, superheroes immediately come to the rescue. How well are the guests familiar with the biography of superheroes, and will they be able to cope with the tricky tasks of Catwoman?

A video (a fragment from a film or cartoon about a superhero) is broadcast on the screen. At a certain point, the video stops and the presenter asks a question related to this plot.

Superheroes are born rarely, but it is always a very significant event. And now on February 23rd the moment has come to create a new superhero. To do this, guests are divided into teams and create a completely new, unique superhero from one of the participants using improvised means.

The team must come up with a name for their superhero, create a costume and tell what the character's superhero power is. And the competition will end with a fashion show of newly-made superheroes.

Superheroes can also be corporate, for example, the Super Accountant, whose superweapon is his salary - with its help he influences ordinary people. Or a super cleaner, the magical power of which lies in the super mop - it works wonders, especially after corporate parties.

Competition for the script on February 23 “Spider-Man” (analogous to the game “Confusion”)

Probably everyone has dreamed of being Spider-Man at least once in their life. Guests will create a huge collective Spider-Man. To do this, they need to hold hands and strictly follow the Catwoman's instructions. But being Spider-Man is not so easy: once completely entangled, guests must independently get out of the web without breaking the thread (hands must always remain clasped).

The artist will draw portraits of guests in the style of superhero comics.

Real superheroes are famous for their super strength. Here she can compete with a worthy opponent to the approving ovation of the audience.

Men are engaged in arm wrestling.

The constant battle against evil and restoration of justice requires super-accuracy from a superhero. Superheroes will be able to test this super quality at the shooting range.

Everyone knows that superheroes lead double lives. People go to a beauty salon as ordinary men and return as superheroes.

A body art artist paints a superhero mask.

program script February 23 in the style of superheroes can be complemented by a laser show, dance or circus performances, and exhibition fights.

Maria Balykova

A small journey to a utopia, where good always wins, and even to act as this Invincible Good... Is this tempting except for children? But no! A fantastic superhero party is one of the most popular themes for adult celebrations, be it a birthday or just a meeting of friends.


Themed design in the style of superheroes will not break the budget, but it will require painstaking effort. Many of the attributes are easy to make with your own hands. Something can be collected from friends or purchased in stores for children. Disposable superhero-themed tableware and decor are sold in party supplies departments.

We offer several ideas for decorating the hall:

  • hang a warning sign at the entrance: “Please do not fly around the hall, do not use the freezer, do not walk through the walls (etc.). Separately, we ask residents of the Marvel and DS universes to measure the length of their swords on the street";

If you don’t want to see “aliens” from another universe at your party, don’t forget to warn your guests. Indicate in the invitation that superhero costume choices are limited to Marvel characters only or DC characters only.

  • buy colorful balls. Cut out masks, emblems, villainous faces, and cloaks from paper and glue them onto the balls. Little ones are delighted by the “walking” balls with weights at the bottom;
  • make garlands from old Marvel/DS comics to decorate the ceiling and walls. If there are not enough comics, collect garlands like comics-colored paper-comics. Thematic clippings, emblems, etc. can be glued to the paper parts;

It’s great if you have time to “build” the city – you’ll get a great photo zone! It’s easy to make a city with your own hands from boxes of different sizes - paint or glue “windows and doors”. Or draw on several sheets of whatman paper, buy children's photo wallpaper, and sew fabric houses to a large piece of fabric.

  • place figures of Spider-Man, Joker, Captain America, etc. here and there. There are plenty of them lying around in toy boxes - borrow from friends. Cut out “clouds” from paper, like for text in comics. Come up with funny phrases and attach “clouds” to the figures with wire.
  • For a superhero themed party, posters and playbills will come in handy. Or you can print out the most epic scenes and replace the faces of the characters with photographs of friends (glue them on top or use FS). The result will be a fun and unexpected wall decor, especially if you know in advance who will come in what costume;

  • make voluminous fake dumbbells, swords, barbells, etc. from foam plastic or cardboard. Such attributes will add ambience to memorable photos: superhero friends invited to the party will probably have fun, holding “pound” weights and “heavy” barbells as if they really have superpower;
  • If you are having a party for adults and planning a disco, use luminous decor in your design: lava lamps, electric garlands, neon sticks and bracelets, fluorescent paint. Of course, they will also decorate a holiday for children-superheroes. But these decorations will be especially impressive in semi-darkness.

Printable themed invitation cards, flyers and tickets– there are dozens of interesting options on the Internet: secret messages only for superheroes, invitations in the style of “Take a break, the world will wait.” You need to rest too!”, stylized posters with windows for text. Or make cards in the shape of recognizable emblems, masks and other paraphernalia.


If the dress code requires you to fully get into character, costumes for a superhero party are the only difficult part of preparation. Although for those who know how to sew, it will not be difficult to reproduce the image of Catwoman, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Batman, Green Lantern and any other.

The top and bottom will be replaced by clothes of the corresponding color. Emblems and decorations can be made from paper or fabric, sewn and glued. Or cut it out of self-adhesive film in the desired colors (it’s inexpensive and holds up well). Metallic wrapping paper is ideal for silver/gold styling. The main thing is to carefully examine the chosen costume and highlight the most important, catchy and recognizable details.

If you don't want to see the same superheroes at the party, be sure to discuss in advance who chooses what. You can draw lots or, if it is a birthday, give the distribution of roles to the birthday person.

If you're short on preparation time, glue superhero emblems to character-colored T-shirts. It’s also easy to make cloaks, masks, headbands with ears, fake weapons, belts and other recognizable details of superhero costumes with your own hands.

You can do without costumes, because Marvel and DC characters are not always fully armed. And there’s just a party... It turns out that the clothes of “mere mortals” are quite appropriate. Of course, this option is not suitable for children. For them, the whole point of a themed party is to dress up in the style of superheroes, and at least for a short while feel like a character from their favorite movie/cartoon.


Anything, as long as it's an adult party. But the theme will definitely be traditional American cuisine/drinks or even fast food, various snacks, popcorn and chips, nuts. A buffet table with its portioned serving, indispensable for parties: canapes, slices, fruits and vegetables, etc. will fit perfectly.

The main thing is to decorate the table and dishes beautifully so as not to stray from the theme:

  • Sew decor along the edge of a bright tablecloth. Buy stylized or colorful napkins;
  • make themed cards for skewers(photos, emblems, clippings from comics, etc.). There is room for your imagination to run wild! For example, cheese plate and skewers "Batman Recommends", multi-colored cupcakes and skewers with the Spider-Man logo “Checked: no flies! It’s a pity...”, stick “Caution” into green grapes. Contains kryptonite!”, skewers for a fish plate with Catwoman “Purrrrfish!”;

  • glue comic book cutouts onto glasses or masks, decorate cocktail straws with cards;
  • prepare signs for some dishes“Enhances super vision”, “Reduces fatigue”, “Grants telekinesis”, etc.

If you are having a children's themed party, it is better to decorate the table in the superhero style a little “too much”, without being afraid of going overboard with printable pictures. The menu is healthy - no excesses. But this does not apply to sweets - the holiday should have a lot of different delicacies and a big superhero cake! Don't forget milkshakes, soda and mineral water.


Children love adventure and events - just relaxing with goodies and meaningless competitions can seem boring. Therefore, the script for a superhero-themed party must have some kind of plot. Let it be saving the world from the evil Riddler or entrance exams to a superhero academy, for example.

There should be no losers at a children's party - everyone passed the tricky tests equally well, and everyone received memorable gifts (coloring books, toys, sweets, diplomas in the style of superheroes).

For adults, the script is less important, but it can also be played out like tests or the same competitions in honor of Superman’s birthday (the character whose image was chosen by the birthday boy). Superheroes must have all the positive qualities - agility, accuracy, strength, etc., so any competitive games will be in order. And in order not to stand out from the surroundings, decorate your inventory with stickers/drawings.

We offer several thematic competitions:

Rescue of drowning people(many balls of different sizes and all shapes)

Leading: In a minute the room will flood! Superheroes must manage to capture as many civilians as possible who cannot swim. Whatever you want, even with teeth and legs, and not just with hands.

Scatter the balls around the hall. On command, players must take balls with scared faces drawn on them. The winner is the one who managed to collect and hold as many balls as possible by the end of the allotted minute.

Telekinesis rules(medium-sized syringes, ping-pong balls according to the number of participants).

Leading: Not all superheroes have this ability, but telekinesis needs to be developed - it’s a useful thing!

Start-finish. The goal is to use telekinesis to bring your ball to the finish line faster than your opponents. The role of telekinesis is played by a rubber bulb without water (that is, you need to push the ball with air). You can just blow without using syringes, but it’s more fun with them. Just calculate the distance so you don’t have to fiddle around for half an hour.

Who is cooler?(lots of deflated balloons, two oversized T-shirts with emblems glued on).

Leading: They often argue who is cooler - Superman or Batman (any superheroes of your choice). Shall we check?

Two teams. There is one participant from each team, it is better to choose miniature girls - it’s funnier. At the leader’s go-ahead, two people put on T-shirts. The rest inflate balloons and stuff them into a T-shirt to “pump up a muscle” for their superhero (3-5 minutes, stop at the leader’s command). If you are having a party for children, the balloons need to be inflated in advance. The team whose hero turned out to be cooler wins, i.e. more muscular.

Quietly(rubber bands, rattles according to the number of party guests)

Leading: superheroes are used to appearing spectacularly and with aplomb. But sometimes it is important to get close to the enemy unnoticed. Let's see if you can handle this task?

Start-finish. Each participant is given an elastic band with a rattle dangling from it on their feet (somewhere at knee level). The goal is to sneak, carefully moving your feet, to reach the finish line. It is clear that the rattle should not rattle. The quietest one wins (“those who are burned” are eliminated at the sound of the rattle following the first warning). There is no need to exclude children from the “race”; let everyone slowly reach the finish line.

Combat readiness(a huge mountain of any clothes)

Leading: A superhero is walking, taking a walk... And suddenly - danger! One, and he’s already in a suit! Are you weak?

The goal is to put on as many things as possible from a common box in a minute. Everyone grabs whatever they can get their hands on, just to put it on. Hurray, Vasya won! And now in 30 seconds you need to take off everything you’re wearing (except your own clothes, of course). Those. the winner will be at the greatest disadvantage, and the one who is slow in the first stage of the competition will most likely win in the second. It is clear that there is no need to talk about the second stage in advance.

Don't forget a few dancing and drinking competitions (if the party is for adults, of course). You can take a quiz:

  • to know the characters. Based on the images of not the most famous heroes, determine what they can do:
  • name superheroes based on photos of actors without makeup;
  • name superhero names (i.e. not nicknames like Catwoman, but normal character names).

Shoot down skittle villains, throw darts at portraits of anti-heroes, write funny phrases for comics with empty dialogue clouds - have fun without limits! After all, superheroes are people too (well, for the most part...), and the party doesn't need to constantly test their super-duper powers.

Any boy sooner or later begins to admire superheroes. Approaching his first tenth birthday, my boy fell in love with Spider-Man. Well, mom had to use all her imagination to create a super holiday for the superhero.

Preparatory part

The birthday scenario for a 10-year-old boy is designed for 6 - 12 people. The age of the participants is 8-10 years. The total duration of the holiday is approximately 2 hours. Venue: apartment, cafe.

Primary colors for room decor: red, blue, white. We decorated the room:

  • balloons (they tied them into garlands and hung them from the ceiling);
  • cobwebs made of black electrical tape in the corners of the room;
  • garlands of blue and red flags with the inscription “Happy Birthday!”;
  • posters from the film and comics about Spider-Man.

I prepared fairly simple dishes for the table, but took care of their unusual decor. For example, I decorated the top of mashed potatoes with finely chopped olives to create a web. I added blue and red food coloring to the jelly. The cupcakes and cake had chocolate frosting in the shape of a spider's web. I put my own labels on the juices and chocolates (I printed out pictures of Spider-Man).

You need to prepare music in advance (soundtracks from the film are ideal) and stock up on props for competitions:

  • Spider-Man masks according to the number of children (I made them from red cardboard and drew a web on them with a marker);
  • ropes, tape, various tapes;
  • stopwatch;
  • balloons filled with water and tied to elastic bands, 2 sheets of whatman paper, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • gifts for winners of competitions: stickers, badges, coloring books, etc. with images of a superhero;
  • Tantamaresque “Spider-Man” (drew a superhero’s torso on cardboard, with a round hole in place of the face);
  • a poster for wishes on which a photo of a child is combined with the body of Spider-Man (collage).

Holiday scenario in the style of "Spider-Man"

Leading: Hello my brave guests! Judging by your lively mood, something interesting awaits us today, and I think I know what! Superhero Birthday Boy Name! Want to have some fun? I invite each of you to transform into Spider-Man today and believe that you really have superpower. Take apart the masks and get ready to show all your dexterity, ingenuity and luck. Don't forget a good mood! Hooray!

Children put on masks and also shout “Hurray!”

Leading: And here is the first test that awaits you when you enter our secret room. This is a web that you need to go through without touching or tearing anything. Ready? Forward!


We had “cobwebs” made of scotch tape strung up in our hallway. The children climbed over the tapes with pleasure, prompted each other, and controlled the honesty of overcoming obstacles.

Leading: Great! This is what I understand - dexterity. But it’s one thing to go through a web, and quite another to get out of it. Come on spiders, let's try to wrap each of you in tenacious webs and see how you can free yourself from the shackles.

“Come on, get untangled!”

All the children entangle the contestant with ropes, then he begins to unravel to the music. Then the next child falls under the web, etc. The winner is the one who manages to unravel in the minimum amount of time.

Leading: I see that you are ready for exploits. Just who will we fight against? After all, Spider-Man must be able to defeat any monsters. Let's get creative a little and come up with our own monsters.

"Drawing a monster"

Children are divided into two teams, each given whatman paper and pencils. The guys take turns drawing various parts of the body, which the leader names. For example, the first participants draw the creature’s head and wrap the paper, the second participants draw the shoulders and arms and also wrap it, etc. In the end, you can unfold the result and have a good laugh.

Leading: Well, great! To be honest, I'm already scared. Have you come up with names for your monsters?

Children come up with ideas and answer.

Leading: What if you fight such terrifying opponents? I suggest staying on the same teams, just swap monsters and defeat them. Let's shoot webs like a real Spider-Man!

"Web Throwing"

Children are given water balloons tied with an elastic band, and posters are hung on the wall. One team “shoots” red paint, the second - blue. The goal of the game is to hit the monster with a ball (it is dipped in paint). At the same time, the elastic band is put on the finger, which helps the ball come back. They shoot in turns. In order to have less cleanup at the end of the game, it is better to lay out a fairly large oilcloth in advance, and give the children aprons and armbands. We held the competition in the kitchen.

Leading: I see that famous superheroes are facing serious competition in the form of you. Let us check how attentive you are. I will show various movements, and you must portray them in reverse!

"Show it the other way around"

The presenter depicts various poses: raises his arms up, leans to the left, crouches, etc., and the children should show everything the other way around. Whoever makes a mistake is out. The children liked the game so much that they had to repeat it two more times, and the most active of the guests were already in the role of host.

Leading: Great, superheroes! I already see you on magazine covers. By the way, we also have a photo session. But there is one more test left. Do you, my dexterous ones, know how to feel with your back? This is an important hero skill!

"Feel it with your skin"

The birthday boy stands facing the wall. The remaining guests move to the other end of the room and, one by one, quietly and carefully sneak up from behind with the goal of touching the shoulder. The player's goal is to predict movement in his direction by shouting "I am Spider-Man!" The one who can come closest to the birthday boy wins.

Leading: Well then! You are truly great, I must say! So they steadfastly overcame all my obstacles. So many spiders! I invite you to a ceremonial photo session (this is where tantamaresca comes in handy), after which cake and other equally delicious food awaits you! Hooray! And you can leave your congratulations to the birthday boy on a special poster posted on the wall. Have a super fun holiday!

Are you looking for different options to celebrate February 23? Do you want to organize a party, but nothing comes to mind?

Then we offer an excellent option for men of any age - superhero party!

Our script will be suitable for those who want to organize an extracurricular holiday for schoolchildren and for those who are looking for a script for a corporate event!

Also, especially for our readers, the game “Captain America” is for those who do not like to sit still.

The meeting of guests will be organized by Super-Girl, and the host will be your favorite heroine of the film of your choice - for example, Catwoman. You can greet guests with prepared costumes. Someone will get Superman's red cape, and someone will get a Batman mask. The main thing is to charge your men with positivity and enthusiasm right from the start :).

The decoration of the premises for February 23 must be done in the appropriate style. You can hang various superhero-themed posters on the walls. These can be not only American heroes, but also our Slavic ones - for example, Ilya Muromets :).

Congratulatory cries and wall newspapers with various wishes would also be appropriate.

Another design element can be a board with wishes from the girls. However, all wishes should be only for super guys. For example, “super agility”, “super courage”, “super courage”, etc.

Using a plasma TV or projector, you can play various videos, clippings from films and cartoons about superheroes. An ideal option would be footage from the movies “Spider-Man”, “Superman” or “The Avengers”.

After gathering guests or the entire work team, you can conduct KVN or perform a couple of numbers performed by your favorite women. These could be ditties, remade songs or skits from well-known Comedy Club numbers. Charge yourself with positivity, arrange dancing and a buffet.

Do not forget that it is better to “dilute” all events. To prevent guests from overeating and getting bored, organizing entertainment would be an excellent option. You can find these in our article “”. But if you want to make themed competitions, then use the ideas outlined below.

"Guess the Hero"

Participants are shown photographs of various characters. The main task of the game is to guess not only the name of the hero, but also to describe his abilities. The player who guesses the largest number wins.

"The Treasure Sword"

By purchasing modeling balls, you can organize an interesting game of creating weapons for the heroes. The winner is the one whose weapon is the funniest and most functional.

« The Birth of a Superhero"

This is a prototype competition for the game "Universal Soldier" , described Players play with the same conditions, but create a superhero who is able to save the world. For those who are preparing a party for the team, you can give a hint and advise them to create a Super Accountant or Super Secretary who can always save your office.

You can also create different recreation areas, because the party on February 23 is a large number of people with different hobbies.

  • In one corner you can create an arena for those who want to organize real hero competitions - arm wrestling.
  • In the opposite case, a visiting artist or caricaturist can make a souvenir for everyone.
  • Also, you can play a game of Darts, a quiz on knowledge of a particular topic, because a real hero must be not only super strong, but also super smart.

For treats, you can prepare a wide variety of dishes - from ordinary sandwiches to quail salad. But I think that it will not be a secret to anyone that any man will appreciate the best combination - meat and beer :).

If you are organizing a party for children, be sure to prepare sweet consolation prizes, a sweet table and various interesting entertainment for the little heroes :).

We hope you can organize the most fun party for yourself, your friends or colleagues. And in order to bring a little humor and creativity, we invite you to play a very funny and “acting” game called “Captain America”.

Captain America game

To prepare the game, you need to make several preliminary preparations for each character:

  • Batman is a bat icon printed on a color printer. It can be pinned on the player's chest.
  • Spider-Man – a red and blue emblem or mask is enough
  • Xena – small cardboard sword
  • Iron Man - ideally, of course, it would be to make a HELMET, but in the absence of one, the inscription on the chest will suffice
  • Captain America - round cardboard shield
  • Superman - any piece of fabric symbolizing a cape
  • Wolverine - claws made from ordinary stationery pencils
  • Ilya Muromets is a treasure sword (an order of magnitude larger/smaller than Xena’s, because the difference should be visible).

The presenter reads the introductory speech in the manner of the fairy tale “The Mitten”. Instead of a mitten there is a skyscraper, instead of its traditional inhabitants there are superheroes. When the Presenter names this or that character, everyone must perform their actions and say their line.

  • “I am Batman - the man-bat, the gloomy tough man”
  • "I am Spider-Man - a web of hands"
  • “I am Xena – a knee-deep sword”
  • “I am Iron Man – wearing a helmet forever”
  • "I'm Captain America - everyone is hysterical"
  • "I am Superman - knee-length cape"
  • "I am Wolverine - an unshaven slob"
  • “I am Ilya Muromets. I got lost. I have a treasure sword, all of you are finished."

The whole point of the fairy tale is that the skyscraper is gradually inhabited by heroes, and Ilya, who got lost, ruined everything.

Finally, the words of the Presenter: “And the entire skyscraper collapsed, the heroes all scattered - to save the world. And everything is fine with us!”