Raw food diet: an effective but controversial technique. What foods can you eat on a raw food diet? What foods can raw foodists eat?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Products used in raw food diet

Not all raw foodists eat the same thing. There are several directions in the raw food diet, and each has its own rules regarding foods allowed for consumption. But all raw foodists have one thing in common: food nutrition when cooking, they should not be heated above 35 o (maximum - 40 o). This requirement is due to the fact that at higher temperatures, protein enzymes in food are destroyed - enzymes necessary to maintain immunity and for the proper functioning of all body systems.

Thus, all dishes from boiled, stewed, fried, steamed foods are not “live food” and are prohibited in all systems raw food diet.

By the way, not all products are allowed to be heated to 35-40 o, but only some - those that do not lose their beneficial qualities during such processing (for example, carrots, cabbage).

What can a raw foodist eat?

Not just raw vegetables and fruits, as many people mistakenly believe, but also many other living foods. The list below includes foods that are allowed by almost all raw food diet systems:
  • Leafy greens: lettuce of all kinds, spinach, dill, parsley, chard, tarragon, lovage, basil, mustard greens, arugula, dandelion and young nettle leaves, quinoa, wild garlic and other wild edible herbs.
  • Fruits and vegetables grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and, of course, not genetically modified; they can be consumed both fresh and dried (dried in the sun or in the oven, not exceeding t o +40 o).
  • Berries - garden and forest, fresh or dried.
  • Nuts (including coconut), oilseeds (for example, sunflower, rapeseed, pumpkin, sesame, flax, etc.), sprouted grains (wheat, buckwheat, lentils, chickpeas), legumes (including raw cocoa beans) .
  • Seaweed.
  • Dried spices.
  • Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, mustard, sesame, etc.) cold pressed.

You can drink clean, raw water (spring or rain). Mineral water is prohibited.

From this set of products, raw foodists prepare a surprisingly diverse range of dishes. For example, bread is made from dried seeds; from nuts - a drink like milk and cheeses; Smoothies (thick drinks) and cocktails are prepared based on fruits and herbs; herbal teas are infused with cool or slightly warmed water. Sugar is replaced with honey, as well as syrups from sweet plants - stevia, Jerusalem artichoke and agave. Sweet bars are prepared from dried fruits, nuts, oatmeal and various seeds.

Types of raw food diet. Permitted and prohibited products

There are five main directions in the raw food diet:
  • Omnivore;
  • Carnivorous;
  • Vegetarian;
  • Vegan;
  • Fruitarianism.
Raw food omnivore
Almost any product of both plant and animal origin is considered permitted; including meat, fish, eggs, milk, seafood. They are consumed raw or dried.

Raw food carnivore(otherwise - raw meat diet)
This type of raw food diet differs from an omnivore in that most of the diet consists of raw animal products, and fruits, vegetables and other plant foods are kept to a minimum.

Vegetable oils, grains and legumes, and dairy products are considered prohibited.

Raw vegetarian diet
Differs from the usual vegetarian diet by consuming thermally unprocessed food.

The following products are allowed: vegetables and fruits; legumes; cereals; milk and dairy products; eggs; leafy greens; edible herbs and roots.

Meat and fish are prohibited.

Raw vegan diet
Only plant products are allowed, including sprouted raw cereals.

All animal products are prohibited.

Only fresh fruits and berries are allowed.

In addition to animal food, vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes, etc.), and cereals are prohibited.

Raw foodists of the first four directions do not prohibit, but limit the intake of onions, garlic and regular salt: these products are considered medicinal. Also considered limited are yogurt, apple cider vinegar and sauerkraut.

In this article you will find out what the pros and cons of a raw food diet are, who this diet plan is suitable for + discover the best raw food diet recipes for every day!

1. What is a raw food diet?
2. Pros of a raw food diet
3. Disadvantages of a raw food diet
4. The best raw food recipes

What is a raw food diet?

A raw food diet is eating exclusively raw foods that are not subject to heat treatment. A raw food diet is a fairly effective way to lose weight quickly. For every day spent on fruits and vegetables, a person loses about one extra kilogram of weight. A raw food diet is not suitable for people who are too thin.

Let's look at the pros and cons of a raw food diet.

Pros of a raw food diet

1. The first advantage of a raw food diet is rapid weight loss.

In four weeks, eating exclusively vegetable salads, fruits, green smoothies, nuts and honey, raw foodists achieve fantastic results. Their weight decreases by about 20 kg in 1 month. Some achieve slightly less results: “In three months, the weight decreased by 15-20 kg.” Of course, this is individual, and everyone’s numbers may be different.

2. The second advantage of a raw food diet is that it brings pleasure.

New taste sensations and receptors become sharper and open. Boiled and fried foods that used to be enjoyable begin to seem disgusting, and raw fruits and vegetables begin to seem surprisingly fresh and delicious.

3. The third advantage of raw foods is...

…that people trying to lose weight no longer need to count calories. Vegetables and fruits in their natural form can be eaten a lot and often. Instead of restrictions, the table of raw foodists is full of abundance and includes any fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, herbs, salads, honey, etc. Plant foods are lower in calories than meat and dairy products. To reach your daily requirement, you will need to eat kilograms of fruits and vegetables every day.

4. The fourth advantage of such a diet is its richness in nutrients.

A person who eats regular, thermally processed food lacks up to 40% fiber every day. This is why digestive problems, diabetes, obesity, hair and skin problems arise. Raw vegetables and fruits are saturated with fiber, vitamins and microelements, and will significantly improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

5. Another advantage of eating raw food is that you don’t have to cook for a long time.

The raw food diet consists of very tasty and simple dishes. For example, “salsa” is “pasta” made from zucchini (the zucchini is grated) with the addition of tomatoes, red pepper and spices, crushed in a blender. Raw sushi is juicy slices of vegetables wrapped in nori.

Raw food candies are prunes rolled in coconut flakes, dates stuffed with honey and nuts. Cheese made from ground nuts, pate made from sesame seeds.

The standard set of a raw foodist is apples, bananas, grapes, tomatoes, beets, celery, avocados, greens, sprouted wheat, soaked buckwheat or beans, cucumbers, seeds, walnuts, dried fruits, honey.

Cons of a raw food diet

1. Difficulty of transition.

A raw food diet is not suitable for everyone and it does not work out right away. It is not recommended to switch to this diet suddenly, forcefully and in a short period of time. This can lead to bad consequences and imbalance in the body. You need to start very gradually, adding about 60% raw vegetables and fruits to your regular food daily. A glass of green smoothie instead of a cup of coffee in the morning. Vegetable salad for lunch and dinner. Favorite fruits for dessert instead of baking.

You should also adhere to separate meals - do not eat different dishes or foods at one time.

Gradually you need to give up bread, flour products, and products containing animal protein (milk, meat, poultry, fish, eggs). It is also worth giving up salt, sugar and vegetable oils over time. So gradually a person comes to raw fruits, vegetables and nuts.

This transition should not be abrupt; it usually takes years of preliminary preparation. Before switching to this diet plan, you must consult a nutritionist!

2. The second disadvantage of a raw food diet is that it is difficult to get enough of vegetables and fruits.

It's easy to give in and go back to eating regular food.

Raw foodists often boast that they sleep several hours a day and have great energy. However, in reality, in the early stages of a raw food diet, many people feel tired and often eat much more nuts and dried fruits than necessary, or even return to their usual food. Here, as in any other matter, fanaticism is dangerous, which often leads to breakdowns. Nuts and dried fruits are tasty, but very heavy food and you should not get carried away with it, this can lead to indigestion.

3. The third disadvantage of a raw food diet is that at first your appearance may worsen.

A raw food diet is not a “magic pill” against old age and disease. It must be combined with yoga, meditative practices, visualizations and pranic breathing.

Usually the desire to lose weight and become younger is the main goal of beginners, but everything is not so simple. At first, many raw foodists look even older than their years. They lose excess weight, the muscles “deflate”, and the body becomes ugly. Of course, after some time the body will adapt, the weight will stabilize, and everything will return to normal, then the person will really seem younger than his age. But this takes time.

If a person loses a lot of weight by eating raw foods, if he experiences fatigue and lack of energy for a long time, then he needs to return to cooked food for a while. This normalizes metabolism. After some time, if he wishes, he will be able to return to a raw food diet, and then things will go much better, since the body will already have experience of such nutrition. It should be remembered that there is no competition here and there is no need to set records.

4. The fourth disadvantage of a raw food diet is the lack of important substances.

First of all, vitamin B12 and other important substances obtained together with raw food (which is typical for almost all types). Doctors recommend taking the necessary elements in tablets and regularly taking a general blood test.

5. The fifth disadvantage of a raw food diet is that a person has to eat cold food all the time.

This is a serious disadvantage, since a person needs warm food, especially in winter. If you eat cold vegetables all the time, you may get a cold or upset the balance of the elements (doshas¹) in the body. And this is quite dangerous! Therefore, raw foodists are highly recommended to take warm herbal teas along with raw food.

The best raw food recipes


The information below does not constitute nutritional advice and is not a substitute for consultation with a dietitian. The nutritional plan should be selected individually by the attending physician or nutritionist. There may be contraindications!

Sweet sushi


- almonds - 1 cup;
– hazelnuts – 1 cup;
- peanuts - 2 cups;
- cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
- honey - 4 tablespoons;
– banana – 1 pc.

Cooking method

Grind the peanuts and 2/3 of the almonds and hazelnuts in a food processor to a fine flour. Separately, mash a ripe banana to a puree and add half of this puree to the nut flour and mix thoroughly. This will be the top layer for the sushi.

Prepare the filling separately.

The remaining almonds and hazelnuts are chopped with a knife, but not finely. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining half of the banana puree, cocoa powder and honey. To form sushi, place a mixture of nut flour and banana puree on cling film and roll out thinly. Spread the filling on one edge and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Using film, roll up a roll (following the same principle as regular sushi). Cut the roll with a sharp knife. Bon appetit!

The dish is designed for 5-6 servings. Total cooking time is approximately 1 hour.

Cabbage salad with avocado


— white cabbage – 200 gr.;
— carrots – 1 pc.;
– apple – 1 pc.;
- green onions - 1 bunch;
— avocado – 1 pc.;
- lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method

White cabbage is finely chopped and left to marinate in lemon juice. Then add grated carrots and an apple cut into strips to the cabbage. Everything is mixed. Finely chop the green onions and sprinkle them on the salad. The avocado is peeled and cut into thin slices. Place the slices on top of the salad. A tasty and satisfying salad is ready! The dish is designed for 2 servings.

Total cooking time is approximately 20 minutes.

Set vegetable lunch


- fresh leaf lettuce - 1 bunch;
— Beijing or white cabbage – 200 gr.;
— bell pepper – 1 pc.;
- beets - 1 small or half a large one;
— carrots – 1 pc.;
– apple – 1 pc.;
- garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method

It would seem that you can cook with such a set of products? A little bit of everything and a delicious vegetable lunch is ready! The highlight of this dish is the sauce. The lettuce is thoroughly washed and placed on a plate. The cabbage is finely chopped, the bell pepper is cut into thin strips. Place everything on a plate on top of the salad. The vegetables are served with a sauce prepared as follows - beet juice is mixed with apple and carrot puree. Add chopped garlic to the puree and stir – the sauce is ready!

Unleavened bread made from wholemeal flour goes well with this dish. The dish is designed for 2 servings. Total cooking time is approximately 30 minutes.

Super taste


— avocado – 1 pc.;
— carrots – 1 pc.;
— bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
- garlic - 1 clove;
- onions - 3 pcs.

Cooking method

Peel and pit the avocado. Add peeled vegetables: grated carrots, diced peppers and onions. Stir. Add grated clove of garlic. Mix everything again. The recipe is ready! You can also add half a diced tomato.

The dish is designed for 1-2 servings. Total cooking time is approximately 14 minutes.

Sea kale salad


— broccoli cabbage – 1 pc.;
— seaweed – 100-150 g;
— carrots – 1 pc.;
- garlic - 1 pc.;
- sunflower seeds - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

Broccoli is cut into small florets. Add to it carrots, cut into small strips, and seaweed (can be dried or soaked). Season everything with 2-3 cloves of garlic and sprinkle with seeds.

The dish is designed for 2 servings. Total cooking time is approximately 30 minutes.

Raw food diet– nutrition using raw, uncooked foods, and most often only products of plant origin. There are four main dietary options for raw foodists.

1. Raw food diet consists of fresh raw fruits, berries, vegetables and their juices, air-dried fruits and berries, wild edible plants, nuts, raw oilseeds and other plants, sprouted grains, whole grains or cereals close to whole grains soaked in cold water, vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing, natural honey. Pickled vegetables are acceptable. The drink is pure raw water. Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as drinks of raw grain products or nuts, are classified as food and not as a thirst-quenching drink.

This diet is common among supporters of a raw food diet. In terms of the range of food products, it is very close to a strictly vegetarian diet - veganism. What distinguishes it from ordinary veganism is that heat treatment of foods during cooking is completely excluded.

2. Raw food diet basically repeats the previous one, but whole grains and cereals soaked in cold water, pickled vegetables, and sometimes vegetable oil are excluded from it. Sprouted grain is acceptable. This is the strictest raw food diet. The most consistent raw foodists include mainly fresh raw fruits and berries in their diet. This diet is called fructoriapism.

3. Raw food diet represents products of the 1st diet, but is supplemented with raw milk and, in some cases, dairy products: yogurt and other fermented milk drinks, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese. At the same time, true raw foodists reject industrially produced dairy products. You can include raw eggs.

Raw foodists who eat raw plant and dairy products are called “omnivores,” in contrast to absolute, or ideal raw foodists, who eat only raw plant foods. The word "omnivore" has a relative meaning, since raw foodists of any type do not consume meat or fish.

4. Raw food diet corresponds to the 1st or 3rd diet, but is supplemented with bread baked, if possible, from whole grains and without the use of yeast. If baked bread is included in a 3-1 diet (vegetable-milk-egg), then such a diet can be considered the least strict in a raw food diet.

Many raw foodists consume whole apples and other fruits with the seed pod, so as not to disturb the “food complex”. In grated apple or ground pumpkin, the seeds are less noticeable. Great importance is also attached to the peel - fruits, berries and vegetables should be eaten with the peel. A whole egg is considered more nutritious than one yolk or white, and whole milk is more nutritious than cream or sour cream.

You should not eat a lot or often. Only once a day can you eat thoroughly, and two more times - little by little. This is the limit. Anything beyond this is harmful, especially snacking between three meals. You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. This is especially important when it comes to raw plant foods. If they are poorly chewed, gastric and intestinal disorders and bloating occur.

When eating a raw food diet, you can do without table salt, hot spices, spices and seasonings. Due to the complete or almost complete exclusion of table salt from the diet, thirst decreases and excess liquid is not introduced into the body, especially since fruits and vegetables contain natural juices.

A diet menu of raw fruits and vegetables could be like this:


  • Apple salad (see recipe below), 20-30 g of nuts - separately or in a salad, 100-200 g of fresh fruit, dried rosehip tea.


  • 150-250 g of fresh fruit, 50-100 g of green salad, 100-150 g of fresh vegetables, 20 g of nuts, fresh fruit or vegetable juices.
  • Dinner:

    • Same as breakfast.

    Apple salad

    Soak 1 tablespoon of oatmeal for 12 hours in 3 tablespoons of water, then add the juice of ½ lemon or other sour fruit, 1 tablespoon of milk, kefir or honey, 2 grated apples and 1 tablespoon of grated nuts if they are not given for breakfast. separately.

    Raw food diet can help normalize body weight, especially in obesity, strengthen muscles, and facilitate body movements. The famous Australian naturopath K. Jeffrey in his book “Natural Food” (1974) indicated an approximate set of products (in percentage) that should comprise a daily food ration with a total weight of about 1.5 kg:

    • raw fruits and berries (except bananas) – 50%;
    • raw vegetables (except potatoes) – 35%;
    • grain products (mainly whole grains), legumes, potatoes, bananas - 10% of the diet; these products can be eaten after light cooking or raw;
    • dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cottage cheese, cream, eggs, honey – 5-10%;
    • boiled vegetables (except cabbage) can be consumed 1-2 times a week, provided they are heated briefly;
    • vegetable oil, fruit juices, onions, garlic, table salt and other seasonings - 1% of food consumed.

    According to Katsudzo Nishi’s “Health System” (1936), which incorporates raw food nutrition, fasting, yoga, bioenergy and other techniques, you need to start the day with juicy fruits, which should be eaten raw and whole – with peel and seeds. It is not wise to juice them. In winter, you can soak dried fruits and eat them as a separate dish along with the infusion.

    For people who still continue to eat “unnatural” cooked food, K. Nishi recommends taking a contrast shower or air baths after eating. It is imperative to combine cooked food with raw vegetables. In this case, there should be 3 times more raw foods than cooked ones.


    Raw fruits in season (2-3 oranges or 200 g of grapes and one apple or 2 pears, etc.) or in combination with soaked dried fruits.


    A salad of raw grated or finely chopped vegetables (carrots, cabbage, turnips, etc.) with herbs and, if desired, with the addition of vegetable oil; instead of vegetables, you can use sour fruits and berries, adding to them 100 g of nuts or oil seeds (sunflower and etc.).


    Vegetable salad, nuts (seeds) or a combination of green salad, green or red pepper, beet tops and nuts; Instead of vegetables, you can eat fruits as for breakfast.

    To salads, mainly in winter, you can add dried herbs, powdered seeds and berries (rowanberries, blueberries, etc.). In the summer it is worth drying pine, nettles, and other wild plants. It is advisable to use apricot kernels and pollen (2-3 g per dose). Raw vegetables can be eaten with vegetable oil, fruits and dried fruits with honey. Fresh fruits can be replaced with freshly prepared vegetable juices.

    Raw foodists believe that the main cause of obesity is eating unnatural food. When eating natural, raw food, obesity cannot occur. Indeed, firstly, it is difficult to overeat raw plant foods. Secondly, calculations accepted in nutrition science show that the energy value of the recommended six diets ranges from a maximum of 2.94 to 5.88 MJ (from 700 to 1400 kcal) per day. This corresponds to diets used in the treatment of obesity in modern dietetics.

    Switching to a raw food diet requires a lot of endurance and the ability to limit yourself in food. Becoming an absolute Raw Foodist, a person not only stops consuming animal products, but also abandons the familiar taste of boiled, baked, stewed, fried, salted and other foods. In addition, switching to raw food rarely occurs without adverse side effects of varying severity and severity. Therefore, rules for the transition to a raw food diet have been developed.


    Features of the raw food menu

    Before you create a menu, you need to understand how a raw food diet is organized in general.

    Grocery list:

    • All legumes are suitable, except for beans, which in their raw form do not have a pleasant taste;
    • mushrooms collected away from highways and industrial enterprises, but you need to be careful with them: not all of them can be eaten raw, so if you lack experience and knowledge, it is better to stick to champignons;
    • greens: arugula, lettuce, parsley, sorrel, dill, celery, marjoram, spinach, cilantro, asparagus, chard, tarragon, basil, rhubarb;
    • kelp;
    • medicinal herbs: dandelion leaves, quinoa, young nettle;
    • drinks: melt water, fresh juices, smoothies, cocktails, juices (naturally, all this is freshly squeezed, not packaged or store-bought);
    • nuts (any kind, no exceptions);
    • sweeteners;
    • sprouted grains and seeds;
    • vegetables: pumpkin, cabbage (including sauerkraut), carrots, onions, beets, peppers, Jerusalem artichoke, artichoke, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, radish, radish, melon (everyone’s favorite potato is not included in this list, because it cannot be consumed raw);

    • cold-pressed vegetable oils - any, but you should give preference to the healthy classic - Extra virgin olive oil;
    • seeds;
    • spices and seasonings;
    • dried fruits (without chemical treatment and drying in ovens, the best option is home-dried, not store-bought);
    • fruits (not waxed): cherries, apples, grapefruit, grapes, pears, tangerines, peaches, kiwi, limes, nectarines, lemons, plums, pomegranates, oranges, apricots, quince, persimmons, bananas, avocados, pineapples;
    • berries: serviceberry, raspberry, viburnum, strawberry, blueberry, gooseberry, all varieties of currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, bird cherry, lingonberry, cranberry, blackberry, cloudberry.

    There is a special relationship here with honey. Some people use it and call themselves raw foodists. However, this is not entirely true - in a raw food diet it is a prohibited product due to its not very good attitude towards bees.

    Basic principles of menu design

    The main principle: raw foodists eat fresh, plant-based food without heat treatment. It is desirable that all products are environmentally friendly, that is, not genetically modified and in the cultivation of which no chemical fertilizers were used.

    The break between meals should be about 4 hours. Portions for lunch and dinner should be impressive. The daily intake of greens to maintain favorable gastric microflora is 800 g. A proper dish should not include more than 3 main ingredients. Maximum - 5.

    Little life hacks

    If there is a lack of proteins, raw foodists need to include as much as possible in the menu:

    • legumes;
    • kelp;
    • nuts;
    • sprouted grains;
    • sunflower seeds

    Some eat fresh, non-industrially processed milk and natural farm eggs (not hatched). This is still acceptable for beginners, but not for experienced ones. After all, these are animal products that are strictly prohibited in veganism.

    For calcium deficiency:

    • basil;
    • young nettle leaves;
    • dandelion leaves;
    • poppy seeds;
    • almond;
    • parsley;
    • sesame seeds;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • dill;
    • hazelnut;
    • garlic.

    For iron deficiency:

    • legumes;
    • greens: asparagus, spinach;
    • cereals: buckwheat, oats, rye, wheat;
    • vegetables: cauliflower, beets, broccoli, corn;
    • nuts;
    • seeds;
    • dried fruits;
    • fruits: pomegranate, plum, persimmon, apples.

    When switching to this nutritional system, it is worth considering that the body will constantly lack some vitamins and microelements that usually come from food of animal origin. And the use of vitamin complexes and medications is prohibited by the vegan worldview. However, to improve your health, you can always make an exception if at some point a deficiency of calcium or iron is discovered and you have to take medications containing them as prescribed by your doctor. Although with a properly designed menu, problems of this kind can be avoided.

    Famous raw foodists. A raw food diet is followed by such famous people as Alexey Voevoda (Russian bobsledder), Jim Morris (baseball, USA), as well as Hollywood actresses Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Natalie Portman and actor Mel Gibson.


    To correctly create a raw food menu, you need to know little secrets. We offer lists of products from which you can combine a light breakfast, a full lunch and a hearty dinner.

    Breakfast (should be light):

    • fruits (bananas, citrus fruits);
    • fresh berries;
    • dried fruits;
    • seeds;
    • smoothies, fresh juices, juices.
    • vegetable salads;
    • soups are a must (like gazpacho);
    • cocktails, smoothies made from greens (dill, parsley, celery).

    Dinner (should be filling and high in calories):

    • nuts;
    • dried fruits;
    • seeds;
    • sprouted grain;
    • combined salads from seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits (beets, carrots, apples);
    • porridge (beans, pumpkin).

    Snacks (to satisfy hunger):

    • selected vegetables;
    • individual fruits;
    • nuts;
    • raw food desserts;
    • beverages.

    Pay attention to the main difference between a raw food diet and a conventional food system: instead of a rich, hearty breakfast, a light smoothie, and instead of a low-calorie and minimal dinner, hearty, hearty meals.

    Helpful advice. Vegan nutrition experts and nutritionists recommend that anyone following a raw food diet include a glass of beet juice a day. According to studies, it increases endurance and allows you to not feel tired even after intense workouts.

    Meal options

    It is believed that creating a menu for a raw food diet is very difficult, because the number of dishes that can be prepared from permitted products is limited. In fact, you can find a huge number of recipes for raw foodists, and there is no end in sight. There are cutlets, cabbage rolls, cakes, pies, marshmallows, ice cream, and even truffles - and all this is made exclusively from plant foods.

    • Orange smoothie;
    • green smoothies (there are a huge number of recipe options);
    • fruit icecream;
    • fruit salad;
    • almond crackers;
    • raw truffles.

    For lunch:

    • different versions of gazpacho - cucumber, strawberry, tomato, traditional;
    • soups - nut, vegetable, spicy, spicy;
    • cold soups - cabbage, borscht;
    • different salad options: lingonberry, cabbage and onion, sea, bean, summer, vitamin, brush.

    For dinner:

    • nut, fruit, apple pastille;
    • porridge - pea, lentil, legume, flaxseed;
    • zucchini pasta;
    • pecan pie;
    • hummus;
    • chickpea pate, avocado;
    • beet dumplings;
    • raw cabbage rolls;
    • champignons: Greek style, with pomegranate, salad;
    • vegetable cutlets;
    • raw spaghetti.

    So when creating a menu, the problem will not arise with the choice of dishes - you can find a huge number of recipes. The difficulty is to have a balanced diet. And here you can’t do without approximate power plans.

    Curious. Nutritionists have different opinions about the raw food diet for weight loss. Most of them, based on recent research, argue that raw foodists themselves cannot be obese and suffer from obesity. Such a nutrition system automatically reduces caloric intake and, accordingly, weight. However, there are those who argue that in order to get rid of extra pounds, even here you will have to cut down on portion sizes. The latter point of view is increasingly being criticized and does not stand up to it.

    Several menu options

    When compiling a diet, it is advisable to rely on an approximate menu of a raw foodist, in which caloric intake, the ratio of dietary fat, and the presence of vitamins and microelements that the body needs are calculated. And first of all, take into account your own life situation. If you are an athlete, look for food to build muscle mass, if you need to lose weight, look for weight loss, etc.

    Menu for the day

    • Breakfast: 200 ml Orange smoothie.
    • Lunch: 1 grapefruit.
    • Lunch: 200 ml cucumber gazpacho, 200 g salad of radish, spinach, celery, parsley and dill, 200 ml orange juice.
    • Afternoon snack: a handful of walnuts.
    • Dinner: 250 g of bean porridge, a small piece of nut marshmallow, 200 ml of fresh berry juice.

    Menu for beginners for 2 weeks

    The menu for beginners is very important, because most people refuse a raw food diet only because they were unable to switch to it correctly. The main principle here is gradualism. You cannot eat fried meat and hot soups for 30 years, and from tomorrow start eating everything raw.

    The transition should be stepwise. On average, it takes 2-3 weeks. This can be seen from the proposed menu, detailed in detail for these 2 weeks by day:

    • first, you give up meat and fish and eat raw food for dinner;
    • in the second, remove dairy products and eggs, include non-thermally processed foods for breakfast;
    • the third week is not scheduled, because it already involves a complete transition to the traditional menu as part of a raw food diet (an example will be given below).

    For muscle gain

    Don't believe the myths that when eating raw food, muscle gain suffers due to lack of protein. It is also found in plant foods, so this problem will not arise when creating the right menu.

    You can focus on the following nutritional plan for one day of a bodybuilder - developed by specialists and successfully tested in practice:

    • in the morning, half an hour before breakfast: 200 ml of raw water;
    • first breakfast: 200 ml lemon-orange juice;
    • charger;
    • after 15 minutes: 250 g of green soup, 200 ml of apple smoothie;
    • strength training (in an hour);
    • immediately after training: 200 ml banana-mango smoothie;
    • lunch: 250 g green soup, 200 ml pineapple smoothie;
    • afternoon snack: 250 g of green soup, 200 ml of banana and papaya smoothie;
    • dinner: 1 avocado, 250 g green salad, 200 ml tomato smoothie.

    If there are not enough calories, on days when there are no workouts, you can eat an additional 500 g of watermelon or grapes.

    For weight loss

    If you plan to constantly adhere to a raw food diet, then this menu is of no use to you - it is better to turn to the traditional one. This nutritional plan is offered by nutritionists to those who want to go on such a diet for a week and then return to their normal diet.

    Unlike the classic raw food menu, portion sizes are limited for weight loss, and only one dish is offered for lunch instead of two. In addition, nutritionists do not recommend using sweet fruits like bananas and grapes here, not consuming dried fruits and nuts, and excluding corn.

    The result under strict restrictions is minus 3 kg per week.

    Calcium-rich menu for the day

  1. Breakfast: green smoothie, which must include basil, parsley and dill.
  2. Lunch: a handful of almonds.
  3. Lunch: chickpea hummus, carrot (or beet) salad, but always with garlic. Green cocktail (parsley and dill are constant ingredients).
  4. Afternoon snack: a mixture of ground poppy seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.
  5. Dinner: salad of young nettle and dandelion leaves.


Now you will read about what you can eat on a raw food diet

To put it briefly, on a raw food diet you can eat any food of plant origin that has not been subjected to the slightest heat treatment.

There are discussions among raw foodists about whether they can eat honey, raw/cured meat, fish, drink milk, drink raw eggs.

Raw foodists, adherents of natural protein foods of animal origin, argue their position by the fact that dried fruits and not fresh dates can be eaten, but for some reason they cannot eat dried meat and fish. After all, these products were also not subjected to heat treatment.

We believe that the main task of proper nutrition is not a list of what can be eaten on a raw food diet, but a person’s health, his worldview.

Fruits: It is advisable that they are grown in the place where the raw foodist lives. It is clear that bananas, avocados and other “exotics” do not grow here. But it is advisable to buy plums, apples, pears, apricots, and grapes that grew in your area.

Tip: Most fruits contain organic acid, which eats away tooth enamel. To prevent this from happening, we recommend rinsing your mouth after each intake of fruit.

Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, various types of cabbage, sweet peppers, carrots, radishes, turnips, zucchini, eggplant can be eaten without any restrictions. You can eat no more than 50 g of beets at a time, and we recommend that you exclude potatoes from your diet altogether, because they contain a lot of starch. If you want to eat this root vegetable on a raw diet, yes, for God’s sake. Potatoes can be added to freshly squeezed juices.

Berries: raspberries, strawberries, melons, cherries, blueberries, blueberries, red and chokeberries, strawberries, honeysuckle and others can be eaten from the belly. Just like with fruits, after eating them you need to rinse your mouth so that there are no problems with your teeth.

Nuts: “native” walnuts, Brazillian, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, pine (very healthy, but expensive), pistachios, almonds. If your financial situation allows, eat unlimited quantities of pine nuts and almonds every day. E. Cayce, an American soothsayer, recommended that all people eat three almonds daily.

Cereals: wheat, oats, buckwheat, they can be sprouted, minced and eaten as much as you like. Sprouted grains are rich in protein and iron.

Legumes: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, can also be sprouted and eaten without restrictions.

What to Eat on a Raw Diet of Seeds, Oils and Greens

Seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax can be eaten without restrictions. It is also allowed to consume all types of oils from these seeds, including olive oil, on a raw food diet.

Greens: dill, parsley, cilantro, basil and other wild herbs (nettle) can be eaten.

Mushrooms: with this type of food you need to be careful and eat only those mushrooms that are 100% non-poisonous. You need to collect them yourself or buy champignons.

We told you what to eat on a raw food diet, and you will make the portions yourself.


A raw foodist is not full of vegetables alone

Let's first decide which type of raw food diet suits you best. In the last article, I described in detail that there are raw foodists: vegans, vegetarians, mono and mixed raw foodists. Of course, depending on the type chosen, the menu will differ.

I will put the main emphasis on the fact that on a raw food diet you should absolutely not consume foods that have undergone heat treatment. Many housewives will be delighted to think how much such a power system simplifies life! And they will be absolutely right! No more soups, borscht, roasts and pilaf! It’s enough to serve a salad of vegetables, berries, fruits and that’s it! Lunch is ready!

I will try to give below a list of products that are suitable specifically for our area. Since on foreign websites raw foodists often choose products that the average person has never heard of.

On a raw food diet you can eat:

  • Vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, cucumbers, cabbage, radish,
  • Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce, cilantro,
  • Nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazel, almonds, cedar);
  • Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, dates, raisins);

  • Berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries, cranberries, rose hips, watermelon);
  • Fruits (apples, pears, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, grapes, herma, plums, etc.);
  • Sunflower seeds and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame);
  • Cereals (buckwheat, oats);
  • Bananas, avocado, coconut;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Bran, cereals;
  • Milk (including soy milk).

If you do not adhere to orthodox views and are not going to become a vegan, then you can add meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs to your diet. Yes, these foods cannot be fried, boiled, stewed or baked. But no one forbids fermenting, pickling, salting, drying, etc. Thus, a raw foodist’s menu may include dried fish, dried meat, yoghurt, kefir, eggs, etc.

How to diversify your diet?

To avoid chewing cabbage from morning to evening, think through your diet for the week ahead. In the morning you can eat buckwheat or oatmeal. To do this, the sprouted grains are filled with water or kefir and left overnight. The porridge turns out very tasty and satisfying. In addition to water, juices, fruit drinks, kefir or yogurt are allowed.

What are the prohibitions of raw foodists?

There is no general unified rule and strict list of foods that a raw foodist can and cannot eat. Even if the strictest raw foodists are skeptical when they see you drinking milk, this does not mean that you are not a true raw foodist.

It’s just that everyone has their own rules and builds this nutrition system on their own internal sensations and tastes. Remember that, first of all, you are moving to a new level of life for yourself, and not for someone else. Therefore, you don’t need to immediately give up your usual diet and become an ardent vegan the next morning. You won't last a week. It is better to move slowly, gradually and consciously towards your goal.

How to plan a diet?

When drawing up a sample diet and menu for the week, try to think about how it contains enough vitamins and microelements that the body needs. Don’t forget about nuts and legumes, because they contain a large amount of protein, which is so necessary for the normal development and functioning of the body.

Also include cereals and grains in your diet. And carefully monitor your health. At first, there may even be a deterioration in your general condition, but you should not panic ahead of time. It’s just that the body needs adaptation when switching to a new type of nutrition and it “resists” with all its might.

If you choose this type of diet to lose weight, then it is better to immediately abandon such an idea. You can disrupt your body and cause serious illness. Raw food diet is a whole philosophy, without delving into it, you shouldn’t start.

If you are determined to take a new path, I would like to recommend you the free materials of Denis Terentyev, a raw foodist with 5 years of experience. He will teach you how to correctly and effectively switch to such a diet without negative consequences for the body.

If you found this article useful, share it with your friends and acquaintances on a social network. And if you are already a supporter of this type of nutrition, then tell us about how you started and what your diet consists of. Subscribe to the news and see you soon!


What is a raw food diet?

Raw food diet is a special nutrition system in which only fresh products can be used in food. People who eat such food believe that thermally unprocessed vegetables and fruits can bring much more benefits to the body than, for example, soup and chops. But raw foodists should not be confused with vegetarians. Unlike the latter, they can easily eat fish and meat. They marinate these two products or dry them. In addition to raw foods, their diet also contains cereals. They simply cannot be heat treated, but are soaked in water for a long time. When the cereal begins to sprout, it can be eaten.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet for the body

Every year the number of supporters of thermally unprocessed food only increases. And if some people switch to such a food system simply out of curiosity, others consider it a panacea for all diseases. Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be called unhealthy food, but by eating exclusively on them, a person deprives his body of the proteins and fats he needs. And this immediately affects his health. But, on the other hand, scientists have proven that people who eat raw food almost never get heart disease or cancer.

Benefits of a raw food diet for the human body:
1) Carcinogens do not enter the body
2) Much less salt and fat is consumed
3) Saturation occurs faster
4) Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
5) Gums are strengthened
6) Weight returns to normal
7) The overall tone of the body increases

The harm of a raw food diet to the human body:
1) Tooth enamel is quickly damaged
2) The belly increases slightly
3) Kidney failure may develop
4) Joint problems appear
5) The menstrual cycle is disrupted

Raw food diet: results and reviews

Lillian: I decided to try eating raw foods when I was 22 years old. After twenty, I began to gain a lot of weight. My volume increased so quickly that very soon I could no longer fit into my favorite dresses and I had to radically change my wardrobe. Having listened to the advice of my friends, I went on a strict diet and started exercising. Everything was fine, I worked out, the weight came off little by little, but as soon as I switched to a normal diet, the volume returned again. Seeing my torment, a neighbor suggested that I switch to a raw food diet. At first I was a little doubtful, but then I finally decided to try. After about six months, I finally began to feel like a real woman. Now I’m already 30, but sometimes it seems to me that I look much better than when I was 20.

Anastasia: I have always had poor health. I was constantly sneezing, coughing or having a sore throat. There was a period when I ate almost nothing but pills. All this chemistry was slowly killing my immune system and each time it became more and more difficult for my body to cope with the consequences of illness. On top of all this, I began to have terrible skin problems that I could not cope with. Therefore, I decided to radically change my life. To begin with, I found a person who practices a raw food diet and asked him to tell me everything about this method of eating. And when I realized that I was mentally ready for this, I began to act. At first it was very difficult, but when the illnesses began to recede, it became clear to me that I was on the right path.

Switching to a raw food diet: where to start?

To make the transition from processed foods to fresh vegetables and fruits as painless as possible, you need to learn as much as possible about a raw food diet and its effects on the body. After all, if a person is prepared for problems to arise, he will be able to cope with them much easier. Therefore, before you change your lifestyle, be sure to find out what foods raw foodists can eat and how to spend fasting days. Only reliable information and the right moral attitude can make the transition period as comfortable as possible.

Basic rules for switching to a raw food diet:
1) Gradually reduce your consumption of processed foods
2) Eliminate meat and fish from your diet
3) Cleanse the intestines and liver
4) Find your like-minded people
5) Avoid visiting regular restaurants and cafes for a while

The main stages of a raw food diet

People who are planning to start eating unprocessed food should know that such a nutritional system will only benefit their body if they eat raw food for a long enough time. For people who are at the very beginning of this path, Victoria Butenko wrote the book “12 steps of a raw food diet.” In it you will find answers to all your questions, and also find out what problems may arise during the transition process. You will also find out whether a raw food diet is beneficial for the human body and learn how to build relationships with people who eat regular food.

Stages of raw food diet:
1) Give up your beliefs
2) Open yourself to new experiences
3) Learn to cook raw food
4) Try to build harmonious relationships with the people around you
5) Avoid temptations
6) Find like-minded friends
7) Learn something new
8) Listen to your inner voice
9) Don’t eat your failures
10) Never eat on the go
11) Refuse common stereotypes
12) Help beginner raw foodists

Raw food diet for weight loss: raw diets

A raw diet is a special nutritional system that slows down all aging processes and promotes gentle loss of extra pounds. Thermally unprocessed foods maximally saturate the body with useful fiber, which removes waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body. If you manage to set yourself up correctly, then such a diet can help you completely wean yourself off junk food and never return to your normal lifestyle.

Types of raw diets:

Vegetarian. This diet does not include the consumption of eggs and lactic acid products. For 10 days, a person losing weight can eat exclusively raw vegetables and fruits. A person can eat no more than two kilograms of food per day. On the eleventh day, you can add nuts to your diet.

Meat. This diet is more suitable for those people who could not completely give up meat. In addition to vegetables and fruits, a person losing weight can afford 300g of raw or dried meat. Fish may also be present in the meat diet. You can make delicious and healthy tartars from it.

List of foods for raw foodists

Many people are afraid to switch to a new lifestyle for fear that the raw food menu is quite limited. But if you start studying information about this method of eating, it becomes clear that the list of products is quite large. Moreover, the list of products is so huge that a raw foodist certainly does not face monotony in his diet.

Foods that a raw foodist can eat:
1) Organic vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, carrots and beets.
2) Natural fruits: citrus fruits, plums, apricots, apples, pears, bananas, watermelons.
3) Berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries.
4) Greens: all kinds of salads, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil.
5) Mushrooms: you can pick wild mushrooms or buy champignons.
6) Unprocessed seeds: rice, buckwheat, corn, oats, lentils, flax.
7) Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes.
8) Vegetable oils: sesame, peanut, pumpkin, olive.

Victoria Butenko about raw food diet: recipes

We bring to your attention a few simple recipes that will help you comfortably switch from a regular diet to a raw food diet.

Nutritious porridge for raw foodists

  • Take a glass of oatmeal and fill it with clean water.
  • Let the mixture sit for at least 8 hours. After this time, you can start preparing the porridge.
  • Place the oatmeal in a bowl and add chopped dates, raisins and vegetable oil.
  • For a more beautiful look, the porridge can be decorated with pieces of fresh fruit.

Nut milk

To prepare this nutritious drink, you will need nuts, seeds and plain water.

  • The nuts must first be soaked and then placed in a blender along with water, honey and dates.
  • Next, we move on to grinding the ingredients of the future milk.
  • After grinding, the drink must be filtered and you can enjoy the pleasant nutty taste.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with a raw food diet. If you approach this issue correctly, then it is quite possible to improve your body’s health and lose extra pounds. But only you can decide whether raw food will become a way of life for you.



We all know the existence of raw foodists. Some consider them truly strong people, others cannot understand how they can live without delicious home-cooked food. But adherents of a raw food diet claim that this way of life allows them to always remain healthy, energetic and emotionally balanced. However, such nutrition also has its opponents. Nutritionists suggest that if you adhere to such a nutrition system for a long time, the body will not receive all the nutrients it needs and will not be able to properly resist diseases.

What is a raw food diet?

Raw food diet is a special nutrition system in which only fresh products can be used in food. People who eat such food believe that thermally unprocessed vegetables and fruits can bring much more benefits to the body than, for example, soup and chops. But raw foodists should not be confused with vegetarians. Unlike the latter, they can easily eat fish and meat. They marinate these two products or dry them. In addition to raw foods, their diet also contains cereals. They simply cannot be heat treated, but are soaked in water for a long time. When the cereal begins to sprout, it can be eaten.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet for the body

Every year the number of supporters of thermally unprocessed food only increases. And if some people switch to such a food system simply out of curiosity, others consider it a panacea for all diseases. Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be called unhealthy food, but by eating exclusively on them, a person deprives his body of the proteins and fats he needs. And this immediately affects his health. But, on the other hand, scientists have proven that people who eat raw food almost never get heart disease or cancer.

Benefits of a raw food diet for the human body:
1) Carcinogens do not enter the body
2) Much less salt and fat is consumed
3) Saturation occurs faster
4) Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
5) Gums are strengthened
6) Weight returns to normal
7) The overall tone of the body increases

The harm of a raw food diet to the human body:
1) Tooth enamel is quickly damaged
2) The belly increases slightly
3) Kidney failure may develop
4) Joint problems appear
5) The menstrual cycle is disrupted

Raw food diet: results and reviews

Lillian: I decided to try eating raw foods when I was 22 years old. After twenty, I began to gain a lot of weight. My volume increased so quickly that very soon I could no longer fit into my favorite dresses and I had to radically change my wardrobe. Having listened to the advice of my friends, I went on a strict diet and started exercising. Everything was fine, I worked out, the weight came off little by little, but as soon as I switched to a normal diet, the volume returned again. Seeing my torment, a neighbor suggested that I switch to a raw food diet. At first I was a little doubtful, but then I finally decided to try. After about six months, I finally began to feel like a real woman. Now I’m already 30, but sometimes it seems to me that I look much better than when I was 20.

Anastasia: I have always had poor health. I was constantly sneezing, coughing or having a sore throat. There was a period when I ate almost nothing but pills. All this chemistry was slowly killing my immune system and each time it became more and more difficult for my body to cope with the consequences of illness. On top of all this, I began to have terrible skin problems that I could not cope with. Therefore, I decided to radically change my life. To begin with, I found a person who practices a raw food diet and asked him to tell me everything about this method of eating. And when I realized that I was mentally ready for this, I began to act. At first it was very difficult, but when the illnesses began to recede, it became clear to me that I was on the right path.

Switching to a raw food diet: where to start?

To make the transition from processed foods to fresh vegetables and fruits as painless as possible, you need to learn as much as possible about a raw food diet and its effects on the body. After all, if a person is prepared for problems to arise, he will be able to cope with them much easier. Therefore, before you change your lifestyle, be sure to find out what foods raw foodists can eat and how to spend fasting days. Only reliable information and the right moral attitude can make the transition period as comfortable as possible.

Basic rules for switching to a raw food diet:
1) Gradually reduce your consumption of processed foods
2) Eliminate meat and fish from your diet
3) Cleanse the intestines and liver
4) Find your like-minded people
5) Avoid visiting regular restaurants and cafes for a while

The main stages of a raw food diet

People who are planning to start eating unprocessed food should know that such a nutritional system will only benefit their body if they eat raw food for a long enough time. For people who are at the very beginning of this path, Victoria Butenko wrote the book “12 steps of a raw food diet.” In it you will find answers to all your questions, and also find out what problems may arise during the transition process. You will also find out whether a raw food diet is beneficial for the human body and learn how to build relationships with people who eat regular food.

Stages of raw food diet:
1) Give up your beliefs
2) Open yourself to new experiences
3) Learn to cook raw food
4) Try to build harmonious relationships with the people around you
5) Avoid temptations
6) Find like-minded friends
7) Learn something new
8) Listen to your inner voice
9) Don’t eat your failures
10) Never eat on the go
11) Refuse common stereotypes
12) Help beginner raw foodists

Raw food diet for weight loss: raw diets

A raw diet is a special nutritional system that slows down all aging processes and promotes gentle loss of extra pounds. Thermally unprocessed foods maximally saturate the body with useful fiber, which removes waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body. If you manage to set yourself up correctly, then such a diet can help you completely wean yourself off junk food and never return to your normal lifestyle.

Types of raw diets:

Vegetarian. This diet does not include the consumption of eggs and lactic acid products. For 10 days, a person losing weight can eat exclusively raw vegetables and fruits. A person can eat no more than two kilograms of food per day. On the eleventh day, you can add nuts to your diet.

Meat. This diet is more suitable for those people who could not completely give up meat. In addition to vegetables and fruits, a person losing weight can afford 300g of raw or dried meat. Fish may also be present in the meat diet. You can make delicious and healthy tartars from it.

List of foods for raw foodists

Many people are afraid to switch to a new lifestyle for fear that the raw food menu is quite limited. But if you start studying information about this method of eating, it becomes clear that the list of products is quite large. Moreover, the list of products is so huge that a raw foodist certainly does not face monotony in his diet.

Foods that a raw foodist can eat:
1) Organic vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, carrots and beets.
2) Natural fruits: citrus fruits, plums, apricots, apples, pears, bananas, watermelons.
3) Berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries.
4) Greens: all kinds of salads, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil.
5) Mushrooms: you can pick wild mushrooms or buy champignons.
6) Unprocessed seeds: rice, buckwheat, corn, oats, lentils, flax.
7) Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes.
8) Vegetable oils: sesame, peanut, pumpkin, olive.

Victoria Butenko about raw food diet: recipes

We bring to your attention a few simple recipes that will help you comfortably switch from a regular diet to a raw food diet.

Nutritious porridge for raw foodists

  • Take a glass of oatmeal and fill it with clean water.
  • Let the mixture sit for at least 8 hours. After this time, you can start preparing the porridge.
  • Place the oatmeal in a bowl and add chopped dates, raisins and vegetable oil.
  • For a more beautiful look, the porridge can be decorated with pieces of fresh fruit.

Nut milk

To prepare this nutritious drink, you will need nuts, seeds and plain water.

  • The nuts must first be soaked and then placed in a blender along with water, honey and dates.
  • Next, we move on to grinding the ingredients of the future milk.
  • After grinding, the drink must be filtered and you can enjoy the pleasant nutty taste.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with a raw food diet. If you approach this issue correctly, then it is quite possible to improve your body’s health and lose extra pounds. But only you can decide whether raw food will become a way of life for you.