Raw food diet - where to start. Where to start with a raw food diet? The main mistakes of beginners Switch to a raw food diet

Today in the world there are many diets, different types of nutrition and other systems related to human nutrition. One of the very interesting types of nutrition is a raw food diet.

If you decide to switch to a raw food diet, then you should know where to start in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

And so, first, ask yourself questions: “Do you need this?”, “What do you want to get from such a decision?” You must clearly understand that a raw food diet is not some kind of diet, but a way of life after the transition to which your whole life will change. Pavel Sebastyanov, in a book about raw food nutrition, writes: “The path of a raw foodist is the path of the samurai.” This statement very accurately emphasizes the seriousness of a raw food diet. If you choose a raw food diet, you will face great difficulties and obstacles. A raw food diet is not just a refusal of cooked food. Becoming a raw foodist will cause you many problems. This includes a misunderstanding of you by your loved ones, the body will be cruelly opposed to you, breakdowns and crises will occur. But besides the negative aspects, a raw food diet also has positive aspects. This and the path to health, and cleansing the body, and self-improvement and self-control. Therefore, it is not worth starting without an answer to the question ““. Without understanding yourself, without weighing all the pros and cons of such a choice, it will be difficult to complete what you started. Once you have determined why you need it. The next step is to figure out where to start.

There are several ways to start a raw food diet.

First way is the toughest of all the others. He foresees a sharp transition, without any compromises or concessions to his body. However, this method requires a lot of willpower from you and a good margin of safety for your body. Remember that after eliminating boiled food from the diet, a process of releasing a huge amount of energy occurs in the body, which is spent on self-cleaning. This is not a very painless process, and in some cases it is dangerous, especially if you have previously very often pleased your body with various delicacies and sweets and have not taught it to be content with the least. Also, as a result of this transition, you may experience such painful symptoms as: dizziness, weakness in the body, fever, peeling and redness of the skin and other symptoms associated with changes in the body. If the body is more neglected, it can be even worse.

But don’t immediately get scared and give up everything. In this way your body gets rid of from all the unnecessary things that have been accumulating in the body for years. You will also be tempted by old habits that are not easy to break. Different smells of food will make you hungry and want to eat something boiled or fried. A sharp transition is a method for those people who have strong willpower and self-control. If you have these qualities, then a sharp transition is for you.

Second way more loyal to your body as it anticipates a smooth transition. Most people like this method. Studies in this area have shown that many foods cause drug addiction and it will be difficult to say goodbye to them using willpower alone and not everyone will be able to do this. The method of replacing harmful foods with healthy ones will help with this. The first step in this can be green smoothies. Most indications indicate that these shakes reduce cravings for cooked foods. Cocktails will also help avoid stress and other side effects from a sudden transition.

It should be noted that a sudden transition is not a very good decision for people who have some health problems.

The best way is to make a gradual transition. To begin with, give up cooked animal protein, and most importantly, give up processed meats. Afterwards, gradually give up poultry, fish, eggs in any prepared form. The next step is to give up milk and dairy products, sweets, coffee and fatty and fried bread. Try to eat more greens and fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. At the transition stage, sauerkraut, vegetables and pickled fruits will be an excellent assistant. If just the sight of labeled fruits causes you discomfort, then it is better to replace them with something else. Listen to your body, it knows exactly what you need.

Juicer Simply irreplaceable in the kitchen of a beginning raw foodist. Fruit and vegetable juices are not only healthy, but also have a pleasant taste. Juice therapy will help remove toxins from the body and switch to a raw food diet, without unnecessary stress and problems.

Blender will also be your good assistant. It is known that crushed food is absorbed much better. Smoothies are fruit juices and purees, a wonderful treat and a complete meal for those who cannot boast of strong teeth.

Why do you need a raw foodist? food processor? When switching to a raw food diet, for those who find it difficult to adapt to separate meals, there is an acceptable alternative. These are salads and other “raw food” dishes. Using a food processor, they will take just a few minutes to prepare, which is especially important if you are a busy person.

Before switching to a raw food diet, raw food doctors advise undergoing a fasting cleanse. Fasting is a great way to help the body adapt to a new way. It can be with water or with herbal teas. More detailed information can be found by reading various literature written in this vein. If you want to learn more about how this will affect your health, you can consult with raw food doctors.

Another obstacle to the path to a raw food diet can be the attitude of your loved ones towards your choice. They may not understand you and dissuade you from this idea. Your friends may look at you askance, laugh at you, and think you are crazy. But don’t get upset right away, be persistent and everything will come to its senses. As you know, people are hostile to everything new. Over time, the people around you will get used to your choice, and all will be well. The main thing is to try not to be offended by others and remain calm. If they make fun of you, try to treat it with humor. With time your well-being and appearance will show who was right and who was wrong.

How to smoothly switch to a raw food diet without harm to your health, as well as types of raw food diet, basic rules for food compatibility and contraindications, recipes and menus for the week.

The transition to natural plant foods leads to a serious restructuring of the body, which reacts to changes differently. For some, switching to a raw food diet is easy. Some people face health problems because they have acquired diseases over the years of poor nutrition. Therefore, beginning raw foodists need to know as much as possible about this food system and adhere to the principles of the correct transition to plant foods.

The essence of a raw food diet

Diseases are a deviation from the norm, an attempt by the body to remove toxins and a signal about the need to change lifestyle. The norm is absolute health, the foundation of which is a raw food diet. The absence of heat treatment allows you to get rid of most health problems.

A raw food diet is not just proper nutrition, it is also an ideology of a healthy lifestyle. After all, switching to natural food changes not only the state of the body, but also thinking, perception of life and its essence. The products used by a raw foodist are everything that grows naturally:

  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • seeds;
  • nuts.

In their raw form, these products contain all the necessary microelements and vitamins, providing a person with complete nutrition. Switching to a raw food diet allows you to:

  • cleanse the body of deposits of toxins and waste;
  • lose weight;
  • improve the condition of the skin, as well as the whole body;
  • switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Types of raw food diet

Each organism is individual, so there cannot be a general raw food diet scheme for everyone. You need to choose the most suitable option for yourself by trying different types of power systems.


This is the most suitable type of raw food diet for beginners. It is allowed to eat plant foods without heat treatment; heating temperatures up to 40 degrees are allowed. Products in the diet of a classic raw foodist:

  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetable salads;
  • cold pressed oil;
  • nuts;
  • natural sea salt;
  • palm sugar;
  • spices.

This type of raw food diet allows you to prepare many different dishes, simply replacing the usual harmful goodies with healthier ones.


This type of raw food diet, founded by Douglas Graham, is usually used after the classic one. The diet is based on the principle: 80% carbohydrates, 10% fats, 10% proteins. In his opinion, excess weight is influenced not by calories, but by eating non-specific foods high in fat. Eating exclusively fruits and berries provides the body with enough calories. Proper carbohydrates provide the body with “clean” energy, and fiber promotes the effective removal of toxins.

Half-raw food diet

This method is based on fruitarianism. At the same time, once a week or once a day you are allowed to eat dishes made from rice, potatoes, and baked vegetables. But they need to be prepared without salt, oil, chemical additives and consumed separately from fruits. This raw food diet system allows you to stay cheerful, in excellent physical shape, cook vegan dishes and not avoid dinners with friends.

Raw mono diet

A raw food diet is eating one type of fruit at a time without limiting its quantity. Breakfast can only consist of bananas or watermelon. This speeds up the digestion process as much as possible, allowing the body to cleanse itself of toxins. But it is quite difficult to maintain such a regime, so for dinner a dish of vegetable salad with herbs is allowed.

Vegan raw food diet

This is the highest form of raw food diet, balancing on the line between feeding on prana and completely refusing food. Many raw foodists strive to achieve this state. The vegan raw food diet is divided into: Jusorian(on juices) and Sprutorian(on sprouted cereal grains). Fruit or vegetable juices can saturate the body, remove toxins, and relieve diseases.

This nutritional system is quite easily tolerated due to the surge of strength for the first two months, after which the body begins to suffer from a lack of fiber. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate liquid nutrition with other types of raw food diet.


The raw food diet in Russia is based on simplifying the diet and reducing the amount of food. But prolonged malnutrition often leads to breakdown and loss of strength, which forces malnourished people to switch to other types of raw food diet. The Russian cold also makes its own adjustments, so the diet includes honey, sprouted seeds, and green smoothies.

Where to start the transition to a raw food diet

A raw food diet begins with the understanding that a serious restructuring of the body will occur. You need a clearly defined goal and a competent plan for switching to raw food. The most difficult moment of the transition is the psychological attitude. You may encounter condemnation and attempts to return the novice raw foodist to his previous position. You need to be prepared for a change in your surroundings, the loss of some friends who are unable to understand and accept a sharp change in established traditions.

The transition to a raw food diet can be accomplished in two ways:

  1. Cutting. This is shock therapy for the body, as you need to abruptly stop eating thermally processed food. The method is fraught with breakdowns, stress, and imbalance in the body.
  2. Smooth. At the first stage, there is a gradual abandonment of fried, smoked foods and coffee. At the next stage, you can begin to exclude other familiar foods from your diet. The method requires a long time, but allows the body to gently adapt to changes and protects the immune and regulatory systems from stress. This is an ideal method for a beginner.

Basic rules for product compatibility

Due to errors in the diet, people are often disappointed in this type of nutrition, since they do not lose excess weight or get rid of diseases. Beginning raw foodists mistakenly believe that foods can be consumed uncontrolled, in any combination. But that's not true.

During a raw food diet, there is no usual feeling of fullness even with a full stomach. People are faced with unusual sensations for the first time and begin to mix products with each other. The wrong combination of components of a raw food menu can lead to phenomena such as fermentation and putrefactive processes. Ideally, you should eat each ingredient separately or follow a strict raw food diet.

Compatibility of raw food menu components:

  1. Fats (nuts, avocado and coconut) should not be mixed with sugar (fruit). The same rule applies to dried fruits; they should not be consumed with fruits and fats.
  2. It is forbidden to mix different types of fats, which are heavy food for the stomach. Nuts should not be consumed mixed with avocado or coconut, or seasoned with vegetable oil. Coconut and avocado are also incompatible with each other.
  3. Starch (boiled potatoes, bananas, bread) and acids (sour fruits and vegetables) are incompatible. This is due to the fact that various enzymes are used to digest them. When mixed, they begin to neutralize each other, which leads to digestive problems. For example, tomatoes belong to the group of sour vegetables, so you should not combine them with potatoes and bread. Bananas should not be eaten with oranges.

The correct sequence of food consumption also plays an important role:

  1. Liquid - fruit juices, it is better to start with sour ones.
  2. Slightly denser vegetables.
  3. Dense - avocado.
  4. Hard – seeds, nuts.

The basic principle of raw food nutrition is a smooth transition from liquid food to solid food. Vegetables and nuts can be combined and swapped. It is recommended to avoid consumption:

  • fruits or starch after nuts;
  • fruits (including sour ones) after starch;
  • sour fruits after bananas;
  • fruits after dried fruits.

The basic principle of nutrition is to arrange food in the stomach in layers in the correct sequence.

Menu for the week

Day of the week breakfast dinner dinner
Monday Green smoothie (banana, kiwi, lemon juice, sorrel, celery, mint branch) A few pieces of watermelon or persimmons Orange, banana, apple puree
Tuesday 1 cup raspberries or bunch of grapes Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, lettuce and herbs + a glass of fresh juice Grated with honey, nuts and raisins
Wednesday Green smoothie (strawberries, banana, bunch of mint, lettuce and greens) Cold soup of 2 glasses of carrot juice, 1 avocado, 1 spoon of ginger and rosemary, basil, green peas Pears or apricots (300–400 g)
Thursday A handful of nuts + 300 g plums Carrot and cabbage salad with herbs and any vegetable oil + a glass of freshly squeezed juice 2–3 apples + 50g greens
Friday Green buckwheat (after soaking in water overnight) and tomatoes Raw soup made from pumpkin, avocado, lemon, lettuce, chickpea sprouts, cumin, curry, 2 glasses of water Banana +
Saturday Salad of tangerine, kiwi, banana, orange juice Salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and cold-pressed vegetable oil 300 g tangerines or
Sunday Green smoothie (2 pears, mint, water) + a handful of dried fruits Cold avocado soup, 2 cups green peas, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 cup almond milk, 1 clove garlic A couple of apples or 300 g of strawberries, cherries

The daily menu of a raw foodist may contain snacks: nuts, honey, marshmallows, dried fruits. A 24-hour water fast is recommended, starting once a week. You can gradually switch to a three-day fast once a month.

Popular recipes

Soup with buckwheat and cucumbers


  • sprouted buckwheat – 250 g;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 4 medium cucumbers;
  • 3 tbsp. l. peeled pumpkin or sunflower seeds;
  • lemon juice – 4 tsp;
  • pepper, salt.

Puree the pulp of avocado and cucumber, as well as buckwheat, in a blender, add lemon juice and seasonings. Pour the puree into plates, sprinkle with seeds, add herbs.

Chia coconut pudding


  • 1 glass of coconut milk;
  • one third cup of chia seeds;
  • one ripe banana;
  • a couple of mangoes or peaches.

Add chia seeds to the whipped banana mixture, then leave until thickened (can be overnight). Before use, add peeled and diced mango.

Green buckwheat, avocado and cucumber salad

Will need:

  • two thirds of a glass of green buckwheat;
  • one avocado, long cucumber, grapefruit;
  • a bunch of greens (arugula);
  • salad;
  • spices and salt.

Buckwheat is soaked for half an hour, after which it is left overnight to germinate. Then it needs to be washed and dried. Peeled avocado is cut into pieces, grapefruit juice with spices and salt are added to it. Buckwheat is seasoned with sauce and placed in the middle of the plate. In portions, sliced ​​cucumber, chopped lettuce and herbs are laid out along the edge.

Cookies "Rayskoe"


  • 3 coconuts;
  • 2 bananas.

Crack the coconut, extract the pulp, peel off the brown skin and cut into pieces. Peel the bananas and cut them. Add coconut liquid to coconut and banana pieces and blend until smooth. Coconut flakes can be coarse or finely ground. The resulting dough-like mass is placed on a dehydrator sheet and dried. When ready, turn the cookies over to the other side to speed up drying.

Pea paste


  • raw green peas – 450 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1–2 tbsp;
  • water – from 50 to 100 ml;
  • salt, herbs as desired.

Mix thawed green peas with all ingredients and blend in a blender. Add water as needed.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for switching to natural food is to restore a healthy state of the body. This system is available to any person who has no contraindications.

People with allergies should be cautious about switching to a raw food diet. Only heat treatment can neutralize harmful protein substances to which the immune system of allergy sufferers reacts.

A raw food diet is contraindicated for children, the elderly, and pregnant women. The system should not be used for serious diseases of the digestive system.

What diseases can be cured

Nature has provided the human body with all the tools necessary to maintain health. But improper nutrition leads to clogging of the body, supplying it with unnecessary substances and depriving it of necessary ones. Organs have difficulty coping with the increased load, their defenses are weakened. The raw food diet method allows you to get rid of many serious diseases:

  1. A raw food diet can completely cure type 2 diabetes and reduce the dosage of insulin in type 1 of the disease.
  2. Obesity is cured. A person loses 8 kg or more of excess weight per month. At the same time, the volume of food practically does not change, only its quality.
  3. Skin diseases (furunculosis, psoriasis, and others) recede after the cleansing effects of a raw food diet.
  4. It goes away, which is a consequence of excessive consumption of fatty and salty foods.
  5. Prostatitis can recede after just a month of practicing a raw food diet. Proper nutrition eliminates the source of inflammation and releases the body's reserve forces.
  6. A raw food diet is indicated for cancer. Switching to natural food restores the body, cleanses it of toxins, and eliminates old inflammatory processes.
  7. The functioning of the digestive organs is improved, the gums are strengthened, and tooth enamel is preserved.
  8. Blood pressure and heart function are normalized. Normal intestinal function and water metabolism are restored. Urolithiasis recedes, neuroses and joint diseases are eliminated. The level returns to normal. And this is not a complete list of the therapeutic effects of proper nutrition.

Benefits and harms

  1. A raw food diet has many advantages, attracting more and more new followers. The main arguments in favor of eating plant foods:
  2. Due to the lack of heat treatment, all beneficial substances in food are preserved; raw foods contribute to more complete absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  3. The entry of harmful substances into the body is excluded: saturated fats, sugar, trans fats, carcinogens, harmful food additives. The body stops becoming clogged with waste and toxins.
  4. The fiber in raw vegetables and fruits promotes faster saturation, while the serving size does not decrease and the calorie content remains low. This is a great opportunity to lose weight quickly and safely.
  5. There is a relief from many diseases.
  6. The overall energy level increases and your well-being improves.
  7. In a week of raw food diet you can get rid of 3 to 6 kilograms of excess weight. This is explained by the loss of excess fluid and intensive removal of toxins from the first day of the new diet.

Despite all the benefits, a raw food diet cannot be recommended for everyone for several reasons:

  1. Imbalance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Plant foods are poor in protein, which leads to its deficiency in the body. Legumes and some grains used as a source of protein can accumulate toxic substances. Their excessive consumption without heat treatment is harmful to the body.
  2. Lack of (tryptophan, methionine, lysine), vitamins (B12, B2).
  3. Risk of developing or exacerbating allergies. Raw legumes, as well as wheat, contain allergenic substances that can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. For those who are accustomed to eating industrially processed foods, it is psychologically very difficult to switch to eating raw plant foods. Such people often have a breakdown, accompanied by sudden overeating. Therefore, you need to start a raw food diet gradually, spending fasting days, minimizing dinner.

The transition to a raw food diet is an individual process for everyone. You need to take your time and listen carefully to your own body. Measures and a reasonable attitude will help smoothly transform the nutrition system towards natural and healthy food.

Absolutely healthy people, unfortunately, make up only 4.3% of the planet's population. The reason for the increase in incidence in 51% of cases is unhealthy and high-calorie foods, overweight and obesity, poisoning of the body with products containing toxins, nitrates, GMOs and synthetic additives. That's why more than 1 billion people around the world prefer vegetarianism, healthy eating and leading an active lifestyle. But a raw food diet, especially for beginners, can cause difficulties, which are so often written about by sweet tooths, fans of meat and spices. It’s easy to get rid of food addiction and learn to control your taste preferences if you have more information about the benefits of dishes made from fresh natural ingredients.

The basics of a raw food diet: where to start on the path to health

As an independent alternative nutritional system, the raw food diet dates back to 1903 after the publication of the book “Principles of Dietary Treatment,” written by the Swiss physician and scientist Maximilian Bircher-Benner. He drew the line between the basics of vegetarianism and outlined the principles of eating unprocessed foods. Thanks to the work of a researcher in the field of nutrition, the basis for modern raw food diet options emerged:

  • classic, mixed. Only raw vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, nuts and seeds, cereals and sprouted seeds are allowed. Popular wild plants include quinoa, nettle, nettle, dandelion and plantain. In some cases, milk, eggs, fish, natural honey are allowed;
  • vegetarian. Prohibition of meat, game and seafood. Whole grain bread, hemp seeds, soybeans, cottage cheese and eggs are used;
  • strict, vegan. Limits the consumption of all animal products, including eggs, honey, milk;
  • carnivore. This direction does not accept food that has been heat or cold processed. It is possible to introduce vegetable oil, cereals, raw meat, fish into the diet;
  • fruitarianism. Fresh fruits, air-dried dried fruits, vital parts of plants have an advantage;
  • raw mono diet. Each meal should correspond to one selected product.

Going Raw: A Beginner's Guide

It’s difficult to achieve the desired result right away, so don’t rush to radically change your usual menu. Otherwise, weakness, a feeling of extreme hunger, aggression and discomfort will appear. To make a raw food diet effective, remember how to start eating right:

  • keep drinking regime. Start with mineral or purified water without impurities, unpleasant taste and odor;
  • Breakfast lunch and dinner. Light snacks every 1.5-2 hours. In the first half of the day it is allowed to prepare dishes from boiled foods;
  • choose your favorite fruits and vegetables;
  • avoid meat, pasta and confectionery;
  • unleavened bread or wholemeal bread;
  • Use brown sugar as a sweetener;
  • It is better to drink juices, decoctions and tinctures between meals;
  • Replace seasonings, spices and sauces with nectar from cranberries, lemon and tomato.

For beginner raw foodists, 1-3 weeks of daily adherence to a healthy diet will be enough. At this time, the body is cleansed and accustomed to natural sources of vitamins, micro and macroelements.

Raw food diet: where to start creating a menu

Now that expensive processed, frozen or fast foods are a thing of the past, it's time to think about healthy, nutritious meals. But, before you begin a process such as a raw food diet and turn to the menu for beginners, outline a list of necessary products.

Fresh fruits, berries and citrus fruits, vegetables and herbs. They fill the body, first of all, with vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening muscle tone, functioning of blood vessels, and restoration of tissues and cells. Minerals speed up metabolism, activate fatty acid metabolism enzymes, help digest proteins, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Soybeans, beans and peas are indispensable in redox reactions, help absorb iron and prevent capillary fragility, prevent anemia, regulate cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood.

Nuts provide the body with energy, participate in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and play an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the absorption capacity of the intestine. The high content of manganese, fluorine and copper contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton and bone tissue, and vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system.

Plants. Plantain, burdock, quinoa, lemon balm, nettle, nettle. They have an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, regulate insulin levels in the body, protect the biliary system, blood vessels and heart.

Fish. The presence of seafood in the diet compensates for the lack of protein and amino acids in the body. They contain a large amount of vitamins B, A, E and D, minerals and such an important trace element as iodine. Regular consumption of fish meat normalizes the production of hormones, improves water, acid and electrolyte balance in the body, and is responsible for energy metabolism.

Raw food diet: weekly menu and simple recipes for beginners

By managing the needs of their appetite, followers of vegetarianism and a healthy lifestyle note a low feeling of hunger, reduced sleep to 4-6 hours, increased physical endurance, improved memory and attention. What a raw food diet is was said earlier, but we’ll try to find out together where to start eating properly and how to create a menu for the week. The first thought that comes to mind concerns what raw foodists eat for breakfast:

  • oatmeal. A glass of cereal is filled with water overnight. In the morning, raisins, dried apricots, berries or pitted dates are added to the prepared porridge;
  • cocktail of vivacity. Ingredients: one centimeter of ginger root, 3 carrots and 2 apples. All ingredients are placed in a juicer until life-giving nectar is obtained;
  • paste for sandwiches made from burdock and apples. To prepare, you need to boil 200 grams of the roots of the plant in salted water in advance and grate it. Make a puree from 100 grams of peeled apples. Add melted butter and 0.5 teaspoon of mustard to the resulting mixture.

A raw foodist's lunch is just as satisfying as that of an ordinary person, but more healthy and tasty. For those who have chosen a raw food diet for weight loss and don’t know where to start, we offer dietary vegetarian borscht and its recipe:

  • red beets - 3 pieces;
  • carrots - 4 pieces;
  • celery and ginger root;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - tablespoon;
  • 0.5 cups olive oil;
  • 0.5 cups of walnuts;
  • 500 grams of cabbage;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • bay leaf, salt and pepper.

Grind the beets, ginger, bay leaf and garlic in a blender. Place in a saucepan and add water. At the next stage, form a homogeneous mixture of peeled oranges, 2 carrots, celery, olive oil and walnuts. Combine all the resulting components into a total mass. Finely chop the cabbage and remaining carrots and add to the finished dish.

The delicious and nutritious desserts that a raw food diet offers in the menu for beginners will prevent you from gaining excess weight and are suitable for quick weight loss. Recipe for making a cake for raw foodists:

  • almonds - 1 cup;
  • sunflower seeds - 0.5 cups;
  • orange zest;
  • banana - 2 pieces;
  • dates - 150 grams;
  • flax seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • water.

Sunflower seeds and almonds should be left in water overnight. In the morning, chop them together with dates, add orange zest. Knead the resulting mixture into a dough. The cream is prepared from crushed bananas, orange juice and flax seeds. The cake is infused for about 2 hours.

Raw food diet from Victoria Butenko: where to start

A successful teacher in the field of healthy eating from the USA has opened up new possibilities for plant-based products to the whole world. Victoria Butenko has proven from her own experience that a raw food diet can bring benefits and restore health to the body, and her menu for beginners is in no way inferior to the tastes of a sophisticated gourmet.

For example, "Live Burger". You can’t buy one like this even at the McDonald’s fast food restaurant chain. But, unlike its counterpart with a high content of synthetic additives, preservatives and dyes, the burger recipe from Victoria Butenko is absolutely harmless. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • Champignon;
  • sunflower seeds - 2 cups;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • small onion;
  • 1 lemon;
  • raisins - ¼ cup;
  • olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of sea salt;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • thyme, basil, rosemary to taste;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper.

Sunflower seeds are finely ground and placed in powder form in a bowl. The carrots are pureed in a food processor, to which you need to add chopped onions, raisins, honey, olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt, herbs and pepper. All components are mixed again in the food processor for about 1 minute. The resulting pate is placed between the champignon halves.

The lack of sugar in a raw foodist’s diet can be replaced with a delicious dessert. The recipe for the famous “Cranberry Scones” and a positive attitude during the cooking process will add a bright taste to an unusual dish. If you want something sweet, Victoria Butenko suggests preparing simple ingredients in advance:

  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • apple - 2 pieces;
  • walnuts - 2 cups;
  • raisins - 2 cups;
  • fresh cranberries - 1 cup;
  • flax seeds - 1 cup;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • olive oil and sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 4 tablespoons.

In a food processor, puree apples and carrots, grind walnuts and flax seeds into powder. Mix the crushed products. Add cranberries, raisins, oil and lemon juice to the finished mixture. Knead the dough until smooth and make flat cakes. Decorate the product with sesame seeds on top. The dessert should be dried for at least 15-20 hours at a room temperature of up to 45°C.

For daily intake, Victoria Butenko recommends making so-called “green smoothies.” They should consist of 60% fruit. The rest is greens. You can prepare them at any time using a blender and imagination, based on your taste and favorite natural products. Ingredients of the sweet green cocktail:

  • mint and spinach - 1 bunch each;
  • strawberries - 500 grams;
  • bananas - 3 pieces;
  • water - 2 glasses.

After introducing the drink into the diet, the body gradually becomes accustomed to the greenery, and the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems is normalized. The daily norm is 2-3 cups.

Aterov's raw food diet: menus and recipes for beginners

Arshavir Ter-Avanesyan considered kitchen fire to be the cause of all diseases, and often called people who eat boiled food “food addicts.” Aterov argued that among raw foodists, sick cells are healed, worn-out cells are restored, and inactive cells regain their vital functions. The author also spoke sharply against drug therapy, artificial vitamins and diets. using Aterov's recipes.

Sprouted seeds. Soak wheat, lentils, peas or beans for two days until small sprouts appear. Rinse thoroughly and put in a cool place. You can eat this food for about 3 days.

Salad from seeds and vegetables. Grind wheat, lentils or beans through a meat grinder. Grate carrots and tomatoes. Finely chop the cucumbers, herbs and onions. Use olive oil and lemon juice as the sauce.

Halva made from walnuts, almonds and pistachios. The recipe is very simple. Chop nuts and mix with honey. Add cardamom, vanilla or saffron to the taste. If desired, wrap the finished product in lettuce leaves.

It’s easy to maintain a raw food diet in winter using a recipe for dried fruit compote. Dried fruits are moistened in water. The resulting drink is consumed with almonds, pistachios, cardamom or vanilla.

“Smart raw food diet” by Sergei Gladkov: menu for beginners and list of products

Sergei Gladkov voiced one of the main principles of proper food for the body, soul and spirit in one phrase: “eat raw - you will be healthy and happy.” The healer and yogi became the author of more than 100 scientific articles and the founder of the “smart raw food diet,” which involves combining plant products with each other:

  • beet. Suitable for garlic, onions, potatoes (or);
  • cabbage. Interacts with rosemary, mint, celery, dill, chamomile and potatoes;
  • carrot. Can be cooked with tomatoes, peas, lettuce and leeks;
  • corn. Complements the flavors of pumpkin, squash and peas;
  • cucumbers Best consumed with legumes, radishes, sunflower seeds, salad and corn;
  • strawberry. Garnish food with the addition of lettuce, onions and spinach;
  • tomatoes. Excellent compatibility with asparagus, carrots, parsley and marigolds;
  • eggplant. Serve with beans and potatoes.

To avoid problems with digesting raw food, Gladkov suggests using the principles of separate nutrition. He recommends speeding up your metabolism with a combination of acidic vegetables and starch-rich foods. Dried fruits can be eaten with cottage cheese.

A raw food diet is a philosophical way of life that can be achieved by people with a strong will and a clear mind. Not everyone can give up their usual dishes and put up with the constant hungry rumbling of their stomach.

So what exactly are raw foodists? People who have given up the pleasure of pampering themselves with delicious food or healthy and vibrant individuals? You will find answers to these questions in our article!

What is a raw food diet, and what types is it divided into?

A raw food diet is a nutrition system in which the basis of your diet is raw foods, without heat treatment (cooking, frying, baking, smoking, pasteurization).

Proponents of such nutrition argue that processing foods using the heat method is unnatural, because our ancestors ate exclusively raw, natural products.

Modern culinary innovations are a tribute to fashion, which does not benefit our body in any way - this is what adherents of a raw food diet believe.

A recognized fact why many people choose a raw food diet concerns vitamins and minerals. Heat treatment destroys most of the vitamins and beneficial microelements, while in raw food they remain intact and are better absorbed by the body.

The raw food diet system is divided into several types according to the acceptability of products:

  1. Omnivorous raw food diet– the diet can include meat, fish, eggs, raw or dried.
  2. Vegetarian raw food diet– consumption of meat and fish is prohibited; raw eggs and dairy products are allowed. This is the most common type of raw food diet in the world.
  3. Vegan raw food diet– excludes foods of animal origin, including eggs, milk and dairy products. A vegan diet contains only raw plant foods.
  4. Fruitarianism- this is nutrition from plant fruits - fruits, berries, nuts, fruit vegetables.

Raw food diet options also differ in diet planning methods:

  • Mixed– products are divided by composition, and products of similar composition are used at one meal – vegetables + vegetables, fruits + nuts, and so on.
  • Monotrophic– only 1 product without heat treatment is consumed at one meal.

Where to start - how to switch to a raw food diet correctly?

A raw food diet is not a diet, but a nutritional system in which you give up your usual foods and cook food using heat.


A sharp refusal from an established diet can negatively affect the body. Therefore, you should switch to a raw food diet smoothly and with the understanding that you really need it.

  • First of all, give up industrially produced products, in the 2nd week - from red meat, in the 3rd - from white meat, in the 4th - from eggs, in the 5th - from fish, in the 6th - from milk and fermented milk products, from the 7th week - from cereals. Eat more raw food every week.
  • Keep a raw food diary, where you will write down all your feelings, thoughts, information about harmful and healthy foods, your goals (losing excess weight, getting healthier, and so on) and, of course, the results.
  • Plan your diet depending on the time of year. Summer and autumn are the most favorable periods for starting a raw food diet, because your diet will be dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter and spring, you can include in the menu products that are stored in the cellar (onions, carrots, potatoes, apples). In spring, you can add more greens to your diet.
  • An important factor when switching to a raw food diet is willpower. The main principle of this nutrition system is duration. If you want fried fish, then indulge yourself once in pleasure. The rest of the time, eat on a raw food diet.

Benefits and harms

What are the benefits of a raw food diet?

Adherents of a raw food diet claim that by adhering to this nutritional system, you can cleanse the body of toxins, waste and other harmful substances. At the same time, you are adapting to a new way of life, becoming one step closer to natural, simple food.

Nutritionists include the following benefits of a raw food diet:

  • Developing immunity to colds.
  • Food endurance. If harmful substances are found in products, the body senses them, neutralizes them and rejects them without consequences for the gastrointestinal tract and health in general.
  • Losing body weight by eating healthy foods without heat treatment.
  • Increased energy, improved well-being, and the ability to lead an active lifestyle.
  • The body of raw foodists does not contain harmful trans fats and saturated fats, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

The harm of a raw food diet

According to experts, a person eats fully if the body receives six elements daily - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. With a raw food diet, the body does not receive enough nutrients.

The disadvantages of a raw food diet include:

  1. Lack of proteins. Some essential amino acids are found only in foods of animal origin. According to doctors, a lack of nutrients in the body of a raw foodist leads to a decrease in immunity.
  2. Lack of B vitamins. Vitamins B12 and B2 are found in beef liver and dairy products. They are important for proper metabolism and the full functioning of the central nervous system.
  3. Lack of healthy plant foods in winter. The raw food diet was founded in countries with hot and humid climates, where fruits and vegetables are available to residents all year round. But the winter period in our country is characterized by a minimum of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as their dubious usefulness. Most often, greenhouse products contain many harmful chemical additives, which means they will no longer be useful.

Who is contraindicated for a raw food diet?

  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (acids in fresh foods irritate the gastric mucosa).
  • In case of allergic reactions to certain products (nuts, citrus fruits, pollen).
  • In addition, experts do not recommend switching to a raw food diet before the age of 30. Before this age mark, some processes in the body are still actively forming, but after 30 years the body is already fully developed.
  • A raw food diet is also contraindicated for pregnant women, since good protein nutrition is important for the full development of the fetus.

Raw food diet rules and advice for beginners - what are the most common mistakes beginners make?

You already know that the transition to a raw food diet should be gradual so as not to injure the body. However, beginning raw foodists often make common mistakes at the beginning of their journey.

Mistakes of beginner raw foodists:

  1. Lack of water. Many new raw foodists believe that they get enough water from plant foods, but this is not true. In addition to plant foods, a person should consume at least a little purified water in order to saturate the body with it.
  2. Lack of green vegetation. There is a danger that raw foodists do not have enough animal protein. To compensate for this deficiency, you should eat greens (parsley, onions, dill, celery, nettles) and nuts.
  3. Using vegetable oils, a large amount of dried fruits, honey, canned and fermented foods in the diet. Oils are concentrated foods that contain a lot of fat. And fat disrupts metabolism and impairs the functioning of the digestive system. Dried fruits for raw foodists are acceptable in cases where raw food is temporarily unavailable (for example, on the road).
  4. Binge eating. Abuse of food leads to drowsiness, lethargy, lack of energy, and difficulty getting up in the morning. Over time, you need to reduce the amount you eat.
  5. Systematic exercise or at least jogging helps strengthen muscles and cleanse the body. Raw food alone won't make you stronger or healthier if your couch is your best friend.

Raw food diet - creating the right menu for 7 days


Breakfast. 2 bananas, 1 kiwi.
Dinner. Green buckwheat, fresh cucumber salad with tomato, onion and sweet pepper, dressed with cold-pressed olive oil.
Afternoon snack. A handful of any raw nuts.
Dinner. 1 glass of vegetable smoothie (tomato, avocado, basil, herbs).


Breakfast. 2 persimmons.
Dinner. Sprouted with tomato and onion, garlic, parsley.
Afternoon snack. Raw carrot cutlets.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, mushrooms, and cheese.


Breakfast. Fruit and vegetable smoothie.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge with flaxseed oil and pumpkin seeds.
Afternoon snack. 2 apples.
Dinner. Squash caviar with rye flatbread.


Breakfast. 2 slices fresh melon.
Dinner. Vegetable cream soup (from onions, cauliflower, carrots, new peas and herbs).
Afternoon snack. Salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.
Dinner. Sprouted wheat porridge with black currants.


Breakfast. 1 glass of banana and strawberry smoothie.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.
Afternoon snack. 2 oranges.
Dinner. Salad of arugula, cauliflower and tomato, with the addition of sesame seeds, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.


Breakfast. A handful of fresh strawberries.
Dinner. Sprouted chickpeas, salad of young zucchini and carrots in Korean.
Afternoon snack. Apples stuffed with dried fruits.
Dinner. Salad of seaweed, broccoli, onion, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.


Breakfast. Smoothie made from kefir and blackcurrant.
Dinner. Gazpacho soup.
Afternoon snack. A handful of any nuts.
Dinner. from vegetables.

A raw food diet is a nutritional system in which the foods consumed are not heat-treated. With the right approach, it helps not only to improve the health of the body, but also to get rid of extra pounds (due to the fact that there are no carbohydrates and fats in the diet). The dishes are low in calories, the beneficial components of the food are better absorbed, and waste and toxins are removed from the body. By following the advice of experts, you can safely start a raw food diet and correctly create a menu for the week.

Principles of nutrition

The principle of nutrition “raw food diet” got its name due to the absence of any heat treatment of products. Food is eaten raw. The only permitted preparation is drying (but the temperature should not exceed more than 40°C).

Adherents of this system argue that only raw foods retain the maximum of beneficial vitamins and minerals, the level of which is significantly reduced during any heat treatment.

In addition to the impossibility of cooking food over fire, the raw food philosophy has several basic rules:

  1. Animal products are completely excluded from the diet.
  2. A variety of fruits (both fresh and dried), vegetables, root vegetables, herbs, and cereals are acceptable for food.
  3. Prohibited: meat and fish, dairy products, eggs.
  4. Coffee and tea are also prohibited, as they are subject to the temperature method of preparation.

Despite the fact that all raw foodists adhere to the basic principles of the system, they are divided into several types (depending on what is included in their daily diet):

  1. For vegetarians and vegans, meat and fish dishes are prohibited. The first ones consume raw eggs and milk. And fans of the second system (more stringent in terms of restrictions) exclude all products of animal origin, giving priority to plant foods. It is customary to include fruitarians in this group - their menu is based only on the gifts of trees.
  2. Most healthy eating supporters prefer a vegan raw food diet. Their diet includes fruits and vegetables, cereals, nuts, and greens. All dishes cannot be seasoned or salted.

If you are not ready for a strict dietary restriction, but want to lose weight and improve your body, pay attention to the Mediterranean diet. In you will learn about the main principles of the system, permitted products, get acquainted with healthy recipes and a sample menu for the week.

Advantages and disadvantages

The raw food diet has been discussed among doctors and nutritionists for several years now. Conservative experts do not recommend such a diet, since it will bring nothing but harm to the body. But fans of the system do not agree with him. They claim that this lifestyle will help not only improve your health, but also eliminate many diseases - in particular, bronchial asthma, ailments of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs.

Eating raw foods minimizes the risk of overeating, as they do not contain flavorings or enhancers. The system also has several other advantages:

  • improves conditions in chronic diseases;
  • helps with losing excess weight;
  • charges the body with energy;
  • cleanses of toxins and impurities;
  • promotes rejuvenation and improvement of general condition;
  • saturates the skin with antioxidants;
  • gives a feeling of lightness and lack of dependence on eating habits.

Speaking about the disadvantages of the principle:

  • there is a deficiency of some useful components in the diet;
  • mild disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are possible;
  • manifestation of irritability.

Regarding contraindications, there is a whole list:

  • age under 18 and after 65 years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • postoperative rehabilitation time;
  • anemia;
  • lack of body weight.


In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to switch to a raw food diet gradually, adhering to certain rules. So where to start:

  1. Take a blood test to determine the state of health of the body. The study must be carried out 2 months after changing the diet to make sure that the change was beneficial and without harm.
  2. During the first seven days, you should gradually eliminate the consumption of red meat. At week 2 - white meat, at week 3 - eggs, and at week 4 - fish dishes. The last stage of the transition is the exclusion of cheese and dairy products and cereals. Adhering to this scheme, the transition to a raw food diet will be as safe as possible.
  3. In order for the body to quickly “adapt” to the new nutrition system, it needs to be supported. It is worth starting to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Raw foodists adhere to the basic rules regarding dietary restrictions:

  1. You should not eat avocados and sweet fruits, nuts and dates on the same day, as in combination they can cause food to ferment in the stomach.
  2. Another incompatible mix is ​​starch and acid. It significantly slows down the process of food absorption. The group of starchy foods includes: zucchini, potatoes, bananas. Oranges, lemons, plums, grapes, and some vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower) contain high levels of acid.
  3. The simultaneous consumption of fats inhibits the digestion process. For example, avocado and coconut, nuts and vegetable oil.
  4. Dried fruits and fresh fruits should not be mixed on the same day.

The menu for beginner raw foodists includes:

  • berries and fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • seeds, nuts, honey;
  • starch-containing products;
  • salads and greens.

In winter, the diet should contain:

  1. Products containing calcium - nuts, cabbage (all varieties are allowed - Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower).
  2. Pickled vegetables.
  3. Fresh vegetables - beets, carrots, turnips, celery, peppers. You can prepare salads from them and season them with sesame seeds.
  4. Fruits and berries (frozen).
  5. Citrus.
  6. Dried fruits.
  7. Any kind of nuts. They are extremely necessary in the diet, as they contain up to 70% of the fats the body needs.
  8. Vegetable oil, but always first pressed.
  9. Juices, clean water.

Important! Raw foodists divide meals into 4-6 times a day. Thus, metabolic processes are enhanced, vital energy is produced, the body receives the necessary components without a feeling of oversaturation or, conversely, hunger.

Another important rule is that you cannot drink food with food. For this principle of nutrition, it is permissible to drink pure non-carbonated water, herbal or berry infusions - they can be drunk half an hour before or 45 minutes after meals. This is explained by the fact that liquid can stretch the stomach and cause increased gas formation.

Menu for the week

Approximate weekly menu for the initial stages of a raw food diet:

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayBananas, applesNutsGreen steamed buckwheat, vegetable saladDried fruitsCrispbread, avocado and tomato puree
TuesdayGrated apple pureeFresh juiceCarrot cutlets, sprouted wheatFruit saladZucchini salad
WednesdayRaspberries with grated nutsDried apricots, raisinsTomato, pea and broccoli salad, lentilsBananasPumpkin puree
ThursdayFruit pureeSeedsVegetable cream soup, onion breadMelonVegetable salad
FridayFresh berriesNutsPumpkin porridge, zucchiniDried fruitsMediterranean salad
SaturdayApple and banana pureeSalad of tomatoes, cucumbers, greensVegetable salad, wheat germBerry smoothieCarrot cutlets, sweet pepper, cucumber and sesame salad
SundayBerriesFreshly squeezed orange-apple juiceMushroom and broccoli puree, tomatoes, sprouted chickpeasCarrot and zucchini salad dressed with olive oilVegetables, nuts

Nutrition systems are also becoming popular, which over time will become a habit and go beyond the diet. In the article “” you will learn about the principle of its operation, general rules, a detailed menu for each stage, and also read reviews of women who have already tried the system.

Healthy recipes

There are many recipes for preparing healthy and tasty dishes. The products do not need to be boiled or fried, so they are widely used by raw foodists.

  1. Creamy vegetable soup
    To prepare, you will need to grind 100 grams of onions, broccoli, carrots, peas and herbs (a bunch) using a blender. The finished dish can be seasoned with pine nuts or sesame seeds. The soup turns out to be nutritious and perfectly cleanses the body of toxins.
  2. Zucchini salad
    It is prepared without adding seasonings. First of all, you need to peel 2 medium zucchini, then grate them on a medium grater. Add to them 2 medium grated carrots, 25 grams of chopped nuts, 1 clove of crushed garlic and mix well. Then season with olive oil and let it brew for 30 minutes (the salad will release juice in which all the ingredients will marinate). The taste will be very piquant.
  3. Mediterranean salad
    Wash 3 medium tomatoes, cucumber and pepper each, peel and cut into small cubes. Next, add several bunches of arugula to the vegetables (you can chop it or just tear it with your hands), halves of olives and sesame seeds. To prepare the dressing, mix 100 ml of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. olive oil and 50 grams of chopped herbs. Mix the dressing with the vegetables 20 minutes before serving.