Tale in a new way "Three Little Pigs". New Year's tale about the three little pigs Tale of the three little pigs for the new year script

primary school teacher GBOU School No. 1400 4ShO (GBOU secondary school No. 589), Moscow.

Description: This fairy tale is a continuation of the fairy tale about the three little pigs, written for educational purposes: to show the importance of using the experience gained earlier, the importance of the rational use of time and a healthy lifestyle, to remember the rules of safety and life.

Used as a scenario for a 4th grade performance at an extracurricular New Year's Eve event in elementary school.

Costumes: Naff, Niff, Nuff T-shirts (masks), bear MEDVED (ears), fox Sestricka (tail), WOLK (tail and mask), Santa Claus hat and DED MOROZ T-shirt, rabbit Bunny (ears)

ICT tools used: a projector and a laptop, sounds to accompany the performance, music, screensavers, a short cartoon.

How each of them built his own house,

Then the evil wolf broke two of them

And they all began to live in the strong house of Naf-Naf.

And now the winter has come

Frost, cold came,

December is coming to an end

The New Year is coming to everyone.

Although the pigs drove the wolf away, they were afraid of him, they didn’t stop, they behaved carefully, tried not to go anywhere alone and generally be at home if it was dark outside.

The scalded wolf then fled into the rattling forest, where he lived holding a grudge and licking his wounds. Over time, the anger in him only grew, and he made plans to take revenge on the pigs. Feelings from hunger, roofing felts from anger, the wolf dreamed of piglets every night. He read the recipe book every night and got even angrier!

When it got dark, he went to the pig house in the hope of catching at least one pig by surprise and finally eating!!!

One evening he heard pigs talking

NAF-NAF (reads a book): Guys, there is 1 week left before the New Year, Santa Claus will come with gifts, and we have neither a Christmas tree nor food for the festive table.

NIF NIF AND NUF NUF (playing PSP and vigorously discussing the game): NAF and a lot of time, we'll have time.

They did not know that the wolf had heard all this.

WOLF (standing under the windows): these two never learned anything, so they remained stupid lazybones, only got better, and this is for the better ... (strokes his stomach, which rumbles). Be patient, there's not much left.

Nothing has changed in a week...

NAF NAF began to scold the brothers: oh, you are ignorant, have you forgotten how, because of your laziness, last time you almost said goodbye to life?

NIF NIF AND NUF NUF: as we said goodbye and said hello, go, look better what body kit we got for the boss (a reward for the killed main monster in games).

NAF NAF: “body kit”, “boss” are also jargon for me, so ... tired, they thought - I will do everything for you again !?


NAF: no, I'm going to the grocery store and cooking dinner, and you go to the forest for a Christmas tree.

BROTHERS: are you out of your mind! What a Christmas tree there, the wolf is just waiting for us to leave the house!

NAF: it's still light! The wolf does not walk here during the day - he is afraid of other animals, he also ruined their lives. Less talk, more action!

NIF: listen, soon it will start to get dark, but we never went for the Christmas tree

NUF: come on, let's decorate the flower with balloons and that's enough.

NIF: no, that won't do, naf is right, we're completely lazy.

They go and discuss how to defeat the next boss. We went far, far into the forest. They did not know that a bear and a fox were watching them.

NIF: okay, we actually went for the Christmas tree, which one shall we take?

standing, arguing

NUF: Yes, at least this one.

NIF: no, this branch has not enough, and even fewer needles.

NUF: then this one!

NIF: no, we will carry this home until the next New Year ... .. (looks frightened)

Behind Nuf are the Bear and the Fox.

NUF: … ty? What are you? (turns) And here are the bosses, and we are without a body kit ...

BEAR AND FOX: salute, gamers! Are you walking?

NAF: Okay, I'll probably take care of the festive dinner. And started the culinary magic!

FOX: you guys haven't been seen for a long time! Are you glad to see us? I see very happy (grins)

BEAR: yes, they are shaking like washing machines, are they cold or what?

PIGS: yeah, it's so cold it's scary!

FOX: so go home, why are you freezing then?

NUF: what is possible?

NIF: are you letting us go?

THE FOX AND THE BEAR fell from laughter: are we, what are you teachers or something, to let go home from lessons?

NIF NUFU: and I really want to go home and without a Christmas tree we better not go back there!

THE FOX WITH THE BEAR pretend that they accidentally heard: do you need a Christmas tree? The wolf has the coolest Christmas tree! We saw through the window, he took it from some tourists.

PIGS: yeah, of course, you offer us to take it from the wolf? Decided to lure us? You are friends! He is sitting at home now and waiting for you to bring us to him “behind the Christmas tree”.

BEAR: What are you doing?! He is no longer our friend, he started celebrating the New Year without us. So we want to take revenge on him.

LISA: and he is not at home now: we saw how he went out with a bag, went, probably, to look for food for the New Year ...

NIF AND NUF thought: what is this idea - and you don’t need to cut anything, and dress up, we’ll bring the finished Christmas tree right away, now Naf will be delighted.

NUF: look, the wolf does not save electricity at all!

NIF: What if there's a fire - that's a stupid animal!

PIGS: well, beauty of course! Come on, he'll be back soon.

BEAR AND FOX: come on, we'll guard the wolf here, if anything we'll knock on you!

... The hare immediately suspected a trick when he saw in the clearing how Nif and Nuf were talking to a bear and a fox. He rushed with all his might to Naf: NAF! Trouble! Your brothers in the forest are talking with wolf friends, I smell something wrong!

NAF setting the table: well, what kind of stupid patches!? Okay, guess where they are!

Meanwhile, the WOLF turned on the light, smiles and sings maliciously:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?

PIGS: I wonder if this is a game over?

WOLF: what a meeting!!! Welcome uninvited! I should call the police for breaking into my home

WOLF: but I will pity you anyway...

The piglets took a deep breath and shook the sweat from their foreheads.

WOLF: ... I'll just eat you!!!

NAF: "Hey wolf! Eat apples for dinner, they have a lot of vitamins, but let my brothers go!”

I had to act quickly, well Naf has been doing a lot of sports lately, he ran into the house and untied the brothers: RUN!!!

Nuf stopped at the door and remembered the Christmas tree, quickly grabbed it and ran, jumping over the wolf, which was trying to free its paws.

Santa Claus: Hello guys! I came to you with gifts! Tell me a poem or sing a song!

And they sang their favorite song:

Even if you go around half the world,

You'll get around, you'll get around

You won't find a better home

You won't find it, you won't find it!

No animal in the world

Cunning beast, terrible beast,

Won't open this door

This door, this door!

The wolf from the forest never

Never ever

Won't come back to us here

To us here, to us here!

As soon as the song ended, they heard the WOLF crying in the street: Forgive me! I just really want to eat, but apples give me indigestion, can I celebrate the holiday with you?

They took pity on the wolf and celebrated all together!

Three piglets


apple tree

Leading. A familiar fairy tale came to visit us.

We are happy to show it to you.

Sit quietly. Today, friends

The children will show you a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there were three little pigs (coming out in turn) Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. One day in autumn they gathered in a forest clearing. Naf-naf says to his brothers:

Naf-naf. Hey, piglets, brothers,

It's time to get down to business.

Let's build a house.

Leave it for later?

We all need warm homes

Winter is not far off.

Nif-Nif. Wait, we still have time

We still want to take a walk.

Nuf-nuf. And since you started the construction,

You can build one too.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf run away.

Naf-naf. Well, I'll build a house on the conscience,

To make it comfortable to live in.

(Naf-Naf “builds a house”, shows movements: knocks with a hammer, saws.)

Naf-naf. On the door I have strong bolts

Don't forget to pin it.

A house made of plywood appears (you can use the house that is available in kindergarten). Naf-Naf goes to his house.

Leading. And Naf-Naf built himself a good, solid house. And the carefree Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf all ran through the forest, danced, sang songs and did nothing. But when the first ice began to fill the puddles in the morning, they decided to build houses for themselves.

Nif-Nif. To not mess around for a long time

Me with the construction of a house,

I'll put it on myself

From bundles of straw.

Nif-Nif "works". A straw house appears. Nuf-nuf comes out, he carries an armful of rods.

Nuf-nuf. Lots of twigs in the forest

I'll bring them now. (walks around the hall, collects twigs)

I will build a house of them quickly, (builds)

Even though he looks ugly,

But the work is easy

And I don't feel like working!

A wicker house appears.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf. OK it's all over Now!

Now with you

We will dance


The piglets dance to the music of the Three Little Pigs, then each run away to their own house. The wolf appears.

Wolf. Oh, and it's cold in the forest today.

You know, winter is just around the corner.

And I haven't eaten for two days.

And he probably lost a lot of weight.

The song of the piglets is heard.

Wolf. Ah, young pigs,

Well, come on guys!

I love delicious food

And eat pigs.

The wolf approaches the straw house, knocks (beats on the drum).

Wolf. Well, open the door now!

Nif-Nif. No, go away, you terrible beast!

Wolf. Ah well! Well brother, watch out!

Come on, house, fall apart!

The wolf blows, the house collapses. Nif-Nif runs away to the house to Nf-Nuf. Wolf runs up, knocks on the door.

Wolf. Open now!

I'll eat you two at a time!

Pigs. Go away, you terrible beast,

Let's not open our door!

Wolf. Well, then watch out!

Come on, house, fall apart!

The wolf blows, the house collapses. The piglets run to the Naf-Naf house. A child comes out dressed as an apple tree, holding an apple in his hand. The piglets run past the apple tree, and the Wolf stumbles over it and falls. The apple falls on the Wolf's head.

Leading. On the run, the Wolf stumbled upon an apple tree, and a large apple hit him right on the forehead. This helped the piglets run safely to the Naf-Naf house.

Pigs run up to the house, knock.

Nif-Nif. Hey, our brother, open quickly,

The wolf is almost at the door!

Naf-Naf opens the door, the piglets run into the house. The wolf, rubbing his bruised forehead, approaches the house.

Wolf. Ah, here's luck, so luck

Now I'll eat three! (knocking on the door)

Well, quickly open

I'm completely hungry!

Naf-naf. We won't open the door for you

You won't get anything!

You leave us all alone!

Wolf. Well, let's see who wins!

The wolf blows several times, then moves away, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Wolf. Fu, tired today something,

Yes, and there is really reluctance!

I'll go to my home

I'll rest for a while or two.

The wolf leaves. The pigs are leaving the house.

Naf-naf. The Gray Wolf is no longer scary,

Will not return to us here.

We are in our spacious house

We will always live together.

Characters: Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, Wolf-policeman, Hedgehog-sage, 3 Bunnies-boys, 2 Chanterelles-sisters, 2 leaders.

Musical arrangement (songs with words):

    m / f "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" song "We are a bandito"

    m / f "Bremen Town Musicians" song "They say we are byaki-buki ...",

    m / f "Dog in boots" song "We are poor sheep, no one grazes us"

    k / f “Connoisseurs are investigating” the song “If someone is somewhere with us sometimes ...” k / f “Brigade” soundtrack,

    m / f "Baby Raccoon" song "Smile"

Event progress

Scene 1.

1st Lead:

Somewhere in some realm
In a distant state
Once upon a time there were piglets
Guys were hooligans.

(Piglets run out, imitating hooligans, to the song "We are a bandito ..." from m / f "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel")

2nd Lead:

Here they go along the forest,
Get rid of stress:
Here Nif-Nif plucked flowers,
And then trampled them
Here's Naf-Naf to the hares boys
Shchelbanov hung with his finger,
And Nuf-Nuf of the fox-sisters
Long pulled the pigtails.

(Pigs imitate the words of the leading actions)

And in the end, all three together,
The song was sung like a howl.

Dancing under the Atamansha's song from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians"

Scene 2.

1st Lead:

It's been a year now
The forest people are suffering.
From such piglets
Animals groan, cry:

Bunny boys:

Help, for God's sake!
We can't live like this.

Chanterelle sisters:

No rest for anyone
In our lovely home.

Bunny boys:

Oh, we are tired of rudeness!
Will the ordeal end soon?!

Chanterelles and hares lead a round dance under

P song of sheep from m / f "Dog in boots" "We are poor lambs, no one grazes us .."

Scene 3.

2nd Lead:

Suddenly, out of nowhere
The hedgehog sneaks like a lynx.
He was reputed to be wise, at least where!
He has a lot of advice.

Sage Hedgehog:

I heard a rumor
What do you not endure the torment,
That three brothers got you
No one was allowed to live.
I advice, little animals, I will give:
They don't suit you.
Wolf - our policeman -
Who will give them an example here.
He will calm them down
And set up in a peaceful way.
You call him together -
In a moment, he will be here, on the spot.

1st Lead:

The animals were a little quiet
And they all shouted together:

Hares, Chanterelles, Hedgehog:

Uncle Wolf is a policeman!
Come, give them an example!

Scene 4.

2nd Lead:

And to that heart-rending cry
The wolf appeared like a bayonet.

(The exit of the Wolf-policeman with a marching step to the song from the movie "Experts are investigating" . )

Wolf Policeman:

Hooligans here in the woods?
I'll blow their heads off!
Even if the Brigade itself
Here he will ambush me!
Well, where are the pigs?!
Call them animals!

(Piglets run out onto the stage to the song from the movie "Brigada")

Nif-Nif: Who called us?

Nuf-nuf: Who can't sleep?

Naf-Naf: Shchelbanov who wants?

Wolf Policeman:

I called you, Wolf - the guardian of order.
Are you the Brigade here?!
Hooligans, booze?
Oh guys, look
How can I arrest you?
Get tired of fighting.
It's necessary, in the district
The little thing scared me!
Come on, step forward.
Promise that the people
You no longer beat in the forest,
Be quiet here.
Well, I'll take care of you:
I'll visit you at school!

Nif-Nif: Oh sorry, sorry.

Nuf-nuf: Don't come to our school.


We promise not to be rude
Be friends with all animals.

Wolf Policeman:

Well, look, I'll give you time.
If you fulfill the vow,
I won't go to school with you
But I won't take my eyes off you.

Scene 5.

1st Lead:

Since then, peace has been in the forest,
Do not worry here robbery.
The piglets calmed down
The word was justified in the deed:
Do not be rude, do not offend
And help the animals.

2nd Lead:

Spectator, spectator, young and old,
Have you fallen asleep yet?
Are you tired yet?
Here comes the finale.
Don't look for the distance!
You saw this forest
This story about Russia
And about us in it - that's the moral!

(All participants go on stage and sing the song "Smile" from the cartoon "Little Raccoon")


Piglet Nif-nif
Piglet Nuf-nuf
Piglet Nafanya
Mistress Belladonna


In the house of THREE PIGS, preparations are underway for the New Year: PIGS decorate the Christmas tree, collect gifts and sing a song.


(to the motive "Once upon a time there was a barber")

At the House of the Three Little Pigs
The table is set and the lights are on.
And today a miracle awaits us:
Prepared gifts
And the cake smokes sweet
Everything is in place, everything is fine
And welcome the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!
To bring happiness.
And then over our house

NIF-NIF and NUF-NUF escort NAFAN, remain alone. A MARPET flies up to the window, bright, dressed up like a parrot.

MAGPIE: - Knock-Knock! Hello neighbors! Hello piggies! How are you doing? How is your health?

NIF-NIF:- Look, brother, what kind of miracle bird has flown to us?

MAGPIE: - Hello, Nif-nifushka! How plump you have become, and pink!

NUF-NUF: - This is a miracle in feathers - Magpie from the neighboring forest!

MAGPIE: - I, Nuf-nufushka, in person! Oh, what a handsome man you are! New boots, smart shirt! Where is your little one? Where is Nafanyushka?

NIF-NIF:- I went to the post office - to send a letter to Santa Claus.

MAGPIE: - Oh, smart girl! So small, but not afraid to walk alone! So he's not at home? So I'm like a neighbor to you, for a minute! (Flying through the window, pacing around the room in a businesslike way). So so so! Are you preparing for the New Year?

NUF-NUF (suspicious): - And why did you come to us? Investigate, sniff out, and spread gossip?

MAGPIE: - What are you, Nuf-nufushka! Why would I, Magpie, gossip? No way! Everyone says that in the forest near the Three Little Pigs - the best house! Such a house that the Wolf himself could not destroy it! And they say - they drove the Three Little Pigs of the Gray Wolf out of our forest - there's no way he will come back!

NIF-NIF:- That's right, Magpie! We are such piglets - strong, brave, brave!

NUF-NUF: - Smart, hardworking, capable!

MAGPIE: - And yet, they say that Nafanya alone built your house, and your houses made of straw and twigs disappeared!

NUF-NUF: - Everyone lies! We built this house together!

NIF-NIF:- And the Wolf was driven away together! If he wants to come back - we bang him, bam! And that's it!

The PIGS laugh at their own joke.

MAGPIE: - Oh, I've been sitting here with you - it's already late, it's time to fly home!

NAFANIA (included): - I went to the post office, I sent a letter to Santa Claus. What are you excited about?

NIF-NIF (retelling a joke): - Like we are to the Gray Wolf - bam! Bang!

NUF-NUF:- And that's all! (They laugh).

NAFANIA (notices Magpie): - And what are you doing here?

MAGPIE: - Your brothers invited me to visit!

NAFANIA: - Is it possible to let Soroka into the house! The whole forest knows - Magpie-thief!

NIF-NIF:- Stroke, she has my sweets!

NUF-NUF: - And my scarf!

NAFANIA: - And garlands from our Christmas tree! (They take stolen goods from Magpie) . Well, get out of here!

ALL PIGS: - Shoo, shoo!

MAGPIE: - Here, then, how are you! I am to you - in a neighborly way, and you drive me out into the street! Well, nothing, I'll remember it for you! I'll find a wolf for you! (Flies away).

PIGS drive the MARPLE away and sing a song .

Happy New Year everyone!
To bring happiness.
And then over our house
Magic Santa Claus will fly by!


MAGPIE: - I will find a Wolf on you, you are such piglets! I will find! Eh, but where to look for it?

The sound of the chase. MISTRESS BELADONNA jumps out onto the stage, with a large bag with her.

BELLADONNA: - Guard! Robbed! Where is he? Where is Funik? Where is my piggy? Where is my fairy tale? Stop the thief! (Runs away, leaving bag).

MAGPIE: - Wow! What a big wallet! (Looks furtively around) . And there is no one! What has fallen is gone, what is gone, chur, mine! (Goes to bag). One step, two steps, hello, new wallet! ... (bumps into Belladonna) . Oh!

BELLADONNA: - Where!? Stand!

MAGPIE: - Yes, I'm walking here ...

BELLADONNA: - Wanted to steal? My money? My million?

MAGPIE: - Yes, I am the most honest bird in the forest!

BELLADONNA: - I know you! Nobody can be trusted! Everyone strives to steal, rob, cheat! Crow?

MAGPIE: - Magpie I ...

BELLADONNA:- It does not matter! I don't like birds! I love kids who scream: I want this, I want that! Children cry and parents pay. Every child's tear is a gold coin. I would be so lonely without my million! (Hugs the bag, Magpie). Where is my Funtik, where is my little pig, where is my fairy tale?

MAGPIE: - And who is this - Funtik?

BELLADONNA: - How? You don't know Funtik? Wonderful pig! Talent! He told a fairy tale about three piglets, and then took off his panama hat and said: “Children, apply for houses for homeless piglets!”

MAGPIE: - And what, served?

BELLADONNA: - And how! I made a million with him! And he ran away - a small, ungrateful pig!

MAGPIE: - And who will you be?

BELLADONNA: - I? Yes, I am Lady Belladonna. Kind, sensitive, sincere educator of piglets!


(to the motive "Help me")

Oh how I love piggies
pink, small,
I love these ponytails
Ears and patches.
They tell tales
Girls, boys,
And the golden ones are pouring
Straight into my wallets!

Help! Help!
I cry, I suffer, I mourn!
Tell, tell
Pigs, that I'm looking for them!

MAGPIE: - Oh, Mrs. Belladonna, I'm looking for you!

BELLADONNA:- I'm not interested in Crows!

MAGPIE: - And the piglets? Pink, cute little pigs with tails?

BELLADONNA: - No one will replace my precious Funtik for me! .. And what kind of piglets?

MAGPIE: - Three little pigs live nearby. They are so alone! They really need a teacher!

BELLADONNA:- Are they talented?

MAGPIE: - Terribly talented!

BELLADONNA: - Perfect! Wonderful! I love little lonely pigs! I'll teach them how to tell stories, and I'll make three, no... ten million! Lead me to those little piggies! Let's carry out the operation "New Year's gift for a pig"!


(to the motive "Oh, if my dream came true!")

Again I will say: "My pig"!
He will be cheerful, funny and dexterous,
There will be three of them - even more sense!
Here it is happiness: Three little pigs!

Popping candies, marshmallows and sweets,
And eat everything with sweet ice cream,
Every evening there is honey and jam,
Here it is happiness: mountains of cookies!

New things should be ok
Let them tell me: all these are rags,
New shoes, scarf, Panama hat...
Here it is happiness: to be the most - the most!

Ah, if my dream came true!
What life would then be!
Ah, if the dream came true
What life would then begin!

MAGPIE: - How beautifully you sing ...

BELLADONNA: - Shut up! Attention! I’m going to start the operation!.. That is, I’m starting the operation!


House of Pigs. Fat NIF-NIF eats sweets, candy wrappers around. Knock on the door.

NIF-NIF: - Nobody is at home! (Knock repeats). Well, who's there?

NIF-NIF:- From Santa Claus? For the Three Little Pigs! Hooray! (Running to the door, stops.) I don’t open the door to strangers, I don’t let strangers in!

NIF-NIF:- Yes, Nif-nif, but I'm not plump, but plump! Okay, come on in!

SOROKA enters, dressed "under the Snow Maiden", followed by a disguised BELADONNA.

NIF-NIF: - I think I know you! But you…

MAGPIE: - Of course, you know, Nif-nifushka, because it's me - the Snow Maiden. Look what a gift Santa Claus sent you!

NIF-NIF:- Huge Candy! Oh! Ay! Wow! Yes, it must be delicious! How sweet she must be! (tries to unfold it).

MAGPIE: - Can I help you?

NIF-NIF:- I myself! My candy! They gave it to me! Grandfather Frost knows that I love sweets! Now I like her - am - and ....

The candy unfolds, under the wrapper MISS BELADONNA.

BELADONNA: - And eat!

NIF-NIF: - Oh!

BELADONNA: Don't be afraid of me! How similar! And ears! And a piglet! Well, hug me, my young friend! You know who I am?

NIF-NIF: - No!

BELLADONNA: - I am a lady of pleasant appearance ...

NIF-NIF:- Here's a circle!

MAGPIE (interrupts): - It's you - "that's such a circle", and this is Mrs. Belladonna, the best educator of piglets in the world!

NIF-NIF: - Teacher? Oh oh oh! (runs and screams).

BELLADONNA:- What are you, Crow! Ruined my fun! (Commands Nif-Nifu). Stay where you are, two times! Well, my sweet piglet, answer - where are the other two pigs? Hiding?

NIF-NIF hums and turns his head.

MAGPIE: - I saw, I saw, he put all the sweets in his mouth! He's on purpose!

BELLADONNA: - So-so! My marmalade, say "a"!

NIF-NIF desperately turns his head.

MAGPIE: - Or maybe turn it over and shake it by the hooves?

BELLADONNA: - Show us, sugar, show us, sweetie, what can you do? Sing? Dance? Tell tales? (NIF-NIF shakes his head negatively.) Are you able to do anything? Or just pop candy? (Nif-Nif nods in agreement). What did you slip me, Crow?

MAGPIE: - Magpie I ...

BELLADONNA: - Disgrace! Damaged item! Marriage!

NUF-NUF: - Nif, open it, it's me, Nuf-Nuf!

MAGPIE: - Mrs. Belladonna, and here is the second piglet!

BELLADONNA:- I continue the operation "New Year's gift for a piglet"! And hide it somewhere!

MAGPIE: - But where to hide it? He's so fat!

NIF-NIF bellows in protest.

MAGPIE: - I wanted to say - well-fed!

BELLADONNA: - Yes, even under the tree, among the gifts!

SOROKA hides NIF-NIFA among the gifts under the Christmas tree.

NUF-NUF:- Hey, Nif-Nif! Have you been swallowed by a wolf? Open soon!

BELLADONNA:- What an impatient pig! Give me your hat and coat! (Pulls off the Snow Maiden's costume from the Magpie.) Well, shoo!


SOROKA opens the door and hides. A dressed-up NUF-NUF, not a piglet, comes in - a picture.

NUF-NUF:- Well, finally, I almost froze! Nif! Where are you? Hid! Hey, I won't play with you! I have a new jacket, white socks, beautiful pants, I'll get it dirty again! (Spins around in front of the mirror.) Who is this cute little one? So cute? So cute? Who has such eyes, such ears, such a ponytail? I have, Nuf-Nuf, the most beautiful pig in the world!

BELLADONNA watches NUF-NUF, applauds.

NUF-NUF: - Oh, who are you?

BELLADONNA: - Snow Maiden in a coat!

NUF-NUF:- Snow Maiden ... Did you come to congratulate us on the New Year? (Belladonna nods). Oh how great! So so! I ordered something for Santa Claus. First, new boots, so shiny, then such a fashionable suit, and also - a special bow for the ponytail!

BELLADONNA (sweetly) : - A ponytail bow! Oh, my beauty!

NUF-NUF: - Well, let's hurry my gifts!

BELLADONNA: - And gifts, my precious, must be earned!

NUF-NUF: - They always give me gifts just like that! Because I'm handsome!

BELLADONNA: - You don't know the order? Sing a song first!

NUF-NUF: - What am I to you, rooster, to sing songs?

BELLADONNA: - Well, then tell a poem, or a fairy tale.

NUF-NUF:- I don't know fairy tales! Some kind of suspicious Snow Maiden you are. What is it, Snow Maiden, is your little coat not enough?

BELLADONNA:- It's me who has grown so much over the summer to hug you tighter, my yacht!

NUF-NUF: - And why is it, Snow Maiden, you have such a loud voice?

BELLADONNA:- So that all the piglets hear me better, my diamond one!

NUF-NUF:- And why is it, Snow Maiden, you smile so strangely?

BELLADONNA:- Because I'm glad to see you, my mother-of-pearl!

NUF-NUF:- And where is your Santa Claus, Snow Maiden?

BELLADONNA (breaks down) : - No, well, what an annoying pig! You bored me with your questions. Why, why, for what? I don’t know where this Santa Claus is, wandering somewhere ...

NUF-NUF:- Are you sure - Snow Maiden?

MAGPIE (pops up): - No! This is Mrs. Belladonna, the best piglet nurse in the world!

NUF-NUF:- Ai! (Falls out.)

BELLADONNA: - Oh, you, Crow! Ruined everything again! (Reviews Nuf-Nuf). A cute piglet, but so nervous! Just a little - swoon! You let me down, Crow, oh you let me down ...

MAGPIE: - Magpie I! ..

BELLADONNA: - I trusted you, I came for a talented piglet - so what? Look, Crow, I won’t find a piglet, I’ll take you away - you’ll tell fairy tales to children!

MAGPIE: - Don't, don't, I don't know how to tell a fairy tale! Oh! Nafanya is returning home!

BELLADONNA (looking out the window): - Little one, flimsy! Well, what are you standing? Hide this one somewhere!

SOROKA and BELLADONNA hide Nuf-Nuf. SOROKA opens the door.


NAFANIA enters with a gift package.

NAFANIA: - Hey, Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, I've come! Santa Claus sent us a gift! (Seeing Belladonna) Hello!

BELLADONNA:- Hello little one! Hello piggy! What is your name?

NAFANIA: - Nafanya.

BELLADONNA: - Na-fa-nya! What a name! Just like Funtik! Tell me, Nafanya, do you know fairy tales?

NAFANIA: - I know.

BELLADONNA: - And you know how to tell them?

NAFANIA: - I can.

BELLADONNA: - Come on, say: “Children, apply for houses for homeless piglets!” ..

NAFANIA: - I will not say.


NAFANIA: - Because it's not true. The piglets have a home. We built it ourselves.

BELLADONNA: - Talent! Real talent! I take you!

NAFANIA: - How do you "take" me?

BELLADONNA: - I buy you! I have a million - I can buy everything!

NAFANIA: - Pigs are not for sale!

BELLADONNA: - Everything in the world is sold and bought!


(to the motive "It's not beer that kills people")

Someone who doesn't like money
Hardly then will understand.
Passion for a gold coin -
Money loves an account!
You can buy, believe me
Glory, love, honor,
If you have money
So you have everything!
If you have money
So you have everything!

BELLADONNA: - I want this box! Come here! (Takes the box away from Nafani). What is written here? I won't understand.

MAGPIE (tries to read) : I can't see well without glasses!

MAGPIE: - I don’t know how! .. But I have beads!

BELLADONNA:- And you do not tease, elders must be respected. Well, read what is written here!

NAFANIA (opens gift) : - “Magic Security for the House. From Santa Claus to Three Pigs. Personally".

MAGPIE: - Interesting! What is it? (Rummages through the box).

BELLADONNA:- Kush! My! (Pulls out a flute.) Some kind of dud. (Nathan). What to do with her?

NAFANIA (reads magic words)

Fairy pipe -
It has a magical sound!
Let this music
Dancing all around!

The pipe begins to play, BELLADONNA and FORTY dance.

BELLADONNA: - Hey, Nafanya! Don't pamper!

MAGPIE: - Oh, tired! My strength is gone! Stop doing that!

NAFANIA: - Say, where are Nif-nif and Nuf-nuf? What did you do with them?

MAGPIE: - I'll tell you, I'll tell you, Nafanyushka, dear! They are under the tree! Among the gifts!

NAFANIA runs to the Christmas tree, frees NIF-NIFA and NUF-NUFA. NAFANIA stops playing. BELLADONNA and SORKA collapse from exhaustion.

NAFANIA: - Grandfather Frost sent us a good gift!

NIF-NIF: - And we deftly them: bam, bam, bam!

NUF-NUF:- And that's it! (Laughing).

BELLADONNA: - Oh, you grunting ingratitude! Have you done it?!

MAGPIE: - That's all she is, Belladonna! And I have nothing to do with it! Let me go, little piggies! I know the magic word: please!

NIF-NIF: - You won't gossip anymore?

MAGPIE: - Never!

NUF-NUF: - Honestly?

MAGPIE: - Honest, most honest!

NAFANIA (untying Magpie): - Look, you promised!

NIF-NIF:- Before the New Year, you can only tell the truth!

NUF-NUF:- Santa Claus does not like lies!

SOROKA quietly leaves, taking with him a bag with a "million" of BELLADONNA.

BELLADONNA: - They took pity on the crow! What kind!..

NAFANIA (Belladonna): - Shame on you! Soon the New Year will come, and you are all deceiving and greedy!

NIF-NIF: You are no longer small!

NUF-NUF:- It's time to fix it!

BELLADONNA: - Yes! Everyone has a holiday, but no one will say a kind word to me! I thought - I will find a good pig for myself, I will have a friend ... (Sobbing).

NAFANIA: - Do you want us to be your friends?

BELLADONNA: - Yes! Is it because I have a million?

NIF-NIF: - Not at all!

NUF-NUF: Because you are kind at heart...

NAFANIA: - You can't buy real friends for a million!

BELLADONNA: - Oh! And where is he? Where is my million? Guard! Robbed!

NIF-NIF: - It's Magpie!

NUF-NUF: - She took the money!

BELLADONNA: - And I swore not to take someone else's! Deceiver!

NAFANIA: - On New Year's Eve, you only need to tell the truth! Oh, Santa Claus will punish her!

ALL (vying with each other): - How will he punish?

NAFANIA: - We'll see!

BELLADONNA and PIGS go to the window, look out into the street.

MAGPIE: - My million! My gold! My! My!..

Magpie pulls out BELLADONNA's bag, opens it, and from there, like from a magician's hat, long multi-colored ribbons fly out.



Julia Beltyukova


On the path, from the village

There were three brothers - piglet.

Went Nif - Nif with Nuf - Nuf couple

And they carried a guitar with them,

The pipe was carried under the arm,

They walked cheerfully, jumping,

And Naf is Naf, their older brother,

He scolded two piglets.


Why did you run away from the farm?

Nif - Nif:

I lost my nerve there!

They feed there with one botvinya,

All around - such pigs!

There's no dancing until you drop!

Nuf - Nuf:

We need to have fun!

Nif - Nif and Nuf - Nuf:

I am Nif - Nif, and I am Nuf - Nuf,

sing merrily,

We manage to live without worries and without labor!

Naf - Naf:

They messed up in earnest!

The wolf will hear!

Nif - Nif (ironic):

Oh how creepy!

Nif - Nif and Nuf - Nuf (continue to sing):

Scary and toothy wolf

From childhood, we are afraid.

It only happens in fairy tales,

Pigs know.

(A squirrel and a hedgehog appear)


Do they scream so loud?

You wake up the squirrels!

They woke me up too!

How so, piglets!

Think about housing!


Here, in the forest, everyone has minks.

Wolves roam here at night!

Naf - Naf:

Build a house for us guys

It's right on the field.

Nif - Nif:

House? What nonsense.

Nuf - Nuf:

Here comes the night - then!


I keep in my house

Berries, mushrooms and cones.

And I'm hiding from the wolf

And my family is with me.

Nuf - Nuf:

Are you afraid of the wolf

Get yourself into the hole!

Well, neighbor, do not waste words,

Let them continue to play.

(Squirrel and hedgehog leave, piglets dance)

Naf - Naf:

You dance later

We need to build a house!

Nif - Nif:

What a meticulous brother you are

You can make a house out of rods!

One and two and you're done.

You can have fun again! (Builds a house of twigs)

Nuf - Nuf:

I'm too lazy to carry even rods,

And I wouldn't mind taking a break.

Here is a pile of straw

And under it I'm already at home! (Straw house)

Naf - Naf:

I'm smarter than brothers

I will build a house out of stones!

It takes a lot of effort

But the house will be strong! (Builds a house of stones)

Well now I need a rest

Well, I'm off to cook dinner.

Nif - Nif:

Oh, and I slept well, brother

Something I'm hungry...

Nuf - Nuf:

You know I'm a bad cook...

Nif - Nif:

Brother fired up the stove

There is a hunt, there is no strength!

Nuf - Nuf:

Smoke is pouring out of the chimney!

Let's work up an appetite! (They dance and laugh. The wolf enters)


Someone here was laughing out loud...

Ba! two fat piglet!

Nif - Nif:

The guard round up on us!

Nuf - Nuf:

Hide the wolf bypasses on the right! (hide behind a straw house)


They decided to hide!

Just seems to be in a hurry!

Straw is not a barrier for me

You need to blow harder!

(the wolf blows, the house falls, piglets squealing and hiding in a house of twigs)


The rods won't save either

I blew right there!

(it blows again, the house falls, piglets squeal and run to the stone house)

Nif - Nif:

Brother! Open to us! It's a wolf

IN piglets know a lot

Naf - Naf:

Wolf, can you believe

Do not open the oak door.


I didn't dream about it:

Caught three pigs at once!

I'm great today

I will eat jelly!

(It blows, but the house is standing)

Naf - Naf:

You have to blow harder

Pull up, don't forget!

(The wolf puffs out his cheeks, at this time the sound of a burst balloon is heard. The wolf grabs his stomach)


Guard! How embarrassing for me

It burst from the strain, you see!

(Falls out. A hedgehog and a squirrel appear)


The wolf is now treated for a year!

Let's take him to the hospital.

(They take the wolf away)

Nif - Nif:

Forgive us, big brother!

I am, of course, to blame.

Nuf - Nuf:

We played the fool

Life seemed easy to us.

Naf - Naf:

And that's why it's important for us

Build a two-story house!

Let's live together, brothers,

Protect the forest from the wolf!

Nif - Nif:

Well, of course you need to build

We will help together!


Let the story be short...

Do you guys understand everything?

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