Musical party “Evening of friends. Leisure event scenario "karaoke contest "funny notes" Contests in a karaoke bar

"Scenario. Karaoke - battle"

Presenter: hello dear guys. Today we have gathered to remember our favorite songs from cartoons and their characters. And also sing these songs. This holiday will be held in the form of a battle between teams of classes. And our wonderful jury will evaluate you: Voronina Nadezhda Valerievna, Tsepeleva Natalia Nikolaevna, Chernyaeva Irina Mikhailovna.
- The rules are very simple. The first team to answer is the one who raised their hand first. So, let's begin.

Leading: Our first contest is called"Guess the melody". Slide. You will listen to short excerpts of melodies from cartoons. Whoever guesses the name of the cartoon first raises his hand. If the team gives the correct answer, they perform the song they guessed. The jury evaluates not only the correct answer, but also how they performed it. 1 point for correct answer, 5 points for execution. (If the team doesn't know the words or can't perform the song, the points go only for the correct answer). Attention! You must remember the full correct name of the cartoon. The jury will keep track of who raised their hand first.

Leading: Our next contest is called“You can’t throw words out of a song”. Now you will hear excerpts from songs that cartoon characters sing. You need to name the hero and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung, as well as perform this passage. For each correctly guessed song, the team receives 3 points and 5 points for performance. Who will raise their hand first.

  1. “There is water inside me, well, what to do with me?” (Waterman from m / f "Flying Ship").
  2. “But I don’t want, I don’t want by calculation! And I want it for love, for love!” (Princess Fun from the movie "Flying Ship".
  3. “The rain passed barefoot on the ground, the maples clapped on the shoulders” (Leopold from the film “Summer of the Cat Leopold)
  4. “I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking in the sun, I keep lying and lying ...” (Lion cub from the m / f “Like a lion cub and a turtle sang a song”).
  5. “Oh, my poor Trumpet Fool, look how thin the figure has become! I will take care of you!” (King from m / f "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians).
  6. “Poor hedgehog, poor hedgehog, does not sleep at night. All in needles can not sleep. He sits and sits ”(Masha from the m / s“ Masha and the Bear )
  7. “Who is recognized everywhere? What's his name!?" (Guys from the movie "The Adventure of Pinocchio")
  8. "Finally all dreams come true, my best gift is you." (wolf from m / f "Well, hare, wait a minute!").
  9. “And I increasingly notice that it’s as if someone has replaced me” (Matroskin from the m / f “Prostokvashino”)
  10. “If there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never know these merry days”(Mom of Uncle Fyodor from the film "Winter in Prostokvashino").

IN : This competition is called "Guess who he is!". You will now hear a description of a cartoon character. You have to guess who it is and perform the verse of the song they are singing. 3 points for a correct answer, 5 points for a correct answer.

  1. A small creature with very good hearing, he has a big green friend.(Cheburashka).
  2. Little white bear cub of a big white mother. Dreams of finding friends. ( Umka)
  3. Harmful woman, she has a rat Lariska. Harms Cheburashka and Gene. ( Shapoklyak)
  4. An unfortunate princess who lives in captivity. ( fun)
  5. A handsome young man walks in the company of a dog, a donkey, a rooster and a cat. Tries to steal the princess. ( Troubadour)
  6. A small animal that constantly runs from the wolf. ( Hare )

IN: And the final contest. It's called:"Songs about..." Each team has one word written on the cards. Your task is to sing a song that has this word. We rate 5 points for performance.
3 - Antoshka, 4 - smile, 5 - sun, 6 - toy.

IN: So, all competitions are passed. It remains to sum up. In the meantime, the jury is counting the points, we will sing the song “Friendship is Strong”.

Event progress


Attention! Attention!
Let's start creative competition!
Today, for the first time in our garden, we are holding a contest-game "Funny Notes"
We invite teams here now,
Look, the teams are super-class!

To the music, children enter the hall - 2 teams. They stand near the chairs (along the side walls).
(Team View)

Leading: The performance of our contestants will be judged by a jury consisting of:

Head of MDOU
Methodist MDOU
Educational psychologist

Moderator: So, the teams take their places, and we start Round 1 - warm-up "Musical scholar"!


Listen carefully, guess carefully,
The one who guesses first - only raises his hand.

For each correct answer, you get one note (the senior group - yellow notes, the preparatory group - red). I remind you the rules of the game - you can not shout out answers (the answer does not count), in case of a hint - the move goes to the next player. Players who score more than 2 notes advance to the second round.


1. Sleep and rest forgotten:
The song is written... (Composer)

2. Composer and poet -
This is a creative... (Duet)

3. Thirty little guys
They are on the steps.
And with a smile on a spring day
Everyone sings about birthdays.
Votes as a choice.
Performing children's... (Chorus)

4. I stand in front of the choir,
Everyone is silent, but I sing.
Who am I? What kind of artist?
Surely, … (Soloist)

5. Check sound and tone
Tool… (Fork.)

7. Musicians have fun
The conductor smiled
The way we play
It's called... (major)

8. If there are clouds in our play,
The rain is pouring down at full speed,
This way is terribly sad,
It's called... (Minor)

9. On a piece of paper, on a page -
Either dots or birds.
Everyone sits on the ladder
And chirping songs. (Notes)

10. These black icons are
Not random hooks.
Standing on the line
And keep the melody.
Music alphabet
Not familiar to us. (Notes)

11. Chaliapin sang to the envy of everyone,
He had great talent
All because I studied
Art that is called... (Vocal)

12. Book word "vocal"
How would you call it easier? (Singing)

13. He performs on stage,
The choir starts the song.
Performs the entire verse
The chorus sings in response. (Soloist)

15. To the music of this parade is held,
So that the general and the soldier walk in step. (March)

16. New Year's ball in full swing,
I circle around the room as a couple.
This dance captivated us
Strauss wrote it. (Waltz)

17. Curly, beautiful sign
Let's draw like this.
He is great and omnipotent
This is our… (Treble clef)

The results are summed up and the winners of the 1st round are announced.

And for our winners
From fans and spectators
Prize is a fun game
Stand in a circle, kids.

Game "We wanted to dance"

Here the game is over
Everyone sit down, kids.
And watch the game, we start TOUR 2! (fanfare)

(Participants of the 2nd round leave.)

Host: Before announcing the name of round 2, I will ask you to guess a riddle.

He waves his hands gently
Hear every instrument.
He is the most important in the orchestra,
He is in the orchestra - the president!

Children: Conductor!

Host: That's right, and we are starting the 2nd round - "Being Your Own Conductor". Players who score more than 5 notes advance to the third round.

Host: While the jury is summing up the results of the 2nd round, I propose to play.

(Any outdoor game.)
The chairman of the jury announces the winners of the 2nd round.

Host: Attention! We start round 3 - "Guess the melody."

Who will instantly guess favorite songs,
He wins in the third round.

Host: Dear friends! This tour features cartoon tunes that you all know well, but we decided to make it harder. Therefore, only the introduction to the song will sound. The one who first remembers the name of the song must raise his hand.

If you guessed the song correctly, you get an extra note, if the answer is wrong, then you will have to part with one note. This round is won by players who score more than 7 notes.

  1. "The song of the crocodile Gena" (2)
  2. "Antoshka" (3)
  3. "Smile" (4)
  4. Blue wagon"(5)
  5. "Chunga-Changa" (6)
  6. "Cheburashka" (7)
  7. "True Friend" (8)
  8. "This trouble" (9)
  9. "There is nothing better in the world" (10)
  10. They say we're badass" (12)
  11. "Mammoth Song" (13)
  12. "Clouds" (16)
  13. "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass" (23)
  14. “Oh, early, the guards are up” (29)
  15. "If there was no winter" (34)
  16. "Lullaby of the bear" (37)

The results are summed up and the winners of the 3rd round are announced.
Musical pause

We congratulate the winners
We invite you to the stage.
Now the hour of the winners has struck -
Sing your favorite songs for us.

The winners of three rounds come out.


Moderator: I offer our winners a super game.

Vocal Competition (karaoke).

  • "Song of a mammoth" from the m / f "Mother for a mammoth" (011)
  • "Clouds" from m / f "Shake! Hello!" (013)
  • “We will survive this trouble” from the film “Summer of the Cat Leopold” (035)
  • "Chunga-Changa" from the film "Katerok" (52)
  • "Duet of the King and Princess" from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians" (57)
  • “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass” from the m / f “Dunno” (67)
  • "Song of the Crocodile Gena" from the film "Cheburashka" (68)

Summing up the super-game. According to the results of the super-game, 1st, 2nd, 3rd places are assigned.

Host: Look, look, here is our winner!

And now for everyone a surprise -
We are giving away a super prize.

You played like this today
The questions were answered
You have solved the riddles.
And your friends were rooting for you
And they did not spare their hands.
That's why as a reward
All participants in the game
We distribute treats - colorful balloons.
The ball is sweet, fragrant, surprisingly pleasant.

(Hand out Chupa-Chups to children.)

To be honest, a controversial name, but it was it that went to the people. For those who understand the terminology, the phrase "live karaoke" means something like this:

  1. In addition to the karaoke machine, suggesting the lyrics of the song and the moment of the artist's entry, there will be musicians. For example, we have a guitarist and keyboardist. Of course, all the equipment is competently run by a sound engineer, nothing will work without him!
  2. A singer (or even two singers) sings with you, but without backing vocals :-). Just imagine how much richer your performance gets
  3. The program is hosted by a charming presenter, who before each number makes original links, talks about the song, pompously introduces the performer.
  4. If you are well prepared, you can organize a small stage to make you feel like a real artist.
  5. And if you are even better prepared (I'm talking about money now), you can add stage lighting
  6. Finally, all this can be filmed on a camera (or several cameras) so that a memorable clip remains as a keepsake.

The minimum price will be if you undertake to implement item 1. Adding each item carries additional costs, I think this is obvious!

What holidays is live karaoke suitable for?

New Years corporate party

This is a great way to spend a bright and memorable holiday in a crisis, because you can choose a program that you can also dance to. If employees are given the opportunity to prepare, it will be a great show!

Company birthday

In this case, employees can perform songs that appeared in the year of registration of the company, at the time of its heyday or the emergence of new departments. It will be a kind of "Song of the Year" - the year that makes sense to sing on such an important holiday.


Oh, this is absolutely great! We select the favorite songs of the birthday man, those compositions that appeared in the year of his birth in our country and the world. And then - in the same spirit: when he went to school, when he graduated, when he got married, when he gave birth to a son, he planted a tree.

Let me remind you that even the most non-singing relatives and colleagues may not worry, because in the "live" karaoke, the performer has a large support group. I have repeatedly witnessed that the singers took on the main load, and the person could only sing along and dance to the beat. Such a congratulation will delight and amuse the hero of the day in any case.

Wedding anniversary

Another reason to have a song party! Again we choose the main dates for the family, again we draw up a program from the main hits of those years that are dear to the couple. Of course, the musical material will be richer if a silver or golden wedding is celebrated. Just imagine, children, grandchildren, childhood friends, classmates and neighbors sing ... Great!

How to organize such a party?

Method one

Find a cafe or restaurant in your city that has a ready-made offer from the organizers of "live" karaoke. Such establishments already have a stage, cool light and sound, their own backing vocalists, professional karaoke machines, microphones, etc.

In addition to the entertainment program, there will also be a full-fledged banquet, and there is usually a place for dancing in restaurants too.

Method two

Invite a karaoke team to your office or home. In this case, you need to decide on the parameters that I listed in six paragraphs at the very beginning of the article. Which of these would you like to see at your music party?

In this case, take advantage of the offer of those organizers who can provide a complete set: a karaoke machine and other equipment, additional lighting, song catalogs, services of a sound engineer, musicians, backing vocalists, presenter.

Our offer

For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, we offer offsite karaoke parties. The cost of live karaoke, as I have repeatedly written, consists of a "constructor" of additional services.

What do you want most at the New Year's Eve party?

That's right - dance.
So let's break the usual pattern of New Year's discos and dance to either a DJ or a cover band, and we don't even need a concert of pop stars either.
We will dance with the participants of the New Year's karaoke battle.
Karaoke and dancing, what could be more fun?

This and other hit scripts, as well as cool competitions, I have collected for you in one book, which you can buy online or in print.

Who will benefit from this book?
Presenters, event managers and just those who want to organize an event, whether it's a wedding or birthday, corporate or team building.

Preparing for the event
Each department is a team that is divided into two parts: those who will sing and those who will cheer for their team. Employees are warned about this in advance so that each department selects the top three singers, the rest become fans or even backup dancers. After all, the victory will depend on several factors: the skill of the vocals, the originality of the number and the activity of the fans. Those who will sing choose a song that they will perform at the Karaoke Battle, and the fans come up with the name of the team and the chant, bring the attributes of the fans (inflatable flappers, pipes, multi-colored bracelets that glow in the dark).

The atmosphere of the upcoming karaoke battle is created by:

  • funny posters in the style of the company announcing the event;
  • The video screensaver and the announcement of karaoke battle are broadcast on the screens;
  • There is an express photo lab;
  • Karaoke chant.

Start. Official part.
The host talks about the upcoming karaoke battle, introduces the jury members - the company's management, and invites the head of the company to the stage for the solemn start of the competition, who congratulates the employees on the upcoming holiday and awards the best employees and departments in nominations in the style of the concept. For example:

  • Group "Brilliant" - managers of the commercial department;
  • Bit-quartet "Secret" - employees of the department of economic security;
  • Strelki Group is a rolling stock rental department.


  • The program will begin with a dance flash mob, that is, a mass synchronized dance performance;
  • All participants will be divided into teams;
  • Teams are determined by the host directly at the party, so nothing needs to be prepared in advance;
  • Teams take turns singing songs;
  • The teams will be those who sing the song and those who warm up the audience by dancing some kind of go-go, using simple movements that everyone knows;
  • After each performance, an authoritative jury from among the leaders evaluates the team;
  • The battle is won by the team that scores the maximum number of points based on the results of all performances. Both the mastery of the performance and the extent to which the song "ignited" the dancers are evaluated.

The final
After awarding the winners with honorable applause, the holiday continues with a disco with karaoke. Now everyone who feels a talent for performing dance hits will be able to demonstrate it to their colleagues. In the intervals between karaoke performances - a disco and competitions from the presenter.

Birthday celebration is a sea of ​​smiles, surprises, gifts and, of course, music. A musical karaoke party in a cheerful company of friends will become an unforgettable event and bring a storm of emotions. All worries about the organization of the event, as a rule, are taken over by relatives or friends of the birthday person. And for everything to go brilliantly, it is necessary to develop a script for a birthday in karaoke, paying attention to every detail.

Organizational moments

  1. The choice of a suitable institution is a top-priority organizational task. A karaoke birthday party can take place both at home and in an open area, as well as in a cafe, club, restaurant
  2. To create a festive atmosphere, you need to take care of printing and sending invitations to guests indicating the time, place and date of the celebration.
  3. Conduct an audit of the existing karaoke equipment. Whether it's a built-in DVD player, home or professional installation, test your inventory or buy the missing one. In order to save money, equipment can be rented. It is desirable to have at least 2 microphones.
  4. By ordering the services of a presenter, you will get rid of the need to independently configure the equipment, switch songs, adjust the sound.
  5. Prepare entertainment, contests, quizzes and don't forget about prizes.

Choosing the right repertoire

The choice of composition for the celebration of a birthday should correspond to the theme of the celebration. In addition to congratulatory songs, the repertoire should also include popular music, including in a foreign language. Many modern karaoke installations come with a large song catalog, looking through which guests and the birthday person can choose songs to their liking. The final song of the evening, performed by the hero of the occasion, must be agreed in advance.


Contests, quizzes, games and dances - the organized program should be interesting and eventful. In addition to the standard “karaoke battle”, when participants individually or in teams try to sing their chosen songs as best as possible in order to score the maximum number of points, there are many other ways to diversify the karaoke birthday scenario. We offer some options:

  • Participants are divided into pairs. The task of one of the partners is to perform the composition as clearly and artistically as possible without prior preparation.
  • The second partner at this time tries to depict what is sung in the song with the help of facial expressions, movements, gestures.
  • The presenter turns on a popular song, which, after 5-6 seconds, breaks off, and the guests should continue singing in unison.
  • The next competition is called "sweet song". Players are given 4-5 caramels each, which they must put in their mouths and perform the proposed piece of music to the “backing track”.
  • At the end of the evening, guests wishing to congratulate the birthday man go on stage and perform a congratulatory composition. The host in turn passes the microphone to the guests and each of them sings a few lines of the song.

Birthday for everyone is one of the main events of the year. I want to make this holiday unforgettable, both for myself and for loved ones. Karaoke is a great assistant in organizing an entertainment program for any party. Vocal data does not matter, because the main thing is fun.

The Grand Karaoke company is ready to take care of all the arrangements for the celebration, for a phone call +7 962 999 43 97 or use the callback form.