American teen house party. How boring to get drunk: seven alcohol games for companies

Slightly crazy American parties are about freedom of expression, fun without limits and close communication with friends. Loud music, dancing, fun games and relaxing drinks are great for an informal setting. Celebration of graduation, birthday or just a meeting for no reason, the only purpose of which is to forget about gray everyday life for a while.

The ease of stylization and the absence of the need to carefully study the “materiel” is one of the undoubted advantages of an American party at home or in nature. "House-party" - at home of the one whose parents are away. The design is simple: electric garlands, balloons, colorful straws for cocktails, shiny serpentine, flags, dollars and eagles on dishes, on walls, on clothes and any accessories. Decorate the walls with photos of artists or US presidents, prepare a stand for memorable photos - the Statue of Liberty, Vegas at night or a huge Stars and Stripes flag. For banners and banners, look for quotes about the US and the American mentality.

“Being kind is noble. But showing others how to be kind is even nobler and less troublesome.” Mark Twain

If you take it all outside, you can have a barbecue with beer. Scatter air mattresses and bean bags around the yard, arrange plastic chairs and a couple of tables for snacks. Even the usual upholstered furniture on the street is quite in the American style. The party will be unforgettable if there is a swimming pool near the house. No? You can rent a house for one evening with the surrounding area, swimming pool and servants. Limited financially? Head to the nearest forest or river. Let garden gnomes hide in the bushes, pink flamingos walk along the paths, and dozens of small lanterns stuck directly into the ground illuminate the clearing - half an hour, and a typical American courtyard is ready.


Most people think of jeans when they hear the words "America" ​​and "clothing." Sundresses and dresses, suits and jeans, skirts and shorts, even accessories - anything, the choice is huge!

Fits into the theme and the usual, casual clothing made of light fabrics - sweatpants, T-shirts, baseball caps. For girls - bright dresses with a deep neckline, short skirts, tight-fitting shorts. Any plain clothes are suitable for an American party, plus natural makeup and a comfortable hairstyle - nothing that limits freedom.

For a costumed party, for animators or presenters - images of a strict policeman, a seductive Playboy bunny, a cheerleader, a brutal cowboy or a wild Indian. For the most reckless - a costume of the statue of liberty, a dollar bill or a bald eagle. Prepare glowing accessories, headbands with horns, beer helmets, T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts and baseball caps with American symbols for guests.


If you invited friends to a barbecue, then everything is simple - meat, fish, vegetables and fruits cooked on charcoal. Instead of a grill, you can use several conventional barbecue grills. Beer in traditional kegs, wine in bags, huge paper cups. Chips, nuts, popcorn and other “snack” snacks are all that can quickly satisfy your hunger.

The same snacks, but instead of barbecue, cook or order pizza, hot dogs, chicken wings, hamburgers, french fries - the traditional menu for a house-party. Desserts include fruit and ice cream. If, according to the scenario, a party on a grand scale is planned, arrange an American buffet - all types of a la carte dishes, tartlets, canapes, assorted skewers, cuts of fish, meat and vegetables, salads in baskets. Desserts - pudding, jelly, shortbread and biscuit cakes. Seating guests at the tables is not in the tradition of the United States; Americans even celebrate weddings and solemn events in the format of a buffet table.

"Classic-table" or a feast - snow-white tablecloths to the floor, red napkins in a cage or with American symbols, flowers in miniature vases, crystal and porcelain. But this is more of a social event than a party.


The most popular American party contests are related to alcohol and "Who will drink more without rolling under the table" contests. Not suitable for every audience, but a couple of ideas can be used.

1. Beerpong- two dozen disposable cups 0.5 l, a long table, ping-pong balls and, of course, beer. We place the cups on opposite edges of the table, forming two triangles - 4 glasses, 3, 2 and 1. Guests can be divided into two teams or only two participants can be selected, one from each side of the table. The goal is to throw the ball across the table so that it hits the opponent's beer glass (no need to fill to the brim, a third of the glass is enough).

If the ball hits the target, the opponent drinks a portion of beer and removes the glass. If not, the beer is drunk by the one who missed. If you knock over an opponent's glass with a throw, give him one of your glasses. The one on whose side the glasses are over loses.

Dmitry Kayun is only 20 years old.

He throws American Pie-style parties, with all the ensuing consequences.

The principles of his party - no club premises, and most importantly,

the concept of the party becomes known only after the purchase of not always cheap tickets.

Dedicated to romantics and extreme people.

When Dima was 16, he first got to the IEC at Ministry of Sound. After this rave, he realized that it was his. Immediately began to gradually join the club industry as a party-goer.

In Kyiv at that time there were private parties about once a month. Dima got to one of them, where for 200 UAH everything was included. The ideas for such parties were born under the influence of American youth comedies such as American Pie. Dima has grown up and now makes such parties himself.

The minimum number to make a standard Houseparty is 50 people.

Dima, party organizer:

“I, like all organizers, started with 50 people, then more and more. 100 - 200 people come to my party. The maximum I've personally brought to a party is 400 people, given three years of experience."

Dima says that it is dangerous to do such parties on your own, without experience. According to him, the result of the newcomers' party is thousands of dollars in damage, broken furniture, fights, and incorrectly calculated amounts of alcohol and food.

"On your own, without experience, it is dangerous to make such parties"

Dima, party organizer:

“The experience is to calculate all this as much as possible, right down to the color of the tablecloths on the tables. People look at everything!

Children of oligarchs, as well as just students, both girls and guys, come to such parties.

As already mentioned, Dima is not very fond of club premises. Goes to clubs, but very rarely. He says that in Kyiv there are many huge private cottages that are rented out for large companies. The only question is money - the more people are planned for the party, the higher the rental amount.

You can drink there the same as in ordinary clubs. Experienced bartenders are invited to parties.

According to the organizer, the main difference from club parties is that we do not single out people, richer or poorer, paid a certain amount and drink as much as you like, sometimes this is practiced in clubs, but this is rare.

Dima, party organizer:

“And I’m terribly annoyed by the redneck bartenders in clubs. I understand that ice and foam are the bartender's bread, but everything has its limits!

When to host an American style party?

This theme is suitable for celebrating anything: Birthday, New Year, …

And also if you just want to sit with friends and arrange an American-style party, then it would be very appropriate to get together, either on July 4, since this day is Independence Day in the USA, or on the second Monday of October - Christopher Columbus Day in the USA, or on The fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day in the USA.


Serve your guests a treat that will remind them of the United States.

Snacks and aperitif:

salted popcorn,

Salted or pickled cucumbers,

Slawed cabbage salad (coleslaw) (see recipe below),

Caesar salad (see recipe below),

Meat loaf (see recipe below).

Shredded cabbage salad (coleslaw)

Main Ingredients:

- ¼ head of white cabbage,

1-2 medium carrots.

For sauce:

3 heaping tablespoons of mayonnaise

3 tablespoons of milk

2 tablespoons of vinegar

2 tablespoons of powdered sugar,

1-2 pinches of salt.


1. Finely chop the cabbage with a well-ground knife.

2. We rub carrots on a coarse grater to get shavings close to cabbage slices.

3. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a bowl, add a little more spices if necessary.

4. Pour the vegetable slices with sauce, mix well and let it brew for 1-2 hours in a cool place before serving.

Caesar salad

You will need (for 4 servings):

Main Ingredients:

100 g parmesan shavings

1 bunch Roman lettuce

400 g chicken breast,

4 slices of bacon.

For sauce:

Olive oil,

- ½ bunch of parsley,

1 loaf

2 cloves of garlic

1 can of 6 anchovies

1 egg.


1. Cut the loaf into slices 1 cm thick, dip in olive oil, rub with half a clove of garlic and fry in a pan for about 10 minutes.

2. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and fry them in an oiled pan for about 10 minutes, remove and set aside.

3. In the same pan, simmer thin slices of bacon, remove and set aside.

4. Wash the salad and finely chop the parsley.

5. In a large salad bowl, line the bottom with lettuce, sprinkle with parsley, lay out chicken breast pieces and bacon slices.

6. Prepare the sauce. Boil the soft-boiled egg by sending it to boiling water for 2 minutes. Mix it with anchovies, oil from under them and crushed garlic. Salt, pepper and add a little olive oil to dilute the sauce. You can also add water.

7. Before serving, sprinkle the contents of the salad bowl with Parmesan shavings, croutons and pour over the sauce. Stir and serve immediately.

meat loaf

You will need:

600 g minced beef,

1 medium chopped onion,

2 beaten eggs

1 cup (150 g) bread crumbs

200 ml tomato sauce,

1 coffee spoon of black pepper

Salt to taste

1 coffee spoon of cumin

1 coffee spoon of coriander powder

1 coffee spoon of ginger powder

a pinch of nutmeg,

100 g grated cheese (cheddar, gruyère)

Parsley, mint, onion, a pinch of pistachios, olives and walnuts.


1. Mix all the ingredients, adding only half of the stated amount of tomato sauce.

2. We spread it in the "Loaf" form and bake at 180ºС for 50 minutes.

3. We take out of the oven and carefully drain the excess fat.

4. Spread the remaining tomato sauce on top and return to the oven for another 10 minutes.

5. We take it out of the oven and let it cool.

6. We take out the loaf from the mold.

Traditional American Meals:

Hamburger and fries (serve with mayonnaise sauce and ketchup!).

Fried pork ribs (see recipe below).

Bacon with rice and shrimp (see recipe below).

Stuffed turkey (minced chestnuts, apples, sausages, …). Served with blueberry or cranberry sauce.

American style fried chicken (see recipe below).

Fried pork ribs

You will need (for 4 servings):

5 kg pork ribs, cut into pieces

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

8 tablespoons spicy ketchup,

6 tablespoons lime juice

2 tablespoons of honey

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

Freshly ground pepper,



1. The day before, we prepare the marinade. Mix mustard, ketchup, honey, lime juice and Worcestershire sauce. Pepper and coat the ribs with this sauce. Set aside in a cool place.

2. Preheat the oven to 220ºС. Insert the tray under the grill grate. We coat the ribs with the drained marinade, salt and send to the grill.

3. After 10 minutes, turn the meat over and coat with drained marinade. We repeat the procedure every 10 minutes for 45-50 minutes, until the meat is golden. Serve immediately from the oven.

Bacon with rice and shrimp

You will need (for 4 servings):

205 g (cup) rice


55 g smoked and dense bacon,


20 fresh shrimp

3 tablespoons of olive oil,

103 g chorizo ​​sausage,

- ½ tablespoon of chili pepper

455 g canned tomatoes,

450 ml beef low-fat broth,

Half green bell pepper

2 tablespoons flour

1 sprig of celery

2 cloves of garlic

2 white onions.


1. Boil rice by sending it to boiling water, or steam.

2. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add the flour.

3. Simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, for about 15 minutes until golden brown.

4. Cut the chorizo ​​into rings and send to the pan.

5. Grind celery, bell pepper, as well as onions, and fall asleep in a saucepan.

6. Add tomatoes and crushed garlic.

7. Pour in the broth.

8. Cook over low heat until the vegetables soften.

9. Add shrimp and cook until they turn pink.

10. Fall asleep rice.

11. Season to taste with salt, chili pepper and tabasco.

American Fried Chicken

You will need (for 4 servings):

8 pieces of chicken fillet,

2 eggs,

150 g flour

200 ml milk

- ½ teaspoon garlic powder

frying oil,

Salt pepper.


1. Beat eggs with milk with a fork. Pour flour, garlic, ½ coffee spoon of ground pepper and ½ coffee spoon of salt into a plastic bag.

2. Roll the chicken fillet in egg sauce, put it in a bag with spices and shake well so that the meat falls off properly.

3. Heat the oil in a large saucepan with a layer of 2 cm and fry the chicken pieces in it for 20 minutes over low heat, turning over in the middle of cooking. Place on a paper towel to drain the oil and serve.

side dishes

boiled or fried potatoes,

fried corn cobs,

Turnip puree,

Baked potato,

Delicate mashed potatoes.

American desserts


Cake with blueberries or blueberries with chocolate icing (see recipe below),


Apple pie.

Pie with blueberries or blueberries

You will need:

sand dough,

700 g berries,

80 g sugar

Powdered sugar.


1. Preheat the oven to 180ºС.

2. Roll out the dough, line it with a baking dish, cover with tracing paper and sprinkle with dry peas so that the dough does not swell.

3. Bake for 15 minutes until the sides begin to turn golden.

4. At this time, mix the berries with sugar in a bowl and set aside.

5. We take out the cake and put the filling on top.

6. Send to the oven at the same temperature for 30-45 minutes.

7. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with powder and let cool.

If you are planning a simpler party, then we bring to your attention dishes for a buffet table.

Salty dishes:

salted popcorn,

Fresh vegetables (cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, cucumbers, radishes, cauliflower, ...) with sauces and gravy on cottage cheese and herbs,

Shredded cabbage salad (coleslaw),

mini hamburgers,

Hot dogs.

Sweet dishes:

homemade chocolate chip cookies,

Peanut Butter Pie,


banana pie,

Cupcakes of all kinds



Apple pie,

nut cake,

Carrot cake,

Lemon pie,

Sweet popcorn.


Non-alcoholic: soda in carton cups, as in fast food restaurants, as well as smoothies, grainy ice cream, iced tea, milkshakes.

Alcoholic: Duck Fart, Fuzzy navel, Car bomb.

If possible, try to make cocktails based on Coca Cola or rum.

Wine and beer are also quite popular in the US.


Miss America: floor-length evening gown, Miss America sash, makeup, large earrings and extravagant hair.

Clothing backwards, like members of the nineties youth group Kris Kross.

Hippies: Showy or washed denim pants and a baggy shirt (for both men and women), long floral dress with a straw hat or wreath of flowers (for women).

Michael Jackson: Short black trousers, white T-shirt, white socks and black shoes. As well as a black hat and white gloves!

Madonna of the 80s: sheer skirt, leggings, ballerinas, fingerless gloves and all sorts of chains.

Cheerleader girl: short skirt, tank top, white stockings, white sneakers and, of course, pompoms.

Marilyn Monroe: white dress with full skirt, white wig and a bit of beauty.

Lady Gaga: Here you have a wide range of options, most importantly, do not wear a dress made of meat!

Basketball player, soccer player or baseball player.

Cowboy or cowgirl.


Sandy and Danny from Grease.

Alien from the movie Alien City or The X-Files.

Statue of Liberty.


We bring to your attention a few ideas for decorating the hall. For colors, opt for red, blue, and white, which are reminiscent of the American flag.

American flags.

Balloons in white, blue and red.

American landscape posters, movie posters, celebrity portraits.

Cowboy hats.

DIY Walk of Fame: Cut out stars from cardboard, color them in, write your guests' names on them, and paste them on the floor.

Huge letters HOLLYWOOD made of white cardboard on the wall.

Vinyl records hung on the walls.

Table decorations

Give preference to disposable tableware in the colors of the American flag.

Instead of a tablecloth, you can use a white sheet with an American flag painted on it.

Flags on skewers stuck in buns.


R "n" B, rap, ... : P.Diddy, R.Kelly, Lauryn Hill, Beyoncé, Usher, Pink, Gwen Stefani, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Black eyed peas, LMFAO.

Rock, punk, grunge, ... : Sum41, The Offspring, Blink 182, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Foo fighters, Red Hot chili peppers, Guns N "Roses, Limp Bizkit, Rage against the machine, Green day, post-rock the best

Soul and Funk: Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Temptations, Supremes,...

As well as country music (Dolly Parton, Kenny Rodgers, Willie Nelson,...), blues (Charley Patton, B.B king, Robert Johnson,...), folk (Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Leonard Cohen,.. .), le Rock "n" roll (Elvis, Little Richard, Chuck Bery, ...), which occupy a special place in American culture.


Team darts competition.

USA Quiz: Ask guests questions about culture, music, movies, sports, politics,… Give a gift to the most knowledgeable participant.

1. The US flag has 50 stars, but how many white and red stripes does it have?

The US flag has 13 horizontal white and red stripes.

2. What is the name of the American national anthem?

The star-spangled banner.

3. What was the name of the ship on which the British, who founded one of the first British settlements in North America, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1620.

Mayflower (Mayflower).

4. What is the date of the declaration of independence of the United States.

July 4, 1776 (from now on July 4 is a public holiday, Independence Day of the United States).

5. What was the name of the first US President?

George Washington (1789).

6. Which two states were the last to join the US in 1959?

Alaska and Hawaii.

7. Name the capital of Texas.


8. In which city is the Metropolitan Museum of Art located?


9. What legendary character was featured on World War I recruiting posters that said “I want you for the U.S. Army”?

Uncle Sam.

10. List four presidents whose sculptures are carved on Mount Rushmore.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln.

John Steinbeck.

12. To which American artist do we owe a cycle of works depicting Campbell's Soup cans?

Andy Warhol (1962)

13. What is remarkable about the American film The Jazz Singer?

It is considered the first feature-length film in history to use synchronized cues dubbing (1927).

14. Which actor played the title role in American Beauty?

Kevin Spacey (1999 film by Sam Mendes that criticizes the American way of life).

15. Translate the title of the novel "Gone with the wind" into Russian.

Gone With the Wind.

16. What city does the Celtics basketball team play for?

For Boston.

17. Which city hosted the 1996 Summer Olympics?

In Atlanta.

18. Who is David Letterman?

Talk show host. He has been presenting the Late Show with David Letterman program since 1982.

19. Name Homer Simpson's food preference.


20. Which American singer was nicknamed "The Boss"?

Bruce Springteen.

Musical Quiz: Ask guests to guess the name of a song, TV show, or American movie by ear.

Drinking games, or beer-pong, are very common in the US. Try to come up with your own version of this entertainment. For example, replace alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones.

If you are throwing a dance party, then don't forget the famous "American fifteen minutes" ("quart d'heure americaine"). Line up the young people in a row and invite the girls to choose their own partners for a romantic slow dance.

Country Dance Lesson: Teach your guests how to move to popular American music, after learning the moves yourself, of course.

Take photos with guests, then use Photoshop to create collages with American landmarks in the background.

More private American style party themes:

States: each guest dresses up in a special costume and represents one of the states, for example, in the image of Indiana Jones - Indiana, the Statue of Liberty - New York, Kurt Cobain - Washington, Texan - Texas, ...

American TV shows: guests dress up as characters from popular TV shows.

Party in Western style.

An American party in terms of preparation does not require much time. And it pleases! All you need is a good mood, a little imagination, upbeat music or a good Hollywood comedy and... the world's favorite treat - french fries!

Dress code

A feature of American parties is mobility. Choose comfortable clothes for yourself and don't forget to tell your friends about it! The best option is t-shirts and jeans. Girls can wear short dresses. Hair and makeup are optional. This is America, baby, a free country. Forget the rules for at least one evening.


The concept of fun is different for everyone, but the main thing at the American Party is to be noisy and mobile. Entertainment "overseas" is traditionally uncomplicated: a game of "bottle", "truth or dare", and indeed all collective games aimed at flirting and fun are suitable. You can arrange an impromptu ring, armed with pillows and soft toys (if the company is dominated by girls), sing karaoke or watch an American movie together with popcorn or a more satisfying snack. By the way, about him.

As snacks, it is logical to serve American dishes to the table: hamburgers, french fries, steaks. But do not forget that in addition to the boys, your girlfriends who want to keep their figure will come to the party. This means choosing the very best products that have been carefully tested and contain only natural ingredients. Let's take French fries for example. Believe it or not, it can also be healthy and tasty. Do not rush to say "fi", first listen.

The best potatoes are those made with just two ingredients - potatoes and sunflower oil. So look in the store just like that. Also carefully study the composition - it should not contain GMOs, preservatives and dyes. From an aesthetic point of view, it is better that the potato slices are long and thin. So they are not only more convenient to eat, but also, it seems, even tastier. There is a French fries called "Golden Long and Thin" from McCain. It consists of 94% selected potatoes and 6% sunflower oil, on which the product is fried before freezing. By the way, that is why during cooking in the oven, oil does not need to be added at all.

Making McCain French fries is easy. You choose any method - in a frying pan, in the oven or in a deep fryer - you throw in potatoes and serve your hungry friends in a few minutes. Of course, it is healthier and easier to cook potatoes in the oven. To do this, heat it up to 220 ° C, put the frozen fries in one layer on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes. In the middle of the process - turn over. Recall that you don’t need to add oil with this cooking method, all the same, McCain fries will turn out golden, tasty and crispy, and your American party will be one hundred percent!

“Americans love to relax, have fun, they call it to have fun, to play, and they do it with enthusiasm, with all their might. But they work with the same enthusiasm and also work hard, I would even say, work hard. Nowhere do they work like they do in America and, perhaps, they don’t “rest” anywhere like that - I put quotation marks, because rest still implies peace, which American rest does not at all,” wrote popular journalist Vladimir Pozner in his book One-Storied America .

So we at Monkey Buffet love not to lie on the couch, but to organize an original party. Today, for example, we offer you cheerful American-style gatherings. How is it sung? “You wanted a party? - Nate!


Theme party for a youth-adult mischievous company.


Dress code

There are options here. For example, Texas-cowboy: jeans or leather pants, a wide belt, a plaid shirt, and of course a cowboy hat (quite reckless can bring a horse with them - a toy, on a stick). Sports and baseball: sportswear, baseball cap, bat + cheer girls: t-shirts and tops in a slip, short skirts, pom-poms (easy to make on your own - Internet surfing to help!). Finally, glamor-star: a costume party with the presence of Elvis, Marilyn, Madonna, etc. (Costumes can be pre-ordered on multiple American sites, and wigs are often included with them, by the way).


To give the interior an Americanized style, you can hang and place American flags (after printing the flags on a color printer and sticking them to wooden skewers or drinking straws). In addition to flags, the room can be decorated with pictures of recognizable views of America. It could be the Grand Canyon, the HOLLYWOOD sign, the Statue of Liberty, New York skyscrapers, cowboy ranches, Las Vegas, and so on. If possible, the print size can be made large enough or assembled from A4 printouts to use it as a press-wall - believe me, in such funny outfits you will definitely want to take a picture, and a cowboy against the backdrop of floral wallpaper will break the whole image to smithereens !


The easiest way is with traditional American drinks - Coca-Cola and Pepsi are in any store. For food, you can, of course, look at McDonald's, but we love to create with our own hands!
So, the main hot dish can be a beef or pork steak. Or you can get confused with the turkey and bake it whole (to do this, you must first cook it for at least 3 hours, and preferably 4-5, and then bake it in the oven for 1-1.5 hours). If this seems too long for you, then you can bake in parts, for example, a turkey drumstick with spices to taste. The turkey is traditionally served with cranberry sauce.

Cranberry Sauce

Cranberries 350 g, orange juice 250 g, sugar 250 g, orange peel, cinnamon stick, cloves.

Mix orange juice with sugar and bring to a boil, add cranberries and let it boil. Reduce the heat, put the cinnamon stick and cloves to taste. Stirring, cook for 10 minutes. Add zest, stir and refrigerate. Serve chilled, or even better the next day.

American style potatoes can serve as a side dish.

Potatoes (preferably large and young) 10 pcs., Olive oil 250 g, dill, parsley, garlic 3 cloves, Tabasco sauce.

Coarsely chop the washed and unpeeled potatoes (you can cut one potato into 4-6 parts), then put it in a saucepan with cold salted water and let it boil. Cook for 3-4 minutes, drain the water and set to cool. Mix olive oil, herbs, garlic (pressed through a garlic press) Tabasco sauce. Dip the potato wedges into the mixture and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

For a hot appetizer, American-style pumpkin is suitable.

Small pumpkin, butter 200 g, Provence herbs 1 tsp, ground black pepper, chicken broth 300 ml, sugar 1 tbsp. l., sour cream 200 g.

We cut the pumpkin into cubes. We heat the oil in a pan, add: pumpkin, Provence herbs, sugar, salt to taste, pepper. Roast the pumpkin until it turns golden. Then pour in the broth and simmer under the lid, stirring occasionally until the pumpkin becomes soft. Then remove the pumpkin from the heat and leave under the lid. Before serving, put the pumpkin on a strong fire so that the liquid evaporates. Serve with sour cream.

Lettuce is also a salad in America. We cut large tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce leaves, bell peppers, onions, herbs, salt, pepper this whole mixture and season with either olive oil and balsamic vinegar (sauce) or your favorite mayonnaise, it’s already a matter of taste.

For dessert, of course, it's worth making American Pie.

Flour 2 tbsp, salt 1 tsp, margarine (softened) 3/4 cup, water (ice) 5-6 tbsp. l.,
sugar 2/3 tbsp., starch 2 tbsp. l., cinnamon 1/2 tsp, nutmeg 1/4 tsp, lemon peel 1/2 tsp, lemon (juice) 1-2 tsp, apples 6-7 pcs. (or about 900 g sliced), milk (for greasing the pie) 1-2 tbsp. l.

Mix flour, salt and sugar. Cut margarine into small cubes. Mix well, rubbing with your hands until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Gradually add ice water to the flour crumbs with a spoon until the dough turns into a homogeneous mass. Roll the dough into a ball and flatten it out. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Prepare the dry mix by mixing together the starch, cinnamon, sugar, zest, nutmeg and lemon juice. Peel the apples, cut into quarters, remove the core and cut into slices of medium thickness. Mix chopped apples with dry cooked mixture. Divide the dough into 2 halves. Roll out one half, put in a form so that the edges hang down. Lay out the apples. Roll out the second part of the dough, cover the pie. Close the edges, smearing with water, remove excess dough. Make punctures with a fork or cut with a knife. Lubricate the surface with milk or vegetable oil. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool and cut.
In addition to all the listed dishes around the room, you can arrange containers with chips, peanuts, sweet and salty popcorn.


Game "American student".
All those present are divided into 2 teams that think of a word (you can start with simple words, and then complicate it) and say it to one representative of the opposite team, so that the rest of the team does not hear. This representative must show the word made to him without words. Then everything repeats, but with a representative of the other team. You can play for a while, or just like that.

Name all the states quiz.
All those present are invited to name the states, 10 cents are given for each correctly named state (you need to stock up on foreign trifles in advance). The winner is the one who has more change, the prize will be honestly earned money.

name the song
The participants “vying with each other” name songs that mention America, American cities, etc. And there are quite a few of them! American Pie (Madonna), American Woman (Lenny Kravitz), New York, New York (Frank Sinatra), American Boy (Combination group), Goodbye America (V.Butusov),
Papa Americano (Renato Carosone), Californication (RHCHP), "She would like to live in Manhatton" ("Band'Eros"), Miami (Will Smith) and many others. The one who turns out to be the most musically savvy receives a prize - a disc of some American artist or group.

Board games traditionally played by American students and schoolchildren: UNO, Skip-Boblitz, Monopoly, or any other similar game. If you really get tired, you can look for games from the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory, well, or make them yourself.

Lit Galina Balde and Yulia Karp