Min water where to go. Sights of Mineralnye Vody

Mineral water is a very interesting, relatively small and cozy city with its original attractions, the photos of which are often simply amazing. Despite the name, there are no healing springs in the city; they are all located outside of it. The city has become, so to speak, a gateway for visiting tourists who want to relax at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. However, this is not just a transit point. Thanks to the warm and mild climate, stunning nature and mountains towering on all sides, the city attracts a considerable number of travelers every year.

Today I will try to tell you what is remarkable about Mineralnye Vody and what interesting things you can see in the city.

Cultural and historical sights

Mineralnye Vody is a town in the Stavropol Territory that I advise everyone to visit. I was impressed by its sights - both natural and man-made, including historical ones. The history of the city goes back to the second half of the 19th century, when the construction of the railway junction was completed. A special charm, an atmosphere of calm and comfort is what attracts the city. I will try to introduce you to the sights of Mineralnye Vody and the surrounding area, as well as interesting places where you can go with children.

City architecture

One of the impressive architectural solutions of Mineralnye Vody is Train Station, which holds attention with its original construction. Although there have been railroad tracks in this area since 1875, the town was only a stopover for many routes. The majestic station building was erected in 1955 and opened two years later on the next anniversary of the October Revolution. Since that time, it has become a real architectural monument, made in the Baroque style. The main building is surrounded by several columns, which creates a certain monumentality to the structure. As for the interior, it amazed me with its scale, because about one and a half thousand people can fit in it at the same time, and all this with the station’s infrastructure thought out to the smallest detail. The central entrance attracts with comfortable benches and blue spruce trees planted along a beautiful alley leading to it.

Monuments of Mineralnye Vody

Near the building of the Railway Station on its square, my attention was attracted by sculpture Eagle, which, according to local residents, is considered the best decoration of the village. The bronze monument, a visiting card, erected in the 20th century, is credited with embodying spirit and invincible strength. And indeed, to be convinced of this, you just need to see the sculpture.

Did you know? You can find a sculpture of an eagle in every KMS resort, since this bird is used as a symbol of health, and the snake in its claws is used as a symbol of illness. Monuments of this kind imply the victory of health over various kinds of diseases and illnesses.

I found it in a small park in the city monument to General Ermolov. This historical figure, who made a huge contribution to the development of the Caucasus, managed to build many defensive structures, the length of which was quite long, starting from Grozny and ending with Krasnograd, to ensure the progressive growth of large-scale trade and industrial enterprises, and most importantly, Ermolov was the leader of the Caucasian troops . On the anniversary of the city, the local government presented residents with this monument, represented by a bronze silhouette of the commander-in-chief standing on a 3-meter stone pedestal. The authorship of the monument belongs to the sculptor G. Myasnitsky.
It turned out to be very tragic for me Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory", opened on the 31st anniversary of the Great Victory in 1976. An examination of the memorial showed that each of its elements has some meaning. The fire pit is visible in its outline from the side and a regular pentagon from above. You can see around the territory 13 urns with soil from other hero cities of the country. The memorial is represented by five high pylons with five bas-reliefs on them, where you can see symbolic images. Each pylon has a pair of concrete pillars with a stone sandwiched between them, which successfully symbolizes inaccessibility. To the left and right of the memorial are two mass graves with marked tombstones.

monument to General Ermolov

If possible, try to find one in the city sculpture of Peter and Fevronia at the entrance to the local registry office, as well as the following monuments:

  • V. I. Lenin;
  • tank crews on the Dzhemukha River;
  • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

Religious buildings of the city

  • As for me, the main religious building of Mineralnye Vody became, the construction of which lasted only 5 years and already in 1997 the cathedral began to shine with golden domes. The author of this building was the Vladikavkaz architect M.K. Mikhailovich, and the rector Fr. Ilya Ageev. The cathedral complex is represented by a church, an administrative building, service premises, a cell building and a wall. The temple is equipped with nine domes, and the belfry has eight bells. The cathedral was made in an eclectic style, in the decorations and design of which elements of the architecture of ancient Rus' can be traced. In the interior decoration, the academic style of paintings created by skilled artists is noticeable.
  • And here is the temple Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary I was amazed by both its history and the decoration outside and inside. It turns out that the construction of the temple was erected at the end of the 19th century, the reason for which was the rescue of Emperor Alexander III and his family. However, like many other shrines, it was destroyed under Soviet rule and only in 2012 it was solemnly consecrated. I cannot help but note the 32-meter height of this structure, its beautiful six domes and bell towers with a gilded dome. The brick structure of the church displays the picturesque Old Russian style, which was successfully conveyed by the famous architect Mikhail Lesovoy. The interior painting of the temple is made in the traditional Orthodox canonical style.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I advise you to take time to visit these churches in the city:

  • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Iveron Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Michael the Archangel in the village of Leninsky.

Museums of Mineralnye Vody

I was very glad to visit Mineralovodsk Museum of Local Lore, created in 1998, based on the previously existing folk museum of local lore. Today, about 20 thousand exhibits belong to the museum’s funds. The museum's objects are devoted to the following topics:

  • archeology;
  • paleontology;
  • ethnography;
  • painting;
  • numismatics.

Among the documentary fund, I would highlight materials from the years of revolution and war, as well as those providing information about the development of public education and culture of the town.

I was also lucky enough to visit museum dedicated to the famous writer Alexei Pavlovich Babik, located in a house that he himself was involved in the construction of in the middle of the 20th century. The writer lived in this house for more than 20 years. The museum is rich in such exhibits: a typewriter, an inkstand, notebooks, a writer’s travel bag, hand-made furniture, books from different years, starting from 1928, photographs, paintings by the famous Russian artist P. M. Grechishkin.
In addition, I advise you to look into Aviation Museum.

What you can see in the vicinity of Mineralnye Vody

Traveling around Mineralnye Vody, I was impressed by two incredible places that I recommend visiting.

  • Tersky stud farm. Construction began at the end of the 19th century under Count S. A. Stroganov, who brought Arabian horses to the country. However, horse breeding activities were soon suspended, and only in the first half of the 20th century did Budyonny take up the development of stud farms for use by the Russian cavalry. And a few years later, a new breed of horses began to be bred here, nicknamed Tersk. Now here you can rent horses, ride them and take a tour of the factory.
  • Mount Snake. The flora and fauna of this mountain can be the envy of everyone nearby. The slopes are shrouded in forest with 60 different tree species, where you can find lilies, ash and euonymus. The upper part of the mountain is formed from beshtaunite, which is actively used in the production of crushed stone. The base of the lower part is predominantly slate. The mountain surprised us with two interesting monuments dedicated to the Second World War and two holy springs, one of which with an arch and a pool-like drain.

Tersky stud farm

What can a tourist see in Mineralnye Vody in 1 day?

  • Railway station building with the symbol of the Kavminvod - an eagle tormenting a snake.
  • Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary with gilded domes.
  • Monument to Alexey Petrovich Ermolov, money for which was collected by local Cossacks.
  • Park with the “Fire of Eternal Glory” memorial, created entirely with symbolic meaning.
  • Original monument, installed at the site of a 2001 terrorist attack that killed 21 people and injured 100.

Caucasian Mineral Waters (MOVIE)

In this video you will learn many interesting facts, stories, legends about the city of Mineralnye Vody. Enjoy watching!

Where to go in Mineralnye Vody with children

  • Mineralnye Vody City Park.
  • Amusement park 56 km from the city, in .
  • Shopping center "Vershina" with an ice skating rink, bowling alley, cozy cafes and fast food restaurants, as well as children's playgrounds.
  • Museum of Local Lore with interesting exhibitions and exciting excursions.

The town of Mineralnye Vody turned out to be quite interesting due to its unique and historical sites, a visit to which made a very pleasant impression.

What else do you think is worth visiting in Mineralnye Vody, where can you take your children and what interesting things to see? I look forward to your suggestions in the comments.

Mineralnye Vody is a small resort town in the Stavropol Territory, which is located near the Kuma River, at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It is through this area that the route passes, leading all tourists to the healing sources of the North Caucasus.

There are more than 100 springs with healing water in the region. The dry climate of the area is influenced by the foothill location and nearby steppes. Summer begins in mid-May and lasts 120 days. The driest months: July, August. Autumn begins in October. During this period the sun shines often and precipitation rarely falls. Winters are frosty in January. February is characterized by strong winds and rains. By the end of this month spring comes. Most tourists go to Mineralnye Vody to improve their health, actively relax in the mountains and visit local attractions.

Tourists can get to anywhere in the city by taxi. This is the most convenient form of transport as services operate 24 hours a day. Most vacationers prefer to travel by regular buses, which have a specific schedule and route. Transportation to nearby settlements is carried out by electric trains that depart from the railway station.

The famous place was founded in 1889 by the young naturalist S.A. Stroganov. He brought Arabian horses from the Middle East to Russia, where for a long time he could not find a place for stables. After a long search, Stroganov placed his horses in the vicinity of the city of Mineralnye Vody, since the climate is ideal for the existence of horses.

In the 20th century, Stroganov left Russia forever and went to France for permanent residence. His place was taken by S.M. Budyonny, who organized auctions for the sale of horses. Nowadays excursions and events are held for guests on the territory of the Tersky Stud Farm. Vacationers can rent horses and, accompanied by an instructor, go for a walk.

Location: Novotersky village, Shkolnaya street - 2.

This architectural structure is the most visited place in the Stavropol Territory. Construction of the temple began in 1992. Over the course of 5 years, the church was erected by architects, builders and skilled craftsmen.

The cathedral is made of brick and figured masonry. The architectural complex is equipped with several steel domes. On the territory of the cathedral there are cells for pilgrims, service rooms, and an administrative building. There are flower beds planted in the yard, which are especially beautiful in early spring. The attraction is a monument of Orthodox culture.

Location: Pyatigorskaya street.

It is located in the south of the city of Lermontov, not far from Mineralnye Vody and has a height of 874 meters. The mountain received its unique name because of its appearance: the slopes are covered with rock formations and boulders. Indigenous people say that once in ancient times the mountain had the shape of a pyramid.

Now the mountainside has been cut away since stones were quarried for construction work in 1970. Having climbed to the top, vacationers will have the opportunity to admire the stunning panorama of the resort towns of Pyatigorsk and Lermontov. Tourists can also see butterflies and ladybugs that live on the slopes of the mountain.

The cultural institution has existed since 1998. The museum collection contains more than 20 thousand objects of painting, archeology, numismatics, ethnography, and geology.

The building stores materials and documentation reflecting the development of culture and education in the city. Visitors will be invited to view the personal belongings of the writer and leader A.P. Bibika: notebooks for notes; books published in different years; family photographs; furniture made with your own hands; ink devices; painted pictures.

Location: Proletarskaya street - 137.

The memorial was erected in 2008 in honor of the 130th anniversary of Mineralnye Vody. The statue, cast from bronze, is located in the city park. General Ermolov was the commander-in-chief of the Caucasian troops, was the chief of staff, and served as division commander. The monument stands on a stone pedestal. The author of the construction of the sculpture is G. P. Myasnikov.

Location: Nadezhda Square.

The mountain is considered one of the most majestic attractions in the village. The peak is recognized as a national natural monument and is under state protection. The flora is represented by rare species of trees and shrubs: oriental beech, Caucasian ash, Georgian lily. Animal species include roe deer, frogs, lizards, and snakes.

On the branches of trees you can see a formidable hawk, and on the ground - traces of wild boars' hooves. Vacationers often visit attractions located on the territory of Mount Snake (Dam, Devil's Finger, Holy Spring).

It is located in the city center. On the territory of the museum there is a collection of air transport: a Po-2 biplane, Mi-1 and Mi-2 helicopters, a Li-2 aircraft, An-2, Yak-40, Tu-154. Not far from the equipment there is a stand on which photos of the first flights and important documentation of the airport and air terminal are mounted.

Location: Zavodskaya street - 73.

The international airport is the largest in southern Russia. It receives a huge number of flights every day. The number of passengers per year is about 900 thousand people. In 2011, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out.

The building currently houses domestic and international departments. The waiting room is spacious and spacious. It contains shops, cafes, and kiosks. Passengers can relax on comfortable, soft seats.

The temple is located near the cultural park. The construction of the church complex was completed in 1950 and was consecrated for the first time in the name of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A few years later, at the insistence of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, the church was renamed in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The main rarity of the temple is the ancient Athos icon. The holy place has a simplified architecture. In addition to the main building, in the vicinity of the church there is a separate structure - a bell tower. The temple area is enclosed by a red brick wall.

Location: Svobody Street.

The statue is one of the main decorations of the village. It was installed on the station square in the 20th century. It was at this place that the mountain eagle was bitten by a poisonous snake. The bird drank mineral water and did not die. Bronze sculpture is considered the hallmark of the Caucasus. The eagle represents power, strength, and spirit. The silhouette means victory over disease.

The monument to the fallen tankers who fought in the city in 1943 was erected 22 years after the battle on a stone base. The names of the people who fought are indicated on a plaque hanging on one side of the monument. Local residents often visit this place and lay flowers.

The place is located 100 km from Mineralnye Vody on the Chegem mountain river. These areas are full of various waterfalls. For some, water flows down in small drops, for others, it falls in a wide stream with maximum speed. The most powerful waterfall is considered to be the Maiden's Spit.

In winter, ice pillars similar to stalactites line up in the gorge. This is a mesmerizing sight that is worth a look. And in the summer, tourists love to visit the open-air museum in the village of Verkhny Chegem. While walking along the gorge, you should not forget about the wild animals that you may encounter along the way. Among them: lynxes, foxes, wolves. The forests are also home to wildlife: roe deer, deer, martens, hares. It is much more convenient to travel here by car.

In 1976, the opening of the memorial complex “Fire of Eternal Glory” took place. Rallies, processions, and special events are held annually in this place. The monument is presented in the form of a composition of figures protruding above the surface and stone columns.

The memorial consists of pylons, at the foot of which there is a marble depression with stones and a star. From the star comes the Fire of Eternal Glory. On the territory of the complex there is a beautiful square, on both sides of which flowers and trees are planted. Commemorative stands have been installed nearby.

The railway station building has the status of an architectural monument and is a station of the Caucasian Railway. The grand opening of the station took place in 1955, it was timed to coincide with the October Revolution. Inside the premises there are several waiting rooms, a first-aid post, kiosks, pharmacies, cafes and snack bars. The station can accommodate more than 1,500 people. The station area is equipped with cozy benches for relaxation.

Location: Lenin street - 42a.

People go to the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters to relax and improve their health. The balneological health resorts of this region, specializing in the treatment of various diseases with the help of mineral waters and healing mud, are known far beyond the borders of Russia. But the Stavropol Territory boasts not only sanatoriums: vacationers will definitely not be bored if they want to get acquainted with the natural attractions of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Here, in a relatively small area, there are 17 mountains - lacollites, or failed volcanoes: Beshtau, Mashuk, Medovaya, Ostraya, Dupa, Razvalka, Zheleznaya, Camel, Snake, Bull, Golden Kurgan, Yutsa, Dzhutsa, Sheludivaya, Kokurtly, Lysaya and Dagger. Mountains - lacollites are more than 10 million years old.

Recently, the theory that Mount Beshtau did exist as a volcano has become widespread. The lava was simply so thick that it did not flow down the slopes, but froze at the top.

Natural attractions of Zheleznovodsk

For many centuries the mountain was covered with dense forest. One day, in 1893, a huge piece of rock broke off from it. The boulder, weighing 1,700 pounds, rolled down the slope, making a large clearing. Now it lies at the foot of the mountain and is a unique landmark of Kislovodsk.

Mountains Honey, Sharp and Dull

The mountains are located next to each other, and on one side are covered with forest, and on the other they are bare cliffs. At the foot of these mountains lie piles of stones. The mountains themselves consist of grayish rock with admixtures of black mica.

Stones from Honey Mountain were building materials for the first inhabitants of Zheleznovodsk. To extract them, blasting operations were often carried out, which significantly changed the appearance of the mountain. And at the top of Mount Tupoy and at the foot of Ostaya, according to archaeological data, there were settlements back in the 8th-6th centuries BC.

Mount Razvalka

The mountain is strongly elongated from north to south and reaches a height of 926 meters. It is called that because it was severely destroyed due to water and wind. Many years ago, it was cited as an example of severe mountain destruction in geography textbooks. Its southern part is much higher than the northern one, and moreover, it is inaccessible for climbing, since it consists mainly of a pile of stones, sometimes vertical.

Mount Razvalka is famous for its unique phenomenon, called “summer permafrost.” This phenomenon was first described in 1901, but still remains poorly understood. The fact is that in the summer heat on the mountain under a layer of moss you can find plates of ice. The soil does not warm up above +8 degrees, and in crevices - above +1 degree. By the way, the coldest water source in KavMinVody is also located here: its temperature varies from +1 to +5 degrees. The path to the “summer permafrost”, laid in 1976, is still very popular.

There is also a “permafrost grotto” here, in which the temperature in summer usually does not rise above +8 degrees, and in winter, on the contrary, it is noticeably warmer than outside.

To the east of Razvalka there is an amazing place - Saltpeter Rocks with a small cave. It was here that in 1969, during archaeological excavations, traces of one of the most ancient human sites were found.

Tract "Dropper"

It is located on the territory of the village of Kapelnitsa, three kilometers from the village. Inozemtsevo, in the valley of the right source of the Dzhemukha river. The tract consists of three spring lakes: Bolshoi, Nizhny and Kapelnitsa. The last one is the smallest, but the most picturesque. It is fed by numerous springs leaking from the walls of the steep bank. In 1961, this place was declared a natural monument of the Stavropol Territory under the name “Batalinskaya Cave”. The walls of the cave are a slot-like karst cavity with an overhanging cornice, from which streams of spring water flow, giving Kapelnitsa its special beauty.

Natural attractions of Pyatigorsk

Mount Mashuk

There is a lot to admire in the resort park: many trees are over a hundred years old and there are many species in the park; Ancient mineral water springs, which are no longer operational now, are very popular, but are of architectural value and decorated with sculptures; The resort park also contains beautiful historical buildings – the Institute of Mechanical Therapy, the Upper Baths, and the Pump Room of Spring No. 17.

Sights of Mineralnye Vody. The most important and interesting sights of Mineralnye Vody - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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    Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Mineralnye Vody, st. Pyatigorskaya, 35

    The Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered one of the main attractions of Mineralnye Vody. The temple contains the relics of a saint who is considered the patron saint of the entire Stavropol region - St. Theodosius of the Caucasus. Elder Theodosius, as he was called during his lifetime.

  • The city with the understandable name Mineralnye Vody, located in the Stavropol Territory, would seem to attract tourists with the abundance of its mineral springs. However, in the city itself, as it turned out, there are no springs with healing mineral water, but they are in nearby villages and towns. But Mineralnye Vody can boast of other attractions - both natural and man-made, including historical ones.

    The history of the city dates back to 1875, when a railway junction station was built here. But this area was inhabited earlier, and before the construction of the railways, the land belonged to the Crimean Sultan Giray. It is to him that the station owes its name - Sultanovskaya. The most convenient way to get to Mineralnye Vody is by train, and whatever your purpose for coming here, it’s worth spending time on local attractions.

    Mineralnye Vody boasts other attractions - both natural and man-made, including historical ones.

    Mineralnye Vody has a special charm, an atmosphere of calm and comfort, and therefore visitors will definitely like it here. In the city itself there are many sanatoriums and hospitals, and beyond its borders there are unique natural attractions. First of all, this is Mount Snake of an unusual shape of magmatic origin and a height of almost 1000 m. There are holy springs, monuments, a quarry and adits on it, and archaeological excavations are being carried out on one of the slopes. It is also worth relaxing on the banks of the Kuma River with its numerous tributaries.

    If interesting places in the city are not enough for you, you should go outside of Mineralnye Vody, for example, to the Tersky Stud Farm or to the water park.

    In the city itself, the city park of culture and recreation is popular, where local residents love to relax. It not only has an abundance of greenery, shady alleys and cozy benches, but also interesting sculptures and fountains, the “Fire of Eternal Glory” memorial and a monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

    In general, there are many monuments in Mineralnye Vody: this is the monument to V.I. Lenin of the 60s. last century, and a monument to General Ermolov, who headed a separate Georgian corps of the tsarist army, a monument to tank crews and a monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh, as well as a sculpture of Peter and Fevronia at the entrance to the local registry office.

    It is worth mentioning separately about the museums of Mineralnye Vody - this is the Museum of Local Lore, traditional for any city, as well as the more interesting Museum of Aviation Technology and the House Museum of the writer Alexei Bibik.

    Those interested in architecture should take a look at the railway station building, built in the 50s. last century in the Baroque style, as well as the sculpture “Eagle” in front of it. As for the religious buildings of Mineralnye Vody, there is also something to look at: the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Church of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God and, of course, the beautiful Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in the 90s. In this cathedral rest the relics of the patron saint of the Stavropol region - St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, possessing miraculous healing powers.

    Caucasian Mineral Waters‏‎

    • Where to stay: in KavMinVody they stay in sanatoriums - and not just relax, but also actively receive treatment for a wide range of diseases. Kislovodsk has a third of all sanatoriums in the region, an alpine climate and Narzan. Pyatigorsk is not only a resort, but also a lively big city. In search of silence, go to

In the specially protected resort region of Russia (Caucasian Mineral Waters), which is located in the Stavropol region, there is a small town - Mineralnye Vody. The name of the settlement conveys comprehensive information, although there are no sources of healing waters in the city itself.

But this place attracts tourists with its dry, warm climate, a large number of sunny days, which made it possible to have a complex of medical institutions and many hotels here. The attractions here are not those for which it would be especially worth coming. But still, in Mineralnye Vody there is something to see between medical procedures and relaxation.

And since Mineralnye Vody is a major transport hub with an airport and a railway station, from here you can take exciting excursions around.


Attractions marked on the city map:

This hill appeared as a result of volcanic activity. It is located near the city and is a protected natural monument. If you translate its name from the Turkic language - Zhlak-tau - you get: “snake mountain”. There are two versions of the origin of the name:

  • The mountain, covered with rich vegetation, was the refuge of snakes;
  • The mountain slopes are dotted with ravines, narrow and winding, which look like the bodies of snakes.

The height of this natural monument is 994 meters. Archaeologists studying the mountain discovered a structure made of stone, inside which ancient shards were found. Near the Snake there are ruins considered to be the remains of an ancient altar.

Also near the city is Mount Sheludivaya of volcanic origin. It is slightly lower than Zmeyka (874 meters), and its slopes are covered with screes, which became the reason for the name. On one of the slopes of the mountain there are garden plots of local residents.

Temples and cathedrals

Address: st. Pyatigorskaya, 35
Telephone: +7 87922 524 16
Operating mode: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.

This temple is considered the main attraction of both Mineralnye Vody and the entire Stavropol region. Construction began in 1992, and construction lasted 5 years. The development was planned by the architect M.K. Mikhailovich.

The cathedral is an architectural complex including:

  • The church building itself;
  • Belfry with eight bells;
  • Outbuildings;
  • Administrative building.

The cathedral became the main shrine of the city. The interior decoration is very beautiful. The walls are painted in a single composition, and the iconostasis has several tiers.

Address: st. Svobody, 94
Telephone: +7 87922 575 05
Operating mode: every day from 7:00 to 19:00.

Construction of this structure began in 1950, but the church received its current name only 47 years later. Its architecture is simple, and in addition to the main building there is also a bell tower. Everything is surrounded by red brick walls.

The interior decoration is modest. The walls are decorated with a few paintings and faces of saints.

Historical buildings, monuments, museums

Address: st. Lenina, 42a

Within the city there is a railway station, which is an architectural monument made in the Baroque style. The monumental structure, surrounded by columns, was erected in 1955.

Inside the huge premises of the station there can be at least one and a half thousand people at the same time. This station is operational, although its reconstruction is planned.

Sculpture "Eagle"

Address: st. Lenina, 42a (near the city station)

There are eagle sculptures in every resort of Caucasian Mineral Waters (KMV). The proud bird tightly grips the snake in its steel claws. The eagle is a symbol of health, and the snake represents illness. Here, at the KMS resorts, this is what happens - health conquers illness.

The silhouette of the bird is cast from bronze, and the pedestal on which it stands is carved from stone.

Museum of Local Lore

Address: st. Proletarskaya, 137
Telephone: +7 87922 614 00, +7 87922 612 31
Operating mode: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 17:00, break: 13:00 – 14:00.

In 1999 it appeared on the basis of the city museum. There are several departments on specific topics:

  • paleontology;
  • archeology;
  • city ​​`s history;
  • history of the events of the Great Patriotic War;
  • collection dedicated to the writer A.P. Bibik.

House of the writer Bibik

The museum is located in an adobe house where the writer lived the last 20 years of his life. Here he worked on his book “To the Broad Road.”

The collection of the museum, opened in 1990, contains the writer’s personal belongings, his drafts, and old books. The interior of the premises remained the same as Bibik remembered it.

Address: st. Knyshevskogo, 9, Aircraft factory No. 411 GA
Telephone:+7 87922 566 33, +7 87922 637 66 – plant administration
Pre-arrangement is required before visiting.

This museum is located on the territory of a local aircraft repair plant. Here, in the open air, you can see famous airplanes and helicopters: Mi-1, Mi-8, Yak-40, Li-2.

It cannot be said that all the exhibits are perfectly preserved, because even here the weather conditions are not always favorable. But you can get acquainted with photographs depicting the first flights, and also look at some interesting historical documents.

This plant is located at the very foot of the picturesque Zmeyka Mountain. In the 80s of the 19th century, Count S. A. Stroganov brought horses of Arabian blood to Russia. From that moment on, construction of the plant began, the location for which was chosen by the count himself, taking as a basis the similarity of climatic conditions of the horses’ former habitat.

The revolutionary October whirlwinds thoroughly ruined the enterprise, which was restored only in 1921. The stud farm was named “Tersky” in honor of the Cossack regiment. And since 1970, the plant's pets have been sold at international auctions.

Memorial "Fire of Eternal Glory"

Address: Square 30 years of Victory

The memorial was opened in 1976. It is dedicated to the residents of Mineralnye Vody who gave their lives in the Great Patriotic War. The complex is represented by a composition of columns and bas-reliefs made of stone.

The monument itself is made in the form of pylons, at the base of which there is a marble bowl. In its middle there is a star, from which comes fire, lit from a torch brought from the Volgograd memorial.

The memorial complex is surrounded by a park with alleys framed by bas-reliefs of Heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of the city.

Not far from the city, near the river. Dzhemukha, there is a monument dedicated to the tank crews who died during the war. This is a stone pedestal on which the T-34 tank flaunts. The names of the heroes are carved on a tablet mounted on a pedestal. The creation of the monument dates back to 1965.


Shopping and entertainment center "Vershina"

Address: st. Sovetskaya, 28
Telephone: +7 87922 603 37

The shopping center building was built in the shape of an aircraft, which is a symbol of the city. The original design of the building makes it the only one of its kind. It houses numerous shops and an entertainment area. The complex is equipped with ample parking.

Restaurant "Holburg"

Address: st. Lenina, 16
Telephone: +7 87922 644 47

The "ancient castle", of course, is not real - it is a very good stylization, built specifically for a restaurant. But the owners took great care in recreating the medieval atmosphere: tapestries. turrets, massive tables made of dark wood, authentic menu. An evening spent in the throne room will remain in the memory for a long time.

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