What is the best way to drink water throughout the day. How to drink water during the day: the best recommendations

Water is an indispensable conductor of nutrients, it is involved in digestion, regulates body temperature through sweating, lubricates joints, nourishes cells. However, oversaturation of the body with fluid is no less dangerous than dehydration.

How much water to drink?

Experts still have not come to a consensus. Supporters of the theory “the more the better” argue that you can and should drink more than four liters of pure water per day. This helps to cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system.

But this option is absolutely unacceptable for kidney disease, a tendency to edema and other health problems. In addition, excess fluid leads to the leaching of minerals from the cells and even to thinning of the blood.

The ideal amount of water for a healthy person is calculated using the formula 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Such recommendations are given by the World Health Organization. That is, you need to drink two liters if you weigh almost 70 kg. People with less body weight can drink less. However, if you lead an active lifestyle, play sports or just live in a warm climate, you should increase the amount of water.

Determining whether you are drinking enough is not difficult. The easiest way is to look at the color of the urine. If it is too dark, you need to drink more. Another way: put your hand on the table with your palm down and pinch it from the outside. If the skin instantly returns to its previous state, the level of cell hydration is normal. If it smooths out slowly, you need extra moisture.

When to drink water?

A common mistake is to wait until you feel thirsty. Do not force the body to give an alarm. Dry mouth is a sign of dehydration. It is better to drink a little during the day. If you can’t train yourself to drink enough water, try taking it by the hour, like a medicine.

Try not to drink while eating, especially if you like salty, spicy or starchy foods. Water dilutes stomach acid, slowing down the digestion process. If you can't dine without a glass of water, drink unsweetened sparkling water. It quickly quenches thirst and speeds up the digestion of food.

Ice water leads to a sharp slowdown in metabolism and the appearance of excess weight.

Here are some more important tips:

  • It is helpful to drink one or two glasses of water immediately after waking up. This starts all metabolic processes in the body and cleanses the intestines of toxins accumulated overnight.
  • The water should be warm or at room temperature - cold water can cause spasm or shock in the body. Chinese medicine experts believe that ice water leads to a sharp slowdown in metabolism and, as a result, to the appearance of excess weight.
  • It is better to drink in small sips so as not to impede the work of the kidneys.
  • During training, you should not drink a bottle of water in one gulp and then immediately rush to do the exercises. Restore breathing, fill your mouth with water, hold for a while and swallow slowly. Take another sip if needed. And wait at least 15-20 seconds before continuing.
  • Tea, coffee, juices and compotes are not considered full-fledged substitutes for pure water, as they have a diuretic effect.

What water to drink?

There are many impurities in tap water, often based on chlorine, which is necessary for disinfection, and minerals. For example, calcium carbonate, which, if accumulated, can lead to kidney problems. In addition, tap water is not immediately excreted from the body and is absorbed worse, which can cause swelling.

Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the water from the bottle and the amount of minerals in it: if they are not more than 500 mg per liter, you can drink water every day, even with kidney disease. Drinks with a high content of minerals (1000-1500 mg per liter) should only be consumed with a doctor's prescription.

Water with calcium is recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis. If you have problems with digestion, it is better to drink water rich in sulfur. But it is contraindicated in children and adolescents, since sulfates interfere with the absorption of calcium, and hence the formation of bones. Chloride water regulates the functioning of the intestines, biliary tract and liver. But it is prohibited at elevated pressure. Water rich in magnesium helps with constipation and stress, but is not recommended for stomach problems.

About the expert: Umberto Solimene is professor of medicine at the University of Milan, president of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy FEMTEC.

Water should be present in the daily diet of every person. Sufficient fluid intake is necessary for the full functioning of important systems and internal organs. For some girls, water helps to lose weight because it activates metabolic processes. For these and many other reasons, it is important to correctly draw up a drinking regime during the day. Let's see how to organize it.

The importance of water for the human body

  1. Not all people can correctly interpret the signals that the body and the body in particular sends to them. At the first signs of dehydration, a decline in strength and mood begins, important systems fail.
  2. The first thing a person does is start consuming a variety of drugs to numb the symptoms. Although in fact it would be more correct to normalize the drinking regimen, after a while the condition returns to normal.
  3. Water cannot be replaced by herbal teas, natural juices or other drinks. Water is a vital fluid. Just 1 glass if you feel unwell will correct the situation.
  4. As a rule, with dehydration, apathy, drowsiness, and lethargy appear. Along with this, irritability, headaches and migraines, chronic fatigue develop.
  5. If you do not have enough moisture in the body, failures in the activity of the heart, kidneys, liver, and digestive system will begin. Dehydration leads to the accumulation of bile, general pollution of the body and constipation.
  6. Lack of fluid leads to an increase in blood viscosity, as a result of which blockage of blood vessels can occur. Also, the brain lacks blood supply, against this background, a deterioration in memory and concentration is often noticed.
  7. In addition to health problems, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails is deteriorating. All girls want to have a beautiful figure, but if you drink little water, you will not be able to say goodbye to cellulite and extra pounds.
  8. How to drink water during the day to cope with the hated centimeters at the waist? It is enough to take a glass every 1.5-2 hours. You can download an app on your smartphone that will notify you when you need to drink.
  9. It is especially necessary to observe the drinking regime for those who play sports or work hard physically. With a lack of moisture, the functions of the central nervous system are disrupted, severe fatigue appears immediately after waking up in the morning.
  10. On the Internet, you can find an online calculator that will allow you to calculate the amount of water needed to drink per day. But some use a banal formula: for every 28 kg. body weight accounts for 1 liter. pure liquid.

What causes a lack of water in the body? If you don't drink enough water, dehydration will take its toll. The first signs are dry mouth, intense thirst, in which it is impossible to get drunk. Then suddenly an attack of fatigue appears, lips dry, a headache begins.

You can calculate the amount of liquid you need using the methods described above. However, seasonality should also be taken into account, in the warm season a person needs more water. There are several rules for the drinking regime, which must be followed.

  1. Choose bottled water without added impurities or gases. Consume 7 to 13 glasses of fluid per day.
  2. Start your day with a drink. Drink 1-2 glasses of water a quarter of an hour after waking up in the morning.
  3. You should not drink a lot just before going to bed, so that water does not accumulate in the tissues. The last drink should be taken one hour before bedtime.
  4. To lose weight, you need to drink 1.5-2 glasses of water with lemon juice half an hour before a meal. So you will accelerate the removal of toxins and toxins, as well as provoke increased digestion of food (increased metabolism).
  5. Meat and mushroom dishes are difficult to digest, so they need more gastric juice. After taking such food, try not to drink in the next 2.5-3 hours.
  6. If you play sports, you should drink water 1 hour before training. During the class (depending on the duration), drink 1 to 2 liters. clean water in small sips. This is due to the fact that water leaves the body with sweat, you need to somehow restore the balance.
  7. Try not to drink more than 2 glasses of water (0.5 liters) at a time, as an increase in the amount can lead to nausea and vomiting. If you are depressed or under severe stress (before a performance, for example), this volume can be increased.
  8. So that in the process of drinking water does not cause discomfort, use it in small sips. It is desirable that the liquid be at room temperature. You quickly get drunk with hot water, as a result of which the daily volume and the need for drinking decrease. And the cold does not fulfill its function of saturation.
  9. There are drinks, after taking which you need to drink 1 glass of water. This number includes green tea, wine, any alcohol, coffee. If you smoke, increase your recommended daily intake by 30%. Otherwise, you may experience severe dehydration.
  10. In the spring and summer, increase the amount of fluid you drink as you feel thirsty. In winter, keep to a minimum - 1.5-2.5 liters. (calculate the value for yourself).
  11. It is also worth increasing the amount of water taken by everyone who works hard physically, goes to the gym, leads an active lifestyle with a disturbed sleep pattern (rest less than 7 hours a day).

How to choose water

  1. You should not perceive that during the day you can drink absolutely any liquid for the proper functioning of the body. Hot, milk and sour milk drinks are undoubtedly useful in dosed quantities, but they do not perform the usual function of high-quality water.
  2. If you want to say goodbye to unwanted kilograms, it is important to drink purified water without gas. This rule must be followed with such a diet. To achieve the maximum result, it is worth giving up sweet soda, packaged juice and drinks with non-natural additives.
  3. Such compounds have a high calorie content and do not carry any benefit, rather the opposite. A large amount of chemical additives settles in the gastrointestinal tract and disrupts the normal activity of internal organs. During weight loss, drinking water with lemon is allowed, but only if you do not have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits.
  4. Many of the fair sex fell in love with just this way of losing weight. With the help of a simple diet, you can lose a few kilograms in a short time. Citrus suppresses the desire to eat and effectively cleanses the body of harmful enzymes. The drink can be varied with mint leaves, honey and cinnamon powder. It turns out an effective cocktail.

  1. Do not rely on the erroneous fact that a large amount of water helps to lose weight faster. It is important to observe the daily rate of fluid intake. Lack or excess of water is not the best way affects human health. Often, non-compliance with the recommendations leads to disruption of the internal organs.
  2. In practice, there have been cases when girls, in pursuit of rapid weight loss, managed to drink up to 5 liters. liquids per day. Against the background of excess water in the body, the functioning of the kidneys, liver and bladder is disrupted. Intensive work of internal organs leads to sad consequences. Serious illnesses begin to develop.
  3. To say goodbye to extra pounds, you need to drink the optimal amount of fluid per day. The calculation of water for weight loss is always calculated individually. To do this, you need to consult a nutritionist. The doctor will help you balance the diet, based on the individual characteristics of the body. On average, the amount of water drunk is from 1.5 to 2.5 liters.

Types of water diets

In dietetics, weight loss with the help of water has long been practiced. To achieve the desired result, it is important to properly program. Follow the recommendations and the effect will be noticeable in a short time.

Water and bread

  1. Such a diet has shown itself well, only it belongs to one of the toughest. The essence of losing weight is that a person should drink about 2 liters of clean water per day and eat 8-10 slices of rye bread at the same time.
  2. The product can be replaced with diet bread. On the third day of the diet, it is allowed to include low-calorie foods.
  3. In small quantities, you can eat fish, chicken breast and sour milk. As a result of such a diet, you can lose up to 7 kg in 12-14 days. The main condition remains the observance of all recommendations.

Water for a week

  1. In this case, you do not need to review the diet at all. It is important to avoid fatty and unhealthy foods. It is also mandatory to drink the required amount of water throughout the day.
  2. Such a diet is no less effective, the result is noticeable after 1 week. Drink 400 ml. purified water after waking up on an empty stomach. Next, you need to take 250 ml. liquids before each meal.

If you drink water correctly throughout the day, you can improve your health. To get rid of unwanted pounds, it is important to follow simple recommendations. Do not drink water more than the prescribed norm, it will not lead to anything good.

Video: how to drink water to lose weight

When it comes to proper nutrition, we hear or see the phrase "drink at least two liters of water a day" or "water promotes weight loss, so drink it daily and in sufficient quantities." Water, as we used to think, consists not only of hydrogen and oxygen, it is primarily a solution containing salts, alkalis, metal ions, and some organic compounds. Depending on where the water was taken from, the concentration of organic and inorganic substances depends. And by the number of these ratios, conclusions are drawn whether the water is suitable for consumption or not, whether it is useful or not.

Drink plenty of fluids

Why do people need water

Water is involved in many processes of the body and it should be noted that the person himself consists of almost 80% of water. And we spend it constantly on:

  • metabolism;
  • maintaining body temperature;
  • breath;
  • moisturizing the skin, eyes, nose and mouth;
  • the work of internal organs;
  • removal of toxins from the body.

Therefore, an average person needs about 2 liters of water to compensate for daily expenses and maintain the normal functioning of the body. If a person does not drink enough water, dehydration can begin. Common causes of dehydration are:

  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • excessive consumption of coffee and coffee drinks;

However, if a person does not get enough water in small quantities, the body begins to receive water from food, thereby increasing appetite and giving a false signal that he is hungry. Therefore, the benefits of water for weight loss are obvious. In order not to overeat, during the day you need to observe the drinking regimen.

Why water makes you lose weight

How does water affect weight loss? It is involved in metabolism, in order to maintain it at the proper level, you need to drink 6-8 glasses of water. When we feel thirsty, we become less energetic, so the fat in the body is burned more slowly. When the body is dehydrated, slags and toxins cannot come out. And they begin to poison our lives from the inside. This can manifest as headache, fatigue, or a bad mood. If you notice any of these signs, try drinking more.

What water to drink and how much?

Water is distinguished by composition, by temperature, by the method of processing, i.e., it can be hot, cold, distilled, sea, bottled, fresh, boiled, and so on. What water to drink for weight loss and in what quantity, you ask?

Water rate = 30 ml x 1 kg of weight

There is a simple formula that helps you calculate how much water you need to drink throughout the day. To do this, multiply 30 ml of water per kg of your weight, the resulting number is the amount of water needed for the body in ml. Let's imagine you weigh 80 kilograms, multiply by 30 ml, we get 2400 ml, convert to liters and get 2.4 liters of water you need to drink during the day. This figure does not include juices, tea, carbonated drinks.

As mentioned above, water is different, the following types are distinguished for use:

Water for weight loss

How to drink water to lose weight? Let's try to answer this question. The basic rules of how to drink water for weight loss is as follows:

  • Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals, this technique helps to get rid of a false feeling of hunger. Because those who do not follow the drinking regimen usually get fat, the body thinks that it has been deprived of fluid and it begins to demand food in order to extract fluid from it.
  • According to the rules of a healthy diet, you need to eat 5-6 times a day during the day, therefore, you need to drink 5-6 glasses of water plus drink between meals, which is just about 2 liters.
  • Water on an empty stomach for weight loss helps to wake up the body and start all the processes in the body.
  • You need to drink water often and little by little.
  • It is not recommended to drink hot boiled water.
  • It is not recommended to drink water during meals, as it helps to swallow large pieces of food, so we eat more. Thus, people get fat.
  • It is not recommended to drink hot water, as it can burn the mouth and internal organs.
  • It is necessary to observe both the drinking regimen and the rules of a healthy diet. The calorie table will help with this.

How to drink so much water if you have not drunk it before

Do not try to immediately drink 3 liters of water. If you do not cause discomfort immediately increase the amount of water, then there is no problem. You don't have to force yourself. Implement the habit gradually. We start with 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and 1 glass between meals (or half a half-liter bottle). After a few days or a week, increase each dose by 100 ml, after a week by another 100 ml, etc.

How to remember to drink water

Make drinking water a habit. Don't try to remember it all the time. Make sure that the water container is in your field of vision. On the desktop, next to the sofa, armchair, on the coffee table, in the bag, in the car, where you spend all day time and with you if you are on the move during the day.

Also, modern technologies come to our aid - applications for smartphones - “reminders” for drinking water.

Life hack: If you are not working and are sitting at home or have desk space at work, do the following. Take 8 disposable cups and fill them with water every morning. When you enter the kitchen and see them, drink one at a time. Four cups will go away if you drink 30 minutes before meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea,) and four between meals.

If the cups are colored, it will add mood

Drinking while exercising

And how to drink water to lose weight during a workout? Why, how much and can it be done? Water and exercise are two integral parts. A person loses a lot of fluid with sweat. Sweat is released to protect the body from overheating, but in doing so, a person loses a significant part of the fluid from the body. Also, water helps to maintain the shock-absorbing functions of the joints, protecting against injury. The main rule is to observe the drinking regime during the day, and during training, drink a little, but often, between sets. It is better to drink bottled than boiled.

How much can you lose if you drink more water

How many kilograms can be lost if you drink more water is a question that interests beginners. It is difficult to name a single figure. But the fact remains, your metabolism will improve, which means you will begin to lose weight. So, according to the reviews of one girl weighing more than 90 kilograms, she managed to lose more than 30 kilograms. She drank more than 6 glasses of water daily and ate right, but initially did not include physical activity in her daily routine. A month later, she lost 5 kilograms. Then, she continued with a proper lifestyle and included in the exercise regimen, as she felt lightness in her body. The results were not long in coming, after six months she already weighed 60 kilograms. Here is the answer to the question: is it possible to lose weight if you drink water daily.

Drinks other than water

Is it possible to lose weight if you drink water and other drinks. Yes you can, below is a list of healthy drinks for weight loss:

Celery juice.

  • remove excess fluid from the body;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • boosts immunity.

Cucumber juice.

  • beneficial effect on the digestive tract;
  • quenches thirst;
  • helps in the work of the kidneys;

Watermelon juice.

  • satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • cleanses the kidneys;

Pumpkin juice.

  • a drink that contains magnesium and calcium;
  • relieves swelling;
  • helps with constipation.

It is important that the juices are natural and do not contain added sugar or other sweeteners.

When water is bad

Can you lose weight if you drink a lot of water? It is possible, but not necessary. Too much is just as bad as too little. Take measure in everything. No need to drink water overpowering yourself. Pregnant women, people prone to edema and those with kidney disease should drink water carefully. In the case of edema, limit the intake of salty foods. Also, a large amount of fluid drunk can lead to blood thinning, and this is a direct path to cerebral edema.

The benefits of water for weight loss are obvious. The above calculations are close to the average, so when asking how much, why and why, do not forget each organism is individual. Listen to yourself and problems will be avoided.

On the site "MEDIMARI" we continue to discuss the topic of the source of life - clean water. Various questions were raised in the comments to articles about water, I will try to answer them in today's post.

I want to remind you what we talked about in previous articles.

  • "Ode to Water" - Water is the basis of any life, creating all living things.
  • "Water Hunger" - although there is a lot of water on the planet Earth, a person constantly experiences a lack of it.
  • "What is the best water to drink" - this article reveals the features of various waters: from springs to tap water and gives advice on determining its quality.
  • "Healing properties of water" - lack of water in the human body leads to inevitable diseases. Understanding this will help you avoid a lot of problems.

How to drink water correctly

  1. All water drunk on an empty stomach, cleanses the body.
    • A glass of cold water is helpful for those with constipation.
    • on an empty stomach helps to cleanse the digestive tract of toxins, washing them.
  2. You need to drink between meals, but not during meals.
    • In meal time You don't need to drink water - it disrupts digestion. Better carefully , then there will be enough saliva in the mouth - the first liquid that meets with food when it enters the oral cavity and is actively involved in preparing for the digestion process in the stomach.
    • Especially harmful drink food cold water.
  3. Drink immediately after meals is also not necessary - it stretches the stomach, then to saturate, you will need more food in volume.
  4. Healthy drink water in small sips , water drunk in one gulp does not nourish the cells, but quickly leaves the body with sweat and urine.
  5. Drinking water throughout the day is better warm so as not to waste energy on warming water

How much water to drink

Recognized norm for a person with a normal physique and without chronic diseases:

  • Daily rate: 30 g of water per 1 kg of body weight
  • Example: 70 kg (weight) x 30 g (water) \u003d 2l 100 g - the daily intake of clean water
  • If you are a healthy person with a normal weight, then excessive water intake will not hurt you. The body uses as much water as it needs. He will just take out the excess.
  • If there is deviations in weight , then you need to adjust the rate of water intake.
  • If there chronic diseases , That be sure to consult your doctor.
  • You can tell if you are drinking enough water by urine color:
    • If it is dark, then you drink little.
    • Light is fine.

When to drink water

  1. Right after waking up, after you brush your teeth, drink about one glass of raw water, it's good if it is structured. It is useful for activating the digestive system, and for better awakening.
  2. Charging, hiking - then another glass of water
  3. 30 minutes before breakfast– 1 glass of water
  4. 30 minutes before the main meal and 1.5 hours after
  5. Later in the day - after every visit to the toilet drink some water
  6. After 15 hours you need to reduce number of water intakes and its quantity.
  7. Before going to bed, you should not drink a lot of water - this is fraught with edema for people suffering from kidney disease. But at the same time, a little water before bed relieves heart attack and stroke.
  8. One glass of water before taking a bath lowers blood pressure.
  9. In the heat you need to drink enough, but skillfully, as a lot of sweating and lack of water can lead to dehydration . In winter, the fluid is excreted by breathing through the lungs. Therefore, even if you do not feel like drinking, you still need to do it.
  10. It is useful for athletes to replenish the water balance - drink water in sips every half hour. During physical exertion, the blood thickens, threatening the formation of blood clots and the pressure decreases. If there is enough water in the body, then athletes feel more enduring.
  11. When dieting, be sure to drink enough water, so the body is cleansed of decay products. With a decrease in the amount of food, they do not become smaller, and we can even say that their number increases, since the breakdown of fats begins and many metabolic products should be excreted with water.

How to teach yourself to drink water

  • drink water, for this set a reminder on your phone or computer, start a timer.
  • Pour your daily amount of water into a jug or take a two-liter bottle. This will be a visual guide to how much water you drank per day.
  • Put a glass of water in your field of vision, as soon as it runs out of water, pour it again.
  • Carry a bottle of water with you at all times.
  • If you don’t want to drink, you need to force yourself by developing the habit of drinking water. If you want to drink, then you must drink.
  • Of course, urination will be increased, but you need to understand that this is good for your health and therefore there is no need to be shy.
  • Many people say that it is simply impossible to drink a lot of water. But if you gradually increase the intake of water, the body gets used to it and its natural cleansing occurs. Edema disappears because there is no need to make water supplies, the body begins to understand this.
  • Edema does not occur because of water, but because of products that block water from the body. This is extra salt and spices.
  • It is necessary to exclude diuretic drinks from the diet: coffee, tea, alcohol, soda.
  • Replace snacks, smoke breaks, and coffee with a glass of water.
  • In cafes, drink water without gas.
  • Always have a supply of drinking water in the car, in a bag, on the table at home.
  • You need to know that if there is a strong thirst, then it passes after the first sip only after 10 minutes. Imagine how much water you can drink in 10 minutes! If the thirst is caused by heat, then drinking heavily will not do any good, but will only cause profuse sweating. Therefore, it is better to drink in small sips.
  • You can not drink a lot of water, minerals are removed. It is not useful for patients with cardiovascular and kidney diseases, as the washed-out sodium contributes to heart problems and convulsions.
  • To prevent the necessary minerals from being washed out with water, you need to take a little salt. All solutions in the body can be said to be saline, like sea water. Sea salt contains enough minerals to replenish the body with them. But you do not need to dissolve salt in water, so it is not absorbed in the intestines. After eating, you need to take a few salt crystals and dissolve them in your mouth until completely dissolved.
  • Remember that pain is the body's cry for dehydration.
  • Aging is the result of gradual drying.
  • Men sweat more, so they need to drink more water than women.
  • When you feel hungry, drink water. Gradually, you will learn to distinguish between when you need to drink and when it is really time to eat.

If you can add something on the question: how, how much and when to drink pure water, waiting for your comments.



Every student knows that the human body is 70% water. When the body loses 11% of water, then professional medical care is indispensable, and if the figure reaches 20%, then death is inevitable. But few people know what is dangerous hidden chronic lack of water. According to many doctors, the body of modern man is severely dehydrated. Healthy instincts are ignored, the body has forgotten how to recognize thirst. We were taught to drink tea, juices, soda, soups and other liquid foods. Meanwhile, only pure water fully satisfies the body's need for moisture. To understand how to properly drink water throughout the day, let's figure out why this is needed at all.

Why is it important to drink water

Water is a universal solvent and the main one. Here are its most important functions.

  • Included in all fluids (blood, lymph, digestive juices, intercellular and intracellular substance).
  • Delivers nutrients to tissues and organs.
  • Dissolves products that need to be removed from the body through the kidneys, skin, lungs.

Physiologists say that during the day the body loses a liter of fluid only through the lungs with exhaled air, another two to three liters come out with sweat and other natural secretions. Without water, a person is not able to live more than 3-4 days. Any diet, and even the most one, involves the consumption of water, so it is important for everyone who wants to lose extra pounds to know how to drink water during the day in order to lose weight.

What water to drink?

Just to clarify: any addition to water turns water into a drink. Even plain lemon juice. There are drinks that enhance tea, coffee, beer. All of them have a diuretic effect, so it is impossible to quench their thirst. Juices contain nutrients that require processing and excretion of metabolic products - this consumes water. The same can be said about soups and other liquid foods. And sweet carbonated water is generally a crime against the body! So what is the right way to drink water during the day and what should it be? Here opinions differ.

  • Residual tap water suitable for consumption only if it was originally of good quality: low in iron, calcium salts, and other pollutants. When settling for several hours, chlorine and ammonia leave the water.

All opinions agree on one thing - the water should be clean, with a low content of alkalis and other impurities, pH should be close to neutral.

Hot or cold?

And how to drink water during the day in terms of its temperature? You can use it at any temperature, but you should know that warm water will be absorbed faster, hot water will stimulate the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices and draw out toxins.

How much water does the body need?

The average norm for an adult is 2 liters per day. You can also calculate it from body weight: 30 ml per kilogram. The need for water will increase with physical exertion, malnutrition, poisoning, fever, and an increase in air temperature. In hot weather, the body spends a lot of water to cool the skin - a person sweats intensely. Therefore, in the summer, the norm increases to 3 liters.

How to determine how dehydrated the body is? An excellent indicator is the color of urine. Normally, it is almost colorless or slightly yellow. With an average degree of dehydration - yellow, and with severe - orange. Chronic constipation is a constant companion of dehydration.

A glass or more?

How to drink water during the day - in sips or in one gulp? Focus on the volume of the stomach. Nutritionists do not recommend drinking or eating more than 350 ml at a time in general. At a time, you need to drink one glass of water, do it slowly, in small sips. With obesity, depression, cancer, it is recommended to increase a single serving to 2 glasses. Drink slowly, part of the water during this time passes into the intestines.

When and how often

So, we need to drink 8-12 glasses a day. The first dose is mandatory in the morning: after waking up, at least half an hour before meals. After all, during sleep, the body is dehydrated, it is necessary to replenish fluid reserves. The general opinion on how to drink water correctly during the day: before meals 30 minutes, after meals after 2 - 2.5 hours is a must. This will help start and complete the process of digestion and relieve false feelings of hunger. If you ate meat, then you need to drink a glass of water after 3.5 - 4 hours. How to drink between meals: be guided by the feeling of thirst. It is possible an hour after eating, before training (to create a supply of water in the body), an hour before bedtime. If you do not run to the toilet at night, you can drink the last glass at night.

You can not drink water during meals and immediately after it. So you interfere with digestion, dilute and increase the volume of contents in the stomach. This is unhealthy, because for proper operation it is required to fill the stomach by a maximum of 2/3 of the volume.

Water and weight loss

  • 15 minutes before meals, before each meal, cold plain water - 1 glass.
  • Only five meals - 5 glasses.
  • Be sure to have a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • In total, you need to drink 2 liters per day.

Elena Malysheva developed her diet based on her own experience. She lost 23 kg and is of the following opinion: what and how much you drink is more important than what you eat.

How to drink water during the day according to Malysheva, we learned. What about weight loss?

  • False feeling of hunger. It turns out that people often confuse thirst and hunger. It is enough to drink a glass of water to understand this.
  • Water is essential for the body to break down fats.

Water and disease: what doctors say

Gastroenterologists say that drinking water half an hour before meals allows the body to absorb water and excrete it with digestive juices. Those who adhere to this simple rule can easily avoid heartburn, bloating, gastritis, ulcers, hernia of the esophagus, diaphragm, bowel cancer and obesity.

Studies have shown that in such people the risk of developing cancer of the digestive organs is reduced by 45%. Less likely to get cystitis, bladder cancer (those who regularly drink water, less concentrated urine), breast cancer. With a lack of water, the liquid is distributed primarily to vital organs, and muscles and joints are deprived - hence the problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Hypertensive patients, asthmatics, people suffering from ischemia of the heart, doctors categorically forbid drinking water immediately after eating.

Now you know how important it is to quench your thirst and how to drink water throughout the day. The statement of the doctor, doctor of medicine Fireidon Batmanghelidzh only confirms all of the above: "Water is the cheapest medicine for a dehydrated body." An Iranian doctor, MD F. Batmanghelidj spent several years in prison. There he treated prisoners, and since there were practically no drugs, he accidentally discovered the healing properties of water. In 1982, his article was published in an Iranian medical journal, and in 1983 in the scientific section of the New York Times. Since then, many scientific works have been written, more than a dozen discoveries have been made, and a whole institute has been founded, the task of which is to study this topic in depth.

Since the early 1990s, Dr. Batmanghelidj has launched a massive campaign to educate the public about chronic dehydration. It is this, according to the doctor, that is the cause of dyspepsia, rheumatoid arthritis and headaches, stress and depression, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, overweight, asthma and allergies. Perhaps the mechanism of dehydration underlies the development of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In his books, the doctor also advises how to drink water throughout the day in order to lose weight.

In addition to quenching thirst, Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends maintaining electrolyte balance by monitoring your salt and potassium intake. For 10 glasses of water, you need to consume half a teaspoon of salt per day (3 g). If the legs swell in the evening - reduce the amount of salt, increase the amount of water. It is also important to have a complete vitamin and mineral diet. Kidneys under such a load should be healthy.

When should you not drink water?

Quenching your thirst in time, listening to your body, it is impossible to harm your health by drinking water. With caution, you need to increase the liters you drink during pregnancy, edema and kidney problems.

For those who want to know how to drink water throughout the day to lose weight, you also need to keep in mind that most swelling is from dehydration. They can often be caused by the body retaining water in order to dilute the salt. In any problematic cases, first of all limit the intake of sodium salts and regulate the intake of potassium, while continuing to drink water. You should also know that water is the most effective and natural diuretic.

Some people find it difficult to accustom themselves to drinking water regularly. To do this, always carry a bottle of water with you, always make a choice in favor of water between tea or juice, train yourself to drink after going to the toilet. Learn to listen to your feeling of thirst, satisfy this need immediately - and you will get rid of many health problems and excess weight.