No budgerigars allowed. What do budgerigars eat What cereal do budgerigars eat besides food

Today, pet stores offer a huge selection of various parrot foods, the main of which is a grain mixture. It is desirable that this product be packed in a tight sealed bag. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Below are the feeds of foreign manufacturers, which are of excellent quality:

  • XtraVital (Netherlands);
  • Fiory (Italy);
  • Prestige (Belgium);
  • Sluis (Holland);
  • Vitakraft (Germany);
  • and many others. others

Among domestic products, you can also choose excellent food.

Consider the daily ration when feeding with a grain mixture:

  • food for budgerigars - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • for medium-sized birds - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • for large - 4 tbsp. spoons or more.

The parrot should eat all the food offered, only after that add a new portion to it. It is worth noting that one grain feed is not enough, your feathered pets need additional food.

Diet for a budgerigar

What to feed budgerigars, in addition to the main food? This question interests many owners of an exotic bird. Let's consider it in more detail.

Feed of animal origin

The feed of the wavy should contain proteins. Therefore, it is so important for birds to eat boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese. Eggs can be added to vegetable mixtures, and cottage cheese can be added to fruit and berry mixtures.

Curd mixture at room temperature deteriorates quickly. Therefore, after half an hour, such food should be thrown into the trash.

Feed of vegetable origin

Carbohydrates and vitamins give energy to people and animals. Basically, they are found in foods of plant origin, which are easily absorbed by the body. Vegetable food for parrots is divided into vegetable, fruit, berry, grain (this includes seeds), nuts and branches.

Vegetables, fruits, berries

Fruits, vegetables, berries, greens are cut into small pieces or grated. Then put in a separate feeder or mixed with other products. Pear and apple can be fresh, boiled or dried. Birds are very fond of apricots, plums, pomegranate, citrus, banana. Fruit is peeled because it may contain chemicals.

Also, wavy can be fed with berries (fresh, dried or steamed):

  • raspberries;
  • mountain ash;
  • grapes;
  • currant;
  • wild rose;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

From vegetables, parrots can be given turnips, beets, pumpkins, zucchini, sweet peppers - all fresh. Parrots love the pulp and seeds of tomatoes. But this fruit must be ripe, because in the unripe ones there is the poison solanine. Beans, peas, corn should be young when they are filled with "milk" juice.

Preferably organic vegetables grown in their own garden and do not contain pesticides.

Give lettuce and spinach in small doses so as not to cause intestinal upset in winged friends.

Grains and seeds

If you do not use ready-made food for parrots, then buy them millet (yellow, red, white) and oats, and give them as a grain mixture, the ratio is 80:20.

Other permitted grains include: wheat, buckwheat, barley. Sometimes you can add a few meadow grass seeds to your pet's diet, as well as sesame, rapeseed, canary, hemp, flaxseed, Abyssinian nougat, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Sprouted grain is a valuable nutritious product, a stimulator of the body's vital functions. Sprouted seeds of grain crops (millet, oats, wheat, buckwheat, barley) are especially necessary for birds during the period of molting and feeding chicks. Soak any type of grain in advance for 11-13 hours.

Bad grain will float to the surface, good grain will remain at the bottom.

When the seeds swell, leave them for a couple of days to germinate. The sprouts that appear are very useful. It is important to ensure that the grain does not have very long sprouts, since they contain more valuable substances than in green "thickets".

Nuts, seeds

Parrots love seeds and nuts: hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts. Please note that this is a very fatty product that is contraindicated for daily feeding of birds. You can treat parrots with this delicacy no more than 1 time in 10-15 days.

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements

In the cage, parrots should contain mineral components and vitamin supplements. Today, pet stores offer a wide range of such dressings. They are packaged in briquettes, which are convenient to cling to in a cage.

As for minerals, they are of two types:

  • organic (chalk, sepia, shell rock, bone meal, activated charcoal, eggshell) - are a source of calcium;
  • inorganic (gastroliths) - normalize digestion.

Calcium gluconate and calcium glycerophosphate tablets are also useful for poultry. You can buy them at a veterinary clinic or pharmacy. Without vitamins and minerals, the body of parrots will not be able to function normally.

branch feed

What else can parrots, besides ready-made and homemade food? Birds love to sharpen something with their sharp beak. Released from the cage to fly, they try everything that comes their way: whitewash, wallpaper, cornice, plinth and other inedible things. Fresh tree branches will help distract your pet from such biting. Parrots will stretch their paws on them and will happily gnaw on the kidneys and bark.

The main thing is that the drinking bowl has clean and fresh water. You can sometimes add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it.

Forbidden foods

What can't parrots eat? This:

  1. Millet - as it can develop gastrointestinal disease in birds.
  2. Such exotic fruits as persimmon, mango, avocado can cause intoxication in a bird.
  3. Melons and watermelons can provoke a pet’s intestinal upset, which threatens his death.
  4. Forbidden vegetables include: radish, radish, eggplant, celery, garlic, onion.
  5. Remember - Chinese-made cabbage contains nitrates that are dangerous to health.
  6. You should also be aware that some plants have a detrimental effect on the body of birds. Therefore, parrots should not be fed parsley, dill, hyssop, celery, cilantro and other spices.
  7. Do not give your birds branches of oak, bird cherry, lilac, acacia, poplar. It is extremely rare to offer a parrot a sprig of coniferous trees.
  8. Fried seeds are dangerous for parrots. Do not risk the lives of your birds.
  9. Peanuts are included in most prepared foods, so you do not need to give them extra, since the shell of an unpeeled nut is often affected by mold.
  10. Fresh bread is strictly contraindicated for birds. But treat your winged friends more often with a cracker of white bread.

Thus, choosing the best food for parrots, your pets will eat it with pleasure and feel great. After all, the health and happiness of your pet depends on proper nutrition.

How and what to feed parrots - video

Improper nutrition can cause many diseases, and some of them are very dangerous for little birds. Often, when acquiring a budgerigar, its owner does not know at all what can be given to a budgerigar.

Meanwhile, there are a lot of “dos and don’ts” in the diet of a parrot. What should be given to the bird, we will consider in order.

Basically, to feed the budgerigars, it will be enough to pour grains of any cereals (buckwheat, millet, oats, barley, millet, etc.) into the feeder. But feeding the bird only with grains is not right.

A parrot, like all living beings, needs micronutrients and vitamins to function normally.

Let's consider in order what should be a "must have" in the diet of a parrot and what can be added to it, strengthening the pet's health.

Grain mixtures

Parrots love to eat grain food, which includes:

  • millet;
  • oats;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • sesame;
  • flax seeds;
  • meadow grass seeds;
  • walnut or cashew;
  • grass seeds
  • canary and hemp seeds.

From a large selection of types of food presented in pet stores, you can choose any. Up to two teaspoons of grains will be enough to eat one adult parrot every day.

In addition, you can offer your pet healthy vegetables and fruits for feeding.


There is a list of vegetables that will become very useful in the diet of a parrot, and there is a list of foods that a parrot should not eat. Let's consider both.

Budgerigars can be given:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini and squash;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes (only from the garden, without nitrates);
  • beets;
  • young corn;
  • beans and peas;
  • sweet bell pepper.

The list of vegetables that should not be given to parrots includes:

  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • eggplant;
  • celery.


From fruits, wavy is also not possible for everything.

In no case should you give a parrot:

  • mango;
  • papaya
  • avocado;
  • persimmon.

Apples should be in the mandatory year-round diet of a feathered pet. As a treat, you can and should offer pear and pineapple waviness.

The following fruits and berries are rich in vitamins, acids, sugar and nutrients:

  1. Citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges).
  2. Bananas (give fresh, peel off).
  3. Grapes (removes toxins from the body of a bird).
  4. Plums.
  5. Cherries and cherries.
  6. Peaches and apricots.
  7. Kiwi.
  8. Berries: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, currants, cranberries.
  9. Pomegranate.

Greens for parrot

In the wild, budgerigars, in addition to cereals, fruits and vegetables, also eat herbs.

The greens that you can pick in the garden, rinse and add to your pet's cage are:

  • burdock;
  • clover;
  • plantain leaves;
  • freshly cut green grass;
  • knotweed;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • tops of carrots and beets;
  • greens of cereal crops;
  • leaves from a young willow;
  • leaves and buds of fruit trees;
  • spruce branches (in small quantities).

What can a parrot eat

Without exception, all parrots love to gnaw something. This is a natural need for a bird, as a way to grind down a beak. If you do not want ceiling plaster, door slopes or wallpaper to suffer from this, you need to familiarize yourself with what a parrot can eat so that you can sharpen its beak.

To do this, you need to regularly add washed tree branches to the parrot's house. But do not rush to carry branches hastily washed under running water into the cage. First, find trees away from the roadway, pick branches and bring them home.

You can add sprigs to the cage of budgerigars:

  • birch;
  • alder;
  • lindens;
  • maple;
  • chestnut;
  • fruit trees (plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, pears, apple trees and others);
  • viburnum,
  • currants;
  • raspberries;
  • hazel.

What about house plants? Some feathered pets are very greedy for house plants. Here you should carefully buy flowerpots in the house. Parrots can pinch the following indoor plants: aloe, citrus, yucca, palm trees, Kalanchoe, tradescantia, dracaena, chrysanthemums, bamboo, crassula, hibiscus.

Buttercup, ivy, hyacinth, euphorbia, philodendron, heather, rhododendron, fern, broom, violet, snowdrops, azalea, aronnik, yew should not be given to the parrot to eat.

Mineral and vitamin supplements

In order for your bird's body to function normally, feed with mineral supplements and vitamins must always be present in its cage. Because the components contained in ordinary food cannot be fully absorbed by the feathered body to a sufficient extent.

For example, a parrot has a great need (2-3 times higher than normal) for mineral salts during molting. Therefore, it is so necessary to artificially add the necessary micro and macro elements to the diet of pets.

What can be given to a parrot as a supplement of vitamins and nutrients:

  1. Sand.
    The body of a bird is so arranged that it is not capable of digesting food in the stomach. For this, the parrot must consume sand and small pebbles. They mechanically grind the food and remove its remnants from the body of the bird. If there is no sand in the pet's enclosure, then the full work of the intestines will be impossible.
  2. Chalk.
    Product containing about 38% calcium. It is very necessary for parrots to strengthen bones and during oviposition.
  3. Sepia.
    The shell of the mollusk also contains a large percentage of calcium. It is perfectly absorbed by the body of a parrot.
  4. Eggshell.
    Contains magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sulfur. It is boiled in water, dried and crushed, and then placed in a cage.
  5. Bone flour.
    Added to feed and mixtures. Flour has a large number of nutritional components important for the body of a parrot.
  6. Charcoal.
    A product that is produced by burning birch. Contains a large set of trace elements. It is ground into powder and given to the bird along with sand.


You can buy vitamins for feathered pets in pet stores, or you can add them to parrots' food directly from the “improvised” kitchen.

You will need:

  • honey (3-4 drops per 100 ml of water);
  • lemon juice (3 drops in a drinker);
  • apple cider vinegar (1 ml per 100 ml of water).

These natural components are good antioxidants, rich in vitamins and valuable components that are beneficial for the body of a feathered friend.

germinated food

Sprouted grain seeds are undoubtedly a great treat for your bird. These are foods with a high vitamin value.

In germinated grains, phytates are blocked, which slow down the absorption of valuable vitamins by the body. Such bait will raise immunity, restore vital processes in the bird's body and ensure normal metabolism.

Grains are germinated for feeding parrots: oats, buckwheat, millet, barley, wheat. They are washed, then filled with water to the top level of the grain. Unusable grains will immediately float to the surface and must be disposed of.

Then the surface of the saucer is covered with gauze or a light towel. After 24-36 hours, the grains germinate by 3 mm and become suitable for birds to eat. You can insist such food in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

What to feed parrots?

As you can see, in addition to the main grain feed, other types of products can and should be given to the parrot. They include.

We all know that pet stores sell ready-made dry mixes for parrots. But is this food enough for them, or should their diet be more varied? This question should be asked by every caring and loving owner.

What do budgerigars eat besides food?

In fact, the diet of a parrot should be very, very diverse. In addition to dry, they need fresh, moist foods - fruits, vegetables, herbs, sprouted food, rich in nutrients and vitamins. In addition, they need sources of calcium - fat-free cottage cheese, boiled eggs, crushed chalk or crushed calcium chloride tablets. But first things first.

Allowed vegetables: carrots, turnips, pumpkins, melons, zucchini, squash, watermelon, beets, tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, beans, green peas, lettuce, spinach, bell peppers, cabbage. All this food is necessary for parrots, except for food, as a source of many useful substances, trace elements, and vitamins.

Of the forbidden vegetables - celery, eggplant, garlic, onions, spicy and spicy vegetables, radishes.

From fruits, parrots can be given an apple, pear, citrus fruits, plums, grapes, peaches, bananas, apricots, cherries, cherries, berries (raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, strawberries, strawberries, lingonberries), pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate.

Beforehand, all fruits and berries must be washed well, some must be peeled. It is better to put them in a separate feeder, as well as other food products.

It is forbidden to give parrots such fruits: avocado, mango, persimmon, papaya. They can cause intoxication and poisoning.

There are many other things you can feed besides food. This, for example, grass: clover, burdock, plantain, tops of carrots, quinoa, meadow grasses. You can not give the birds parsley, dill, hyssop, cilantro, celery, that is, spicy and fragrant herbs.

Mineral nutrition for parrots

For your parrot to be healthy, mineral components must be present in its cage. These include:

The question of what the food of a budgerigar should be is relevant for those owners who have just acquired a feathered pet. A balanced diet plays a significant role in the life of a bird. It is on him that her health and longevity depend. It is advisable to study all the information on this matter in advance, so as not to encounter certain difficulties in the future.

Ready grain mix

Various ready-made mixtures are on sale, using which the owner of the bird saves his time significantly. The main components of the feed should be the following cereals: millet, canary seed, oats, raw sunflower seeds. Feed comes in different brands. Their composition may vary. Each responsible owner has the task of ensuring proper nutrition for his bird, so the question may often arise, Ready mixtures must be selected in such a way that they please the feathered friend. This usually doesn't take long. It is advisable to buy a mixture that the parrot absorbs with appetite.

How to choose ready-made food

When buying ready-made food, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  • You should refrain from purchasing a mixture where mold, dirt and debris are present. Each package must indicate the expiration date of the product. This information must be studied. If you feel a musty smell, you should not buy such food.
  • It is advisable to purchase feed in an airtight container into which air and moisture do not penetrate. In such a mixture, rotten grains and insects are rarely found.
  • You need to feed the birds after they have eaten the previous portion of food. Care must be taken to ensure that all the parrots in the cage get the tasty ingredients, and not just the male, who chooses the best from the feed.
  • Fresh grain of high quality, which is suitable for feeding birds, should have a natural sheen. A dull surface, the presence of dark spots, an unpleasant odor and a rancid taste indicate that the food has expired.
  • A budgerigar needs 2 tsp per day. ready mix. The nutrition of a budgerigar when it is young is slightly different. Birds need frequent feeding, but it is important to ensure that they do not overeat.

wet food

What other foods can be included in the daily diet of parrots, in addition to ready-made food? Even the highest quality dry food does not provide complete nutrition for the bird. This is especially true for chicks. In order for the growing organism to develop properly, the bird's menu must be supplemented with vegetables, fruits, herbs, and cereals.


Fresh vegetables are a source of vitamins and other useful substances. Before you give your feathered favorite a slice of sweet carrots, you need to make sure that it is washed. It is advisable to feed your pets with eco-vegetables that have not been fertilized with chemicals during the growth period. The nutrition of budgerigars at home should include the following:

  • Carrots, turnips, beets are sure to please the feathered. Vegetables can be chopped on a grater and mixed with boiled egg yolk. You can treat parrots with carrots in unlimited quantities.
  • Zucchini, pumpkin and patisson are sources of fiber. The seeds of these vegetables are especially valuable. If the grains are large, before giving them to your pet, you should grind them, as the bird may choke.
  • Tomatoes and cucumbers should also be served with seeds. It is unacceptable to feed parrots with unripe fruits, as they may contain toxic substances.
  • Legumes in the form of beans, corn and green peas contain a large amount of nutrients. Their grains are very soft, so parrots can get carried away with such food. In this case, in order to prevent indigestion, portions should be limited.
  • White cabbage will provide the bird with important trace elements. You can give a parrot both leaves and a stalk. It is best to serve chopped cabbage.
  • Bulgarian pepper is a storehouse of vitamin C, which a feathered pet also needs.

Proper nutrition of a budgerigar is a balanced menu in which the above vegetables should be present, but there are also those plants that are strictly forbidden to give to a bird. We are talking about radish, radish, garlic, onion and eggplant.


Fresh fruit must be present on the budgie menu. In the diet of the bird you need to include:

  • Apples and pears. Birds can be pampered with this delicacy all year round. An excellent food option for chicks.
  • Oranges, tangerines, kiwi. The fruits must be peeled and given to the birds in a crushed form.
  • Grape. It should not be given in large quantities. 1 berry will be enough.
  • Bananas. This fruit can be ranked among the favorite treats of birds. However, in addition to useful substances, it contains starch and sugar in excess. Banana is a perishable product, so you need to give it to parrots in small portions. As soon as the bird is full, the remnants of food must be removed from the feeder.
  • Plums, cherries, cherries, apricots. All these fruits are also to the taste of budgerigars. They can be given both fresh and dried.

To ensure proper nutrition for budgerigars, fruits in the form of persimmons, avocados, mangoes and papaya should be excluded from the diet. It is also not recommended to abuse nuts, as they contain a lot of fat. Birds that live in captivity lead a sedentary lifestyle, so nuts in large quantities can cause obesity.


Fresh grass is a valuable food for birds, so it is very important that it is included in the diet of the budgerigar. Greens must be given to birds daily. It is preferable that it be fresh.

  • It is not necessary to pluck all the greenery in the yard in armfuls, as poisonous plants can be caught among it.
  • Before giving the parrot freshly cut grass, it must be washed.
  • In the autumn, it is advisable to refrain from collecting certain types of plants. The thing is that by winter the leaves accumulate toxins in themselves. During this period, the parrot is best fed with cereal seeds. It is not necessary to feed the bird with grass and ears of corn in a crushed form. They can be collected in small bundles and hung in a cage. Birds enjoy picking out grains on their own, so they definitely need to be given the opportunity to eat in this way.

Useful plants for budgerigars:

  • plantain with seeds;
  • dandelion flowers, leaves and seeds;
  • woodlice;
  • clover;
  • wheatgrass;
  • succession;
  • nettle;
  • blooming Sally.

In winter, when it is not possible to balance the diet of the budgerigar with fresh herbs, indoor plants such as Kalanchoe and Chlorophytum can be used as top dressing. Spices in the form of dill, parsley and cilantro are taboo on the menu of feathered favorites.

Twigs and buds

Probably all owners of budgerigars have noticed that their pets love to gnaw on something. As a rule, they are happy to take on the bars of the cage, wires, wooden furniture, perches on which they sit. Especially birds love to peck at the soft bark and buds. In order for the parrot to usefully spend time and enjoy his favorite business, the owner should take care of this and place fresh twigs in the cage.

Breaking branches near the roadway should not be. For them it is better to go to the park or to the country. Before placing the treat in the cage, it must be soaked in cold water. Then the branches must be poured with boiling water. Such security measures will protect the bird not only from dirt and dust, but also from various infections, since a wild infected bird could be on any branch.

Important! To clean the branches, it is forbidden to use household detergents. Surfactants can accumulate in the bark, which is very dangerous for the life of the budgerigar. Pichuga can be pampered with sprigs of linden, maple, mountain ash, alder, cherry, apple, viburnum, berry and fruit bushes. It is not recommended to treat the feathered with coniferous plants, as they contain resin, which is not harmless to the pet. Branches of lilac, bird cherry, oak and acacia should also be banned.

Pots for parrots

The nutrition of a budgerigar, whose balanced diet should consist of a variety of healthy foods, also includes food. If a chick is taught to eat such food from childhood, it will eat it with pleasure throughout its life. The pichuga menu should include oatmeal, rice, corn, buckwheat porridge. To prepare such a dish, you can not use milk, salt, sugar. Porridge should be boiled exclusively in water. As additives, you can use finely chopped greens, vegetables or fruits. It doesn't take long to cook the cereal. It is enough to fill it with hot water and let it brew for several hours. If there is no time to wait, you can boil the porridge until half cooked.

For those owners who do not have the opportunity to cook porridge for their feathered pets every day, there is one simple option. In one day, you can prepare a supply of food for several weeks at once. To do this, you need to make a mixture of different cereals, mix them, boil and place in the freezer. Thus, you can regularly feed your pet healthy food. It is important that the food is defrosted naturally, as when it is heated in the microwave, it loses its beneficial properties.

water for parrots

An essential condition for caring for a budgerigar is the constant presence of water in its drinking bowl. It is important that it is always fresh, so the owner will have to change it daily. Before pouring water, the drinker must be thoroughly rinsed. It is best to give the feathered bottled water intended for children.

Mineral stone and sepia

All types of birds need minerals and trace elements. They should also be provided with a budgerigar. Eating a variety of foods is certainly good for birds, but it is also important to supplement the diet with mineral supplements. To do this, sepia and mineral stone must always be present in the cage. Such additives help strengthen bones, eggs and normalize the metabolism of birds.

Budgerigar: nutrition, care

Pet owners have a responsibility to take care of their pets responsibly. In order for the bird to grow up healthy and fully develop, the nutrition of the budgerigar must be based on fresh healthy foods. Having a great desire to treat their pet, the owners give him harmful products in the form of sweets, sausages, smoked meats and pastries. It is strictly forbidden to feed birds with them, as they can cause irreparable harm to the health of a bird. The body of a bird is not able to absorb this kind of food, so all owners of budgerigars are simply obliged to study the list of foods that should not be given to their pets.

Vegetable feed - the basis of nutrition (up to 70% of the diet)

Plant foods are divided into 2 groups - cereals And juicy. Cereals, in turn, are mealy (contain up to 6% fat) and oilseeds (contain over 14% fat).

Juicy: various herbs, leaves, berries, fruits, root vegetables and tubers. They contain a lot of water (from 40 to 90%), which causes a refreshing effect.

grain feed
Mealy feed

  • Millet- 60% of the total amount of feed.
  • Millet (millet without shell)- in the form of crumbly porridge.
  • oats- 20-40% of the total amount of feed, regular not shelled.
  • Wheat 30-40% 2 times a week. Semi-ripe or sprouted. To germinate grains of wheat or barley, they should be washed and poured with warm water. In the evening, the water is drained, and the grains are washed in running water. Then again fill with water and leave until the morning. Usually, by this time, the grains germinate, and they can already be fed to parrots.
  • Corn- 20% of the total amount of feed. May cause obesity, so do not give much.
  • Peas - In unripe raw or canned form, peas should not be given. Be sure to boil and steam.
  • Plantain and dandelion seeds They should be prepared in advance. To do this, plantain spikelets are collected in bunches and hung to dry. And from dandelions, seeds are harvested when white fluff appears on their heads.

Oilseed feed

  • Sunflower seeds- no more than 15% of the feed. Very nutritious due to the high oil content. So don't give too much.
  • nuts- 5% 2-3 times a week. Highly saturated with fat, excessive consumption can lead to indigestion and obesity. Walnuts are very useful during the mating season.
  • Hemp - Not more than 5%. Before giving to a parrot, it is necessary to boil for 10 minutes and dry.
  • Flaxseed - 1-2% in grain mixture. Very nutritious and medicinal. Good for the intestines. Its decoction is recommended to be given instead of drinking when coughing. Large amounts lead to diarrhea.

succulent feed

  • Carrots, carrot tops - Fresh, grated in small slices. Needed in autumn, winter, during the period of feeding chicks.
  • Cabbage- Finely crumble, or give whole leaves. When plumage appears, it is advisable to give every day.
  • Beet- Raw, grated. Especially useful - winter-spring.
  • Tomatoes- Only ripe fruits.
  • cucumbers- Promote the absorption of food. In the form of slices.
  • Bell pepper- In the form of slices, without peeling off the seeds.
  • Watermelon, melon, pumpkin- Helps improve digestion and heart function. The seeds are also helpful. They are dried, and before being given, they are crushed.
  • Apples, pears, bananas, plums, peach, apricot, kiwi, pineapple- Fed in slices, pitted.
  • Grape- 3-4 berries a day.
  • Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lime, pomegranate- Give by dividing into slices, peeling off the peel.
  • Lemon- Juice is added to drinking water in a few drops (protects against infections). Whole slices should not be given.
  • Fig, pumpkin, pattison, zucchini, zucchini with seeds, Rutabaga, Turnip.


Freshly frozen berries should be thawed before being given to parrots. Otherwise, birds can catch a cold very easily.

Fruit stones, as well as bird cherry berries, contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to birds, so you should not feed them to parrots.


  • Dandelion - The leaves contain many vitamins (far from the road).
  • Spinach- Do not give in large quantities - causes diarrhea.
  • Salad- Lots of vitamins.
  • Asparagus- Young shoots.
  • green onion- Prevention of worms, dysentery.
  • Nettle- Boil young leaves for 2-3 minutes, chop and add to wet food.
  • Young shoots or branches of plants - Shoots of fruit trees, as well as rowan, currant, raspberry, viburnum, birch, willow, ash, aspen and linden.
  • Needles- Grind, then mix with the grain mixture. Not more than 2 times a week - 5% in the composition of the mixture.

Feed of animal origin

  • Eggs (chicken or quail)- Adults - 1 p. at 2 weeks, young - 1-2 p. per week, be sure to cook for 7-8 minutes.
  • Dairy products- No more than 3% fat. Giving with a spoon without restrictions
  • Cottage cheese— No more than 3%. 1-2 times a week, 2 tablespoons.
  • Honey- 0.5 teaspoon per week in drinking water or porridge. It can stand in a cage for 2-3 hours, then it is thrown out.

Mineral feed

  • Eggshell - Rinse, boil, and dry the shell. Grind in a mortar and sift through a sieve.
  • Chalk - Fodder chalk, mixing it with sand or adding to the wet mix at the rate of 0.2 g per day. You can also give parrots slaked lime (not earlier than 7 months after slaking) or dry plaster, inserting pieces of it between the bars of the cage.
  • shells- Clean, dry and grind.
  • Bone flour- Add to wet mixture.
  • Salt - Dissolve in water 1 g per 0.5 l, not more than 2 times a week.
  • Charcoal - Or activated. In shredded form.


  • Bottled still water is the best option.
  • Filtered water - If bottled is not available.
  • Decoctions of chamomile, rose hips - The decoction is brewed in proportion: 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile herb or rose hips per 200 g of boiling water. Infused for 30-40 minutes in a water bath.
  • Vegetable and fruit juices (of allowed)

Water must always be fresh!