Scenario wedding lived together for 60 years. prize stadium

The golden wedding is the lot of the elite. People who have managed to keep the family boat afloat for so many years should erect a monument during their lifetime. Therefore, this holiday must be celebrated in such a way that this event becomes unforgettable, first of all for the anniversaries themselves.

It does not require stunning special effects or royal luxury. The main condition is to surround the spouses with care, love and admiration. And do everything so that they cannot break out of this environment.

The scenario is adapted for holding a holiday at home, but it can also be held in a cafe or restaurant. It implies the obligatory connection of the creative imagination of those who spend the holiday.

A professional presenter is not required, but in any case it must be a charismatic, sociable and resourceful person.

Necessary props

    1. Throne chair(an ordinary roomy chair, you can “gild” the armrests or put a couple of gold ribbons crosswise on the back of the chair).
    2. gold digger(any device that emits a signal when a button is pressed. An ordinary children's phone painted in gold will do. But the more unusual the gold digger looks, the more spectacular).

  1. Two large crowns and several small ones, according to the number of children participating in the holiday. Can be real.
  2. Fan.
  3. golden sequins.
  4. 8-12 gilded candlesticks(depending on the size of the room) and the same number of golden candles. If the wedding will take place in a public place, it is worth buying electric candles that run on batteries.
  5. Computer with separate large screen, even better - a slide projector.
  6. dance costumes for couples of dancers:

    60s - dudes;

    70s - disco;

    80s - Latin American costumes;

    90s - rap.

  7. Golden heart made of thick paper, 80-90 cm diagonally. A central square is cut out of it and divided into 50 equal parts - these will be reward coupons. The remaining contour is divided vertically in half - halves for spouses.
  8. Brezhnev's eyebrows.
  9. Two golden stars of Heroes(you won’t find real ones, fake ones will do)


golden wedding, it is necessary to decorate the interior and furniture with gilded details as much as possible. Invitation cards on “gold” paper, crockery with a gold border, curtains with gold thread in the ornament.

You should not get carried away with garlands and tinsel, it is better that fragments of gold color are present in all the details of the interior. You can make gold business cards indicating the place of each guest at the festive table.


wedding celebration, while maintaining the traditional elements of the golden wedding, consistently unfolds under the sign of lived decades, starting from the 60s of the 20th century. We select a musical sequence and a video sequence corresponding to each era.

The celebration should not turn into an evening of memories - therefore, when editing a video or making slides, it is enough to use several photos of the heroes of the occasion in the relevant periods and photos of the most important events: weddings, births of children, arranging a new apartment, etc.


Golden blizzard. Arranged during the performance of the waltz by the spouses.

The fan is installed at some elevation, turns on, and golden sparkles are thrown onto the air stream (this task can be entrusted to the children present).


Meeting with guests

Invited guests are warned in advance that they will need to present “gold” at the entrance. It is not at all necessary to have gold rings and chains, a gold thread in a festive outfit, a tie with a gold stripe, any “golden” detail of the toilet will do.

At the entrance, a “gold control” is arranged, it is produced by the host and one of the male relatives and a masculine look.

Each incoming person is checked by a gold digger, and in a strange way, he does not react directly to gold items.

Accompanied by the host's remarks:

- the hands of a man are golden!; - golden head!; — look, here is a man with a heart of gold!; - golden words you say, come in, please!; - not a child, but pure gold!

The controller can allow himself some liberties, but respecting the limits of decency.

At the end of the meeting, the host (B) addresses the guests:

- I could not bear the load and our device broke down:

He had never seen so much gold at once!

Main part

(IN) - Our dear guests, our golden guests,

Feel at home, come to the tables you!

The time has come for an honest whole world

Celebrate the wedding with a good feast!

Yes, not simple


The guests are seated at the tables.

(IN) - Friends! Each of you understands how difficult it is to keep the precious gift of love and carry it through decades.

Walk hand in hand, a path of half a century, overcome all the difficulties along the way, eat several pounds of salt together (and in the most literal sense) - people who are capable of this are worthy of sincere admiration and worship! Low bow to them!

Each person present here will surely have a lot of kind words and gifts for the anniversaries, but I want to wish them good health and try to give (of course, together with you) a holiday!

Let it begin with congratulations ....

The word is given for congratulations to the most respected member of the family. If you don't know what to say, use beautiful wedding anniversary greetings.

After congratulations, a family cake is taken out on a golden platter. Spouses break off a piece and feed a friend, then all the guests are surrounded (everyone should taste it).

(IN) -To the one who tasted the bread, treated himself to the kalach

Any troubles are not terrible, all adversity is uneasy!

(The music of the 60s turns on quietly, the first frames appear on the screen - photographs of the heroes of the day in their youth).

(IN) Much water has flown under the bridge since then.

And a lot of things happened in the world.

Let's go back to the beginning,

So let's remember how it all started.

Thaw, Khrushchev, corn

The native country rushed into space.

But the main thing is for a long union

He and She have already met...

And which of the dear guests

Answer me - when and where?

The answerer receives a coupon from the host with the words:

- Take care of him, like an eye to the apple!

He will help you get rich!

The host gives the floor for congratulations to old friends, children who were born in the 60s, brothers and sisters of anniversaries.

(After congratulations, a competition of "bearded" jokes is held. The couple who will dance leaves to change clothes).

(IN) - The gold coupon will be received by the one

Who remembers the best joke!

Those present tell jokes that were popular in those years. The winner is determined by ear - whose anecdote was laughed at more, he won.

After the competition, the presenter, with the support of the guests, asks the heroes of the occasion to tell some family story from the 60s.

(IN) - If red, then freckled.

You say - monte, immediately remember - cristo.

Can't imagine the sixties

No fiery twist!

The couple begins to dance, the leader's task is to involve as many people as possible in the dance.

Dancers are rewarded with coupons, the wedding moves to the 70s.

Appropriate music and photos on the screen.

Host (with Brezhnev eyebrows):

— Dear comrades! There are two people in front of you

Those who managed to endure each other for half a century!

In a solemn atmosphere, on behalf of the Politburo, I

I reward everyone with a Hero Star for this!

Rewarding and kissing spouses. Then he gives to join the congratulations to relatives and friends. The next couple of dancers go to change.

(IN) - May Day, November, red calendars, shortages and bad weather, five-year plans for two years, a horse in a coat, the struggle for peace, a tractor with holes-holes-holes in the field, two forty sausages each, Reagan, enemy voices and Indian cinema, and Georgian wine ... In general, life flowed like a river in the USSR times ...

(whoever says “stagnation” first gets a coupon). But seriously, there has never been any stagnation in the lives of the heroes of our festive evening! Not even now - meet two incomparable disco dancers.

A costumed couple dances, the rest of the guests join her.

(After the dance and another toast, the host holds a competition “What? Where? When?”. Six family experts are selected, the rest of the guests come up with questions. The winners are awarded).

80s. Photos of this time, music.

(IN) - Under whatever signs you were born,

To remain forever "scoops" to us.

We cried with the Olympic bear

And laughed with Arkady Raikin!

Of course, we got older, but

Never grow old souls.

And with Bruce Lee we watched videos

And "heavy metal" listened!

— By the way, which of the guests can remember a video that has gold in its title? (Named get coupons)

Congratulations continue, according to tradition, a golden scarf is given to the wife. The next couple of dancers change their clothes.

(IN) - Time flows like water

But there is no need to be sad about it.

Will return us all to youth

Incredible lamppost!

The couple starts to dance lambada(you can teach the kids, it always works flawlessly), everyone joins.

After the dance, everyone returns to the tables, another toast is pronounced.

90s. Music, photos.

(IN) - At this time, the whole country was in a fever, shaking,

Well, your state strengthened and grew!

All borders have changed, the USSR collapsed.

It was necessary for the president to take an example from your family!

Dear friends! Let's raise our glasses so that the population and prosperity in this single family state grows, unions never break up and the borders are tightly closed from diseases, failures and troubles! And so that the country does not lag behind you!

(IN) — No, not in vain did you raise children.

Everyone knows who you ask

There are still beauties in Russia,

There are enough heroes in Rus'!

A "competition of real men" is held (for example, arm wrestling). The break-dancing couple leaves to change.

After awarding the winners, congratulations to the anniversaries continue.

(IN) - And now I ask you to clap

Hip Hop Artists!

(A golden wedding rap is performed, the couple dances a break, the leader's task is to involve older people in the dance).

Final part

(IN) “During these fifty years, you managed to create your own small kingdom! Let me give you the symbols of your royalty.

He puts on crowns and gives halves of a golden heart to the husband and wife.

(IN) - Dear guests! I beg your attention!

Our grandchildren are about to begin!

We are all very interested

What will the princes and princesses say!

Grandchildren and granddaughters congratulate the king and queen in turn, crown themselves and sit on the throne.

(IN) - Please announce for us

Your royal order!

Gives the floor to the anniversaries.

After the speeches of the king and queen, the whole family is photographed near the throne with crowned persons.

(When everyone sits back at the tables, the host offers to create a gold reserve of the kingdom. Anniversaries are given new gold rings, the old ones are hidden in a box. They will go to the heir who will be the first to marry).

(IN) They've been together for so long

What hearts intertwined into one!

Indeed, now they have

One heart for two!

Spouses connect their halves on the table.

(IN) - A heart of gold, but not quite full ... Friends, let's fill it!

The guests come and fill the empty space.

(IN) - Let your hearts beat in unison, and wherever you are, remember - you are together!

Only today and only for you

Golden "young" golden will dance the waltz!

Candles are lit, a waltz sounds, the spouses dance surrounded by guests.

After the dance, the host announces:

- Fifty plus fifty - together it turned out a century. Let's start the disco of the "golden age"!(dances to the "golden hits" of all times and peoples)

Traditionally, at the end of the celebration, golden tea is brought to the newlyweds in golden cups, and they are left alone.

There is no holiday more significant than the Golden Wedding.

This celebration can be called one of the most important in life.

The preparation of this day should be treated with all the attention and responsibility, because not all couples can carry and maintain their relationship through the years and domestic troubles.

Please your relatives or close friends with a holiday according to the original scenario!


The "Golden Wedding" is celebrated in the restaurant with relatives and friends. The hall is decorated in the style of the 60s. Ideally, if you manage to find a car of that time, in which the anniversaries will drive up to the restaurant, or simply put it at the entrance.

You can ask guests to dress in period-appropriate outfits. The design of the hall should include stamps, an old TV, calendars and postcards (now gift shops sell various retro-styled posters).

Usually in a restaurant it is customary to seat guests at a common table. It is advisable to serve the table with dishes of that time, and decorate the part where the heroes of the occasion sit.

If the guests are seated at separate tables, the place where the “newlyweds” table stands should be fully decorated for the 60s (hang wallpaper in the background, put a vase or pot of flowers - create the atmosphere of a room of that time). There should be seating cards with the names of the guests on the tables.

What do you need for competitions?


Approximate time, minutes: 160+; Number of people: 25. Number of toasts from guests according to the scenario: 4 (coordinate names with the host!).

Guests meet the anniversaries on the street or inside at the door of the restaurant (if the room allows), lining up in a chain, and showering them with rose leaves.

At the entrance, the music of their wedding waltz or just your favorite composition sounds. The husband and wife are escorted to their places, rest for a couple of minutes, after which the leader takes the reins of government into his own hands.


Let dozens fly, years fly -

How much has been experienced, passed together!

"Golden Wedding" is forever young,

After all, today you are again the bride and groom.

Sorrows and worries endure,

And, hand in hand, live another hundred years!

So that you, honorary spouses,

Platinum win wins.

After these words, the presenter presents medals on the 50th wedding anniversary.


And now, dear guests and heroes of the occasion, let's fill the glasses with sparkling wine and, to this wonderful music, let's drink to the young! Bitterly!

Guests are given 10 minutes: they fill their glasses, drink, start eating.


Like yesterday, still so fresh in my memory

Music pleasant motives.

First waltz for the fiftieth anniversary

Embodied in the dance overflow.

Dear anniversaries! We ask you to remember and show your very first dance that you danced 50 years ago.

Anniversaries are invited to the middle of the hall, the music turns on, they dance. Literally a minute later, the host asks the guests to join.

Host (as the music starts to fade):

And now I ask everyone to take their places, men - make sure that the glasses of the beautiful ladies are filled. The honorary right to pronounce the first toast is given to (name).

Guests are given 10 minutes for snacks.


And now that everyone has had a bite to eat, I propose to hold a small competition. Now you will need to focus on this monitor and guess who is in each photo. Small prizes await those who guess correctly.

Contest "Guess by photo"

A disc with photographs of family members (or close friends) of anniversaries in childhood is included. Guests guess who is shown in the photo. Each person who guesses is given a small gift. Naturally, the one whose photo is shown does not guess it himself. The last should be a photo of the newlyweds together so that you can guess them right away in chorus.


Well done! Especially quickly everyone coped with the last photo! For the next toast, the word is given by (name).

10 minutes for snacks.


For the next competition, I would like to call the grandchildren (great-grandchildren, children) of the anniversaries and check how well they know their grandparents.

The host puts the children in a row, explains the rules of the competition.

Competition "Checking grandchildren"

Participants stand in a line, everyone is given a squeaker toy with LEDs inside (if there are no such toys, you can just raise your hand, but the toy is better visible and causes more fun for the public).

The moderator asks a question. Who knows the answer - must click on his toy. The one who does it first is responsible. If the answer is correct, the participant takes a step forward.

Children walk towards their grandparents, whoever comes closest to them is considered the winner.

Sample questions:

  • How old are grandparents together?
  • At what age did they meet?
  • Where did they go after the wedding?
  • Name all the brothers (sisters) of the grandfather (grandmother).
  • What did grandpa give grandma for a silver wedding?

You can think of questions like riddles.


So, the main prize for the winner is he can hug and kiss grandma and grandpa! And, of course, everyone gets small gifts. Now I ask the participants not to go far - do you also want to congratulate the anniversaries on the holiday?

The word is given to the younger generation.

The facilitator acts according to the situation, depending on what the children say. Adult children can make a toast themselves, if not, Tamada adds a quatrain:

Congratulations on the upcoming anniversary,

Golden wedding is a date!

Let Love become a year wiser,

And she will not meet her sunset.

Strong family bonds, as before,

After all, you can’t hide her love behind the years,

And so that her companions are faith, hope

Forever remained in your home with you.

The guests are resting.


The evening is already in full swing, which means that the newlyweds are ready to receive gifts and congratulations! However, presentations are accepted not just like that. Every donor must pass the test. Who dares to be the first?

The first person comes out, the toastmaster explains the rules.

Tests for donors

Music is turned on, a person (or a couple) must dance to it. The dance lasts 20-30 seconds.

Important: focus on the age of the donors! It’s hard for older people to dance, you can just ask to portray something (for example, bow or walk funny).

Guests present gifts in turn, put them on a separate table. Anniversaries at this moment can be planted separately so that everyone can see them and it is more convenient to congratulate them.


A holiday is a storm of fun

My question is extremely simple:

Who will interrupt his feast

And will he toast his guests?

Toast from the guests; time to rest.


Now I would like to give the floor to the newlyweds. You have such a great experience of family life. Tell your guests the story that you remember the most in all the years of your life together.

It is desirable that each of the anniversaries tell a story. If telling 2 is hard, you can get by with 1.


There were so many wishes

So much has been said from the bottom of my heart

Children, grandchildren rejoice with you

And wish you a hundred more years to live!

Do not worry about sadness and anxiety,

And let health not be naughty at all,

Since your two roads have merged into one,

Eternal happiness and love to you!

Let's raise a glass to our anniversaries!

A short break for rest, if the place allows - dances are arranged.


The next competition was not long in coming. One happy married couple is celebrating their anniversary today, but are there other contenders for the golden wedding? I invite three couples

Tamada explains the conditions.

Competition "Compliment"

Each pair gets 2 fruits (pear, apple, orange), in which matches are stuck. You can pull out 1 match by saying 1 compliment.

Men start, women finish. Couples pull out matches in turn, the time is marked.

Whoever completed the task faster, he won. Fruit is the prize. You can ask the newlyweds to bring something as a gift "for a long family life."


In my opinion, the competition was a success! Now we know who will take the torch of the anniversaries!

I invite our wonderful bride and all women to the center of the hall. Now the ceremony of throwing the bouquet will take place! Unmarried girls, having caught a bouquet, can hope for a quick wedding, and married girls - for a long and happy life, like our newlyweds.


On this, dear guests, our evening comes to an end. But that's just the fun part. Now you are waiting for delicious dishes and dancing!

Guests eat, dance, relax.

Scenario of a diamond wedding at home without a toastmaster.

A diamond wedding is celebrated by spouses after 60 years of family life. Very few couples live to see this anniversary, much less keep their love. Even fewer spouses decide to celebrate a diamond wedding.

However, it is necessary to celebrate such dates, because it is no coincidence that this wedding anniversary is called the most precious stone in the world.

The relationship between husband and wife, lasting more than half a century, having lived together both joyful and sad moments, is like a diamond, more valuable than anything in the world.

Organization of a diamond wedding

The relationship between a man and a woman who had lived together for sixty years became as strong as a diamond.

The diamond has rounded edges, they consist of many curved edges that intersect beautifully. On the edges there are pits, mounds, drawings.

If we compare family life with a diamond, then we can say that the family life of anniversaries was not direct and easy. Failures and quarrels left their mark, but love also polished the edges, making them shimmer.

Ancient esotericists believed that diamonds were formed from the original elements: sky, air, water, earth, energy; they have magical properties.

Spouses who have kept their union for more than half a century, thanks to their experience and wisdom, become excellent advisers in all life situations, teachers for their descendants, the spiritual force that unites the whole family.

Example Scenario

As a rule, the children and grandchildren of the anniversaries take upon themselves the organization of the diamond wedding. The diamond celebration is celebrated among several generations of relatives.

The main purpose of a diamond wedding is to pass on family traditions from anniversaries to the next generations, so cozy banquet halls with fireplaces are best suited for celebrating a diamond anniversary.

It is not easy to write a script for a diamond wedding - you need to take into account the following points:

  1. the advanced age of the anniversaries and their friends, their desire for peace and leisure
  2. children's entertainment for great-grandchildren and grandchildren.

The scenario of the “diamond wedding” holiday implies the presence of a special decoration of the hall and a special photo shoot.

Rhinestones will symbolize the stone after which the wedding is named, so you need to include them in the decor of the wedding table, as well as flower arrangements.

The main shades in the design of the wedding should be warm pastel colors - they are successfully combined with the brilliance of rhinestone "diamonds".

Family photos in interesting photo frames, photo collages, slides and videos of family events on the big screen must be provided by designers. Without such "decorations" of the hall, wedding anniversaries do not happen.

The right decision would be to focus on the musical taste of the couple. Bright modern compositions will come in handy at the end of the evening, during a festive disco.

At the diamond wedding of 60 years, all the closest relatives of the heroes of the day should be present: daughters and sons, their children and children of their children and, of course, the great-grandchildren of the heroes of the day.

As gifts for a diamond wedding, of course, diamonds are given. Gold rings with diamonds should adorn the hands of the diamond "groom and bride" after the 60th wedding anniversary.

The scenario of the 60th anniversary diamond wedding assumes that the anniversary will be marked in the spirit of the time by the “main” - “first” wedding 60 years ago.

There is a name for such a retrospective look - a retro wedding. on involves a special design, dress code for guests, cuisine, as well as entertainment. which were typical for the time when the venerable "groom" and "bride" got married.

It is this idea - a retro wedding - that will allow the diamond "groom and bride" to remember their main celebration and feel at ease. It is this scenario of a diamond wedding - reminiscent of their real wedding - that will be the best gift from children and grandchildren.

However, if the family is very rich in children and there will be many small guests at the diamond wedding, then the celebration scenario should include entertainment for them.

It is not at all scary to deviate from the given line of sight 60 years ago at this point: clowning, fire shows, fireworks, contests and other modern entertainments will very successfully fit into the scenario of a diamond wedding evening, if there is a reasonable amount of them.

To the depths of the soul, reports on family unions celebrating their sixtieth birthday are piercing.

If children and grandchildren take care in advance to notify the media about such an amazing family holiday, then another gift for diamond anniversaries will be a real mini-film about family life. which will successfully fit into the scenario of a diamond wedding.

Scenario of a diamond wedding.

Preparing for the celebration

Decoration of the venue

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

Scenario for a diamond wedding

Congratulation of friends of the spouses:

Competitions for 60 years of married life

Scenario of a diamond wedding - preparation, speech of participants and competitions.

A diamond wedding is a family anniversary celebrated by spouses after 60 years of marriage. Such a long marriage is rare, only a few couples manage to live to such an advanced age, preserving love. Anniversaries on this anniversary are already 80-90 years old, advanced age is not a reason to refuse to celebrate a diamond wedding.

It is customary to celebrate a diamond celebration in the family circle, in the presence of several generations of numerous relatives of the anniversaries, or in a close circle of relatives. Due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion, the organization of the wedding anniversary is taken over by the children of the heroes of the occasion, due to the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion. When preparing the celebration of a diamond wedding, it is necessary to choose a venue for the celebration, traditionally decorate the hall, write a script for the holiday, and select musical accompaniment.

The main tradition of a diamond wedding is the passing of family parting words to the next generations by the anniversaries near the hearth, so the banquet hall of the restaurant with a fireplace is a suitable venue for the celebration. When drawing up a scenario for holding a 60-year wedding anniversary, consider the presence of guests of different ages at the celebration: anniversaries need to be comfortable, children need to be active, grandchildren and great-grandchildren need children's entertainment so that everyone is comfortable at the wedding.

The decoration of the hall for the diamond holiday will create a mood corresponding to the celebration. A great decoration option is balloon garlands, beautiful flower arrangements. Decorate the table with accessories with rhinestones, symbolizing the wedding gem - the diamond. To decorate the hall of the diamond celebration, choose calm, warm colors so that the excess of color paints does not tire the guests in advance.

Choose music for a diamond wedding according to the taste of the couple. Open the holiday with the melodies of the youth of the anniversaries, which will touch the spouses, will evoke pleasant memories of youth. During the feast, use background music that allows those present to communicate without interference, congratulate the anniversaries on their anniversary. For the more active part of the evening (competitions, dances), cheerful, moving dance songs are suitable.

We bring to your attention a ready-made script for the wedding anniversary of 60 years.

The presenter opens the diamond celebration with the words:

- Dear friends! We have gathered for a great occasion - to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the wedding celebration (Names of spouses), which is called a diamond wedding. Thanks to the joint efforts of the spouses, by the 60th wedding anniversary, all the beauty of the relationship is revealed, like the brilliance of a diamond obtained by cutting a diamond. Let's welcome our anniversaries!

Applause from the wedding guests.

– Today, four generations are present in our hall: spouses and their friends, children of anniversaries, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Let's give them the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds, give gifts!

Congratulation of friends of the spouses:

- You carried love through time, having lived for many years together soul to soul. We are extremely happy, because we managed to live up to this significant day and testify that your feelings remained as hard as a diamond. Good luck, love each other!

Congratulations to the children of the married couple:

- Dear mom, dad! Love, friendship, mutual assistance, harmony between you have always served as an example of a strong family for us. We have preserved the family wisdom received from you and passed it on to our children, raising them as people worthy of respect. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your diamond anniversary!

As a congratulation to the younger generation (grandchildren, great-grandchildren), children can play any small play, sing a song, dance a group dance, for example, the dance of little ducklings. If there is only one child at the party, then ask him to read a poem for grandparents. An example of congratulations from children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, see the video:

Diversify the wedding feast with contests that allow the active part of the guests to warm up and amuse the couple. The traditional end of the celebration of the diamond anniversary is the transfer of the family mandate to the older generation. The appeal is drawn up by the anniversaries in advance, at the celebration it is solemnly read out and passed on to the younger generation. This is where the official part of the diamond wedding ends, the evening continues with dancing.

  1. Competition "Artist". Families are invited to participate. Participants need to draw a portrait of the spouse, reflecting in the drawing his main character traits. Then the contestants exchange portraits and try to guess what qualities the spouse displayed. The audience determines the winners.
  2. Diamond Competition. Married couples participate. Husband, wife should come up with compliments to each other using the word "diamond" within 5-10 minutes. Then the spouses take turns reading them. Whoever has the longest list wins.
  3. Family Competition. Everyone is welcome. The task of the participants is to take turns naming their associations with the word “family”, for example, strong, friendly, etc. Whoever hesitates to answer is out. The prize is awarded to the last remaining contestant.

A diamond wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday that allows you to gather all your relatives and friends. A wedding celebration will strengthen family ties, establish relationships, give an unforgettable experience to each participant in the celebration, which will remain in the memory of children and adults for a long time. Celebrating your 60th wedding anniversary will be a wonderful family tradition passed down from generation to generation.

60 years of marriage what wedding anniversary - congratulations and script.

Traditionally, the sixtieth anniversary of marriage is called a diamond wedding. Just as a diamond is considered a very rare stone, not all couples get to the celebration of sixty years of living together. Those who managed to endure all the trials of life and live to see this anniversary are the real lucky ones. The rarity of such a holiday turned into its value.

The diamond is also the hardest of the stones. As well as the feelings between the anniversaries, which over the years have only grown stronger, turning into the strongest of all unions.

Celebration traditions

A diamond wedding is a good occasion to arrange a big family holiday. As a rule, all children and grandchildren, relatives and closest friends are invited to the celebration. Very often, such a number of people simply cannot fit in one apartment. Therefore, in most cases, on the occasion of the holiday, they book a hall in a restaurant so that guests can dance and just relax. Sixty years of living together are worthy of special respect, and therefore such a holiday turns into a celebration of love and understanding, which strengthen any relationship.

Since the number of guests present at the celebration is always quite large, the process of organizing a feast requires special seriousness and responsibility. Therefore, as practice shows, for such a holiday a special scenario is drawn up, according to which a feast is held.

Such a script can be written for a specific audience or borrowed from professionals who organize such holidays on a daily basis. Everyone who takes care of the preparations is trying to make the holiday as appropriate as possible for the venerable age of the perpetrators of the solemn event.

What to gift?

A diamond wedding is a serious date in the life of a married couple who have been able to endure many trials. Therefore, they deserve special gifts and congratulations on their diamond wedding.

At the celebration of sixty years of marriage, there must be many flowers. Therefore, for the main gift, it is better to buy a bouquet or a flower in a pot, which will be a wonderful reminder of the holiday. If the financial side of the issue allows you, you can present symbolic diamond rings, which over time can turn into a real family heirloom. Household appliances and kitchen appliances that can make life easier for anniversaries are also welcome.


A necessary addition to each gift is a wish. When choosing congratulations on a diamond wedding, you must first take into account the age of the couple. But it can be a wish both in verse and in prose. In most cases, jocular wishes are rather inappropriate, as not everyone can understand subtle humor. A diamond wedding is a serious date for the life of two people, which requires those present to be especially careful in their choice of congratulations and gifts.

Congratulations on a diamond wedding, like the script, should not be too huge. Sometimes it is quite difficult for the heroes of the holiday to concentrate on the wish and carefully listen to it to the end. Brevity and conciseness, restraint and words filled with love - this is what should dominate in the chosen congratulation.

The scenario of a diamond wedding, as a rule, regulates the time of performances at the festive table.

Where to find ideas?

Having received an invitation to the celebration of sixty years of marriage, everyone begins to think about choosing a gift and congratulations, which would help to express wishes and tell about feelings as accurately as possible. There are many different gifts, so you should carefully choose the one that is best suited for celebrating a diamond wedding.

Today, quite a lot of people turn to the Internet for help. Various specialized sites have a huge amount of information on such cases. Here everyone can find practical advice on any issue. A wedding script, congratulations in prose or poetry, short and long, funny and more restrained, various gift options - from homemade to expensive - all this can be found here.

Diamond wedding is a rare event

A diamond wedding is a celebration of love and understanding. The people who managed to get to this anniversary lived a long life, there were ups and downs in it, they quarreled thousands of times, but still found a way to understanding. Their mutual support and respect is what has kept them together for so many years. This day is very significant - a couple can take stock of their life together. Happy children, adult grandchildren, pleasant and smiling faces of friends and relatives can decorate any holiday.

Sixty years of marriage is a beautiful and rare holiday. In our time, it is difficult to find a couple that would be able to reach this milestone. That is why a diamond wedding is valued so highly. Each guest who is lucky enough to be on the guest list tries to find the most sincere words to congratulate the married couple. This day is celebrated with great pomp and pomp.

Right Scenario

As a rule, children and grandchildren are responsible for all the action and organization, who are sincerely happy for their parents that they have lived together for such a long life. A holiday script drawn up in advance will help the correct distribution of time and organization of leisure.

This anniversary is a rare event, as are genuine large-sized diamonds that are not often found in nature. The couple that celebrates this date is an example of composure and patience, love and care, affection and tenderness. They supported each other all their lives and managed to create a wonderful family, raise children and grandchildren. These are people who deserve the highest praise and the loudest applause from all the guests present at the celebration.

Diamond of the purest water -
A gift to you from fate.

And no matter how many carats it contains,
It is important that the eyes are still burning.

The one who so cherishes his love,
Neither soul nor body is decrepit.

Fading and words, and congratulations,
In front of a couple - everyone is a feast for the eyes!

May health be strong like a diamond
Celebrate your wedding many more times!

Diamond wedding - sixty!
Magic erases the boundaries of time,
Young people sit side by side
And in the eyes of love still sparkles.

And the soul does not see gray hair, wrinkles,
And hearts beat with a single sound,
Your union is strong and indestructible,
You are holding hands all the time.

This wedding is celebrated by a few,
You have passed both troubles and adversity.
May it remain so forever
All the good things that have been created over the years!

You have a rare date today,
A diamond wedding is a miracle!
Diamond is a great reward of fate,
For everything that was in life and what will be!

And there will be many more - life is long,
And all the sharp turns - behind.
I raise my glass of wine
For happiness ahead!
May your life be long and pleasant!
Let the disease forget you!
Let there be joy boundless!
And great-grandchildren will arrive!

Two people met one day
And together we walked an entire era,
Not everyone is capable of this:
Share joys, sorrows and sorrows.

But we will not remember sad things,
Today is a holiday - the best of dates!
We celebrate the merging of your destinies,
Your anniversary is wonderful - sixty!

From this date it breathes magic and a fairy tale,
She sparkles with diamonds,
After all, so many years to live in love and affection,
Fate blesses only the chosen ones!

Let the diamond be a magic stone
Fate sends you grace!
And you stay with us longer
To convey the wisdom of life!

Today is the anniversary, like a faceted diamond,
Exactly six decades ago,
Two hearts of lovers united
And a miracle was created without barriers!

After all, your marriage is a miracle of miracles!
Not only children are adults, but grandchildren!
Heaven's blessing on you
Which is beyond the control of science.

After all, many roads have been traveled together,
Winding and smooth and steep,
For this, fate gives you a gift
Diamond priceless for two!

Among the stones - he is the hardest stone!
And how it sparkles - do not take your eyes off!
As if it contains both ice and fire,
Just like your life path.

Your relationship is strong as a rock
Pure love is conjugal grace!
Accept our congratulations now!
To live, love and win!

Half a century is a lot
And if there are ten more years on top?
It turns out a life-long road,
And you passed her shoulder to shoulder.

Today is your wedding again
And behind the shoulders and victories, and losses.
I know - there is eternal love!
I feel sorry for those who don't believe it.

Today is a rare, valuable anniversary!
He is like a cut diamond!
Gathered children and grandchildren and friends
On the feast of two lovers!

How to adopt your wisdom of life?
How to comprehend your secret of love?
For so many years of life do not get tired!
You should erect a monument!

May it last for many years
Love in hearts!
Let life together last
Like a fairy tale without end!

You are the best mom and dad!
You are the wisest grandparents!
How lucky we are that once
A boy meets a girl!

How lucky they got married
Found your soul mate!
Lived, raised children and worked
Happiness, adversity - all passed together!

How we love you and how we respect -
Simple words can not convey!
Today we only wish you:
May heaven send grace!

For six decades of joint
We will say to you: "Thank you, dear ones!"
From us, children, from grandchildren, wonderful great-grandchildren:
"Thank you for being you, folks!"

A diamond wedding is an incomparable date!
Years passed, the world around changed,
And only love remained unchanged
And the strong interweaving of your hands!

So, holding hands, walk
We are happy for years and years!
Meet the sunset and sunrise together!
And let adversity pass you by!

Your bright anniversary inspires us,
Makes cleaner, better and more beautiful!
May fate protect you
Live many years, our relatives!

Sixty years is more than half a century. Sixty is a whole era, which is both frightening and exciting at the same time. Over these long years, you have become wonderful spouses, ideal parents: father and mother, grandparents, great-grandmother and great-grandfather .... - let this list continue indefinitely for many, many more years. You are an example of love that does not fade and tenderness that does not die. You are infinitely dear to everyone who loves you and came to congratulate you on this day. Happy holiday, our dear anniversaries! May your life be filled with only positive emotions! May fate bring only good news and surprises! Health to you and boundless love!

In my imagination, you two are associated with a beautiful necklace - a beautiful wife, personifying a pure diamond and an impeccable setting - her husband. It was he who not only managed to win the heart of a young beauty 60 years ago, but also supplemented her beauty with his strength and masculinity. Such a tandem is a rarity. And if fate gave it to you, then you are wise and worthy. I want everyone who is present here to touch the magic of your relationship and become the same wonderful spouses and friends! Happiness to you and good health! Once again, Happy Holidays!

Dear anniversaries! Here comes your diamond hour! It's so rare these days to find a couple celebrating their diamond wedding. And you proved that living a happy life together is not only possible, but necessary! You lived with love and faith in each other and created a wonderful family with their own traditions. They admire you, they want to be like you. I sincerely wish you long life, inspiration and joy! More happy smiles and wonderful events! Happy holiday to you, with a diamond wedding, dear!

Today is not just a day when we celebrate another wedding anniversary. Today is a celebration of love and understanding. After all, it was these qualities that could keep you together for so many years, they helped you create a wonderful family and raise good children. You have supported each other all your life, such an understanding as yours is very rare, and therefore it is so highly valued - like a diamond of rare beauty. A diamond wedding is a fairy tale! May it never end! We want to wish you many years of happy life, smiles and bright moments! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Dear Mom and Dad! I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on your diamond wedding today. Thank you family for your warmth and care, for the fact that you managed to create a wonderful family with many traditions and small family holidays. For me, you are the personification of the best parents in the world. For my children, you are the wisest grandparents. For the children of my children - the most gentle great-grandmother and great-grandfather! Thank you for your constant tireless work - to create and protect our great relatives! May your life be filled with only bright moments! Let it be easy and carefree! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Today we are all here to celebrate your diamond wedding anniversary. A diamond is the strongest stone of all the stones in the world, let your health be just as strong! A diamond is also the most valuable stone - let mutual love and tenderness be just as valuable for you! May your house be filled with joy, and illnesses forget the way to it! Let your faces glow with happiness, just like on your wedding day! You are beautiful and deserve admiration and applause! Happy holiday, our dear ones!

Diamond wedding (60 years).

Diamond wedding (60 years)

A diamond wedding is a whole 60 years of marriage. This anniversary is also called the diamond wedding. A diamond is the most valuable and expensive of all stones. Just like a married life that has lasted 60 years, it is very rare and valuable. Also, a diamond is a symbol of happiness and strength, which corresponds to a sixty-year married life that has been lived in happiness and is already strong and durable in itself, which has been proven by time, namely most of the whole century. Another symbol of the wedding anniversary is the diamond, which also symbolizes the strength of the marriage.

If the anniversary of the sixtieth anniversary took place, then it must be attended by children, children of children and even great-grandchildren. Guests should give the spouses beautiful diamond rings. With such gifts, they show that they do not feel sorry for their parents, that they love them madly and are infinitely grateful to them.

People who have dedicated 60 years of their lives to each other deserve real respect, and their 60-year marriage is part of the history of their generation.

Girls, get married! No man should go unpunished!

Diamond wedding - the right scenario

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Having lived together for 60 years, the couple celebrate the anniversary, which is called the Diamond Wedding. It is called so for a reason.

For so many years, the relationship between husband and wife has gained strength and preciousness, hardened and began to sparkle like a faceted diamond. A diamond is the most expensive gemstone, which is distinguished by its incredible beauty and chic brilliance.

This anniversary should be celebrated brightly and in an original way. Therefore, it is important to think through his scenario in detail.

What should be taken into account?

Since the newlyweds are already aged, the organization of such a significant event is undertaken by their close relatives. A diamond wedding is celebrated on a grand scale, in a large circle of relatives and friends. You can celebrate at home, or you can celebrate in a cafe or restaurant. It all depends on the preferences of the spouses and the financial side of the holiday.

First you need to decorate the room with various ribbons, figurines, balls, fresh flowers, photographs and more. Any scenario begins with the decoration of the house, which creates comfort and sets the mood for celebrating the wedding.

Further, the menu is compiled taking into account the preferences of the guests, and, most importantly, the anniversaries. It is advisable not to overdo it with alcohol, the wedding should not turn into a drinking bout. The table must be decorated in accordance with the event - it should shimmer with pleasant colors, like a diamond.

The musical accompaniment is equally important. During the meal, the spouses' favorite hits should sound quietly, and during competitions, you can turn on cheerful music louder. At the celebration, several slow songs are to be performed, which the newlyweds associate with their love and the Green Wedding.


There is a tradition that a husband and wife must adhere to in order to bring happiness to the next generation. You need to write parting words on a piece of paper, give advice regarding family life, and put the sheet in a secluded place. This "letter to descendants" must lie until the next Diamond Wedding.

Such an unusual tradition has been practiced in our country for many years - you should not interrupt it. Be sure to add it to the event script.


Competitions are an important part of any event. They help turn the feast into an amazing holiday, add mobility and vivid memories to the scenario. There are a lot of competitions - you can choose any number to your taste and the wishes of the spouses. We offer several options that are suitable for the 60th wedding anniversary.

  • Competition "Artist". Several couples take part in the game. They should draw portraits of each other, focusing on the main character traits. When the portraits are ready, the couples exchange them and must understand what character traits the spouse wanted to talk about. The audience determines the winners.
  • The "Association" competition can be held even at the table, all guests can take part in it. The toastmaster names any word, and the participants must name their associations with this word. Everyone who cannot add their association in 3 seconds is eliminated. The one who remains in the ranks to the end wins.
  • Diamond Competition. This game is for couples. Husband and wife for the allotted time (usually 10 minutes) must write on a piece of paper compliments to each other using the word "diamond". After that, compliments are read aloud. The one with the longest list wins.


You can include a video greeting in the celebration script, consisting of beautiful music and photos from the family album that are important for the spouses.

Traditionally, the sixtieth anniversary of marriage is called a diamond wedding. Just as a diamond is considered a very rare stone, not all couples get to the celebration of sixty years of living together. Those who managed to endure all the trials of life and live to see this anniversary are the real lucky ones. The rarity of such a holiday turned into its value.

The diamond is also the hardest of the stones. As well as the feelings between the anniversaries, which over the years have only grown stronger, turning into the strongest of all unions.

Celebration traditions

A diamond wedding is a good occasion to arrange a big family holiday. As a rule, all children and grandchildren, relatives and closest friends are invited to the celebration. Very often, such a number of people simply cannot fit in one apartment. Therefore, in most cases, on the occasion of the holiday, they book a hall in a restaurant so that guests can dance and just relax. Sixty years of living together are worthy of special respect, and therefore such a holiday turns into a celebration of love and understanding, which strengthen any relationship.

Since the number of guests present at the celebration is always quite large, the process of organizing a feast requires special seriousness and responsibility. Therefore, as practice shows, for such a holiday a special scenario is drawn up, according to which a feast is held.

Such a script can be written for a specific audience or borrowed from professionals who organize such holidays on a daily basis. Everyone who takes care of the preparations is trying to make the holiday as appropriate as possible for the venerable age of the perpetrators of the solemn event.

What to gift?

A diamond wedding is a serious date in the life of a married couple who have been able to endure many trials. Therefore, they deserve special gifts and congratulations on their diamond wedding.

At the celebration of sixty years of marriage, there must be many flowers. Therefore, for the main gift, it is better to buy a bouquet or a flower in a pot, which will be a wonderful reminder of the holiday. If the financial side of the issue allows you, you can present symbolic diamond rings, which over time can turn into a real family heirloom. Household appliances and kitchen appliances that can make life easier for anniversaries are also welcome.


A necessary addition to each gift is a wish. When choosing congratulations on a diamond wedding, you must first take into account the age of the couple. But it can be a wish both in verse and in prose. In most cases, jocular wishes are rather inappropriate, as not everyone can understand subtle humor. A diamond wedding is a serious date for the life of two people, which requires those present to be especially careful in their choice of congratulations and gifts.

Congratulations on a diamond wedding, like the script, should not be too huge. Sometimes it is quite difficult for the heroes of the holiday to concentrate on the wish and carefully listen to it to the end. Brevity and conciseness, restraint and words filled with love - this is what should dominate in the chosen congratulation.

The scenario of a diamond wedding, as a rule, regulates the time of performances at the festive table.

Where to find ideas?

Having received an invitation to the celebration of sixty years of marriage, everyone begins to think about choosing a gift and congratulations, which would help to express wishes and tell about feelings as accurately as possible. There are many different gifts, so you should carefully choose the one that is best suited for celebrating a diamond wedding.

Today, quite a lot of people turn to the Internet for help. Various specialized sites have a huge amount of information on such cases. Here everyone can find practical advice on any issue. , congratulations in prose or in verse, short and long, funny and more restrained, various gift options - from homemade to expensive - all this can be found here.

Diamond wedding is a rare event

A diamond wedding is a celebration of love and understanding. The people who managed to get to this anniversary lived a long life, there were ups and downs in it, they quarreled thousands of times, but still found a way to understanding. Their mutual support and respect is what has kept them together for so many years. This day is very significant - a couple can take stock of their life together. Happy children, adult grandchildren, pleasant and smiling faces of friends and relatives can decorate any holiday.

Sixty years of marriage is a beautiful and rare holiday. In our time, it is difficult to find a couple that would be able to reach this milestone. That is why a diamond wedding is valued so highly. Each guest who is lucky enough to be on the guest list tries to find the most sincere words to congratulate the married couple. This day is celebrated with great pomp and pomp.

Right Scenario

As a rule, children and grandchildren are responsible for all the action and organization, who are sincerely happy for their parents that they have lived together for such a long life. A holiday script drawn up in advance will help the correct distribution of time and organization of leisure.

This anniversary is a rare event, as are genuine large-sized diamonds that are not often found in nature. The couple that celebrates this date is an example of composure and patience, love and care, affection and tenderness. They supported each other all their lives and managed to create a wonderful family, raise children and grandchildren. These are people who deserve the highest praise and the loudest applause from all the guests present at the celebration.


Diamond of the purest water -
A gift to you from fate.

And no matter how many carats it contains,
It is important that the eyes are still burning.

The one who so cherishes his love,
Neither soul nor body is decrepit.

Fading and words, and congratulations,
In front of a couple - everyone is a feast for the eyes!

May health be strong like a diamond
Celebrate your wedding many more times!

Diamond wedding - sixty!
Magic erases the boundaries of time,
Young people sit side by side
And in the eyes of love still sparkles.

And the soul does not see gray hair, wrinkles,
And hearts beat with a single sound,
Your union is strong and indestructible,
You are holding hands all the time.

This wedding is celebrated by a few,
You have passed both troubles and adversity.
May it remain so forever
All the good things that have been created over the years!

You have a rare date today,
A diamond wedding is a miracle!
Diamond is a great reward of fate,
For everything that was in life and what will be!

And there will be many more - life is long,
And all the sharp turns - behind.
I raise my glass of wine
For happiness ahead!
May your life be long and pleasant!
Let the disease forget you!
Let there be joy boundless!
And great-grandchildren will arrive!

Two people met one day
And together we walked an entire era,
Not everyone is capable of this:
Share joys, sorrows and sorrows.

But we will not remember sad things,
Today is a holiday - the best of dates!
We celebrate the merging of your destinies,
Your anniversary is wonderful - sixty!

From this date it breathes magic and a fairy tale,
She sparkles with diamonds,
After all, so many years to live in love and affection,
Fate blesses only the chosen ones!

Let the diamond be a magic stone
Fate sends you grace!
And you stay with us longer
To convey the wisdom of life!

Today is the anniversary, like a faceted diamond,
Exactly six decades ago,
Two hearts of lovers united
And a miracle was created without barriers!

After all, your marriage is a miracle of miracles!
Not only children are adults, but grandchildren!
Heaven's blessing on you
Which is beyond the control of science.

After all, many roads have been traveled together,
Winding and smooth and steep,
For this, fate gives you a gift
Diamond priceless for two!

Among the stones - he is the hardest stone!
And how it sparkles - do not take your eyes off!
As if it contains both ice and fire,
Just like your life path.

Your relationship is strong as a rock
Pure love is conjugal grace!
Accept our congratulations now!
To live, love and win!

Half a century is a lot
And if there are ten more years on top?
It turns out a life-long road,
And you passed her shoulder to shoulder.

Today is your wedding again
And behind the shoulders and victories, and losses.
I know - there is eternal love!
I feel sorry for those who don't believe it.

Today is a rare, valuable anniversary!
He is like a cut diamond!
Gathered children and grandchildren and friends
On the feast of two lovers!

How to adopt your wisdom of life?
How to comprehend your secret of love?
For so many years of life do not get tired!
You should erect a monument!

May it last for many years
Love in hearts!
Let life together last
Like a fairy tale without end!

You are the best mom and dad!
You are the wisest grandparents!
How lucky we are that once
A boy meets a girl!

How lucky they got married
Found your soul mate!
Lived, raised children and worked
Happiness, adversity - all passed together!

How we love you and how we respect -
Simple words can not convey!
Today we only wish you:
May heaven send grace!

For six decades of joint
We will say to you: "Thank you, dear ones!"
From us, children, from grandchildren, wonderful great-grandchildren:
"Thank you for being you, folks!"

A diamond wedding is an incomparable date!
Years passed, the world around changed,
And only love remained unchanged
And the strong interweaving of your hands!

So, holding hands, walk
We are happy for years and years!
Meet the sunset and sunrise together!
And let adversity pass you by!

Your bright anniversary inspires us,
Makes cleaner, better and more beautiful!
May fate protect you
Live many years, our relatives!

In prose

Sixty years is more than half a century. Sixty is a whole era, which is both frightening and exciting at the same time. Over these long years, you have become wonderful spouses, ideal parents: father and mother, grandparents, great-grandmother and great-grandfather .... - let this list continue indefinitely for many, many more years. You are an example of love that does not fade and tenderness that does not die. You are infinitely dear to everyone who loves you and came to congratulate you on this day. Happy holiday, our dear anniversaries! May your life be filled with only positive emotions! May fate bring only good news and surprises! Health to you and boundless love!

In my imagination, you two are associated with a beautiful necklace - a beautiful wife, personifying a pure diamond and an impeccable setting - her husband. It was he who not only managed to win the heart of a young beauty 60 years ago, but also supplemented her beauty with his strength and masculinity. Such a tandem is a rarity. And if fate gave it to you, then you are wise and worthy. I want everyone who is present here to touch the magic of your relationship and become the same wonderful spouses and friends! Happiness to you and good health! Once again, Happy Holidays!

Dear anniversaries! Here comes your diamond hour! It's so rare these days to find a couple celebrating their diamond wedding. And you proved that living a happy life together is not only possible, but necessary! You lived with love and faith in each other and created a wonderful family with their own traditions. They admire you, they want to be like you. I sincerely wish you long life, inspiration and joy! More happy smiles and wonderful events! Happy holiday to you, with a diamond wedding, dear!

Today is not just a day when we celebrate another wedding anniversary. Today is a celebration of love and understanding. After all, it was these qualities that could keep you together for so many years, they helped you create a wonderful family and raise good children. You have supported each other all your life, such an understanding as yours is very rare, and therefore it is so highly valued - like a diamond of rare beauty. A diamond wedding is a fairy tale! May it never end! We want to wish you many years of happy life, smiles and bright moments! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Dear Mom and Dad! I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on your diamond wedding today. Thank you family for your warmth and care, for the fact that you managed to create a wonderful family with many traditions and small family holidays. For me, you are the personification of the best parents in the world. For my children, you are the wisest grandparents. For the children of my children - the most gentle great-grandmother and great-grandfather! Thank you for your constant tireless work - to create and protect our great relatives! May your life be filled with only bright moments! Let it be easy and carefree! Happy holiday, our beloved!

Today we are all here to celebrate your diamond wedding anniversary. A diamond is the strongest stone of all the stones in the world, let your health be just as strong! A diamond is also the most valuable stone - let mutual love and tenderness be just as valuable for you! May your house be filled with joy, and illnesses forget the way to it! Let your faces glow with happiness, just like on your wedding day! You are beautiful and deserve admiration and applause! Happy holiday, our dear ones!