Comic rules when visiting. (Not) comical rules of conduct at a corporate party Rules of conduct at the table are comic

Comic rules of conduct at an anniversary. Rules for guests

Have you often encountered the fact that guests, having come to your holiday, behave timidly at first, but then begin to “unwind”? This usually happens after drinking several glasses of vodka. But why wait so long, and even harm your health? After all, you can immediately cheer up your guests and “charge” them with a holiday. And humorous rules of behavior for guests at your anniversary will help you with this. We came up with comic rules in verses that can be divided into several categories: rules of behavior at the table, on the dance floor and general rules. So read them to your guests and let them know you don't mind if they get a little naughty.

Dear guests!
You came to visit me!
But don't be afraid of me,
Everything is simple for me, as always.
You just follow the rules
And don't get any comments.
Where are the rules? Here they are,
And you better write them down!
First of all, my food is delicious,
Therefore, you need to eat everything to the end!
Secondly, the drinks aren’t bad either,
So drink them up, my dears!
Well, the third rule, the main thing,
So that everyone has a good time at the holiday,
No need to sit and be bored
You need to sing, dance and play!
Become more active
And have a great time!

I want to tell you, my friends,
It’s not in vain that you came to me!
I have great drinks and delicious food,
So help yourself, my friends!
In the meantime, I'll tell you the rules,
And maybe I will surprise some people with this.
And the rules are simple, remember them,
So that there are no hard feelings afterwards.
If you picked up a sandwich,
Then we immediately carry it into our mouth!
If you put a salad on your plate,
It is not necessary to say that it was postponed for later!
A glass was poured - so drink to the bottom!
Even if it's a glass of wine!
In general, you probably understood
That my rules are simple at all!
You just need to drink, eat and have fun,
And enjoy the holiday to the fullest!

I am the mistress of the house, you are my guests.
Thank you very much for coming to see me!
But so that we don't get bored,
This is what I will tell you all.
Don't sit at the table for a long time,
We ate a little and hit the dance floor - dance!
Tired of dancing? Let's Play!
And receive gifts for winning the game.
In general, do you understand me?
So that we don't get bored, friends,
Let's have fun together
And as young people say – “let’s hang out”!

Rules of behavior at a party for younger schoolchildren

If you are invited to a birthday party

When going to friends or relatives for a birthday, of course, you need to think not only about how to dress, but also about what kind of gift to prepare.

It is customary to take care of the gift in advance. After all, the main thing is that the gift brings joy to the person for whom it is intended. Never give something that you yourself do not need or like. Remember what your friend likes, what thing he would especially like to have. He will be pleased to know that you are so attentive. But under no circumstances should you boast about how much work the gift cost you, or ever remind that it was you who gave this little thing to your friend.

Don't try to spend a lot of money on a gift. Everyone understands that you don’t earn money yourself, but take it from your parents. In addition, an expensive gift always puts the person to whom it is intended in an awkward position. It’s better to try to be creative and make your congratulations a pleasant surprise.

The best gifts are those made with your own hands.. If you know how, be sure to make, sew, knit, or bake something for your friend. Drawing a picture or writing a poem and making a dedication to a friend is always the most precious sign of attention and love.

You can draw a greeting newspaper or postcard, come up with funny texts yourself, draw pictures, use photographs. Or you can create a photo album that will tell you about your friend’s life or achievements by making interesting captions for the photos.

You can also come up with an interesting and fun quiz with funny prizes for guests and the hero of the occasion.

Such congratulations are remembered for a long time and are usually carefully stored. The main thing is to make sure that your congratulations do not cause offense or disappointment.

A good gift can be not only an audio or video cassette, a computer or board game, but also an exhibit for a friend’s collection - a coin, a book, a stamp, a pen, a soft toy. Any collector will be glad to receive a gift that will add to his collection.

Be sure to think about how to arrange a gift. It is best to wrap it in special gift paper, put it in a box or in a purse, again made of bright paper or plastic, which are sold in stores.

Flowers and sweets are always appropriate and pleasant gifts for everyone. True, just recently it was customary to give flowers without any packaging. But modern designers are now coming up with such original packaging methods for bouquets that the packaging itself is perceived as a gift.

Rules of conduct when visiting and at birthday parties

If you are going to a birthday, dress neatly and smartly - this will express your attitude to the festive event, about which you were invited.

Do not be late. Forcing yourself to wait is tactless in relation to both the owner and other guests.

Upon entering the room, greet everyone present loudly and distinctly. It is not necessary to greet everyone by the hand.

Before giving a gift, remove the sticker with the price. A cash receipt is attached to a gift only if there is a guarantee for the purchase, and, if necessary, it can be exchanged. When giving a gift, do not forget to say a few kind words. Don't criticize other guests' gifts.

Observe table manners. Do not reach across the table for a delicious treat - ask the neighbors to pass it to you. Be sure to praise the treat and thank the hostess.

Don't sit silently, don't force yourself to entertain. Take part in the general conversation. Tell me some interesting story. If you can sing or play any musical instrument, don't refuse to do so when asked.

If you are bored at a party, do not show it to the hosts who tried to be hospitable.

When saying goodbye, be sure to thank them for the welcome you received.

At a party, show your upbringing. Behave in such a way that your arrival is pleasant to the hosts.

Rules of conduct when visiting: what a good guest should remember

Visiting the closest relatives and friends, people most often feel free and relaxed, especially without thinking about the rules prescribed by etiquette. But if the invitation to visit comes from people who are not so well known or you have to attend an event that will be attended by many guests, you still have to remember about etiquette.

When should you come to visit and how to behave when entering the house

The first impression of you as a guest is formed in the first few minutes. Whether you arrived on time or were late, and even how and with whom you greeted, will largely determine what opinion the owners of the house and other guests will have about you, as well as whether they will invite you to this home again or not. Remember the following rules of conduct when visiting:

    You can come as a guest only if you have been invited. The phrase that you will be welcome to see you at any time is most often nothing more than a form of politeness. Unexpected guests can put the owner of the house in an awkward position or spoil the planned plan. Even if you think you know your family routine perfectly, remember that sometimes circumstances can change.
  • Arrive exactly on time. Arriving early to visit is considered bad manners. Arriving early can also put the owners of the house in an awkward position, they may be busy cooking, cleaning or putting themselves in order.
  • Being late is also unacceptable, especially if you have been invited to dinner. The food may get cold, and the mood of the housewife will be spoiled, since all her work has gone down the drain. In addition, the owners of the house may be concerned about whether something happened to the guest while on the road. If you have a valid reason for being late, you must communicate it and do everything possible to provide notice of your delay.
  • It would be a good idea to bring a bouquet of flowers for the lady of the house or a small gift, for example, a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine. If you know the hobbies and interests of the owners, you can give them a small souvenir of the appropriate theme. But you shouldn’t give things that are too expensive, as this can put people in an awkward position.
  • If you know there will be a lot of guests, take a change of shoes.
  • Don’t try to get into the room or even sit down as quickly as possible. Wait for an invitation or ask permission.
  • When entering a house where there are many guests, you only need to personally greet the hosts of the evening; the rest of the guests can simply nod or bow slightly.
  • If you are introduced to new people, be sure to mention that you enjoyed meeting them.
  • Watch your mood. You should not come to visit upset or in an aggressive mood. If you feel that you are not in the mood, it is better to refuse the visit, trying to warn about it as early as possible. Remember that guests are usually expected to have pleasant emotions and interesting conversation.

    Behavior at a party

    There are many rules of communication between well-known, as well as strangers. If someone invited you to their home, it is important to remember how to behave at a party, as well as follow at least the basic rules of communication prescribed by etiquette. Remember the following:

    1. Always stand up if a woman enters the room.
    2. Never try to attract the attention of your interlocutor through touch. Even a light pat on the shoulder for this purpose is considered unacceptable.
    3. Don’t get hung up on looking at any one piece of furniture, don’t stop looking for a long time, even if something really surprised or interested you.
    4. If you accidentally encounter a person who is unpleasant to you, try to avoid conflict. Don't get into a discussion with him. It is also indecent to leave because of such a situation ahead of time.
    5. If you notice that the conversation you are participating in touches on an unpleasant or sensitive topic, try to change it to a neutral one.

    Never make comments to the owners of the house. Don't point out possible mistakes to them. If you are sure that the oversight was an accident and not out of ignorance, and it requires immediate correction, say so as tactfully as possible, without attracting the attention of other people.

    Table manners

    You must especially carefully follow the rules of behavior when visiting at the table. Always sit down at the table only after the women have sat down. If specific seats are not designated for everyone, sit in any place you like, but keep in mind that the hosts and their closest friends should sit at the head of the table. When starting to eat, remember that:

    1. The only place the napkin should be is on your lap. Never try to tuck a napkin into your collar.
    2. Do not start eating until all guests' plates are filled. If new dishes appear later, there is no need to wait for others.
    3. If women are sitting nearby, it is advisable not to start eating until they do.
    4. You can drink alcoholic beverages only after the first toast has been made.
    5. If you need something that is at the other end of the table, do not reach out and try to get it yourself, but ask that the necessary item or dish be passed to you.
    6. Do not spread your elbows at the table, do not place them on the table, do not harass or disturb other guests.
    7. Strictly follow the rules for using cutlery.
    8. Do not use a comb at the table, do not powder or tint your lips.

    At the table, the hostess gives the signal for the end of dinner. If she puts down the napkin and stands up, it means it's time to leave. If you are afraid of missing out on this moment, remember that most often dinner ends immediately after dessert.

    Rules of conduct for guests with children

    If you want to come visit with a child, especially a small one, be sure to inform the owners of the house about this and make sure that they really do not mind. If, when discussing this issue, you notice uncertainty in your interlocutor’s voice, it is better to leave the children at home with a nanny or one of your close relatives. When visiting with your child, remember the following:

    1. It is your responsibility to monitor your children's behavior. Explain to children how to behave when visiting in advance, tell them that they should not make too much noise, climb on upholstered furniture with their feet on, much less with shoes on, touch objects that are interior decorations, rearrange or move anything, and also enter without asking. to other rooms or open cabinets.
    2. The child should not interfere in adult conversations, interrupt them, or pester guests with an excessive number of questions, especially if the guests do not show interest in communicating with the child.
    3. Don't let your child whisper in your ear. If in this way a child tries to tell you something about one of the guests or criticize someone, immediately stop such attempts.
    4. Be patient and tactful with other people's children. Don't make harsh comments to them or publicly condemn their behavior.

    Remember the main thing: you cannot punish a child or reprimand him for mistakes in front of other people. Leave the heated showdown for home, but for now, try to quietly take the child to a place where there are no strangers and talk to him calmly. Remind us again of the rules of conduct when visiting; comic and funny stories, for example, about tea party from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”, will help the child better understand what behavior is required of him at the moment.

    Never stay at a party for too long, especially if you notice that the owners of the house are tired. If the time of stay has been strictly agreed upon, leave the house at the specified time. Don't forget to thank the owners of the house for dinner and the evening spent. It would be good form to return the invitation.

    When the spookiest night of the year approaches and Halloween approaches, you need to think about what kind of event to throw for the occasion. You need to take care of everything, including invitations.

    ​What you should and should not give to a girl on March 8th. Ideas for congratulations other than flowers and sweets that will become unusual and will be remembered for a long time.

    Despite the fact that men are more often concerned with the choice of gifts for International Women's Day, ladies also sometimes give each other gifts. What can you choose for a girlfriend?

    Rules of conduct when visiting

    It would seem, well, what’s so difficult about being a guest? But in fact, for guests, etiquette dictates many rules that must be followed if you want to continue to be invited to visit.

    So, here are the rules of behavior when visiting:

    Rule 1. Don't be late when invited to visit. You don't have to come early either. Try to be punctual. Etiquette allowed an inaccuracy of 5 minutes.

    Rule 2. It is not customary to come to visit empty-handed. Your gift doesn't have to be expensive. You can buy something for tea, sweets and toys for children.

    Rule 3 If you are going to a reception with several guests, take care of a change of shoes for yourself. Thus, you will relieve the hostess of the need to provide slippers for all guests, and dress shoes will suit your evening outfit much better than house slippers.

    Rule 4. After taking off your outer clothing and changing your shoes, go to the room offered to you. You shouldn’t wander around your home without permission and look behind every door, as you can put the owners in an awkward position. Etiquette does not accept such behavior.

    Rule 5. After you have been introduced to the guests already present, you should smile politely and express your joy at the acquaintance. After that, you can join the general conversation.

    Rule 6. If you meet an unpleasant person among the invitees, you should not start quarrels with him. It would also be ugly to bow out ahead of time on this occasion. Try not to pay attention to the enemy.

    Rule 7. If you are planning a feast, ask where you can wash your hands and what towel to use afterwards. It is advisable to do this before guests are invited to dine.

    Rule 8. If you have not been assigned a seat at the table in advance, you can take any place at your discretion, except where the hosts plan to sit (usually these are the end seats closer to the exit, to make it more convenient to look after the guests during the feast).

    Rule 9. You must be able to use cutlery, as well as know the general rules of behavior at the table.

    Rule 10. At the same time, it is tactless to focus everyone’s attention on your great knowledge of etiquette. Especially, point out to the hostess her possible mistakes.

    Rule 11. Do the hosts have an entertainment program prepared for you? Do not be capricious and support their undertakings.

    Rule 12. Usually the reception ends after dessert is served. If you must leave early, do not draw the attention of other guests to your departure. Just say goodbye to your hosts, apologizing and explaining the reason why you have to leave them so early.

    Rule 13. When leaving guests, be sure to thank the hosts for their hospitality, praise the dishes you liked and the warm atmosphere of the reception. A good form would be to return an invitation from the hosts to visit you.

    Humor about etiquette. Cool rules of etiquette.

    Humor about etiquette. Cool rules of etiquette.

    No matter what foreigners imagine, a spoon in a glass doesn’t bother me at all...

    The boy asks:
    - Dad, what is ethics?
    - I'll give you an example. You know that I, together with Rabinovich, have a shop. And so Rabinovich leaves for the city to buy goods, and I am left alone in the shop. A lady comes in, asks for some small change, takes out a purse, takes out a hundred rubles, then small money, pays, takes everything, but forgets the hundred rubles on the counter and leaves. And here the question of ethics begins: should I share with Rabinovich?

    What is etiquette?
    - This is when you say: “Thank you, no need,” when you want to shout: “Give it here!”

    It's better to pretend than to do nothing.

    - Vasya! Doesn't it bother you that you're left-handed?
    - No. Every person has their own shortcomings. For example, with what hand do you stir the tea?
    - Right.
    - Here you see! But normal people stir with a spoon!

    About the rules of conduct.
    If you are sitting at a table as a guest, you should not cut out words like “SGPTU-30”, “DMB-94” or “Tolyan from Alapaevsk” on the tabletop. It’s best to cut out the words “Thank you!”, “High!”, “We’re stuck!” The owner will be very pleased.

    Before you enter, think: are you needed here?

    Thank you, aunt,” the little boy thanks the guest.
    “You’re welcome, my dear,” she smiles.
    “I think so too, but mom insists.”

    Excuse me.

    Grandma, do you want to sit in my place?
    - Thank you, grandson, why don’t you sit down!
    “Then don’t leave: I’ll get off in three stops.”

    Recipe “Beef in English”: “If you are visiting, take a large piece of beef and leave without saying goodbye...”

    Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.

    Remember girls! According to etiquette, the fork should be to the left of the plate, and not in the soft tissues of the boy who offended you!

    Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.

    Excuse me.
    - Let me not let you!
    - I won’t let you not let me.

    If a person does not know how to behave, can he then drive a car?

    From the rules of good manners.

    It is indecent to keep your hands in your trouser pockets in front of strangers... Especially if you are a woman and the trousers are men's...

    Etiquette was invented by people who did not know hunger.

    Rules of cat etiquette:

    - If you feel sick, quickly climb into a chair. If you do not have time on time - then on the Persian carpet. Dig well then!

    - Quickly determine which of the guests hates cats. Sit on his lap all evening. He will not dare to drive you away and even call you a "cute pussy". If you can make yourself smell like cat food, so much the better.

    - Always escort guests to the restroom. You don't have to do anything. Just sit down and stare at the guest.

    - If one of the owners is busy, and the other is not, sit with the one who is busy. If the owner is reading a book and cannot lie across the book itself, then get under his chin.

    - If the hostess is knitting, quietly curl up in her lap and pretend to be asleep. Then extend the paw and sharply hit the knitting needles. She calls this a "loose loop". She will try to distract you. Pay no attention to it.

    — If the owner is busy doing homework, sit down on his papers. After you are removed from them for the second time, brush off everything that can be brushed off the table: pens, pencils, stamps - not all at once, but one at a time.

    - Get plenty of sleep during the day so that you are in shape for night games between 2 and 4 am.

    About the rules of conduct.
    Phrases like: “Now I’ll show you our family album!” or “Look how our son is studying!” — significantly save food and drink.

    When a man kisses a lady's hand, according to the rules of etiquette, he must bow to her hand. Modern “gentlemen” pull the lady’s hand to their mouth, they are afraid to bend over and show their bald head.

    Etiquette is when you think: “Damn you!”, but say: “Hello.”

    If you think you've reached the heights of etiquette, try eating a glass of sunflower seeds with a knife and fork.

    Yes. Thanks you too. Thanks, and the same to you. Thanks, and you too.

    - What prevents you from being yourself?
    — Rules of etiquette and the criminal code.

    When you quit, behave as if you were a cultured person.


    — "List of George W. Bush's virtues."
    - "Osama bin Laden's phone book."
    - Mike Tyson's Rules of Etiquette.
    — “French hospitality.”
    — “Etiquette for Englishmen leaving guests.”
    — “Jokes about blondes, told by them.”
    - “Everything women know about men.”
    - “Everything men know about women.”
    - “How to spell the name Bob correctly.”
    - “Words that have never been used to call Bill Gates.”
    - Honest Lawyers.
    - “Prosecutors who have never been to a bathhouse.”
    — “What I wouldn’t say for money” by Sergei Dorenko.
    — “Headdresses of Yuri Luzhkov.”
    — “Human rights in China.”
    — “Places where terrorists should be killed” by V.V. Putin.
    - "Arab flying schools."
    - “Things that a Russian could not name one of the three main
    swear words."

    Morality without conscience is just etiquette.

    From etiquette - only the label!
    There was no etiquette here...
    There is no cure for rudeness,
    There is only one remedy - turn off the Internet

    Before you point your finger at the shortcomings of others, pay attention to how much dirt you have under your nails.

    By strictly observing the rules of etiquette when visiting, you will leave angry, sober and hungry.

    According to etiquette, in which hand should you hold a knife in order to force the waiter to bring your order faster?

    Friends! Everyone should respect culture!
    You can't throw cigarette butts through the window!
    Suddenly you will find yourself among kind, lovely citizens,
    What are they peeing under your windows?!

    There are two peaceful forms of violence: law and decency.

    After all, people are paradoxical creatures. If you shout loudly “A-a-a-a!” in the library, people will only look at you in confusion. And if you do the same on the plane, they will join.

    Who is a gentleman?
    - This is the one who, in a dark room, steps on a cat and calls it a cat.

    Rules of conduct in minibuses

    Do you know how offends grandmothers when they give way to a seat? They begin to feel weak and helpless. Sit by the window, close your eyes, it’s harder to give up your seat, support the elderly!

    You need to sit with your legs as far apart as possible, this improves blood circulation, promotes ventilation and emphasizes the piquant lines of your body. And remember, men, the wider your legs, the more courageous you are!

    If you get a call, be sure to pick up the phone. You need to speak as loudly as possible, because either the interlocutor cannot hear you well over the noise of the minibus, or those sitting next to you may not understand what you are talking about, and they will be embarrassed to ask again, they may burn out of curiosity, you need to respect people.
    ADDENDUM: If you know at least some obscene vocabulary, use it, broaden the horizons of those around you.

    If you see an acquaintance at the other end of the minibus, quickly draw attention to yourself (by shouting, whistling, dancing), God forbid the person thinks that you are uncultured or have a bad attitude towards him! You also need to inquire about his affairs, ask why he didn’t call so much (shout louder so that the interlocutor can hear you, and you won’t let others get bored, they’ll listen to an interesting story)

    Don't be greedy, let others listen to your wonderful music, not everyone has the money for a player! Move your headphones away from your ears to let others enjoy your amazing taste in music.

    Throw candy wrappers, seed husks, empty cigarette packs on the floor! Don't deprive the cleaning lady of her job!

    Are you an athlete? Don’t change clothes after training, get on the minibus like that, motivate people, let everyone see how hard you work out! And yes, don’t use deodorant, it leaves stains on your clothes. (If you are overweight, even more so show that you are still struggling with it)

    Now that you are familiar with the basic rules, I wish you pleasant travel companions!

    Yes... In my time, girls knew how to blush, says the father of his daughter.
    - I imagine what you told them...

    Men! Be gentlemen! Never interrupt a woman when she is... silent.

    One of the oldest rules of etiquette comes from swearing. The English King George V once slammed his fist on the dinner table in anger, after which he burst into violent abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which forks should lie on the table with the tines down.

    - Honey, happy birthday. I give you a subscription to etiquette courses.
    - Ah * amazing!

    Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt…

    A man sitting on a tram in the presence of women becomes an empty place in their eyes.

    Everything here is like a parade. A napkin here, a tie here. Yes, “sorry”, yes, “please-mercy.” But so that for real - this is not the case. You are torturing yourself, just like during the tsarist regime.
    Polygraph Polygraphych Sharikov

    Should a gentleman:

    wish a lady good night if the lady doesn’t say good night?

    ask a lady for her hand if his legs won’t support him?

    When leaving a restaurant, should you wear gloves if you leave on all fours?

    kiss a lady's hands if there is no napkin at the table?

    raise a glass to a lady if the lady can no longer raise a glass herself?

    take a lady's coat off if he likes the coat?

    help a lady get off the bus if the lady wants to get on?

    Should a gentleman shower a lady with flowers if the flowers are in pots?

    Should a lady ask a gentleman to get up from his knees if she is tired of holding him?

    Should a gentleman date a lady under a clock if the clock hangs above his sofa?

    In which hand should a gentleman hold a fork if the gentleman is holding a cutlet in his right hand?

    Should a gentleman pay for a lady on the bus if she paid for him in a restaurant?

    Should a gentleman, if he should?

    Should a gentleman give his wife tights if she found them in his pocket?

    Should a gentleman give way to a lady if he is in bed with another gentleman?

    Should a gentleman shout, “Bitter! ”, if he is not sitting at a wedding, but in a public dining room?

    A true gentleman will always let a lady pass first to see what she looks like from behind.

    - Girls, help! The director of our base invited me to a corporate event. Who can tell me whether it’s etiquette to eat stew from a can with a fork or spoon?

    Don't pick your nose: there won't be any children!
    - Yes, I’m shallow.

    One British lady said that when uninvited guests appear, she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."

    Let's go from you to you.
    Otherwise I’ll hit YOU in the face -
    It's against etiquette.

    According to the rules of etiquette, the knife must be held in the right hand, the fork in the left, and the husband in both.

    For a long time as a child, I was taught to eat with the right cutlery... But for some reason they didn’t warn me that it was possible
    there will be something and nothing...

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    Etiquette norms dictate that you should come to visit only after receiving an invitation. It can be either written or oral. Only close friends at home or relatives, who are always welcome, can ignore this rule.

    If you're throwing a party, think about who to invite in advance. You should not bring together people who are on cool terms with each other. Also, give up “wedding generals”.

    It should be remembered that it is not customary to organize your own anniversary. The initiative should come from those around the hero of the day. It, as a rule, takes on the functions of organizers and managers of the anniversary celebration.

    For large celebrations (weddings, anniversaries), invitations are sent 3-4 weeks in advance. For other holidays, it is permissible to invite a week in advance.

    Having received an invitation, you should respond to it by confirming your presence or refusing the visit. After all, the hosts of the holiday should know how many guests they can expect. If at the last moment it turns out that you will not be able to come, you should apologize and notify the hosts. It is also worth notifying you if you have to be late for the start of the holiday. But the rules of good manners allow guests to arrive no later than a quarter of an hour after the appointed time.

    Take care of the gift in advance; it is not customary to come to visit (especially on holidays and special occasions) empty-handed.

    The spouse of the hero of the day should be presented with a bouquet or basket of flowers. Gifts for the hero of the day, as a rule, are marked with a date - the year of birth or the beginning of professional activity, depending on the anniversary.

    It is also worth paying attention to your outfit for the holiday. If the invitation specifies the type of costume, you must follow the hosts' request. If no special instructions regarding clothing have been received, you should still choose an outfit that will suit the occasion. A formal dinner at a restaurant requires an evening dress and suit. And meeting with friends allows you to dress informally.

    Ladies should do their hair and apply makeup appropriate for the festive occasion and the nature of the reception. Hosts should not ask guests to take off their shoes and put on slippers. This is bad form. When visiting, it is tactless to look at the clock, as this may offend the hosts.

    When visiting, one should also not forget about the heroes of the occasion and the event that made the holiday happen. The first toasts, congratulations and conversations are addressed specifically to them. As a rule, at a celebration, the first toast is made by the most honored guest, followed by the head of the family and the rest of the family members of the hero of the day.

    As a rule, at an anniversary each guest is given the floor to congratulate and present a gift. The end of the speech does not have to end with a toast.

    A signal for the end of the holiday can be the end of the dancing and an invitation to all guests to drink coffee. As a rule, you should refuse coffee with gratitude and begin to bow to the guests.

    When leaving the holiday, you should say goodbye to the hosts and thank them for the food and pleasant pastime, and also invite you to pay a return visit.

    As a rule, guests must open the door for themselves, so that it does not turn out that the hosts are escorted out of the audience. At the same time, the departing ones necessarily invite the hosts to visit them with a return visit. The rules of good manners allow you to set up a return meeting not only at home, but also in a restaurant, theater, picnic or club.

    Date of publication: 01/30/2010
    Reproduction without an active link is prohibited!

    Sketch of congratulations on the holiday “Guest Code”


    When there is no agreement among comrades,
    They will not make a friendly company:
    They will come and drink indifferently
    And they silently eat lunch!
    In such company there is no music, no songs,
    Nobody is interested in each other in her,
    The crystal ringing does not ring under the wise guests.
    And this is called a holiday?!

    But this, friends, will never affect us! With our quiet, small company, We gathered again to rest our souls! The host invites the guests to help him announce the "Guest Code" - the rules of conduct at the holiday. Those interested are selected, and the presenter distributes the text of the “Guest Code” to them. Everyone reads one rule, the guests unanimously answer in rhyme “We promise!” or, conversely, “No way!”

    The answers do not always rhyme in meaning - the host warns the guests to be careful and not get caught.

    1. We are smart, cheerful,
    The tables are breaking in the house!
    Shall we take a good walk?
    Guests: We promise!

    2. We were invited to a holiday,
    And we forgot to undress.
    Shall we sit down at the table in our coats?
    Guests: No way!

    3. Our glasses, our dishes,
    Like other utensils
    Don't forget to fill.
    Guests: We promise!

    4. We will interrupt everyone,
    Argue, quarrel, shout,
    Like we know everything?
    Guests: No way!

    5. Let's sing and dance,
    Smile, flirt,
    Clapping together one hundred grams!
    Guests: We promise!

    6. Let's dump the soup on the dress,
    Let's lie face down in the salad
    And let's drop the cup of tea.
    Guests: No way!

    7. Jokes away, smiles too,
    It's no good to have fun here!
    Whoever laughs is kicked out?
    Guests: No way!

    8. We don’t sit sullenly in the corner,
    Away from games and noise,
    Are we going full blast?
    Guests: We promise!

    9. Let's enjoy the gossip
    And to find fault with the hostess:
    Everything is tasteless, everything is wrong.
    Guests: No way!

    10. The toastmaster tried for us,
    And by the end I was hungry!
    Are we treating the toastmaster?
    Guests: We promise!

    Leading: Great! Then the holiday can begin!

    Comic rules of conduct at an anniversary. Rules for guests

    Have you often encountered the fact that guests, having come to your holiday, behave timidly at first, but then begin to “unwind”? This usually happens after drinking several glasses of vodka. But why wait so long, and even harm your health? After all, you can immediately cheer up your guests and “charge” them with a holiday. And humorous rules of behavior for guests at your anniversary will help you with this. We came up with comic rules in verses that can be divided into several categories: rules of behavior at the table, on the dance floor and general rules. So read them to your guests and let them know you don't mind if they get a little naughty.

    Dear guests!
    You came to visit me!
    But don't be afraid of me,
    Everything is simple for me, as always.
    You just follow the rules
    And don't get any comments.
    Where are the rules? Here they are,
    And you better write them down!
    First of all, my food is delicious,
    Therefore, you need to eat everything to the end!
    Secondly, the drinks aren’t bad either,
    So drink them up, my dears!
    Well, the third rule, the main thing,
    So that everyone has a good time at the holiday,
    No need to sit and be bored
    You need to sing, dance and play!
    Become more active
    And have a great time!

    I want to tell you, my friends,
    It’s not in vain that you came to me!
    I have great drinks and delicious food,
    So help yourself, my friends!
    In the meantime, I'll tell you the rules,
    And maybe I will surprise some people with this.
    And the rules are simple, remember them,
    So that there are no hard feelings afterwards.
    If you picked up a sandwich,
    Then we immediately carry it into our mouth!
    If you put a salad on your plate,
    It is not necessary to say that it was postponed for later!
    A glass was poured - so drink to the bottom!
    Even if it's a glass of wine!
    In general, you probably understood
    That my rules are simple at all!
    You just need to drink, eat and have fun,
    And enjoy the holiday to the fullest!

    I am the mistress of the house, you are my guests.
    Thank you very much for coming to see me!
    But so that we don't get bored,
    This is what I will tell you all.
    Don't sit at the table for a long time,
    We ate a little and hit the dance floor - dance!
    Tired of dancing? Let's Play!
    And receive gifts for winning the game.
    In general, do you understand me?
    So that we don't get bored, friends,
    Let's have fun together
    And as young people say – “let’s hang out”!


    Anniversary for a woman 30 years old

    1. Meeting the hero of the day.

    Guests stand in the corridor! (with balls!)
    The birthday boy enters (to fanfare!)

    Birthday is a special date!
    This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
    Someone wise once came up with
    Give joy to the birthday boy.
    Let there be happiness and fun
    After all, this is the only thing we live for,
    And we say: “Happy Birthday! Have a bright and joyful day!”
    (The guests shout three times: “Congratulations!”

    And it's time to honor these minutes
    We can hear the anniversary fireworks here!
    And now, dear birthday girl, in honor of the anniversary, the guests have prepared for you a magical drink, infused with forty herbs of love, good mood and the best wishes (the hero of the day drinks the drink to the applause of the guests).

    1st feast:

    1. One song says “Birthday is a sad holiday!” But for the birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is an occasion to come to the person, his friends and say what is in our hearts!

    Happy anniversary, .
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
    A toast to your happiness
    We've been in a hurry for a long time.
    Let all the hardships go away
    And let the sorrows go away,
    Only joy to you, .
    Let your years bear.
    Be cheerful and happy
    And beautiful as it is now.
    May good luck accompany you
    Every day and every hour.

    IN: And now I invite the guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink while standing for the anniversary of our birthday girl!
    IN: Dear friends, and now I suggest you listen to the rules of conduct at our anniversary. Or rather, the anniversary charter!
    (the charter sounds.)
    IN: Today, the closest and dearest person to the birthday girl - her mother - is present at the anniversary!
    On this day, dear. I really want to say these kind words to you:
    There are golden domes
    There are golden herbs
    But there is nothing more beautiful
    Than my mother's hands!
    Dear guests! Let's greet mom with loud, friendly applause. After all, she is also a birthday girl today!
    Dear friends! 30 years ago,…. July 19..., angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the first-born in the family, a girl.
    Q: Dear. (address to mom)!
    Do you remember the day you brought it? from the maternity hospital? What was she like?
    Years have passed - how do you remember her at 7 years old?
    What was she like at 18?
    How do you see her now?
    (Congratulations to mom and dad) - toast.
    Toast: Let's fill our glasses and traditionally drink while standing to our parents - they deserve it!

    IN: Dear friends! There is such a good tradition of lighting a candle on all birthday holidays, etc. fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, beauty and goodness. I offer you, . light a candle too. May the flame of this light never go out, giving light and warmth to your loved ones, and may only the most beloved and dear people gather for this light, just like today.
    IN: At our table is the younger sister of our birthday girl! You grew up in the same family, two girls. Two closest friends. Surely, you trusted each other with your deepest secrets, shared secrets. Tell us your most memorable, most unforgettable childhood moments.

    Musical game “Heart”

    IN: And today at our festive table there is a charming little girl, the closest and dearest little person, a daughter, and we will now find out what is in her heart. What's your mom like?

    IN: Game with guests: “Embarrassed birthday boy.”
    Dear friends, I want to ask you what the hero of the day should be like on his birthday - happy, cheerful, and at the same time he should be a little more. (which?), and whoever names the most definitions will receive a prize from the hero of the day!

    Toast: to the sincere wishes of the guests! - a kiss from the hero of the day!

    Break: musical pause.

    2nd feast:

    IN: I must say that our birthday girl is a happy person; today so many good close friends and relatives have gathered around her, who have walked next to him throughout her life, been together in both sorrow and joy. And now I want to hand the microphone over to my close relatives.

    Game with guests: Bouquet of flowers from muses. compositions

    IN: Congratulations to the guests!

    Game with guests: Who knows the birthday girl better - 2 pairs, questions and answers.

    IN: Congratulations to the guests

    IN : A popular proverb says: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.” Today our friends came to congratulate our birthday girl.

    Game with guests: today there have already been so many good words and congratulations addressed to the hero of the day, and now let’s all think about it together and I invite you to name the best human qualities of the hero of the day starting with the letter “O”, whoever names the most words will receive a prize from the hero of the day.

    IN: Congratulations to the guests

    Break: musical pause.

    (games Brook, Little Engine, Gypsies, “Medley”, dance with a handkerchief, “Ribbons”)

    3rd feast:

    IN: Like any other woman, our birthday girl loves to receive kisses, and let us now try to kiss her together (guests on the team must give a choke and a kiss to the hero of the day - 2 teams) - a toast to the hero of the day.

    Game with guests: super prize from the hero of the day (a bottle of wine).

    Game with guests: Auction (based on the riddles of the hero of the day) - for the auction prepare: a can of beer, men’s underpants, an apron, an apple;

    Songs (in envelopes), put together a verse of a song from the words and perform it for the hero of the day.

    Rules of conduct for guests at a wedding

    Before going to a wedding with your friends or loved ones, carefully read the rules of conduct. All wedding guests must adhere to the following.

    When you come to the wedding, do not forget to congratulate the newlyweds and give them original gifts.

    You can only drink the first 10-15 glasses to the bottom, the next - with the permission of your mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

    When you snack and eat all the caviar, don’t ask for more.

    Do not twist the tablecloth on which alcohol has been spilled, especially into your glass.

    Remember that a sober person cannot understand a drunk person. To protect yourself from misunderstanding and not to be beaten for it, be on the same page with everyone. This is our custom.

    When eating chicken or duck, do not place the brushes on the plate. It’s better to put a snack on it and your hands in your neighbor’s pocket.

    Don't put on your neighbors' plates what you can eat yourself.

    Don't gather more than three people under the table.

    Don’t forget from time to time to remember what you have gathered for the wedding and shout “Bitter!” ".

    Don’t put a piece of cake in your pocket that you really like but don’t have the strength to eat.

    When the music starts, immediately start dancing, sparing your legs and your neighbor. Those who cannot dance dance while sitting.

    After the holiday is over, do not wear someone else's coat, even if it is more beautiful than yours.

    Do not promise the hosts of the holiday that tomorrow you, along with your parents and friends, will come to finish the wedding dishes, so that the newlyweds do not get scared.

    Have fun, dance, walk, drink and eat slowly.

    In addition to the rules, there are also some prohibitions, which it would also do you good to familiarize yourself with.

    Hide in the corner.

    Sleeping at or under a table, especially with snoring.

    Wiping your hands on your neighbor’s dress, even when she no longer remembers anything.

    Gossip about your mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

    Breaking dishes on your neighbor's head.

    Declaring your love more than three times to members of the opposite sex.

    Sing songs in the speech of our little brothers.

    The rules are not new to you. They have known each other for a long time. Therefore, do not forget about them and relax at 100! Good evening to you.

    In the modern world, not knowing the rules of etiquette means going against society, presenting yourself not in the best way. I present to you a selection of current rules that every person who respects himself and others should know.

    1. Never come to visit without calling. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests appear, she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If she likes the person, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."
    2. The umbrella never dries in the open state - neither in the office, nor at a party.
    It needs to be folded and placed on a special stand or hung.
    3. The bag should not be placed on your lap or on your chair.
    A small elegant clutch bag can be placed on the table, a large bag can be hung on the back of a chair or placed on the floor if there is no special chair (these are often offered in restaurants). The briefcase is placed on the floor.
    4. Cellophane bags are only acceptable when returning from the supermarket, as are paper branded bags from boutiques.
    Carrying them with you later as a bag is redneck.
    5. A man never carries a woman's bag.
    And he takes a woman’s coat only to carry it to the locker room.

    6. Home clothes are trousers and a sweater, comfortable, but having a decent look. The robe and pajamas are designed to go to the bathroom in the morning, and from the bathroom to the bedroom in the evening.
    7. From the moment the child settles in a separate room, learn to knock when entering his room. Then he will do the same before entering your bedroom.
    8. A woman may wear her hat and gloves indoors, but not her cap and mittens.
    9. According to the international protocol, the total number of jewelry should not exceed 13 items, and this includes jewelry buttons.
    A ring is not worn over gloves, but a bracelet is allowed. The darker it is outside, the more expensive the jewelry. Diamonds used to be considered an evening adornment for married ladies, but recently it has become permissible to wear diamonds during the day. On a young girl, stud earrings with a diamond of about 0.25 carats are quite appropriate.
    10. Rules for paying for an order in a restaurant: if you say the phrase “I invite you,” this means you pay.
    If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. Another formulation - “Let's go to a restaurant” - assumes that everyone pays for themselves, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, can she agree.
    11. A man is always the first to enter the elevator, but the one closest to the door exits first.
    12. In a car, the most prestigious seat is considered to be behind the driver, a woman occupies it, a man sits next to her, and when he gets out of the car, he holds the door and gives the lady his hand. If a man is driving, it is also preferable for a woman to take a seat behind him. However, no matter where the woman sits, the man must open the door for her and help her out. In business etiquette, men have recently been increasingly violating this norm, using the feminist motto “There are no women and men in business.”

    13. Talking publicly about the fact that you are on a diet is a bad form.
    Moreover, under this pretext one cannot refuse dishes offered by a hospitable hostess. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, while you don't have to eat anything. The same should be done with alcohol. Don't tell everyone why you can't drink. Ask for dry white wine and sip lightly.
    14. Taboo topics for small talk: politics, religion, health, money. Inappropriate question: “God, what a dress! How much did you pay?" How to react? Smile sweetly: "This is a gift!" Move the conversation to another topic. If the other person insists, say gently, "I don't want to talk about it."
    15. Every person over 12 years of age must be addressed as “you.” It’s disgusting to hear people say “you” to waiters or drivers. Even to those people with whom you know well, it is better to address them as “you” in the office, but only as “you” in private. The exception is if you are peers or close friends. How to react if the interlocutor stubbornly “pokes” you? First, ask again: “Excuse me, are you contacting me?” Otherwise, a neutral shrug of the shoulders: “Sorry, but we didn’t switch to ‘you’.”
    16. Discussing those who are absent, that is, simply gossiping, is unacceptable. It is impermissible to speak badly about loved ones, in particular to discuss husbands, as is customary in our country. If your husband is bad, why don't you divorce him? And in the same way it is impermissible to speak about one’s native country with contempt and a grimace. “In this country, everyone is a redneck...” - in this case, you also belong to this category of people.
    17. In the cinema, theater, concert hall, you should only go to your seats facing those sitting. The man goes first.
    18. Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of a medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor

    No matter what foreigners imagine, a spoon in a glass doesn’t bother me at all...


    The boy asks:
    - Dad, what is ethics?
    - I'll give you an example. You know that I, together with Rabinovich, have a shop. And so Rabinovich leaves for the city to buy goods, and I am left alone in the shop. A lady comes in, asks for some small change, takes out a purse, takes out a hundred rubles, then small money, pays, takes everything, but forgets the hundred rubles on the counter and leaves. And here the question of ethics begins: should I share with Rabinovich?


    What is etiquette?
    - This is when you say: “Thank you, no need,” when you want to shout: “Give it here!”


    It's better to pretend than to do nothing.


    Vasya! Doesn't it bother you that you're left-handed?
    - No. Every person has their own shortcomings. For example, with what hand do you stir the tea?
    - Right.
    - Here you see! But normal people stir with a spoon!


    About the rules of conduct.
    If you are sitting at a table as a guest, you should not cut out words like “SGPTU-30”, “DMB-94” or “Tolyan from Alapaevsk” on the tabletop. It’s best to cut out the words “Thank you!”, “High!”, “We’re stuck!” The owner will be very pleased.

    Before you enter, think: are you needed here?


    Thank you, aunt,” the little boy thanks the guest.
    “You’re welcome, my dear,” she smiles.
    - I think so too, but my mother insists...


    Let me...


    Grandma, do you want to sit in my place?
    - Thank you, grandson, why not sit down!
    “Then don’t leave: I’ll get out in three stops.”


    Recipe “Beef in English”: “If you are visiting, take a large piece of beef and leave without saying goodbye...”


    Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.


    Remember girls! According to etiquette, the fork should be to the left of the plate, and not in the soft tissues of the boy who offended you!


    Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.


    Let me...
    - Let me not let you!
    - I won’t let you not let me!!!


    If a person does not know how to behave, can he then drive a car?


    From the rules of good manners.

    It is indecent to keep your hands in your trouser pockets in front of strangers... Especially if you are a woman and the trousers are men's...


    Etiquette was invented by people who did not know hunger.


    Rules of cat etiquette:

    If you feel nauseous, quickly climb into a chair. If you don't make it on time, then go to the Persian carpet. Dig well then!

    Quickly determine which guests hate cats. Sit on his lap all evening. He won't dare drive you away and will even call you a "sweet pussy." If you can make yourself smell like cat food, so much the better.

    Always escort guests to the restroom. You don't have to do anything. Just sit down and stare at the guest.

    If one of the hosts is busy and the other is not, sit with the one who is busy. If the owner is reading a book and cannot lie across the book itself, then get under his chin.

    If your hostess is knitting, quietly curl up in her lap and pretend to be asleep. Then extend the paw and sharply hit the knitting needles. She calls this a "loose loop". She will try to distract you. Pay no attention to it.

    If the owner is busy doing homework, sit down on his papers. After you are removed from them for the second time, brush off everything that can be brushed off the table: pens, pencils, stamps - not all at once, but one at a time.

    Get plenty of sleep during the day so you'll be in shape for night games between 2am and 4am.


    About the rules of conduct.
    Phrases like: “Now I’ll show you our family album!” or “Look how our son is studying!” - significantly save food and drink.


    When a man kisses a lady's hand, according to the rules of etiquette, he must bow to her hand. Modern “gentlemen” pull the lady’s hand to their mouth, they are afraid to bend over and show their bald head.


    Etiquette is when you think: "Damn you!", and say: "Hello."


    If you think you've reached the heights of etiquette, try eating a glass of sunflower seeds with a knife and fork.


    Yes. Thanks you too. Thanks, and the same to you. Thanks, and you too.


    What's stopping you from being yourself?
    - Rules of etiquette and criminal code...


    When you quit, behave as if you were a cultured person.



    - "List of the virtues of George W. Bush."
    - Osama bin Laden's phone book.
    - "Mike Tyson's rules of etiquette."
    - "French hospitality".
    - "Etiquette for the departure of English guests from guests."
    - "Jokes about blondes, told by them."
    - "Everything women know about men."
    - “Everything men know about women.”
    - "How to spell the name Bob correctly."
    - “Words that have never been used to call Bill Gates.”
    - "Honest lawyers."
    - "Prosecutors who have never been to a bathhouse."
    - “What I wouldn’t say for money” by Sergei Dorenko.
    - "Headdresses of Yuri Luzhkov."
    - "Human rights in China."
    - “Places where terrorists should be killed” by V.V. Putin.
    - "Arab flying schools".
    - "Things that a Russian could not name as one of the three main
    swear words."


    Morality without conscience is just etiquette.


    From etiquette - only the label!
    There was no etiquette here...
    There is no cure for rudeness,
    There is only one remedy - turn off the Internet


    Before you point your finger at the shortcomings of others, pay attention to how much dirt you have under your nails.


    By strictly observing the rules of etiquette when visiting, you will leave angry, sober and hungry.


    According to etiquette, in which hand should you hold a knife in order to force the waiter to bring your order faster?



    Friends! Everyone should respect culture!
    You can't throw cigarette butts through the window!
    Suddenly you will find yourself among kind, lovely citizens,
    What are they peeing under your windows?!


    There are two peaceful forms of violence: law and decency.


    After all, people are paradoxical creatures. If you shout loudly “A-a-a-a!” in the library, people will only look at you in confusion. And if you do the same on the plane, they will join.


    -Who is a gentleman?
    - This is the one who, in a dark room, steps on a cat and calls it a cat.

    Rules of conduct in minibuses

    Rule One

    Do you know how offends grandmothers when they give way to a seat? They begin to feel weak and helpless. Sit by the window, close your eyes, it’s harder to give up your seat, support the elderly!

    Rule two

    You need to sit with your legs as far apart as possible, this improves blood circulation, promotes ventilation and emphasizes the piquant lines of your body. And remember, men, the wider your legs, the more courageous you are!

    Rule three

    If you get a call, be sure to pick up the phone. You need to speak as loudly as possible, because either the interlocutor cannot hear you well over the noise of the minibus, or those sitting next to you may not understand what you are talking about, and they will be embarrassed to ask again, they may burn out of curiosity, you need to respect people.
    ADDENDUM: If you know at least some obscene vocabulary, use it, broaden the horizons of those around you.

    Rule four

    If you see an acquaintance at the other end of the minibus, quickly draw attention to yourself (by shouting, whistling, dancing), God forbid the person thinks that you are uncultured or have a bad attitude towards him! You also need to inquire about his affairs, ask why he didn’t call so much (shout louder so that the interlocutor can hear you, and you won’t let others get bored, they’ll listen to an interesting story)

    Rule five

    Don't be greedy, let others listen to your wonderful music, not everyone has the money for a player! Move your headphones away from your ears to let others enjoy your amazing taste in music.

    Rule six

    Throw candy wrappers, seed husks, empty cigarette packs on the floor! Don't deprive the cleaning lady of her job!

    Rule seven

    Are you an athlete? Don’t change clothes after training, get on the minibus like that, motivate people, let everyone see how hard you work out! And yes, don’t use deodorant, it leaves stains on your clothes. (If you are overweight, even more so show that you are still struggling with it)

    Now that you are familiar with the basic rules, I wish you pleasant travel companions!


    Yes... In my time, girls knew how to blush, says the father of his daughter.
    - I imagine what you told them...


    Men! Be gentlemen! Never interrupt a woman when she is... silent.


    One of the oldest rules of etiquette comes from swearing. The English King George V once slammed his fist on the dinner table in anger, after which he burst into violent abuse. When he calmed down, he issued a decree according to which forks should lie on the table with the tines down.


    Honey, happy birthday. I give you a subscription to etiquette courses.
    - Ah * amazing!


    Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt…



    A man sitting on a tram in the presence of women becomes an empty place in their eyes.


    Everything here is like a parade. A napkin here, a tie here. Yes, “sorry”, yes, “please-mercy.” But so that for real - this is not the case. You are torturing yourself, just like during the tsarist regime.
    Polygraph Polygraphych Sharikov


    Should a gentleman:

    wish a lady good night if the lady doesn’t say good night?

    ask a lady for her hand if his legs won’t support him?

    When leaving a restaurant, should you wear gloves if you leave on all fours?

    kiss a lady's hands if there is no napkin at the table?

    raise a glass to a lady if the lady can no longer raise a glass herself?

    take a lady's coat off if he likes the coat?

    help a lady get off the bus if the lady wants to get on?

    Should a gentleman shower a lady with flowers if the flowers are in pots?

    Should a lady ask a gentleman to get up from his knees if she is tired of holding him?

    Should a gentleman date a lady under a clock if the clock hangs above his sofa?

    In which hand should a gentleman hold a fork if the gentleman is holding a cutlet in his right hand?

    Should a gentleman pay for a lady on the bus if she paid for him in a restaurant?

    Should a gentleman, if he should?

    Should a gentleman give his wife tights if she found them in his pocket?

    Should a gentleman give way to a lady if he is in bed with another gentleman?

    Should a gentleman shout, “Bitter! ”, if he is not sitting at a wedding, but in a public dining room?

    A true gentleman will always let a lady pass first to see what she looks like from behind.


    Girls, help! The director of our base invited me to a corporate event. Who can tell me whether it’s etiquette to eat stew from a can with a fork or spoon?


    Don't pick your nose: there won't be any children!
    - Yes, I’m shallow...


    One British lady said that when uninvited guests appear, she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."


    Let's go from you to you.
    Otherwise I’ll hit YOU in the face -
    It's against etiquette.


    According to the rules of etiquette, the knife must be held in the right hand, the fork in the left, and the husband in both.


    For a long time as a child, I was taught to eat with the right cutlery... But for some reason they didn’t warn me that it was possible
    there will be something and nothing...

    Etiquette norms dictate that you should come to visit only after receiving an invitation. It can be either written or oral. Only close friends at home or relatives, who are always welcome, can ignore this rule.

    If you're throwing a party, think about who to invite in advance. You should not bring together people who are on cool terms with each other. Also, give up “wedding generals”.

    It should be remembered that it is not customary to organize your own anniversary. The initiative should come from those around the hero of the day. It, as a rule, takes on the functions of organizers and managers of the anniversary celebration.

    For large celebrations (weddings, anniversaries), invitations are sent 3-4 weeks in advance. For other holidays, it is permissible to invite a week in advance.

    Having received an invitation, you should respond to it by confirming your presence or refusing the visit. After all, the hosts of the holiday should know how many guests they can expect. If at the last moment it turns out that you will not be able to come, you should apologize and notify the hosts. It is also worth notifying you if you have to be late for the start of the holiday. But the rules of good manners allow guests to arrive no later than a quarter of an hour after the appointed time.

    Take care of the gift in advance; it is not customary to come to visit (especially on holidays and special occasions) empty-handed.

    The spouse of the hero of the day should be presented with a bouquet or basket of flowers. Gifts for the hero of the day, as a rule, are marked with a date - the year of birth or the beginning of professional activity, depending on the anniversary.

    It is also worth taking care of your outfit for the holiday. If the invitation specifies the type of costume, you must follow the hosts' request. If no special instructions regarding clothing have been received, you should still choose an outfit that will suit the occasion. A formal dinner at a restaurant requires an evening dress and suit. And meeting with friends allows you to dress informally.

    Ladies should do their hair and apply makeup appropriate for the festive occasion and the nature of the reception. Hosts should not ask guests to take off their shoes and put on slippers. This is bad form. When visiting, it is tactless to look at the clock, as this may offend the hosts.

    When visiting, one should also not forget about the heroes of the occasion and the event that made the holiday happen. The first toasts, congratulations and conversations are addressed specifically to them. As a rule, at a celebration, the first toast is made by the most honored guest, followed by the head of the family and the rest of the family members of the hero of the day.

    As a rule, at an anniversary each guest is given the floor to congratulate and present a gift. The end of the speech does not have to end with a toast.

    A signal for the end of the holiday can be the end of the dancing and an invitation to all guests to drink coffee. As a rule, you should refuse coffee with gratitude and begin to bow to the guests.

    When leaving the holiday, you should say goodbye to the hosts and thank them for the food and pleasant pastime, and also invite you to pay a return visit.

    As a rule, guests must open the door for themselves, so that it does not turn out that the hosts are escorted out of the audience. At the same time, the departing ones necessarily invite the hosts to visit them with a return visit. The rules of good manners allow you to set up a return meeting not only at home, but also in a restaurant, theater, picnic or club.